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The Singularity: Five Technologies That Will Change the World (and One That Won't)

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 05:19 PM PDT

A few years ago, my buddy, Robert Sawyer postulated that because we now use computers as a critical tool for research, Moore's Law applies to scientific accomplishment as well.

He started with a simple postulate—assume that in the first decade of the 21st century we have already accomplished as much scientific advancement as we accomplished in the entire 20th century—amazing discoveries in astronomy, paleontology, materials, medicine, robotics, etc.

Now, let's try a thought experiment. If we apply Moore's law and assume that the rate of scientific advancement doubles at the same rate as the computer power that we apply to research, then we can project that we will likely accomplish a whole 20th century's worth of scientific advancement in 5 years—by 2015. As the rate continues to double, we'll accomplish a century's work in 2.5 years, then 1.25 years, 7.5 months, 3 months and 3 weeks, then a smidge less than two months, one month, two weeks, one week, then 3.5 days, 1.75 days, and if you ignore Zeno's paradox, by the end of 2020 we will be accomplishing a century's worth of research every day, and two weeks later, every second. And after that…?

Will that be when The Singularity occurs?


In math, a singularity is a point where a function demonstrates extreme behavior. The Singularity, as defined by Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil, will occur with the technological creation of superintelligence. Such a world may be impossible to predict because us poor present-day humans are unable to comprehend what superintelligent entities will want or how they'll behave to achieve their goals. (Well, yeah, okay—but life has one fundamental rule: survive. Start with that and everything else follows.)

It may be that The Singularity is nothing more than a technological 'rapture' — an event of some interest to those who believe in it, but not necessarily one that the rest of us are expecting. In October of 1951, The Magazine of Fantasy Science Fiction published a story by Richard Deming called "The Shape Of Things That Came." In that story, a young reporter uses his uncle's time-nightshirt (what a silly idea, he should have used a time-belt) to travel from 1900 to 1950. When he returns, he writes about what he has seen — highways and cities full of cars, huge airplanes traveling coast-to-coast, skyscrapers sixty and eighty and a hundred stories tall, telephones everywhere, radio broadcasting, moving pictures with color and sound, television beaming into every home—but his editor rejects the tale because of its essential implausibility. Paraphrasing: "Yes, all of those things are certainly possible at some point in the distant future—but not in fifty years. What is impossible to believe is the timespan. Many of the people in your tale are already born. The human mind simply cannot deal with so much change in a single lifetime."

In the fifty years since that story was first published, we've seen even more astonishing changes in our science and technology: nuclear power, organ transplants, multiple trips to the moon, solar panels, communication satellites, space probes, an international space station, supersonic jets, genetically modified crops, digital information technology, the widespread use of lasers for transmitting and storing information (as well as for teasing cats), globally-connected cell phones, personal computers of all sizes and vast libraries of applications, the incredible reach and versatility of the internet, video games (of course), Viagra, and so much more.

So maybe, just maybe, when and if The Singularity occurs, it will be just one more thing that human beings take in stride—and then complain about because that's one of the things that machines still can't do. For most of us, technological advances are a way to address the fundamental laziness of the species—we're looking for an easier way to get the job done. Good, fast, cheap, we're happy with any two out of three.

We might take a clue from what happened last century. The two inventions that had the most impact on the 21st century came in the second half—the microchip and the laser. To a great degree they were unexpected and mostly unpredicted. The laser was a lab curiosity for decades. And even after the first microchips were fabricated, industry still didn't recognize the true potential—not until a couple guys in a garage showed them what a microchip could really do.

It's very likely that today's lab curiosities represent possibilities that will redesign our world. Here are a few things to watch out for. (We'll check back in a few years and see if my crystal ball needs recalibrating.)



First there were bucky-balls, then bucky-tubes, now unrolled bucky-tubes in flat sheets, only an atom thick. Already being touted as the miracle material of the future, graphene is still just a lab curiosity because nobody knows how to manufacture it in industrial quantities, but if graphene could be manufactured efficiently, it would be the plastic of the 21st century. A lot of people believe the problem is solvable.

Researchers at IBM have already demonstrated high-speed circuits on a graphene substrate. What happens when we move from gigaherz processors to teraherz processors? Yes, everything we do now will be faster, effectively instantaneous, but just as the gigaherz CPU made speech recognition and photo-editing and video processing practical what other labor-intensive tasks will the teraherz CPU be able to handle without breaking into a sweat? Add parallel processing to that and we're talking hellaflops.

But more than that, graphene has incredible physical strength. Researchers at Columbia University have proven that graphene is the strongest material ever measured, some 200 times stronger than structural steel. Quote: "It would take an elephant, balanced on a pencil, to break through a sheet of graphene the thickness of saran wrap." Other scientists have layered multiple graphene sheets into a paper-like form that is six times lighter than steel, two times harder, has 10 times higher tensile strength and 13 times higher bending rigidity.

Perhaps someday, layered graphene will be used in cars, planes, trains, buses, spacecraft, robots, perhaps even buildings. The weight savings alone will provide significant fuel economy and the increased strength will give greater structural integrity and safety. It could also show up in military armor. We might see it used in lightweight patio furniture or rugged laptop shells or even as rollbars in some future generation of hybrids.

The predictions for graphene have not yet been tested by reality—but if graphene really is a miracle material, it will have enormous impact on the global infrastructure.



The orbital elevator—the "beanstalk"—has become a popular science fiction idea, first showing up in novels by Arthur C. Clarke and Charles Sheffield, but also appearing in books by other authors as well (The Fountains Of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke, The Web Between The Worlds by Charles Sheffield, Friday by Robert A. Heinlein, Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson, and Jumping Off The Planet by David Gerrold). Drop a cable from orbit and run elevators up and down, reducing the cost of orbital insertion by at least an order of magnitude. It may be that graphene cables will be the miracle material that lets us build one, but an orbital elevator will require a cable 40,000 miles long, almost enough to wrap around the Earth twice and that requires manufacturing on a scale never before attempted. And right now, graphene is still a long way from 'proof-of-concept.'

Considering the cost of boosting even a single pound into orbit, such a cable will have to be manufactured in space and that means the factory to build it will also have to be built in space. At the moment, we can't afford to lift that much weight out of the gravity well. It could be a trillion dollar investment. And the recovery of that cost could take generations. The economics of an orbital elevator, as well as the physics, are enormous challenges. Overall, the sheer outlandishness of the idea may be one of the reasons why it hasn't captured the public imagination, so it may be that launch catapults (or some other technology) will be more cost-effective in the meantime. A practical beanstalk doesn't seem likely in the foreseeable future—but remember that as late as 1960, most futurists (science fiction writers) still thought that the first moon landing wouldn't occur until sometime in the 90's, so maybe we could be similarly surprised.

Much more likely, the first uses of super-cables in space will probably be tethered satellites or even whirling bolos slinging vehicles and probes out toward the other planets, but the real impact will be here on Earth long before that.

Research into super-cables is going to produce some surprising industrial uses groundside, like a super-long suspension bridge across the strait of Gibralter, or perhaps as unbreakable tethers for energy-generating jet-stream kites, and certainly new possibilities in architecture—like holding up a super-tent of graphene fabric to create a gigantic weather-proof facility. Changing the properties of any single element in the industrial equation will create engineering possibilities that are not immediately foreseeable, but always look inevitable after the fact.



Robots: Already hanging with pop stars.

Robots are an easy prediction. Karel Capek created the word "robot" in a 1921 play, "Rossum's Universal Robots," and a lot of other science fiction writers began playing with the idea almost immediately, most notably Isaac Asimov. Robots have been a familiar fixture in a lot of science fiction movies, sometimes as good guys, sometimes not. Engineers were pondering the mechanics of robotics long before Walt Disney put an animatronic Lincoln on display for the 1964-65 World's Fair in New York, but it wasn't until brains, muscles, and power-supplies became small enough and efficient enough that we could begin to project an evolutionary timeline. A quick rummage through YouTube demonstrates that all the necessary pieces are finally falling into place.

One company is demonstrating a robot that can walk and even run, another shows a robotic face with a wide variety of expressions, a third displays a robot that can pick up and manipulate objects, catch balls and juggle them. Still other companies are working in intelligence engines that can comprehend complex language tasks. Nuance already sells pretty good speech recognition technology and Google has a car that can drive itself. IBM has a computer that can win at Jeopardy. And beyond that, a lot of other companies are working to develop smaller, more efficient motors and improved battery technology. All of these pieces are the synergistic parts of a much larger whole.

What the end-product will look like, however, is still a work in progress. We can imagine robots being put to work in the house, in business, in construction, in entertainment, in rescue operations, and certainly for military applications as well. But the first humanoid robots are likely to be simple, stupid, and disappointing—they're also going to be expensive. People will see them as a good idea, but unable to live up to promises and expectations. Vista on legs.

Nevertheless, robots are inevitable. The first widespread use of robots will be in theme parks. Disneyland and Universal will use robots to portray creatures like dinosaurs and giants and dwarves. You can expect to see robot dancers in music videos too, but the real breakthrough will occur when robots start taking on more mundane tasks. We'll see them as bartenders or aides for the sick and elderly. Robots could be put to work in hotels—you try changing sheets, lifting twenty or thirty mattresses a day. At the point a robot is cheaper than hiring a human, it's inevitable. The job market will change when whole classes of human workers could become redundant.

And don't forget Gerrold's umpteenth law: Whatever technology humans invent, humans will also find a way to use that same technology for sex. So robotic sex partners are also inevitable—in brothels, for overnight rental, or even for purchase. (There was a young man from Racine, who invented a screwing machine.  Concave or convex, it could serve either sex, entertaining itself in-between.) Because robots don't get headaches. It is also possible that eventually, we will use robots as real-world avatars—surrogates—sending them out into the world to run errands for us, with remote control available where necessary.

free robot sex

Where robots will likely demonstrate their most critical value will be in hazardous situations. Robots will be used for military reconnaissance, for defusing bombs, and perhaps eventually even for assault duties. Robots will certainly be used for handling dangerous materials and toxic waste cleanup. And I can even imagine robots patiently and methodically cleaning up oil spills—even rescuing and cleaning seals and seabirds.

The first robots are likely to start showing up before this decade is over. (Perhaps Apple will market the iRobot.) Once the initial sugar-rush wears off, that's when we'll start finding out what we really want robots to do for us.

Flying Cars

flying car

Starting in the early fifties, futurists started telling us that flying cars and flat-screen televisions were only ten years away. We finally got affordable flat-screen TVs in 2005. We still don't have flying cars, and it is unlikely that we ever will.

First of all, a flying car is not cost-effective. Have you checked gas prices lately? A flying vehicle has to do a lot of work just to stay aloft. What kind of gas mileage are you going to get with a flying car?

Second? It's impractical. Do you have room in your driveway for a landing pad? And is there a landing pad at your intended destination? Where do you need to go that demands a flying car? The supermarket? Picking up the kids from school? Any trip less than thirty or forty miles is probably going to be more trouble than it's worth. Oh, and by the way, do you have a pilot's license? You'll probably need one. And you'll have to learn where all the local no-fly zones are. Can't have you flying into the path of an Airbus.

Third, considering the way most people drive and the way most people maintain their automobiles, do you really want them piloting their sky-cars overhead? Considering the way some people use their vehicles for dangerous street-racing and the way other people keep getting themselves into road-rage duels, do you really want that going on overhead? Considering the way some people throw trash out the windows, do you want them overhead? And finally, do we really need another source of noise and pollution in the air?

And all of the above assumes that the engineering problems can be solved. The Moller sky-car has been in development for how long? Since 1974. And it's still "just a few years away." (Critics say that they have yet to solve significant noise and stability problems.)

Flying is not the same as driving and any good pilot will tell you that it's a whole other mindset— not just a set of skills, but a discipline. Including a discipline of maintenance. Considering how most people do discipline…uh, no, I just don't see this one happening any time soon. Okay, maybe eventually on a small scale, maybe as flying taxis from local hub to local hub, maybe—but as a mass-production item? Not likely. I think that most people will probably invest in more cost-effective travel.


maker bot

Imagine a printer that operates in three dimensions, building up solid objects a layer at a time. Such printers exist and are used for making prototypes and models. Depending on what kind of material can be layered and the resolution of the printer, it might be possible to print up objects as mundane as toasters or as rare as star sapphires. (We might not have to wait for Robby the Robot to crystallize the gems.)

But even more important, we're on the threshold of being able to fabricate living tissue. Researchers have already demonstrated that they can print living cells onto a collagen framework to create specific tissues and even whole functioning organs. We might eventually be able to grow our own replacement organs in the lab—skin, hearts, lungs, kidneys, livers, ears, hands, feet, arms, legs—and not have to wait for some unfortunate motorcyclist to lose an encounter with an SUV. We could see this happening within ten years. Could we grow whole new bodies…? We won't know until we get there, but once upon a time a heart transplant was unthinkable too.

