
General Gaming Article

General Gaming Article

Firefox Users Migrating to Google Chrome

Posted: 18 Aug 2013 02:26 PM PDT


Net Applications data show trends in users changing browsers

Are you a faithful Firefox or Google Chrome user? It appears a good portion of Firefox users are jumping ship to join the Google Chrome bandwagon. Statistics from Net Applications show (via PCWorld) a sharp decline in Firefox usage, with a rise in users flocking to Google Chrome during June and July.

According to the data, by the end of July Firefox claimed an 18.3 percent share of all desktop browsers, which denoted an 11 percent decline over the past two months. Conversely, Google Chrome's user share stood at 17.8 percent, which was up 2 points since May.

Which camp do you prefer? Are you going to switch browsers like the data suggests or are you happy where you are?

Humble Origin Bundle Raises Over $5 Million

Posted: 18 Aug 2013 12:54 PM PDT

Humble BundleContribute to the Humble Origin Bundle for a bushel of hit games

The Humble Bundles are extremely popular, offering a massive selection of hot indie games or esteemed classics for a price you just can't beat. What's more, the entire project is about raising money for charity. The most recent Humble Origin Bundle managed to raise a whopping $5 million, reaching more than one million people. Now that's some serious giving.

The bundle, launched on Wednesday, featured a cornucopia of popular EA games like Mirror's Edge, Crysis 2: Maximum Edition, Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box, Medal of Honor, Dead Space, and Dead Space 3. If you pay more than the average, which is currently $4.82, you also unlock Battlefield 3 as well as The Sims 3, including two DLC packs. Normally you'd be paying around $215, but as you name your own price (starting with a dollar), you're getting a heck of a deal here.

Humble Bundle

Proceeds are being donated to the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, the American Red Cross, the Human Rights Campaign, Watsi, and the American Cancer Society. You can divvy up your contributions how you wish amongst the charities, and then tear into some awesome games.

If you haven't yet snagged this deal, head on over to the official page to get your game on for a few great causes.

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs Releasing September 10th on Steam, GOG

Posted: 18 Aug 2013 11:58 AM PDT

Amnesia Logo

The next chapter in Lovecraftian horror arrives this September

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, the follow-up to the horrifying Amnesia: The Dark Descent, will be slithering its way to a September 10th release date. The porcine machination, via PC Gamer, will be releasing on both Steam and GOG for interested parties for $20, but if you decide to take the plunge early, you can pick it up for 20% off the price, relishing in some expertly-paced horror for only $15.99.

Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a decadent exercise in all things terrifying, and though A Machine for Pigs is not a direct sequel, Frictional Games and The Chinese Room have intoduced some fresh new content to keep us horror hounds happy. Look for a quick hit on Amnesia: The Dark Descent in an upcoming feature here at Maximum PC, and let us know what your favorite frights are as far as PC gaming goes.

Amnesia 2

If you think you're brave enough, you can go ahead and preorder at Steam or GOG.

Mad Catz Introducing Tritton Pro+ Gaming Headset

Posted: 18 Aug 2013 11:02 AM PDT

Tritton Pro+Pro+ model offers 3D directional audio, removable microphone, and more 

Last week Mad Catz introduced the Kunai PC headset, aimed at gamers on a budget. Now, Mad Catz is shipping the Tritton Pro+ headset, a considerably less value-priced model for users who want to give their gaming time a little more oomph. 

Both the Kunai and Pro+ headsets debuted at E3 2013 back in June, to a "warm reception" with showgoers, according to Darren Richardson, President and CEO. The Kunai headset passed on bells and whistles and heaped on the visual charm, but the Pro+ packs in quite a few features. 

Tritton 2
For $129.99, the headset features four separate Neodymium drivers in each earcup, an in-line volume controller, adjustable headrail, and a 12-foot cable to keep things organized. Selectable Voice Monitoring allows users to hear other players through the headset, and the microphone itself is removable. 

With 30 mm front and rear drivers, a 23 mm center driver, and a 40 mm subwoofer, the Pro+ looks to make an impression with the more hardcore crowd. If you're in the market for a headset, now might be a good time to check out the Tritton line -- that is, if you don't already have a favorite. Check it out at Amazon if you're thinking about purchasing one.

MMO Updates

MMO Updates

Rise and Shiny: Prime World

Posted: 18 Aug 2013 10:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Game Mechanics, PvP, PvE, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Hands-On, Casual, MMORTS, Humor, Rise and Shiny, Livestream, MOBA

Prime World screenshot
Prime World, a combination MOBA and MMORTS-ish game by Nival, is a fresh take on what appears to be an ever-growing genre. Will vets of the familiar match-based games feel as though it goes too far into new territory, or will they appreciate the changes to their beloved gameplay? While I'll leave that question up to the experts over at Not So Massively, I can say that as someone who is more of an MMORTS fan than a follower of MOBAs, I appreciated the fact that Prime World gave me something to try in both. Better still, games like Prime World are enjoyable for a relative newcomer to the genre like yours truly because they encourage me to become better by being fun to play rather than by being brutal on newbies.

