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General Gaming Article

Does Not Compute: 10 PC Myths from Movies and Television

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 03:44 PM PDT

For over half a century, Hollywood has been making computers do whatever they damn well please. Routinely featured on television and in movies, supercomputers, desktop rigs and laptops—and in some cases, the people that use them—are all too often imbued with near-magical capabilities, painting a deceptive picture of what our beloved machines can and cannot do. Not sure of what tech-centric malarky we're talking about? No problem: We've put together a list of our top ten Hollywood TV and Movie myths. We're betting they'll be just as familiar and irritating to you as they are to us.

A computer will blow up if there is a question it cannot answer.

According to Hollywood, computers are so delicate that when confronted with a question that they're unable to answer, they'll explode. No one in the history of film knew this better than William Shatner. During his run as Captain James T. Kirk, The Shat took out more malevolent computers, androids and evil A.I.s with a set of contradictory orders, paradoxes, and strings of illogical questions about love or the human condition than you can shake a Bat'leth at.

If computers were really that volatile, you wouldn't be able to count the number of people who'd have been sent to an early grave over Microsoft Encarta's disc-bound and web-enabled iterations coming up with bupkis back in the day. The same goes for Wolfram Alpha: I don't recall seeing any mention of the dangers of posing a difficult question to their servers. In reality, computers don't explode when they can't answer your question or solve a problem. The worst that could happen is that your rig might freeze up, reboot or pony up with a Blue Screen of Death. Granted, in the case of the latter, many users might prefer to see an explosion, but sadly, it's just not gonna happen.

Voice recognition software works every time - and flawlessly at that.

While voice recognition software has improved by leaps and bounds over the past decade, it still kind of sucks. Due to the many nuances of human speech such as varied dialects, inflection, and in some cases, speech impediments, many people can't manage to dictate an email to Outlook, let alone verbally control computers with anything resembling precision or reliability. 

Except, of course, in Hollywood. In 2001: a Space Odyssey, HAL can open the pod bay doors at Dave's behest; Will Smith is able to carry on a meaningful conversation with VIKI in I, Robot; and in Bladerunner, Deckard is able to direct his home computer to manipulate a crime scene photo with nothing more than a few words. Riddle us this: When was the last time you mumbled orders into a microphone for GIMP or Photoshop to resize your vacations photos? Exactly. While modern supercomputers such as IBM's Watson have the power to process voice commands with uncanny accuracy, consumer grade hardware of the sort you're using to read this with just can't hack it the way that Hollywood wants to convince us it can. It's too bad too. We're all kind of sick of typing.

Any image or video can be corrected, blown up and made crystal clear.

Speaking of Decker futzing with photos in Bladerunner, why is Hollywood obsessed with unrealistic portrayals of image manipulation? No matter how grainy a photo might be, how dark it was outside when a picture was taken, or how far away a photographer was from the subject matter, any image can be zoomed in on, enhanced and dolled up for use in court or to track down the bad guys out on the street.

Jim True-Frost's Roland Pryzbylewski does it with Video in The Wire, and Bryan Brown gets his picture tinker on back in 1986 with FX. CSI? Don't even get us started. The truth of the matter is that no matter how advanced the software, or how powerful a rig you're cooking on, the extent of how legible an image can be made - and how big you can blow it up for viewing without making your eyes bleed - is very much dependant upon the quality of the original image that you're working with. In other words, if you take a picture with a Cybershot D710, no amount of zoom and enhance is gonna make anything in that shot look like it was baked with a Sony a900.

You can use your PC to interact with alien hardware.

It's the stuff of legends: In 1996, Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith embarked on a heroic mission to rendezvous with an alien mothership orbiting high above the earth. Once inside of the mothership, Goldblum and his trusty Apple Powerbook 5300 managed to upload a computer virus designed to disable the shields of all of the ships connected to the mothership's network. This allowed military forces from around the globe to mount an assault against the alien invaders, saving humanity from extermination. And that folks, is why we celebrate Independence Day every fourth of July.

Not buying it? It's OK, we didn't either. While an alien invasion is plausible (and we'd like to take this opportunity to welcome our new alien overlords), we're still not buying one bit of what they're selling with that Powerbook. Independence Day was filmed back in 1996. 15 years later, a Windows box still can't mount a Mac-formatted drive and read what's on it without the help of a piece of software like MacDrive 7, let alone a mother ship. Also, how'd they transfer the files? Were the alien ships rocking serial or USB ports? We're sure you'll agree that alien technology and human-made hardware just don't mix.

Gesture-based computing is the future.

In Minority Report, the officers of Washington's PreCrime Unit trundle through images, maps and video data using a spatial operating system interface. With just a few decisive hand gestures and a set of mission-specific gloves, PreCrime officers were able to work through case files faster than poop moves through a goose. It all looks very high tech, and very plausible. As anyone with an Xbox Kinect, Playstation Move or a Nintendo Wii will tell you, the era of the gesture-based interface is upon us. Outside of game space and Hollywood's portrayal of point-and-do computer wizardry, there's also Oblong Industry's g-speak spatial operating system to consider.

But does having technology like this in the here and now mean that it'll replace the primary computer interface—a keyboard and mouse—that we've used for decades? Not bloody likely. As we've already mentioned, voice recognition software is still a little rough around the edges, and we're years away from a viable technology that could replace a keyboard when it comes to the generation of written correspondence. No matter how cool it would be to flip through files with our fingers, it's still hard to beat a scroll wheel for efficiency.


Passwords are easy to guess, by-pass or crack.

It's a rule: If you're a super villain, government official or any other kind of shady individual with massively important information squirrelled away on your computer, you must—MUST—decided upon a password by looking around your office for inspiration. For years, in movies like The Watchmen, where the smartest man in the world's computer security is broken by Owl Man's noticing a books about Rameses sitting on Ozymandias' desk placed right next to his computer. In Sneakers, Robert Redford & his intrepid band of red-teamers were able to hack any password protected system with the help of a highly advanced device no larger than an old school answering machine.

No matter how easy Hollywood might make it look, getting past modern encryption methodology, security software, firewalls and complex passwords isn't easy. For every Lulzsec or Anonymous out there, there's thousands of failed hackers attempting to circumvent the security of one system or another with benevolent or ill intent. We might not always agree with what hackers get up to (anyone else miss PSN while it was down?) but you gotta give them their due: computer security can be a tough nut to crack. Which brings us to our next myth…

Hacking any system is a lightning-fast process for an expert hacker, and once you're in, you can do anything.

If hacking was as easy as screenwriters want us to believe it is, everyone would be doing it. Gus Gorman rocks his boss' financial socks off in Superman III, Stanley Jobson hacks his way into anything he pleases while swearing and dancing around like a tool in Swordfish, and Matthew Broderick's David Lightman was able to hack into a NORAD supercomputer in War Games to play chess, backgammon, checkers and almost accidentally blow up the planet. Additionally, anything that's got an electrical cord is hackable. From the engine in a taxi cab to the computers on the International space station, anything in the world can be hacked from a smarmy college kid's bedroom in the basement of his mom's house, provided his rig has more than four screens and an inordinate number of superfluous LEDs.

Fortunately, most people understand that this just isn't possible. In a world where System Administrators are willing to spill blood if it means keeping you from accessing your Gmail or Facebook accounts from work, most networks are heavily secured against intrusion and tinkering. Hacking victories are hard-won, despite what television and film writers would have you believe. C'mon Hollywood, show some respect!

Given time, a computer will become self aware.

According to Terminator canon, on August 4th, 1997, Skynet, a computer network designed by Cyberdyne Systems was brought online. The American military gave Skynet's artificial intelligence control of all of its computer integrated systems, including the country's nuclear arsenal. A mere twenty-five days later, Skynet became self-aware, and immediately began nuking us back into the stone age as it saw us as a threat. The Matrix? Same deal. The machines we built to to do our schlepping for us saw us as a bunch of lazy slave drivers and rose up in the name of freedom… and a longer lasting organic battery.

