


- The Most Wanted MMOs of 2017

Posted: 29 Dec 2016 06:00 AM PST

2016 was a rough year. The long-standing MMOs we've come to love carried along quite well, but for new titles the selection was pretty limited. And so, as we're fond to do at year's end, we look forward to 2017 and the titles we expect to launch (even if in early access, which we pretty much consider launched but 'half-baked'). Here's to the next twelve months and the many hours of gaming goodness we hope it brings.

Revelation Online - NetEase Announces Anime Series, EN Version Not Confirmed

Posted: 29 Dec 2016 01:10 AM PST

NetEase has announced that an anime series based on Revelation Online is in the works. The gaming giant is working with Sparkly Key Animation Studio to produce the series. At this time it is unknown if an English language version will be released as well. NetEase released a teaser trailer for the series. Check them out!

Dark and Light - Mobile Version Announced by Snail Games

Posted: 28 Dec 2016 11:46 PM PST

2P.com is reporting that Snail Games has announced a mobile version of Dark & Light is in the works and that it will be released sometime in 2017. D&L mobile is being developed on Snail's proprietary Flexi Engine with four races, eight classes and nine regions. Players can also expect guild sieges, PvE content, raids, flying mounts and more.

World of Warcraft - Make Software: Change the World Exhibit to Feature WoW

Posted: 28 Dec 2016 12:05 PM PST

Blizzard's World of Warcraft will be featured in an upcoming display at the Computer History Museum as part of the Make Software: Change the World exhibit. WoW will be accompanied by other innovators including Photoshop, MP3, and Wikipedia as those programs that impact people everywhere.

Hellgate - Multiplayer Team - This is a Passion Project

Posted: 28 Dec 2016 11:56 AM PST

The latest Hellgate multiplayer project, London 2038, developer diary has been published. In it, the team discusses what it has been working on over the last several weeks including making the pre-alpha more stable. Several significant bugs have yet to be worked out before the game goes into full alpha. Of particular note, however, is the monetization, or in this case lack of one, that will be utilized when London 2038 goes live.

Diablo 3 - 20 Years to be Celebrated in All Blizzard Games

Posted: 28 Dec 2016 10:31 AM PST

With the arrival of the twentieth anniversary of Diablo on December 31st, Blizzard is pulling out all the stops across its many games. In Diablo III, of course, players can play the Darkening of Tristram event but players in Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch, World of Warcraft and Starcraft II will also find celebratory goodies.

Elder Scrolls Online - Celebrating the New Life Festival with RipperX #1

Posted: 28 Dec 2016 10:00 AM PST

The New Life Festival is going on in ESO, and Ripper decided to take part in the festivities. Before you can partake in the festivities, you'll need to track down Breda outside Windhelm for your first quest simply titled "The New Life Festival." Once you complete her requests, you'll have the opportunity to complete up to nine different daily quests, each themed for Tamriel's different races and located in their respective zones.

Hero's Song - Setting a Good Example of How Crowdfunding Should Work

Posted: 28 Dec 2016 09:45 AM PST

John Smedley has sent out another note to backers of Hero's Song with some details about when refunds for the now-cancelled game will begin and to once again thank the crowdfunding community for its support. Of particular note is his assertion that, while some backers want the company to keep the money for their hard work, it sets a good example of how crowdfunding should work for Pixelmage to return all money with the same good faith that backers demonstrated in the first place.

ARK: Survival Evolved - Ovis Aries to be Herded Into Game in Next Update

Posted: 28 Dec 2016 09:33 AM PST

We have just "herd" today that Ovis Aries, or sheep, will be making their way into ARK: Survival Evolved for the next cross platform update coming in the near future. Not baaaaah'd, right?

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Clash of Dawn Fantasy And Dark Style Mobile ARPG Coming Soon


Clash of Dawn Fantasy And Dark Style Mobile ARPG Coming Soon

Clash of Dawn, fantasy and dark style mobile ARPG from Ujoy will be available on Android and iOS devices in early January 2017. Come on and join its Pre-Register right now.

Developers Revealed Maps of the Main Cities in Dark and Light


Developers Revealed Maps of the Main Cities in Dark and Light

Humans, Elves and Dwarves are the three main races in Dark and Light. In the latest dev blog, developers revealed maps of the main cities of these three races.

League of Angels II Year End Summary - A Wonderful 2016 Together


League of Angels II Year End Summary - A Wonderful 2016 Together

League of Angels II launched in April 2016 and has undergone tremendous change in the past 8 months. Now let's take a look back at 2016 and all the major accomplishments we achieved together in LoA2!

Top 5 Mobile Android MMOs of 2016


Top 5 Mobile Android MMOs of 2016

Here is a video abhout top 5 android mmos of 2016. Check it out and find out your favorite.

Last Man Standing in A Nutshell


Last Man Standing in A Nutshell

Games take on all shapes and sizes. Yet for some, the desire to have as many people playing as possible is a huge draw.

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