


Camelot Unchained: Stealthers Sneak Out of the Shadows in Latest Reveal

Posted: 05 Dec 2015 01:38 AM PST

Stealthers Sneak Out of the Shadows in Latest Reveal

The latest Camelot Unchained archetype has crept out of the shadows. This time the Stealthers have taken center stage. Stealthers, as with all CU archetypes, come in three forms: Red Cap (Tuatha De Danann), Veilstalker (Arthurian) and Shadow Walker (Viking).

General: Hard West - A Fun, Twisted Introduction to Tactical RPGs

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 11:26 AM PST

Hard West - A Fun, Twisted Introduction to Tactical RPGs

Hard West was released by CreativeForge Games last month and we've put it through the paces to offer you our unfiltered review. Offering a unique blend of Wild West shootouts and cult-inspired horror, is this tactics RPG worth the $19.99 buy in? Read our review to find out.

Warframe: Free Key Giveaway -- Yep! We Scored Another Bunch!

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 01:32 PM PST

Free Key Giveaway -- Yep! We Scored Another Bunch!

MMORPG.com has teamed up with Digital Extremes to bring you a cool new gift key offer for Warframe! We managed to score another 1000 keys that will give you a 3 day booster and doubles the amount of resources earned from pickups. Get your key now!

Gigantic: Layoffs & 2016 Launch Announced in Honest Letter

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 01:15 PM PST

Layoffs & 2016 Launch Announced in Honest Letter

Motiga's development team is sadly shrinking as the end of the year approaches. Due to feedback from Gigantic testers, the difficult decision was made to push the release of the game into 2016. Consequently, and with resources stretched thin, the painful decision was also made to reduce the staff by sixteen.

World of Warcraft: Diablo 3 Treasure Goblin Found in Legion!

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 12:07 PM PST

Diablo 3 Treasure Goblin Found in Legion!

A wily World of Warcraft: Legion alpha tester has found, believe it or not, a Diablo 3 Treasure Goblin. Sadly, the little bugger was a level 110 with the user being only 101 so no grabbing hold of all gold...though the icon above the counter at the bottom of the screen looks suspiciously like a garrison resource icon. This makes some of us sad pandas.

World of Warcraft: Legion Enhancement Shaman Change Guide

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 11:08 AM PST

Legion Enhancement Shaman Change Guide

The spotlight of this overview is the Enhancement Shaman, a powerful close-range fighter and the only mail-wearing melee spec currently present in the game, soon to be joined by Survival Hunters in the Legion.

World of Tanks: PlayStation 4 Open Beta Weekend Begins

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 10:45 AM PST

PlayStation 4 Open Beta Weekend Begins

Wargaming has announced that the PlayStation 4 open beta for World of Tanks has started and will run throughout the weekend. All players participating will be gifted an exclusive M22 Locust Tank in thanks for their time spent in game.

Zodiac: New Pricing Announced, Future Episodes Prices & A Boon

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 10:42 AM PST

New Pricing Announced, Future Episodes Prices & A Boon

Kobojo has announced a new pricing structure for Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey that includes free future episodes for players who purchased the game on or before December 3rd. Players interested in purchasing Zodiac can now do so for $4.99 in the app store with all future episodes anticipated to be priced the same. In early 2016, a season pass will be introduced via an in-game purchase.

Elite: Dangerous: Horizon Minimum PC SteamVR Specs Revealed

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 09:59 AM PST

Horizon Minimum PC SteamVR Specs Revealed

Frontier Developments has sent out the minimum PC specifications needed to run the Elite: Dangerous expansion, Horizons, on SteamVR. The first part of Horizons, Planetary Landings, is already in its beta testing phase of development.

Hex: Upcoming PvE Feature Detailed in New Developer Video

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 09:55 AM PST

Upcoming PvE Feature Detailed in New Developer Video

The HEX: Shards of Fate team has sent out a brand new video to show off the upcoming PvE feature. The video is narrated by developers, the video gives players a first hand look at the new feature and an introduction to the game overall. Check it out!

Warframe: New Update Brings Archer Warframe & Answers

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 09:52 AM PST

New Update Brings Archer Warframe & Answers

Warframe has been updated with The Second Dream patch that brings some pretty cool new features into the game. Most notably, players will be taken on a cinematic quest line that will help answer the most pressing question most Tenno have: "What IS a Warframe?" In addition, the new Archer themed Warframe has entered the fray along with a new PvP map, sortie missions, gear, weapons and tons more.

World of Warcraft: Legion Guardian Druid Change Guide

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 09:16 AM PST

Legion Guardian Druid Change Guide

Today we'll take a look at the Guardian Druid, a tank class that takes on bear form and that Blizzard wants to become less attuned to agility tanking and to become able "to survive through their sheer tenacity, thick hide, massive resilience, and strong regeneration".

World of Warcraft: Second Final Fantasy Character Appears in Latest Alpha Build

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 08:38 AM PST

Second Final Fantasy Character Appears in Latest Alpha Build

For savvy World of Warcraft players and Final Fantasy fans, the Aerith character has been living in Dalaran for quite some time. In the latest alpha build for Legion, however, she is now joined by none other than Cloud, yet another in Blizzard's many nods to the wider gaming culture.

General: Cyber Monday 'Week' Coming to a Close But There Still Be Deals!

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 02:57 PM PST

Cyber Monday

If you didn't spend a fortune last weekend or on Cyber Monday and still have a few bucks left in your virtual wallet, well, there are still some great finds out there. Gamers looking for some last minute deals will find that even though Amazon's busiest day has past us, there are some leftovers in the fridge from Thanksgiving.

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