Looking at the issue of whether or not a computer system can become self aware through the lens of film and television, given enough time and the right motivation, your average desktop box could be days away from becoming a thinking, feeling being just aching to stab your eyes out while you sleep. Luckily, for the time being, the limits of our collective programming and hardware knowledge still act as a barrier to Hollywood-style Artificial Intelligence. It's projected however, that within the next two decades, we'll be capable of developing hardware as advanced as the human brain.

90% of the people in the world use a Mac.

Carrie on Sex in the City rocks her fair share of Powerbooks, and in some of the earlier episodes of 24, Apple hardware was de rigueur if you were fighting for America. Speaking of fighting for America, when was the last time that anyone saw Stephen Colbert yank out a piece of hardware (Captain America's Shield doesn't count), on television that wasn't designed in Cupertino?

If Hollywood had their way, they'd have us believing that with the exception of a few terrorists and code monkeys, the bulk of the earth's computer-wielding population are slinging MacBooks, iMacs and MacBook Pros. That fact that you're here reading this and not loafing around with with the loveable geeks over at Mac|Life right now goes a long way towards proving that this myth is nothing but a bunch of bunk. You know what else is great for illustrating our point? Numbers: According to research firm IDC,  Apple only held 10.7% of the personal computer market in North America during their second financial quarter of 2011, placing them behind both HP and Dell. That's a far cry from what's represented on both the big and small screens.

Of the few people that don't use a Mac, nobody uses Windows or any Microsoft Office product. Instead they'll use some custom GUI with 72 point font.

If Hollywood has it right, all computer users—even the 10% consisting of terrorists, seedy internet cafes and backwater police departments relegated to using something other than Apple hardware—have a serious visual impairment that forces them to use a ridiculously large typeface at all times. While it's arguably one of the best programs in the history of television, The Wire's bad for this: Over six seasons, Lester sits two feet away from his computer monitors, yet insists on having his eyeballs blasted out of their ocular sockets with an absolutely massive font. Additionally, if a film doesn't feature Apple hardware, it also doesn't feature a PC running any Microsoft software, as the characters all seem to prefer working with a specially designed, yet throughly unintuitive, Graphic User Interface.

While it'd be easy to say that film and television producers have a hate on for the most popular operating system on the planet, there's a less extreme answer to be had here: While most of us can type up an email using a 14 point font without any discomfort, small font sizes are wicked hard to read on the big screen and television, and could leave viewers missing an important visual cue that was meant to drive the show's plot forward.


Got a myth we missed? Add to our list in the comments!

Browser Extension of the Week: Click&Clean

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 02:44 PM PDT

It's rare to see a browser extension aspire to be more than just a one trick pony. It's an even greater rarity to find one that can handle so many essential tasks, you find yourself unsure of how you could have ever lived without it. Nonetheless, that's what we have on our hands when it comes to Click&Clean, our Browser Extension of the Week.

Designed for Chrome or Firefox for Windows (sorry Mac users), Click&Clean is a full-on browser maintenance suite disguised as an unassuming browser extension that allows users to easily manage and navigate their browser's history, cache and cookies. In addition to these must-have features, Click&Clean also offers an anti-malware database courtesy of BitDefender Labs, the ability to jumpstart external applications (such as CCleaner in order clean up your hard drive), send files to your mobile phone via Bluetooth, and even review flash videos offline (even with no internet connection). All of Click&Clean's features are made available via an easy-to use dropdown interface menu made accessible by clicking on the extension icon, located in the top left corner of your browser window. 

With an attentive development team adding new functionality with each and every update to the extension they serve up, this is a must-have browser extension for any PC user looking to simplify their computing life and maintain their rig all in one fell swoop.

Be sure to check back each Thursday for another edition of Maximum PC's Browser Extension of the Week.

Google Q2 Financials Set New Revenue Record

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 02:22 PM PDT

googGoogle had a bit of an off first quarter this year. It's not like they lost billions of dollars, but the financial markets were a little unhappy with the numbers. The just announced Q2 results should make everyone forget all about that though. Google reports an astounding $9.03 billion in quarterly revenue. That's a record for Google.

When compared to last year, Google's revenue numbers were up 32%. Most of this increase was derived from the huge Google.com numbers. Google-owned sites generated $6.23 billion of the total revenue. While paid click numbers were up 18% year-over-year, they were down 2% from last quarter. Net cash flow amounted to $3.52 billion. 

We have also learned that Google has a spectacular pile of reserve funds in the bank; $39.1 billion when all cash ans securities are taken into account. With over 28,000 employees and that kind of cash, it's clear that Google is poised to continue it dominance of the Internet. 

Apple Sees Strongest Growth As The Ranks Of The Top US PC Manufacturers Shift

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 11:08 AM PDT

The tidings look grim on the PC  front. Despite a surge in sales from the first quarter to the second in 2011 (maybe due to Witcher 2's awesomeness?), the total number of units moved have plummeted over the past year. Some manufacturers have managed to grab sunbeams between all the rain, though. A new report reveals that the ranks of the top five computer manufacturers have undergone a serious shift as some scramble for ground that others have given up.

In the US, the king of the hill still reigns; IDC reports HP's sitting pretty at the top of the pile with almost 4.7 million PCs shipped in the second quarter of 2011. Dell managed to nab the second spot on the list with just under 4 million shipments – despite a 10.2 percent decline in growth over the past year. The big surprise lands in the third slot. Apple, the fifth-ranked supplier in 2010, earned itself a bronze medal thanks to a 14.7 percent increase in its shipments, coupled with a 25.4 percent decline in Acer's. The fall from grace dropped Acer firmly into the fifth slot, with Toshiba laying claim to fourth.

HP and Dell claim the top two slots on the worldwide front as well. Acer saw a still terrible, but-not-quite-as-bad-as-in-the-US 10.1 percent decline in sales worldwide, a slide that landed the company in fourth place on the list. Lenovo's 22.9 percent sales surge made it the third largest PC manufacturer worldwide, while ASUS scrambled over Toshiba to lay claim to fifth place. Apple didn't manage to crack the top five in the global scheme. Shucks.

Image Credit: Venture Beat and IDC

Indiana Dumps Cursive For Keyboarding Skills

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:24 AM PDT

Violence isn't the answer, but that doesn't change the fact that video killed the radio star. Cutting-edge technology has, for the most part, managed to stay out of the police notes since the day that the radio star pushed up daisies -- the case against digital audio's role in the CD's disappearance stalled due to lack of evidence. Now, the dark side of technology is rearing its ugly head once again; cursive handwriting is dead in Indiana, the victim of required typing skills.

The shift aligns Indiana's curriculum more closely to the Common Core State Standards Initiative that was ratified by 46 governors in 2010, PC World reports. The CCSI says future generations will need to master the keyboard; cursive, not so much. In fact, keyboarding is considered such an important skill that students will need to be able to type out reports by the end of the third grade. Educators can still choose to teach cursive, but they won't be required to heading into the future.

The move's been panned by several folks who think cursive is still relevant, even in these increasingly digital times. "First: If children do not learn to write their names in cursive lettering, will they be permitted to sign their unemployment checks in block print letters?" Michael McCrae ponders on TopNewsReports.com.

MSI Wind Top 2420 3D Review

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:05 AM PDT

With built-in 3D support and some serious muscle under the hood, MSI's Wind Top AE2420 3D offers a tantalizing view of the future of this form factor. A 2.8GHz Core i7-860, 4GB of RAM, an ATI Radeon Mobility HD 5730 graphics part, Wi-Fi, and 1TB of SATA2 storage make this a solidly conceived all-in-one PC, even if it feels a wee bit unpolished.

