City planners around the world have predicted traffic on the basis of residential density. But now online navigation apps are in charge, and they're causing more problems than they solve.
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The Redskins are not good this year, falling to 0-3 on the season after losing to the Chicago Bears 31-15 on Monday night. To add insult to injury, the Bears recorded four sacks.
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The dive itself is comedic gold within its own right, but when you pair it with Bob Menery's colorful commentary, it instantly becomes absolute internet perfection.
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Adam Sandler transforms into an Al Pacino-esque character in this upcoming comedy-drama about a jewel dealer trying to pay his debts. "Uncut Gems" premieres in theaters in December.
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The "surround screen" on the Alpha wraps entirely around the device to the point where it meets the camera module on the other side. The effect is of a phone that's almost completely made of screen.
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Over the past ten years, more than 160 Tibetans have committed self-immolation to protest Chinese occupation of their country. Has this had any lasting effect?
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People love twins. As kids, Julia and I obscurely sensed this in our interactions with other children and adults. We could tell their fascination was intense and loaded with emotion. They seemed to want something from us, but we didn't have a grip on what it was.
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Last month the Federal Aviation Administration issued a warning against attaching weapons to drones, but researchers at the University of Michigan have come up with a strong case in favor of strapping a nail gun to an autonomous flying robot, and it has nothing to do with cartoonish hijinx.
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It's a widely held assumption, even by some cat owners, that domestic felines don't get much socially from being our pets. But a new study out Monday is the latest to suggest that many cats form healthy bonds with their humans, in much the same way as dogs and human babies do.
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Octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish are true aliens with respect to us. No other intelligent animal is as far from us on the tree of life. They show us that big-brained smartness is not a one-off event, because it evolved independently at least twice.
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The same people who years ago entrusted Peggy Ann Fulford with millions — from Ricky Williams to Dennis Rodman to Travis Best — wince today at the mention of her name.
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Depending on whom you ask, 2012 represented the apex, the inflection point, or the beginning of the end for Silicon Valley's startup scene—what cynics called a bubble, optimists called the future, and my future co-workers, high on the fumes of world-historical potential, breathlessly called the ecosystem.
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North Korea may be close to launching a submarine capable of firing missiles and is making efforts to conceal its preparations, new commercial satellite images obtained by CNN appear to show.
Moscow will likely win the race to field the first hypersonic weapon system.
* The Russian Navy will likely be the first to yield hypersonic weapons, the Zircon cruise missile. * Hypersonic weapons travel at speeds in excess of Mach 5, making them difficult to intercept. * Zircon could be equipped with nuclear weapons to attack U.S. aircraft carriers or land targets.
The Russian Navy will be the first to field a hypersonic weapon system, according to a prominent military analyst. The navy will test its new Zircon missile sometime next year, a missile that can allegedly fly at speeds in excess of 6,000 miles per hour. Zircon could be used to launch lightning fast strikes against targets on land or enemy battle groups at sea—including U.S. aircraft carriers—knocking them out in minutes.
Naval authority H.I. Sutton, writing at Forbes, reports that the first launch of the Zircon missile from a submarine is set for next year. The test will take place onboard the Russian Navy's new submarine K-561 Kazan. Sutton believes Russia is sufficiently advanced in hypersonic missile technology that it will be the first to field operational hypersonic weapons.
* Emmanuel Macron, Boris Johnson and Angela Merkel met together earlier today * Now, they have issued a joint statement saying Iran is behind the Saudi attack * The statement also urged Tehran to choose dialogue over 'further provocation'
Britain, France and Germany have issued a joint statement saying that it is clear Iran is responsible for the September 14 attack on Saudi Arabian oil facilities.
The statement comes after French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and German Chancellor Angela Merkel met during the annual United Nations gathering of world leaders.
The three governments said: 'It is clear for us that Iran bears responsibility for this attack. There is no other explanation.
With Russia drastically expanding its capabilities above the Arctic Circle, the frigid base will be key to America's own plans for the region.
Recent events have highlighted the increasing strategic value of the Arctic as both Russia and the United States seek to expand their military footprints into the northernmost regions of both hemispheres. Yet it is abundantly clear that Russia is putting huge strategic importance on the Arctic, as evidenced from its many investments in the region, while the United States lags behind in terms of a permanent footprint above the Arctic Circle.
That strategic value took center stage recently when President Donald Trump stated that his administration was considering attempting to purchase Greenland from Denmark. "It's just something we've talked about," Trump told the Wall Street Journal. "Denmark essentially owns [Greenland]. We're very good allies with Denmark. We've protected Denmark like we protect large portions of the world, so the concept came up. Strategically, it's interesting. And, we'd be interested. We'll talk to them a little bit."
It is common to ascribe America's growing difficulties with Russia to President Vladimir Putin personally, but the sources of Russian discontent predate Putin's presidency.
Let me put it right out there: I believe we Americans have misunderstood -- or, as George Bush might have said, "misunderestimated" -- Vladimir Putin from the moment he entered our consciousness, at the very start of the present millennium. Here is how I remember him and what I think of where we are today.
Putin was my guest at a July 4th reception in St. Petersburg in 1995, when I was serving as the U.S. Consul General there. I recall taking him into my library. We spoke Russian in those days, before he began to learn English. His wife, still recovering from a bad automobile accident, did not accompany him. On that occasion, he was representing his boss, Mayor Anatoly Sobchak, who was off on a trip. Of course, I hadn't the faintest idea that this man was destined to become the President of the Russian Federation--and neither did he.
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has suggested that the "huge" U.S. military budget could be cut if American foreign policy was less aggressive.
In an interview with Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets published on Sunday, Shoigu said Russian armed forces were more concerned with defense of the country rather than force projection, and would prioritize weapons to level the playing field with the U.S. military.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has overseen a significant increase in the nation's military budget, seeking to modernize the armed forces and become a world leader in military technology. The country now has the sixth highest military expenditure in the world at some $61.4 billion in 2018, though it still lags far behind the U.S.'s $649 billion. The below chart, from Statista, shows the relative military spending of various nations.
WNU Editor: I look forward to the day when the U.S. does have that debate on why are they are spending so much on defense, but that is not going to happen anytime soon.
Here is something you may have missed amidst the incessant chatter about a possible military confrontation in the Persian Gulf: Iran is far less powerful and scary than the innuendo in Washington, D.C. would have you believe.
Here is something you may have missed amidst the incessant chatter about a possible military confrontation in the Persian Gulf: Iran is far less powerful and scary than the innuendo in Washington, D.C. would have you believe.
This will likely come as a surprise to many Americans, many of whom are saturated with self-professed "experts" on cable news, the editorial pages, and the think tank circuit waxing ad-nauseam about how the Islamic Republic of Iran represents a danger to the world. Listening to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, you would be forgiven for believing that the Iranians are a few short years away from sweeping the entire Middle East like Alexander the Great rampaged through the Asian continent.
WNU Editor: Maybe Iran's army, navy, and the Air Force are not up to Western standards, but the Revolutionary Guards have proven to be very capable fighters, and they will not be easily defeated.
Getting into a fight may not be wise, but some sort of military clash between the United States and Iran appears increasingly likely. If fight we must, let's at least stride—not stumble—onto the battleground.
Getting into a fight may not be wise, but some sort of military clash between the United States and Iran appears increasingly likely.
The latest milestone on the route to war: a combined drone and missile strike on Saudi Arabia's Abqaiq oil facility and Khurais oilfield. Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen claimed credit for the September 14-15 attack, while Saudi officials contended that it came from the north—not from Yemen, in other words. Either way, Riyadh fingered Tehran for the assault, observing that the perpetrators carried it out using Iranian weapons.
Yemen's Houthis claimed responsibility for drone attacks that targeted facilities in Abqaiq and Khurais.
Iran was responsible for the attacks on two Saudi oil facilities earlier this month, leaders from the United Kingdom, France and Germany have said in a joint statement at the United Nations.
The drone attacks, carried out on September 14, targeted facilities in Abqaiq - home to the company's largest oil-processing plant - and Khurais.
The US may have a military budget that far exceeds that of Russia, but it doesn't matter since the Russian military is there to defend the country, not attack other nations, the Russian defense minister said.
Russia's military budget received a hike a few years ago for a massive rearmament program, but has been rolled back in recent years. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute estimated Russia to be the world's sixth biggest defense spender in 2018, behind the US, China, Saudi Arabia, India, and France. Meanwhile, the Pentagon has been showered with money under the Trump administration, dwarfing other nations' military budgets.
The Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, which lies between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea and is geographically separate from the rest of Russia, practically bristles with S-300 and S-400 air-defense missiles, Oniks anti-ship missiles and Iskander surface-to-surface missiles.
The Pentagon has a plan for destroying the defenses of Russia's most heavily-armed European outpost, a top U.S. commander said in September 2019.
The Russian exclave of Kaliningrad, which lies between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea and is geographically separate from the rest of Russia, practically bristles with S-300 and S-400 air-defense missiles, Oniks anti-ship missiles and Iskander surface-to-surface missiles.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Monday shrugged off talk about impeachment over reports that he had asked his Ukrainian counterpart to launch an investigation that could damage Democratic political rival Joe Biden.
Asked how seriously he was taking the threat of impeachment by Congress, Trump said, "Not at all seriously."
On Sunday, Trump acknowledged that he discussed Democratic presidential hopeful Biden and his son in a July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy.
16-year-old Swedish Climate activist Greta Thunberg speaks at the 2019 United Nations Climate Action Summit at U.N. headquarters in New York City, New York, U.S., September 23, 2019. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
* Environment activist Greta Thunberg broke down in tears while speaking at the U.N. Climate summit in New York on Monday * The 16-year-old called out the leaders gathered there saying: 'I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school. You have stolen my dreams and childhood' * The UN Summit sought to get nations to make plans to stop the rise of global heat-trapping emissions, propagated by fossil fuels and energy demands * Thunberg, who is not usually emotional in her speeches, seemed furious she rebuked leaders calling them 'not mature enough to tell it like it is' * She was seen glaring at President Donald Trump when he upstaged her entrance to the summit as he was not scheduled to attend
Environment activist Greta Thunberg made a fiery appearance at the United Nations Climate Summit on Monday where she broke down in tears while furiously scolding international delegates.
'I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us for hope. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,' the 16-year-old Swedish activist thundered in her speech at the Climate Action Summit 2019 in New York.
Thunberg was seen at the UN headquarters Monday morning with an enraged expression on her face as US President Donald Trump upstaged her entrance by walking in behind her flanked by news reporters.
The UN summit convened to have nations make plans to confront global warming and rising fossil fuel emissions.
WNU Editor: Her anger reminds me of the teenagers that Mao unleashed on his opponents during the Cultural Revolution. As for her claim that many of us will die from climate change, this is the best push back to the misinformation of @GretaThunberg that you will find (Hat tip to Whats Up With That?)....
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani says the Trump administration's "maximum pressure" campaign has failed, and that sanctions it imposed after abandoning the 2015 agreement on Iran's nuclear program show the United States is desperate.
Speaking before traveling to New York to participate the annual United Nations General Assembly meetings, Rouhani also said the United States and Saudi Arabia have exaggerated the damage done by an attack on Saudi oil facilities earlier this month.
Rouhani accused the Trump administration of wanting to take control of the region. He said earlier his plans for the U.N. meetings include presenting a regional cooperation plan for peace.
The British-flagged oil tanker Stena Impero is "free to leave," Iranian officials said Monday, marking the end of a two-month standoff between Tehran and London over the detained vessel.
Iran's government spokesperson, Ali Rabiei, said that the legal process relating to the ship's seizure had been concluded and it was free to sail on to its destination, according to the country's semi-official Fars News Agency.
Rabiei did not say when the tanker would actually commence its voyage or re-enter international waters.
Erik Hanell, president and CEO of Stena Bulk, which owns the Stena Impero, told CNN Monday that the tanker is still in the port of Bandar Abbas, in the Persian Gulf, where it was initially seized by Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) forces. "We have no further information about it," Hanell said.
HELMAND, Afghanistan/KABUL (Reuters) - At least 40 civilians attending a wedding party were killed by explosions and gunfire during a raid by U.S.-backed Afghan government forces on a nearby Islamist militant hideout, officials in Helmand province said on Monday.
The raid, days after a U.S. drone strike aimed at militants hiding among farmers killed 32 pine nut harvesters, showed how civilians have borne the brunt of a war that has re-intensified since U.S.-Taliban peace talks collapsed two weeks ago.
Afghan officials said a house being used by the Taliban to train suicide bombers was located adjacent to the bride's home that came under fire during Sunday night's commando assault in the Musa Qala area of Helmand in Afghanistan's south.
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian security forces said on Monday that 19 civilians and a soldier had been killed during rioting in two towns in Papua, in an escalation of violence in a region that in recent weeks has seen its most serious civil unrest in years over perceived ethnic racial discrimination.
Protests convulsed the country's easternmost provinces of Papua and West Papua, on the island of New Guinea - collectively known as Papua - for two weeks in late August. The sometimes violent unrest erupted after a group of Papuan students in Surabaya, Indonesia's second city on the island of Java, were taunted and attacked by a mob chanting racial epithets over accusations they had desecrated a national flag.
In the latest violence, a spokesman for military operations in Papua said 16 civilians were killed and 65 hurt in the town of Wamena, where protesters had set buildings ablaze.
* President Hassan Rouhani is travelling to New York for a UN summit despite US tensions over Saudi oil attacks * Before leaving he taunted US over its latest round of sanctions, saying move proves Washington is 'desperate' * Rouhani plans to canvass support for Iran at the summit, after US blamed it for attacks on Saudi oil last week * Tehran said it will hold a joint naval drill with Russia and China 'soon' after America sent more troops to Saudi
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has branded America 'desperate' after Donald Trump hit his regime with another round of sanctions over attacks on Saudi oil facilities which Washington blames on Tehran.
Rouhani, who is flying to New York today for a UN summit, pointed out that America is sanctioning some Iranian institutions for a second time, showing it is running out of ideas in the face of resistance.
'Americans are sanctioning institutions that have already been blacklisted. This signals America's complete desperation and shows that it's "maximum pressure" has the great Iranian nation has resisted successfully,' he said on state television.
* Military experts say PLA modernisation brought about during Xi Jinping's presidency will be the main focus of October 1 celebration in Beijing * It's necessary for China to 'show some of its muscle' amid the trade dispute with the US, observer says
China plans to show off its most advanced active weapon systems at the upcoming National Day parade, which will be the biggest of the 14 such events it has held over the past seven decades.
The parade, to be held on October 1 to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic, will highlight the military modernisation – particularly in nuclear deterrence – that has taken place since President Xi Jinping came to power in late 2012, according to military experts.
The People's Liberation Army (PLA) offered a glimpse of those weapons during rehearsals for the parade in downtown Beijing from September 14.
Europe has been largely peaceful since the end of World War II. The shock of that conflict was simply too great. But with memories of the violence now fading and nationalism on the rise, it is far from certain that peace will remain the status quo.
"The war changed everything." This statement by the late British historian Tony Judt contains the kernel of modern-day Europe. It was the war that made possible an extended period of peace. Things had to get extremely bad before they could get good again. For the last 75 years, there has been peace on the Continent, with just a few exceptions.
Now, this Europe finds itself in crisis. It is no longer the Europe where national thinking is slowly dwindling. It is no longer the Europe that is growing together step by step. It is no longer the Europe in which all countries seem to be committed to democracy forever. The direction of European history would seem to have changed - shifting away from convergence and back to delineation.
