The Internet giant is wiring homes, neighborhoods and cities with cameras and microphones, and powering the nation's intelligence services. Are we sure we can trust it?
Choosing to keep the courts out of the politics of gerrymandering, the Supreme Court's conservative majority on Thursday said there is no manageable standard for judging when partisanship goes too far in the drawing of electoral maps.
In what he terms "DogCoin Mining," YouTuber has his Labrador figure out a puzzle to extract a ball, which the dog then uses to "pay" a machine for a treat. It's genius.
The latest version of the bot detector reCaptcha is invisible to users and has spread to more than 650,000 websites. It's great for security — but not so great for your privacy.
Hacking is a major security concern for most companies: this Ultimate Ethical Hacking A to Z Certification Bundle shows you how hackers launch attacks on different systems and what tools they use — so you can stop them in their tracks. Enroll in all the included courses for just $39.
It wasn't until long after I first met Vance Crowe, at the 2016 conference for the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry in Las Vegas, that I realized he was trying to win me over.
In celebration of the summer season, Huckberry's wide selection of travel bags are being discounted significantly for a limited time. Whether you're headed out camping or simply to the airport, these bags are a steal.
From prestige TV to tentpole franchises to the Coachella DJ tent, the British actor is a poster boy for 21st-century fame: multidisciplinary, omnipresent, engaging. So what does Idris Elba want to do next? And what do we want from him?
While some states are home to multiple high-profile billionaires, you only need a nine-figure net worth to take the top spot in Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, New Hampshire, New Mexico and Vermont.
They're tricking victims into chatting up attractive men with supposedly horrible pasts, then sharing their nudes. Now, Reddit and Discord are cracking down.
A reporter returns all these years later to the scene of a personal tragedy, and to the friends who have been living with the memory of that moment ever since.
Risk Legacy is a reimagining of the classic board game Risk. Instead of starting over entirely for each new game, the fallout from the previous game will alter the world in the new one.
The evidence shows that supposed fishing boats around contested islands are part of an extensive maritime militia.
The Spratly Islands, occupied by five different claimants, are the most hotly contested part of the South China Sea. Thanks to the harbors and supporting infrastructure Beijing constructed on its outposts there over the last five years, most vessels operating around the Spratlys are Chinese. And most of those are at least part-time members of China's official maritime militia, an organization whose role Beijing frequently downplays but that is playing an increasingly visible role in its assertion of maritime claims.
A small cohort of analysts continue to cast doubt on the existence and activities of the maritime militia. The best-intentioned offer alternative explanations for the curious behaviors of the Chinese fishing fleets, though those don't stand up to scrutiny. Other writers, especially those affiliated with Chinese institutions and state media, seek to present an alternate version of reality by artfully cropping satellite imagery, cherry-picking data, or simply ignoring the facts and attacking the motives of those presenting evidence of militia activities.
Seems like a significant corrective to conventional wisdom that regional U.S. partners like UAE are itching for confrontation with Iran: "We are in a region that is tense and important for the world and we don't want more tension," said Sheikh Abdullah.
T-80U tank fires during a demonstration at the international military-technical forum ARMY-2019 at Alabino range in Moscow Region, Russia June 25, 2019. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov
WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... Russia's military expo (Reuters).
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States hopes to re-launch trade talks with China after President Donald Trump and President Xi Jinping meet in Japan on Saturday, but Washington will not accept any conditions around the U.S. use of tariffs in the dispute, a senior administration official said on Tuesday.
Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on another $325 billion of goods, covering nearly all the remaining Chinese imports into the United States - including consumer products such as cellphones, computers and clothing - if the meeting with Xi produces no progress in resolving a host of U.S. complaints around the way China does business.
JERUSALEM, June 26 (Reuters) - Israel is experiencing unexplained GPS disruptions in its airspace but measures are in place to allow safe landings and takeoffs at its main international airport, the government said on Wednesday.