Beyond that, being able to print living tissue could revolutionize agriculture. Why breed a whole cow when you can grow a steak in a bio-fab factory? Once the process is perfected and the product is approved safe for human consumption, a bio-engineered filet could be cheaper, safer, and healthier than meat produced the old-fashioned way. And a lot more humane. But why stop at steak? We could grow any cut of meat we wanted, and probably far more economically than raising a whole animal. Want some fresh dolphin or whale meat? Elephant? Panda? (Even cannibals might be able to legally … never mind.)

Of course, we'd still maintain herds of all kinds for genetic diversity, but we wouldn't need to destroy the rain forests of the world to create more pasture for more cattle to feed the world's growing appetite for meat. This one is a no-brainer. It's not just a growth industry, it's a growth industry. As the world's population continues to grow, factory farms may be our only hope for avoiding a food crisis. We might see this before 2020.

Universal Smart-Tech

internet st

Internet Protocol Version 6 is already here. We're switching over now. Prior to IPV6, internet addresses were limited to 32 bits. Under IPV6, internet addresses are 128 bits. This means that there are now 2128 possible internet addresses (340 undecillion), or in more understandable terms "umpty hella-gazillion"—enough so that every living human being on the planet could have 5*1028 separate and specific domains.

What this means in practice is that every thing on the planet worth anything at all, manufactured, grown, discovered, studied, observed, or born, can have its own web address and associated locater-chip. Can't find your car keys? Just ask your phone where they are. Want to know where your steak came from, what lab it was grown in, what nutrients were in the tank, and who inspected it? That's available too, ask your phone.

Your car will be able to drive itself so you can talk on the phone, read a book, or watch TV—it will converse with the vehicles around it, informing them when it needs to change lanes, and all the cars will adjust to maintain safe distances. Want to know where your teenager is at 12:30am? You'll be able to track his location easily—and if he's out street-racing, you'll have evidence of that too.

Want to know how much cash is in your wallet? Ask your phone. Why is there a twenty missing? Your phone will tell you that one of the twenties was removed from your wallet while you were in the shower and is currently in the pocket of your sixteen year-old son. Want him to come home now? Tell the car to bring him home safely.

Had your purse stolen? Ask your phone to alert the police. The thief will be picked up momentarily. Had your car stolen and taken to a chop shop? The police will know where every single piece of it went.

Just bought insurance and need to inventory your physical property for a rate adjustment? Ask your phone. You can print out a list of everything you own, when you bought it, how much you paid, what it's worth now, and what the replacement cost would be in case of fire, flood, earthquake, tornado, or asteroid impact.

Can't find your phone? Ask the refrigerator.

But wait, it gets better. Humans will be chipped too, just like dogs, cats, and cattle. Can't remember the name of that little restaurant you liked in New York? No problem, your personal life history is stored in the cloud. We can remember it for you wholesale. Sign up for Apple's iMemory service.

Catching rapists, muggers, thieves, and murderers will be a lot easier. The cloud will maintain a location-tracking service of everyone, chipped or not. There will be cameras everywhere. Court trials will have a whole new level of evidentiary standards.

Here's how The Singularity will happen.

time 2045

There's this thing called "emergent behavior." It means that complex patterns and events can arise out of relatively simple interactions. One ant is one ant, but a whole colony of ants behaves like a gigantic multi-cellular organism—that's emergent behavior. One car slows down at a curve in the highway at five in the morning, it's one car—but twelve hours later, when there are hundreds of cars on the same highway, you get a standing wave in the traffic flow, a wave that actually travels backward from the source—that's emergent behavior. One person goes to the bathroom and flushes the toilet, no problem—but in the early days of television, when I Love Lucy broke for a commercial and a million New Yorkers all went to the bathroom all at the same time, the reservoir levels visibly lowered—that's emergent behavior.

When the whole world is linked in a massive network of chairs and trash cans and lawn mowers and refrigerators and cars and streetlights and smartphones and supermarket packages and pants and skirts and underwear and even shoes and socks (no more lost socks?!)—when the whole world is totally immersed in a global web of interconnections, when even dollar bills are monitored for their travels through the economy, there will be emergent behavior.

All of these separate chips will have software-specific functions. Your shirts will tell the wash machine how they want to be washed. Your frozen dinner will tell the microwave how long it needs to be cooked. Your shoes will tell you when they need to be re-soled. Your internal monitors will warn you of diabetes and gout and heart disease. The menu at the restaurant will advise you on your healthiest choices.

All of this data—not just yours, everyone's—will get sucked into the cloud, massaged, shared, digested, fiddled and diddled, jiggled and juggled, sorted and ported, creating the most accurate real-time census possible. Trends of all kinds—social, political, economic, cultural, biological—will be recognized first by the cloud and responded to even before humans are aware. The buying habits of millions will tell industry just how many boxes of Cheerios to produce and how many Kinects to manufacture. A super-intelligent cloud will advise producers whether or not it's cost-effective to produce. Before you go shopping for a car or a house or even a new TV, your phone will let you know if you can really afford it. And even more personal, your health-care will be automatically triaged based on the availability of doctors and based on your previous record of cooperation with preventive medicine.

The super-intelligent cloud won't have consciousness as we understand it. But if Marvin Minsky's theory (Society Of Mind, by Marvin Minsky) is correct—that sentience occurs as a product of multiple interrelated subroutines—then eventually the super-intelligent cloud will begin to function not just as a monitor of all the data flowing through it, but as a mentor as well.

The Singularity—as I see it—will inherit all the best and all the worst traits of the species that produces it. It will come into existence as an assemblage of software mechanisms designed to serve our fundamental wants and needs, but it will evolve. And because the essential goal of life is to survive, it will most likely evolve into a symbiotic consciousness with humanity. And if that happens, then it will have a built-in bias to keep us functioning at our best.

We'll see. It will happen in our lifetimes.

BAPCo fires back at AMD and Nvidia confirms it quit too.

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 04:38 PM PDT

Responding to allegations that the new SYSMark2012 benchmark isn't valid for today's hardware, BAPCo fired back at AMD by saying that the company approved 80 percent of the proposals in the benchmark and asking how they can be invalid.

Business Applications Performance Corporation officials also denied that they tried to expel AMD from the group after AMD started publically grousing.

AMD's complaints seem tied to the introduction of its new Llano platform which is admittedly slower in x86 than comparable Intel chips, but far faster in graphics performance.

""Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) was, until recently, a long standing member of BAPCo.  We welcomed AMD's full participation in the two year development cycle of SYSmark 2012, AMD's leadership role in creating the development process that BAPCo uses today and in providing expert resources for developing the workload contents," the organization said in a statement.

"Each member in BAPCo gets one vote on any proposals made by member companies.  AMD voted in support of over 80 percent of the SYSmark 2012 development milestones, and were supported by BAPCo in 100 percent of the SYSmark 2012 proposals they put forward to the consortium."

On Tuesday morning, AMD officially cut its ties to BAPCo shortly after the new benchmark was released and went public saying that the SYSMark2012 wasn't relevant and leads to $8 billion being misspent and favoring Intel's processors over AMDs. AMD said for going public, BAPCo threatened to expel the company from the group. BAPCo, however, says nothing of the sort happened.

"BAPCo also notes for the record that, contrary to the false assertion by AMD, BAPCo never threatened AMD with expulsion from the consortium, despite previous violations of its obligations to BAPCo under the consortium member agreement," the group said.

"BAPCo is disappointed that a former member of the consortium has chosen once more to violate the confidentiality agreement they signed, in an attempt to dissuade customers from using SYSmark to assess the performance of their systems. BAPCo believes the performance measured in each of the six scenarios in SYSmark 2012, which is based on the research of its membership, fairly reflects the performance that users will see when fully utilizing the included applications."

BAPCo said despite AMD leaving, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Samsung, Seagate, Sony, Toshiba and ARCintuition continue to be members of the group and that the the applications were selected for the test using market research.

This isn't AMD's first time complaining about BAPCo. The company previously raised hell over what it said were baked benchmarks in MobileMark 2007 favoring Intel parts over AMDs. AMD didn't just quit alone this time though. reported on Monday that VIA and Nvidia also quit BAPCo. Nvidia officials confirmed to Maximum PC that the company also left BAPCo but would not comment on why.


Rumor: Hulu Considering Selling Itself

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 03:02 PM PDT

huluA number of tweets from CNBC and Wall Street Journal reporters indicate that the popular TV streaming site Hulu may be on the verge of selling itself to an unknown party. Apparently, a large company approached Hulu with a buyout offer, and Hulu is currently considering its options. But who could it be?

According to CNBC's Julia Boorstin, it was not Google that offered to snap Hulu up, but that's all we have to go on. Whoever it is must have a desire to gamble. Hulu does not have long term rights to stream its content. This is the main factor that stopped a possible IPO last year. 

Hulu is currently partially owned by Disney, News Corp, and NBC, along with Providence Equity. For the time being, they have an interest in keeping the service alive. If they were no longer so intimately associated with Hulu, would it still be able to get those content deals?

EFF Joins The Fight For Seized Domains

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 12:38 PM PDT

The U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency has been the Dirty Harry of the World Wide Web the past year or so, shooting its virtual guns and taking down websites playing host to copyrighted materials. Fire first and silly legal questions be damned! Now, the gung-ho nature of "Operation in Our Sites" (see what they did there?) could be coming back to haunt ICE. Puerto 80, the owner of Spanish sports site, has petitioned the courts for the return of its seized website – and it has the EFF in its corner.

The EFF, along with Public Knowledge and the Center for Democracy and Technology, filed an amici curiae brief with the Second District of New York court on Monday in support of Puerto 80's original filing. The case hinges on the the fact that Puerto 80 doesn't actually host any of the streamed video, ReadWriteWeb reports. only links to the pirated streams and offers forums for watchers to discuss the videos. Sure, it's dubious morally, but is it illegal?

Puerto 80 and the EFF don't think so, and they're calling the seizure a violation of the First Amendment. Since Rojadirecta simply tells people about the streams, the rebuttal goes, cracking down on the site cracks down on free speech laws. If you want to get technical, Puerto 80 says the seizure "constitutes an unlawful prior restraint on speech, in violation of Puerto 80's First Amendment rights, and Puerto 80 will continue to suffer deprivation of its First Amendment rights if the property is not immediately returned."

Will Puerto 80 and the EFF be successful? Only time will tell. Torrent site operators and government officials alike must be watching this petition like a hawk, though. If simply linking to a site that hosts copyrighted content can get your domain yanked, half the pages on the Internet could find themselves closed down over night.

Edited to include Public Knowledge and the Center for Democracy and Technology's involvement in the petition.

You Want Fries With That Trojan?

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 11:49 AM PDT

Who can resist the idea of some free, mouth-wateringly good Chicken Selects Premium Breast Strips swallowed down with a delicious Strawberry Triple Thick Shake early on a Sunday morning?  Nobody who isn't named RoboCop, that's who – and that's how the spammers get you. Now that we've become immune to naked celebs and cheap pharmaceuticals, the bad guys are going for our guts.

The security alert comes courtesy of NakedSecurity, the blog of security firm Sophos. Graham Cluely warns that in the past few days, people across the globe have received an email claiming to be "," inviting them to print out the attached invitation card and bring it to "Free Breakfast Day" on an upcoming date. If glaring the grammatical errors and excessive exclamation points in passages like "Every manager will gladly take your card and issue you a tasty dish of Free Day! And remember! Free Day is whole five free dishes!" don't tip you off to the email's dubious nature, you're in for a not-so-tasty surprise: a hot, steamy plateful of the Troj/Bredo-HU trojan.

"In an attempt to fool computer users into believing the file is safe, the EXE file has a Word icon," Cluely warns. The way to a computer user's hard drive is through his stomach, we guess.

Image credit:

Firefox 5 Released

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:56 AM PDT

Firefox has been taking a bruising in the browser wars at the hands of Chrome. Mozilla's watched Google's browser gain hordes of new adopters while its own market share sits dead in the water. Finally sick of watching Google get all the glory, Mozilla's instituted a fast-release schedule to get Firefox floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee again, and the first fruits of their labor are finally hitting the streets. Less than three months after Firefox 4 launched, Firefox 5 is now available for download.

If you're expecting major changes along the lines of Firefox 4's "Tabs On Top," you're going to be disappointed. Enhanced support for HTML5 and CSS animations are two of the biggest changes; Canvas, the 2D graphics application, has also been upgraded and several Android-specific enhancements were made, along with the usual collection of tweaks and bug fixes.