U.S. President Donald Trump sits for an exclusive interview with Reuters journalists in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S. December 11, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst
No longer hemmed in by aides, Trump has bent the presidency into the mold of the Trump Organization.
The China trade war, talks with the Taliban, the response to Iran after Saudi attacks, gun control, new tax legislation and a long list of other policy issues are up in the air and awaiting decisions from President Donald Trump — and him alone — heading into the 2020 election season.
In many ways, it's the presidency Trump has always wanted.
He's at the center of the action. He's fully in command. And he's keeping world leaders on edge and unsure of his next moves, all without being hemmed in by aides or the traditional strictures of a White House.
WNU Editor: When he was elected he found himself in Washington without the Republican establishment behind him, and with many actively going against him. There were also many who felt that he would not last, and being tied with him would impact their own careers and future. As a result he had to pick people literally on the fly and/or on the recommendations of others. Those people are mostly gone now (no surprises there), and he has had the time to pick people that he felt comfortable with and who would follow his policies and directions. Will this last, I am not sure. But he has gotten even the New York Times speculating if he thinks that he is now invincible .... Trump's Ukraine call reveals a president convinced of his own invincibility (New York Times).
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BRITAIN has joined Germany and France to back US allegations that Iran was behind a devastating drone strike on Saudi oil facilities and warned the attack could spark a dangerous new conflict in the Middle East.
INTERNATIONAL hedge funds who shorted Thomas Cook shares have made enormous profits from its collapse by betting against the travel giant's efforts to find a deal to save the world's oldest travel operator from going bust.
MELANIA TRUMP was given a surprise gift by President Lukashenka of Belarus, who said "give it to Melania, because she is not a stranger to Slavic flax."
THE UK will send its new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth to the volatile South China Sea region, while France has already sent its Frigate, Dixmude, to the Spratly islands, which are a contested group of islands within the Nine Dash Line.
HANGOVERS have been ruled as an "illness" by a court in Frankfurt, Germany, with the unusual judgment coming only days after the annual Oktoberfest beer festival.
MELANIA TRUMP has been savaged by social media users after she rang the New York Stock Exchange opening bell on Monday as part of her be Best initiative.
Just outside a Hong Kong subway station, dozens are gathered around a projector screen, transfixed. They watch footage of riot police advancing towards protestors. After 16 weeks of protests, many in the audience know this type of scene well.
They are gathered — along with people at about a dozen street corners, parks and other public spaces across Hong Kong — for screenings of Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom, an Oscar-nominated documentary about Ukraine’s anti-government protests of 2013. The three-month-long protest, centered on a square in the capital Kyiv, successfully toppled the country’s pro-Russia leadership.
Hongkongers are drawing parallels between the Euromaidan movement, as Ukraine’s uprising was called, and their own struggle for democracy. Both were sparked by a single controversy — in Hong Kong, a detested (and now withdrawn) extradition bill, in Ukraine, the president’s refusal to sign an association agreement with the European Union. But each quickly snowballed to include much broader demands for greater political freedom.
The overall political situation in the movie resonates with Hongkongers, as Kenneth Chan, a political science professor at Hong Kong Baptist University points out.
“Ukrainian protestors felt that their leaders were puppets of the Russian government, in the way that many in Hong Kong see theirs as puppets of Beijing,” he tells TIME.
The pace of both movements also has similarities.
“The way the protests developed in Ukraine is very similar to in Hong Kong, starting out peacefully and then becoming more and more radical and extreme,” says Hansa, a 23-year-old protestor who organized a screening of Winter on Fire, and who, like many here, believes that Euromaidan is a case study to learn from.
There are other parallels. The white-shirted gangs and other pro-government groups beating up democracy protesters in Hong Kong have incited comparisons to Ukraine’s titushki — hired thugs who, Winter on Fire, are shown joining forces with the police.
The phrase heard throughout the movie, “Glory to Ukraine,” may have even inspired “Glory to Hong Kong,” an original song that was produced by singers, instrumentalists and sound engineers collaborating online. Some have branded it Hong Kong’s new “national anthem.”
It’s little wonder that the director of Winter on Fire, Evgeny Afineevsky, penned an open letter of encouragement to Hong Kong’s protestors, declaring that “hope truly lies in the hands of today’s younger generations.”
Many of the city’s activists are certainly taking inspiration from Afineevsky’s work.
“Winter on Fire shows us that we may suffer difficulties now, but success will finally come if we insist on the fight. It inspires us to continue,” says Isaac Cheng, vice-chair of Demosisto, the political party founded by Hong Kong’s youthful democratic figurehead Joshua Wong.
Some have blamed the film — with its graphic scenes of protestors burning tires and setting the city center ablaze — of radicalizing protestors. In a recently published op-ed pro-establishment lawmaker Regina Ip wrote: “The forces driving the widespread upheaval are complex. We have young protesters imagining themselves as agents of change, as in the documentary Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom.”
The accusation is rebuffed by the movie’s supporters.
“The focus of the film is not the violence or the rioting,” says Cheng. “It is the struggle for democracy, the care and love among protestors, and their willingness to sacrifice for their land.”
Other are meanwhile quick to point out that the use of force by Hong Kong police has been relatively restrained. In Ukraine, after tear gas and rubber bullets failed to disperse protestors, police used stun grenades and live rounds, with over almost 130 deaths recorded. In Hong Kong, live rounds have only been fired in warning (although one police association is beginning to advocate the use of live ammunition if officers continue to be attacked by protesters with petrol bombs).
The Hong Kong movement also looks set for a longer fight. The demonstrations came to an end in Ukraine after 93 days, when the country’s unpopular president, Viktor Yanukovych, fled to Russia and general elections were announced. Protests in Hong Kong have meanwhile surpassed their hundredth day and show no signs of abating. Perhaps Hong Kong’s summer of unrest will turn into its own winter on fire.
“Hongkongers need to be prepared,” a 38-year-old protestor tells TIME. “This is going to be a long, uphill battle.”
UNITED NATIONS (AP) — President Donald Trump made his political priorities clear Monday within an hour of arriving at the United Nations for a three-day visit: He breezed by a major climate change summit to focus instead on religious persecution, an issue that resonates with his evangelical supporters.
The climate summit, a centerpiece of this year’s U.N. schedule, was not on Trump’s agenda at all. But he stopped in to observe for about 15 minutes before heading to what he saw as the main event, a meeting on protecting religious freedom.
Trump said it was an “urgent moral duty” for world leaders to stop crimes against faith, release prisoners of conscience and repeal laws restricting religious liberty.
“Approximately 80% of the world’s population live in countries where religious liberty is threatened, restricted or even banned,” Trump said, adding that when he first heard the statistic, he didn’t believe it and asked for verification.
Trump’s speech Monday extends a long-running focus on international religious freedom that speaks to a key priority of his evangelical base. His administration has hosted annual meetings on the topic in Washington, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced during this year’s event that he would create an international alliance dedicated to the issue.
Underscoring the importance of Trump’s action on the issue to evangelical voters who are critical to his 2020 reelection bid, one prominent evangelical backer Dallas-based pastor Robert Jeffress lauded Trump for focusing on religious freedom instead of climate change.
“What president in history would have the guts to do what President Trump is doing?” Jeffress, who was set to be in the audience for Trump’s speech, said on Fox News. “And it’s this kind of leadership that is absolutely infuriating the president’s enemies, but it’s also energizing his base, especially his religious base of voters.”
Trump listed his administration’s efforts on religious freedom and declared, “We’ve done a lot.”
As for the climate summit, he told reporters as he left: “I’m a big believer in clean air and clean water and all countries should get together and do that, and they should do it for themselves. Very, very important.”
Late Monday, he mocked Swedish 16-year-old activist Greta Thunberg, who had scolded the audience at the climate summit, repeatedly asking, “How dare you?”
Trump tweeted: “She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!”
The Republican president arrived in New York against a backdrop of swirling international tensions, including questions about his relationship with Ukraine, the uncertain future of Brexit, the U.S. trade war with China, stalled nuclear negotiations with North Korea and a weakening global economy. The president met Monday with leaders of Pakistan, Poland, New Zealand, Singapore, Egypt and South Korea.
His most immediate challenge may be Iran. He will try to convince skeptical global capitals to help build a coalition to confront Tehran after the United States blamed it for last week’s strike at an oil field in Saudi Arabia.
Asked as he arrived at the U.N. building if he will meet soon with Iran President Hassan Rouhani, Trump was noncommittal. “We’ll see what happens,” he said. “We have a long way to go, we’ll see what happens.”
Trump’s fulfillment of a campaign promise to exit the Iran nuclear deal has had wide ripple effects, leading Tehran to bolster its nuclear capabilities and dismaying European capitals who worked to establish the original agreement.
Tensions between Washington and Tehran spiked after a Saudi Arabia oil field was partially destroyed in an attack that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blamed on Iran and deemed “an act of war.”
He also was noncommittal about a possible fourth meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un to discuss the easing of sanctions in exchange for Pyongyang’s commitment to give up its nuclear weapons. He said only that it “could happen soon.”
Trump’s meetings with other leaders highlighted other hot spots around the globe.
In his meeting with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, Trump was peppered with questions from Pakistani reporters about India’s role in the crisis in Kashmir. Khan has invited Trump to mediate the long-running conflict between Pakistan and India over the disputed Himalayan region. India has not agreed to mediation, but Trump renewed his offer to play middleman between the two nuclear-armed nations.
“I’ve never failed as an arbitrator,” he said.
With Polish President Andrzej Duda, Trump said more U.S. troops will be stationed in Poland as a result of a new defense cooperation agreement they signed. He said Poland asked the U.S. to station more troops there and will pay for the new facilities.
Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien-Loong and Trump signed a memorandum to update defense cooperation between the two nations.
With President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi of Egypt, Trump talked about the recent attacks on Saudi Arabia’s oil facilities, which the U.S. has blamed on Iran, and about Libya, which slid into chaos after a 2011 uprising that left the country split between rival authorities in the country’s east and west.
His meeting with New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was closed, but the White House said their talks included a discussion of the March shooting deaths of 51 people at mosques in Christchurch.
Riechmann reported from New York. Associated Press writer Elana Schor contributed to this report from New York.
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — At least 20 people were killed Monday, including three shot by police, in violent protests by hundreds of people sparked by rumors that a teacher insulted an indigenous student in Indonesia’s restive Papua province, officials said.
An angry mob torched local government buildings, shops and homes and set fire to cars and motorbikes on several roads leading to the district chief’s office in Wamena city, said Papua police chief Rudolf Alberth Rodja.
Papua military spokesman Eko Daryanto said at least 16 civilians, including 13 from other Indonesian provinces, were killed in Wamena, mostly after being trapped in burning houses or shops.
He said at least one soldier and three civilians died in another protest in Jayapura, the capital of Papua province.
About 65 civilians were injured in Wamena and five police officers were critically injured in Jayapura, he said.
Television video showed orange flames and black smoke billowing from burning buildings in Wamena.
Rodja said the protest was triggered by rumors that a high school teacher in Wamena who is not from Papua called an indigenous Papuan student a “monkey” last week.
He said a police investigation did not find any evidence of racism against the student, and that false rumors have been spreading among students in other schools and native communities.
“We believe this false information was intentionally designed to create riots,” Rodja told reporters in Jayapura, the capital of Papua province. “This is a hoax and I call on people in Papua not to be provoked by untrue news.”
Papua police spokesman Ahmad Musthofa Kamal said students from another school in Wamena who refused to join the protest brawled with another group of students.
Video circulated on the internet showed dozens of people, many armed with machetes, standing in front of their shops and homes to protect them from the angry mob.
Joko Harjani, an airport official, said the protest forced authorities to close the city’s airport until the situation returns to normal.
The protest came days after Indonesian authorities managed to get the province under control after weeks of violent demonstrations by thousands of people in Papua and West Papua provinces against alleged racism toward Papuans. At least one Indonesian soldier and four civilians were killed in that violence.
The previous protests were triggered by videos circulated on the internet showing security forces calling Papuan university students “monkeys” and “dogs” in East Java’s Surabaya city when they stormed a dormitory where Papuan students were staying after a torn Indonesian flag was found in a sewer.
The videos prompted hundreds of Papuan students who study in other Indonesian provinces to return home and force a local state university to accommodate them.
Daryanto said a mob of angry students attacked a soldier and several police officers in Jayapura with machetes and rocks, forcing security forces to respond with gunfire, killing three civilians. The soldier died on the way to a hospital. At least five police officers were in critical condition.
Conflicts between indigenous Papuans and Indonesian security forces are common in the impoverished Papua region, a former Dutch colony in the western part of New Guinea that is ethnically and culturally distinct from much of Indonesia.
Papua was incorporated into Indonesia in 1969 after a U.N.-sponsored ballot that was widely seen as a sham. Since then, a low-level insurgency has simmered in the mineral-rich region, which is divided into two provinces, Papua and West Papua.
In recent years, some Papua students, including some who study in other provinces, have become vocal in calling for self-determination for their region.
UNITED NATIONS — U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday that a fourth summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un “could happen soon” as diplomacy over the North’s nuclear program has stalled.
Trump didn’t elaborate in comments to reporters at the United Nations in New York, and it was not clear if concrete plans were in the works for another summit meant to address a growing diplomatic impasse over the North’s development of nuclear-armed missiles targeting the U.S. mainland.
There is extreme interest, especially in Japan and South Korea, in whether Trump and Kim can settle differences that have led to the stalemate despite past high-profile meetings. The sides have failed even to set up lower-level negotiations on restarting talks.
At the heart of the dispute is the impoverished North’s desire for relief from harsh sanctions imposed as it has boosted its nuclear and missile capabilities. Washington, however, is demanding that Pyongyang first take more comprehensive steps to dismantle a nuclear program that has been painstakingly built over decades.
In recent months, the North has displayed its unhappiness with the tough U.S. stance in a series of short-range weapons tests that experts see as an attempt to increase pressure on Washington and Seoul and build leverage ahead of any new talks.
Trump has repeatedly played down tests of weapons that could strike allies South Korea and Japan, which host tens of thousands of U.S. troops. He also has trumpeted the strength of his relationship with Kim.
Trump is the first sitting U.S. president to meet with a North Korean leader and the first to set foot on North Korean territory.
As he arrived at the U.N. for the start of the annual General Assembly of world leaders, Trump responded to a question about when he planned to meet with Kim, saying, “It could happen soon. It could happen soon.”
In comments during a later meeting, Trump said of North Korean diplomacy: “It’s moving along pretty well, actually.”
Trump was scheduled to meet later Monday with South Korean President Moon Jae-in, the driving force behind the initial diplomacy that led to the first Trump-Kim summit last year and replaced threats of war in 2017.
North Korea reportedly hasn’t sent its top diplomat to the U.N. meetings, making the Moon-Trump talks potentially the highest-level diplomatic opportunity to make progress this week on the nuclear standoff.
Speaking Monday of that first summit with Kim, in Singapore, which critics have called more surface than substance, Trump said, “People don’t give that meeting as much credit as it deserves and the relationship we established. It was a tremendous success.”
Of Kim, he said they “really got to know each other there.”
Trump is set to speak before the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, two years after he used that podium to deride Kim as “Little Rocket Man” and to threaten to destroy North Korea.
The second Kim-Trump summit, in Hanoi, Vietnam, collapsed in February, then the leaders met briefly in June at the Korean border, where Trump unexpectedly stepped into the North and became the first American president to do so. Since then, there has been little apparent progress.
In recent days, however, North Korea has praised Trump for saying Washington may pursue an unspecified “new method” in nuclear negotiations as well as for his decision to fire his hawkish former National Security Adviser John Bolton.
