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The Last Story May Finally Deliver on Mistwalker’s Promise

Posted: 04 May 2012 09:19 PM PDT

seemed to scream ourselves hoarse on how some company should take
the initiative in developing a sort of Criterion Collection for video
games. There’s nothing quite like having a physical object that wholly
celebrates a title, a series, or the artists themselves. Valve has
shown some spark in this area through the spectacular inclusion of
commentaries in games like Half-Life 2
and Portal,
but this idea still deserves to be taken further. It’s going to take a
company with a rich, stories history; a company whose fan-base who its
past and is keen on its preservation. A company like, say, Nintendo.

be perfectly honest, Nintendo completely botched Mario’s 25th
Anniversary. As Jeremy
pointed out in last year’s lamentation
Mario Bros.
deserved better.
Arguably the most influential game of all time, it deserved to have the
vaults opened wide for fans to have access to every bit of content
related to the original title. After consuming the disc, we should’ve
been left utterly full, yet definitively satiated. But that’s not the
route Nintendo decided to take — instead, we got a disc with a rom of Super Mario
for the SNES, a flimsy
book sprinkled with pull quotes, and a CD containing a shamefully bare
selection of tracks. In essence, Nintendo celebrated the 25th
anniversary of their iconic mascot by making a quick buck. And while
this left us undeniably disappointed, hope remains.

Kirby is turning 20 this year,
and at the most recent Nintendo Direct press conference, Satoru Iwata
announced that they will be celebrating this milestone by releasing a
retail disc for the Wii that includes undisclosed Kirby goodness.
Outside of promising a variety of “fan-favorite” Kirby titles, Nintendo
has left the rest of the details to our hopes and fears. This could be
Nintendo’s chance at historical preservation redemption. They could
right all of the wrongs from Super Mario
All-Stars Wii
by giving us a
fully comprehensive look at Kirby’s past, present, and future.

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Warlock: Master Of The Arcane Video Shows Civ-Like Gameplay

Posted: 04 May 2012 03:19 PM PDT

It's about time this mash up happened.

If there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that Civilization is fantastic. Agreed? But despite the hundreds of hours under our collective belts playing Sid Meier's addictive world domination simulator, there's always a twinge deep down begging for something a little more mystical.

Paradox Interactive – the guys behind super-awesome wizard game Magicka and innovative RTS Majesty – is about to release Warlock: Master Of The Arcane, finally blending these two perfect forms together.

You may not have heard much about Warlock – that's usually the case with Paradox games, unfortunately – but the latest trailer from PC Gamer highlights just how exciting this game could be.

It's a similar set up to Civ V really: hexagon-based tiles, cities planted in randomly generated worlds, races for resources and armies that are infeasibly several times bigger than any of your towns. The difference being the numerous mystical beasties that litter the landscape.

Dragons, ogres, giant sea serpents, werewolves and many more are just some of the creatures you'll command, so rather than a race to get tanks – a la Civilization – this time it's probably the first to build giants that wins the world. It's the fantastical setting that really separates the two that could make Warlock so exciting.

There is doubt though. Paradox Interactive has a slew of great games under its belt – others less so – but a game like Civilization takes an experienced team like Firaxis years to finely hone the strategy – we really hope Paradox has done the same here.

Warlock: Master Of The Arcane is out next week, so check out the video below – taken from PC Gamer – to find out just how much potential this game has.

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Blade & Soul (KR)

Posted: 04 May 2012 03:19 PM PDT

I don’t normally air my views on certain topics as a separate post, but there will still be exceptions from time to time. NCsoft, to the surprise of many, revealed the Summoner class to much fanfare, but I can guarantee you that no one outside NCsoft would have foresee the kitty cat mania which followed. No doubt the over-cute design might be out of place and attract negative comments from everywhere, but when was the last time a MMO company pulled of such an amusing and entertaining “stunt”?

NCsoft really has got balls, and titanium-clad ones if I may describe. If you are NCsoft’s CEO, would you have dared to teased the Summoner class calling forth awesome ink demons, only to reveal they are summoning kitty cats instead? Normally, I would have been a detractor, but NCsoft actually has got the full package in place, including the skill system for the kitty cat summons, the various gliding, swimming and moving actions, and even a music video! This is not a half-baked system just to score some points with the ladies, but a full working feature.