Classic MOBA fans probably feel differently, however.

Continue reading Rise and Shiny: Prime World

MassivelyRise and Shiny: Prime World originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    One Shots: Pandas rising

    Posted: 18 Aug 2013 08:00 AM PDT

    Filed under: Screenshots, EverQuest II, Guild Wars 2, One Shots, The Secret World, Humor, Final Fantasy XIV, Miscellaneous

    One Shots Pandas rising
    Pandas aren't just for Azeroth, kiddos. Your favorite cuddly bears that can rip off your face even as you're saying, "Aww, who's a good little teddy?" have infiltrated many MMOs and risen to the top of the food chain as apex predators. Here is unfortunate victim Paul about to be eaten. His final words are as follows:

    "This is my highest-level character, a Beastlord called Kaesk who has recently just dinged level 85," Paul writes. "This means that I can now fly, hence the wings, and it also means even more opportunities to get distracted. While it looks like the Hue Mein pandas are sizing me up for the cooking pot, they are actually dancing -- and they know how to shake their booty, it seems. I just wasn't expecting to find pandas in EverQuest II, let alone dancing ones, so it made me giggle."

    You giggle bravely into the belly of the beast there, Paul. We admire your laughter in the face of doom. And speaking of doom, what other light-hearted pictures await us in this week's One Shots?

    Continue reading One Shots: Pandas rising

    MassivelyOne Shots: Pandas rising originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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      The Daily Grind: Do you appreciate items more if you make them?

      Posted: 18 Aug 2013 06:00 AM PDT

      Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous, Crafting

      The Daily Grind Do you appreciate items more if you make them
      In MMOs, there are four main ways of attaining items: You can loot them from mobs, buy them (either with in-game or real-world currency), earn them (via quests and alternative methods), or craft them. My running theory is that while all of these can provide satisfying acquisitions, it's the last one that perhaps makes us most appreciative of them.

      I loved everything I wore and used in Fallen Earth, for example, because I crafted every single piece of gear and weapon in that game. A pistol wasn't a mere drop; it was the result of a lot of scavenging, part-making, and skill points. One of my all-time favorite possessions in World of Warcraft was my helicopter mount created by countless hours of engineering.

      So our topic today is pretty simple: Do you appreciate MMO items more if you make them than if you acquired them otherwise?

      Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

      MassivelyThe Daily Grind: Do you appreciate items more if you make them? originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 18 Aug 2013 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Fan-made infographic summarizes Guild Wars 2's first year

        Posted: 17 Aug 2013 07:00 PM PDT

        Filed under: Fantasy, MMO Industry, News Items, Guild Wars 2, Anniversaries, Buy-to-Play

        Fan-made infographic summarizes Guild Wars 2's first year
        How would feel about a year-one infographic for Guild Wars 2? There's one floating around the intarwebs, only it wasn't made by ArenaNet. Nonetheless, it does a decent job of summarizing GW2's content updates over the past 12 months. Redditor omlech says that "this is from a post I made over at Neogaf for the anniversary of the game. Just thought I'd share it here."

        "Here" is of course the Reddit link we've posted below. If you'd like to see the graphic without heading to Reddit, you can click past the cut.

        Continue reading Fan-made infographic summarizes Guild Wars 2's first year

        MassivelyFan-made infographic summarizes Guild Wars 2's first year originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        The Tattered Notebook: Quips, quotes, and EQ Next tidbits from SOE Live

        Posted: 17 Aug 2013 06:00 PM PDT

        Filed under: Fantasy, Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Events (Massively's Coverage), The Tattered Notebook, EverQuest Next, Sandbox

        The Tattered Notebook  More quips, quotes, and EQ Next tidbits from SOE Live
        It's official: I survived SOE Live! (I'd have included "with my sanity intact," but we all know I didn't have any going into it.) It's not that I seriously doubted this conclusion; I did successfully survive my inaugural visit after all. But with so much to see and hear and do, there was bound to be a casualty of some sort. In this case, it was sleep. Even sacrificing that, there was still no way to experience it all -- and I tried!

        If you haven't been to SOE's annual "family reunion" in a while, you might not realize just how big it has grown. And adding EverQuest Next and EverQuest Next Landmark to the already expanded portfolio of games represented made for more news than could reasonably be condensed into nice little packages. That's where The Tattered Notebook comes in! I'm going to share an assortment of hidden gems and hilarious moments from the convention, including plenty of EQ Next intel from various developer interviews.

