


Elder Scrolls Online - Introducing Homestead ? Housing Comes to Tamriel in 2017

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 07:00 AM PST

Housing is an often-requested feature in just about every MMORPG that launces without it. Elder Scrolls Online is no different. Since the game launched, housing has been one of Zenimax's most-requested additions. In early 2017, Homestead will be the free Update that brings it to all Tamriel's citizens. We caught up with the ZOS team to chat about all the many things you'll get to do with your own private residence.

Guild Wars 2 - A Big Shakeup is Coming to PVP Leagues with Season 5

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 06:00 AM PST

Announced today, Guild Wars 2 is about to overhaul its PVP League system with the launch of Season 5 on December 13th. With a new way to gauge skill, a new League UI, a new rewards system, and a shakeup of the maps inside of Ranked Play. It's a whole lot to go through, and you can read up on all of the changes here. We were lucky enough to get an exclusive interview with PVP Gameplay Programmer Evan Lesh, who shed a bit more light on the changes.

Allods Online - Eighth Playable Race Coming in "Immortality" Update

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 05:54 AM PST

When Allods Online is updated to v8.0 "Immortality", players will have a new race to play called the Aed. Aeds have innate Psionic abilities that allow them to trade places with enemies as long as they are within line of sight.

Conan Exiles - New Developer Diary Explores Character Creation

Posted: 06 Dec 2016 05:28 AM PST

In a new developer blog post on the Conan Exiles site, the team takes a look at the first steps in the game, most notably character creation. Starting with a rather grim scene of crucifixion and prefabricated faces that can be adjusted to suit a player's taste. Hair, skin color, fourteen races and ethnicities are all included, all taken from the original literature.

- Rumor Confirmed: Russell Shanks Has Moved On

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 03:39 PM PST

Last week we reported that now-former Daybreak Game Company President Russell Shanks had left the company and that co-President Ji Ham from Columbus Nova, the parent company of DGC, had taken over full time duties. We reached out to Daybreak and received confirmation that Shanks has moved on to other ventures.

- The VIP RPG Newsletter, Issue #1

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 02:00 PM PST

Introductions to a new series of articles are always awkward. It's like a first date, lots of posturing, smiling and making a good impression. Let's get it out of the way and head straight to the good stuff.

Heroes of the Storm - Ragnaros Burns His Way into the Nexus on PTR

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 12:51 PM PST

The Heroes of the Storm PTR has been updated with the forthcoming patch that will see Ragnaros enter the Nexus. Ragnaros was announced during last month's Blizzcon 2016. In addition to Raggy, players will also get a first look at this year's Winter Veil celebration, Ranked play Season 3 updates and the updated Haunted Mines.

Hellgate - Returning to the Multiplayer Underworld

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 12:38 PM PST

It appears that a team is making promising headway on a revival of the multiplayer aspect of Hellgate. Since the revelation that such a project was underway earlier this year, the team has made such significant progress to being the multiplayer aspect to life that the first in a series of developer diaries has been published.

- LET IT DIE is the Craziest Game I?ve Played in a While

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 10:00 AM PST

Some of you may remember LET IT DIE from its announcement trailer a few months back. It didn't impress the few of you who commented, but the new free to play online ARPG from Grasshopper Manufacture and Gungho Online may be worth your time if you've got a PS4. Read on to find out why.

Grim Dawn - Third Roguelike Dungeon Revealed in New Post

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 09:21 AM PST

The latest Grim Dawn update has been posted to the game's official forum. In it, the team lets players know that the next update is on schedule for deployment in the middle of December. In addition, the third roguelike dungeon that will deploy with the update, The Fall of Valbury, is revealed as well as some new "monster infrequents" that can be dropped -- here's to sweet phat lewt!

- Book of Demons - Mage Class Debuts with New Trailer

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 09:10 AM PST

Thing Trunk has sent out a brand new trailer for Book of Demons and the newly added Mage class that came along with today's update. Mages are, as expected, a spell focused class that requires player to find new card synergies. Check out the video before logging into the game.

Path of Exile - The Exiled Tribune - Diving Into the Breach

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST

In this week's Path of Exile: The Exiled Tribune, we take a look at Grinding Gear Games' tenth anniversary, all things Breach, some cool ways to take on the new content, some additions & improvements to Map Mods, what's coming in the near future and a few more pretty cool reveals from the week that was.

H1Z1 - Just Survive Isn't Dead, It's Just Getting Started

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 07:35 AM PST

The latest H1Z1: Just Survive producer's letter has been published to reassure the playerbase that the game is indeed moving forward with production. The post begins with a mea culpa of sorts with the admission that the most recent patch, deployed over two months ago, wasn't the "prettiest update" that has ever been released. Since that time, however, devs have been updating the Test server regularly and has been actively engaging the community for feedback.

World of Warcraft - "Battered & Bruised" Nostalrius Server to Launch Dec 17

Posted: 05 Dec 2016 07:30 AM PST

Nostalrius, the pirate World of Warcraft server, will be making a return on December 17th, reborn as Elysium. The original Nostalrius server was shut down by Blizzard, but the WoW team met with server 'owners' earlier this summer in a cooperative effort to define the issue. After a few months of what was perceived to be inaction on Blizzard's part, the Nost team threatened to release its source code if the issue was ignored during Blizzcon 2016. It was and the code was subsequently released.

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