


Tree of Savior: Now We Know - F2P Launch Coming May 10th

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 07:52 AM PDT

IMC Games has posted a quick announcement to give Tree of Savior fans looking for the free to play version launch some great news. The F2P iteration of ToS will officially launch on May 10th. The launch was delayed slightly due to issues with founder packs and regional costs. But all that is water under the bridge and things are ready to go.

League of Legends: New Hero, Taliyah, Teased in Lore

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 07:37 AM PDT

The League of Legends site has been updated with a new lore piece that provides the backstory for a forthcoming hero named Taliyah. Called 'The Bird and the Branch', the story focuses on a young girl's exile and subsequent use of her powers.

World of Warcraft: Duskwood in Unreal 4 -- a Dark & Haunting Location

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 07:15 AM PDT

YouTube user DanielL who has made a series of videos remaking locations around Stormwind in World of Warcraft is at it again. This time, DanielL takes on Duskwood, a dark foreboding place near Stormwind. It is beautifully done even here in an early phase. Treat yourself!

DC Universe Online: Pull On Your Tights, XBoxers, Launch Day Arrives

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 06:25 AM PDT

XBox One players can finally enjoy DC Universe Online when it officially launches for the console later today. The XBox One version joins the PC and PlayStation 4 versions of DCUO and will contain the same content as all other platforms. There will not be, however, be cross-platform play.

Battleborn: Trailer Reminds Us that Launch is Right Around the Corner

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 06:19 AM PDT

Battleborn is ready to hit the ground running on Monday, May 3rd with the official launch. To get players stoked for Monday, Gearbox has released a brand new launch trailer with toe-tapping music and a great look at all the game has to offer. Get hyped!

General: Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization - Who Is Premier?

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 05:22 AM PDT

Bandai Namco has put out a brand new trailer for Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization that introduces players to the enigmatic and mysterious NPC named Premier. The video also shows off environments and locations filled with danger for players. See what you think and let us know!

Uncharted Waters Online: Episode Atlantis Expansion to Set Sail on May 12th

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 05:02 AM PDT

OGPlanet has announced the first details about the forthcoming Uncharted Waters Online expansion scheduled to launch on May 12th. Called Episode Atlantis, the expansion will ultimately consist of three chapters beginning with the May 12th release.

Kingdom Hearts 3: Orchestra World Tour Announced

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 04:58 AM PDT

Square Enix has announced the dates and countries for the first Kingdom Hearts Orchestra World Tour. Fans in Japan, France, Great Britain, Singapore, China and the USA will be able to head to local venues to hear some of the series' most iconic music performed live by a full orchestra.

Overwatch: Melee Combatant Reinhardt Shines in New Comic

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 03:55 AM PDT

Blizzard is continuing the backstory exploration of the heroes found in Overwatch. In the latest comic installment, Dragon Slayer, melee hero Reinhardt takes center stage in beautiful illustrations that provide insight into this "elder" fighter's life.

Lifeless: First Trailer Shows Off a Visceral Ultra Violent World

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 03:48 AM PDT

Rigid-Soft and Green Man Gaming have released one of the first new trailers for the ultra-violent zombie survival game called Lifeless. The game takes place in a persistent open world with faction gameplay. Check out the trailer below and let us know what you think.

Atlas Reactor: Open Weekend to Begin Today

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 02:52 AM PDT

Trion Worlds is inviting everyone to take part in this weekend's Atlas Reactor open event. The open weekend is scheduled to begin on April 29th and will run through May 1st. Founders will receive special GG Boosts every day they take part.

Otherland: Crafting Overhauled in Latest Update

Posted: 29 Apr 2016 02:47 AM PDT

The Otherland team has posted the extensive notes from the latest game update. Most significantly, crafting has been completely reworked and that will "make crafted items the backbone of gearing up to steer Otherland towards a more player driven economy".

Wild Terra: Celebrating Two Years by the Numbers

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 03:07 PM PDT

Juvty Worlds has sent along a neat infographic in celebration of the second anniversary of Wild Terra. The numbers are looking good for an independently developed game that only came to the notice of NA and EU gaming sites in the last nine months or so. Be sure to give it a look before heading to the Wild Terra site.

Champions Online: The Future's Looking Bright with New Events, Costumes & More

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 02:58 PM PDT

The latest State of the Game letter has been posted on the Champions Online site that takes a retrospective look back at the accomplishments of the past year and give players a sneak peek ahead at things to come -- and the future is bright!

General: With Console Upgrades, PC Gamers Win

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 11:27 AM PDT

The internet has been abuzz for most of the last month under speculation of Sony and Microsoft releasing major hardware upgrades to their consoles. Readers of this site are used to the idea of upgrading our PC hardware every few years. Console players are outraged. As a PS4 owner, I understand that rage, but the PC player in me is struggling to find a downside.

