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General Gaming Article

Newegg Daily Deals: AMD A10-5800K System, WD Black 4TB HDD, and More!

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 12:16 PM PDT

AMD System

Top Deal:

Summer is officially over, folks. The back-to-school season is in full effect, and that means less time to do the things you like to do. It also means you might not have time to build a budget box for Aunt Mabel, who says she wants a machine for surfing the web and posting to Facebook. No time? No worries, just check out today's top deal for an AMD A10-5800K Trinity System for $250 with free shipping (normally $308; additional $5 mail-in-rebate). This system comes with an AMD A10-5800K quad-core APU clocked at 3.8GHz with Radeon HD 7660D graphics, MSI A68 motherboard, 8GB of Kingston HyperX Fury RAM, 256GB SanDisk Z400s SSD, and a Logisys CS136BK case w/ 480W PSU.

Other Deals:

2x Seagate Barracuda 3TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5-inch Internal Hard Drive Bare Drive for $150 with free shipping (normally $180)

WD Black Series WD2003FZEX 2TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5-inch Internal Hard Drive for $110 with free shipping (normally $119 - use coupon code: [BTEWD1522])

WD Black Series WD3003FZEX 3TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5-inch Internal Hard Drive for $145 with free shipping (normally $150 - use coupon code: [BTEWD1523])

WD Black WD4003FZEX 4TB 7200 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 6.0Gb/s 3.5-inch Internal Hard Drive for $190 with free shipping (normally $196 - use coupon code: [BTEWD1524])

Turtle Beach Targets Gamers of Every Platform with Recon 50 Series

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 10:21 AM PDT

Low frills, low price headset

Turtle Beach Ear Force Recon 50

The iPhone 6s isn't the only piece of tech gear coming out tomorrow (September 25, 2015), so is Turtle Beach's new Ear Force Recon 50 series, which is a new line of headsets for PC (Recon 50), Xbox One (Recon 50X), and PlayStation 4 (Recon 50P).

Turtle Beach didn't go all out with its new Recon 50 line. Instead, this is a budget headset line with a $40 (MSRP) price tag and lightweight design -- according to Turtle Beach, the over-the-ear Recon 50 weighs just seven ounces.

Inside the earcups are 40mm Neodymium speaker drivers. Turtle Beach says they deliver "sizzling highs and thunderous lows," while the synthetic leather-wrapped earcups provide improved bass and noise isolation. At $40 retail, we're a bit skeptical of Turtle Beach's claims here.

The Recon 50 also has an adjustable, high-sensitivity boom mic (non-removable), along with in-line controls with Mic Mute and Master Volume buttons.

Though it's pitched at PC gamers, the Recon 50 can plug into any system with a 3.5mm audio jack, be it a tablet, smartphone, and so forth.

If this is something you're interested in and you absolutely can't wait until tomorrow, Turtle Beach is accepting pre-orders for the Ear Force Recon 50 on its website.

Follow Paul on Google+, Twitter, and Facebook

Mozilla Wants You to Test Tracking Protection in Firefox 42 Beta

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 09:50 AM PDT

One step closer to being invisible on the web

Firefox Tracking Protection

There are certain websites you might not want others to know you visit. Whether it's shopping for a surprise gift, signing up for Justin Bieber's fan club, or (more realistically) surfing porn sites, what you do on the web is your business, except that websites try to make it their business, too.

That's where private browsing modes come into play. Taking it a step further, Firefox 42 Beta adds "Tracking Protection" to the mix, one of several experimental features it wants you to try out.

Mozilla's theory is that "users have a greater expectation of privacy when using Private Browsing" in Firefox. It says users have provided feedback to support this notion, and so it created a feature in Firefox's Private Browsing mode that blocks certain page elements.

