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General Gaming Article

My Thoughts About Maximum PC and Our Community

Posted: 20 Dec 2014 01:40 PM PST

Weekend Thoughts About the Future

It's now December 20th, and I've spent a few short weeks at Future working with the Maximum PC team and interacting with the community. I'd thought it would be valuable to our readers if I share some of my thoughts.

So many of you have reached out to me to share ideas and voice concerns. I think when people voice their opinions and concerns, it means they do really care about what they're talking about. I feel that it's our responsibility in return, to be equally transparent and give insight into what goes on behind the scenes and what goes on in my own head.

I took a close-up shot of my keyboard for this article. Care to guess what it is?

I've been compiling a list of ideas based on the feedback that you've been providing, and the way I've broken things down are for short term and long term goals. Things like interacting more with the community, producing more podcasts, publishing more in-depth guides and features, are all things that we can do immediately. Then there are things like creating a next generation publishing platform, and integrating new valuable features that help you digest our content and engage with other readers and our own team that take a little bit more time to think through carefully.

The long term future for Maximum PC is to get the website to be very comprehensive. The magazine, needs to support the site in a useful way. For example, for those who subscribe to the magazine, it would be nice to read things that aren't replicated on the site. There needs to be a symbiotic relationship between the two.

Then there's the method in which we cover technology. Plainly speaking, all tech coverage has bias in some form or another. But to be honest, I think sometimes this is a good thing, especially for Maximum PC—the name in itself is leaning towards a particular side of the tech spectrum. I think readers value what our editors and writers think on a personal level. If you wanted dry content, Wikipedia might be a better read.

All of Maximum PC's writers and editors have different lifestyles different point of views and "Maximum" can mean many different things: maximum value for the money, maximum performance, etc. Your maximum may not be my maximum. I'm certain that if you've been reading the publication for a long time, you have gravitated towards a particular writer or editor for their style, and thoughts. Maybe you've developed a connection with them because of their lifestyle or something else, and therefore value their opinion. If I wrote articles about tech for fitness, and you don't really give 2-cents about tech for fitness, then you'd have no interest in what I have to say.

Of course, we still back-up what we say with data when it matters. Benchmarks, endurance tests, and other evaluations are necessary to sustain a level of trust as well as meaning. Without data, everything would just be a personal opinion. This doesn't mean we should go out and start being totally well-rounded though.

If we stayed completely neutral to all aspects of technology, I feel the publication would lose its personal touch, and consequently lose its personality. And it's this personality that has allowed us to make such a strong connection with you and you to us.

And if we lost that, then we might as well rename ourselves to Yawn PC.




General: The Alienware Alpha: Our Review

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 03:20 PM PST

The Alienware Alpha: Our Review

I'll admit, when I first heard about Alienware's plans to release a handful of console-sized PCs with a modified version of Steam's Big Picture (a prelude to their own SteamOS), I was a bit confused. It seemed almost as though Alienware just wanted to be one of the first to put out a Steam Box, before the competition. And maybe that's the case, because one could simply install Steam OS on the Alpha and be done with it.

General: MMOs Experience the Annual Holiday Takeover

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 10:13 PM PST

MMOs Experience the Annual Holiday Takeover

It's the time of year when every MMO feels the need to include yule logs and snow queens and Santa Claus proxies - Here's a mere partial list of holiday activities for anyone feeling a sudden need to be jolly.

General: Holiday MMO Takeover - Part 2

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 10:39 PM PST

Holiday MMO Takeover - Part 2

There's far too much holiday cheer to fit into one news item so prepare for a jolly barrage!

General: Siege Lord Newbie Pack Giveaway!

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 05:24 PM PST

Siege Lord Newbie Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has partnered with 37Games to bring you a special gift pack for Siege Lord - the Medieval SLG browser game! Each gift pack will give you free food, timber, gold and more!

Star Citizen: New Trailer Packed with In-'Engine' Footage

Posted: 19 Dec 2014 03:13 PM PST

New Trailer Packed with In-

Roberts Space Industries has released an amazing new trailer for Star Citizen. Called "Imagine", the entire trailer was made with images created using the game's engine. Check it out and let us know what you think!

General: Alternatives to Guild Wars 2’s Living World

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:21 PM PST

Alternatives to Guild Wars 2

When Guild Wars 2 launched, ArenaNet informed its player base that it would be pursuing a fairly aggressive update schedule, especially pertaining to its Living World. Rather than implementing simple content updates or full-blown expansions, the developers would focus on building out the world and lore of the game while taking players along for the ride.

Perfect World International: Eclipse Expansion Launches, New Nightshade Race Enters Fray

Posted: 15 Dec 2014 05:05 PM PST

Eclipse Expansion Launches, New Nightshade Race Enters Fray

Perfect World International has expanded today with the launch of Eclipse. The expansion brings a unified starter zone, a new endgame dungeon, an overhauled skill training system, optimized dailies, and new ranked gear. In addition, every player logging in between now and January 17th will receive a free Illusionary Crystal that, on use, instantly boosts characters to level 95. Lastly, the Nightshade race enters the game with two distinct classes, the Stormbringer and the Duskblade.

Warhammer 40.000: Eternal Crusade: All About Early Access Modules

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 12:16 PM PST

All About Early Access Modules

During today's Eternal Crusade Twitch stream, Miguel, Katie and the rest of the dev team are going to be making some very exciting announcements. I was able to speak to Miguel Caron, Head of Studio-Online at Behaviour, earlier this week, to get some details on what announcements were upcoming. The bad news first, there are still things to be worked out before the game's engine can be announced, so no new news on that front.

General: Dragon Age: Inquisition is Too Easy (and That’s Just Fine)

Posted: 18 Dec 2014 11:58 AM PST

Dragon Age: Inquisition is Too Easy (and That

In the age where Dark Souls reigns supreme, Dragon Age: Inquisition can seem staggeringly easy. The last two weeks has seen conversations about the game dominated by harsh critiques of its difficulty. All you have to do is hold one button! critics claim, then collect your loot. The thing is, that's not totally inaccurate, even if it does ignore huge swaths of the rest of the game. But you know what? I don't much care. And do you know what else? Neither should you, and here's why.

KingsRoad: Now Available in the iTunes Store for iPad

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 07:00 PM PST

Now Available in the iTunes Store for iPad

The KingsRoad team has let us know that the game has officially launched for iPad over a week early and that players can get hold of the game right away. At the current time, KingsRoad is only available for iPad and can be found at the link below. Players will be able to take on KingsRoad, a hardcore action-RPG from Rumble Entertainment.

Vainglory: Fledgling MOBA Conquers Mobile

Posted: 06 Dec 2014 12:53 PM PST

Fledgling MOBA Conquers Mobile

Back in October, I visited Super Evil Megacorp's lair where the team treated me to an early look at its mobile MOBA, Vainglory. What I experienced that day got my hopes up for a dynamic, fun, accessible MOBA I could take with me anywhere. Now that the game's been officially released, I'm happy to say I haven't been disappointed.

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