North Korea also has hinted that some sort of diplomacy could soon resume, but it says it will not consider abandoning its nuclear weapons unless external threats are removed. The North says annual U.S.-South Korean military drills and the huge presence of American troops in the region are proof of U.S. hostility toward Pyongyang.
The collapse of one of the world’s oldest travel agencies has impacted an estimated 600,000 travelers all over the world on Monday—including some Americans.
Thomas Cook collapsed into liquidation in the early hours of Monday morning after rescue talks failed to secure $250 million in contingency funding, leaving many thousands who paid for vacations with the company without a return ticket home.
“We are sorry to inform you that all holidays and flights provided by these companies have been canceled and are no longer operating,” the Thomas Cook said, adding that all Thomas Cook retail shops have also closed.
Thomas Cook is a British company, but it attracted customers from all over the world, particularly Europe.
British stranded travelers are now directed to turn to the U.K.’s Civil Aviation Authority—which is working to fly back passengers who booked their flights with the travel agency and were due back to the U.K. between Sept. 23 and Oct. 6.
On Monday, Condor Airlines, a German airline subsidiary to Thomas Cook, said that it currently had 240,000 customers abroad awaiting flights to return home.
The travel agency also advised passengers who were due to fly out of the U.K. with Thomas Cook Airlines that their flights were canceled.
While few Americans are likely to be impacted, at least one Florida resident said he spent more than $2,000 to get home after booking a trip to Scotland with the company.
BBC Scotland spoke to American Joe Datolli, who was stuck at Glasgow Airport with his mother Sally waiting for a flight back to Orlando.
“It’s been frustrating… While we were asleep, ready to head back in the morning, they went out of business and there’s nobody to be seen,” he said.
Datolli told the BBC that he and his mother were able to book a flight to Orlando from Dublin but it ended up costing them nearly $2,400 dollars more.
“As we’re standing here trying to book another flight the prices keep climbing or the seats keep getting taken. It’s becoming more and more difficult,” he said.
The collapse of the agency has also affected thousands of employees.
In a statement, Thomas Cook Chief Executive Peter Fankhauser, apologized to customers and employees.
“I would like to apologize to our millions of customers, and thousands of employees, suppliers and partners who have supported us for many years. Despite huge uncertainty over recent weeks, our teams continued to put customers first, showing why Thomas Cook is one of the best-loved brands in travel,” he said. “This marks a deeply sad day for the company which pioneered package holidays and made travel possible for millions of people around the world.”
Here is what to know about Thomas Cook:
Why did Thomas Cook collapse?
Faced with Brexit, poor mergers and increased competition, the 178-year-old company finally fell to its demise on Monday.
Key to its downfall is Thomas Cook’s merger with MyTravel, a U.K.-based package travel company, in 2007. What had initially started out with hope, ended up in disaster. Thomas Cook ended up with huge debts that proved impossible to manage as, MyTravel had only made a profit once since 2001. The impact of the merger came to a head in May after Thomas Cook reported a record loss of £1.5 billion ($1.85 billion) and a steep drop in summer sales.
Thomas Cook also faced new competition from lower cost rival Jet2Holidays, putting the company’s profits under fresh pressure. Previously, the market had been split between Thomas Cook and Tui. Within two months, Thomas Cook had to issue two profit warnings.
Brexit didn’t help their situation either—the original March 29, 2019 Brexit deadline meant that people were nervous about booking holidays.
In August this year, there was hope that Thomas Cook could break free from disaster after it agreed to a $1.1 billion rescue deal with Fosun, a China-based investment company, Thomas Cook’s biggest shareholder and its debtholders.
However, as of Monday, Thomas Cook collapsed into liquidation after talks with shareholders, lenders and the U.K. government failed to come up with a rescue plan after the company’s banks demanded a further $250 million.
The agency was a popular one-stop-shop for travelers—known for its all-inclusive travel packages: the agency would book flights, hotels and tours for travelers.
Marc-David L. Seidel, professor at the University of British Columbia Sauder School of Business says travel agencies like Thomas Cook have become less relevant and necessary for travelers during the internet age.
“The rise of online travel information shifted power in the industry so that individual consumers no longer had to rely on brick and mortar travel agencies for expertise as much,” he tells TIME. “This intensified as the internet transitioned to more of an online travel community model where individual travelers share information about everything travel related to each other. That readily available and detailed information further reduced the power of travel agencies which had traditionally been the primary source of such expertise.”
Seidel adds that the rise of Airbnb might have also played a part.
“The growth trend of small travel providers such as individuals offering up rental units through internet platforms also puts pressure on organizations like Thomas Cook as a portion of their revenue was based on lodging,” he says.
Are American travelers affected?
While the bulk of Thomas Cook customers were based in Europe, the agency offered services to major U.S cities including New York City, Orlando and San Fransisco.
The State Department says that it is not able to track how many U.S. citizens are currently affected because American are not required to register their travel to a foreign country.
A State Department spokesperson tells TIME that the agency is currently monitoring the situation and that travelers should make their own arrangements to return to the United States.
“If Americans are destitute and without resources to get back to the United States, they should contact the U.S. Embassy or Consulate in the country where they are traveling to help them get in touch with family members or to evaluate other options,” a state department spokesperson said.
Frederic Dimanche, the director at the Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management at Ryerson University tells TIME that the effect on American passengers will be “not much” and that agency had a limited presence in the U.S.—with most of the company’s business coming from the U.K., Germany and Scandinavian countries.
“Thomas Cook had offices in the U.S., but beyond that most operations are European… this will likely be inconsequential for (travelers),” he says.
Seidel also says that the agency going out of business will most likely not have too much of an effect on American travelers.
“They have limited service in some cities—basically, it’s major cities and the leisure market, and a lot of that service would be outbound rather than inbound, so people visiting the States from Europe and a lot of their stuff was offered as packages,” he says.
(UNITED NATIONS) — Britain, France and Germany joined the United States on Monday in blaming Iran for attacks on key oil facilities in Saudi Arabia, but the Iranian foreign minister pointed to claims of responsibility by Yemeni rebels and said: “If Iran were behind this attack, nothing would have been left of this refinery.”
Fallout from the Sept. 14 attacks is still reverberating as world leaders gather for their annual meeting at the U.N. General Assembly and international experts continue, at Saudi Arabia’s request, to investigate what happened and who was responsible.
The leaders of the U.K., France and Germany — who remain parties to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal — said in a statement that “there is no other plausible explanation” than that “Iran bears responsibility for this attack.”
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said late Sunday while flying to New York that the U.K. is now “attributing responsibility with a very high degree of probability to Iran” for the attacks by drones and cruise missiles on the world’s largest oil processor and an oil field. He said the U.K. would consider taking part in a U.S.-led military effort to bolster Saudi Arabia’s defenses.
Iran’s foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, denied any part in the attacks. He said Yemen’s Houthi rebels, who claimed responsibility, “have every reason to retaliate” for the Saudi-led coalition’s aerial attacks on their country.
He also stressed that on the eve of President Hassan Rouhani’s visit to the United Nations — which sits in the middle of New York City — “it would be stupid for Iran to engage in such activity.”
France has been trying to find a diplomatic solution to U.S.-Iranian tensions, which soared after the Saudi attacks.
French President Emmanuel Macron said at a news conference at the U.N. that he planned to meet separately with both Trump and Rouhani over the next day and would work to foster “the conditions for discussion” and not escalation.
Macron called the Sept. 14 strikes “a game-changer, clearly” but reiterated France’s willingness to mediate.
Zarif, however, ruled out any Iran-U.S. meeting. He said Iran had received no request from the U.S., “and we have made clear that a request alone will not do the job.”
He said Trump “closed the door to negotiations” with the latest U.S. sanctions, which labeled the country’s central bank a “global terrorist” institution — a designation the Iranian minister said the U.S. president and his successors may not be able to change.
“I know that President Trump did not want to do that. I know he must have been misinformed,” said Zarif, meeting with U.N. correspondents Monday.
Zarif said he plans to meet Wednesday with ministers of the five countries remaining in the 2015 nuclear deal from which Trump withdrew — Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany.
Johnson, the U.K. prime minister, urged Trump to strike a new nuclear deal with Iran. While Britain still backs the existing agreement and wants Iran to stick to its terms, Johnson said in the long term, there should be a new agreement.
“Whatever your objections with the old nuclear deal with Iran, it’s time now to move forward and do a new deal,” he said.
Asked later Monday about Johnson’s suggestion, Trump said he respects Johnson and believes the current agreement expires too soon.
Shortly before leaving for the U.N. meetings Monday, Iran’s Rouhani said on state television that his country will invite Persian Gulf nations to join an Iranian-led coalition “to guarantee the region’s security.”
Rouhani said the plan is not limited to security but also encompasses economic cooperation and an initiative for “long-term” peace. He planned on presenting details while at the United Nations.
Iran’s president had already called on Western powers Sunday to leave the security of the Persian Gulf to regional nations led by Tehran.
Zarif said the new Hormuz Peace Initiative — with the acronym HOPE — would be formed under a U.N. umbrella with two underlying principles: nonaggression and noninterference. He said it would require a major shift from countries “buying” security from other nations or mercenaries, and instead promote the notion that “you can gain security relying on your own people and working with your neighbors.”
Johnson said he would meet Rouhani at this week’s high-level U.N. gathering. He said he wanted Britain to be “a bridge between our European friends and the Americans when it comes to the crisis in the Gulf.”
Johnson stressed the need for a diplomatic response to the Gulf tensions but said Britain would consider any request for military help. The Trump administration announced Friday that it would send additional U.S. troops and missile defense equipment to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as part of a “defensive” deployment. Officials said the number of troops was likely to be in the hundreds.
“We will be following that very closely,” Johnson said. “And clearly if we are asked, either by the Saudis or by the Americans, to have a role, then we will consider in what way we could be useful.”
A U.K. official told The Associated Press that a claim of responsibility for the attacks by Iran-allied Houthi rebels in Yemen was “implausible.” He said remnants of Iran-made cruise missiles were found at the attack site, and “the sophistication points very, very firmly to Iranian involvement.”
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence findings, did not say whether Britain believed the attack was launched from Iranian soil. Iran denies responsibility and has warned any retaliatory attack targeting it will result in an “all-out war.”
Meanwhile Monday, Iranian government spokesman Ali Rabiei suggested the release of a British-flagged oil tanker held by Tehran since July would be imminent, though he doesn’t know when the vessel will leave.
The Stena Impero has not turned on its satellite-tracking beacon in 58 days, nor has there been any sign that it has left its position off the Iranian coast near the port city of Bandar Abbas.
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard seized the Stena Impero after authorities in Gibraltar seized an Iranian crude oil tanker. That ship has since left Gibraltar, leading to hopes the Stena Impero would be released.
Associated Press writers Jennifer Peltz at the United Nations; Nasser Karimi in Tehran, Iran; and Jon Gambrell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, contributed to this report.
Israel held repeat elections last week after having gone to the voting booths just 5 months prior. It was the first time the country has ever had to hold consecutive elections, prompted by Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s inability to pull together a right-wing coalition last time around. Rather than let opposition parties attempt to form a coalition when he failed, Bibi dissolved parliament and forced the country back to the polls. He was rewarded with a second-place showing, leaving him in an even worse position than he was back in April.
Why It Matters:
Because this looks like the end of the reign of “King Bibi”—as he is referred to by both supporters and detractors alike—who surpassed David Ben-Gurion this summer to become the longest-serving Prime Minister in Israeli history. Netanyahu is a polarizing figure in Israeli society, more so in recent years as he has tacked to the right to retain his grip on power, employing racist language against the country’s Arab citizens, attacking the media, police and the Supreme Court, and vowing to annex parts of the West Bank to appease his ultra-religious and far-right political partners (more on that below). Bibi is an unabashed political opportunist, but that same political opportunism has also allowed him to forge strong personal relationships with Israel’s Arab neighbors—particularly those that share his view of the existential threat posed to the region by Iran—as well as with the Trump administration. And while those personal relationships have benefited Bibi politically, they’ve also benefitted Israel a great deal, too.
But back to Israeli domestic politics. Over more than a decade in power, Netanyahu has presided over a country where the issue of how religious “the Jewish state” should be has come to the forefront of Israeli politics. This is not a new fight by any means—issues like the lack of civil marriages and the banning of public transport in major cities on Saturdays in honor of the Jewish Sabbath have long been sore points for the country’s non-ultra-Orthodox majority who feel forced to live by the rules of the country’s more religious elements. But the most explosive fight of late has come over the issue of mandatory conscription of the country’s ultra-Orthodox population. Most men in that community who choose to study the Jewish scriptures full-time receive exemptions from military service, a practice that Israel’s Supreme Court has in the past ruled unconstitutional for being discriminatory. The right-wing ultra-Orthodox parties that Netanyahu has partnered with insist that the practice continues, prompting Avigdor Lieberman, a former Netanyahu deputy and the head of the right-wing but stridently secular Yisrael Beitenu, to pull his support from the previous round of coalition talks. That made it impossible for Netanyahu to form a government and drove the country back to elections. Further adding to Bibi’s headaches? He is waiting to hear this fall whether the country’s attorney general will indict him on corruption charges.
What Happens Next:
The country’s president, Reuven Rivlin, has until October 2 to decide who will get first shot at forming a government. Netanyahu, Lieberman, and Benny Gantz, the leader of the Blue & White party that won 33 seats to Likud’s 31 (Israel’s parliament has 120 seats total), all say they want the same thing: a national unity government, involving at least Likud and Blue & White. But that’s easier said than done.
The most likely outcome is a national unity government led by Gantz, which would include elements of Likud that decide to abandon the severely weakened Netanyahu, as well as a constellation of other parties including Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu and possibly center-left Labor. Lieberman would probably demand the defense ministry and key policy concessions to bless this government. It would be a motley bunch—leftists and right wingers, hawks and doves, free marketeers and union bosses. But it would be a majority, and that’s all Gantz needs.
Netanyahu is not going down without a fight. His singular goal is staying prime minister, and it’s not just about lust for power. Being prime minister may shield him from the judicial proceedings against him (though it’s never been tested before); if he is a mere member of parliament or minister, he has no such hope. Netanyahu said he would be willing to unite with Gantz’s Blue & White party on the condition that he remains prime minister, even if it’s just a rotation. In exchange, Netanyahu would need to give Blue & White the keys to the kingdom: deciding foreign policy and the budget, and all the perks of office. But even that’s a tough sell for Blue & White, whose members have spent the last nine months campaigning against him and holding him up as the exemplar of what’s wrong with Israeli politics today. Lieberman will also work to undermine this particular outcome, as it would mean he could be cut out of government (Likud + Blue & White have enough seats between them to form a coalition on their own).
There is also a small chance that we don’t end up with a unity government at all—that Netanyahu is able to convince Yisrael Beitenu to join his right-religious coalition by offering many more concessions and jettisoning one of the more extreme religious parties to appease Lieberman. That’s a very long shot at this point, but after more than a decade power, Bibi is a hard man to write off completely. In all likelihood though, last week’s election results spell the end of the Netanyahu era of Israeli politics.
The One Thing to Read About It:
Avigdor Lieberman, a former bar bouncer from Moldova, just became the most important politician in Israel—his party’s 8 seats in parliament will likely be critical in whatever coalition eventually manages to take power. But while the politics playing out in Israel the next few weeks will be fascinating, they pale in comparison to the up-again, down-again relationship between Netanyahu and Lieberman. Read this piece to understand why.
The One Major Misconception About It:
That Bibi’s impact on Israeli politics is finished. Yes, he may be out of office and potentially on trial. But his legacy – everything from extremely hawkish views on Iran to expansion of settlements to a booming Israeli economy – will long outlast him, even with a Blue & White-led government.