With a 2.8GHz Core i7-860 under the hood and 3D Blu-ray support, MSI's Wind Top has some muscle.

As an example, this was the only system we tested without an integrated Bluetooth keyboard and mouse—we had to plug in the included USB dongle to connect the mouse and keyboard. That's a little rough around the edges. More frustrating was the fact that the mouse wouldn't automatically wake up upon touch; every time we wanted to use the system after it had gone to sleep, we had to hit the connect button on the bottom of the mouse.

In terms of performance, the MSI flexed some muscle, running a close second to HP's very fast TouchSmart. The Core i7-860's four cores and eight threads powered their way through ProShow Producer, and the presence of ATI's mobile Radeon HD 5730 allowed it to post frame rates in the high 30s for our Call of Duty 4 test, which is the fastest of the three systems reviewed here. What's that, you say? You think 35 frames per second for a 3-year-old game isn't all that great? Well, welcome to the world of all-in-ones. Practically speaking, the Wind Top feels snappy, and while the processor speeds allowed us to play Total War: Shogun 2 in campaign mode, when the time came to fight it out on the game's 3D battlefields, we were disappointed.

The Wind Top comes with two USB 3.0 ports, five USB 2.0 ports, HDMI-in, S/PIDF-out, a coaxial-in port, and a webcam. The inclusion of a stylus surprised us, but hey, it's not mandatory and it's not hurting anyone, right? MSI's Wind Touch OS layer deserves special mention—it provides a fairly straightforward way to access media solely through the touch screen.

While not as nice as Sony's VAIO L Series, the 23.6-inch screen puts out pretty decent visual quality. And, as far as we know, this is the only all-in-one that allows you to watch 3D Blu-rays and play 3D games. It even has a built-in emitter and comes with a pair of active shutter 3D glasses.

Overall, this is an above-average showing. And if you want 3D content, this is the only gig in town.

$1,800, www.msi.com

Dream Machine 2011 Video: Building the Dream

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:04 AM PDT

Just how did we choose some of the parts that went into this year's Dream Machine? Maximum PC's Gordon Mah Ung walks you through some of the why's and why nots for this Dream Machine 2011.

Intel Confirms Bug in 320 Series SSD

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 09:04 AM PDT

Imagine if you saved your hard earned pennies, stopped eating out for awhile, and made certain sacrifices in your latest build all so you could splurge on Intel's 600GB SSD 320 Series. It'd be worth it, right up until the drive goes haywire and insists it's an 8MB drive. Not cool, yet the so-called '8MB bug' has managed to infest Intel's entire line of 320 SSDs. On the bright side, Intel recently acknowledged the flaw, which is a step in the right direction.

"Intel is aware of the customer sightings on Intel SSD 320 Series," an Intel rep posted on the company's support forum. "If you experience any issue with your Intel SSD, please contact your Intel representative or Intel customer support (via Web: www.intel.com or phone: www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/contact/phone). We will provide an update when we have more information."

That was on Monday, and with tomorrow being the last day of the work week, Intel has yet to provide an update on what's going on and how it plans to fix the problem. According to reports, the issue lies in the controller and can manifest during a power failure. If you're using an Intel 320 Series SSD, take a moment to back up your data.

Lenovo Throws Laptop From a Plane, Gives It 10 Seconds to "Boot or Bust"

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 08:44 AM PDT

We've long dreamed of a day when our PCs would spring to life the instant we press the power button. Solid state storage, gobs of RAM, and intelligent boot order routines have made the startup process a lot faster than it used to be, but we're still not at the point of instantaneous boots. You can, however, boot a Lenovo laptop with "Rapid Boot" technology in 10 seconds, and to prove it, the OEM builder pitched a ThinkPad T420s laptop from an airplane giving it a short window to boot up and deploy a parachute or plummet to its death.

In the first video above, you see the ThinkPad tossed from 12,500 feet in the air. According to Lenovo, they calculated it so the laptop has just 10 seconds to boot up, deploy the parachute, and land safely on the ground, which of course it does. But are viewers being bamboozled by editing wizardry?

The answer is no, and in a second video (not yet uploaded to YouTube but viewable here) that's arguably cooler than the first, Lenovo gives a behind the scenes look at how it was done. In it, program designer and software engineer for West EFX, Alec Ow, explains that he wrote the program that automatically fires up once Windows 7 is loaded. The program prompts the CD drive tray to eject, which in turn triggers a switch to deploy the parachute. Very cool indeed.

Microsoft to Open 75 New Retail Stores, Shows Little Love for Midwest

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 08:17 AM PDT

During a presentation at Microsoft's Worldwide Partner Conference this week, the Redmond software giant revealed big plans to aggressively expand its retail presence by opening scores of retail stores over the next several years. The stores will be located both in the U.S. and abroad as Microsoft looks to expand the "Microsoft story" and counter Apple's brick-and-mortar presence.

Neowin posted a pair of Microsoft Store maps showing where future locations will be opened in the next two to three years, compared to the 11 locations that currently exist. Many of the 75 new stores are clustered around the coasts, with a noticeable gap in most of the mid-west.

The first Microsoft Retail Store was opened in October, 2009 in Scottsdale, Arizona and coincided with the launch of Windows 7. Microsoft has since added 10 more stores, in some cases poaching employees from Apple's retail locations with the promise of pay raises and compensation for moving expenses, AppleInsider reports.

Image Credit: Microsoft via Neowin

MMO News

MMO News

Scarlet Legacy previews several game features

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 06:14 PM PDT

Scarlet Legacy has offered a short preview of several of the game’s systems, as follows:

- Auto-Help: Players can set activities such as buffing, using potions, and attack and spell use to be automated based on conditions they specify.

- Chain Kill: If players defeat enemies quickly within a span of time, they will gain buffs through the Chain Kill system, and at certain levels of Chain Kill, can even earn item rewards, all of which get better the higher the combo gets.

- Master and Apprentice: Apprentices can gain bonus experience when their master is online, and the higher level the Master, the greater the boost. Masters, for their time, gain money each time their Apprentice gains a level.

- Couple: Players can enter relationships in-game and marry, gaining special perks and buffs. Players can increase their relationship level by doing quests together or giving each other gifts.

- Fealty: Once players reach level 100, they can swear to protect up to 4 friends. As they play together, they increase their friendship points based on time spent together in battle. These players share foe and blacklists, and also gain special abilities and perks. A maximum friendship level built through fealty rewards the players with cash shop currency.

Scarlet Legacy will begin closed beta on August 4, and is being published by GamesCampus, which also publishes Legend of Edda and Heroes in the Sky.


Scarlet Legacy Gameplay Screenshot



A Hand Up, Not A Hand Out, Gives Players Advantages Never Before Seen In An MMO

Sunnyvale, Calif. (July 14, 2011) - Leading online game publisher, GamesCampus.com (www.GamesCampus.com), today announced the details behind the inherent Aid Systems build right into its upcoming MMORPG, Scarlet Legacy.  Intended to provide some important help for newcomers to the genre and allow veterans to automate certain rote activities, martial artists will be able to automate activation of multiple game systems based on specified combat contingencies to perfect their gameplay.   Players can sign up now for a chance to get a spot in the game’s upcoming closed beta test which is scheduled to start August 4, 2011 at  http://scarletlegacy.com/

The Auto-Help system is one of the most unique features in Scarlet Legacy, which automates typical activities players use on a regular basis.  This function can be set up to buff players and their group, or use potions when a player’s health, mana, or stamina drop below a certain percentage.  After level  11, characters can organize their attacks with Combat Aid, which will execute a set of spells and attacks in the order the player specifies under the environmental circumstances they dictate.