The announcement by the Israel Airports Authority (IAA) followed a report on Tuesday by the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) that "many" pilots had lost satellite signals from the Global Positioning System around Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion Airport.
Confirming there had been GPS disruptions for approximately the past three weeks, an IAA statement said these affected only airborne crews and not terrestrial navigation systems.
Israeli authorities had worked from the outset to locate the source of the problem and fix it, it added.
Asked if an explanation for the disruption had been found, an IAA spokesman said: "No. I don't know."
WNU Editor: Someone is messing around with the satellite feed, and I doubt that it is someone in the Israeli military or intelligence community that is doing this. So the option is either Syria, Iran via through Hezbollah, or some other actor.
The lack of support seems to be linked to a widespread lack of awareness.
The Armed Forces Charity SSAFA is targeting a third of people in the UK who say they do not actively support the armed forces.
The research found one in five people in the UK would never support a military charity and almost 50 percent of those aged 16 to 34 said they do not actively support the armed forces.
The lack of support seems to be linked to a widespread lack of awareness of who the Forces are and what they do.
More than 2,000 people took part in the survey that was conducted in May this year.
June 25 (UPI) -- A new survey has shown about a third of Americans would support a preemptive nuclear strike on North Korea, if it resumes long-range missile testing.
The research by YouGov and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists was based on a fictional news article showing North Korea resuming the tests and gave respondents a choice on how the United States should respond, including the probability each response might provoke retaliation from Pyongyang.
Most voters agree with President Donald Trump's decision to call off airstrikes in Iran last week, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll that also shows little public support for U.S. military action in the Persian Gulf.
According to the poll, just over a third of voters, 36 percent, support military action in Iran after the Iranians shot down an unmanned U.S. drone aircraft — fewer than the 42 percent who oppose it. Roughly two-in-10 voters, 22 percent, said they have no opinion.
The recent oil tanker attacks in the Gulf of Oman reinforce the need to reestablish a highly visible U.S. naval deterrent in the Middle East. For eight months last year, no aircraft carrier strike group plied the region, the longest such interruption this millennium. With the United States needing a more robust posture against Iran and confronting renewed challenges in Asia and Europe, several immediate measures and concerted longer-term efforts are critical to ensure America has the carriers it needs.
The requirement to maintain carrier presence in the Middle East is a critical part of a broader national security strategy, in which U.S. global security interests necessitate a worldwide force presence. Indeed, the Navy's mission demands remain as high as those of the Cold War, calling on ships to be everywhere seemingly at once, but today's fleet is less than half the size it was 30 years ago.
Lieutenant General Robert Ashley Jr, director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, warned the recent drone and oil tanker attacks were a bid to push back against sanctions
EXCLUSIVE – Iran is likely at "an inflection point," and the recent attacks on tankers and the downing of a U.S. surveillance drone appear to be part of an effort to change "the status quo," the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) told Fox News exclusively.
"I'd say that they're probably at an inflection point right now," the director, Lt. Gen. Robert Ashley Jr., explained in his first national TV interview as the leader of the nearly 17-thousand strong agency. Director Ashley said, based on their activity over the last several years, the Iranians would probably say they were in a "favorable" position with their influence over the Iraqi government and the likelihood their longtime regional ally -- Syrian President Bashar al-Assad -- will remain in power.
US media reported Washington launched cyber attacks against Iranian missile control systems and a spy network after Tehran downed an American surveillance drone on June 20
A claim by US officials that a retaliatory cyber attack ordered by the White House crippled Iranian missile launching systems will remain almost impossible to substantiate, experts say.
Citing unnamed sources, US media reported last week that the attack launched by the US Cyber Command disabled computers of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard unit responsible for shooting down an American surveillance drone over the Strait of Hormuz on June 20.
But Tehran denied the reports, saying "no succesful attack has been carried out" by the United States against the Islamic republic.
Iran's ministry of roads and urban development has announced that Islamic Republic Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has ordered 25 military bases to be moved out of cities.