The One Thing to Say About It at a Dinner Party:
Politics in Israel used to be about left vs. right, especially in regards to the Palestinian issue. Now politics has become about secular vs. religious. And the biggest loser of this paradigm shift is… the Palestinians. As always.
The One Thing to Avoid Saying About It:
First Erdogan, then Bibi. If you’re going to rerun elections, it helps not to live in an actual democracy.
About 250 mourners, including many dressed in black, ascended a Swiss mountainside on Sunday to bid farewell to a longtime resident of the Alps: the Pizol Glacier, the Agence France Presse reported. The marchers put down flowers to honor the glacier, and others played alphorns — a 12-ft wooden instrument shaped like a pipe.
The glacier, which is located at an altitude of around 8,850 feet and near the borders with Liechtenstein and Austria, was eulogized by a local chaplain, Eric Petrini, who called for “God’s help to tackle the enormous challenge of climate change,” and Matthias Huss, a glaciologist at the university ETH – Zurich, according to the AFP.
The event, which took place the day before the start of a United Nations climate summit in New York City, was organized by environmental and Christian groups, the university’s Laboratory of Hydraulics, Hydrology and Glaciolgy wrote on Twitter.
“R.I.P., Pizolgletscher!” the laboratory tweeted.
In deepest sadness, #Switzerland has celebrated a commemoration for#Pizol#Glacier today. A concerted action of Christian & environmental associations has organised this event with 250 participants, including a speech by our colleague @matthias_huss. R.I.P., Pizolgletscher!
Pizol has lost about 80 to 90% of its volume since 2006, Huss told the AFP. Huss was among the authors of a study that found that more than 90% of the glacier volume in the European Alps as a whole could be lost by 2100.
FABRICE COFFRINI—AFP/Getty ImagesPeople take part in a ceremony to mark the ‘death’ of the Pizol glacier (Pizolgletscher) on Sept. 22, 2019 above Mels, eastern Switzerland.
According to Huss, the Pizol glacier is just one of the Swiss glaciers to have melted away over the last two centuries. “Since 1850, we estimate that more than 500 Swiss glaciers have completely disappeared, including 50 that were named,” Huss added.
March organizer Alessandra Degiacomi, of the Swiss Association for Climate Protection, told CNN that if Pizol disappears, it should be a “warning sign. This is what is going to happen if we don’t change something about our behavior.” Degiacomi told CNN that the Association has gathered 120,000 signatures to demand that Switzerland become CO2 neutral by 2050.
FABRICE COFFRINI—AFP/Getty ImagesPeople take part in a symbolic farewell ceremony to mark the “death” of the Pizol glacier (Pizolgletscher) on Sept. 22, 2019 above Mels, eastern Switzerland.
At least one other funeral has been held for a glacier before. In August, Iceland residents mourned the first disappearance of Okjokull, a glacier in the country which was declared dead in 2014.
Iceland also put a plaque in place to commemorate the glacier, which says, “In the next 200 years all our glaciers are expected to follow the same path.” This monument is to acknowledge that we know what is happening and what needs to be done. Only you know if we did it.”
As the family deplaned in Cape Town, South Africa, for the first day of their 10-day tour of Africa on Monday, Archie was spotted in Meghan Markle’s arms wearing a hat that looked strikingly similar to one that Princess Diana appears to have dressed Harry in for a plane ride in 1985.
Since Meghan and Harry’s arrival wasn’t an official event, there were no royal photographers around to capture the lookalike outfit. But you can see a few photos of Archie decked out in his pom-pom adorned beanie via theDaily Mail.
Archie dons a sweet knitted bobble hat for his arrival in South Africa that looks VERY similar to one worn by Prince Harry for a flight with Princess Diana in 1985
Although the itinerary released by Buckingham Palace earlier this month has Meghan and Archie staying in South Africa for the duration of the trip, Prince Harry will also travel to Angola, Malawi and Botswana. While in Angola, Harry’s private secretary, Sam Cohen, said that the prince will see land mine clearing work that has continued since Princess Diana brought worldwide attention to the problem prior to her death in 1997.
(UNITED NATIONS) — Leader after leader told the United Nations on Monday that they will do more to prevent a warming world from reaching even more dangerous levels. But as they made their pledges at the Climate Action Summit, they conceded it was not enough.
Sixty-six countries have promised to have more ambitious climate goals and 30 swore to be carbon neutral by midcentury, said Chilean President Sebastian Pinera Echenique, who is hosting the next climate negotiations later this year.
Heads of nations such as Finland and Germany promised to ban coal within a decade. Several also mentioned goals of climate neutrality — when a country is not adding more heat-trapping carbon to the air than is being removed by plants and perhaps technology — by 2050.
U.S. President Donald Trump dropped by, listened to German Chancellor Angela Merkel make detailed pledges, including going coal-free, and left without saying anything.
The United States did not ask to have someone speak at the summit, U.N. officials said. And Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had told countries they couldn’t be on the agenda without making bold new proposals.
Even though there was no speech by Trump, who has denied climate change, called it a Chinese hoax and repealed U.S. carbon-reduction policies, he was talked about.
In a none-too-subtle jibe at Trump’s plans to withdraw the United States from the 2015 Paris climate agreement, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, said countries “must honor our commitments and follow through on the Paris Agreement.”
“The withdrawal of certain parties will not shake the collective goal of the world community,” Wang said to applause.
Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, the U.N.’s special climate envoy, thanked Trump for stopping by, adding that it might prove useful “when you formulate climate policy,” drawing a bit of laughter and applause on the floor of the General Assembly.
Before world leaders made their promises in three-minute speeches, 16-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg gave an emotional appeal in which she chided the leaders with the repeated phrase, “How dare you.”
“This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be up here,” said Thunberg, who began a lone protest outside the Swedish parliament more than a year ago that culminated in Friday’s global climate strikes. “I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you have come to us young people for hope. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words.”
She told the U.N. that even the strictest emission cuts being talked about only gives the world a 50% chance of limiting future warming to another 0.4 degrees Celsius (0.72 degrees Fahrenheit) from now, which is a global goal. Those odds are not good enough, she said.
“We will not let you get away with this,” Thunberg said. “Right now is where we draw the line.”
Hilda Heine, president of the Marshall Islands, said she represents “the most climate vulnerable people on Earth.” Her tiny country has increased its emission cut proposals in a way that would limit warming to that tight goal of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times.
“We are now calling on others to join us,” Heine said.
Guterres opened the summit Monday by saying: “Earth is issuing a chilling cry: Stop.”
“Time is running out,” Guterres said. “But it is not too late.”
He told the more than 60 world leaders scheduled to speak that it’s not a time to negotiate but to act to make the world carbon neutral by 2050.
While presidents and premiers talked about what they hoped to do inside their own borders, French President Emmanuel Macron reminded them that they need to include climate change in their trade and finance policies so they don’t import goods that increase carbon pollution, nor fund polluting plants in other countries.
Macron begged other nations to increase their pledges to the Green Climate Fund, which helps poorer nations with climate issues. France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Sweden have recently doubled their pledges.
“We are now at $7 billion,” Macron said. “The target is $10 billion to make up for the United States withdrawal,” and he then suggested America should reconsider adding money, to the applause of other leaders.
More than 130 banks adopted policies that are more responsible and green, said Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holmes.
The day before summit, 87 companies announced stepped-up plans to cut greenhouse emissions and be greener, with several CEOs, including energy company chiefs, joining presidents and prime ministers at the microphone.
A decade ago, oil, coal and gas was “at the core of our business model,” said Henrik Poulsen, CEO for Danish energy company Orsted. But the company has gone wind-heavy and reduced heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions by 83% since 2006. The company will quit coal in 2022 and be carbon neutral by 2025, he added.
“Action, action, action,” Macron urged. “We cannot leave our young people to spend all of their Fridays protesting.”
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Arunachal Pradesh PSC Syllabus 2019 is available here for the post of Junior Engineer (Civil). Candidates who have applied for the given posts can get here the complete APPSC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2019 along with Exam Pattern. Also, download the syllabus pdf from the below links and start preparing for the examination.
Arunachal Pradesh PSC Syllabus 2019
Great opportunity for candidates who are looking for jobs in Arunachal Pradesh as Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission has released vacancies for the Junior Engineer (Civil) post. Candidates applying for the posts can start their exam preparation as the exam is going to be conducted in the coming months. So, for the ease of the aspirants, we have provided here the updated APPSC Syllabus and exam pattern here.
APPSC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2019 – Details
Name of the Board
Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC)
Candidates applying for the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Junior Engineer Recruitment 2019 will be selected based on the following criteria –
Selection Process:
Written Examination
Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Exam Pattern 2019
Questions will be asked on the relevant subject i.e. Civil Engineering
It will consist of Objective Type Questions
For further details go through the official notification
Latest Arunachal Pradesh PSC Syllabus PDF is updated here. Aspirants applied for the Arunachal Pradesh PSC Jobs can check the Arunachal Pradesh PSC PGT Syllabus 2019 from the following section. We have updated the complete syllabus for candidates’ reference. Hence, check the Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission Syllabus Pdf. The syllabus is important to refer before the exam so that applicants can understand the Arunachal Pradesh PSC Post Graduate Teacher Syllabus completely and prepare accordingly. Also, interested candidates can visit the official website of Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission @ for APPSC TGT PGT Syllabus 2019 Pdf and Exam Pattern.
The Arunachal Pradesh Public Service Commission is conducting following a recruitment process to hire 667 candidates for the TGT and PGT posts.
Written examination.
APPSC PGT TGT Exam Pattern 2019 | APPSC Syllabus PDF
S. No.
Exam Type
Name of the Subjects
Objective Type
General English
General Knowledge
Concerned Subjects (Paper I)
Descriptive Type
Concerned Subjects (Paper II)
Viva Voce
The Arunachal Pradesh PSC PGT TGT Exam Pattern 2019 is updated here. Hence, candidates can go through the above-mentioned exam pattern and start their preparation for the exam. Check the Arunachal Pradesh PSC Syllabus details here.
The exam will be conducted in an online mode.
Each Paper will have 100 marks questions.
The candidates have to score a minimum of 33% marks in each written exam paper and minimum 45% marks in aggregate.
Eligible applicants who clear the written examination are eligible for the next round i.e., Viva-Voce.
Arunachal Pradesh PSC TGT PGT Syllabus PDF
Download the Arunachal Pradesh PSC Syllabus from the following sections. We have given the subject wise syllabus topics for candidates’ use.
APPSC TGT Syllabus Topics:
Life Processes
Control and Co-ordination
The fundamental unit of life
The diversity of Living Organism
Heredity and Evolution
Health and Diseases
Natural Resources
Improvement in Food Resources
Human Resources and Human Capital
Economic Challenges in India
Food Security and Economic Development
Issues of Growth and Development
Sectoral Distribution of Indian Economy
Money and Credit
Reading Comprehension
Grammar and Usage
Writing Ability
Location settling of India
Physiography of India
Human & Economic Geography
Transport & Communication
Planning of India
Sources of Ancient History
The Harappan Civilization
Jainism and Buddhism
The Mauryan Age
Imperial Guptas
Foundation of Delhi Sultanate
Consolidation and contribution of the Mughal Empire
Revolt of 1857
Indian National Movement
The French Revolution
Socialism in Europe and The Russian Revolution (1917)
Rice of Fascism in Italy and Nazism Germany
History of North East with special reference of Arunachal Pradesh
Mechanics & Properties of Material
Heat and Thermodynamic
Wave and Oscillation
Electricity and Magnetism
Modern Physics
Electronic and Communication
TGT- Agriculture
Basic Agriculture
Soil Science and Soil Fertility
Genetics and Plant Breeding
Crop Protection
Water Management, Irrigation, and Drainage
Crop Physiology
Agriculture Economic, Farm Management and Extension Education
The motion of the System of Plastic and Rigid Body
Properties of Matter
Heat and Thermodynamics
Waves and Oscillation
Electricity and Magnetism
Electronics and Communication
Introduction to Computer Programming
Download Arunachal Pradesh PSC Syllabus and Previous Papers
In this section, applicants can find the direct links to download the Arunachal Pradesh PSC Syllabus 2019. Along with that aspirants can also get the Last 5 Years Arunachal Pradesh PSC PGT TGT Question Papers in the Pdf format. Therefore, click on the following links and download them.
Gauhati High Court Syllabus 2019 is available for the candidates who are searching for it. Download the GHC Judicial Assistant Syllabus Pdf along with the Exam Pattern. Check Gauhati High Court Judicial Asst Exam Syllabus, Scheme of the Examination, Exam Dates, Timings, etc. @
Gauhati High Court Syllabus 2019
Are you searching for the Guwahati High Court Judicial Assistant Syllabus? Don’t Worry you’re in the Right Place. Here we have given the Complete details of GHC Syllabus and Exam Pattern Judicial Asst Exam. Candidates can also Download the Gauhati High Court Syllabus and Exam Pattern through the direct link given below. Applicants who have applied for the Gauhati High Court Judicial Assistant Recruitment Notification they have start preparation as soon as possible because there is huge competition for the Latest Vacancies in Assam. Applied people can also find the GHC Judicial Asst Syllabus and Exam Pattern at the Official Website. Here we also provided the Judicial Asst Exam details like Exam dates, Timings, Exam Centres, etc.
According to the Latest Employment News, Gauhati High Court has recently released the recruitment notification to fill up 16 vacancies of the Judicial Assistant Posts. Candidates who are searching for Latest Govt Jobs can utilize this Notification. People who want to know more details regarding the Gauhati High Court Judicial Asst Recruitment 2019 Notification check on our website.
Gauhati High Court Judicial Assistant Exam Syllabus 2019
Karnataka GDS Result 2019 @ | Get Direct link for Karanataka GDS Result 2019 Merit list here:Karnataka Postal Circle will soon announce the result for the post of Postman & Mail Guard. Candidates those who have applied for the post can check and download your result from the below link. Here we have given a quick link to access your result easily. Apart from these candidates can get the complete details from the official website i.e, In this page, anyone can check the Postman & Mail Guard Result 2019 by using the direct link.
Karnataka GDS Result 2019 – Check Here
The application process for the recruitment of eligible candidates for the post of Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) was invited in the month of August 2019. This recruitment drive has been conducted for recruitment of 2637 candidates for the post of GDS in Karnataka state. The Karnataka Post circle GDS merit list will be purely based on the marks of the candidates in SSC. In this page, anyone can check the All-State Postman & Mail Guard Result Result 2019 by using the direct link Indian Post Office Result 2019. Registered candidates can download their result from this page directly by visiting this page. It will work once the result has been announced by officially.
Karnataka GDS result for cycle II 2019 will be announced soon. No weightage will be provided to candidates for higher education. Provisionally shortlisted candidates will be invited for document verification round. Final appointment will be done only on the basis of document verification. Till the declaration of result, all the candidates must stay in touch with the official GDS portal to get all the latest updates.
Karnataka GDS Expected Cut-Off marks 2019
Candidates who will be listed in the merit list will be selected provisionally. Final selection will be done only after the completion of Document Verification. As per the selection process for the post of GDS, after the declaration of merit list shortlisted candidates will be called for verification of all the original documents and certificates. The complete information about the DV date, time, venue and other information will be intimated to candidates by the district recruiting authority. The final recruitment will be carried forward at the district level by the designated authority. Also, applicants can get the GDS Merit List 2019 Karnataka and GDS Result 2019 in Karnataka from this page.