My point is, if you want to pull off such a “stunt”, you must be prepared with the content to showcase and convince gamers it will work. This kitty cat mania is definitely a stroke of genius in my books. I am convinced, and totally in awe at the same time. Even my normally strict brother is hooked to the music video!

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Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: A Marriage That Works Despite Its Differences

Posted: 04 May 2012 03:19 PM PDT

seemed to scream ourselves hoarse on how some company should take
the initiative in developing a sort of Criterion Collection for video
games. There’s nothing quite like having a physical object that wholly
celebrates a title, a series, or the artists themselves. Valve has
shown some spark in this area through the spectacular inclusion of
commentaries in games like Half-Life 2
and Portal,
but this idea still deserves to be taken further. It’s going to take a
company with a rich, stories history; a company whose fan-base who its
past and is keen on its preservation. A company like, say, Nintendo.

be perfectly honest, Nintendo completely botched Mario’s 25th
Anniversary. As Jeremy
pointed out in last year’s lamentation
Mario Bros.
deserved better.
Arguably the most influential game of all time, it deserved to have the
vaults opened wide for fans to have access to every bit of content
related to the original title. After consuming the disc, we should’ve
been left utterly full, yet definitively satiated. But that’s not the
route Nintendo decided to take — instead, we got a disc with a rom of Super Mario
for the SNES, a flimsy
book sprinkled with pull quotes, and a CD containing a shamefully bare
selection of tracks. In essence, Nintendo celebrated the 25th
anniversary of their iconic mascot by making a quick buck. And while
this left us undeniably disappointed, hope remains.

Kirby is turning 20 this year,
and at the most recent Nintendo Direct press conference, Satoru Iwata
announced that they will be celebrating this milestone by releasing a
retail disc for the Wii that includes undisclosed Kirby goodness.
Outside of promising a variety of “fan-favorite” Kirby titles, Nintendo
has left the rest of the details to our hopes and fears. This could be
Nintendo’s chance at historical preservation redemption. They could
right all of the wrongs from Super Mario
All-Stars Wii
by giving us a
fully comprehensive look at Kirby’s past, present, and future.

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What Makes a Game Worth Buying at Launch?

Posted: 04 May 2012 03:19 PM PDT

Midnight launch

Gaming can be an expensive hobby, particularly if you’re keen on picking up games as they are released. With your typical console game going for $60 at launch and there being no shortage of quality titles to play, those costs can quickly add up, making it difficult to keep up with the latest releases. But there are more factors than merely price which can make gamers hesitant to buy games when they first come out including a perceived lack of value, eventual complete/Game of the Year edition releases, and patches which make games into better experiences for those who opt against rushing out to a midnight launch.

1UP readers on Facebook and our boards responding to a question about purchasing games at launch offered up a wide variety of reasons for why they are not keen on always being early adopters. While there were those who do still buy games as soon as they are made available, a high percentage of answers indicated there are only a limited numbers of exceptions where they are willing to do so.

Money was a commonly cited reason to wait, and rightfully so. No one has an unlimited supply of disposable income to spend on games, and as Snuggets noted, the cost of living and increasing gas prices make it difficult to drop $60 on a single game. Getting older also makes it hard to spend as much money on games, both because moving away from home can be expensive and because adult responsibilities don’t leave as much time for gaming.

That cost becomes even more difficult to justify when games routinely go on sale soon after they are released. Mass Effect 3 is a good example of this. After being released on March 6, it was available on Amazon for $30 on April 24. It was only a one-day sale, and you can blame whatever reason you want for that, but it doesn’t change the fact that a AAA release was available for half price in less than two months. It’s a similar situation to Black Friday; games released in the weeks prior to it can be had for incredibly low prices, like getting Battlefield 3 and Batman: Arkham City for $28 as Anthony Feliciano said he did. Those deals may require more effort to take advantage of than the usual sale you see in the Sunday flyers, yet knowing a game released in October or early November could potentially be had for $20 or $30 cheaper in late November may be more than enough to delay an immediate purchase. The same can be said for the inevitable price drops that seem to come sooner than ever before. In the case of PC games, things like Steam sales and indie bundles seem to be devaluing games and feeding into consumers’ desire to wait for a deal rather than paying the initial asking price.