The website of the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development has reported that the military bases will receive alternative venues and the current properties they occupy will be used for urban development.
The website says Iran's parliament approved a law nine years ago to move military bases and barracks out of urban centers, but the full implementation of the law has faced problems, especially in the capital Tehran.
US President Donald Trump (centre) is expected to meet his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Japan on Saturday. Photo: AFP
* Steven Mnuchin says this week's meeting of the leaders of the world's two biggest economies will be 'very important' * Chinese president calls a meeting of the Communist Party's inner circle in preparation for talks with Donald Trump
A trade deal between China and the United States is "90 per cent completed", US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has said just three days before a high-stakes meeting between the countries' two top leaders.
In an interview with CNBC on Wednesday, Mnuchin said this week's Group of 20 summit in Osaka, Japan, where Chinese President Xi Jinping and his US counterpart Donald Trump are expected to meet, would be "a very important G20".
* NATO has said Russia's SSC-8 missile violates terms of a 1987 missile treaty. * The alliance has said it will act to mitigate the Russian threat. * Russia has in turn said it would take "countervailing military measures."
Moscow has said it will take "countervailing military measures" should NATO fulfil any threat related to Russia's nuclear-ready cruise missile system.
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Tuesday that Russia must dismantle the short-range system, or the alliance will be forced to respond, adding that NATO-member defense ministers would now look at next steps "in the event that Russia does not comply."
No detail is yet known over what NATO might do although Stoltenberg said the alliance would not engage in any arms race.
The Ohio-class ballistic-missile submarine USS Rhode Island Gold crew returns to homeport at Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Georgia. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Bryan Tomforde)
Almost nobody knows where they are at any given time, yet nuclear-armed ballistic missile submarines quietly patrol dark domains of the undersea realm in strategically vital waters around the globe, bringing the prospect of unprecedented destruction upon potential enemies -- all as a way to keep the peace.
It would not be an exaggeration to call the first "cut of steel" for the lead ship in a class of new nuclear-armed Columbia-class ballistic missile submarines a historic occasion, as the boat is intended to usher in a new era in firepower-reliant strategic deterrence.
A "cut-of-steel" for advanced construction of the first boat took place at Newport News Shipbuilding June 17 -- three weeks early -- marking the formal beginning of a long and carefully labored process of building the most technically advanced ballistic missile submarine ever to exist.
Despite repeated diplomatic setbacks and heavy fighting among rival forces near Tripoli, UN envoy Ghassan Salame met over the weekend with Libyan National Army (LNA) commander Gen. Khalifa Hifter in al-Rajmeh in suburban Benghazi. The men discussed possible diplomatic solutions to the country's crisis — but to no avail.
Libya has been in turmoil since 2011, when longtime leader Moammar Gadhafi was ousted. Since launching Operation Karama (Operation Dignity) in Benghazi in May 2014, Hifter's group in the east has fought for control of the country against the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli in the west.
In recent years, small drones have made their way onto battlefields where they've been used to surveil US forces or drop bombs on them, prompting the US military to develop new ways to take them down. This week, the US Air Force unveiled a new tool that can be stationed at bases around the world: a high-powered microwave system called Tactical High Power Microwave Operational Responder (THOR), which is designed to protect bases against swarms of drones.
The Air Force Research Laboratory at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico, developed the system, which uses short bursts of high-powered microwaves to disable unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). According to local TV station KRQE, the system was developed quickly (18 months) for about $15 million. It runs off of a generator and is stored in a shipping container, meaning it can be transported almost anywhere and set up within a couple of hours
WNU Editor: This weapon appears to be ideal for protecting bases. But troops on the ground will need something more mobile when they are involved in operations.
