


General: What Constitutes an RPG?

Posted: 05 Sep 2015 02:05 PM PDT

What Constitutes an RPG?

I like to think of myself as fluent with the most up-to-date discussions about all manner of video games, but I always seem to find myself playing titles from a generation behind the curve. I know I'm not the only one out there who hasn't yet played Mass Effect 3, but by golly, it's on my shelf of 360 games, and I'll get to it.

General: SkySaga: Players Invited To Sign Up For Alpha 5

Posted: 05 Sep 2015 02:01 PM PDT

SkySaga: Players Invited To Sign Up For Alpha 5

Radiant Worlds has sent word that Alpha 5 is ready and new testers are invited to apply. The game has been updated with new areas to explore, crafting recipes, community activites and creatures in the bestiary.

SMITE: Save The Date For The X-Box One World Championships In 2016

Posted: 04 Sep 2015 03:42 PM PDT

Save The Date For The X-Box One World Championships In 2016

Hi-Rez Studios has sent out a word that tickets are now on sale for the first ever X-Box One SMITE World Championships. The tournament will feature 10 teams from 5 different regions competing for $1M in prizes. The event will take place from January 7 to 10th, 2016, in Atlanta, Georgia.

World of Tanks: Japanese Nation Receives Reinforcements In Update 9.10

Posted: 04 Sep 2015 03:34 PM PDT

Japanese Nation Receives Reinforcements In Update 9.10

Wargaming has announced that update 9.10 that comes packed with several new Japanese tanks in tiers 2 through 10 is now live. In addition a new domination event called Rampage has been added.

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Crusaders Quest Celebrates 10 Million Downloads!


Crusaders Quest Celebrates 10 Million Downloads!

TOAST, the publishing brand of NHN Entertainment USA, is celebrating 10 million global downloads for Crusaders Quest with new community events and new in-game celebrations all this week!

Black Desert: Is it Male Ninja in the Silhouette Image?


Black Desert: Is it Male Ninja in the Silhouette Image?

Daum has released a silhouette image and announced a pre-event before the new character's release. That is to guess who the character really is in the shadow. Most of players leave comment and surmise him as the Male Ninja/Shinobi.

MMOSite Exclusive Interview with Star Trek Online Executive Producer


MMOSite Exclusive Interview with Star Trek Online Executive Producer

Star Trek Online, a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game based on the popular science fiction franchise, is going to launch the Season 11 this October. Recently MMOsite is honored to have an interview with Steve Ricossa, who is the executive producer for Star Trek Online

Final Fantasy XIV to Talk about Patch 3.1 at Tokyo Game Show 2015


Final Fantasy XIV to Talk about Patch 3.1 at Tokyo Game Show 2015

Tokyo Game Show 2015 will be held in Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan from Sep.17th-Sep.20th, 2015 later this month. Final Fantasy XIV will host a primal battle challenge and a special edition of the Letter from the Producer LIVE to deliver the latest on Patch 3.1!

Bless Online: Amazing Character Customization Video Released


Bless Online: Amazing Character Customization Video Released

Before the start of 3rd Closed Beta, Neowiz Bless Studio has showed off another plus of Bless Online, the amazing Character Customization System. Check out the videos here.

Rexxar Will Enter the Nexus Soon in Heroes of the Storm


Rexxar Will Enter the Nexus Soon in Heroes of the Storm

Rexxar, the first ranged warrior, will enter the Nexus soon! Get a first look at his abilities and playstyle with Dustin Browder in the latest Hero Spotlight.

Top Five Fun stops on the End-of-Summer Trip in World of Warcraft


Top Five Fun stops on the End-of-Summer Trip in World of Warcraft

As we look back and bid farewell to the amazing summer vocation, we can't help but look for one last shot in World of Warcraft. Come along with us as we travel all across Azeroth counting down the top five fun stops on the end-of-summer trip.

DIablo: Season Journey Rewards In-depth Look!


DIablo: Season Journey Rewards In-depth Look!

Season Journey offers a totally new System of achievements and rewards in Diablo, since Patch 2.3. You can access the interface, by pressing Shift+J. It consists of nine chapters in total. The first four are really easy and nobody should have any issues earning their new pet and portrait.

Diablo III: Season 4 Fast Leveling Guide


Diablo III: Season 4 Fast Leveling Guide

Season 4 is already live for three days and if you still haven't reached Level 70 that awards Malthael's Phantom mount in Heroes of the Storm, now would be the perfect time to do so.

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