"Most websites rely on many different 'third-parties' — companies that are separate from the site you're visiting — to provide analytics, social network buttons and display advertising. These third-parties sometimes include page elements that could record your browsing activity to create profiles about you across multiple sites and Private Browsing with Tracking Protection in Firefox Beta blocks some of these page elements," Mozilla explains.

According to Mozilla, Firefox 42 Beta is the only mainstream browser that protects users from website tracking in such a manner.

If you want to give it a go, install the beta, click the menu button, and click the New Private Window icon to launch a Private Browsing session. A Control Center screen should appear that confirms Tracking Protection is on -- just surf the web as you normally would at this point.

To disable it on a specific website, click the Shield icon on the left side of the URL bar. This brings up the aforementioned Control Center where you can choose Disable protection for this session.

Follow Paul on Google+, Twitter, and Facebook

Microsoft Makes Baidu Default Search for Edge Browser in China

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 08:22 AM PDT

Giving Bing the boot


Forget about the search engine wars, Microsoft decided that getting as many people possible on Windows 10 is more important than increasing Bing's market share, at least in China. With that mindset in place, Microsoft partnered with Baidu to have the company's search engine take the place of Bing as the default search and homepage in its own Edge browser.

In reality, it's not much of a concession for Microsoft. Bing isn't very popular in China to begin with, but with "hundreds of millions of PCs" operating Windows in China, there's a big opportunity to expand Windows 10's reach by appeasing the local crowd.

"With over 600 million active users, Baidu is one of the most frequently used Internet gateways in China," Microsoft stated in a blog post. "Together, we will make it easy for Baidu customers to upgrade to Windows 10 and we will deliver a custom experience for customers in China, providing local browsing and search experiences. Baidu.com will become the default homepage and search for the Microsoft Edge browser in Windows 10."

The deal also gives Microsoft access to Baidu's new Windows 10 distribution channel called Baidu Windows 10 Express, which will make it easy for Chinese Internet users to download and upgrade to an official version of Windows 10. There are already around 10 million users running Windows 10 in China, though hundreds of millions more are using previous versions, including pirated copies.

Microsoft also inked a deal with Xaomi, the leading smartphone maker in China. to adopt Windows Azure as its cloud services provider for its Mi Cloud.

Follow Paul on Google+, Twitter, and Facebook

How To Set Up NIC Teaming (Link Aggregation)

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 12:00 AM PDT


There are times when having a bit more performance is better. Actually, who are we kidding? Having more performance is always better. In the case of networking, this is especially true. You can never have enough bandwidth. There will be some, though, who argue that x number of megabits or gigabits per second is "more than enough." We refer to this as the "640KB mentality."

All of today's motherboards ship with at least one gigabit Ethernet port. Some premium boards come with two. Of course, you can always add more by installing add-in NICs, and there are motherboards with more than two, but for the sake of this article we're referring to consumer motherboards.

So, what exactly is link aggregation? In a nutshell, link aggregation (or trunking), is the fine, delicate art of combining two or more physical Ethernet links into a single logical link. So if two 1Gb/s ports were aggregated, you would get a total aggregated bandwidth of 2Gb/s. Note that we use the phrase "aggregated bandwidth."

Think of link aggregation in terms of network link resiliency rather than total available throughput. In that sense, if one physical part of the logical link fails, traffic will failover to the remaining active links. Where you will see increased bandwidth is when you have multiple origin-destination IOs. For example, if you're transferring a file from one PC to another over a 2Gb aggregated link, you'll find that the total maximum transfer rate will top out at 1Gb/s. Start two file transfers, however, and you'll see the benefits of aggregated bandwidth. In simple terms, link aggregation increases the number of lanes on a highway but it doesn't increase the speed limit.

What this equates to is if you want true higher throughput, moving to a fatter pipe—like 10GbE—is the only way to go.

For the majority of home networks, setting up link aggregation serves little to no advantages. However, if you're employing a NAS that has multiple Ethernet ports, it may support link aggregation and you'll have some benefits there. So, how do you do it in a network?