Mozilla plans on releasing a new iteration of Firefox every six weeks as part of its fast-track schedule, so we should be seeing Firefox 6 sometime around the beginning of August. Mozilla hopes that the rapid changes will let new features be added soon after they're completed, rather than forcing developers to wait several months for a new build.

Game Theory: Portal and the Thrill of Discovery

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:47 AM PDT

The original Portal was not a stand-alone game: That's important to remember. If it had been a movie, it would have been at the bottom of a triple-bill, after Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and Team Fortress 2. It was a bonus.

But like some of the great B-movies, Portal rapidly eclipsed its A-list companions. This was something different. It was compact, flawlessly designed, witty, and unexpected. There wasn't an ounce of fat on it. Sure, it was a puzzle game, but in the process of ushering you gently through the puzzles it gradually transformed into a wickedly funny piece of sci-fi storytelling. The genius was in the thrill of this discovery, as a puzzle game flowered into something amazing and unpredictable.

And it can never happen again. Portal's appeal wasn't just in the mechanics or gameplay: it was in the gradual way GLaDOS went all HAL-9000 while you were busy playing with cubes. Portal 2 can't possibly duplicate that thrill of discovery, so it compensates with size and humor. It's a longer game, it's a funnier game, it's a bigger game. But is it a better game?

No. It's great, certainly, and has some of the best writing and puzzle design you'll find in any game this year. But the new bulk isn't muscle: It's flab. The environments get too large. The narrative sequences—so effortlessly blended into the gameplay of the original—now occasionally stop the game cold.

Yes, I know I'm nitpicking on a game that I'd gladly rate a 10, but my point is this: Bigger isn't always better, and some kinds of magic just can't be re-created. Portal 2 is many wonderful things, but it can never be the one thing that made Portal a classic: It could never be new again.

You can follow Thomas McDonald on Twitter at @StateOfPlayBlog

Google's Chrome Frame Lets IE Users Bypass Sysadmins

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 10:09 AM PDT

Stuck in the shackles of a subpar browsing experience because your boss swears by the robust feature set offered in IE6? Want IE9's HTML5 support, but can't get it because your company's still using Windows XP? Google wants to help. They've offered the "Chrome Frame" plug-in for older versions of IE as a technological band-aid for years, but you've always needed admin privileges to install it. Not anymore – the newest Chrome Frame iteration bypasses the need for admin rights entirely, allowing tech-savvy corporate computers users to give the middle finger to IT departments throughout the world.

Google announced the upcoming change at its I/O meeting last month, but the new, admin-defying version was only released yesterday. The plug-in gives the older browsers the guts of Google's Chrome browser, enabling the obsolete equipment the ability to render fancy new web technology like HTML5 and WebGL. Chrome also replaces the other browser's default JavaScript engine with Chrome's speedy version, which works great for everybody.

Actually, it probably doesn't work to great for Microsoft and sysadmins with systems whose bones require the use of the older browsers. Worried admins can actually still block Chrome Frame installations, but doing so requires the separate Google Update For Enterprise controls. An admin-bypassing Chrome Frame probably won't work too great for disgruntled desk jockeys, either – as useful as the plug-in sounds, getting caught installing unapproved programs is a great way to earn a trip to the unemployment line. Just keep that in mind, folks!

Intel's Ivy Bridge CPU Launch Slips to March 2012

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:28 AM PDT

Power users were hoping to get their hands on Intel's Ivy Bridge silicon by the end of the year, the time frame the Santa Clara chip maker originally gave for the successor to its existing Sandy Bridge CPUs. Now we're hearing that users will have to wait until March 2012 in order to give notebook vendors more time to sell their existing Sandy Bridge systems.

According to news and rumor site DigiTimes, Intel's 6-series chipset design flaw back at the beginning of the year ultimately left OEMs holding the bag with two months of lower demand. Combined with tablet PCs cutting into notebook demand, Intel has decided to throw vendors a bone by delaying the launch until next year, giving them more time to clear existing inventory and allow for a more gradual transition.

Ivy Bridge represents Intel's first foray into 22nm 3D transistor technology and is supposed to offer up to 30 percent better graphics performance and 20 percent better CPU performance compared to current Sandy Bridge parts.

AMD Disses SYSmark 2012 Benchmark, Resigns from BAPCo Organization

Posted: 21 Jun 2011 09:10 AM PDT

AMD today announced it will not endorse the SYSmark 2012 benchmark (SM2012) published by BAPCo (Business Applications Performance Corporation) and is further resigning from the organization. The chip maker made its criticisms of SYSmark 2012 public suggesting in a lengthy blog post that the benchmark provides biased results, and according to reports, AMD might be the first of several dominoes to fall.

"Technology is evolving at an incredible pace, and customers need clear and reliable measurements to understand the expected performance and value of their systems," said Nigel Dessau, senior vice president and Chief Marketing Officer at AMD. "AMD does not believe SM2012 achieves this objective. Hence AMD cannot endorse or support SM2012 or remain part of the BAPCo consortium."

AMD said it "will only endorse benchmarks based on real-world computing models and software applications, and which provide useful and relevant information." According to AMD, SM2012 ultimately didn't fit the bill and doesn't represent the evolution of computer processing by virtually ignoring the parallel processing performance of the GPU.

"While SM2012 is marketed as rating performance using 18 applications and 390 measurements, the reality is that only 7 applications and less than 10 percent of the total measurements dominate the overall score," Dessau said. "So a small class of operations across the entire benchmark influences the overall score."

AMD isn't alone it its disdain for the benchmark. According to Semi Accurate, both Nvidia and VIA have also withdrawn support and quit BAPCo, though AMD is so far the only one to release any public statements. If true, that leaves Intel as the only semiconductor maker still in the consortium, no big surprise since the common complaint is that the benchmark heavily favors Intel.

Image Credit: BAPCo

MMO News

MMO News

Madness reigns in new Dungeons & Dragons Online update

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 03:32 PM PDT

Dungeons and Dragons Online has launched its latest update, Reign of Madness (the tenth since the game went free-to-play).

A new quest arrives and continues the story started in Update 9, with the Reign of Madness quest pack (available for VIPs only currently, and to be sold in the store on June 24th) and featuring four new quests. Crafting also continues to be expanded with new “unbound” items that can be traded and auctioned, as well as raising crafting levels to 100.

Dungeons and Dragons Online is published by Turbine, which also publishes The Lord of the Rings Online.

Dungeons & Dragons Online Update 10 Screenshots:


Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited Update 10: Reign of Madness

Update 10 follows the story that began in Update 9 and brings you face to face with personified madness, old acquaintances, and unlikely new allies. The Reign of Madness Adventure Pack will test your skill with a blade, the deftness of your spell-casting, and your very sanity. Will you prove yourself to be the savior of Stormreach or will you fall victim to the forces that threaten to unravel the city from within?

Acute Delirium

Return to the Sleeping Spell Inn and help a familiar but inept apprentice who has placed Eberron into grave danger. Follow the trail of a powerful, missing scepter and endeavor to reclaim it before it can fall into the wrong hands. Along the way, you will encounter the increasingly strange creatures and events. Has the scepter found a new wielder from the Plane of Madness or is an even more dangerous force at play?

Sane Asylum

The tables have turned in this foray into the Insane Asylum of Stormreach where you must protect sane patients from being administered some bad medicine. Navigate the twisting corridors of the asylum and successfully weather the madness of Xoriat before it overruns the city!

The Lord of Stone

When the Lord of Eyes breaks free of his imprisonment in Khyber it falls to you to see him returned. Venture into the depths of Khyber to enlist the aid of the Lord of Eye’s arch-rival, the Lord of Stone. Wind your way through the underground realm, braving countless dangers, and reach the mad and powerful Lord of Stone before it is too late!

The Lord of Eyes

With the aid of the Lord of Stone secured, you must bring the fight to the Lord of Eyes in order to halt his invasion of Eberron. Tame the elements in order to harness the powerful technology of the magefire cannons. Make your way into the basement beneath the Tower of the Twelve and confront the Lord of Eyes before his nefarious plans can be realized!

Crafting Unbound

The crafting beta continues with the introduction of unbound items which may be fashioned in the Kundarak Enclave Crafting Hall. Create shards that can be traded or auctioned to other players. Forge unbound weapons for sale or trade. Craft new items for your guild, outfit your friends, or just make a few coins for yourself. The choice is yours!

Dungeon Empires

Posted: 20 Jun 2011 09:33 AM PDT

Dungeon Empires is a 3D fantasy browser based tactical role-playing game that features an innovative dungeon editor. Raid hundreds of challenging dungeons. Create your own lair containing mystical beasts and dangerous traps to ensnare trespassers attempting to steal from you. Battle monsters, master elemental magic, and collect ghouls. Prove you have it what it takes to rule Middle Kingdom.

Publisher: gamigo AG
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: N/A
Platform: Browser

Pros: +Great graphics. +Cool dungeon building feature. +Dozens of creatures, traps, and items to personalize. +Ability to train monsters.

Cons: -Repetitive gameplay. -Limited hero customization. –Looting restricted to one item per chest.  –Turn based combat may not be for everyone.


Dungeon Empires Overview

Dungeon Empires is a free-to-play 3D browser game set in an abandoned world created by Light, Water, Darkness, and Fire Gods. These deities once ruled alongside each other until jealousy ignited a war of words over whose element was the most powerful. Envy turned into deep seated rage and eventually hatred among the once close-knit group. A large-scale war began. The battle resulted in all four of the Gods' untimely demise. Now there's a realm abundant with magical forces and creatures in need of a hero worthy to reign. Similar to games like Sherwood Dungeon or Age of Empires players raid dungeons, loot, and fight an assortment of monsters. Each player has their own dungeon that they can build and customize. Add various creatures to attack uninvited guests, set traps, select different room styles, and fixtures. Train your lair's inhabitants to be unbeatable. Master spells to perform in turn-based battles against other player's dungeon legions. Create the most challenging dungeon in the Middle Kingdom and rule.

Dungeon Empires Screenshots

Dungeon Empires Featured Video

Full Review

Dungeon Empires Full Review

By Ange Perdu

Dungeon Empires is a 3D fantasy themed browser MMORPG that incorporates looting, building, and turn-based battles. In a deserted underworld of dungeons players become a young hero or dungeon master in the making. Explore a realm with magnificent treasures. Raid various dungeons. Kill numerous monsters from giant spiders to deadly ghosts. Master the elements and perform spells involving light or darkness to defeat foes.

Collect ghouls found during raids and train them to do your bidding. Construct your own challenging dungeon to prevent other players from stealing from you. Decorate it with fixtures, traps, and magical shards. Prove your skills as a dungeon builder and conquer those who dare to oppose you in this tactical role playing game.

Raiding & Looting, the Gameplay

Most of the gameplay involves dungeon raiding and building. Players enter a virtual world divided into five distinct sections known as the Foundation, Dungeon Vault, Pit of Shadows, RockFall, and Middle Kingdom. Each has a set level requirement in order to access. Beginners start off at the Foundation. There are hundreds of dungeons levitating in the air. Users can choose another player's dungeon to raid or select the non-player dungeon option. Non-player dungeons are usually larger with complex maps and more creatures to battle. It's 60 action points to attempt a raid. Action points function as energy in the game. The system is nicely balanced. Heroes can perform 5 consecutive raids before their meter dwindles down. When a player enters a dungeon a small map appears at the top of the screen. The maps slowly reveal rooms as players explore. Users navigate their heroes through different rooms using their mouse or by simply clicking on their desired location within the map. Scattered throughout the various rooms are monsters.

Similar to Sherwood Dungeon there are a variety of mythical beings to battle. Fight skeletons, giant spiders, vengeful knights, ghostly armor, goblins, and evil rats. The combat is turn based. A gauge on the side of the screen with animated headshots displays the turn sequence. Players can decide to perform a standard melee attack or cast a spell. Defeating the beasts will open a chest with several loot items. Heroes can only have one item of their choice. Loots usually consist of a rare creature, additional room, fixture, or lump sum of gold. These items are used for the construction of a player's dungeon later on. Successfully raiding and killing monsters earn XP as well. There's an excessive amount of grinding necessary to level up. It can be frustrating and feel repetitive at times since certain aspects of the game remain locked until a hero progresses.

Darkness Spells for Battle

There are only hatchets, swords, and scepters in Dungeon Empires. During turn-based combat against various foes heroes rely on their spell casting to deliver damaging blows. These skills are learned once a player reaches a certain level and pays a small fee in gold. Melee attacks like the elemental strike, cleave, whirl, lunge, and taunt can be performed without draining mana. Spells in the art of Fire, Water, Light, and Darkness require a sufficient amount of magic to execute. Master the Inferno, Flame Strike, Fire Breath, Wound Cooling, Exorcism, Life Drain, the Nasty, Fortitude, and the Dawn to destroy monsters during dungeon raids. All of the melee attacks and spells have cool animations. The Ice Cage spell freezes a target for 3 turns. The Incubation slows down an enemy's speed and causes high levels of damage. The Rainbow decreases a target's magic for each of the four elements. The Ice Shield delays attacker's next action and absorbs fire spells.