Expected Cut-off marks
Unreserved (UR)
Other Backward Classes (OBC)
Schedule Caste (SC)
Schedule Tribe (ST)
Economically Weaker Section (EWS)
How to check Karnataka GDS 2019 Result?
Candidates must visit the official website of Gramin Dak Sevak Engagement portal i.e.
On the home page, search for "Results" tab.
Click on "Karnataka (2637 posts)" link.
The desired merit list for Karnataka GDS will be downloaded by clicking the respective result link
Check the downloaded merit list PDF and search for the name.
MPSC Syllabus 2019 is available here for Agriculture Service Exam, Subordinate Services PSI, STI, ASO, Civil Judge, Group A & B Combined Engineering Services, Tax Assistant, Clerk, Forest Services, Assistant Town Planner, Agriculture Officer & Other posts. Applicants who are applying for Subordinate Services like Sales Tax Inspector (STI), Police Sub Inspector (PSI) & Assistant Section Officer posts can get here the complete MPSC Subordinate Services Syllabus 2019 in Marathi here. Also, download the syllabus pdf from the below links along with Exam Pattern to start your exam preparation.
Maharashtra Public Service Agriculture Services Mains syllabus has been given revealed. As the MPSC Agriculture Service Mains Exam is going to be held on 29th September 2019. Hence, candidates are advised to download the syllabus from the bottom of the section. Therefore, the Agriculture Services Mains exam is very important to get placed in the Maharashtra Public Service Commission. So, all the candidates should qualify the exam. Therefore, we have given you the syllabus and exam pattern for your convenience to prepare for the exam.
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) is conducting the Civil Judge Mains exam on 18th August 2019. Candidates whoever have applied for MPSC Civil Judge exam 2019, need to have a proper preparation to crack the exam successfully. For this purpose on this page, we have given detailed information about Maharashtra civil Judge prelims & mains syllabus & exam pattern. For further information read the below sections.
Maharashtra Public Service Commission released the Engineering Services Syllabus for Group – A & B Combined Prelims & Mains Exam 2019. Here you can download syllabus pdf along with Maharashtra PSC Engineering Services Exam Pattern details. However, go through further sections to get more details like MPSC Engineering Services Combined (Pre & Mains) exam dates 2019.
MPSC Group C Syllabus 2019 in Marathi Pdf is provided here to download. Interested applicants can easily get the download links for MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf and Exam Pattern on this page. Candidates who have applied for the MPSC 2019 Exam are not aware of the MPSC 2019 Syllabus and Exam Pattern. Hence, to help them, here we have updated the latest MPSC Syllabus 2019 and Exam Pattern in a detailed manner. Additionally, aspirants can also get details of MPSC 2019 exam dates, exam pattern, syllabus, previous papers, and much more.
Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) has released 234 vacancies for the posts of Tax Assistant Clerk & Other. Interested and eligible aspirants applying for the given posts will be selected through various stages. Only thing candidates need to do is to start their exam preparation, for that we have provided here the complete MPSC Group C Recruitment 2019 Syllabus here in detail.
MPSC Syllabus 2019 for Forest Service Examination is available here. The Aspirants who are going to attend the MPSC Forest Service Examination 2019 can check the Syllabus for Prelims and Mains Examination. However, we updated the latest MPSC Exam Syllabus for both Prelims and Mains Forest Service Examination 2019. Hence, go through the details below and check the MPSC Exam Syllabus and Test Pattern 2019.
MPPSC Forest Services Exam Syllabus 2019
Exam Name
Forest Services Examination 2019
No. of Vacancies
Category Name
Prelims Exam Date
26th May 2019
Mains Exam Date
15th September 2019
MPSC Exam Pattern for Forest Service Examination 2019
The Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission selection process for Forest Service Posts is having Prelims and Mains Examinations. The Candidates who are qualified in Prelims and Mains are shortlisted for Interview Round. However, the Complete MPSC Exam Pattern for Prelims and Mains is listed below. Hence, check the details clearly and start preparing for Prelims Examination.
MPSC Exam Syllabus for Prelims – Forest Service Examination
Maximum Marks
Time Duration
60 Mins
General Studies
Questions will be Multiple Choice Questions.
Maximum Marks for Prelims is 100.
Negative marking will be as per MPSC Board Rules.
MPSC Exam Syllabus for Mains – Forest Service Examination
Maximum Marks
Time Duration
General Studies
01 Hr
General Science & Natural Conservation
Question Paper: MCQ’s.
Number of Question in each Section 100.
Each Question Carries 2 Marks.
Negative Marking will be as per MPSC Board rules.
MPSC Exam Syllabus for Forest Service
The Maharastra Public Service Commission Exam Syllabus for Forest Service Examination 2019 is updated below. The aspirants who are going to appear the MPSC Prelims Examination on 28th Oct 2019 can check the details below. Later, Download the MPSC Exam Syllabus Pdf for free from the link given below. Moreover, check the Official Website for more details.
MPSC Forest Service Exam Prelims Syllabus 2019
Marathi Language
English Language
Current Affairs (National & International)
General Mental Ability
Logical Reasoning
Analytical Ability
Problem Solving
Basic Numeracy.
MPSC Syllabus for Forest Service Exam Mains 2019
General Studies (Paper-I)
Indian History related to Maharashtra.
Physical, Social, Economic & Geography of India & World. (Related to Maharashtra)
Politics & Governance, Constitution & Political System, Rural & Urban Local Self Govt.
Maharashtra PSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2019
MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf for Assistant Town Planner posts are mentioned here. Interested candidates who would like to prepare for the MPSC Assistant Town Planner can get the MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf download links here. Check Maharashtra Public Service Commission Syllabus to make your exam preparation smooth.
MPSC Syllabus Pdf – MPSC Assistant Town Planner Exam Pattern
S. No.
Exam Type
Name of the Subjects
Objective Type Questions
General Knowledge
English Language
Reasoning Ability
It is an objective type
It consists of subjects include General Knowledge, English language, Reasoning Ability, and Aptitude.
MPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2019 Pdf Download
Are you looking for the MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf download links? If so, you’re at the right place. This is because here we have given the direct download links for MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf and Exam Pattern. Hence, applicants can easily get the MPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus and Test Pattern here. In the below-mentioned MPSC ASO Syllabus, you can find the topics for every subject that comes for the written examination. Check the detailed MPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2019 Pdf and read all those topics to crack the test. And, if you read the below section, you can get the exam pattern for MPSC Assistant Town Planner. Consider both the MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf and Exam Pattern before preparing for the written exam.
Maharashtra MPSC Syllabus 2019 – English
Sentence Improvement.
Active and Passive Voice.
Error Correction (Phrase in Bold).
Sentence Completion.
Fill in the blanks.
Spelling Test.
Joining Sentences.
Para Completion.
Idioms and Phrases.
Passage Completion.
Spotting Errors.
Error Correction (Underlined Part).
Sentence Arrangement.
MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf – General Knowledge
Basic Computer.
Famous Days & Dates.
Indian History.
Inventions in the World.
Indian Parliament.
Indian Economy.
Basic GK.
Indian Politics.
Indian Culture.
Famous Books & Authors.
Maha PSC Syllabus 2019 – Reasoning
Decision Making.
Cubes and Dice.
Alphabet Series.
Blood Relations.
Non-Verbal Series.
Number Series.
Arithmetical Reasoning.
Clocks & Calendars.
Mirror Images.
Number Ranking.
Statement Conclusion.
MPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2019 – Quantitative Aptitude
Number System
Compound Interest
Problems on squares, cubes
Allegations & Mixtures
Time & Distance
Simple Interest
Boats & Streams
Permutations & Combinations
Ratios & Proportions
Problems on Ages
Time & Work
Profit & Loss
Fundamental Operations
Least Common Multiple (LCM) & Highest Common Factor (HCF)
MPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2019 Pdf – Download Here
MPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus 2019 Pdf download links are available here. Applicants who are looking for the MPSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern can download it here. Refer to the Maha PSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2019 on this page. Using the MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf and Test Pattern, you can obviously get to know the topics to read. Moreover, you can also check to be clear about the MPSC Exam Pattern, Exam Dates, and so on.
The subjects include English, Marathi, General knowledge, and Technical Knowledge
The number of questions for paper – I will be 100 and exam duration is 1 hour
And, the number of questions for paper – II is 100 and the duration to complete the exam is 2 hours.
Download MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf download
We can say that lots of candidates are applied for the MPSC ASO Exam. And, those applicants are now looking for the MPSC Agriculture Section Officer Syllabus and Exam Pattern to prepare for the exam. So, we have gathered the detailed MPSC Syllabus of the Agriculture Section Officer. In the below-mentioned MPSC Syllabus, you can find the topics for every subject that comes for the written test. Hence, check the MPSC ASO Syllabus 2019 Pdf and read the entire subjects to attend the written test in a good manner. Read this full page to know the exam pattern as well. So, read both the MPSC Syllabus 2019 Pdf and Exam Pattern before preparing for the written test.
MPSC Agriculture Officer Prelims Syllabus
MPSC AO General English
Idioms and Phrases
Spelling Test
Sentence Improvement
Para Completion
Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
Spotting Errors
Passage Completion
Joining Sentences
Error Correction (Underlined Part)
CompletionActive and Passive Voice
Sentence Arrangement
Fill in the blanks
MPSC AO General Studies Syllabus
The economy of India & Maharashtra State.
History of Modern India & Indian National Movement.
History of Maharashtra and Movement for Maharashtra Statehood etc.
Current Affairs – Regional, National, and International.
International Relations and Events.
General Science.
Science and Technology.
Environmental issues.
Geography of India.
Geography of Maharashtra State.
Indian Constitution & Polity.
Society, Culture & Heritage of Maharashtra State.
Arts and Literature of Maharashtra State.
Policies of Maharashtra State State.
Disaster Management.
General Ability
MPSC AO Marathi Syllabus
Idioms and Phrases
Sentence Structure
Comprehension Passage
Common Vocabulary
MPSC Agriculture Officer Mains Syllabus
MPSC AO Syllabus for Agriculture Paper
Global warming.
Types of Soils.
Fertilizer control.
Insect morphology.
Watershed Management.
Ultra Structure of Plant cells.
Post-Harvest Technology.
Plant Diseases.
Horticultural crops.
Herbicides and Fungicides.
Historical developments in Agriculture.
Integrated Farming Systems.
Weed flora and their management.
Extension Education.
Cell structure.
Environmental Pollution and Prevention.
Plant Genetic Resources.
Tissue culture and Plant Genetic Engineering.
Agricultural Economics.
Agro-based industries.
The importance of Horticulture in Telangana.
Sustainable Management etc.
MPSC Assistant Town Planner Syllabus 2019 Pdf – Download Here
HPSSSB Results 2019 | HPSSSB TGT Non-Medical Result @ – The Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board has released Result of TGT Non-Medical, TGT Arts Final Result | Post Code 699. Candidates can download HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019 Post Code 699 from our website. End of this page we have provided a direct link to check and download your HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019. Here we have dedicated this page to update all the Latest result link regarding the HPSSSB Results 2019. Applicants can make use of this page to get your results on time.
Latest Updates: The Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board has released Final Result, Cut off Marks, Selection List, and the Waiting list for the Post of Clerk on 23rd September 2019. Get Direct link from the below sections.
HPSSSB Clerk Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result, Total Marks, Cut off Marks for the recruitment of 22 posts {General(UR)=03, OBC(UR)=02(on regular basis), OBC(WFF)=01, SC(UR)=04 &ST(UR)=12} of Clerk (on Regular/contract basis) Post Code: 627 on 23rd September 2019. Applicants can check and download your results from the below link. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Clerk Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Clerk Final Result 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Clerk Revised Cut off Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Clerk Waiting List 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Preservation Assistant Final Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 01 post {SC (UR) =01} of Preservation Assistant (on contract basis) Post Code: 597 on 03rd September 2019. Recently the HPSSSB has announced the Preservation Assistant Final Result, Screening Test Marks, Cut off Marks, Total Marks, and Waiting List on 03rd September 2019. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Preservation Assistant Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Preservation Assistant Final Result 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Preservation Assistant Screening Test Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Preservation Assistant Total Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Preservation Assistant Cut off Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Preservation Assistant Waiting list 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Inspector Final Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission declared the final result for the recruitment of 04 posts {General (UR)=02, OBC(UR)=01 & SC(UR)=01} of Inspector (Hotels) (on contract basis) Post Code: 557 on 02nd September 2019. Recently the HPSSSB has announced the Inspector (Hotels) Final Result, Screening Test Marks, Cut off Marks, Total Marks, and Waiting List on 02nd September 2019. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Inspector (Hotels) Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Inspector Final Result 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Inspector Screening Test Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Inspector Total Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Inspector Cut off Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Inspector Waiting list 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Assistant Video Cameraman Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission invited the applications for the recruitment of 01 posts of General(UR) of Assistant Video Cameraman (On contract basis) ( Post Code: 740) on 30th August 2019. Accordingly, 01 post of General (UR) category of Assistant Video Cameraman, Post Code: 740 remained vacant due to nonavailability of suitable candidates. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Inspector (Hotels) Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Assistant Video Cameraman Final Result 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Final Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 02 posts {OBC(UR)=01 & SC(UR)=01)} of Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) (on contract basis) Post Code: 596 on 30th August 2019. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Final Result 2019
HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Final Result 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Screening Test Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Total Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Cut off Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archives) Waiting list 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Final Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 02 posts {General (UR) =02} of Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) (on contract basis) Post Code: 595 on 29th August 2019. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Final Result 2019
HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Final Result 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Screening Test Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Total Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Cut off Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Junior Technical Assistant (Archaeology & Museum) Waiting list 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Medical Laboratory Technician Grade-II Waiting List 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission has declared the waiting list for the post of Medical Laboratory Technician Grade-II Post Code: 627 on 23rd August 2019. Applicants can check and download your results from the below link. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Medical Laboratory Technician Grade-II Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Medical Laboratory Technician Grade-II Waiting List 2019
HPSSSB Medical Laboratory Technician Grade-II Waiting List 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Clerk Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result, Total Marks, Cut off Marks for the recruitment of 22 posts {General(UR)=03, OBC(UR)=02(on regular basis), OBC(WFF)=01, SC(UR)=04 &ST(UR)=12} of Clerk (on Regular/contract basis) Post Code: 627 on 21st August 2019. Applicants can check and download your results from the below link. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Clerk Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Clerk Final Result 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Clerk Screening Test Result 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Clerk Total Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Clerk Cut off Marks 2019 – Click Here HPSSSB Clerk Waiting List 2019 – Click Here
HPSSSB Fisheries Officer Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today 17th August 2019 declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 04 posts { Gen (UR)-04} of Fisheries Officer (on contract basis) Post Code: 589 held on 12th May 2019 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:3) by the Hon'ble Commission. Applicants can check and download your results from the below link. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Fisheries Officer Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB Librarian Result 2019 – Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today 16th August 2019 declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 01 posts { Gen (UR)-01} of Librarian (on contract basis) Post Code: 587 held on 14th May 2019 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:4) by the Hon'ble Commission. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Librarian Posts can verify your result from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB JEE Waiting List 2019 – All the Exam participants can check the Himachal Pradesh JEE Waiting list 2019 from this page. As per the approval of the Apex Commission, the result of the next 02 candidates {General UR)=01 & OBC (BPL)=01} for the post of Junior Environmental Engineer (Post Code-688) from the waiting panel is hereby notified for further recommendation. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Junior Environmental Engineer Posts can verify their waiting list from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB PET Waiting List 2019 – All the Exam participants can check the Himachal Pradesh PET Waiting list 2019 from this page. As per the approval of the Apex Commission, the result of the next 01 candidates of General (UR) category for the post of Physical Education Teacher (on contract) Post Code 571 from the waiting panel is hereby notified for further recommendation. Now, Everyone, those who have appeared for the Physical Education Teacher Posts can verify their waiting list from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019 – All the Exam participants can check the Himachal Pradesh TGT Arts Result 2019 from this page. As per the approval of the Apex Commission, the result of a written objective type screening test held on 11th May 2019 for the recruitment of 490 posts of TGT (Arts) (on contract basis). Currently, Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board has released the HPSSSB TGT Arts Final Result 2019 on 08th August 2019. Now, Everyone those who have appeared for the TGT Arts Posts can verify their results from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB TGT Non-Medical Result 2019 – The Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board has recently announced the TGT Non-Medical Result – TGT Arts Final Result 2019 Post Code 699 on 02nd August 2019. Applicants those who have applied for the HPSSSB TGT Non-Medical Recruitment can check and download your result from the below link. Apart from this, all the candidates can get the complete details regarding HPSSSB TGT Arts Final Result 2019 Post Code 699 from the official website i.e,
HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019 – All the Exam participants can check the Himachal Pradesh TGT Arts Result 2019 from this page. As per the approval of the Apex Commission, the result of a written objective type screening test held on 11th May 2019 for the recruitment of 490 posts of TGT (Arts) (on contract basis). Currently, Himachal Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board has released the HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019 on 26th June 2019. Now, Everyone those who have appeared for the TGT Arts Posts can verify their results from the official website i.e,
We heard that many candidates from Himachal Pradesh had participated in the exam which held on 11th May 2019. All the candidates who had participated in the exam must check the HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019. Moreover, the officials of Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSSB) has released the HPSSSB Trained Graduate Teacher Result 2019.