TERA: Hello Kitty Debuts in Game Shop

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 12:19 PM PDT

For those wanting to release their inner feline, the TERA shop special items will certainly be appealing. From now through May 19th, players can get hold of a number of Hello Kitty - themed outfits and items.

Skyforge: Days of Glory Celebrates a Recent Decisive Victory

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 11:23 AM PDT

My.com and the Allods team are rewarding dedicated Skyforge players for their recent decisive victories against invaders bent on destruction. Beginning today, the Days of Glory event will kick off that sends players on an epic storyline with end rewards given based on choices made throughout the journey. The event will run through May 25th.

General: Humble Store Featuring Nordic Games Sale All Weekend

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 11:17 AM PDT

The Humble Store is featuring a big sale this weekend for Nordic Games that include a number of RPGs. Darksiders, Shadowrun Chronicles, Titan Quest, The Guild 2, Gothic 3, Spellforce 2 and many other non-RPGs are included and can be purchased for up to 90% off.

General: SkySaga: New Trailer Shows Off Update Features

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 11:04 AM PDT

The SkySaga team has released a new update to the alpha client that contains a number of neat new features for players to explore. Among them are new dungeons, new adventures and progression activities, new building blueprints, and a new grouping system. To show off these features, the team released a trailer. Check it out!

General: Expedition: Vikings - Firmly Grounded in Historical Accuracy

Posted: 27 Apr 2016 01:53 PM PDT

Last weekend at PAX East I got the chance to demo Expedition: Vikings, the follow-up to Logic Artists Expedition: Conquistadors. Set in approximately 700 AD, you play the Chieftain of a small Viking village, in search of glory and wealth to improve and expand your village and your standing in the Viking world. You recruit raiding party members from within the population of your village, and then you lead them out into the world in search of adventure.

Portal Knights: Ghost World Update Goes Live

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 11:01 AM PDT

Portal Knights players are being invited to head into the game to check out the latest update. Called Ghost World, the new content includes spooky graveyards to explore, more recipes, monster "trophy" furniture, the Mummy, the Hollow Knight and a Spider boss to take on.

General: Ghost in the Shell: First Assault Online Free This Weekend

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 10:58 AM PDT

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - First Assault Online will be hosting a free weekend on Steam from today through Sunday, May 1st. All players who take part, earn a free weapon skin and can take advantage of a Specialist Early Access Pack that hands over a bundle of in-game goods.

Star Citizen: Learn More About the MISC Prospector in New Q&A

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 10:51 AM PDT

Star Citizen fans who are interested in learning more about the MISC Prospector, a mining vessel, will want to head to the official site to check out an internal Q&A. The MISC Prospector is sold in the shop for $140 and is considered ideal for those who want to be less-than conspicuous about their mining activities.

General: Lumberyard Now Supporting Mobile Development

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 10:45 AM PDT

Amazon's proprietary game engine, Lumberyard, has expanded its capabilities with mobile support and the simpler integration of multiplayer components. The latest engine update has a number of large improvements, fixes and new features included.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: New Trailer Seeks to Prevent the Events of the Past

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 10:42 AM PDT

Square Enix has released a brand new trailer from Deus Ex: Mankind Divided that shows Adam Jensen performing his work with the augments he's been provided and how they enhance him. It is clear that actions will have major consequences. Check out the video and let us know what you think.

Guild Wars 2: Community-Run Tournaments to Yield Prizes

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 10:37 AM PDT

The Guild Wars 2 site has been updated with a new post to announce community-run tournaments that can see first- and second-place team members in each taking home a pot of gems (2000 for 1st, 800 for second). All team members winning one or more rounds will also earn a mini Llama as well.

Trove: Glyph Beta Opt-In Program Announced

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 10:28 AM PDT

Trion Worlds has announced a new program to allow players to assist the Glyph team in ensuring that the launcher is the best it can be. Interested parties can opt-in to receive Glyph updates before they are widely released and allow the team to push updates to a smaller group of individuals "without disrupting the stability of the external build available to the general public".

Final Fantasy XI: Project A1 Images of the Tie-In Mobile RPG

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 10:20 AM PDT

MMOCulture has uncovered a series of images from a presentation made at the annual Nexon Developers Conference that show off a mobile RPG called Final Fantasy XI Reboot. Formerly called Project A1, the game is a collaborative project between Square Enix and Nexon.

General: Worlds Adrift Island Creator Tool Now Live on Steam

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 09:55 AM PDT

The Worlds Adrift team has a spiffy new Island Creator tool for those who love building. It's a free application and gives builders a chance to make and share islands of the sort that will be found in Worlds Adrift.

The Secret World: New Outfit & Mount Let You Release Your Inner Cowpoke

Posted: 28 Apr 2016 09:07 AM PDT

After maintenance today, The Secret World players will be able to saddle up and head out into the wild and wooly game environs thanks to the release of the Rough Rider outfit and the Swift Thoroughbred horse. Both will be available in the game's item shop.

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