Final Fantasy X/X-2 Remaster: Heading to Steam on May 12th Posted: 10 May 2016 06:15 AM PDT Fans of the iconic IP will be happy to hear that Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster will be available on Steam beginning May 12, 2016. With a Steam release, players will be able to earn new achievements, utilize five new game boosters and take advantage of the new auto-save function. |
General: Paypal Payment Protection to End for Crowd-Funding Posted: 10 May 2016 06:11 AM PDT Paypal has announced that users participating in crowd funding initiatives will no longer qualify for payment protection. Included crowd-funding services falling under the new rules are Indigogo and KickStarter. Paypal indicated that these initiatives embody too many "risks and uncertainties". |
Tree of Savior: F2P Version Launches Today Alongside New SEA Server Posted: 10 May 2016 04:22 AM PDT Tree of Savior NA / EU will be launching its free-to-play version after maintenance today. In addition, the brand new SEA server, Varena, will be opening as well. The team will be monitoring incoming players to determine if any new servers will need to be added to the currently existing ones. |
ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds: First Content Expansion Information Revealed Posted: 10 May 2016 03:39 AM PDT The first major content expansion to ASTA: The War of Tears and Winds is set to be released in the next several weeks. Called "Myth I: Wrath of the Berserkers", players can look forward to new PvP battlegrounds, guild battles, an improved crafting system, new scenarios, quests, lore, enhanced player-driven economy features and new dungeons. |
Chronicles of Elyria: Stretch Goals to Expand Rewards, Keep Features As Is Posted: 10 May 2016 03:28 AM PDT The Chronicles of Elyria KickStarter is over 75% funded as of now and the latest update has been posted by the team. The discussion has begun to turn to 'stretch goals' and what those might look like. The post outlines two possible ways stretch goals could manifest: Adding new features or adding to tier rewards. |
Black Desert Online: Maehwa Awakening Heading to KR Version This Week Posted: 10 May 2016 02:34 AM PDT The Korean version of Black Desert Online will be updating later this week to bring Maehwa Awakening into the game. To get players ready, a new teaser video has been released to show how it will look in game. See what you think! |
League of Legends: Social Designer Jeffrey Lin Leaves Riot Games Posted: 09 May 2016 03:41 PM PDT Social systems designer Jeffrey Lin, most recently in charge of reducing the 'vitriol' in League of Legends, has departed Riot Games. In a post on, Lin thanks his friend Ghostcrawler and admitted that a passionate community makes the game better. |
World of Warcraft: 'A Collection of Minority Groups IS WoW' Watcher Explains Posted: 09 May 2016 03:29 PM PDT In a lengthy post, and one that should be stickied on the Battle.Net World of Warcraft forums, Ion "Watcher" Hazzikostas has written a most interesting post in response to players concerned about a vendor found in alpha selling items and mounts at very, very high prices. After informing the community that this vendor is not meant to be a 'gold sink' (that's adequately taken care of with repairs & auction house tarifs), Hazzikostas went on to explain a fundamental feature of the game. |
Rift: Essentials Edition Announced - Tons of Content for a Bargain Posted: 09 May 2016 02:07 PM PDT Trion Worlds has announced a new Rift Essentials Edition, a new edition of the game tailor made for players who want to jump into the game and have access to all of the game's Souls and content. Priced at $49.99, the Essentials Edition will be available to anyone until May 11th, subsequently available only to new players during their first week of game play. |
Overwatch: Neat Hidden Character Options Add Gameplay Variety Posted: 09 May 2016 12:52 PM PDT Overwatch players looking for some fun different options may want to check out YouTube user Darnarios' video that shows a few cool options to change the way characters play. Zarya, Soldier 76 and Lucio among others have an option called "Hero" that gives some visuals options, for instance healing, that can be a literal game-changer. Check it out and then give it a go in game. |
Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade: What's New in Early Access & a Peek Into the Future Posted: 08 May 2016 10:53 AM PDT Greetings fellow Crusaders, it's been a long while, but we're back with more coverage of Behaviour Interactive's upcoming Eternal Crusade, a third person Shooter set in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe. Since last we spoke, Eternal Crusade has been early-released on Steam, to positive reviews from those who ventured into the early-release, and a lot of things have changed and grown since then. |
Heroes of the Storm: Spotlight on Chromie - Backstory & Ablilities Posted: 09 May 2016 11:06 AM PDT Chromie, a member of the Bronze Dragonflight, will be joining the Nexus when she enters Heroes of the Storm. In a new video from Blizzard, the team gives a bit of her backstory as well as a look at her abilities. Check it out! |
EVE: Valkyrie: Out of the Launch Tube Posted: 08 May 2016 10:36 AM PDT Just over a month ago, EVE: Valkyrie launched on the Oculus Rift. At EVE FanFest, we sat down with Lead Designer Andrew Willans to look at what they've learned, how the community's developed, and what's coming up in the next year. |
Minecraft: Super Mario-Themed Update Coming for Wii U Players Posted: 09 May 2016 08:52 AM PDT Wii U players with Minecraft installed will be able to get hold of the Super Mario update when it is released on May 17th. Players will be able to take on appropriately blocky Hammer Bros. and Dry Bones in a place where worlds collide. In addition, a series of skins, Super Mario-themed pre-made world, music and item textures will be included. |
Trinium Wars: Puton Conflict Update Arrives Posted: 09 May 2016 08:47 AM PDT Trinium Wars has a new location, new quests and a new level cap thanks to the addition of the Puton Conflict update. Players reaching level 30 can head to the high-level location to check out the new content as well as the upcoming Resource War every Saturday with players going head-to-head to gather as much as possible and outdo the competition. |