First, you're going to need a switch/router that supports link aggregation (LACP, 802.1ax/ad, etc.). Unfortunately, most consumer-level switches and routers do not support link aggregation, so you'll have to link into business-level products, which will carry a premium.

Second, your PC needs to have two Ethernet ports, and whatever device you want to connect to needs to have at least the same. Assuming you have the hardware requirements covered, you'll need an operating system that supports it. Windows 7, 8.1, and 10 for consumers don't have link aggregation features baked into them. Microsoft requires that you use Windows Server instead, or you'll have to use vendor-supplied drivers that have link aggregation features (such as Intel PROSet tools). Linux and OS X have built-in link aggregation features.

After you've satisfied all the prerequisites, here's how to do it.

We used the following setup:

Test bed
Motherboard ASUS Rampage IV Black Edition
CPU Intel Core i7-3970X
RAM Samsung "Green" DDR3 32GB
SSD Samsung 850 Pro 1TB x4 (RAID 0)
OS Windows Server 2012 R2
OS X 10.10.5
Switch Netgear ProSAFE XS708E 10GbE
NIC Small-Tree Dual Port 10GBASE-T P2E10G-2-T
Cable CAT7 (7ft
Configuring the network

First, our NIC is a 10GbE Ethernet adapter from Small Tree that's fully compatible with Windows, OS X, and Linux. You can get a 10GbE adapter with SFP+ connections, but for the sake of network compatibility, Small Tree sent a 10GBASE-T (RJ45) version. 

Smalltree P2e10g-2-T

If you're going for the ultimate in performance though, we recommend going with SFP+ connections, as 10GbE pushes the limits of CAT6 and RJ45 connectors. Small Tree also has SFP+ adapters available if you want that kind of setup. Keep in mind that SFP+ switches are even more expensive than RJ45 switches.

Next up: setting up the switch. You'll need a switch that supports link aggregation, whereby there's management capabilities that will allow you to bond individual ports. The Netgear ProSAFE XS708E comes with a utility that allows you to bond specific ports.

Netgear XS708E

Netgear XS708E

Depending on your switch, you'll have something similar for teaming up ports like what you see in the image above. The above switch isn't a managed switch, so the tool to set this up comes separately as a standalone application. Your switch may have a web interface.

Windows Server 2012 R2

Unfortunately, NIC teaming isn't natively available in consumer versions of Windows, so we'll have to use Windows Server and in this case, it's Server 2012 R2. To do this in Windows Server, open the Server Manager. From there, click "Local Server" and you'll see an option called  "NIC Teaming."

Nic Teaming 01

Click the option that says "Disabled" and you'll be presented with the teaming configurator:

Nic Teaming 02

You'll see both of your NIC interfaces listed under Adapters and Interfaces. Now, select both interfaces, right click, and select "New Team." In the window that pops up, you'll be given a field to name the new logical interface, as well as to select additional properties related to protocol. The protocol you choose depends on the type of switch you have. Give it a name and click OK.

Nic Teaming 03

For maximum compatibility, select "Switch Independent" under Teaming Mode. Once that's done, you'll end up back in the main NIC Teaming window where you'll see your newly named logical interface comprising your two physical interfaces. Easy!

Nic Teaming 04

If all goes correctly, both your physical connections will indicate an active state, and you can see the transmission details below, although there's no stat for packets lost.


In OS X, setting up an aggregated link is a bit more straightforward, and doesn't require special tools or third-party drivers—the feature is baked into the default Network preferences. To set it up, open System Preferences and go into the Network options.

Nic Teaming 05

You may have to click the padlock icon to make the options available. Click the small gear icon and select "Manage Virtual Interfaces..."

Nic Teaming 06

A drop-down menu will appear. Click the + button and select New Link Aggregate. You'll be presented with a list of your physical interfaces, where you can select the ones you want to bond. Tick the boxes for the interfaces you want to combine, and select Create. Don't forget to give it a name.