Using the Dungeon Editor

In the Dungeon Editor heroes create their own chamber of horrors to stump other players. Rooms, shards, monsters, and fixtures are the four major components for constructing an appropriate lair. The editor's easy to use interface allows users to simply click and drag items or a particular room addition into any area they desire. The only stipulation is that each cubbyhole must be connected through a corridor. The possibilities are endless when it comes to this feature. Players can build elaborate massive dungeons with a variety of traps and dangerous beasts. A special feature prompts a preview window where users can view changes before committing to them. There are dozens of detailed room styles to choose from. Add small stone tiles, rugged stone floors, worn tiles, mine, mossy mine, Austere, cave, natural cavern, sandstone, limestone, crystal, Ancient crypt, or gloomy catacombs to customize your dungeon. Strategically place monsters and winding pathways to challenge trespassers.

Much like Age of Empires players have to carefully plan each move. Shards are magical elements that increase particular creature's strengths. Each room can have a particular shard embedded. Fixtures include the standard torture table or alchemy shelf. This building feature is nicely implemented. There are some issues with obtaining these cool dungeon items. Tedious grinding or raiding does assist in accumulating creatures, rooms, and a few random fixtures but it takes a long time. Shards are extremely rare and hard to find in loot chests making heroes somewhat restricted in what they can do. The dungeon creating process is stagnated until a player is able to raid enough supplies or can afford to purchase the necessary items in the Premium Shop.


Dragon Ore or Else

The Premium Shop is expensive. Every item requires a set amount of Dragon Ore. Dragon Ore must be purchased with real money. Players with this precious form of currency can really have fun in this game. Heroes without Dragon Ore have to do some serious goblin slaying. It's almost worth it. In the shop there's a wide selection of powerful dungeon monsters like the Icy Gargoyle, Fiery Mercenary, Glowing Wasp, Stone Golem, Icy Succubus, Cerberus, or Dark Skeleton Mage. Various mercenaries can be bought to assist in raids including a strong melee fighter, mage, and healer. A Megalith, Bone Mobile, Bitter Boletes, Ogling Shrub, Contorted Thorn, Armor stand, Pole arms, Darkness Shard, Fire Shard, Light Shard, Water Shard, Knight's Hall, Ducal Dining Room, and Gun Chamber can also be purchased. The character customization options are limited. All of the heroes resemble each other. A small selection of items like the Flaming Great Sword or Scepter of Inspiration, Boots of the Thief, Plate Armor of Devastation, Robe of Mercy, Ring of Disintegration, and Headdress of Mercy can be used to boost a player's attributes. The Merchant only sells a handful of health and mana potions so if gamers want more they have to venture into the Premium Shop.


Final Verdict: Fair

Dungeon Empires has a great concept but it falls short in comparison to other next generation free-to-play browser games. Although the graphics are impressive the gameplay could be a lot better. The endless dungeon raiding gets old after awhile. There is an option for players as they advance to raid with friends and conduct monster training.

The best feature in the game is the easy to use Dungeon Editor. The downside is that it's useless without the rooms, magical shards, and fixtures that take forever to acquire. Comparable to Sherwood Dungeon or Age of Empires in some ways this game definitely stands apart from the rest. Any gamers that enjoy fantasy and dungeon building might want to check it out.


Dungeon Empires Screenshots


Dungeon Empires Links

Dungeon Empires Official Page

Spiral Knights

Posted: 22 Jan 2010 08:19 PM PST

Spiral Knights is a 3D Action MMO with bright animated graphics. Play cooperatively and clear dozens of stages, each with various monster and puzzles to solve. The look and feel of Spiral Knights is reminiscent of dungeon crawlers, particular games like Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure.


Publisher: Sega
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Medium Quality
Type: MMO
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: N/A
Filesize: 300 MB

Pros: +Cooperative gameplay. +Fast paced, action oriented. +Varied game modes, environments, and monsters.

Cons: . -Dated graphic effects. -Repetitive gameplay. -Somewhat dependent on cash shop for steady progression.

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Spiral Knights Overview

Spiral Knights is an MMO that looks very interesting. As a co-op dungeon crawler, Spiral Knights offers fast paced gameplay through carried environments. The game will be stage based and players will be able to chose from various character types, customizing them as they go along. Not much is known about the game and the official site only offers some flavor text about the story. The teaser video released shows exciting gamepay and a graphic style that resembles the cartoony Zelda games popular on the Nintendo DS and GameCube, particularly the Zelda Four Swords series.

Spiral Knights Screenshots

Spiral Knights Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Spiral Knights Review

By, Jaime Skelton

Spiral Knights Review

Many games start with you crash landing on an unfamiliar planet, needing the help of new friends to
survive. The struggle to exist in an unfamiliar land is a common trope in video games. Spiral Knights,
developed by Three Rings (makers of Puzzle Pirates) and published by Sega, manages to pull it off
with cute wit and style. Graphically similar to games such as Zodiac Online and Fairyland Online,
Spiral Knights brings forth some interesting, unique game-play mechanics. These features set Spiral
Knights above and beyond similar top-down MMORPGs.

Keep It Simple; Jump Right In!

Character creation may make the game seem fairly limited. There are only three helmet, three
armor and five color schemes to choose from. There is no gender selection – one helmet does make
you "female" by adding pigtail looking tufts. Outside of choosing a personal color and your name,
that’s all you’re given. There are neither classes nor races to choose from in Spiral Knights. In fact,
your character is defined solely by the equipment you use.

Once you’ve created a character, you’ll find yourself near a crashed escape pod. The first few areas
of the game teach you how to move, attack, change weapons, pick up objects, and how to handle
certain enemy types. The controls are very simple to learn and understand. The game can be played
with the mouse alone, as movement and combat are controlled with the left and right mouse buttons
respectively, in the direction the cursor faces.

Into the Mist

The user interface itself is clean and out of the way. The upper left contains various game menus,
including the main menu, the social menu and the uplink menu (the game’s mail system). The top right
hosts your mini-map, and also includes your character information, equipment arsenal, and crowns, the
in-game currency. The bottom left houses the chat pane.

At the bottom right of the screen, your energy is shown. There are two types of energy in Spiral
Knights: Mist and Crystal energy. Mist energy is the standard energy bar, while Crystal energy is
additional energy purchased through the cash shop. You start with a maximum of 100 Mist energy.
Adventuring in the Clockworks uses Mist energy to go down floors, use gates, activate friendly
NPCs, and more. Once at zero energy, you’ll be unable to advance, and must wait for your energy to
replenish. It takes about 15 minutes to recharge one unit of energy, so expect to wait around 24 hours
for energy to fully recharge.

Going Spelunking

After the tutorial quests that deliver you to Haven, the game’s hub, Spiral Knights becomes open-
ended. This can be a jarring experience. Your gameplay goal is to reach the core of the planet by
getting to the deepest level (called stratum). Going deeper into the dungeon involves activating gates,
which is done using minerals found while exploring, plus a small crown cost to access later strata. The
minerals you use along with the time of day determines the stratum’s theme, or the types of monsters
you’ll find. This system ensures gameplay varies from day to day.

Spiral Knights does require some social interaction. By default, entering the Clockworks will partner
you with up to three other players. There are options for solo play, however, there are several advantages to traveling with other Knights. Minerals, Heat and crowns are all equally shared, not divided, across the party. There is also strategic value to multiple players in combat.

Experience – How It Work?

Spiral Knights does not feature a traditional character progression system. Characters do not level
up; instead, a character’s equipment gains experience, called Heat. Each piece of equipment can gain
up to ten levels through gathering Heat. The game includes swords, guns, bombs, armor, helmets,
and shields. Some pieces of equipment can be upgraded to the next tier once they are level ten, using
crafting components found in the dungeons. There are also trinkets to equip, with various stats and
abilities, though these do not grow in level. Leveling is on a curve; early levels are easier to gain,
while later levels require higher amounts of Heat. However, it’s never terribly daunting to get a piece
of equipment to level ten, and unlike other MMOs, there is no risk of your equipment breaking through

As you explore, you’ll find crafting materials in addition to minerals. These materials can be used to
create new equipment or upgrade existing pieces. Vendors sell random recipes throughout the day,
and it can sometimes be difficult to obtain the recipe you need. The interface is fairly straightforward
and intuitive, making it easy to make what you need and move on. It’s made easier due to Alchemy
Machines being found almost everywhere.

Friends and (future) Foes

Players can join guilds, which are a great way to gather groups for various adventures. In addition to
their own special chat channel, guilds have the benefit of a guild hall, where guild members can craft
and socialize. It takes 500 energy and 1000 crowns to start a guild, so some purchase of Crystal energy
will be required.

PvP is currently disabled; however, there are plans to reintroduce it in the future – there is no known
ETA when this will be. Battles will be four person free-for-all arenas with four tiers of combat. Each
tier places various restrictions on equipment, except the top tier where anything goes. Each tier also
will have progressively higher crowns cost to participate.

Final Verdict: Great

Spiral Knights is a whimsical, fun adventure into the unknown depths of a planet. The simple combat
system, coupled with a vast array of equipment, is engaging enough to bring players back. The major
downside of the game is the lack of in-game information, although the publisher maintains a wikia
page. With the unique way dungeons are created with random elements ensures no two adventures are
quite the same. With a positive grouping experience and friendly atmosphere, Spiral Knights offers a
casual, drama-free gaming experience. Even hardcore gamers will find plenty of things they can do.


Spiral Knights Screenshots


Spiral Knights Videos

Spiral Knights Gameplay Video

Click here to view the embedded video.


Spiral Knights Links

Spiral Knights Official Site

System Requirements

Spiral Knights System Requirements

Windows & Linux

  • Windows XP, Vista or 7
  • Java 1.5
  • Display 1024×600
  • 1.3 GHz processor
  • Graphics: 64mb Video Memory. GeForce 5 series, ATI Radeon 8500. Latest video driver.
  • Memory: 512mb for Windows XP or 1gb for Windows Vista/7
  • 300MB Hard drive space


  • OSX 10.4
  • Java 1.5
  • Display 1024×600
  • 1.3 GHz processor
  • Graphics: 64MB Video Memory. GeForce 5 series, ATI 8500. Latest video driver.
  • 1GB memory (1000MB)
  • 300MB hard drive space

The Lord of the Rings Online

Posted: 07 May 2009 11:36 PM PDT

The Lord of the Rings Online is a 3D, fantasy MMORPG based on the now legendary LotR franchise. With characters from the movies and books, LotRO is sure to entice fans, but there’s plenty here for those unfamiliar with the story. A massive game world, an interesting PvP mode that allows gamers to play as monsters, and player housing are just some of the features this game has to offer.


Publisher: Turbine
Playerbase: High
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Duels / Battlegrounds
Filesize: 6.6 GB / 9.5 GB (high rez)

Pros: +Well established backstory/lore. +Story-driven gameplay. +Player housing. +Rewarding quests. +Titles to earn and Hobbies to learn.

Cons: -Huge download and slow install. -Feels like a single player game at times. -PvE offers no challenge during early levels.

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The Lord of the Rings Online Overview

Lord of the Rings Online is a formerly pay-to-play MMORPG that is now free-to-play!  The game places a heavy emphasis on story and lore. Right from the start, players are thrown into the thick of things with interactive quests. Players are only given the option of choosing between the ‘good’ or ‘free’ races which include Humans (referred to simply as ‘Man’), Dwarves, Elves, and Hobbits but can play as monsters in special PvP battles starting at level 10. There are a total of nine classes available, though not all are available to all races. PvP in LotRO is a bit different than most MMORPGs; players fight in large battles either as special level 50 monsters or as their normal characters.

The 9 Classes Are:

Burgler - The rogue-like class of LotRO. Buglers fight with daggers and excel at debuffing and crowd control. They can deal heavy DPS as well but have now defense and health. Races: Man, Hobbit.

Captain - A class unique to the race of Man. Captains can use a large variety of armors and weapons. They control pets, have buffing abilities and are capable of tanking. Races: Man.

Champion - A melee DPS class that has several area of effect (AoE) moves. Champions can dual-wield and tank when they need to but are mainly concerned with dishing out damage. Races: Man, Elf, Dwarf.

Guardian - The main tanking class of Lord of the Rings Online. Guardians can use most weapon types and all armor types. They can deal moderate damage, but are most useful in absorbing damage for their allies. Races: Man, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit.

Hunter - The classic archer archetype. Hunters deal heavy damage from a distance using bows, but have lower defense and health than the melee-oriented classes. All races can play as hunters.