HPSSSB TGT Arts Cut Off Marks 2019 will be announced by the officials only. Candidates can check the HPSSSB TGT Arts Cut Off Marks 2019 from the official portal. Basically, the officials of Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission (HPSSSB) will declare the HPSSSB TGT Arts Cut Off Marks 2019. Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission is the minimum marks that a candidate can obtain. The officials will shortlist the candidates based on the HPSSSB TGT Arts Cut Off Marks 2019.
HPSSSB TGT Arts Merit List 2019 | HPSSSB Results 2019
The HPSSSB TGT Arts Merit List 2019 contains the list of Qualified candidates. Also, the candidates who secure the top marks in the exam had displayed in the HPSSSB TGT Arts Merit List 2019. The candidates who are sure about their performance can have a chance to be placed in HPSSSB TGT Arts Merit List 2019. We suggest the candidates check the HPSSSB TGT Arts Merit List 2019 from the official website or on this page. Moreover, the officials are going to release the HPSSSB TGT Arts Merit List 2019 at the time of Results. All the participants can check the HPSSSB TGT Arts Merit List 2019 from the official portal.
Steps to check HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019
Visit the official website of HPSSSB i.e,
In the home page click on the Results tab
A new page will be open
Click on the result of written test for the post of TGT (Arts) (Postcode-699) link
HPSSSB TGT Arts Result 2019 pdf will be open
Applicants can check & download the results for further reference.
TNPSC Group 4 Result 2019 | Get Tamil Nadu PSC Exam Result for Group IV Services Result@ – The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is going to release the Group IV Services Examination Result. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission has conducted the Group 4 Combined Civil Services Exam on 01st September 2019 and the Applicants those who have written the Exam can get the Result link from the below section. All the exam participants will soon receive the TNPSC Group Exam Result Date. We advise the applicants to keep track on this page to get TNPSC CCSE Exam Updates.
TNPSC Group 4 Result 2019 – Get Latest Updates
Here on this page, we will help you out with the TNPSC Group 4 Combined Civil Services Result 2019. A huge number of candidates are waiting for the TNPSC Group Result latest updates. We will constantly update all the latest news and TNPSC Group Result link on this article. Along with the Results, we will update the direct link for the TNPSC Group cut off Marks and provided some steps to download TNPSC Group IV Result @ All the applicants can check and download your results with the help of Admit card details like Registration number wise and Name wise Results. TNPSC Group 4 2019 Selection process consists of Written Test and Personal Interview.
TNPSC Group 4 Results 2019 – Overview
TNPSC Group 4 Updates | Check Combined Civil Services Cut Off Marks, Merit List
Organization Name
Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission
Exam Name
Combined Group IV Civil Services Exam 2019
Post Name
Village Administrative Officer, Junior Assistant (Non – Security), Junior Assistant (Security), Bill Collector Grade I, Field Surveyor, Draftsman, Typist, Steno-Typist (Grade – III))
Minimum Qualifying Marks for selection (All Communities) Minimum Qualifying Marks for selection (All Communities)
90 Marks
Official Website
Applicants those who are searching for the TNPSC Group 4 Result link can get the direct link from the below table. Also from the above table applicants can get the complete details of TNPSC Group 4 Updates. Here we have mentioned the Exam details, Result date, and the TNPSC Group 4 Results official website link result. Also, we will mention the TNPSC Group 4 Certificate Verification Date, Interview Schedule date after the Result announcement. Therefore, candidates are advised to keep their admit cards or hall tickets ready in advance before trying to check or access the results online. Also, applicants should check the TNPSC CCSE Group IV Cut Off for the Next round.
TNPSC Group 4 Exam will play a major role in the Selection process. The applicants should get the TNPSC Group Result 2019 Cut off Marks and should attain into the TNPSC Group IV Merit list. So the candidates will get a higher priority at the time of the interview process. TNPSC Group IV Result login page is hosted on the official website of the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission i.e. TNPSC, to ensure easy accessibility to it for the candidates. However, candidates who are not familiar with the online checking process for TNPSC Group IV Result name list can follow the steps provided below. Along with the CCSE Group 4 result, candidates can check your TNPSC Group 4 Answer Key from the below table.
TNPSC Group 4 Cut off Marks 2019
Applicants can check the TNPSC Group 4 Cut Off Marks at here. The Department will be announcing cut off marks in the last week of September 2019. The Tamil Nadu PSC Group IV service expected Cut Off list which is announcing by the commission before the declaration of result. Each contender who will participate in the exam can download your TNPSC Group 4 Cut Off Marks 2019. Here cutoff list is called as a scorecard of an exam. The cut off marks are a very important part of the exam, through this a contender can check the minimum required marks to qualify for an examination.
(Previous Year) TNPSC Junior Assistant Cut off Marks
Click Here To Check TNPSC Group IV service Expected Cut Off Marks [Available Soon]
Also, applicants should check the TNPSC Group 4 Minimum Qualifying Marks 2019 Details and Tamil Nadu PSC Group IV Cut off Marks 2019 to get more knowledge about the Results. Applicants can check TNPSC Group Result Current news on this page.
TNPSC Group 4 Minimum Passing Marks for Typist Jobs (Previous Year)
Male Marks
Female Marks
How to check TNPSC Group IV Results 2019?
Visit the official website of Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission i.e,
On the home page search for the TNPSC Group IV Result link
Find and click on Group 4 Result login
Then it will be redirected to a new page and click on 'Tamil Nadu PSC Group IV Exam Result' option
Enter your Registration number in the provided fields
Click on the search button, Then TNPSC Group IV Exam Result displayed on the screen
Download or take a print out of the result for further reference.
UPSRTC Recruitment 2019 – Apply Online for 111 Contract Operator Vacancies. Uttar Pradesh State Road Transportation Corporation recently published the notification to fill up Contract Operator vacancies. The Starting date to submit your applications for Vacancy 2019 is 23rd September 2019. Aspirants who have passed 12th class can apply for UPSRTC Bharti 2019 Jobs before the closing date 29th September 2019.
Candidates willing to apply for 111 Contract Operator vacancies must fulfill the below-provided eligibility conditions. Aspirants can get all the detailed information about educational qualification, age limit criteria, application fee, selection process, pay scale and also how to apply process in this page. Selected candidates will get huge pay scale as per UPSRTC Jobs Notification 2019. The eligible candidates should fill their online application forms before the last date.
About Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation (UPSRTC):
UPSRTC is an open area traveler street transport company giving administrations in the territory of Uttar Pradesh and other abutting states in North India. With an armada size of more than 11833 transports, we work over 13198.76 Lakh kilometers taking into account the movement needs of over 5481.36 Lakh individuals and gaining over Rs.411790.69 Lakh ordinary. Arrangement of sufficient, proficient, well co-ordinated, agreeable and efficient administrations to our travelers, while winning enough for self-sustenance and development, is our motto. The Corporation has been reconstituted on 30.10.03 with the administrations in the province of Uttaranchal firming a different organization. For substantial upkeep and fix of vehicles, reconditioning of significant congregations, remodel of transports and development of bodies on the new frame, two Central workshops have been built up in Kanpur
The administration of UPSRTC is finished by the Board of Directors through its Managing Director who is the Executive Head. The Board is going by the Chairman and comprises of in any event 5 or at most 17 Directors, out of whom 33% are from the Central government and 66% from the state government. For effective working, the partnership has been partitioned into 20 districts of which 1 locale works urban and sub-urban administrations. Every district has a local workshop where real fix and support fill in just as get together reconditioning work is performed. The all outnumber of warehouses in the company is 115, including vehicle area. Every stop has a terminal workshop joined to it to give strong support offices.
Bihar ITICAT Result 2019 – Check Bihar ITICAT 2st Round Allotment Result 2019 Declared @ | Dear Folks!! Here we have a piece of good news for you. As per the notification on the official website, Bihar ITICAT Allotment Result 2019 has been Declared. The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) has officially announced the counseling and allotment schedule. The Bihar ITI 02nd Allotment Result 2019 was declared on 23rd September 2019 online on the official website. Applicants those who have participated in the counseling process for Bihar ITICAT Seat Allotment 2019, can now log onto to check their selection or allotment status.
Bihar ITICAT Result 2019 @ Declared
Currently, the provisional seat allotment results for the First Counseling Round has been released by the BCECEB. The official portal of BCECEB will keep the link to download Bihar ITICAT Allotment Order 2019 active until 10th September 2019. So, candidates are advised to download their allotment orders for BCECEB ITICAT 2019 before it gets expires. Also, Applicants should download the Allotment Letters and based on the Allotment list, applicants will be called for the Document Verification and Admission Process from 11th September 2019 to 17th September 2019. To download your ITI Allotment Result 2019 easily, we have provided a direct link from the below table.
Bihar ITICAT 2nd Round Seat Allotment Result 2019 – Overview
BCECE Counseling, Merit List and Result Date 2019 with Seat Round wise Allotment
The allotment result has been declared for Industrial Training Institutes Common Admission Test (ITICAT) and provisional allotment letters have also been issued to selected candidates through the official portal. As the Bihar ITI Allotment Result 2019 have been published online, candidates will have to log onto the official website to check their results and download the allotment orders. To help candidates, the detailed step-wise procedure has been listed below following which candidates will be able to download their allotment letters easily.
Bihar ITI counseling merit list 2019 has also published and applicants can get ITICAT 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Round Allotment Letter and Result. The Date of First, Second, and third Merit lists are 28 August, 10 September and 22 September 2019. The 2nd Round Seat Allotment Result and Letter is releasing on 10 September 2019.
To help students access Bihar ITICAT 1st Round Seat Allotment Results easily, a step-by-step process has been listed down using which candidates can download their Seat allotment. candidates will need their login credentials to access the Bihar ITICAT Allotment Result 2019. Candidates are therefore advised to keep their login details ready in advance to be able to check the results easily.
How to check Bihar ITICAT Allotment Result 2019 online?
Visit the official website of Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB):
On the home page, Locate Login Window on the Website
Overthere, Select your program type from the dropdown menu
Enter your Exam Roll Number, Password
And enter the Security Code as shown on the page
Click on Sign In Button
Check Allotment Letter displayed on the screen
Now, Download Bihar ITICAT Allotment Result 2019 for future reference
Take a printout of the allotment results for future reference
KSP Result 2019: The Karnataka State Police announces the Result for Various KSP Recruitment 2019 Soon. The Candidates who appeared for the Karnataka State Police Exam can start to check there Result when releases. However, we provide a direct link to check your KSP Result below. Get links for various Karnataka Recruitment 2019 individually below. Also, aspirants can visit the official website i.e., for more details on KSP Results 2019.
KSP Police Constable Provisional Selection List Out@ – Men & Women Provisional Selection List: Karnataka State Police (KSP) officials had declared the KSP Police Constable Provisional Selection List 2019 on 18th September 2019. All the participants can check the KSP Result 2019 from the below given direct link. So, the candidates those who appeared for the KSP Police Constable Exam 2019 check their result here.
KSP Police Constable Provisional Selection List 2019
KSP Police Constable Provisional List Release Date
18th September 2019
KSP Official Website
KSP Police Constable Provisional Selection List 2019 – Click Here
KSP Police Sub Inspector Provisional Selection List Out@ – Men & Women Provisional Selection List: Karnataka State Police (KSP) officials had declared the KSP Police Sub Inspector Provisional Selection List 2019 on 18th September 2019. Moreover, the officials had conducted the Viva Voce on 24th April 2019 for 190 Police Sub Inspector Posts. All the participants can check the KSP Result 2019 from the below given direct link. So, the candidates those who appeared for the KSP Police Sub Inspector Exam 2019 check their result here.
KSP Police Sub Inspector Provisional Selection List 2019
KSP Police Sub Inspector Provisional List Release Date
18th September 2019
KSP Official Website
KSP Police Sub Inspector Provisional Selection List 2019 – Click Here KSP Police Sub Inspector Range Wise Provisional Selection List – Click Here Interview Result & Marks – Click Here
KSP Civil Police Constable Result 2019 Released @ – Men & Women Provisional Selection List, Cut Off & Merit List: Karnataka State Police (KSP) officials had declared the KSP Civil Police Constable Selection List 2019 on 09th September 2019. Moreover, the officials had conducted the exam on 27 January 2019 for 2113 Civil Police Constable Posts. All the participants can check the KSP Result 2019 from the below given direct link. So, the candidates those who appeared for the KSP Civil Police Constable Exam 2019 check their result here.
KSP Civil Police Constable Result 2019 – Click Here KSP Civil Police Constable Provisional Selection List Bengaluru City – Click Here KSP Civil Police Constable Provisional Selection List Bengaluru District – Click Here
Special Reserved Police Constable & Police Constable Result 2019 – Karnataka Special Reserve Police Constable Result 2019 Released!!! Direct link available here to check and download the KSP Civil Police Constable Final Selection List 2019 Pdf. Candidates can check the KSP Special Constable Result from the below link. Applicants just by clicking the below link to get your Special Reserved Police Constable & Police Constable Result. Moreover, applicants can get complete details about Special Reserved Police Constable from the official website i.e,
Special Reserved Police Constable & Police Constable Result 2019 – Click Here
Karnataka State Police Armed Police Constable Result 2019- Karnataka State Armed Police Constable Recruitment Result has declared now. The KSP Recruitment announced the Result online. So, candidates can check the KSP Result form the link given below. Here we have provided a direct link to download your Armed Police Constable Selection list 2019.
Karnataka State Police Armed Police Constable Result 2019 – Click Here
KSP Jailor & Warder Exam Result 2019 – Karnataka State Police (KSP) officials decided to release the KSP Jailor Result 2019, KSP Warder Result 2019 on the official site @ through online mode. Also, candidates can get the quick link here to enclose the results. Make a note that the KSP Jailor, Warder Result 2019 link will be activated tentatively in the month of July 2019. Moreover, we provide detailed information about the KSP Cut Off Marks 2019, KSP Merit List 2019. Along with the stepwise procedure to download the KSP Jailor Result 2019, KSP Warder Result 2019. Check your results via the link mentioned below.