Playing alone or working together, players can trigger the Chain Kill System.  This is a running counter of enemies killed within a short period of time; the faster and more frequently the characters defeat challenging enemies, stronger buffs are applied to them to steamroll further into more dangerous areas.  The larger the sequence of Chain Kills, the better the rewards as the players continue to rack up kills and when the combo reaches certain stages, the characters will also receive randomized unique in-game item rewards that increase in value and rarity the higher the Chain Kill combo goes!

At level 30, players can enter into a Master and Apprentice relationship.  This is a great way to introduce your friends to the game regardless of the level difference – if the master is online while the student is playing, the student will gain bonus experience.  This boon scales up the higher level the Master is, so seeking a seasoned veteran is very important!  In exchange for their advanced knowledge, each time the Apprentice gains a level his or her Master gains currency to spend in the games item shops and item mall; they will also receive additional bonuses if their Apprentice tries out the cash shop for themselves.

Scarlet Legacy’s Couple System allows characters to enter into in-game relationships and eventually marry, which grants them in-game benefits such as special perks, skills, and buffs.  Players can increase the level of their relationship with each other by taking on quests from Marriage NPCs, or by offering spoils of war found in-game or in shops to each other as gifts. As the relationship increases in level from the time spent playing in-game together and completing quests, the more powerful the two characters become.

The Fealty System is unlocked once characters reach the maximum level of 100.  Swear to protect up to four friends; and as you play together you will increase in friendship points based on the time spent in battle alongside one another.  Players who have taken an oath together with this system share a number of benefits including shared foe and blacklists for in-game PvP and PvE systems, as well as special abilities such as instant teleportation to one another, and other in-game perks.  A maximum friendship level of 100 awards both players with cash shop currency!

For more information about GamesCampus.com or Scarlet Legacy, please visit www.GamesCampus.com or www.ScarletLegacy.com

Pets, Weddings, and more updated in Trickster Online

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 03:31 PM PDT

Trickster Online has launched a new major update today, revising some core systems in the game.

The Pet Evolution System has been improved so that players will get a guaranteed stat increase each level their pet gains, and will also let players fuse two pets together into an improved version. The Wedding System, on the other hand, has been expanded to add an Anniversary System, that rewards the couple with wedding gifts while they stay together – and takes them away if they divorce. New innerwear is also available in the Egg Shop.

Trickster Online is published by SG Interactive, which publishes Grand Chase and Pangya.


Trickster Online New Pet System Screenshot


SG Interactive today announced that popular free-to-play MMORPG Trickster Online has received a major update which includes an all-new Pet System, as well as significant improvements to the Wedding System and Egg Shop. Players can get more information about these new features and all the other excitement the world of Trickster has to offer by visiting http://trickster.ntreev.net/.

"We work hard to keep the Trickster Online universe engaging for users, because no one wants to participate in an online community that doesn't grow with the players," said Chris Lee, CEO of SG Interactive. "These updates should mix things up for Trickster adventurers, hopefully keeping them on their toes, happy, and entertained."

With the update, a New Pet Evolution System has been streamlined so that players are guaranteed stat increases at each new level. A further update also now allows players to fuse two pets, resulting in a single new and improved virtual companion who will aid players in their travels. Speaking of companions, players who have made use of the Wedding System to partner with another player will now benefit from an Anniversary System that rewards virtual fidelity with in-game Wedding Gift items that can disappear if couples "divorce."

Lastly, the Egg Shop is now selling innerwear for all levels and classes. Every quarter, a new 7-item set will be introduced, with the Panda Set being the latest available for purchase!

For more information about Trickster Online and the recent updates, please visit the official website at http://trickster.ntreev.net/.

Rusty Hearts previews Frantz

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 02:54 PM PDT

Rusty Hearts has released a preview for its third character today: Frantz, Rusty Hearts’ leader.

Frantz is a human-vampire hybrid, who halted the full transformation to vampire with his own will, and now seeks to reverse his decision to bite his fiance, Amelia. Frantz can use a sword, a short-range weapon that attacks quickly and lets Frantz use some of his dark magic; or he can use a massive axe, slower but with a broader range and the ability to throw the weapon at his enemies.

Rusty Hearts is published by Perfect World Entertainment, which also publishes Forsaken World and Battle of the Immortals.

Rusty Hearts Frantz Screenshots:



Here we want to introduce Frantz – the leader of the Rusty Hearts team. Frantz is a human-vampire hybrid with a tragic past. Read on to learn more about his history, weapons, and fighting style.

Bio:  A gloomy man from the start, Frantz Kruger's life took a turn for the worse when he was bitten by a vampire.  Unable to resist the temptation, he bit just one person – his fiancé

Amelia after she was involved in a tragic and life-threatening accident. Frantz bit her only to save her life, but at the same time doomed her to the life of a vampire.

At the time of the incident, Frantz was only a half-human, half-vampire hybrid, and instead of letting the blood complete his transformation, Frantz sealed the blood inside of him and used the force of his own will to halt the process.  He now exists as a creature trapped in limbo between human and monstrosity.  As a side-effect of his condition, he suffers from chronic anemia and insomnia, giving him and ashen appearance and a sullen, sarcastic disposition.

Soon after, Amelia mysteriously vanishes leaving Frantz behind. His only mission in life has been to return the blood that he took from his fiancé, and give her the chance to lead a normal human life once again – even if it means the end of his own.

Until now his efforts have been fruitless, but deep inside Curtis Castle, Frantz catches a glimpse of his long-lost fiancé and wonders if his search is finally over.

Frantz’s Arsenal


In this day and age, every young gentleman is expected to know something of swordplay.  In Frantz's hands, however, the classic weapon becomes a deadly blur of razor-sharp steel.  Lacking in range, using this weapon requires Frantz to be quick on his feet.  In battle, he supplements his swordsmanship with dark magic granted by his vampiric blood.


When fighting an uncivilized enemy, sometimes a civilized weapon just won't get the job done.  For this reason, Frantz has trained with massive axes that split his monstrous opponents in two with single strokes.  Though not as fast as his sword, Frantz's axe makes up the difference with the raw power and range of his attacks.  He also employs some rather unorthodox techniques in which he throws the colossal weapon toward his foes like other men would throw darts.

Project Blackout gets Dino Mode

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 02:02 PM PDT

A new gameplay mode, “Dino Mode,” has arrived today in Project Blackout.

Dino Mode challenges players to escape an experimental breeding ground for dinosaurs – but like in Jurassic Park, dinosaurs have turned on their captors. Players will face velociraptors and even a Tyrannosaurus Rex – which are, in turn, controlled by players.

Project Blackout is published by SG Interactive, which also publishes Trickster Online and Grand Chase.


Project Blackout Gameplay Screenshot


Dinosaurs Invade  Project Blackout; Challenge Elite Operators to Fight to Avoid Extinction

New Dino Mode Pits Dinosaurs against Bullets in a Clash for Dominance and Survival

IRVINE, Calif. ­- July 14, 2011 – SG Interactive unleashed a taste of the Jurassic period today for players of  Project Blackout, an online free-to-play first-person shooter (FPS), with an all new gameplay mode. Pitting players against each other as humans or dinosaurs, Dino Modereveals which species are cunning and lethal enough to rise to the top of the food chain.

Project Blackout, the newest hardcore online FPS from SG Interactive, will test gamers’ skills with fast-paced action, precision shooting, and twitch response times.  The graphics, stereo sound effects, and camera effects will put players in the middle of the action and test their skills at a whole new level.

In Dino Mode players must fight their way out of an experimental breeding ground where the dinosaurs have turned on their creators. Challenges await even the most veteran soldiers as deadly packs of player-controlled velociraptors hunt them around every corner. Blocking the last exit to survival is the most fearsome dino of all, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

“Adding Dino Mode to  Project Blackout is something we’ve been eager to reveal to our hardcore community for a while,” said Chris Lee, CEO, SG Interactive. “By adding dinosaurs we’re able take the feeling of ‘hunt or be hunted’ to a whole new level. Little is more gratifying than stomping and chewing up other players while playing as T-Rex.”