Nic Teaming 07

If all goes well, the two or more physical interfaces you bonded will disappear from the Network interfaces list, and instead be replaced with the logical bond you just created. It's especially good if the light turns green.

Nic Teaming 08

To see how your connection is doing, select the logical interface and click Advanced. You'll be able to see its status as well as configure other options such as IP address, DNS, etc.

Nic Teaming 09

To remove the aggregated bond, simply select it in the main Network interfaces window and click the minus (-) button. You'll then need to re-add the individual physical interfaces.


One could say that the Linux environment is the most straightforward of all OSes in which to create a logical bond. Open a terminal window (and of course, the same commands apply if you're not using a GUI), and type in the following:

modprobe bonding
ip addr add some.ip.address.here/24 brd + dev bond0
ip link set dev bond0 up
ifenslave bond0 eth1 eth2

Here's a breakdown of what that command means:

modprobe bonding: this loads the bonding driver.
bond0: the name we gave the logical interface.
The third line tells the system to turn on (up) the logical interface.
ifenslave: this tells the bonding interface to aggregate interfaces eth1 and eth2.

If you want to configure how the bonding actually operates, you'll want to modify the /etc/modprobe.conf file to include the bond you want to create and define its properties. Open the .conf file and add the following lines:

alias bond0 bonding
options bonding max_bonds=2 mode=4 miimon=1000

max_bonds: defines the number of bond interfaces to create.
mode: defines bonding policies such as round-robin, etc.
miimon: defines the frequency in milliseconds that link monitoring will occur for high availability failover.

To see how your bond is operating, issue the following command:

cat /proc/net/bond0/info  

And you should get the following output:

Bonding Mode: load balancing (round-robin)
MII Status: up
MII Polling Interval (ms): 0
Up Delay (ms): 0
Down Delay (ms): 0

Slave Interface: eth1
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0

Slave Interface: eth2
MII Status: up
Link Failure Count: 0



Dragomon Hunter: Founder's Packs Announced, CBT Starting October 15th

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:39 AM PDT


Fans of "collect them all" type games will be happy to hear that Dragomon Hunter Online will be starting closed beta testing beginning on October 15th. In addition, the Founder's Packs have been revealed, any one of which guarantees closed beta access. Prices range from $19.99 to $299.99, each with its own set of in-game perks.

Albion Online: A Getaway in Paradise - Customizable Islands Revealed

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 08:00 AM PDT

A Getaway in Paradise - Customizable Islands Revealed

The Albion Online team has written to let us know that the game's Private Islands feature is being upgraded according to feedback from the community. Not only will players be able to have an island getaway, but they will be able to customize it with houses, workshops, decorations and even have access to additional building and farming plots. A new resource collection, Laborers, will also be introduced that will ultimately lead to the Labor System.

World of Warcraft: Worlds Collide - Game of Thrones Meets WoW in New Fan Video

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 07:37 AM PDT

Worlds Collide - Game of Thrones Meets WoW in New Fan Video

Two of the world's favorite icons have come together in a new fan made video that gives World of Warcraft the Game of Thrones intro treatment. Made by Marc Ottensmann, the video is a short look at several of WoW's capital cities, though sadly not all. Check it out and let's hope the creator finishes it.

WildStar: Free-to-Play and You

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 12:14 PM PDT

Free-to-Play and You

Greetings MMORPG.com readers! I'm Mike Donatelli, Product Director for Carbine Studios' WildStar. We are less than a week away from a major moment in our game's history as we'll be switching over to a free-to-play business model on September 29. The decision to change business models was not a light one, and we put a lot of thought and debate into when, why and how we were going to do it.

General: NineLives - Two Guys, the Unity Engine & A Dream

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 06:47 AM PDT

NineLives - Two Guys, the Unity Engine & A Dream

A new game called NineLives is getting ready to hit its alpha phase of development. Made by a team of two with a dream and a copy of the Unity Engine, NineLives is, according to the official site, an open world, level-less, adventure RPG with some of the sandbox elements that players are longing to find.