The Karnataka State Police Cut off is given along with the Result. Generally, the KSP selection Process will be having a Written Test, Physical Fitness, and Personal Interview rounds. Also, the cut off is given for the Written Exam by the authorities based on some factors category wise. Here we give a link to download your KSP Cut off 2019. So, keep visiting the page for more updates on KSP Recruitment 2019.
Karnataka Police Recruitment Merit List & Final Result
The Merit list is given by the Board after taking the Cut off and gives the list of candidates those who eligible for the next level of the Selection Process. Similarly, the Final Result is the Final Selection List of candidates eligible for the respective KSP Posts.
Steps to check the KSP Result 2019
Click on the link given below.
We Redirect you to the KSP Result page.
Look for the respective Result link
Open the link and enter the login details
Press the Submit Button
The KSP Result is displayed on a new page
Take Xerox Copy or save as PDF for Further References.
Keep the Result copy safe until the end of the selection.
HSSC Recruitment 2019 Notification – Apply Online for 4322 Health Department Vacancies. Haryana Staff Selection Commission is planned to engage 4322 eligible Candidates for Various Posts. This HSSC Job Alert Notification is to fill vacancies in the Health Department. Job seekers looking for Government jobs in Haryana Staff Selection can use this great opportunity. Aspirants start to apply for the Vacancies without waiting for the last date of submission of the online application form. Online Applications are invited from 20th September 2019.
The application should be submitted through Online Mode. Applications from other mode are not acceptable. candidates will have a job on a regular basis at Haryana. The online application link will be disabled after 09th October 2019. Submit the Applications before the last date. Candidates completed 10th, 12th, Diploma, and Degree can register for the HSSC Recruitment.
HSSC Recruitment 2019 –Apply Online for 754 vacancies. Haryana Staff Selection Commission decided to recruit 754 candidates to fill up vacancies of Operator, Accounts clerk, and Others. Interested and eligible can register for the Haryana Staff Selection Commission Jobs 2019 through Online Mode. Haryana HSSC Recruitment 2019 Apply Online Link will be open from 26th August 2019.
HSSC Recruitment Login for 2978 Vacancies will close on 10th September 2019Extended to 22nd September 2019. The selection process will be done on the basis of Direct Recruitment. Applicant should pay the Applicant fee before the last day 26th September 2019. There are 754 vacancies available at various Departments/ Boards/Corporations. Get more details regarding HSSC Recruitment in this article.
Overview of Haryana SSC Recruitment 2019
Name of the Board
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Number of Vacancies
Name of the Posts
Operator, Accounts clerk, and Other
Apply Mode
Online Mode
Starting Date to Apply
26th August 2019
Last Date to Apply
10th September 2019Extended to 22nd September 2019
Hindi/ Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation/ Higher Bachelor’s Degree in relevant stream from a recognized university/ institution.
Assistant Accountant
Assistant Programmer
Accounts Clerk
Sub Divisional Clerk
Tubewell Operator
Matric with ITI Certificate/ Diploma from Polytechnic in Electrical/ Mechanical
Pipe Fitter
Matric with ITI Certificate
Legal Assistant
Hindi/ Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation/ Higher Graduation and LL.B Professional with experience
Assistant Manager (Electrical)
Hindi/ Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation/ HigherDiploma (First Division)/ Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in a relevant stream/ AMIE (Electrical) with Experience
Assistant Manager (Utility)
Assistant Manager (IA)
Matric with 2 years ITI Certificate/ Diploma
Hindi/ Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation/ Higher Bachelor’s Degree with experience in relevant filed.
Senior Account Clerk
Assistant Revenue clerk
Draftsman Planning
2 years Draftsmanship certificate in (Civil)/ Diploma (Architecture)
Chargeman Mechanical
Matriculation with I.T.I. Certificate & experience in the respective trade
Earth Work Mistry
Matriculation with 2 years experience in relevant field
Matriculation with 3 years Diploma in Civil Engineering with Experience
Draftsman (Civil)
Matriculation/ 10+2, Diploma
Junior Draftsman (Architect Wing)
Hindi/ Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation or Higher
Assistant Draughtsman
Hindi/ Sanskrit as one of the subject in Matriculation or Higher Diploma in Architectural Assistantship
HSSC Recruitment Age Limit:
Minimum Age Limit – 17 Years
Maximum Age Limit – 42 Years
HSSC Jobs Salary Details:
Post Name
Grade Pay
Assistant Manager
Rs. 9300 – Rs. 34800/-
Rs. 4000/-
Assistant Accountant
Assistant Programmer
Legal Assistant
Draftsman Planning
Tubewell Operator
Rs. 5200 – Rs. 20200/-
Rs. 2400/-
Pipe Fitter
Senior Account Clerk
Draftsman (Civil)
Rs. 9300 – Rs. 34800/-
Rs. 3200/-
Accounts Clerk
Rs. 35400 – Rs. 112400/-
Sub Divisional Clerk
Rs. 25500 – Rs. 81100/-
Chargeman Mechanical
Rs. 19900 – Rs. 63200/-
Earth Work Mistry
Assistant Revenue clerk
Rs. 25500 – Rs. 81100/-
Rs. 35400 – Rs. 112400/-
Junior Draftsman (Architect Wing)
Pay Matrix Level-6
Assistant Draughtsman
Rs. 35400/-
Application Fee:
There is No Application Fee for Ex-Servicemen/ PWD Candidates of Haryana.
Category of the Post
SC/ BC candidates of Haryana state
Male/ Female
Female of Haryana Resident only
1, 2, 3, 6 to 9, 11, 13, 14, 29, 30, 31 & 33
Rs. 150/-
Rs. 75/-
Rs. 35/-
Rs. 18/-
4, 5, 10, 12, 15 to 28 & 32
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 25/-
Rs. 13/-
HSSC Recruitment 2019 Selection Process:
Written Examination.
How to Apply Online for HSSC Jobs 2019?
Visit Official Website of Haryana Staff Selection Commission.
Register for the HSSC Recruitment
Fill the required details asked in the application form.
Upload scanned copies of photograph and signature.
Enclose the copies of relevant documents regarding education and experience.
Finish the Online Payment process for the HSSC Recruitment.
Haryana Staff Selection Commission (prior Subordinate Services Selection Board) is comprised according to the stipulation of Article 309 of the constitution of India, vide Haryana Government Notification No.523-3GS-70/2068, dated 28.01.1970. Through it was conceded statutory status of Haryana Staff Selection Commission vide Haryana Govt. Journal Notification dated 28.02.2005.
The Commission conducts assessments/interviews for arrangements to Group ‘C’ benefits and might be called up on to lead assessment/meet for arrangement to Group ‘B’ and ‘D’ administrations whenever required by the State Government. The Commission gadgets the method of determination and fixed criteria for choice to posts as though may esteem suitable divisions send demands to the Commission which are appropriately publicized.
NEW DELHI: After months of lull, old and new telcos on Monday locked horns with Airtel accusing Reliance Jio of "gaming" the system of paying for calls to rival network, a charge that Mukesh Ambani-led firm countered saying incumbents were charging high voice tariffs and manipulating the system to detriment of their users.Without naming Reliance Jio, a senior Airtel official alleged that "one large 4G-only operator" has arbitrarily slashed ring time for outgoing calls to other networks, thereby converting calls into missed calls and triggering a call back.Jio countered the allegation saying it allows ring time of 20 seconds in line with practices by most global operators, including Vodafone of UK.A Jio official said that at least one-fourth of calls landing on the company's network are missed calls as incumbent firms charge high tariffs for making calls, and their customers, therefore, prefer a Jio user to call back using free voice calling available on the network."Therefore, the more efficient operator will end up paying IUC to the less-efficient and costlier operator," the Jio official contended.Typically, a telecom operator pays for completing calls made by its subscribers to a rival network. This is done by paying the rival network an interconnect usage charge (IUC), which currently is 6 paise per minute. The IUC was proposed to be eliminated from January next year but the sector regulator Trai is now reviewing the timeline.An Airtel official alleged that by arbitrarily reducing the ring time, Jio was trying to "game" or manipulate the system so that calls to rival networks become missed calls.This, said the Airtel official, has been done by the 4G-only operator slashing ring time to 20 seconds from the industry practice of 45 seconds. Since the calls are cut-off midway before being answered, it prompts a call back, which "artificially" converts outgoing call to incoming calls on the 4G-only operator's network.And, when that call back happens, Jio earns 6 paise per minute; by gaming the IUC system, the "4G-only operator" is trying to correct the current imbalance where 65 per cent of traffic from its network terminates on rivals' network, the Airtel official alleged."By converting such outgoing calls to incoming calls, one large operator is not only getting IUC from other operators but also trying to reduce the asymmetry of traffic artificially. This is to show symmetry in traffic in the run-up to the proposed implementation of zero IUC with effect from 1.1.2020," the Airtel official alleged.Jio countered this saying, "It is actually the incumbent operators who are gaming the IUC regime by charging their 2G/ 3G customers high voice tariffs, as these customers are not able to move to the efficient 4G operator owing to not having a compatible device."Airtel alleged that slashing of the ring time has also led to customer inconvenience. The charge was countered by Jio saying the incumbent operators have a ringing time of 30 seconds, as opposed to the "false statement" of about 45 seconds."Secondly, globally, most operators have an average ringing time of only 15-20 seconds -- this includes Vodafone UK," Jio official said.The Jio executive further said 25-30 per cent of calls landing onto its network are missed calls."Users from incumbents network who are paying Rs 1.5 a minute for calls request Jio users to make a free voice call to them by giving a missed call, thereby creating this traffic mismatch. Incumbent operators are creating this mismatch and wanting to monetise it too, by asking for 6p a min IUC revenue," the official said adding that if all operators were made to upgrade their networks to 4G and charge their customers at par, there will not be any traffic asymmetry.Stating that IUC was nothing but a subsidy that new operators pay to incumbents, the Jio official said old operators have been "manipulating and misleading" the system to the detriment of the customers & the 'Bill and Keep' regime has still not been implemented in India.
The world's oldest travel firm Thomas Cook collapsed on Monday, stranding more than half a million holidaymakers around the globe and sparking the largest peacetime repatriation effort in British history.The ripples are set to hit the tourism sectors in Mediterranean and North African resorts, leave fuel suppliers out of pocket and further hurt British shopping streets with the closure of hundreds of travel agents.GREECE:About 50,000 tourists are stranded in Greece, mainly on its islands, Greece's tourism minister said as extra flights were booked to ensure their smooth return home. The tourists, most of them Britons, were vacationing on the islands of Zakynthos, Kos, Corfu, Skiathos and Crete.TURKEY:The head of Turkey's Hoteliers Federation said the collapse means Turkey could see 600,000-700,000 fewer tourists annually.Thomas Cook's second-largest shareholder, Neset Kockar, who holds an 8% stake, said the company will be sold fully or in parts. Affiliated Turkish businesses risk losing "a few hundred million pounds" owed to it by Thomas Cook, he added.TUNISIA:Thomas Cook owes Tunisian hotels 60 million euros ($66 million) for stays in July and August, Tourism Minister Rene Trabelsi told Reuters on Monday, adding that 4,500 Thomas Cook customers are still in the country.RIVAL COMPANIES:Shares in rival tour operator TUI Dart Group which runs package holiday company Jet2holidays and budget airlines easyJet and Ryanair rose as investors pinned hopes on the tour operator's closure cutting capacity in the saturated European holiday market.As the only remaining tour operator with a significant UK retail store base and only major fully integrated European tour operator, TUI stands to gain the most, according to Citigroup analysts.The bank reckons Thomas Cook had about 8% of the British market vs TUI's 19% and 10% of the German market compared with TUI's 17%. It had the biggest overlap with easyJet.It may only be a short-term filip though - the woes that crushed Thomas Cook - from Brexit uncertainty to high fuel costs, and a fare war in Germany - will continue to haunt the holiday sector.AIRCRAFT LEASING:Aircraft leasing companies are launching moves to recover dozens of Airbus passenger planes after the collapse, market sources said.SAGA:Saga Plc, the over-50s specialist, said it was securing alternative flights, where possible, for its customers who are due to travel imminently and have been impacted by the collapse of Thomas Cook.ON THE BEACH:Package holiday provider will book a one-time charge for the year as it makes alternate arrangements for passengers affected by the collapse.WEBJET:The Australian company said Thomas Cook owed it approximately 27 million euros as of Sept. 23.BOND AND SHAREHOLDERS:The holders of the company's 2022 euro-denominated bonds worth 662 million euros ($727 million) & shareholders, including its largest, China's Fosun , will be hit.Thomas Cook shares were suspended on the London Stock Exchange on Monday.CREDIT BETS:Holders of Credit Default Swaps (CDS), instruments used to insure exposure to credit, may get paid for their bets against the company. A panel of bankers will decide later on Monday.
Non-resident Indians (NRIs) with valid Indian passport can apply for Aadhaar on arrival, without the 182-day waiting period, with the government issuing a notification in this regard. Following the notification, the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has also come out with a circular stating that "NRI after his arrival in India, shall be entitled to obtain Aadhaar number". The modalities for application remain more or less unchanged, a UIDAI source said adding that NRIs with Indian passport can now apply for biometric ID on arrival or by scheduling a prior appointment, thus doing away with the requirement for a mandatory 182-day waiting period. UIDAI circular said valid Indian passport will be accepted as proof of identity, proof of address (PoA) and date of birth document. "In case NRI's passport does not have Indian address, he shall be allowed to submit any of the other UIDAI-approved PoA documents as proof of address," said the circular issued on Monday. It may be recalled that in her Budget speech on July 5, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had said, "I propose to consider issuing Aadhaar card for non-resident Indians with Indian passports after their arrival in India," without the stipulated waiting period.
MUMBAI: Many companies have stopped expansion plans and are reaching out to tax experts after the corporate tax for new companies has been pegged at 15%. The reason being that instead of investing directly, if a separate entity is formed for the same investment, there could be a tax arbitrage of about 10%.Last Friday, FM Nirmala Sitharaman had announced the lowest corporate tax rate for new manufacturing units that begin production before March 31, 2023. The effective tax rate for such companies could be around 17%, including surcharge.Tax experts said most companies that have expansion plans, including the ones in pharma and engineering sectors, are evaluating setting up new entities to take advantage of the lower tax structure."A 10% tax arbitrage is huge for any business, and several companies would be looking at creating new fully owned legal entities from where dividend can be received and dividend distribution tax (DDT) can be set off so there is no leakage of tax. As far as reconstructing of business is concerned, there is a Supreme Court order that defines what constitutes reconstructing of business and companies will have to create structures that don't flout these norms," said Dinesh Kanabar, CEO of tax consultancy Dhruva Advisors.Talks on with tax consultantsThe current regulations say that the new investment cannot be "restructuring", but allow fresh capital expenditure through a new legal entity. Companies will have to deal with cash management, dividend distribution tax, increased compliance among other things if they form new companies to get the 15% tax benefit.Many major companies are weighing this option but the inclination to save tax seems to be overpowering other considerations for now, said industry insiders.A major pharma company, for instance, that was looking to set up a new unit has just halted its plans. It is now planning to set up a 100%-owned subsidiary that would be done as a new entity from where the investment will be made.Industry trackers said some conditions will have to be met so that the taxman doesn't harass companies in the coming years, if this route has to be explored."While companies can avail 15% tax rate by making capital expenditure through a new legal entity, they have to be mindful that this is not a restructuring and even the new company shouldn't have borrowed money from existing entity or even customers can't be moved to the new company. Apart from that, several other factors like cash management, DDT and business cycles in the sector and the amount of time to break even will have to be taken into consideration as well," said Girish Vanvari, founder, Transaction Square.Another pharma company — that was looking to expand its facility to manufacture a new drug and had almost finalised the project before the announcement came in — has now reached out to its tax consultants. It is considering whether the same investment can be carried out through a separate legal entity.However, if this has to be done, the company needs a robust tax structure and will have to meet all the preconditions set by the government.71268484 Condition on existing employeesOne of the conditions that companies will have to take care of is that they do not use the same plant and machinery in the new entity. Not only that, the new entity cannot have more than 20% of existing employees and will have to look out for new customers as well."Many companies are contemplating that they create new legal entities, but they will have to buy new plant and machinery and find new clients or customers, otherwise it can be categorised as restructuring of business. Also, there is no revenue loss for tax department if investment is done through new entities as that seems to be the objective of the government for this regulation," said Amit Singhania, partner, Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas.Insiders point out that there is a fear that some companies may sell off their existing assets only to be bought by the new entity, but that will come under the taxman's scrutiny. Industry experts said the taxman can even use General Anti Avoidance Rule (GAAR), an anti-avoidance rule, to make sure companies do not evade tax. "The 15% or 17% tax rate is the best rate that a company can avail. Companies going for this route should also be mindful of GAAR as it will have to demonstrate that the new legal entity is not merely a front of the old company," said Kanabar.A person with direct knowledge of the matter said some of the major manufacturing companies, including those in the auto sector, are also exploring this route. Many auto companies may set up new facilities for their upcoming new products as well. "However, this route could first be explored for smaller investments mainly for auto components," the person said.
