Lineage II Released Medley Cinematic Trailer Posted: NCsoft has released the cinematic trailer of "Tauti" the second chapter of Goddess of Destruction, the first content update of Lineage II.  |
Indie Action RPG Path of Exile Hosts Open Beta Weekend Posted: Upcoming Indie Action RPG Path of Exile is opening its doors to everyone for two days with a public test this coming weekend. Currently in a Closed Beta, Path of Exile has its own dark and highly customizable take on the Action RPG genre.  |
Reserve Your Guild Wars 2 Character Name By July 31 Posted: Guild Wars 2 fans, it's almost time!If you're looking to reserve your Guild Wars 2 character name, you'd better take care of it soon! Today on the official ArenaNet blog, the team announced a deadline of July 31st for name reservations.  |
C9 First Impressions by Zevri Posted: It should be no surprise then that I have been keeping my eye on Continent of the Ninth since it was announced in Korea, and have wanted to play the game since that time.  |
What Exactly Is An MMO? Posted: The world of the MMO is expanding rapidly. Publishers have their eye on the immense profits possible with a successful product, and developers are equally attuned to the idea of huge production budgets and years of continual improvements and upgrades (not to mention relative job stability). Put simply, MMOs have quickly gone from niche product to one of the hottest genres in the industry, mostly thanks to their passionate userbases and a few ridiculous success stories.  |
Conquer Online 3: A New Journey to Explore the Oriental World Posted: Conquer Online3 is the much anticipated sequel to NetDragon's successful free-to-play MMORPG, Conquer Online2.0. While preserving many popular features of its predecessor, Conquer Online3 will also welcome tons of new elements as well as improvements.  |
EVE Online: Inferno 1.2 to be Deployed on August 8 Posted: EVE Online's 1.2 Inferno patch is scheduled for deployment on August 8 to bring a few balance tweaks for frigates along with some improvements to V3 shaders for Angel pirate faction ships and the New Player Experience.  |
ArcheAge (KR) Released the First Story Teaser Movie Posted: XL Games revealed the story teaser movie and the poster prior to CBT5. The first story teaser and the poster are about Orchidna, the bastard infant daughter of Kyprosa Daeiors uncle.  |
DN CN 2 Years Anniversary Events Posted: Well, waited 2 days and no event translation by anyone yet, so here it is.  |
The Secret World - New Clothing In Store Posted: Each Tuesday, Funcom will update the item store for The Secret World with new clothing items for players to purchase. The first update added "skeleton motif" jackets for males and double-breasted trenchcoats for females.It's also important to note that as new items come into the store Funcom will phase out older items (but not before putting them on sale!) so be sure to grab these items before they're gone.  |
Luminary: Rise of the GoonZu July Updates Posted: Luminary: Rise of the GoonZu. This game is a free massively multiplayer online role-playing game featuring pseudo-3d graphics in a massive, anime-styled world.  |
Rebirth, challenge, reform, and -- last but not least -- Final Fantasy Posted: Final Fantasy XIV Executive Producer Naoki Yoshida has a few words for die-hard fans of the title: "Rebirth, challenge, reform, and -- last but not least -- Final Fantasy." This is in reference to the game's upcoming version 2.0 launch, which will happen not only in existing territories but also in the brand-new region of China.  |
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Introduces an All-New Trading Card Game Posted: Sony Online Entertainment's free-to-play virtual world, Star Wars®: Clone Wars Adventures™ today launches the latest full featured in-game trading card game, Card Assault. This fully online free-to-play card game offers challenging gameplay, fun collectability and the chance to play and trade cards with friends.  |
Legend Of The Condor Heroes (CN) - Officially Released Posted: It seems the Chinese developers are absorbing the bad habits of their English/ Japanese counterparts in announcing their big news just before a major event starts. I am referring to E3 2012, and now this prior to ChinaJoy 2012. Expected to be announced at the event in a few days' time, Perfect World Beijing has officially revealed Legend of the Condor Heroes to the media a few hours ago.  |
Sevencore CBT Review Posted: Sevencore asia Closed Beta Test is about to end in 8 hours. There were many event held in game to keep user entertain. Game has unique features like under water combat, air combat and mounts have more meaning then literally it self. They help you in battle each mount has his own unique skills and stats.  |
MechWarrior Online Reveals Caustic Valley Posted: Piranha Games revealed a look at the Caustic Valley, an area filled with acidic haze and caustic heat. Be prepared to watch your step and avoid the many sources of heat around the map.  |
Age of Conan: Server Technology Will Be Updated In August Posted: The next step of Age of Conan's transition to a single-server technology has been dated for August 7-8th. In the next stage of the technology upgrade, both the US and EU servers will merge down into three server types: PvE, PvP and Blood & Glory.  |
The Secret World - DirectX11 Graphics Comparison Posted: Hey peeps, someone asked me what exactly is the big deal with the DX11 effects, apparently his video card sucks and he wants to know if getting new hardware for the DX11 is really worth the price...So here we go... All the normal settings all the way up to ultra and let the DX11 effects take place...!!!  |
Gundam Online (JP) - New Alpha Trailers Posted: Look, Gundam Online isn't as big as Sony's PlanetSide 2 in terms of players on a single map, but having 100 mechas on the same map is enough to make it the "biggest" game in Gundam's history. Announced last year, the game is still currently in its Alpha test phase in Japan. Gamers will take on the role of a mobile suit pilot, either Earth Federation or Zeon forces, in the setting which took place during The One Year War (first Gundam anime). But do expect certain units from outside the timeline to appear though.  |