Battleborn: Rendain, the Thoughtful Tyrant

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 06:31 AM PDT

Rendain, the Thoughtful Tyrant

When Battleborn debuts early in 2016, players will have a story campaign in which to play. What story is made great without an epic bad guy? In Battleborn, it is Rendain, the so-called 'thoughtful tyrant' that will drive players forward. 2K and Gearbox have provided the first information about this villain that players will love to hate.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen: Visionary Realms On the Road & New Pantheon Site Debuts

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 08:13 PM PDT

Visionary Realms On the Road & New Pantheon Site Debuts

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen's Brad McQuaid and Ben de la Durantaye will be on hand at both Gaming Insiders and Cloud Gaming Summits this year. Read on to find out what the team will be speaking about in regards to Pantheon.

Armored Warfare: Stress Test Client Ready for Download, Test Begins Today

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:29 AM PDT

Stress Test Client Ready for Download, Test Begins Today

Interested in trying out Armored Warfare before it is released? If so, today marks the beginning of an open stress test that will run from 11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern and run through Saturday, September 26th. The client is ready for download so players can be ready to rumble at the start time a few hours from now.

Star Trek Online: A New Ship to Travel the Heavens - Designers Look for Input

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:25 AM PDT

A New Ship to Travel the Heavens - Designers Look for Input

The Star Trek Online team will be conducting a two-month long polling event that will result in a brand new Federation Carrier ship being added to the game. During the forthcoming days, players will be voting on various schematics for the new carriers, each pitted against another in a single-elimination contest.

Chronicles of Elyria: Everything At Your Fingertips - Info Compiled

Posted: 24 Sep 2015 04:14 AM PDT

Everything At Your Fingertips - Info Compiled

MMORPG.com user Raynforce has compiled a neat new blog post that brings all of the known information about Chronicles of Elyria into one handy dandy spot to make learning all that is (currently) known about the game an easier process.

WildStar: Come On In & Give It a Whirl - Closed Beta No Longer Closed

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 07:25 PM PDT

Come On In & Give It a Whirl - Closed Beta No Longer Closed

Due to some closed beta tester keys expiring, Carbine has decided to remove the need for a key altogether and has opened the doors wide for anyone who'd like to download and try out WildStar's F2P version before it hits live service next Tuesday.

General: Want to win your very own private island?

Posted: 02 Sep 2015 04:29 PM PDT

Want to win your very own private island?

Have you ever wanted to own your own paradise? You know, live it up like Tom Hanks in Castaway without the starvation, talking to Volleybolls, and lack of shaving? The fine folks at Square Enix are offering just that with the Just Cause 3: Win an Island Contest. Read on for more details!

Camelot Unchained: Class System Update Wrap Report Published

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 04:51 PM PDT

Class System Update Wrap Report Published

The Camelot Unchained team was on hand earlier today to do the first in a series of live streams to reveal the classes coming in the game. The stream lasted over an hour with more than half spent in a general Q&A session. It's a great peek inside the game as it is development. Check it out!

WildStar: Livin' After Midnight - F2P Launches at 12 am Eastern 9/29

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 04:36 PM PDT


At the stroke of midnight on September 29th, the WildStar free to play version will go live along with a special live stream broadcast by Carbine Studios. The team has a slate of activities planned including a Times Square countdown to F2P launch.

Divergence Online: Ethan Casner Discusses Crowdfunding & The Project's Future

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 04:50 PM PDT

Ethan Casner Discusses Crowdfunding & The Project

We recently caught up with Divergence Online's Ethan Casner to get an update on the game's somewhat rocky development and find out where things go from here.

