


Torment: Tides of Numenera - Release Date Coming on February 28th

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 07:30 AM PST

inXile Entertainment has announced that Torment: Tides of Numenera will finally be leaving Early Access and head to full release on February 28, 2017 for PC, XBox One and PlayStation 4. Players can get hold of the PC version via GoG or Steam.

Elder Scrolls Online - Homestead - Why It's Good News for Everyone

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 06:00 AM PST

Homestead is The Elder Scrolls Online next DLC package coming to Tamriel in Feburary 2017. While a large part of the community seems to be ecstatic about it, there is a vocal group of players who are upset with it. Ryan discusses the information we know about Homestead and asks you if there is grounds to be upset or if it's all false claims.

Heroes & Generals - Latest Update Sees New Planes Soar Into Action

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 04:13 AM PST

The latest Heroes & Generals update has been deployed that brings a number of new aircraft into the game as well as the "tail gunner mechanic" that allows players to be a support player in both planes and tanks.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - This Week's Good Gaming Tourneys to Yield $250-$1,500

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 04:05 AM PST

The folks at GoodGaming.com have sent over this week's slate of tournaments for Hearthstone. Both EU and NA players can take part in events that feature prize pools between $250 and $1,500. In addition, the site is featuring a guide to "RenoMage".

- Not So MMO - 25 Minutes of Space Hulk: Deathwing Gameplay

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 03:41 AM PST

Space Hulk: Deathwing is a new co-op and single-player FPS with RPG elements from Cyanide Studios. You'll customize your load-outs, your classes, and play through a 10-15 hour solo campaign story as well. Action and premise is similar to Left 4 Dead, where the waves of Tyranid swarm are coming for you at different intervals throughout your progress in the game.

- Turtle Rock Partners with Perfect World for New Coop FPS IP

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 01:42 AM PST

Perfect World Entertainment and Turtle Rock have announced a partnership to bring a new IP to the world that will be a cooperative online shooter with a "strong dark fantasy" theme. The partnership allows Turtle Rock to pursue its service-oriented game style, meaning getting games into players' hands quickly and then iterating future updates based on the community's experiences in the game.

Elder Scrolls Online - New Life Festival to Begin on December 15th

Posted: 14 Dec 2016 12:41 AM PST

The second of the Elder Scrolls Online in-game holidays is poised to kick off on Thursday, December 15th. Called the New Life Festival, the event allows players to take on daily quests, each one themed around one of Tamriel's races, taking place in each one's zone. On the completion of the daily, players will be rewarded with special gift boxes that will always contain a memento, a Skinchanger style item and a random crafting material and one other random item.

- Four Unedited Minutes of Gameplay

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 03:12 PM PST

Deck 13 is taking the wraps off of The Surge, its forthcoming action RPG. They have sent out a new trailer featuring four minutes of unedited game play.

Gigantic - Hero Spotlight - Voden

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 03:07 PM PST

Motiga and Perfect World Entertainment have sent out a brand new trailer to reveal the latest hero from Gigantic. A wily ranged fighter, Voden is a master archer ready to take down the enemy from a distance.

Overwatch - Winter Wonderland Event Begins & Does It Look Fun!

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 11:26 AM PST

Looking for some awesome holiday cheer? Starting today, Overwatch players can take part in the Winter Wonderland event running through January 3rd. The even comes with a pair of snowy maps (King's Row and Hanamura) along with Loot Boxes with skins, emotes, sprays and more. In addition, the Brawl for the duration is a snowball fight! Check out the celebratory video before heading to the Overwatch site.

- The Top 5 Blizzard Stories of 2016

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 10:30 AM PST

As one of the biggest game companies in the world it is always interesting to see what goes on at Blizzard Entertainment. This year had some major news surrounding the company and people paid attention to what was happening over at the fortress in Irvine. Some of the stories were really big, others, were huge and you may have missed them. Here is our break down of the top five events this year for Blizzard.

Star Wars: The Old Republic - Happy 5th Anniversary to SWTOR!

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 09:28 AM PST

Bioware and the Star Wars: The Old Republic team are celebrating the game's fifth anniversary with some nifty presents for players including a Celebration Jawa, a Senya-inspired Holotrainer and a "breathtaking 7-piece poster art collection" perfect for decorating the walls of your personal stronghold. In addition, both Coruscant and Dromund Kaas strongholds are on a whopping good sale for only five credits instead of the usual 5,000!

ArcheAge - First Thoughts on 3.0 ? Revelation

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST

ArcheAge's 3.0 Update, Revelation, had a rocky start in the NA region. EU seemed largely problem-free, but the NA servers proved a bit of a bear to get online and thus the actual launch of Revelation didn't happen until Sunday AM. We've spent the past couple days playing a new Dwarf, and have some thoughts on 3.0 and the current state of AA.

Guild Wars 2 - PvP Season 5 Changes & Wintersday Festival Begins

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 09:00 AM PST

The Guild Wars 2 site has been updated with a pair of interesting news bits. The first reveals that the annual Wintersday Festival kicks off today and is set to run through January 10th. The holiday comes with daily achievements, special holiday weapons, Snowball Mayhem and the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle.

Guardians of Ember - Steam Early Access Program Begins

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 08:51 AM PST

Today marks a big day for Guardians of Ember as its Steam Early Access program begins. Those who would like access to GoE's early access client can support the program through the purchase of a Mortal Edition for $19.99 or the Immortal Edition for $49.99.

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