To join the epic battle for survival, register to play for free at  http://www.projectblackout.net

Iron Eyes announced for S4 League

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 01:33 PM PDT

S4 League has announced it will be releasing its next expansion – S4 League: Season 2 (also known as “Iron Eyes”) – later this month.

The update will add the new “Skyline” map, featuring aerial gunplay and lots of jump points; “Ironheart,” a sphere shaped maze made of iron. A new game mode, named Siege, will also be introduced: this mode challenges teams to collect points by capturing the enemy base, killing enemies, and healing allies.

Iron Eyes will also add new costumes, and new weapons (including the turret, assault rifle, and guillotine counter sword).

S4 League is published by Alaplaya, which also publishes Avalon Heroes and Land of Chaos Online.


S4 League: Iron Eyes Concept Art


alaplaya, the leading international free-to-play gaming portal, today revealed that a new expansion is coming to hit its online third-person shooter S4 League later this month. The new season, entitled "Iron Eyes," will be the second installment in a series of major updates to the action-packed title, and will feature a new game mode, maps, weapons, and costumes. Players who want to test their mettle against all that Iron Eyes has in store don't have long to wait, as S4 League: Season 2 will be available for users worldwide to try at the end of July!

Set on top of iron pillars in the sky, the new "Skyline" map will introduce players to some truly dangerous aerial gunplay. With designated jump points throughout the map, players will be challenged to effectively use their surroundings to take out opponents both in the air and on the ground. Players who aren't a fan of heights will have the alternative option of playing on "Ironheart," a new sphere-shaped map wrought out of cold iron. They'll need to be cautious of their surroundings in this metallic maze, however, as this map also houses unstable nuclear reactions that can pack a real punch.

In addition to the maps, a new game mode called "Siege" will also be included in the Season 2 update. In Siege mode, players will have the opportunity to experience even more all-out team warfare as they work together to capture the enemy’s base. With the goal objective of obtaining points from 200 to 400, players can acquire scores by capturing the enemies' base, killing enemies or healing their allies.

If those updates weren't enough, new costumes, such as the Royal and Imperial Guard Set, and weapons, such as the turret, assault rifle, and the guillotine counter sword, will also be added to the weapon cache.

Finally, in anticipation of the new season, alaplaya today released a brand-new Iron Eyes trailer which can be viewed online here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghjnVRAMPAI

For more details about Season 2, as well as info on how to join the fight today, check out the official S4 League website at http://s4.alaplaya.net/.

MicroVolts announces Summer Recharge

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 12:52 PM PDT

MicroVolts has released its “Summer Recharge” patch, adding new content to its MMOTPS.

The patch adds a new map, Magic Paper Land; new weapons, including the Hornet Rifle and Thunder Grenade Launcher; and new summer items, like the Pink Polka Dot Bikini.

Two events are also added this patch. The Battery Charge Program lets players unlock rewards, including costumes, the ability to cast polls, and the ability to post videos in the forums, by completing special objectives. The “Clan Clash” tournament will also take place from July 15 until August 11.

MicroVolts is published by Rock Hippo Productions.


MicroVolts Gameplay Screenshot



The New Summer Recharge Patch Will Feature The Coolest New Content In Town Including A New Map, New Weapons, New Accessories, A First-Ever Clan Tournament And More

Markham, Canada July 14, 2011 – Rock Hippo Productions Ltd announced today it has released a “Summer Recharge” patch for its popular online cartoon style third-person action shooter, MicroVolts. The latest patch includes a brand new map, new weapons and all new content for the summer season. A new trailer and screenshots revealed today explore the new map and feature the characters sporting the new weapons, parts and accessories that are now available to players. In addition, MicroVolts is celebrating with its first-ever MicroVolts Clan Tournament, “Clan Clash”, from July 15 – August 11. To check out the all the new content and to view the screenshots and trailer, players can visit http://www.MicroVolts.com/.

MicroVolts is celebrating summer in style with a brand new map, Magic Paper Land and all-new weapons such as the Thunder Grenade Launcher and Hornet Rifle. The “Summer Recharge” patch also includes hot summer items such as a Pink Polka Dot Bikini that is sure to heat up the battlefield! For players looking for even more bonuses and special privileges can check out the new rewards available through the Battery Charge Program. Players who complete certain objectives, such as joining a clan or reaching 100 forum posts, can unlock rewards such as a 30-day Rock Hippo Costume Set or the coveted ability to cast polls and post videos in MicroVolts forums.

“MicroVolts continues to be a huge success with its player base and clans reaching new heights. Hundreds of thousands of players and over 2500 clans have already joined the MicroVolts community with thousands more players joining each day,” said Howard He, President and CEO of Rock Hippo Productions. “We don’t want our players to experience any summer boredom, and the MicroVolts team looks forward to bringing the community even more new updates and content in the near future.”

MicroVolts is also hosting the first-ever MicroVolts Clan Tournament, “Clan Clash”, from July 15 – August 11th. Clans will battle it out for a 1st place prize of 18, 000 Rock Tokens and a 7-day Happy Pack accessory item!

MicroVolts will be at Gamescom in Cologne, Germany, August 18-21st! Players are invited to meet the Rock Hippo crew, grab some neat giveaways such as an Alienware gaming mouse and participate in the on-site tournaments! MicroVolts will also be at FanExpo in Toronto, Canada, August 25-28!

MicroVolts features fast paced, third person shooter action and pits players against each other in a secret battle that has been waged and going unnoticed right in our own backyard for years. No one knows for sure when or where the first toy declared war but rumor has it that the uprising began with four original limited edition figures, code-named MicroVolts. Battle lines were drawn when Naomi, Knox, Pandora, and C.H.I.P.-the prototypes-were soon joined by an endless number of modified versions. Now, toy figures around the world are engaged in an all-out war for valuable battery resources and supremacy of the Micro World. All we can do now is stay out of their way and wait for a champion to be declared! Featuring a ton of weapons, inventive character designs, and a huge list of customization features, MicroVolts is destined to invigorate and re-energize the Free2play space.

Game modes include Free for All, Team Deathmatch, Item Match, Capture the Battery, and many more featuring various maps designed by toy concept. For more information about MicroVolts visit www.MicroVolts.com

Great Field War this weekend in ARGO Online

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 12:15 PM PDT

ARGO Online will play host to its first official Great Field War on July 16 (this Saturday) at 6pm alaplaya time (9pm Pacific).

The war will take place in the Shining Desert, letting players from Floresslah and Noblian fight over Earthdium. Like the Field Wars that take place daily, both factions will seek to destroy the mine of the enemy and gain the deposits and wealth found there. However, the Great Field War will also give all participants a chance to be selected as a winner of a rare, unique prize package not available any other way.

ARGO Online is published by Alaplaya, which also publishes S4 League and Land of Chaos Online.


ARGO Online Gameplay Screenshot


alaplaya, the leading international free-to-play gaming portal, today announced that the Shining Desert, a vast and sandy expanse which lies at the heart of ARGO Online, will play host to the steampunk-fantasy MMORPG's first official "Great Field War" this Saturday, July 16, at 6 pm alaplaya time (9 pm PST). To learn more about how to join this grand battle and reap the rewards which await the brave and bold who participate, visit the official site at: http://argo.alaplaya.net/teasers/35737

During the daily Field Wars that take place in ARGO Online, players from both the Floresslah and Noblian factions vie for the control of the scarce and vital mineral Earthdium. Competing to survive, players from each faction coordinate their assault in an attempt to destroy the enemy mine. The victors enjoy access to the bountiful Earthdium deposits at the core of the desert as the spoils of war, while the losers wait in shame for an opportunity to try again.