NEW DELHI: State electricity regulatory commissions will have to explain the delay in tariff revisions, inadequate compensation to power distribution companies and deferred revenue over the last three financial years to the Appellate Tribunal for Electricity (Aptel). "We direct all the state and joint regulatory commissions to furnish the necessary information to the secretary of Forum of Regulators, who shall in turn file compilation of compliance reports before this tribunal. This exercise is to be completed on or before 31.10.2019," the tribunal ordered on Monday.The bench comprising Aptel chairperson Manjula Chellur, besides technical members SD Dubey and Ravindra Kumar Verma, passed the order on Monday based on recommendations of eight amicus curiae. The bench had on September 8 appointed eight independent legal professionals called 'amicus curiae' to assist the court in resolving the issues plaguing the power sector. The next hearing has been fixed for November 1, 2019.Government data shows Rs 52, 546 crore outstanding payments to power companies at the end of June while there are Rs 1.40 lakh crore deferred tariff hikes allowed by various state regulators. This is in contravention to an earlier Aptel order passed in 2011 asking them to refrain from creating revenue gaps and deferred tariff hikes.Aptel had also ordered the state regulatory commissions to start suo-moto proceedings in case state power distribution companies do not file petitions for adequate tariff revision in time every year. Aptel observed that regulators have not reported compliance of this order after 2014.The regulators have allowed deferred tariff hikes, which cumulatively add up to Rs 1.40 lakh crore presently. Delayed tariff hikes cause loss of income and force the discoms to borrow heavily, although they are reflected in the balance sheet as 'regulatory assets'. Regulatory assets are estimated to have increased by almost Rs 60,000 crore between FY14 and FY18, raising questions on independent operations of electricity regulatory commissions and power distribution firms. The present matter was initiated suo-motu by the tribunal in continuation of an old matter of 2011 pertaining to irregular tariff revisions by regulatory commissions. That case was started by Aptel on the basis of a letter received from the ministry of power. The power ministry had in July written to the tribunal too, flagging concerns on lack of tariff revision in states and agreeing for deferred tariff hikes called regulatory assets by electricity regulatory commissions in states.The tribunal has been hearing matters pertaining to non-payment of generators' dues by Tamil Nadu and cases related to renegotiation of the renewable power contracts by Andhra Pradesh government.Meanwhile, the power ministry has asked discoms to ensure they maintain bank guarantees against offtake from power plants since August 1 to stop further piling-up of dues.
NEW DELHI: The Competition Commission on Monday said it has approved the restructuring of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd's pharmacy business and its subsequent acquisition by certain investors.Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Ltd (AHEL) in November 2018 had announced that it would divest its front-end pharmacy business to Apollo Pharmacy for a lump sum cash consideration of Rs 527.8 crore as part of a restructuring exercise.Following the transaction, Apollo Pharmacy Ltd (APL) will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of Apollo Medicals Pvt Ltd (AMPL) in which AHEL will have a 25.5 per cent stake.The other three investors in AMPL will be ENAM Securities with 44.7 per cent stake, Jhelum Investment Fund 1 with 19.9 per cent stake and Hemendra Kothari with 9.9 per cent stake, it had said.The Competition Commission of India (CCI) in a tweet on Monday said it "approves restructuring of pharmacy business of Apollo Hospitals Enterprise Limited and its subsequent acquisition by Enam Securities Private Limited, Jhelum Investment Fund I, and Hemendra Kothari".Under the new structure, AHEL will be the exclusive supplier for APL under a long-term supplier agreement. AHEL will enter into a brand licensing agreement with APL to license the "Apollo Pharmacy" brand to the front-end stores and online pharmacy operations.The move followed a review of long-term strategy for both health care services and standalone pharmacies of the company, the firm had said.Besides, in a separate tweet on Monday, the fair trade regulator said it "approves acquisition of up to 25.02 per cent share of Federal-Mogul Goetze by Icahn Enterprises, American Entertainment and IEH FMGI Holdings".Federal-Mogul Goetze is engaged in the manufacture and sale of auto components in India, used for automotive, locomotive and industrial applications, a combination notice filed with CCI said.Icahn Enterprises and American Entertainment Properties Corp are diversified holding companies engaged in various businesses including investment, automotive, and energy among others, while IEH FMGI Holdings is a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Entertainment, it added.
By Divya PatilTwo Indian state-owned lenders withdrew rupee-denominated debt sales as fears of an additional government borrowing in the wake of the $20 billion tax-cut booster led to an increase in financing costs.Power Finance Corp. pulled a sale of three-year notes of as much as 50 billion rupees ($705 million) on Friday and Bank of Baroda delayed its plan to sell as much as 16.50 billion rupees perpetual debt on Monday. Coupon bids received by both issuers topped their expectations, people familiar with the matter said."Due to a surprise change in the government's policy regarding corporate tax during the course of our issuance, there was a lot of uncertainty in the market," Kamal Mahajan, head of treasury and global markets at Bank of Baroda said by email. "We expect a better rate when the market stabilizes. We will come with our issuance at an appropriate time."71263948 The average yield on top-rated 10-year corporate bond jumped 15 basis points Friday to 7.94%, the biggest single-day gain since January, data compiled by Bloomberg show. The surge mirrored a spike in sovereign bonds after the unexpected cut in corporate tax raised the specter of missing deficit targets.Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd., the lone company that priced its notes after the announcement of the tax cuts, had to pay a coupon rate of 8%. That's higher than the weighted average coupon of 7.89% on all its rupee notes. It priced 10 billion rupees by 10-year bonds on Friday.Key Points:Indian companies have sold 1.26 trillion rupees of local-currency bonds so far this quarter, down 25% from the same period a year ago: Bloomberg-compiled dataSales of rupee bonds rated below AAA have more than halved this year to 725 billion rupees as a wave of debt defaults and a funding crunch in the shadow banking sector make investors reluctant to buy riskier notes
Go for stock picking in oil & gas, FMCG, capital goods and auto in the next 4 to 6 months, says Gautam Shah, Director And Chief Technical Analyst, JM Financial. Excerpts from an interview with ETNOW. What are your own internal estimates and targets that you are placing on the index now? Have you revised them?We have been optimistic on the markets for the last many weeks now. The fact is that Nifty was unable to move below 10,600, which we thought was a very important medium- term support, That was a very positive, very encouraging development because prior to last Friday, you had a very pessimistic scenario at the marketplace. Midcaps were in a very bad shape. But this comeback of the last couple of days, pretty much breaks the shackles and tells us that the medium term uptrend has indeed resumed. The market saw a very large dip of about 1,500 points from that level of 12,100 and while this dip has happened, the market has digested the rally of the last one, one and a half years and therefore I would want to believe that this move would continue. However, if you look at the index itself, it might just take a little bit of a breather because to put things simply, in the last six weeks, the Nifty was in the range of 10,650 to 11,550. If that is the 500 point breakout, then the level that we were working with on the upside for this leg of the move was about 11,650. Today's high is around that 11,650 mark and from there, we have seen some profit-booking. The Nifty and the Bank Nifty and the Sensex might just get into a sort of range, take a bit of a breather and going forward, it is just going to be all about stocks. The real action is going to be in the midcap space. The index is currently trading at about 16,600 points and I am looking at a 2,000-point rally for that index over the next two, two and a half months. The biggest opportunities in the current market is actually in the broader space -- midcap and smallcap space. For the Nifty itself, we could have formed a nice short-term base around the 11,300 mark. Over the medium term, we are likely to challenge 12,100 once again. But maybe not in the same breath. There could be some back and forth action before we actually get there. Where do you see the maximum contribution coming from? Do you believe consumption, which has been so beaten down, will generate higher alpha for you?Yes it does look like. Just a week back, there was a scenario where apart from IT, everything was coming off. There were no major sectors that were leading the market recovery and every time the Nifty attempted to get pass 11,000, the fact that there was no leadership did not lead to a sustainable rally. But with what has happened in the last two or three days, it is pretty much a game changer move because now suddenly a lot of sectors which were lying in a range, which were underperforming are coming back very strongly. Banks will definitely do well but just for the time being 30,200 was our working number. Today morning, we got there and it has seen a bit of a cool off. So to be chasing prices after such a big move of the last two days, might not be a very prudent thing. I would wait for some cool-off. Everybody wants to get in because there were too many fence sitters but you need to be a little rational. The banks look great. Our bigger target is about 32,000 and eventually we will get there over the next six weeks. But apart from that, all the segments of the market which did not do too badly while the markets fell are the ones that are likely to run up. So oil and gas is right up there. FMCG is right up there. Capital goods as a space is likely to do well. Autos as an index lost 40% in the last 9 to 12 months. The BSE auto index seems to have bottomed out around 15,500 and there is a lot of scope of recovery. In fact, I see bottoming patterns in many of the large auto stocks. So there is clearly a lot of alpha to be made in many of these three or four sectors which I mentioned. But as I said earlier, the best bet is going to be midcaps. I think stock picking is really going to be the key over the next four to six months. Where do you find opportunities within autos let us take that to start with?Unfortunately, I cannot talk about specific stocks but I think the top five names, many stocks have lost about 60-65% in the last many months. I think all of these underperformers of the last six months are likely to make a major-major come back. So without taking names I would actually buy the underperformers at these levels. What about the pockets of the market that are lagging – IT, select pharma -- would you leave them behind given that there's so much more opportunity?Yes I think so. It makes sense to leave them behind because people are now moving out of spaces where they were hiding for the last six months I think that is quite visible given what IT has done in the last two days, probably the only index which has not gained. So it is quite clear that people are getting into risk on mode and this mode might just remain for the next many weeks to many months. So yes avoid IT, avoid pharma. There are much better pockets in the market. From January 2018 to August 2019, 57% of the market -- all the stocks listed on the NSE - had lost more than 50%. So you can imagine the kind of scope there is for recovery and a lot of stocks will do well. The only point is do not see how much they have gone up from the lows. See how much they have fallen from the highs and that will make investors case much easier to buy them even at current prices.
NEW DELHI: Microblogging site Twitter said on Monday it was unveiling a new policy to prohibit financial scams on the service. As per the company's new financial scams policy, using scam tactics on Twitter to obtain money or private financial information is prohibited.The company said users are not allowed to create accounts, post tweets, or send direct messages that solicit engagement in fraudulent schemes. Examples of prohibited, deceptive tactics under the new policy include relationship/trust building scams, money flipping schemes, fraudulent discounts and phishing scams.Twitter said the consequences for violating the new policy will depend on the type and severity of the violation as well as the previous history of the violations. The actions the company may take could include locking of accounts, blacklisting URLs, tweet deletions and temporary account locks, and also permanent suspension.A Twitter spokesperson said the policy is aligned to support the efforts of government of India to combat online financial frauds."We're announcing a policy expansion to prohibit financial scams on Twitter. This expansion enables us to take effective action against financial scams that deceive others into sending them money or personal financial information via scam tactics, phishing, or other fraudulent or deceptive methods," the spokesperson added.Twitter had detailed its platform manipulation and spam policy in March 2019, but the platform manipulation and spam violations at the time had not specified financial frauds. It could not be ascertained what action has Twitter taken on complaints of financial frauds so far.Twitter however clarified that it takes action on accounts that engage in deceptive scam, phishing or other fraud tactics but that the company does not intervene in financial disputes between individuals who use Twitter such as claims related to the sale of goods on Twitter, disputed refunds from individuals or brands or complaints of poor quality of goods received.The company said under the new policy, users may not deceive others into sending them money or personal financial information by operating a fake account or by posing as a public figure or an organisation. Users may not engage in 'money flipping' schemes like guaranteeing to send someone a large amount of money in return for a smaller initial payment via a wire transfer or a prepaid debt card.Users may not operate schemes which make discount offers to others wherein fulfilment of the offers is paid for using stolen credit cards or stolen financial credentials. Users may also not pose as or imply affiliation with banks or other financial institutions to acquire others' personal financial information. The company said for severe violations, accounts will be permanently suspended at first detection.Examples of severe violation under the new policy will include operating accounts where the majority of behaviour is in violation of the policies, and creating accounts to replace or mimic a suspended account. Users can report violations of the policy by selecting report tweet from the drop down menu and selecting the option 'it's a financial scam' and then selecting the option that best tells the company how the tweet is suspicious or spreading scam.
NASSCOM FutureSkill has signed a memorandum of understanding with Pearson India, a digital learning company, to provide skill training to current and future working professionals.The partnership will also enable a continuous learning framework leading to skill development through NASSCOM's FutureSkills platform for reskilling and upskilling employees in the IT-BPM industry."We are pleased to sign an MoU with Pearson India and this is yet another milestone MoU for NASSCOM FutureSkills. This partnership will help us build a future-ready workforce in IT and contribute meaningfully to the tech sector of the country," Amit Aggarwal, CEO, IT-ITeS Sector Skills Council, NASSCOM said. The demand for digitally skilled professionals is likely to rise to 2.3-2.7 million in fiscal 2023. According to an estimate, out of the 4.5 million professionals employed in the industry currently, around 1.5 to 2 million professionals will require reskilling in the coming four to five years, stated a release issued by Pearson.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah moots idea of all-in-one card Multipurpose identity card will have all utilities as Aadhaar, passport, driving licence, voter card and bank account
83-yr-old man from Punjab gets Master degree Gill says he always felt that his studies were left incomplete which is why he decided to do get the masters degree, a wish budding for 61 years.
Don't play with nature, says Supreme Court to Kerala Chief Secretary Tom Jose Senior advocate Harish Salve who appeared for Chief Secretary sought time to work out a plan of action till Friday.
Bihar Gathbandhan spar over bypoll seats Congress, Rashtriya Janata Dal and Hindustan Awam Morcha, on seat-sharing for the upcoming Assembly by-polls in Bihar seems to be gaining heat.
Govt estimates lower kharif yield this year The ministry has released the estimates after the assessment of production of different crops based on the feedback received from different states.
Construction rules streamlined in Gujarat The State also announced an increased Floor Space Index (FSI) in most cities, with a special FSI to construct landmark buildings in Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Surat and Rajkot.