Lore-Master - A multi-purpose spell casting class. Lore-Masters hurl spells from a safe distance, summon pets, and are capable of crowd control (CC.) Races: Man, Elf.

Minstrel - Minstrels sooth their allies wounds with enchanting songs and boost their fighting potential with powerful chants. Since they are the main supportive class in he game, the Minstrel class is available to all classes.

Rune-Keeper - The main offensive spell casters. They hurl powerful spells at their targets but are also capable of healing their allies. With low defense and health, they must be defended by their allies. Races: Elf, Dwarf.

Warden - A jack-of-all-trades melee class that uses medium armor and several weapon types, including throwing javelins. Wardens are mainly concerned with dealing damage, but can serve as off-tanks. Races: Man, Elf, Hobbit.

The Lord of the Rings Online Screenshots

The Lord of the Rings Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

The Lord of the Rings Online Review

By Erhan Altay

The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy brought J.R.R Tolkien's classic,  high-fantasy franchise back into the mainstream. Following the release of each movie, new editions of the books and licensed video game tie-ins quickly hit the shelves. Most of these games were short-lived and mediocre at best, but one lives on and continues to prosper. The Lord of the Rings Online was officially released in 2007 by Turbine, the same company behind the early MMORPG hit Asheron's Call and the now free-to-play Dungeons and Dragons Online. The game enjoyed modest success as a subscription-based game, but after Turbine's success with the free-to -play relaunch of DDO, it was announced that The Lord of the Rings Online would be converted to a free-to-play MMORPG.


A Game of Epic Proportions

LotrO is still a relatively new game, but it has already gone through several patch cycles and had two expansion packs released. Astonishingly, the client download is at least 6.6 GB. I say at least because a high res client is also available at over 9.5 GB. Even after the download, players have to go through a long installation and patching process so be sure to start it overnight. After getting all that settled and launching the game, players are welcomed by a fancy cinematic that outlines the game's lore. The Lord of the Rings Online takes place as the Fellowship are on their way to Mt. Doom. The Free People of Middle Earth are at war with the forces of Angmar, which is lead by the head of the Nazguls, the Witch King. Each of the four races (Men, Elves, Dwarves, and Hobbits) have a short intro video that players can watch during character creation. Each account has two free character slots though more can purchased via the cash shop. The game deviates from the movie/lore slightly by allowing caster classes (true magic users seem to be a rare and dying breed in the LotR canon) and making Hobbits powerful enough to compete with the other classes in combat. Players cannot chose 'evil' races, but can play as monsters in special PvP modes which we'll discuss later.


The Free People

Appearance customization is robust.  Each race has several variants; players can be a dwarf from the Misty Mountains or from the White Mounts. A human character can hail from the realms of Rohan, Gondor, or other famous locales. Members of the same race from different locations have different hair and eye color options, which gives the game extra depth. Besides the regional features, there are the standard compliment of hair, face, lip, and eye style customization. The total number of races is rather limited (four) but the nine available classes should make up for it. Not all races can play as all classes, so refer to the overview section for additional information. The Warden and Rune Keeper classes are not available to free players and must be unlocked through the premium shop.  After character creation, each race starts in a unique area where they are given the option of running a tutorial instance. I'd suggest accepting this tutorial only because it has story elements that help 'immerse' players in the game world. LotRO puts great emphasis on story-driven progression, as there are many 'drama events' where players watch as special events occur. Even the quest and NPC dialogue is well written, especially compared to most other free-to-play MMORPGs.


Questing All the Way

The first generation of MMORPGs had quests as optional side activities with only a few being required. Since the release and popularity of World of Warcraft, almost all games have adopted the quest-centric method. LotRO is no different, as players have a quest log which can hold up to forty quests; almost every NPC in town is likely to have an errand for you to run. Grinding is completely discouraged, as killing mobs yields little experience. It is by completing quests and handing them in that players have any chance of leveling. Questing is further encouraged by the 'deed' and 'title' features. By completing all available quests, players accomplish deeds, which grant special trait bonuses and titles. Some deeds are simple to complete while others take many hours to earn. The emphasis on quests and story mean you'll never be left wondering what to do next, but the trade off is that the game often feels like a single player venture.


Training and Progression

Each level, players can train new skills (active or passive) at their class specific trainers located throughout Middle Earth. There are six stats in LotRO, but they increase on their own without player input. Besides skills and stats, each player has certain traits. There are several types of traits: racial, class, virtue, and legendary. These are obtained in a variety of methods, by completing deeds, reaching certain levels, or participating in PvP.  The trait system helps differentiate members of the same class and ensures that no two characters are identical. The experience rate is generally fast-paced; it took me around forty-five minutes to hit level 6 on my first character while goofing off. Originally, the max level was 50, but with the most recent expansions, it has been raised to 65. Starting at level 10, players can create a monster character that begins at the max level and fights against regular characters of level 40 or higher. This Monsters vs Free People PvP mode is one of LotRO's more interesting and unique gameplay features.


Tech Specs

The Lord of the Rings Online is a very flexible game. As mentioned earlier, there are two available clients (standard and high resolution) as well as a multitude of graphic options to chose from. This means the game works on a wide range of machines and can look quite ugly or beautiful depending on the available computing power. If your machine can handle it, I highly recommend getting the high res client, as it really is a whole different experience. The game's soundtrack has also been hailed as a masterpiece. It received so much attention that Turbine has released a sixty-one track OST as a free download on their site. Fans can listen to all the tracks on


You Shall Not Pay!

Overall, LotRO is what you would expect from the granddaddy of all fantasy franchises. It's more story-driven than most MMORPGs, but still encourages grouping with dozens of high level instances. Groups are called 'fellowships', while guilds are referred to as 'kinships', which adds some unique flavor to the experience. Players can perform special moves while in groups, but it isn't enough to entice early level group activity. You'll likely play on your own until the very high levels. Players don't have to know anything about Lord of the Rings to enjoy the game; it might even help to not be familiar with the franchise since that will prevent you from comparing your mental image of Middle Earth with the one presented in the game. Lord of the Rings Online went free -to-play in September 2010, but still supports an optional subscription. Players are also free to purchase premium features piece meal. Permanent stat bonuses, additional inventory slots, and other goods are all available in the cash shop. The game can be enjoyed without dropping a dime, but some premium items do give players large advantages. This isn't much of concern in LotRO since it is mainly a cooperative, PvE experience. PvP plays a much smaller role than in most MMORPGs.

Final Verdict: Great

The Lord of the Rings Online holds true to the franchise and offers a very linear, story-driven experience. There are always plenty of quests to do, new areas to explore, and deeds to accomplish. The inability to play as the 'evil' races is somewhat made up for with the ability to play as monsters in special PvP zones. LOTRO is a full-feature MMORPG with high production value. Now that it's free-to-play, everyone should check it out.


The Lord of the Rings Online Screenshots


The Lord of the Rings Online Videos

The Lord of the Rings Online Free to Play Commercial

Click here to view the embedded video.

The Lord of the Rings Online Free to Play Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

The Lord of the Rings Online Gameplay – First Look

Click here to view the embedded video.

System Requirements

The Lord of the Rings Online Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows  XP
CPU: Pentium 4 1.8 GHz or AMD Equivalent
RAM: 512 MB Free
HDD: 7.0 GB Free
Graphics Card: 64 MB GeForce 3 or ATI Radeon 8500

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows XP / Vista
CPU: Pentium 4 2.8 Ghz / AMD Equivalent
RAM: 1024 MB or more
HDD: 10.0 GB Free
Graphics Card: 128MB Geforce 6800 / ATI Radeon X850 or better

Fiesta Online

Posted: 03 Mar 2009 04:42 PM PST

Fiesta Online (or just Fiesta for short) is a 3D fantasy MMORPG.  The game has cute, cell-shaded, anime inspired graphics and lively music.  The game’s entire world is vibrant and has an upbeat atmosphere.


Publisher: Outspark
Playerbase: High
Graphics: Medium Quality
EXP Rate: Low
PvP: PvP Zones
Filesize: ~1120 MB

Pros: +Beautiful cel-shaded graphics. +Great interface. +Good skill progression system. +Solid Item crafting / resource gathering systems. +Easy to learn.

Cons: -Only one stat point per level. -Repetitive combat. -Five starting classes.

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Fiesta Online Overview

Fiesta Online is another interesting MMORPG published by Outspark.  The game has three starting classes, each one of which has two job advancements; one at level 20 and the other at level 60.  The game’s most notable aspects are its attractive cel-shaded graphics and its solid item crafting system.  The game isn’t nearly as in-depth as some of the newer free MMORPGs, but Fiesta is still an all-around fun game well worth checking out.  The game’s four playable classes are:

Fighter- Fighters are the generic ‘warrior’ archetype in Fiesta.  They are extremely capable in melee combat and have the most hit points and armor in the game.  They are proficient with both one-handed and two-handed weapons.

Mage – Mages are the traditional offensive spell casting class in Fiesta. They can do a great deal of damage from a distance with their magic, but are extremely vulnerable in melee range.  They have low hit points and minimal defensive capabilities.

Cleric - Clerics are experts at supporting party members in combat. They have a variety of healing and buff skills which make them incredibly valuable to a party.  They are the weakest class in the game but when they with a group they’re extremely useful.

Archer – Archers are deadly with the bow.  They are fast and agile which allows them to deal damage rather quickly from a distance, but are vulnerable in melee combat.

Trickster – A dual-wielding class that is capable of dealing large amounts of damage in short bursts. They are melee oriented and have decent HP.

Fiesta Online Screenshots

Fiesta Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Fiesta Online Review

By Jaime Skelton

Launched in 2007 in the United States by Outspark, Fiesta is a classic and well-known free-to-play anime-style MMORPG. Similar in ways to Fly For Fun, Asda Story, Dream of Mirror Online, and Mabinogi, Fiesta’s cel-shaded graphics and simple gameplay introduced many players to free-to-play MMOs. After a few years in the MMO market, Fiesta Online is still going strong, and there’s a few good reasons why.


Choosing your Path

Like any game, getting started in Fiesta Online requires going through character creation process. At the start of the game, you may choose only one of four classic classes – fighter, cleric, mage, or archer – and your gender. Character customization is extremely limited, offering only the chance to change your face, hair style, and hair color, each with only about three options each. For those concerned about the lack of classes, be reassured – each class becomes stronger with advanced classes at level 20, 60, and 100, the last of which offers a choice between two final specializations. Customization also comes in the ability to choose what extra stats are assigned each level in the "free stat" system.

A Helping Bird

Fiesta’s tutorial system is very limited and hands-on. For new players, a helpful NPC will offer a simple tip on picking up the first quests before sending them on their way. Tutorial tips come along instead with a bird-head alert in the upper right of the screen, offering explanations of each crucial game element, from combat and leveling to upgrading items and the mentor system. The alert also serves a dual purpose to let you know when new quests are available, and from whom. While the bird serves as a helper for those new to MMORPGs, many experienced players may find it aggravating, especially as it appears for each new character.


The Classic Grind …

Like many MMORPGs, Fiesta features a quest system to help players level as well as earn useful rewards. However, leveling takes the style of older MMOs, in which grinding is more crucial to gaining experience than questing. In fact, new players will discover this element before level 5; quests are given at a level before they can be reasonably completed by a new player with no assistance. For this reason, many players choose to grind out their early levels and skip quests entirely, as early level rewards are purchasable from vendors.

and the Value of Friendship

The other option in starting off to the right foot, of course, is to have the help of friends, or at least, the kindness of passing strangers. A mentor-apprentice system exists for high level players to help out lowbies with bonuses for both, which can be one of the most efficient ways for a low level player to earn their experience. High level players may also choose to pass through and offer buffs or free potions and buff scrolls to low level players. Either of these ways can offer a powerful boost to players to make them strong enough to handle higher level mobs without being weak and risking death, or long rests after each enemy’s death. The final point to be made of this is that Fiesta is a game geared primarily for group efforts; solo players will struggle often without outside help or long grinds.


Battling for Glory & Profit

Like many classic MMOs, Fiesta utilizes a skill-on-use system, in which players may both auto-attack enemies and input skills used on an action bar, as they choose and are available. Special HP and SP stones are available to use to restore health and spell points, respectively. In between fights, players can also use "Home" to rest in their mini-house (a mushroom on default), and regenerate their stats.

To earn money – used for buying gear and other useful items – players must sell what they find on the enemies they kill. While some "junk" is dropped, most of the items found are useful for the game’s crafting system, called Alchemy. Players can learn professions in this system as soon as they are created, and may choose two total professions from five – allowing them to produce enhancement stones, potions, scrolls, or change items into a higher or lower quality.