* The US has been putting increased pressure on the Chinese maritime militia, a paramilitary sea force disguised as a fishing fleet, in an effort to deter provocations in the South China Sea. * The US Navy's top admiral told his Chinese counterpart earlier this year that provocations by militia vessels would be treated the same as those carried out by Chinese navy warships. * Last week, the US ambassador to the Philippines told reporters that US defense obligations to its ally could be triggered by maritime militia attacks. * Troubling incidents involving Chinese fishing vessels are not uncommon in the South China Sea, and while this rhetorical shift in the US position could deter aggression to encourage stability, it could also signal a lower threshold for confrontation and, possibly, conflict in the disputed waterway.
The US has been steadily ratcheting up the pressure on China's sea forces in a way that could lower the threshold for conflict in the South China Sea, which is already a hotbed of tension.
The US is signalling a tougher stance toward the Chinese maritime militia, a paramilitary sea force disguised as a fishing fleet that is known to sometimes harass foreign rivals to enforce China's vast sovereignty claims in the contested waterway.
The Chinese maritime militia "thrives within the shadows of plausible deniability," according to Andrew Erickson, a leading expert at the US Naval War College, but it can no longer hide like it once could.
WNU Editor: Their maritime militia follows the rules and guidelines as outlined by the Chinese government via through their Navy. This change in U.S. policy is long overdue.
Soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division recover fuel at Forward Operating Base Waza K'wah in the Paktika province, January 29, 2011. The fuel was delivered by air drop, the task force's only means of resupply. US Air Forces Central Command/Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz
* At the tactical level, the US military has performed well in Afghanistan. * But their political leaders and general officers on the ground and in Washington have failed them, argues retired Army Brig. Gen. Donald C. Bolduc.
War is often filled with its share of mistakes and errors in judgment. It's the nature of this lethal business.
Some are the result of changing circumstances on the ground, while others are more systemic. The United States has committed more than a few during its 18 years in Afghanistan.
Indeed, the entire war is a story of one mistake after another, putting success or "victory" as we typically define it further out of reach.
WNU Editor: I would add a few other mistakes. (1) Not getting a handle on the culture of corruption that exists in almost every aspect of Afghanistan life. (2) The role of Pakistan in providing safe havens and permitting its madrassas to be used as recruiting centres. and (3) limiting military operations against the Taliban with rules of engagement that do not make sense (my favourite one was the one that did not permit the raiding of homes of suspected Taliban fighters at night).
* Two US service members were killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday * The identities of the soldiers will not be released until their families are notified * It's not clear if the deaths were the result of the war, which has gone on 18 years
The U.S. military says two service members have been killed in Afghanistan. It did not offer any details surrounding the circumstances of their deaths.
The statement says the killings occurred Wednesday, a day after U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo made a quick visit to the Afghan capital of Kabul where he said Washington was hopeful of a peace deal before September 1.
It's not clear if the deaths were the result of the war, which at nearly 18 years is America's longest running.
The future USS Billings is now tied up in Montreal while the Navy assesses the full extent of the damage and investigates what happened.
The future USS Billings, a new Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship that the U.S. Navy recently took delivery of, sustained damage after hitting another vessel in Montreal, Canada yesterday. The warship had been on its way to future homeport in Mayport, Florida ahead of its formal commissioning and the hope is that this incident will not delay its entry into service.
The incident reportedly occurred on June 24, 2019, after two tugs assisting the future Billings in Montreal harbor cast off their two lines. For still unknown reasons, the LCS lost control and smacked up against the side of the Rosaire Desgagnes, a bulk cargo ship, which was moored nearby, according to First Coast News. A spokesperson for Naval Surface Force Atlantic told The Maritime Executive that the Navy ship's starboard bridge wing had been damaged, as a result, but also that a full damage assessment is underway.
WNU Editor: The accident happened on June 24, a big national holiday in Quebec that every takes time off from work to enjoy the celebrations. I am willing to bet that the crews that were on those tugs were the "B Team".
(OSAKA, Japan) — Trade and geopolitical tensions, and the looming threat of climate change, are on the agenda as Chinese President Xi Jinping and other world leaders gather in Osaka, Japan, for a summit of the Group of 20 major economies.
While prospects for detente in the trade war between the United States and China are in the spotlight, many participating are calling for a broader perspective in tackling global crises.