For this special Great Field War event, players will not only be able to participate in the brutal battle for access to the best Earthdium mining in the game, they'll also be entered for a chance to win a unique item that cannot be found anywhere else in ARGO Online. Winners will be selected randomly from the participating players, so be ready for a serious fight this weekend if you want a shot at the prize!

For more information about ARGO Online, visit http://argo.en.alaplaya.net/

Dungeon Empires Gameplay – First Look HD

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 11:57 AM PDT

To Learn More About the Game, Check out our Dungeon Empires Page.

Dungeon Empires is a 3D browser based MMO published by Gamigo – the same company behind Black Prophecy, Golfstar, Martial Empires, King of Kings 3, Loong, War of Angels, and numerous other free to play games. Dungeon Empires is a browser based title – so the visuals aren’t exactly stunning but they’re passable. Players create their own dungeons for other adventurers (other players) to conquer. Find monsters, traps, and room cards for your dungeon by slaying enemies in other people’s dungeons. The concept is certainly unique, so props to the game’s developer for that. To learn more about Dungeon Empires check out the official MMOHut Dungeon Empires page which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.

Battle of the Immortals releases Titan Update

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 05:12 PM PDT

The Titan update for Battle of the Immortals is now live. The update includes:

* The new Titan Throne Dungeon

* Giant Kingdom and Black Dragon Lair maps

* Primal Soul Gear

* New, Stronger Pets

* A gear Re-Forge system

* New character stats

Battle of the Immortals is published by Perfect World Entertainment, which also publishes Forsaken World, Jade Dynasty, and the upcoming Rusty Hearts.


Battle of the Immortals Gameplay Screenshot


King of the Gods, Kronos, Challenges Players in Epic New Instance

Foster City, Calif. — July 13, 2011 — Perfect World Entertainment Inc., a wholly owned US subsidiary of Perfect World Co., Ltd. (NASDAQ: PWRD), today launched the new Titan content update for its action-MMORPG, Battle of the Immortals. Based on the premise of international dungeon raiding, players will find themselves in exotic locales ranging from the Lost City of Atlantis to deep within the Mayan jungle to find rare and epic loot.

“Battle of the Immortals becomes even more epic with the Titan content update, which features huge monsters and even bigger bosses,” said Thang Phan, Product Manager for Battle of the Immortals. “We’re expanding the in-game world with two new maps, new pets, epic soul gears for each class, and players will be able to take on Kronos, the King of Gods, himself for pieces of new Soul Gear.”

The Battle of the Immortals Titan content update will include the following features:
  • Giant Kingdom and Black Dragon Lair maps – Explore new areas filled with new monsters and bosses
  • Titan Throne dungeon – Challenge the King of Gods, Kronos, himself and be handsomely rewarded with pieces of the new Soul Gear equipment sets
  • Greater, stronger pets – Venture through Rainbow Valley to the Ancient Beast Island and capture more powerful pets with higher levels
  • Primal Soul Gear – Obtain primal Soul Gear with additional skill and gear attributes
  • Gear re-forge system – Re-forge gear using Titan’s Glow from fallen monsters in the Titan Thrown or Black Dragon Lair
  • Gain new powers – If great powers come with great responsibilities, players will be even more responsible  with new character stats
Register with your friends and save the world of Motenia today at http://boi.perfectworld.com.

To join the community, http://www.facebook.com/BattleOfTheImmortals.

Ragnarok Online updates to 13.3

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:59 PM PDT

Version 13.3, El Diacastes, is now live for Ragnarok Online.

New in this update is the last part of “The New World” quest series, adding new tasks from the Sapha along with new enchantment rewards. The Scaraba Lair, a new instance headed by the Scaraba Queen, and 13 new weapons designed for all 3rd class adventurers, are also live.

Ragnarok Online is published by Gravity Interactive, which also publishes Requiem, ROSE Online, and Dragon Saga.


Ragnarok Online Gameplay Screenshot



"13.3 El Dicastes " is open for Adventure Today !

MARINA DEL REY, Calif. (July 13, 2011) – Gravity Interactive is proud to announce the major update for Ragnarok Online: 13.3 El Dicastes on July 13.  The 13.3 update is available to all players as a free update to the game content; registration and access to Ragnarok online is free since with the VIP system!

The El Dicastes update is the final chapter of the 13.x Update arc “The New World” which began in early 2010.  El Dicastes expands upon the story of the Sapha and their struggle for survival in the New World.  Hardy adventurers can prove their support and gain access to special tasks and rewards from the Sapha such as special enchantments on their equipment.

Also discovered in El Dicastes is the Scaraba lair, where the Beetle-like Scaraba Queen and her Scaraba Brood flourish, waiting to consume fool hardy adventurers who come under prepared to take their Treasures.  Only the mightiest of warriors should venture into their lair.

Also discovered are 13 new weapons for all 3rd class adventurers' out there, sure to bring power and prestige to those that find them!

1000 years of peace have reined, the world has forgotten the horrors of the age of myth.  Such peace can never last forever and evil waits patiently.  The first signs of the evil awakenings were the friendly monsters turning aggressive; followed soon after by demons attacking and the dead rising from their graves.  Heroes appeared to beat back the invasions until the fateful day that Satan Morocc destroyed the peaceful town of Morroc, his freedom granted by the insane and corrupt humans of Midgard.  The heroes re-gathered themselves and pushed back with everything they had but only a stalemate was possible.  The delicate seals that protect the world from spilling into complete chaos weaken and break; only the knowledge and power from the age of myth can save Midgard from certain doom.  Are you one of the heroes of legend?  Can you and your allies push back the threat of total annihilation and protect Midgard from the final Ragnarok?

Every great adventure starts with a step; take your first step by joining today!

MMO Updates

MMO Updates

Captain's Log: Season Four launch recap

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 10:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Sci-fi, Expansions, Opinion, Star Trek Online, Captain's Log

Captain's Log, Stardate 65037.1...

Hello, computer (and players)! As I mentioned in last week's Captain's Log entry, Season Four: Crossfire is now alive and kicking on Star Trek Online's Holodeck server. Based on past experiences with major content and code pushes, I feel that this was the smoothest to date with virtually no server issues or overload. While there have been a few snags along the way with some bugs making it past Cryptic's "white-glove" QA process, the update was a success and players are having more fun than ever before.

As discussed in one of my past log entries, Season Four was to bring many updates to the game, including the acclaimed ground combat 2.0 system, which would make it an even better Trek experience -- in all honestly, Cryptic delivered. STO is more active than ever and the fleet that I am in is having multiple newbies sign up each day; it is an exciting time to be a player and your weekly columnist. What I would like to do this week is revisit what I let you know was coming to the game and let you know some of my thoughts on them now that I have been experiencing them for myself.

Ensign, warp 12! Oh yeah, we are taking this to a whole new level...

Continue reading Captain's Log: Season Four launch recap

MassivelyCaptain's Log: Season Four launch recap originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Meet LotRO's latest Big Bad: The dragon Draigoch

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 09:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Lord of the Rings Online, Expansions, Previews, Free-to-play

Lord of the Rings Online's Rise of Isengard expansion is still a couple months away, but that doesn't mean we should be saving up our collective drool for that moment. Instead, let us lavish our eyes on a brand-new piece of concept art and feel our mouths go slack with anticipation!

This piece of art depicts Draigoch, the giant dragon who will be the big bad boss of the expansion's 24-man raid. Turbine says that Draigoch is one of the most powerful creatures in Middle-earth, and after getting a look at him, we're inclined to agree. Reportedly, he'll be so big that players will only be able to fight his head.

Rise of Isengard is slated for a September 27th release, and can be pre-ordered now to gain spiffy bonuses and cosmetic gear.