        Continue reading The Tattered Notebook: Quips, quotes, and EQ Next tidbits from SOE Live

        MassivelyThe Tattered Notebook: Quips, quotes, and EQ Next tidbits from SOE Live originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          Microsoft PC Marketplace closure to affect Age of Empires Online

          Posted: 17 Aug 2013 04:00 PM PDT

          Filed under: Historical, Business Models, MMO Industry, News Items, Free-to-Play, MMORTS

          Microsoft PC Marketplace closure to affect Age of Empires Online
          Microsoft is is closing down its Xbox.com PC Marketplace on August 22nd. The company is also retiring its Microsoft Points virtual currency on the same date. What does this have to do with MMOs?

          Well, it affects Age of Empires Online players by limiting their ability to purchase DLC after the closure date. According to a post on the game's official forums, players may still download and enjoy previously purchased content through Games for Windows LIVE after the 22nd, even if said content was originally purchased via Steam. And even though marketplace purchases are going away, in-game purchases using Empire Points will still be available.

          [Thanks jackpipsam!]

          MassivelyMicrosoft PC Marketplace closure to affect Age of Empires Online originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          The Mog Log: Returning to your Final Fantasy XIV friends

          Posted: 17 Aug 2013 02:00 PM PDT

          Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Classes, Game Mechanics, Opinion, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV, The Mog Log

          I am so happy my heart is exploding.
          Despite my best efforts, I was unable to throw open the doors and start demonstrating the wonders of Arcanist with my time in Final Fantasy XIV's open beta. I know, I'm disappointed too. I can offer a summary of what I saw from a glance at the abilities of the class, sure, but that's a little more speculation than I want to lay on people in lieu of real playtime. (The short version is that it looks interesting, and yes, there's a cure in there.)

          Instead, I'm going to offer some advice to my fellow players coming back into the game with older characters. Think of these not as strict guidelines but as suggestions, tips to make the path through beta and early access just a wee bit easier. I spent most of phase 3 preparing for the launch along these lines, and it might make the transition a bit more gentle for everyone.

          Continue reading The Mog Log: Returning to your Final Fantasy XIV friends

          MassivelyThe Mog Log: Returning to your Final Fantasy XIV friends originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            Guild Wars 2 throws anniversary bash at PAX

            Posted: 17 Aug 2013 12:00 PM PDT

            Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars, Events (Real-World), PvP, Guild Wars 2, Anniversaries, Buy-to-Play

            Guild Wars 2 throws anniversary bash at PAX
            ArenaNet is throwing its own mini-convention during PAX this month. The studio's rented out the Madison Ballroom in downtown Seattle's Renaissance Hotel to throw a grand anniversary bash for Guild Wars 2. The event takes place on Saturday, August 31st in the afternoon and all of the evening.

            The anniversary bash kicks off with an address by President Mike O'Brien, followed by a sneak peek play session of exclusive new content, a panel on the living world of the game, a PvP invitational tournament, and a fun party. It is first-come, first-served and the event has limited capacity.

            Can't come? Don't worry: ArenaNet will be livestreaming the event of anyone who would like to attend virtually.

            [Thanks to Paul for the tip!]

            MassivelyGuild Wars 2 throws anniversary bash at PAX originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 17 Aug 2013 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            MMOGaming News

            MMOGaming News

            Blade and Soul China: Changes to Instance Loots and Removal of Exorcism Talisman


            Blade and Soul China: Changes to Instance Loots and Removal of Exorcism Talisman

            The Exorcism Talisman System was first introduced to players during the 3rd CBT and since then it has garnered an overwhelming negative response from the community. After the patch notes of the Boss Decapitation Mission was released, Tencent announced that the Exorcism Tailsman System will be completely removed from the actual game.

            LoL General Warding Guide and Tips


            LoL General Warding Guide and Tips

            As everyone knows, warding is a very unpopular aspect of the game for most people. Countless games are played where nobody ever buys a ward. Countless games are played where the support is the only one buying wards while getting yelled at that he doesn't ward enough or wrong places.

            What Makes League of Legends a Successful F2P MMO


            What Makes League of Legends a Successful F2P MMO

            League of Legends is now the most popular free to play MMO in the world with 12 million daily users and over 32 million monthly active users. Do you know why does free to play model work so good in lol under the highly competitive gaming industry that there are lots of f2p games die everyday?

            Kritika Unveiled New Trailer Featuring PvP Modes


            Kritika Unveiled New Trailer Featuring PvP Modes

            Kritika has added new PvP modes days ago along with a new trailer, you can find the first 2 modes in the video: the normal team fights and capture the flag maps. According to players, PvP is currently very unbalanced. This is just the start, with more PvP modes coming in the future.

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