“This will be a difficult G-20, there are global challenges to be met, we need to step up to avoid the climate threats, … reform the World Trade Organization and prepare for the digital revolution,” Donald Tusk, president of the European Union Council, said at a meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The summit comes at a time of growing international tensions, for example, over Iran’s nuclear deal and trade between the United States and China.
President Donald Trump was due to arrive later Thursday, and to meet with Xi on Saturday as the G-20 meetings conclude.
Xi was also expected to hold talks with Abe, seeking a breakthrough after years of strain over territorial disputes. It is his first visit to Japan since he became China’s top leader in 2013.
A visit by Xi to North Korea last week raised hopes for some movement in the impasse with the U.S. over the North’s nuclear program. Trump also is due to visit South Korea after leaving Japan, raising speculation there may be more news on Korean issues during his Asian travels.
Trump has at times found himself at odds with other leaders in such international events, particularly on issues such as Iran, climate change and trade.
Abe has sought to make the Osaka summit a landmark for progress on environmental issues, including climate change. French President Emmanuel Macron reinforced that message on Wednesday during a state visit to Tokyo, where he described climate change as a “red line” issue for endorsing a G-20 communique.
“It’s the moment to be truly in time in the face of history and to fulfill our responsibility,” Macron said. “I will not sign if we don’t go further in our ambition about climate change. That would mean all those summits are for nothing.”
On the periphery of the Osaka meetings, activists belonging to a coalition of 50 environmental groups protested outside a coal-fired power plant in the nearby port city of Kobe.
They chanted “No coal Japan!” while raising an inflatable depicting Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, taking aim at his efforts to promote such projects across the globe. They also want more aggressive efforts by the Japanese government to help curb climate change.
Japan is one of the largest funders of coal-fired power stations overseas, having ramped up their use inside the country after most nuclear power plants were idled following the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima. The effort to offset the loss of the generating capacity has slowed Japan’s own progress in curbing the carbon emissions that contribute to global warming.
“We made this balloon and organized this protest to make him feel embarrassed, have him feel the pressure inside and outside Japan,” said Hanna Song of the Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society. “We want him to stop funding coal and not to make climate change worse.”
The leaders, arriving steadily throughout the day under heavy monsoon rains, were well insulated from such protests by the security blanketing Osaka, a business center of 2.7 million in western Japan.
The authorities closed roads and brought in platoons of extra police.
Associated Press journalists Joeal Calupitan in Kobe, Japan, and Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo contributed to this report.
CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — The Australian government said Thursday it was “urgently seeking clarification” on reports that an Australian had been detained in North Korea, which the attorney-general described as a “matter of the utmost seriousness.”The family of Alek Sigley said they had no confirmation that the 29-year-old Pyongyang university student had been detained. But the family’s statement said Sigley had not been in digital contact with family and friends since Tuesday morning which was unusual for him.Attorney-General Christian Porter, who is based in Sigley’s hometown of Perth, told Perth Radio 6PR: “It is a very unusual set of circumstances.”
“This particular jurisdiction, most Australians’ common sense would tell them, makes this a matter of the utmost seriousness,” Porter said.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade said it was providing consular assistance to the family of an Australian man who has been reported as being detained in North Korea, but did not confirm his identity.
“The department is urgently seeking clarification. Owing to our privacy obligations, we will not provide further comment,” a department statement said.
Sigley said on social media that he was studying Korean literature at Kim Il Sung University and ran guided tours through a travel company he founded, Tongil Tours.
He told Australian Broadcasting Corp. two years ago that he wanted to break down negative stereotypes about the country.
“If we thought it was unsafe, we would stop doing these tours,” Sigley said. “We wouldn’t be able to bear the moral and legal responsibility of bringing people to North Korea if it was dangerous.”
Official media in North Korea haven’t mentioned the reported arrest.
South Korean television station Channel A cited an unidentified source in reporting the arrest but the source told the network it wasn’t immediately clear why Sigley had been detained.