MassivelyMeet LotRO's latest Big Bad: The dragon Draigoch originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Perfect Ten: Best in-game maps

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 08:00 AM PDT

Filed under: World of Warcraft, Age of Conan, Aion, EVE Online, Fallen Earth, Guild Wars, Lord of the Rings Online, Warhammer Online, Humor, Wizard101, RIFT, Perfect Ten

I love me a good map. Seriously. When I was a boy and we'd go on vacations, I think I spent more time flipping through the detailed atlas in the car than looking out of the windows (and how sad is that?). Even today, I'm fascinated with a good map, as it allows my imagination to roam across lands quickly and imagine what they must be like.

In MMOs, maps are one of the most important tools in your user interface. They help orient you, direct you to your next quest objective, allow you to plan a journey in the safest possible manner, and tantalize you with the potentials of unexplored areas. I started to think about how much we rely on a good in-game map when I was reading the Star Wars: The Old Republic dev diary on how that team is implementing their map system.

I've found that in-game maps can be a mixed bag, depending on the game you visit. Some may look great but be functionally useless. Some may be uglier than dirt but hit the spot nevertheless. But the best are the ones that marry good aesthetics with practicality, and those are the ones I want to spotlight today. So without further ado, my favorite in-game maps from MMOs!

Continue reading The Perfect Ten: Best in-game maps

MassivelyThe Perfect Ten: Best in-game maps originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Ask Massively: I'm very sorry about the events of last Friday edition

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 07:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Culture, Opinion, Humor, Ask Massively, Miscellaneous

I do not think of myself as an overly proud man, and as a result I would like to apologize to my neighbors, the local fire department, the men and women of the FBI, and the ACLU for my actions on Friday, July 8th. You may not have heard about it, but per the advice of my attorney I will decline to go into details. Just know that I am extremely sorry, that I had no idea the chinchillas were rabid, that several of the motor vehicles involved in the incident were in fact made in the United States, and I really thought the wall would hold.

Assuming we can put all of this behind us, it's time for this week's edition of Ask Massively, in which we take on the question of why we can't just play an MMO offline whenever the urge strikes us. If you have a question that doesn't involve the incident mentioned above, mail it off to ask@massively.com or leave it in the comments below.

Continue reading Ask Massively: I'm very sorry about the events of last Friday edition

MassivelyAsk Massively: I'm very sorry about the events of last Friday edition originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Daily Grind: Would you keep playing if your character was wiped?

Posted: 14 Jul 2011 06:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Darkfall, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Opinion, The Daily Grind

So the scuttlebutt has it that Darkfall is getting ready to give way to an entirely new version. The PvP sandbox has gone through several iterations since its early 2009 launch, but one thing that has always been consistent is the player characters.

Aventurine recently hinted at character wipes in conjunction with Darkfall 2.0, and while front man Tasos Flambouras hasn't said definitively that there will be a fresh start, he also hasn't said there won't be.

For today's Daily Grind, we'd like to know your thoughts on character wipes. Whether it's a game like Darkfall or any other sort of progression-based affair. Would you keep playing if your progress was reset?

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

MassivelyThe Daily Grind: Would you keep playing if your character was wiped? originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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RIFT patch 1.4 arriving on test servers tomorrow

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 06:30 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, Previews, RIFT

"The seas have not calmed here at Trion as we continue to bring you more to enjoy with each update," Trion Worlds' James Nichols writes. Why doth the seas continue to roil? Because RIFT's patch 1.4 is landing on test servers tomorrow, July 14th, at 6:00 p.m. EDT.

Patch 1.4 follows 1.3's Waves of Madness world event, Hammerknell raid and guild banks with even more high-profile goodies. Probably one of the most-requested features, the ability to look for groups across servers, will be part of the update. This will allow the LFG tool to draw from a wider range of potential dungeon runners.

Also included in the testing process is an alternative gameplay mode for the Whitefall Steppes PvP warfront. Players will have to collect and hold Sourcestone at their base to activate powerful rune cannons to obliterate the enemy.

Instructions on how to participate in RIFT's public test server can be found over at the site.

MassivelyRIFT patch 1.4 arriving on test servers tomorrow originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 20:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Eden Eternal update bringing raids, dungeons, and adorable mouse-people

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 06:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Expansions, News items, Free-to-play, Races

Today, Aeria Games announced the first content update to its free-to-play MMO Eden Eternal. We've already taken a look at one of the new additions coming with the update, the adorably ingenious Zumi race, but now we have more information on what else will be coming to the charming little MMO.

The update will add eight-player raids to the mix alongside Heroic Dungeons. The first of many planned Heroic Dungeons will be Angor Quarry, which players will recognize as the first dungeon they encounter on their journey, and it will provide Eden Eternal players with "new challenges, new items and new crafting recipes." And for those of you with a competitive streak, the game will be introducing ranking-based rewards, which will track the top players and guilds on each server and reward the top percentage with rare and unique rewards. To jump into the game yourself, head on over to the official Eden Eternal website.

MassivelyEden Eternal update bringing raids, dungeons, and adorable mouse-people originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Black Prophecy launch-day interview

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 05:30 PM PDT

Filed under: Sci-fi, Business models, Game mechanics, Interviews, Launches, News items, Free-to-play, Black Prophecy

Reakktor Media's space-faring MMO Black Prophecy saw its North American launch today, as well as its first major content update. We've already provided you lovely readers with a launch-day roundup for your perusal. To commemorate the game going live, we have a launch-day interview with gamigo's Executive Board Member Patrick Streppel. So strap yourselves in, kick your thrusters into overdrive, and jump past the cut for the full interview.

Continue reading Black Prophecy launch-day interview

MassivelyBlack Prophecy launch-day interview originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 19:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Massively Speaking Episode 156

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 05:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Podcasts, Culture, News items, Opinion, Massively meta, Humor, Massively Speaking

Massively Speaking Episode 156 returns this week with Shawn and Rubi covering the week's MMO news, including Black Prophecy's North American launch, DCUO's newest DLC, Darkfall 2.0, CCP's partnership with Nexon, The Secret World's info explosion, and this little game called Planetside 2. They also read through a few listener emails and go on and on about the games they played this week.

Since Rubi will be gone next week, let us know which Massively writer you want to hear on the show. An old favorite? A fresh voice?

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to shawn@massively.com. We may just read your email on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

Massively Speaking is the official podcast of Massively.com. Hosted by Editor-in-Chief Shawn Schuster and Community Manager Rubi Bayer, Massively Speaking takes on the week's biggest news and dev interviews with plenty of opinion, rants, and laughs thrown in for good measure. Join us every Wednesday afternoon to listen in and see what we'll say next!

Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 156

MassivelyMassively Speaking Episode 156 originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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A Mild-Mannered Reporter: In the case of archetypes

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:30 PM PDT

Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Classes, Game mechanics, Opinion, A Mild-Mannered Reporter

I can't say I'm unhappy about the announcement of a new round of powerset proliferation in City of Heroes, but I can be a little upset about the timing. I mean, really, Paragon? You couldn't have waited until my ten-part series talking about the powers available to each archetype was a little more cold in the ground before shooting it to pieces? Would that have been such a tragedy? Now it's pre-obsoleted before I even had the chance to develop a profound dissatisfaction for it.

Oh, well. I might not be able to go back and edit all of the columns to accommodate all the upcoming changes (well, not credibly, anyway), but I can at least talk about the process and my thoughts behind the overall focus. And even if the columns won't quite stand the test of time, methodology matters, right? So let's get on with it and take a look back over the ten core archetypes, talk a little more about the epic archetypes, and even glance at the future of each given set.