There will always be fans willing to pay extra to get a game they care about as soon as possible, but price cuts and sales as steep as ME3′s are not helping to incentivize the purchase of games at launch. And developers and publishers most certainly do want you handing your money over at launch (if not sooner).

Max Payne 3 Amazon credit

One way retailers are able to attract some gamers is by doing something to mitigate the cost. OhJTBehaaave brings up pre-order deals that can’t be passed up, such as Amazon offering a $20 credit toward a future purchase. “For instance there’s a $10 pre-order credit on Max Payne 3 that I might jump on because I really want to play that game on its release,” he said. “Otherwise I totally have enough of a game backlog to wait for games to reduce in price… which happens rather quickly these days.”

Although he said he would be buying Diablo III on May 15 even if he knew it would be available for cheaper soon after, EmperorCesar brought up a good point in mentioning how some companies’ games hold their value better than others. Blizzard is a good example of this, and Call of Duty games also tend to stay at their original price longer than most. But Nintendo with its evergreen titles may be the best example of all: New Super Mario Bros. for DS, released way back in May 2006 for $35, continues to be sold for that price at GameStop. Mario Party 8, released in May 2007, is $45 (used!) at GameStop and $48.84 on Amazon despite a sequel being released in March. If there’s a Nintendo game you want, sales aside, you’re unlikely to get it for cheaper unless you’re willing to wait a very long time.

UltramanJ mentions special deals helping to persuade him to splurge on a game at launch from time to time. To get gamers to put their money down early, stores will offer pre-order bonuses like physical items or in-game content, the desired implication being that they are only obtainable by pre-ordering. While that might be true of the physical items, it’s becoming more and more well known that in-game pre-order bonuses will be sold as downloadable content at some point down the line. Mortal Kombat‘s “klassic” character skins and fatalities come to mind as one example. Because these were spread out to different retailers, obtaining them all was initially an expensive proposition. Some turned to eBay to obtain them, with some auctions going for as much as $100. This happened before it was announced all of the bonuses would be sold in a DLC bundle for only $4.99. Knowing that a free pre-order bonus will only be available for an extra fee at a later date might convince some to put $5 down at GameStop ahead of a game’s release. But others see that DLC price as an acceptable cost because six months down the line they’ll still be coming out ahead as a result of the game itself costing much less.

Pre-order bonuses were one of three reasons vakthoth said he could see for wanting to buy a game at launch. The second was the game in question being an especially anticipated one; Portal 2 and Skyward Sword were noted as the only games he bought at launch last year. The third reason is if you’re the type to be very social about your games where you like to discuss the latest and greatest with friends. Time_Prophet said that’s what prompted him to buy games at launch as a kid. Nowadays the hot topic online changes rapidly — Mass Effect 3 and its ending, for example, were quickly devoured and dissected, and people have since moved on. That’s not to say no one is still talking about it, but by and large the conversation has run its course.

Part of that is due to the frequency of noteworthy releases. The past three months alone have seen Vita and its launch games, Mass Effect 3, The Witcher 2 for Xbox 360, Prototype 2, Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Ninja Gaiden 3, Silent Hill: Downpour, Yakuza Dead Souls, Street Fighter X Tekken, SSX, Syndicate, Asura’s Wrath, Twisted Metal, Resident Evil: Revelations, The Darkness II, and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning released — among others. And this isn’t even the busy part of the year; each fall the number of big releases seems to grow and it becomes an impossible task to keep up with them all. For those who want to be social about their games or are only interested in what’s hot at the moment, that means certain titles that might otherwise be day-one purchases get left behind.

“If I want a game, I buy it when it comes out. If I don’t buy a game within the first week or so, I’m likely to never get it at all because I just really don’t want it that much and have something else to play,” Dub_Z said. “Even if they were everyone else’s AAA GotY 1-2 years ago, by the time I’m in the mood for something new to play, and see them cheaper… they seem kind of outdated and even less ‘must have’ than they were when they were the cutting-edge game-of-the-week. Nowadays, I’d rather use the money to get DLC for a game I play on a regular basis, or for a $10-20 downloadable game that I want to play on day/week one and doesn’t require as much rationalizing, budgeting, or impulse control.”