Australia does not have an embassy in North Korea, but consular assistance can be provided to Australians by the Swedish Embassy on a limited basis.
South Korea’s National Intelligence Service, the country’s main spy agency, said it cannot confirm the report.
In March this year, Sigley wrote for Guardian Australia about living in North Korea, saying that as a long-term foreign resident on a student visa he had “nearly unprecedented access to Pyongyang.”
“I’m free to wander around the city, without anyone accompanying me,” he wrote. “Interaction with locals can be limited at times, but I can shop and dine almost anywhere I want.”
Associated Press journalist Kim Tong-hyung in Seoul, South Korea, contributed to this report.
(WASHINGTON) — The fun and flattery are largely over for President Donald Trump as he embarks on his third overseas trip in a month, this time facing a flurry of international crises, tense negotiations and a growing global to-do list.
Trump heads first to Osaka, Japan, for the annual Group of 20 summit, then on to South Korea for consultations on North Korea’s nuclear program. The agenda for his four-day trip is as laden with hazards for the president as it is light on the ceremonial pomp that marked his recent state visits to Japan and the United Kingdom.
The showdown between the U.S. and Iran, a trade war with China and the threat of fresh election interference by Russia are just some of the issues confronting the American leader who has shown little patience for the subtleties of global interactions and whose administration has struggled to grapple with simultaneous challenges.
The president will meet one-on-one with at least eight world leaders on the summit’s sidelines as he faces mounting pressures to deliver results on a lengthy roster of global concerns. But White House officials are playing down prospects of specific accomplishments in what will almost certainly be Trump’s most consequential trip of the year.
Trump said before departing Wednesday that he’d be meeting “competitors” from other nations, adding, “That’s OK. We’re doing great. We’re doing better than any of them.”
His calendar includes sit-downs with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Turkey’s Recep Teyyip Erdogan and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, all of whom have authoritarian tendencies, as well as disquieted allies including Germany’s Angela Merkel and more contented ones such as Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
The president left Washington days after pulling back from the brink of armed conflict with Iran and as he trades threats over its nuclear program and support for terror groups. With Iran threatening to breach uranium enrichment limits set in the 2015 nuclear accord as soon as Thursday, Trump will be asked to articulate his strategy for containing Iran to skeptical world leaders after pulling the U.S. from the deal last year.
“The leaders are going to be pressing the president for clarity and then to get into a unified allied approach to the challenge, and it’s just simply unclear to me whether we have that policy or that approach,” said Heather Conley, director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ Europe program.
Trump will also find himself face-to-face with Putin for the first time since special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation ended without finding evidence that the Trump campaign criminally conspired with Russia during the 2016 election. It will also be their first meeting since their summit in Helsinki in July 2018, when Trump declined to side with U.S. intelligence agencies over Putin on the question of election interference, leading to an uproar at home and abroad.
Trump told reporters as he left the White House that he expects a “very good conversation” with Putin but added that “what I say to him is none of your business.”
White House officials said Trump would warn Putin to refrain from interfering in U.S. elections, though Trump has been criticized for joining with Putin in attacking Mueller’s probe, and advisers worry he may do so once again.
Last November, Trump canceled a planned meeting with Putin at the G-20 in Argentina after Russia seized two Ukrainian vessels and their crew in the Sea of Azov, but the continued detention of the crew members does not appear to be deterring the leaders from meeting this time. Aside from Iran, the leaders are expected to discuss hotspots in Syria and Venezuela, as well as nuclear weapons.
With Xi, a senior administration official said, Trump’s top aim will be rebooting trade negotiations between the two countries after they collapsed earlier this year. In an interview with Fox Business Network on Wednesday, Trump threatened again to impose even stiffer tariffs on Chinese imports to the U.S. if talks remain stalemated. But officials in both nations are looking for an off-ramp as concerns mount about the economic impact of the yearlong trade war.