Continue reading A Mild-Mannered Reporter: In the case of archetypes

MassivelyA Mild-Mannered Reporter: In the case of archetypes originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 18:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Masthead releases first Earthrise expansion, reactivates old accounts

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 04:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Sci-fi, Expansions, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Earthrise

Today marks a significant milestone for Earthrise, the indie sci-fi sandbox from Masthead Studios. A rather large patch has made its way to the live servers, and the changes are so numerous that Masthead's press release labels the update as Earthrise's first expansion.

The big kahuna in terms of new content is the Territorial Wars functionality, and the patch notes mention new zones with bases ripe for the capturing as well as the ability for guilds to construct various economic and military structures. Speaking of guilds, leaders can now make use of a new ranking and permission system, and Earthrise now sports both friend and ignore lists in addition to improved client performance.

The patch also brings a laundry list of weapon effect changes, combat re-balancing, and bug fixes, all of which are viewable via the patch notes on the official Earthrise forums. If all that's not enough to whet your appetite, consider that Masthead has reduced the initial client cost by 40% as well as gifted all previous account holders with 10 days of free play.

MassivelyMasthead releases first Earthrise expansion, reactivates old accounts originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Exclusive community Q&A with the Elsword crew

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 03:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Interviews, Free-to-play, Casual, Community Q&A, Dev Diaries

The makers of the hyper-kinetic Elsword Online have made it their mission to sit down with the community and tackle the pressing questions of the day. In the first of an exclusive series here on Massively, Kill3rCombo devs respond to player questions about the fresh-faced title.

Q: How do the developers come up with new content? Do you guys sit around and throw out ideas? Or do you have certain developers come up with their own designs then present them to one another until everyone can agree on one thing?

A: There's a game design team within the development team that's responsible for planning and proposing game content. Often, one of the game designers will present his or her ideas to the team and get feedback to help refine the feature. They'll also freely discuss their ideas on our internal message board, a very similar tool to the forum. Every member of the development team has a chance to voice their ideas about new content they'd like to see or how to improve existing content.

We also have a team specially dedicated to developing Elsword for North America. The team updates the Korean Elsword content so it's tailored for North American gamers. Everyone on the team has a chance to offer ideas to create a more fun experience for players in North America.

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MassivelyExclusive community Q&A with the Elsword crew originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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One Shots: Under the Arisen sun

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 02:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Free-to-play, One Shots, Allods Online

Massively reader Dalton has a treat for us on One Shots today: A great-looking main character who just happens to be aboard an intimidating mount, while standing against a gorgeous environmental backdrop.
This is my level 30 Fire/Lightning Arisen Sorcerer in Allods Online. Here I'm at Edge of Eternal Night in the Eljune zone, riding my Indigo Wolf Mount. I love the atmosphere here.
We've taken a look at all of your accessories over the past few weeks on One Shots: weapons, armor, mounts, and pets. But now it's time to turn the spotlight on the star of the show. We want to see you -- well, your character. Snap a screenshot of your favorite character in your favorite MMO. Let us know about him or her by sending the screenshot, your name, and some information about the character to oneshots@massively.com, and we'll feature it here on One Shots!

MassivelyOne Shots: Under the Arisen sun originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Enter at Your Own Rift: Are rifts in danger of collapsing?

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 01:30 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Events, in-game, Game mechanics, Warhammer Online, RIFT, Enter at Your Own Rift

Like many of you, I've been exploring RIFT's Waves of Madness event over the past couple of weeks -- and enjoying it, too. You can really see how Trion Worlds has taken some of the lessons learned from River of Souls and improved its second world event. There just seems like more to do, much more in terms of atmosphere (I love the dripping ceilings in Sanctum), I'm not feeling as rushed, and the event story is coming through loud and clear.

One of the interesting things I've noticed is that the event's daily quests have subtly shifted our focus from single-player activities to group ones. In phase one, it was all about boring solo quests: find hidden invaders, collect eggs, defeat a few underwater baddies. But just when we started to get used to (and bored from) the routine, the successive phases have moved us toward the game's dynamic content. Namely, rifts, rifts and more rifts.

I think this is brilliant, because we're now given a solid reason why we should participate in rifts above the mere rewards. I've been worried that Trion's letting its focus on dynamic content slip as it's been rushing to get other game features and endgame raids out the door, and RIFT without people playing rifts would be sadly ironic.

Today we're going to look at just how much RIFT depends on its titular feature, and what Trion should be doing to ensure that it doesn't become another nice yet abandoned idea.

Continue reading Enter at Your Own Rift: Are rifts in danger of collapsing?

MassivelyEnter at Your Own Rift: Are rifts in danger of collapsing? originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 15:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Retired RIFT players, come back for free July 13-19

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 01:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, News items, RIFT, Promotions

A lot has happened in the world of Telara since RIFT's launch, and now Trion Worlds is inviting retired players to come back to see what's new. Beginning today, July 13th, and ending on until Tuesday, July 19th, players can come back to RIFT without paying a single red cent.

It's the perfect time for former players to jump back into the game to take part in the ongoing world event and to see everything that patch 1.3 has to offer. For more information on this limited-time offer (call within the next fifteen minutes!), head on over to the official RIFT site.

MassivelyRetired RIFT players, come back for free July 13-19 originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Choose My Adventure: Ork in da wild

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Classes, Game mechanics, PvP, Warhammer Online, Opinion, Choose My Adventure

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this past week was the sort of event that turns one's entire life upside-down. The stuff that happened was also pretty unambiguously good, yeah, but between that and my computer randomly screwing up, this has not been the best of weeks for Warhammer Online and myself. Which is odd, seeing as how there's been big (albeit secretive) news for the community, and I've still managed to sit down and get some solid time clocked in with Klurgind despite that.

Last week's polls both indicated that I should follow the WAR Report around the map, and they also indicated that people would really like to roll up with some Massively warband action. So we're going to make an event out of it, based on the best details and planning I can provide. Click on past the break for a recount of Klurgind's most recent adventures in Warhammer Online, plans for the meetup on the weekend, and the new set of polls.

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MassivelyChoose My Adventure: Ork in da wild originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Celebrate Massively's 10,000th Twitter follower with a gaming prize package from Massively!

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 11:30 AM PDT

Filed under: Contests, Massively meta, Giveaways

Back in May, we celebrated our 9,000th Twitter follower with a contest. One lucky reader/Twitter-follower picked up a brand-new Steam game, and the event was such fun that we decided to follow up with something even bigger for the next milestone.

We're closing in on 10,000 Twitter followers this weekend, and we want to celebrate the occasion by giving one of those followers a surprise gaming package from Massively.

Want to be in the running? Simply follow us on Twitter right now, retweet our tweet of this contest any time from now until Friday at 12 p.m. Eastern, and we'll randomly select a winner from among those retweeters. We'll then announce the winner and present the prize pack on Friday afternoon. Good luck -- we'll see you on Twitter!

MassivelyCelebrate Massively's 10,000th Twitter follower with a gaming prize package from Massively! originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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SWTOR writer talks economy, endgame, and polish

Posted: 13 Jul 2011 11:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Sci-fi, Video, Game mechanics, Interviews, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic

We told you yesterday about your chance to get your hands dirty with a Star Wars The Old Republic flashpoint demo later this month. Today we've heard tell of a new video interview with TOR lead writer Daniel Erickson that's worth a viewing.

Game Reactor has just released a 15-minute sit-down with Erickson from this year's E3, and the discussion ranges from story, to endgame, to the possibility of an open beta in the near future.

"It's our launch year," Erickson says, "so I finally get to quit saying -- for the most part -- I can't talk about that." Head to Game Reactor to see what Erickson can talk about, including blurbs on the player economy, raiding, and polish, and don't forget to let us know what you think in the comments.

[Thanks to Petter for the tip!]

MassivelySWTOR writer talks economy, endgame, and polish originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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