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MMO Updates

MMO Updates

WRUP: Revenge of the boxes edition

Posted: 05 May 2012 08:00 AM PDT

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It's more organized than this.
I was worried, rather legitimately, that when I moved into my new apartment, I would be facing an internet-free existence despite having called to set up a transfer two weeks prior. That worst-case scenario didn't come to pass. However, I am still sitting among a nightmarish pile of boxes that form corridors and alleyways through my space. Somewhere in those boxes is every important item that contributes to comfortable living. But at least I can clean that up while looking at cat videos.

Since I have the internet, I'm also able to type yet another inane introduction to WRUP, in which the Massively staff members discuss what they're up to over the next few days. We also give our impressions of the two most recent betas in five words -- or whatever other MMO-related topic strikes our fancy. So jump on down to see what we're up to for the weekend, and let us know your plans over the weekend in the comments!

Continue reading WRUP: Revenge of the boxes edition

MassivelyWRUP: Revenge of the boxes edition originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 05 May 2012 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Daily Grind: Do you use mobile authenticators?

Posted: 05 May 2012 06:00 AM PDT

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Pretty sure this dude is trying to steal your loot, and that's why you should get an authenticator.
A recent listener of the Massively Speaking podcast sparked a lively debate about the mobile authenticators that MMO companies are so fond of asking us to use as an extra layer of security for our accounts. He suggested that companies that encourage authenticators are doing so less for our security than for their own financial interests or responsibility -- after all, if I'm using an authenticator, they can save money on support and security staff. Our listener also pointed out that authenticators are annoying to the point that MMO studios sometimes have to bribe us with minipets and other goodies to get us to enroll, which suggests that maybe more people than we'd think avoid that extra tier of security.

What about you -- do you use mobile authenticators when they are available, and if not, how do you and the games you play safeguard your accounts?

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

MassivelyThe Daily Grind: Do you use mobile authenticators? originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 05 May 2012 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Cabal's Third Awakening patch hits Monday, brings new battle mode

    Posted: 04 May 2012 07:00 PM PDT

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    Cabal Online - dude with a bear lion thing
    Game-Masters is readying a new update for its free-to-play actioner known as Cabal Online. Mark Monday, May 7th on your calendar because The Third Awakening patch is bringing quite a few changes to Cabal's European client.

    Among the tweaks are a new battle mode, new achievement and appearance-changing systems, and powerful new jewelry and gear. There's also a dungeon called Hazardous Valley. We're betting that you'll want some friends to tackle it if the name is anything to go by, and we're also quite sure that the rewards will be worth your time. More details are available at Cabal's official website.

    [Source: press release]

    MassivelyCabal's Third Awakening patch hits Monday, brings new battle mode originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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      Betawatch: April 28 - May 4, 2012

      Posted: 04 May 2012 06:00 PM PDT

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      Betawatch (Glitch)
      Beta launches numbered few this week, but Betawatchers were amply supplied with beta news. Glitch launched its new imagination system, we logged hands-on time with Firefall, Diablo III unveiled the Wizard and the game's TV spot, Storybricks kickstarted a Kickstarter promotion, The Repopulation promised a sandbox-worthy gear system, and the Guild Wars 2 gem store crept online.

      We also say farewell to TERA this week as it's now out of beta and available in the West!

      The full Betawatch roundup is tucked behind the break, ready and waiting to take over your weekend.

      Continue reading Betawatch: April 28 - May 4, 2012

      MassivelyBetawatch: April 28 - May 4, 2012 originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Lord of the Rings Online explains Moria revamp

        Posted: 04 May 2012 05:00 PM PDT

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        Since the word came down recently that Turbine is revamping much of Lord of the Rings Online's Moria, players have been buzzing about the merits and scope of such a project. Content Developer Lauren Salk posted an article on the official site explaining the reasoning behind the decision as well as the specific changes involved.

        Salk said that Turbine wanted to respond to player complaints about the difficulty and pace of Moria's leveling experience. She admits that the quests did not always lead to the best places and resulted in a frustrating stint underground instead of an amazing journey. Salk confessed that the zone even frustrated her mother, who never made it all the way through.