Kingdom Quests & PvP

There’s more to do than grind, quest, and craft in Fiesta, of course. For players who prefer PvE, Kingdom Quests become available every two hours. Designed for players anywhere from level 5 up and separated into level spans, they can be joined individually or with a party. Each quest has its own victory conditions that can be achieved by the players inside within a set time limit. Each player inside will earn a present box if they are successful, and may earn anything from materials, scrolls, and potions to enhanced and rare equipment.

For PvP fans, once reaching level 20, several different zones become available for player versus player battling. Each city has its own battle zone, and several battlefields also become available. Guild wars are also available for those who are socially inclined to join a guild and participate in group PvP. The player versus player experience is only designed for showing off skill, and sometimes earning items and other perks like titles; experience is not rewarded.


Final Verdict: Good

Fiesta is easy to get into, with plenty for players to do in both PvE and PvP. It makes a particularly good introduction to free-to-play MMORPGs, with an active and helpful player base and plenty of regular maintenance from its publisher. What holds Fiesta back mostly is its grinding nature: any player who hates grinding is going to find Fiesta boring or frustrating. If you don’t mind a balance between grinding and quests, and enjoy a game that rewards cooperative gameplay, Fiesta has a lot to offer.


Fiesta Online Screenshots


Fiesta Online Videos

Fiesta Online Character Creation

Click here to view the embedded video.

Fiesta Online High Level Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Fiesta Online Official Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

Fiesta Online Boss Battle

Click here to view the embedded video.

Fiesta Online Gameplay Footage

Click here to view the embedded video.

System Requirements

Fiesta Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 2000
CPU: 1.6 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD processor
RAM: 512MB Free
HDD: 3.0 GB Free
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce MX or equivalent

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 2000
CPU: 2.0 GHz Pentium 4 or equivalent AMD processor
RAM: 1GB Free
HDD: 3.0 GB Free
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce TI or Radeon 9200

Runes of Magic

Posted: 10 Jan 2009 09:36 AM PST

Drawing much of its inspiration from the mammoth MMORPG World of Warcraft, Runes of Magic brings to life the fantasy world of Taborea with beautiful 3D graphics, and with over 600 quests to complete offers players much in the way of content and features. With fully-realized dungeon encounters, unmatched character customization, a unique multi-class system, in-game player housing, and a growing community of over 2,000,000 – Runes of Magic guarantees something for everyone.


Publisher: Frogster Interactive
Playerbase: High
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Open / Duels
Filesize: 6.7 GB

Pros: +Fantastic character customization. +Unique multi-class system.  +Player housing. +Heaps of different PvP options. +Huge game world. +Fun end-game raiding.

Cons: -Cash shop can imbalance the game.  -Sensitive language filter. -Similarities to WoW may deter some players.

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Runes of Magic Overview

Runes of magic is a feature rich MMORPG that uses a graphic style very similar to WoW’s. The familiar interface and animations help new players and MMO veterans adjust to the world of Taborea. The game supports both individual player housing and guild controlled castles located in separate instances. But what really sets Runes of Magic apart is the dual-classing system whereby characters can pick a second class at level 10. With a total of eight classes and two races (Human, Elf) to chose from, players can create truly unique characters.


Warrior – Masters of armed combat. Warriors can use any close combat weapon and any type of armor besides plate. They deliver special strikes and blows which have various effects on their targets.

Scout - Adapt at long-ranged combat, Scouts use their bows or crossbows to deal heavy damage. They are vulnerable at close range and rely on a series of evasive and delaying skills to keep enemies from closing in.

Rogue - Specialized at inflicting deadly blows at a fast rate, rogues use daggers which can cause heavy bleeding or be coated in poison. They are very capable at doding blows, but their speed comes at the expense of armor and health. Rogues can also lay traps, scout, and increase a group’s income generation.

Mage - Commanding the elements of fire and lightning, Mages deal heavy damage from afar. They possess direct damage, and area of effect spells. Mages can also cast barrier spells and strength buffs, adding to their utility.

Priest (Human Only) - While priests can cast water based spells to deal damage, they primarily play a supportive role. Priests can cast healing spells, boost their allies stats, and even bring fallen comrades back from the dead. They can equip shields which aid their defense, but are still frail.

Knight (Human Only) - Heavily armored fighters, Knights are the only class that can wear plate armor. Knights go into battle head-first equipped with shields and light-based attacks. They are the tanks of RoM and have the ability to draw their foes attacks towards themselves.

Druid (Elf Only) - Attuned to nature, Druids are a versatile class capable of healing allies, casting damage over time spells, and even mind controlling opponents. Druids possess a special ability that allows them to gather Nature’s Power and unleash it at anytime to cast powerful spells.

Warden (Elf Only) - Close combat specialists. Wardens can use a diverse set of weapons and can wear chain armor. Wardens can summon powerful pets to fight alongside them, and have access to magical spells which strengthen themselves and weaken their opponents.

Runes of Magic Screenshots

Runes of Magic Feature Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Runes of Magic Review

By Cody 'Neramaar' Hargreaves

To get it out of the way nice and early, and to give those that disagree with me a chance to respond without having to read the entire review, Runes of Magic is a WoW Clone. There, I said it. Have at me with your silver tongues and sharpened wits, exact your revenge upon my flesh, for I have gone where many have before, and branded a game a clone of World of Warcraft. The thing is, and this is where I might lose you, so pay close attention – I think that it's a good thing.


You see, throughout these past short years, years that have been particularly kind to the MMO industry, games have been cloning one another on an almost daily basis. Hell, if you wanna get real technical – any game portraying an open 3D world with a third-person perspective is a clone of the original Everquest – and although I can't think of it off the top of my head – Everquest is probably a clone of another, albeit less popular, MMO game. Cloning is simply part of the industry, and as much as I don't particularly like the idea – it's here to stay, and it's something we have to get used to.

With Runes of Magic (henceforth referred to as RoM), it's different. They haven't simply cloned the gameplay style, or the character textures – they've pretty much cloned the entire damn game, right down the names of a large portion of the skills and spells. The biggest key difference between the two of them lies solely in the fact the RoM is free to play, and WoW is not. There is however a great many additions that have been added to the WoW formula in RoM, and therein lies salvation.


For the three of you reading this that have absolutely no idea what the WoW formula is, or any other standard MMORPG formula for that matter, it is simply the standard way that MMORPG games are played. You create a character, and spend a large quantity of your life making that character great, through killing monsters and gaining experience and equipment, thereby making your character stronger. Thanks to the countless content updates and additions to these games, this cycle is damn near never ending – and is the main contributor to the new 'MMO Addiction' craze that's taking the world by storm.

This is the process that almost every MMORPG game takes – and is the same process that was perfected by Blizzard with WoW – hence the 11.5 Million active players. The reason I have never labeled any other game a WoW clone is because cloning this simple process of playing isn't really cloning WoW. Cloning the skills, environments, quests, and a plethora of other features however, is. There – only took me five paragraphs to explain why RoM is a WoW Clone, now on to why this is such a good thing.


The key here, and the thing that gives RoM so much of its undeniable charm, is in the improvements and additions that have been made to the formula – many of which are incredible additions that truly make the game. One such addition, also the one that I like the most, is in the character creation whereby players are able to choose the size of each of their individual body parts – giving each player their own individual look and style. Add to this over 30 different face and hair options, and you have a recipe for total character customization – a simple, yet highly appreciated addition to the game.


Not enough customization you say? Then take a look at RoM's unique multi-class system that allows players to combine their main class (out of a possible Warrior, Knight, Rogue, Priest, Mage or Scout) with a second class – adopting all of their secondary skills and abilities. This allows for over 30 different class combinations in total and should be more than enough to help you stand out from the crowd. Hell – if you're really keen on appealing to your personal preferences, RoM even includes your very own house that you can use to store your loot and goodies, and decorate to your liking with furniture purchased through the in-game shop. Of course, to use the in-game shop, you'll need to get your credit card handy, and fork over some dough for a few diamonds.



Diamonds are the in-game currency used in RoM, and can only be obtained by spending real hard-earned dollars – well – future real hard-earned dollars, as you'll need to use a credit card to make a purchase. Diamonds can be used to purchase a number of different things in RoM, from furniture for your house or upgrades for your weapons, to additional bag space and mounts to travel faster across the world, and although you don't need to purchase diamonds – you'll definitely want to, as they make the playing experience a lot more fun when you do. One downside to the game’s cash shop is that the most powerful enchantment items are only available through the cash shop.


Also thrown into the mix in RoM is an older style PvP system in which you have full access to attack any player you choose provided that you are both above level 15. Of course, doing so will net you some negative karma – causing you to turn red and drop your equipment if you're killed. I've been a massive fan of this style of PvP back since the days when Lineage 2 was a top game, because you really have to think about who you kill as the repercussions can be deadly. There's nothing more fun then losing your cool with a party member, ganking them out of pure frustration, then running for your life from a horde of greedy gamers drooling over the weapons they might get if they can kill you.

Of course, for every good part of a game, there is surely a bad part to follow, and at present, RoM could still use a lot of work. There's nothing especially game breaking to mention, just a few little kinks that need ironing out here and there. Things like bad translations, and in some areas, no translation at all. Missing sounds, such as the hooves of your horse as it gallops across the countryside, or the always expected 'chink' your mining pick should make as it hit's the rock – missing sounds like this really draw from the immersion, and show a severe lack of polish.

Runes of Magic is the gold standard of the free-to-play MMO experience. Since its release back in early 2009, Runes of Magic has enjoyed numerous major content updates, called “chapters”, which added enormous amounts of new content to the game. As is, Runes of Magic is one of the most content rich free to play MMORPGs out there.


Final Verdict: Excellent
Runes of Magic didn’t just raise the bar, it continues to push it higher. It is a stalwart example of the glorious free-to-play gaming era that we have only recently begun to experience, and although it currently still has a number of flaws, it's already one hell of a gaming experience, and a must play for any MMO gamer. Since the game’s original release back in 2009, the game has enjoyed numerous major expansions called “Chapters” which introduced a lot of new content to the game. Frogster has done and continues to do a stellar job with Runes of Magic – making it one of the best free to play MMORPGs ever.


Runes of Magic Screenshots


Runes of Magic Videos

Runes of Magic Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Runes of Magic Gameplay Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Runes of Magic Official Trailer Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Runes of Magic Combat  Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Runes of Magic Housing Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

System Requirements

Runes of Magic System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or equivalent
RAM: 512MB or more
DirectX 9.0c compatible with 128MB RAM Video Card

Recommended Specification:
Intel Pentium 4 Core Duo 2.0 GHz or equivalent
RAM: 1GB or more
HDD: 7GB or more
DirectX 9.0c compatible with 256MB RAM Video Card


Posted: 03 Oct 2010 01:01 AM PDT

Golfstar is a 3D golfing MMO. Create a custom avatar using a variety of clothing and accessories and play a few holes alone or with up to 30 other players. Golftstar has anime inspired character designs and allows simultaneous play, making multiplayer games much faster paced.


Publisher: Gamigo
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: Medium Quality
Type: MMO
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: N/A
Filesize: 975 MB

Pros: +All players can play simultaneously in multiplayer. +Variety of clothes and accessories available. +Up to 30 players per match. +Great interface

Cons: -Very Similar to other Golfing games. -Few playable characters. -Limited golf-course variety.

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Golfstar Overview

Golfstar is a Korean developed golfing MMO being published in North America and Europe by Gamigo. The game was developed by Com2uS and has anime styled characters. The golf courses and surrounding environments are well rendered. Golfstar supports multiplayer matches of up to 30 players, and allows them to all play at once. This speeds up gameplay tremendously and is an improvement over several older golfing games. Like other golfing MMOs, players can customize their avatars and explore persistent shopping areas. As players progress, they’ll be able to learn passive skills that improve their stamina and strength. Golfstar competes with games like Pangya, Shot Online, and Tiger Woods Online. Graphically speaking, Golfstar looks fantastic and is well worth checking out for those interesting in golfing games.

Golfstar Screenshots

Golfstar Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Golfstar Review

Golfstar Review

There are few sports that have as much international appeal as golf: the polite atmosphere, the calculated shots, and the athleticism required have inspired even video game players. In recent years, golf games have made their way into the online arena, hoping to capitalize on the multiplayer aspect of online gaming. One of these games, Golfstar, is published by gamigo. While similar to Shot Online, as well as other golf games like Pangya and Tiger Woods Online, Golfstar still has plenty to offer the online golf fanatic.


Take Your Pick

Golfstar’s character creation is very limited: there are two male and two female stock characters, complete with a name, age, and biography, to choose from. These characters can be customized a little: each has two hair styles and a few hair colors, plus two faces, to choose from. Still, you’ll have the look of looking like one out of every four players, with the only distinguishing feature being the clothing you equip in-game. Fashion items also offer bonuses, however, so you still may end up looking pretty similar to the player you’re putting against.