Elder Scrolls Online: One Ringy Dingy -- Vivox Brings Voice Chat Tech to ESO

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 12:35 PM PDT

One Ringy Dingy -- Vivox Brings Voice Chat Tech to ESO

ZeniMax and Vivox have announced a new partnership to bring voice chat technology directly into Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited. Vivox's chat technology will span all of ESO's platforms from PlayStation 4 to XBox One to PC and will allow players to communicate with one another to enhance their game play experiences throughout the game.

EverQuest Next: Daybreak says, "When we're ready, you'll know."

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 12:17 PM PDT

Daybreak says, "When we

Today we reached out to Daybreak Studios to ask them about that thing we've all been eagerly awaiting for over two years: EverQuest Next. Well, we're still going to be waiting, but just as former President John Smedley said, we were assured today EverQuest Next is indeed still being hammered away on.

Camelot Unchained: The Ink Blot Test

Posted: 21 Sep 2015 06:36 PM PDT

The Ink Blot Test

The CUniverse continues to gain momentum and the updates keep coming! We've got tested server tech, we've got pretty terrain, we've got more (senior) programmers and we even got a double dose of updates last week! I used thorough market research to help me metagame which delicious tidbits would get me the most clicks this week, then I tossed them into the fire and went with my gut!

Guild Wars 2: Taste-Tempting Tyria & the Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 11:40 AM PDT

Taste-Tempting Tyria & the Heart of Thorns Launch Trailer

The Guild Wars 2 team will be on hand this weekend with a boatload of exciting live streams, announcements and even the Heart of Thorns launch trailer debut during Twitchcon running Friday, September 25th and Saturday,September 26th. During the two day event, ArenaNet Television will have some new shows to tempt viewers including Taste of Tyria, a Guild Wars-themed cooking show hosted by none other than Jennifer Hale.

Elder Scrolls Online: Zenimax Listens to Its Community Once Again

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 02:41 PM PDT

Zenimax Listens to Its Community Once Again

Once again Zenimax listens to the community. If you remember a couple weeks ago I wrote an article discussing some of my displeasures with Imperial City, mostly the fact that Imperial City is always open (unless your campaign is full) and all three factions would have access to it. Well as it turns out I wasn't the only one who felt this way and Zenimax has heard our pleas and created a campaign with locked gates. However, is it too late for this to make a difference?

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Mike Laidlaw on Trespasser & (Possible) Future Plans

Posted: 22 Sep 2015 02:24 PM PDT

Mike Laidlaw on Trespasser & (Possible) Future Plans

With the release of the Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC, Trespasser, a couple of weeks ago and the announcement of the definitive Game of the Year Edition earlier this week, it is clear that DA:I is a finished product. We had the opportunity to talk with Dragon Age Lead Designer Mike Laidlaw about Trespasser, the (possible) future of the franchise and more. See what he had to say in our exclusive interview.

Fallout 4: S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Series Continues with a Look at Endurance

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 08:58 AM PDT

S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Series Continues with a Look at Endurance

The latest in a series of Fallout 4 videos designed to give players a fun look at the games base attributes continues today with a look at Endurance and why it's important. Find out why it's S.P.E.C.I.A.L. and let us know what you think!

Rift: Traveling the Planetouched Wilds Detailed

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 08:46 AM PDT

Traveling the Planetouched Wilds Detailed

The Rift site has been updated with a first look at some of the locations in the Planetouched Wilds that will be forthcoming with the v3.4 update. Players can find out a little information about denizens in each of the location and what can be expected when journeying through them.

WildStar: Making Life Easier: Selling Junk, Rapid Travel & More Coming

Posted: 23 Sep 2015 08:41 AM PDT

Making Life Easier: Selling Junk, Rapid Travel & More Coming

The WildStar site has been updated with a new blog post that outlines some of the many welcomed quality of life improvements coming to the game with next week's free-to-play launch. Among other things, fast travel (aka 'rapid transit'), a sell junk button, nav points and content finder are all included.

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