        With Update 7, LotRO will update half of Moria, while the latter half will come later on down the road. In addition to a smoother quest flow, additional quests, and an easier difficulty level, Turbine's adding tasks for all to enjoy.

        Travel through Moria will become more pleasant, as the lighting will be adjusted, additional stable routes added, monsters moved out of the major pathways, and a no-reputation goat made available from the start.

        MassivelyLord of the Rings Online explains Moria revamp originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        SWTOR offers community Q&A, celebratory weekend discount

        Posted: 04 May 2012 04:30 PM PDT

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        SWTOR Trooper by Spartanash
        BioWare has often stated that fans are central Star Wars: The Old Republic's development. Decisions ranging from the weapon design to ranked warzones have been influenced by direct feedback from fans. So this week, the SWTOR community team has shifted its focus back on the fans by highlighting some of the extraordinary players of the game in the triumphant return of Fan Friday, which highlights (among others) the image above by Spartanash and others that display player characters in powerful poses and ornate outfits.

        The community team says that player Iwipe is an "incredible asset" to the community because of her helpful community guides. Specifically, her 1.2 Dailies and PvE Gear Guide, Hardmode Flashpoint Loot List, and Rakghoul Outbreak Guide top the list of her most impressive pieces. When asked why she writes these guides, she explained, "Forums are a great source of information but it takes time to dig through and find relevant info so I started writing guides and such to help the community out."

        The team has also posted this week's Community Q&A, which covers purple lightsaber crystals, guild mail, mentoring systems, cross-server legacy implementation, and more. And if that weren't enough, EA has put the whole game on sale for the weekend for just $34.44.

        MassivelySWTOR offers community Q&A, celebratory weekend discount originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 18:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Guild Wars 2 gem store goes (partially) online

        Posted: 04 May 2012 04:00 PM PDT

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        Guild Wars 2
        One of the more controversial aspects of the upcoming Guild Wars 2 is its microtransaction system, the details of which were tightly under wraps until the recent NDA-free public beta weekend. Now that the public's had a look-see, ArenaNet brought its gem store out into the open for all to see.

        The browser version of the store, which is also available in the game itself, is only partially functional at the moment. While it does list the categories, items, and icons for its wares, it's lacking any prices, descriptions, or ability to purchase.

        It's worth a look if you want a first-hand view of the goods that ArenaNet hopes will power Guild Wars 2's profitability, of course. The categories include style, consumable, support, account, boosts, and minis.

        MassivelyGuild Wars 2 gem store goes (partially) online originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        TERA hits the #1 spot for Amazon downloads

        Posted: 04 May 2012 03:00 PM PDT

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        Unquestionably the best game named TERA released in May this year.
        Whenever a game launches, there's always a question of whether it will sink or swim. MMOs don't necessarily live or die on the basis of their launches, but it takes a lot more effort to recover from a bad launch. TERA seems to have gotten off on the right foot, as it hit the #1 download spot for Amazon during its launch week, and all projections point to it hitting the top spot next week as well.

        If you're tempted to jump on the bandwagon, now is definitely the time. Through the 31st of the month, players who purchase the game will receive discounted subscription rates as well as a special Golden Dragon weapon skin. The Digital Collector's Edition from Amazon also features a special mount and two necklaces to help improve your journey through the game world. If you like little added bits of value, now might be the time to give the game a shot.

        [Source: Amazon press release]

        MassivelyTERA hits the #1 spot for Amazon downloads originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Star Trek Online posts Ask Cryptic answers for each day of May

        Posted: 04 May 2012 02:30 PM PDT

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        Attacking DS9 is always something like content.
        Converting a game from a subscription model is hard work. That's the theme throughout the latest installment of Star Trek Online's regular Ask Cryptic feature: The reason that the game has gone for so long without major batches of new content is that the team has been wholly focused on switching models. But there's more coming to the game in the near future, starting with the major Season 6 patch hitting the test server soon.

        The coming patch will feature new ground and space missions similar to STFs without being quite the same sort of content. The update will also feature a new Fleet Advancement system, which will give player groups a chance to improve themselves and acquire new bonuses. Star Trek Online players will be well-served by taking a look at the full list of answers, which go into further detail about upcoming systems and planned additions for the next patch and beyond.

