


- Warface: My.com to Take Over EU / NA Publishing Duties

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 07:06 AM PST

Crytek and My.com have announced a new strategic partnership agreement to publish Warface in both Europe and North America. Crytek will continue in its current role for the development and support of Warface and will be working to bring more content and updates to the game. Current characters and items will carry over to the new publisher in what My.com believes will be a smooth transition. More details will be coming in the near future.

Final Fantasy XIV - The Far Edge of Fate Update Goes Live

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 07:01 AM PST

Square Enix has announced that the next major update to Final Fantasy XIV has been deployed. Called The Far Edge of Fate, the patch brings a number of main scenario quests, a new Alliance Raid, new high-end dungeons, new side quests, PvP updates, a party finder revamp and new glamors into the game.

Earthlock: Festival of Magic - Heading to the PlayStation Store on January 27th

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 06:56 AM PST

PlayStation 4 owners will be pleased to hear that Earthlock: Festival of Magic will be heading to the PlayStation Store beginning January 27th. Players will be able to get physical copies of the game in several regions throughout the world on that date and on February 14th in the United States.

The Exiled - Steam Early Access Dated, Supporter Packs Unveiled

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 06:48 AM PST

The Exiled will be released via Steam Early Access on February 23, 2017. Everyone will be invited to give the game a try for seven days and Supporter packs ($19.99, $39.99 or $79.99) with a variety of in-game bonuses will also be available. Existing supporters will get an advanced sneak-peek at the Steam release at the end of January.

Orcs Must Die: Unchained - Bring Your Friends Because the More the Merrier

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 06:00 AM PST

If a MOBA and the original Orcs Must Die! had an illegitimate love child, Orcs Must Die! Unchained! would undoubtedly be the product of that union. For fans of Orcs Must Die! and Orcs Must Die 2!, this may seem like blasphemy of the highest sort, a defiling of an already amazing game. What were the developers of Robot Entertainment thinking pairing these two up? Have they gone mad?

World of Warships - Next Update Previewed, Setting Sail on January 18th

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 05:24 AM PST

The next update for World of Warships is ready to set sail on January 18th and it comes packed with new content including visual and graphic changes, ship exterior upgrades, and balance updates. Most significantly, players will have the new Elite Commander system to work through that gives access to nineteen new skills and much, much more.

World of Warcraft - Gamers Helping Gamers - Peace With WoW Helps Ease Fears

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 04:37 AM PST

Many gamers are champions of those in need while in game and have often times transferred that helpful spirit to the larger world as well. We have received a tip about a new Patreon project that has been set up to assist a World of Warcraft player suffering from PTSD with the cost of a monthly subscription. Calling it "peace with WoW, the game has become an escape from issues inherent with the diagnosis.

Heroes & Generals - Jetting Into 2017 with Big Plans & 10M Registrations

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 04:16 AM PST

Reto-Moto is ready to take 2017 by storm with a big year ahead for Heroes & Generals. The team is promising more frequent updates that will include new vehicles, planes and equipment that can be used on several new maps that will be arriving a bit later in the year.

Dragon Nest - Arch Heretic Character Announced Along with Massive Update

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 04:12 AM PST

Eyedentity Games is ready to bring a lot of freshness to Dragon Nest with its next update. The patch will bring redesigned heroes, balance alterations and other quality of life improvements. In addition, the advanced Cleric character, the Arch Heretic, will be entering the game.

Elite: Dangerous - SpiderMind Games' Tabletop RPG KickStarter Begins

Posted: 17 Jan 2017 03:59 AM PST

SpiderMind Games has started its KickStarter project to bring a robust tabletop RPG based on Elite: Dangerous to the world. KickStarter funds will be used to fund production and publication of a core manual and four supplements to get players started on galactic domination. Elite: Dangerous RPG will use a D10 skill based system with players starting with a basic ship that can progress throughout the campaign.

Crowfall - Horizontal Harvesting

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 12:02 PM PST

ACE is a developer that is very aware of what they are doing, who they are appealing to and how to get the results they want. They seem to have a firm grasp on how they are going to develop Crowfall. That said change is the only constant. As we've seen these games don't just evolve post launch, they evolve pre-launch as well. The latest example of this is adjusting the idea for resource harvesting.

Overwatch - UnderWatched Ep 4 Relove Relax by Wantaways

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 10:15 AM PST

Ah, Overwatch -- the heroes we love and the heroes that drive us mad. The Carbots team has put together a fun video that spotlights each hero's most annoying ability when we are on the receiving end of it. It's a fun look at the heroes we love to hate.

Gigantic - Exile in the North to Begin with Pakko, the Jolly Brute

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 09:34 AM PST

The Gigantic site has been updated with a brief look at the next hero comig into the game along with the Exile in the North update. Exile in the North will be going live on Thursday, January 19th and will come with Pakko, the "Jolly Brute". Pakko is a "happy-go-lucky" critter that is a melee specialist with a ton of quick moves thanks to high agility.

Guild Wars 2 - An Economic Evolution

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 09:00 AM PST

Gold in Guild Wars 2 was, once upon a time, an incredible valuable and hard to come by currency. As with most MMORPGs, back at launch the influx of gold and rewards was a lot scarcer than what you see today. As a result of a higher income as players got to completing higher end content gold became more and more common for the everyday player, resulting in forced gold sinks and more expensive outlets for your gold.

Conan Exiles - Keeping the Sandbox Filled with Lore

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 08:27 AM PST

The Conan Exiles site has been updated with a new post that details the importance of lore in the game. The world is crafted around the literary works of Robert E. Howard, a world, the post says, that can offer players "an intensely rich universe full of great deeds, dark magic and high adventure". Conan Exiles takes that vision and is inspired by the events between a pair of stories written in the 30s ("Xuthal of the Dusk" and "A Witch Shall be Born").

- Elder Scrolls Legends Chaos Arena to Return January 20th

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 08:01 AM PST

Players of The Elder Scrolls: Legends will be pleased to hear that the Chaos Arena will be making a return beginning Friday, January 20th and will run through Monday, January 23rd. Developers announced that Chaos Arena will be making a monthly appearance from now forward.

Heroes of the Storm - Valeera Sanguinar to Join the Nexus

Posted: 16 Jan 2017 07:49 AM PST

The Heroes of the Storm Twitter account has been updated with the news that Valeera Sanguinar, a Blood Elf assassin from World of Warcraft that has transcended the faction struggle by becoming a companion to Varian Wrynn. "I am neither Horde nor Alliance. What has either faction ever done for me?"

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