Teeing Off

While Golfstar aims for fair realism, the controls during play are relatively simple. Swings take place in two phases; the first has you hold down the space bar to fill your power meter and letting go when the power is to your liking, while the second phase has you tap the space bar within a small aiming reticule on the ball itself (the closer to the center of the ball, the better the shot). This mechanic works the same for both regular shots and putts, with putts showing their power meter on the green itself instead of as a swing bar.

There are a few additional controls as well. Using the mouse will let you aim left or right. Camera controls are also managed by the mouse, and three views, allowing you to focus on either the hole, the projected landing area, or the golfer, can be switched between with the keyboard. Golfers can also learn skills, which can be added to an action bar and used with standard 1-0 hotkeys for easy access. While these controls are easy to master for a beginner, the mouse controls are on a reverse axis, which may slip up a player from time to time.


How’s the Weather?

While the graphics and controls of Golfstar are softly realistic, the challenges facing golfers on the holes are not. Like Shot Online, Golfstar impressively takes into consideration all the factors affecting a golf game, from wind and slope, to weather and humidity. Every condition you come across on the course can and will affect your shot, making it important to take a full scan of your situation on each shot – an impressive feat sometimes, as each shot is limited by a time of 30 to 90 seconds.


Get a Grip

Golfstar is not just a free-for-all golf game; equipment and player statistics play a major part. The game features a full set of fashion items for players to equip (purchased with both the game’s in-game currency and in the cash shop), many of which affect a player’s stats. Clubs are also a major necessity in game, as are various items that can help improve a player’s accuracy, power, stamina, or control.

As you play on courses, you gain experience and money. Experience will help you gain levels, which in turn grants you a few points that you can allocate between the four stats mentioned above. This is where players can really customize their experience, putting points in the stats that they are weakest at, as well as those they feel will give them an edge on the courses. Players also get to learn skills, special abilities that can be activated while on the course to help give their shots an edge.


Get on the Course Already

There are only four courses available in Golfstar right now, and they all look generally similar to each other with the exception of White Cliff, which offers some beach-like obstacles and background noise. Thankfully, there are several game modes to make things more interesting. These modes are stroke (a standard golf match with the lowest score winning), match (head-to-head per hole, with one or two people per team), skins (where players bet per hole to win in-game currency), and both competition and team competition, which can feature up to 30 players golfing at the same time.

Not only does Golfstar allow a large number of players on the course at once, it also makes sure that golf play goes quickly by making all players play simultaneously. While this does give a little illusion that you’re playing alone, it also significantly speeds up the golf game – a usual problem for most golf MMOs. The game also supports guilds, and hosts a regular guild day every Friday in which guilds get boosted experience and rewards as they play on the greens.

Final Verdict: Good

Golfstar is one of the better golf games available online; it’s realistic, it’s fast, and it supports its community through in-game lobbies and guilds, helping make it feel like a little less of a lobby and more like a golfing community. However, the game also has a very limited amount of content, and follows the same style of equipment rules that many FPS games do – permanent equipment is almost nowhere to be found (even your starter set has a thirty day limit.) While you can earn money in game to pay for clubs, you’ll have to keep a close eye on your inventory to make sure you don’t go broke and lose out on valuable stats. If you’re looking for a more realistic golf game, this might be your best bet – just watch your pocketbook.


Golfstar Videos

Golfstar Gameplay Teaser Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Golfstar Links

Golfstar Official Site

System Requirements

Golfstar Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 2000
CPU: 1.0 GhZ Pentium 3 or Equivalent AMD processor
RAM: 512 MB Memory
HDD: 3 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce 5200 / Radeon 9200 or better

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / XP / 2000
CPU: 2 GHz Pentium 4 processor
RAM: 1 GB Memory
HDD: 5 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce 6600/ Radeon 9600

Faxion Online

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 07:28 PM PDT

Faxion Online is a 3D fantasy MMORPG with combat driven gameplay and a heavy emphasis on PvP. Fight on the side of Heaven or Hell in the epic struggle between Good and Evil. Faxion Online has multiple methods of progression and promises to reward player skill rather than grinding.


Publisher: UTV True Games
Playerbase: Low
Graphics: Medium Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Battlegrounds / Duels
Filesize: 1.4 GB

Pros: +Competitive PvP system. +Fight for control of territory. +Action oriented gameplay. +Multi-classing. +Unique environments.

Cons: -Combat feels a bit slow paced.

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Faxion Online Overview

Faxion Online pits the armies of Heaven and Hell against each other for control over Limbo, the territory that exists between them. Players will be able to join the side of Good or Evil in the struggle for control over various regions, each named after one of the seven deadly sins. Faxion Online promises action driven combat, and a heavy emphasis on PvP. The production team includes people who worked on Ultima Online and Shadowbane so expectations are high. Faxion is being developed as a full feature MMORPG, so expect ample PvE content, an expansive backstory and lore, and a wide range of environments to explore and monsters to slay. The game hopes to use a novel progression system which moves away from the typical grind based ‘stand and fight’ model. Offline advancement and multi-classing will help ensure the most skilled player comes out ahead, not the one that put in the most time.

Faxion Online Screenshots

Faxion Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Faxion Online Review

Coming soon…


Faxion Online Screenshots

Coming soon…


Faxion Online Videos

Faxion Online Official Teaser Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Faxion Online Links

Faxion Online Official Site

System Requirements

Faxion Online Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz
HDD: ~2.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce 6600 (512 MB)

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows Vista / 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz or better
HDD: ~2.5 GB Free
Graphics Card: GeForce 7900 or better (1 GB)

Iris Online

Posted: 17 Aug 2010 11:21 PM PDT

Iris Online is 3D fantasy MMORPG with a gypsy theme. Players can chose between three races and can explore the anime-inspired world of Arcana. Experience a unique environment centered on 22 tarot cards, including The Fool, The Chariot, and Wheel of Fortune.


Publisher: gPotato
Playerbase: Medium
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Duels / Colosseum Matches
Filesize: ~ 2400 mb

Pros: +3 playable races, 6 starting classes. +Unique tarot card feature. +Transform into monsters using cards. +Themed instanced dungeons.

Cons: -Limited inventory space. -Familiar gameplay and character progression. -Visual style may not appeal to some players.

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Iris Online Overview

Iris Online is a free-to-play MMORPZG developed by Eyasoft, the same studio behind Luna Online. Like Luna, Iris boasts a cute, anime-inspired visual style. But don’t let the graphics fool you, Iris Online is a full-feature MMORPG with a unique gypsy theme. Tarot cards effect much of the world, including the twenty-two instanced dungeons, each of which have a different theme based off one of the cards. Players can collect monster cards off almost any enemy in the game and use them to transform into those monsters. PvP battle zones pit up to fifteen players near the same level against each other. Players progress by gaining experience and skill points. The game has a variety of races and classes to choose from.

Human - Easily adaptable race that possess great strength and excels at technology.

Fighter - Fighters rely on brute strength and large weapons to deal heavy damage at melee range.

Mage - Arcane spellcasters who fight from a distance. They can buff allies, but are fragile in combat.

Hybrid - Half-human, half-animal. Hybrids have high strength and stamina, though their knowledge of magic is limited.

Warrior - Equipped with heavy armor, warriors are always at the forefront of battle where they can defend their allies.

Rogue - Shrewd combatants that rely on speed and cunning. Rogues exploit vulnerabilities in their opponents.

Elf - Elves are the oldest race in Arcana. They have unmatched knowledge and an affinity for nature

Ranger - Trackers and outdoorsmen. Rangers are masters of stealthy movement and the gun. They can also use daggers.

Shaman - Masters of fire, air, earth, and water magic. Shamans can summon elementals to aid them.

Iris Online Screenshots

Iris Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Iris Online Review

By Erhan Altay

Most anime-themed fantasy MMORPGs tend to be very similar, but once in a while a game like Iris Online comes along and adds a new twist to the genre. Iris Online is developed by the Korean studio Eyasoft and published in North America on Gala-Net's gPotato portal. Eyasoft is behind a number of anime styled games including Luna Online and the recent Legend of Edda, but Iris Online is different from those titles. It has a 'Gypsy' theme, which means the world is filled with tarot cards, carnivals, and circus themed areas and instances. Behind the brightly colored visual style is an in-depth MMORPG with varied races, classes, PvP options, and other features.


Races of Arcana

Iris Online entered beta testing in the middle of October in 2010, and with a 2.4 gb client size, its a fairly large game. Each account has five character slots per server, which is almost enough to cover the six starting classes. There are three playable races to chose from: Human, Hybrid, and Elf. Each of these has two distinct classes available, for a grand total of six. There are a few face, hair, and hair color options, but appearance customization is very limited overall. The character models themselves look great. After character creation, the game prompts players with an option to take part in the tutorial. It's short, and explains some of the original features found later in the game. There's also a reward for completing it, so new players should run through it at least once.


Sign Up for the Circus

The tutorial in Iris Online takes place in a circus-themed zone where players are introduced to a new aspect of gameplay in each room. The game supports both keyboard (W,A,S,D) and point-and-click controls which will please many gamers. Better still, the keyboard controls actually feel fluid. This is one of the few Asian developed free-to-play MMORPGs where I felt more comfortable using W,A,S,D over the mouse. Players can even jump by hitting the space bar, but this propels them far into the air and is rarely practical. After learning to move, the next quest explains a bit about the game's lore. Most gamers will skip past this, but just remember that the world is called Arcana, and the races had to work together to defeat some evil force long ago. Next, players can choose between three cat mounts. Mounts come in all shapes and sizes in Iris Online including giant cats, crabs, and so on. Newbies won't be able to keep their tutorial mount, it only serves to show them how to use one. The interface in Iris Online is simple, the map is opened by hitting 'M', the quest log opens with the 'L' key, and inventory with the 'I' key. The only major complaints with the interface are the limited inventory space of twenty-five slots that new players start with, and the inability to view maps beside the one a character is currently in.


Fortune Telling

One major feature that distinguishes Iris Online from other free-to-play games is its Gypsy theme. Tarots cards, which are still used by fortune tellers today, have perhaps the most well known aspect of Gypsy culture. These cards, and especially the twenty-two major ones, play an important role in Iris Online. Each of the original twenty-two instanced dungeons in the game are based off one of the twenty-two major Tarot cards. Veteran gamers may have come across these cards before in other games like the Persona or Ultima series. They include cards like 'The Fool', 'Judgment', and 'The Emperor.' The order that a person draws these cards is supposed to reveal something about their fortune, but in Iris they play a role in weapon customization, crafting, and monster summoning. The tutorial explains most of these features, but its important to note that besides the twenty-two major tarot cards, there are fifty-six minor ones. On top of that, nearly every monster in the game (including raid bosses) have a chance of dropping cards. The cards monsters drop come in two forms: one type can be attached to equipment Ragnarok Online style, while the other kind is used to temporarily transform into the particular monster that dropped it. Each monster has a unique set of skills, and buffs. Cards are also used in crafting and can be combined with other items to create completely new items.


Character Growth

Progression in Iris Online is fairly linear. Players gain experience by hunting and completing quests, but they also gain SXP (skill experience) independently of their base experience. When the SXP bar fills, players are rewarded with a skill point which can be distributed among the multple skill trees each class has. Each starting class has access to two or more weapon/spell types, and each is represented by its own skill tree. Rogues, for example, can use rifles or dual daggers. Shamans can specialize in divine or offensive magic. Fighters can specialize in two-handed swords, dual swords, or sword & shield skills. All classes have a passive skill tree which contains permanent boosts to health, damage output, or particular stats. It is possible to spread skill points across multiple specializations, but this is not recommended. Players can a free skill reset at level 30, when they can make their first job change, but must use a cash shop item if they mess up before or after that time. Base experience is a lot simpler. Players don't receive stat points as they level, they increase automatically and can be raised further with magic equipment and buffs. Besides skills, there is one extra layer of customization in the form of an elemental 'Force.' There are four forces to chose from: Helen (fire), Nero (water), Annes (wind), Dera (ground.) Why does Nero represent water? I'm not quite sure, but there are several translation quirks throughout the game and this may just be one of them.


Point A to Point B

Gameplay in Iris Online is heavily quest-based, and players are usually lead from one zone to the next in a linear path. New players start in the town of Terminus, which is in perpetual night and progress to hunting grounds that are at different times of the day. The assortment of quests should be familiar to MMORPG fans; kill quests, item gathering quests, and talk to NPC X quests. To auto-move to a location, players must bring up the map and click on a certain area. There's no quest objective to quest objective auto-navigation, which is actually a good thing since too much automation can make a game boring. Combat relies on actively using a variety of skills, as they usually have cool downs of a few seconds. Luckily, every class is equipped with an assortment of skills and mana regeneration is pretty high. Interestingly, spells and skills cost a percent of total mana, not just a set amount. This makes the MP recovery rate a very important stat for every class. The constant use of skills keeps combat exciting, and monsters in Iris Online start aggroing at an early level, which makes things more challenging. Early quests reward players with dozens of HP/MP potions, but these will run out eventually. There's no death penalty until level 10, and players are free to spawn right where they died. After level 10, death carries a small exp penalty, and resurrecting where you fell causes a debuff for several minutes.