        MassivelyStar Trek Online posts Ask Cryptic answers for each day of May originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 16:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Artist plagiarizes Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft illustrators

        Posted: 04 May 2012 02:00 PM PDT

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        Concept art
        If you're going to steal, steal big -- or so Romanian artist Iani Papadopol thought. Papadopol put on an exhibit called "UpDate 3D loading" featuring fantastic landscapes and scenery. The only problem? Instead of painting them himself, he ripped off several well-known illustrators, including ArenaNet's Daniel Dociu and Blizzard's Mathias Verhasselt, claiming the pieces as his own.

        The fraud was discovered by online fans and local artists after the exhibit was broadcast on TV. Papadopol's works were found to be stunningly similar -- in fact, identical -- to those of famous video game illustrators. Papadopol attempted to sell the prints before he was caught. There's no word yet whether charges will be filed.

        "I found out from my friends," Dociu, a fellow Romanian, said on a news channel. "I recognized four pieces of my work immediately. What upsets me is that he's also Romanian with an artistic background. I will not take legal action if he admits what he did."

        Papadopol's father, the acclaimed artist Constantin Papadopol, says that this is a misunderstanding. In any case, let this be the lesson to the next lazy art thief: It's perhaps best not to rip off the guy whose work was on the cover of National Geographic.

        MassivelyArtist plagiarizes Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft illustrators originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Storyboard: Problem players

        Posted: 04 May 2012 01:00 PM PDT

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        Hopefully my internet connection is working as you read this.
        I don't tend to talk about the players behind the characters in this column because more often than not it doesn't matter. A good roleplayer is a good roleplayer, and if your characters can interact well, you don't really need to be close friends behind the scenes. Sure, I promote communication out of character, but that's to avoid drama, and liking the person involved is more of a bonus than a requisite goal. The majority of roleplayers won't have issues beyond character or story-based ones, and thus I focus on those.

        There are exceptions.

        Even if most of the troubles you'll encounter are the result of characters that don't quite work for whatever reason (something we're all guilty of), there are certain players who are going to cause problems no matter what. And I'm not talking about the guy who always makes the same character with minor setting adjustments. I'm talking about the players who will make you actively dislike the game you're playing, the cases where you're going to need to address the problem beyond just shaking your head at one character or another. These guys exist, and even though they're not the majority, they have an unpleasant impact.

        Continue reading Storyboard: Problem players

        MassivelyStoryboard: Problem players originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          Elder Scrolls Online leaks flood the web

          Posted: 04 May 2012 12:00 PM PDT

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          The Elder Scrolls Online - leaked character screenshot
          The internet and rabid fandom being what they are, it's next to impossible for gaming press outlets to keep their exclusive information exclusive for very long. So it went with Game Informer's The Elder Scrolls Online reveal, which is slated to appear in its June print edition. Posters at NeoGAF, as well as pretty much every gaming news site around the web, subsequently got a hold of the article and leaked a bunch of screenshots as well as a few rumored gameplay details.

          Said details include traditional hotbar combat, a third-person perspective, and around 120 hours' worth of leveling content for the average player.

          MassivelyElder Scrolls Online leaks flood the web originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          Clone Wars Adventures celebrates Star Wars Day with special deals

          Posted: 04 May 2012 11:00 AM PDT

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          Jar Jar Binks
          Did you know that May 4th is Star Wars Day? Yeah, neither did I, which apparently means my failure as a Star Wars fan is complete.

          Oh, wait, I get it. May the fourth be with you!

          Anyway, Sony Online Entertainment is offering free booster points as well as a special code to unlock a rare double-bladed lightsaber, all for logging in to Clone Wars Adventures. And the game has a new introductory offer that includes first-month access to premium Jedi membership levels for only $1.99. More info is yours for the reading at the official CWA site.

          [Source: SOE press release]

          MassivelyClone Wars Adventures celebrates Star Wars Day with special deals originally appeared on Massively on Fri, 04 May 2012 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            General gaming

            General gaming

            The Last Story May Finally Deliver on Mistwalker's Promise

            Posted: 04 May 2012 04:58 PM PDT

            Gaming trivia buffs know that the title "Final Fantasy" didn't originate from a random pairing of English words; this genre-defining classic came into being as an all-or-nothing, last-ditch effort from developer Hironobu Sakaguchi to save his ailing company -- and would ultimately go on to have far more longevity than its title would indicate. The famed Square developer hasn't been as fortunate with his recent Mistwalker studio, though, as both Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey clung a bit too closely to his comfort zone, which certainly didn't help the ailing reputation of Japanese-developed RPGs in the West.

            That said, The Last Story's title isn't meant to simply reference its creator's legendary roots; after all, this could be Sakaguchi's final chance to prove his RPG-development chops after nearly six years of floundering for a successful franchise. Those skeptical of Mistwalker's output should be happy to hear that Sakaguchi has taken a surprising new tack with The Last Story; his new RPG streamlines the typically slow-paced action even more than Xenoblade, resulting in a refreshing experience with a striking emphasis on immediacy.

            What Makes a Game Worth Buying at Launch?

            Posted: 04 May 2012 02:43 PM PDT

            Midnight launch

            Gaming can be an expensive hobby, particularly if you're keen on picking up games as they are released. With your typical console game going for $60 at launch and there being no shortage of quality titles to play, those costs can quickly add up, making it difficult to keep up with the latest releases. But there are more factors than merely price which can make gamers hesitant to buy games when they first come out including a perceived lack of value, eventual complete/Game of the Year edition releases, and patches which make games into better experiences for those who opt against rushing out to a midnight launch.

            1UP readers on Facebook and our boards responding to a question about purchasing games at launch offered up a wide variety of reasons for why they are not keen on always being early adopters. While there were those who do still buy games as soon as they are made available, a high percentage of answers indicated there are only a limited numbers of exceptions where they are willing to do so.

            Theatrhythm Final Fantasy: A Marriage That Works Despite Its Differences

            Posted: 04 May 2012 10:01 AM PDT

            Back in the dim and distant bronze age of the Internet, when 1UP was a thing Mario collected and IGN was a coalition of loosely-related platform-specific individual sites, I used to contribute to a site called The Gaming Intelligence Agency. The GIA was too good for this gentle world (literally, as the cost of running such a popular site in the days before anyone really understood how to run a self-sustaining business online ended up leading to its shutdown). People loved the site for its focus on niche content, its smart and up-to-the-minute content, and perhaps most of all its eerily convincing April Fool's jokes. I don't know that the GIA ever topped its stunningly well-crafted Final Fantasy VIII Gaiden hoax, but it wasn't for lack of trying.

            One of my favorites GIA pranks was always Funky Fantasy, a Final Fantasy-based rhythm game. The idea seemed so ridiculous in those faraway times: Final Fantasy characters boogying DDR-style to trip-hop remixes of Nobuo Uematsu's music. And yet here we are, mere months away from the arrival of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, which manages to one-up Funky Fantasy both in terms of its preposterous design and its silly name.

            MMORPG News

            MMORPG News

            Dominus: You Can't Always Kickstart Your Heart

            Posted: 02 May 2012 05:04 PM PDT

            You Can

            Last week, PitchBlack Studios announced that it was shutting down production of Dominus and fans of the game began calling for a Kickstarter campaign, today's answer to funding woes. In our latest Developer Perspectives, we take a look at that. See what you think!

            The Elder Scrolls Online: Teaser Site & Trailer

            Posted: 04 May 2012 08:14 AM PDT

            Teaser Site & Trailer

            The Elder Scrolls Online teaser site has officially launched. Included on the new site is a trailer to further fuel the fires of excitement!

            General: MMO Darwinism

            Posted: 03 May 2012 04:56 PM PDT

            MMO Darwinism

            A new credo has erupted in the MMO-space these days: Adapt or die. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at that premise. See what you think and then leave your thoughts in the comments.

            TERA: Review In Progress - Part Two

            Posted: 03 May 2012 04:47 PM PDT

            Review In Progress - Part Two

   is committed to giving our readers the best and most informative reviews of today's hottest MMOs. With that in mind, we're taking a new tack with TERA and giving it a multiple week timetable for review. In today's installment, we continue our journey in TERA. See how we're progressing. Read on!

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