Carnival Games

Iris Online has many small features that help round it out as a full-feature MMORPG. These include an auction house, the ability to open personal shop stalls, and a title system. Titles are earned in a variety of ways, the most common being consuming tokens dropped by monsters. Titles effect the stats of a character when equipped, and can have both positive and negative effects. A title geared towards casters may increase magic damage and intelligence, but may decrease strength. Iris Online also has several PvP modes on top of the standard duel. Every so often, players are prompted on whether they want to participate in a capture the flag or team deathmatch event. If enough players within a certain level range agree, everyone who chose to participate is teleported to an instanced Colosseum field where two sides (each with up to eighteen players) duke it out. The game keeps track of PvP stats, including total kills, deaths, and also rewards points towards the player's currently chosen 'Force.' Besides large-scale PvP events, players can also group up to clear instanced dungeons scattered across the world.


You've Come a Long Way

The visuals in Iris Online are very reminiscent of earlier anime-styled games, particularly Fiesta Online, Seal Online, and perhaps a bit of Rose Online thrown in. Being a newer game, it’s not much of a surprise that the graphics in Iris are better than those previous games. It’s a high quality title, and a slightly more mature alternative to Eyasoft's more chibi-oriented titles.

Final Verdict: Great

Iris Online may feel familiar at first glance, but it has a lot of depth and a unique theme. With three races and a large assortment of classes, Iris Online offers varied gameplay options but with a simple to understand progression system. Instanced dungeons, instanced PvP battlegrounds, and the multi-purpose card system all add up to make Iris Online a top-notch MMORPG. It doesn't breakthe mold enough to earn the top score, but it’s still a game well worth checking out.


Iris Online Videos

Iris Online Cinematic Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

Iris Online Gameplay Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

Iris Online Gameplay – First Look

Click here to view the embedded video.


Iris Online Links

Iris Online Official Site

System Requirements

Iris Online Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows  XP / Vista / Windows 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 Ghz
RAM:  1 GB
HDD: 3 GB Free
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon 9500 / nVidia 5200 (128mb memory)

Recommended Specification:
OS: Windows Vista / 7
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 3.0 Ghz or better
RAM: 2 GB or more
HDD: 4 GB Free
Graphics Card: Geforce 6600 GT / 256 mb video memory or better

Champions Online

Posted: 23 May 2010 08:58 PM PDT

Champions Online is a 3D, superhero-themed MMORPG.  Create a unique hero using the game’s amazing character creation system and play through the game’s well-crafted story arcs.  Champions Online boasts a powerful graphics engine that makes use of cel-shading and other interesting features to present a unique visual style.


Publisher: Cryptic Studios
Playerbase: High
Graphics: High Quality
EXP Rate: Medium
PvP: Strong scenarios / PvP regions
Filesize: 2500 MB

Pros: +In-depth character creation. +Unique colorful artstyle. +Fast-paced, action-oriented gameplay. +Tons of variety between characters.

Cons: -Odd use of instancing & save points. -Balance issues. -Few missions to complete, lots of grind.

Create Account


Champions Online Overview

Champions Online is a 3D superhero themed fantasy MMORPG set in Millennium City. The game used to be pay to play with a free trial, but officially went fully free to play with a cash shop and subscriber option on January 25, 2011. For gamers with a love for deep character customization and fast, smooth gameplay, the Champions Online is definitely a solid choice.

There are no classes in Champions Online; players are free to choose any power from any powerset to realize whatever vision they have in mind for their characters. These powers are organized into theme frameworks, which are listed below:

Might: Your standard super-strength powerset. For characters looking to imitate the biggest and the burliest heavy hitters, though your character need not appear large!

Munitions: A framework containing just about every conventional firearm imaginable, from rocket launchers, to gatling guns, to shotguns, to grenades, and to a number of very cool looking "gun kata" style dual pistol attacks.

Martial Arts: Choose from unarmed, claws, single blade, or dual blade within the martial arts frameworks, each with unique advantages.

Sorcery: From black magic to white magic, from primal sorcery to arcane sorcery, this set contains a great deal of unique attacks and area-centric buffs. Plus, the arcane bolts just look cool!

Supernatural: Whether you choose to be a chain-swinging demon with toxic breath, or a creepy creature with supernatural, shredding claws, this set is a grab-bag for every imaginable kind of weirdness.

Telepathy: Powerful crowd-control, the best heals in the game, and arguably the best AoE attack in the game. Telepathy has a number of solid powers to choose from!

Telekinesis: A thematic favorite, TK is a set for people who want to have psychic blades, a la Psylocke from X-men, or even a Protoss zealot from Starcraft. Some of the best melee damage in the game is in these powers!

Gadgeteering: Orbital cannons, laser guns, robot minions, photon mines, shrink rays, resurrection serums… gauntlet chainsaws? Yep. It’s all here.

Power Armor: You are Iron Man. Just don’t name yourself that. Make a suit of awesome powered armor and go nuts. Or make a lizard person that shoots missles out of their chest for some reason. The choice is yours!

Archery: A number of surprisingly high-tech looking bow attacks, from arrows with explosives tied to them, to arrows that explode in a pretty sphere of energy. All archery attacks can be used and charged while moving!

Energy Projection: From flinging flames, to ice bolts, to lightining bolts, or force bolts. It’s all in these four powersets. Set stuff on fire, encase enemies in icy prisons, place forcefields on your allies, or just annihilate whole armies with columns of electricity.

Darkness: Summon clouds of fear, attack enemies with blasts of pure shadow, lick at your foes with dark tendrils, drain life, and create nether voids. This set pretty much speaks for itself.

Celestial: The consummate "healer" set, many of the attacks in Celestial are pretty balls and beams of light, which can either damage enemies or heal friends.

Champions Online Screenshots

Champions Online Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Champions Online Review

By B. Olivia

In October of 2009, Cryptic studios (known for being responsible for the creation of the City of Heroes/Villains franchise, also known as CoX) released a game highly anticipated among fans of CoX: Champions Online. Champions is known for a number of unique features, including an open power system, dazzling graphical capability, and arguably the best character creator of any current MMORPG. For anyone who loves tweaking builds, creating themed characters, and designing avatars to be whatever character is lurking around in your brain just waiting to be expressed, Champions is a ticket to genuine entertainment. Champions Online was originally released as a pay to play MMORPG with a free trial, but a new free-to-play option has been added on January 25th, 2011.



The first thing anyone will notice about ChO is the character creator. It’s the first thing you’re prompted to do, after selecting your two initial powers and starting stats. People new to super hero MMORPGs (of which there are only really three) will probably be completely overwhelmed by the character creator in Champions. There is nothing I can really say to someone to prepare them for this, except that just like playing the game itself, getting good at making characters in ChO takes practice. Like Perfect World, which also has an incredible character creation system, there are hundreds and hundreds of parts for every imaginable aspect of your character, from choosing eye types, sizes and gradients, to arm accessories, thigh accessories, leg types, tails, ears, nose or noseless, alien or demonic, it goes on and on and on! If you can imagine it, you can make it in this character creator. My main character is a tall, willowy techno-paladin from the future! She’s so awesome. Half the fun of a game like Champions Online is being able to create a character you love and then being able to play as that character. Of course, you can’t be complete without the proper powers…


Pick a Power! Any Power! (for money)

Paying players (those who subscribe monthly to become “Gold members”) have complete control over how their character progresses.  In Champions Online, you can pick any power in the game for your character. The various powers are organized into frameworks (telepathy, unarmed martial arts, supernatural claws, etc.), which are then organized by tiers (you can access the various power tiers depending on your level and the number of powers in a single framework already selected), but it’s important to note that after a certain level (level 26) you are free to choose any power in the game, from any framework, regardless of tier. Do you want a martial artist dark sorcerer with a laser sword and a gun that turns people into teddy bears? Okay! Do you want a werewolf that attacks with claws and carries a gatling gun? Why not!

It’s this open system, combined with the character creator, that has drawn so many people to Champions Online. When the game was pay to play with a trial, users could only play through the game’s tutorial and had a level cap of 15. Now that the game is free to play users can fully explore the game and build their superhero the way they want to. One of the game’s biggest strengths is its character growth system.


Supreme Stats!  Archetypes!

On top of this, as if your customization wasn’t enough already, players choose two "superstats", or characteristic focuses. At level 6 and level 13, you will be asked to choose a stat to focus on from the following list: strength, constitution, intelligence, recovery, dexterity, endurance, ego, and presence. Each stat offers unique secondary benefits, such as intelligence offering a power discount and cooldown reduction, or strength affecting your knockback strength and resistance as well as your ability to lift large objects. Whatever focus you choose, it determines how much damage you deal. So, this means that the character you’ve designed doesn’t have to be tied to a specific stat depending on your power choices; your powers are fueled by whatever stat you please. Does your gun-toting paladin aim their shots using a combination of intuition and agility? Go with DEX/EGO! Does your magician cast spells, but also have a ton of HP and super strength? Go with STR/CON. No matter what, any gear pushing up your two stats increases your damage. This, in my opinion, is super cool.

Unfortunately, choosing your stats is only available to subscribers.  If you’re playing the game free-to-play, then you’re going to be limited to locked in frameworks called archetypes.  Archetypes can still be very effective, and you can choose how to enhance the powers you get, but the progression and stats are locked.  To some people, this is actually a boon (plenty of people find the open power system overwhelming), and to others, it’s maddening.


Ground to a Halt

The gameplay itself, as we’ve noted, is an epic blast.  It is just plain satisfying to play this game; it’s a smooth, action-packed experience.  Watching your character effortlessly gun down and knock around enemies and shoot blasts and what have you is too much fun.  On top of it all, simply creating new looks and new builds is a lot of fun, and can keep many people occupied for hours.  Unfortunately, there is a limit to how entertaining Champions Online can be.  Even over a year after release, and with a new area, two adventure packs and some revamping, Champions Online still feels like it’s hurting for really engaging content for players to enjoy.

Once you slam into the level 40 cap, you’ll find yourself wanting things to do.  The game does have opportunities to get new and better gear through the adventure packs and high end instances, like Therakiel’s Lair.  You can also try these challenges on varying degrees of difficulty, alone or with friends, ranging from “normal” to “elite.”  If you’re a completionist, and enjoy a challenge, trying to finish Therakiel’s Lair on elite with a good team is a pretty good time, but it’s very difficult.  Unfortunately, with only a handful of major end-game areas to enjoy, Champions is in a content-void position.  End-game gets boring, so the usual answer is alting, or PVP.

PVP – Friend… or foe?

PVP in Champions Online is a mixed bag.  You’re certainly not going to meet the greatest examples of sportsmanship and human decency doing PVP, but that’s true of any online arena.  PVP in Champions can actually be really fun – even I was able to get into it.  Unfortunately, with such an open power system (unless you’re PVPing in the archetype arena, which you will be, if you’re playing this for free) things can get imbalanced relatively easily.  Players will find the most effective,  brainless way to dominate, and that is what they will do.  There are multiple “builds” that can work in PVP, but making them requires a great deal of creativity and dedication.  The rewards for PVP are marginal and not nearly as good or easy to obtain as the PVE rewards, making PVP and dueling more of a fun change of pace, rather than a legitimate end-game focus.  This may change over time.


Final Verdict: Great

While some people may be irritated that they have to pay in order to be a true “Freeform” character, others will be very pleased with the addition of archetypes.  Playing Champions for free is a surprisingly full experience, and your character’s progression is still fairly customizable.  You can also purchase additional, fancier archetypes from the C-store, or cooler travel powers.  As far as free titles go, Champions Online: Free for All is a great game.  Just don’t upgrade to gold status… once you get a taste of full, freeform customization, you might never be able to go back to the archetypes.


Champions Online Screenshots


Champions Online Videos

Champions Online Official Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.

System Requirements

Champions Online System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP2/ Windows Vista/Windows 7
CPU: 2.5GHz Single Core or 1.8GHz Dual Core
HDD: 5.0 GB Free
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 / ATI Radeon X700 / Intel GMA 4

Recommended Specifications:
OS: Windows XP SP2/ Windows Vista/Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit)
CPU: Intel E8400 Core2Duo or Better
RAM: 2GB or more
HDD: 5.0 GB Free
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or Better / ATI Radeon HD 3850 or Better

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