Trump’s meeting with Erdogan will be his first since announcing, and then backing off, a withdrawal of U.S. forces from Syria. There also is a growing rift between the two NATO allies over Turkey’s planned purchase of a Russian surface-to-air missile system and a U.S. threat to suspend planned deliveries to Turkey of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.
Trump will also meet with Crown Prince Mohammed, who U.S. intelligence services concluded ordered the grisly killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident. Trump has long been loath to scold authoritarian leaders for human rights abuses. He has continued to pursue a close relationship with Saudi Arabia, a lynchpin to the U.S.’ Middle East strategy to counter Iran, despite its role in furthering humanitarian disaster in Yemen’s civil war.
White House officials said there are no plans for a meeting in South Korea between Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, with whom the president has restarted diplomacy-by-correspondence since their failed Hanoi summit in March. But Trump is to speak with South Korean President Moon Jae-in about efforts to bring North Korea back to the negotiating table as the American holds out hope for an elusive legacy-making nuclear deal. Moon told The Associated Press and other news agencies Wednesday that the U.S. and North Korea are holding “behind-the-scenes talks” to arrange a third summit between the two leaders.
Never fully willing to pass up domestic politics, even when overseas, Trump will have to divide his attention between affairs of state and his reelection effort as Democrats are set to face off Wednesday and Thursday in their first debates in the process to select their nominee to challenge him next fall.
Trump, who was aboard Air Force One during the first matchup Wednesday evening, gave it a succinct review on Twitter: “BORING!”
But he will be in meetings with world leaders when Democratic front-runner Joe Biden and others take the stage on the second night. Trump aides believe the scheduling fluke will highlight the signature advantage of incumbency — that the president already occupies the job the Democrats want.
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea said Thursday South Korea must stop trying to mediate between Pyongyang and Washington.The North’s Foreign Ministry also repeated its demand that the United States must work out mutually acceptable proposals to salvage a deadlocked nuclear negotiations by the end of December.The statement was an apparent expression of displeasure with Seoul and Washington over stalled nuclear diplomacy. There have been no public official meetings between the United States and North Korea since the breakdown of the second summit between President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Hanoi in February.The Hanoi summit fell apart after Trump rejected Kim’s calls for sweeping sanctions relief in return for a limited disarmament step. The summit’s collapse was a blow to South Korean President Moon Jae-in, a liberal who shuttled between Washington and Pyongyang to facilitate talks between the countries.
Talks of revival of diplomacy, however, has flared after Trump and Kim recently exchanged personal letters. Moon said earlier this week that U.S. and North Korean officials were holding “behind-the-scene talks” to try to set up a third summit between Trump and Kim. Moon also said talks between the two Koreas have been under way through unspecified “various channels.”
On Thursday, Kwon Jong Gun, chief of the North Korean Foreign Ministry’s U.S. affairs department, said it will “never go through” South Korea when it deals with the United States. Kwon said relations between the United States and North Korea are not an issue that South Korea should meddle in.
He also dismissed as false the comments by Moon and other South Korean officials that there are various exchanges and unofficial talks between the two Koreas.
The statement came two days before Trump visits South Korea for a two-day trip.
PARIS (AP) — A preliminary investigation found no evidence to suggest that a fire that gutted large parts of Notre Dame Cathedral was criminal, the prosecutor’s office said Wednesday.The prosecutor’s office said in a statement that several hypotheses about the cause of the April 15 blaze include a malfunctioning electrical system or a smoldering cigarette — to be further investigated in a new probe.The prosecutor’s office announced the opening of a judicial investigation led by three judges for “involuntary degradation by fire through manifestly deliberate violation” of security rules or simple imprudence. It targets “X,” meaning anyone or any entity suspected.
The 13th-century cathedral was under renovation at the time of the fire and scaffolding crisscrossed the back of the edifice where the spire was once located.
The fire tore through the roof, destroying the spire which toppled in flames and vast sections of the interior. It has left the crippled monument, once a major tourist attraction, barricaded to the public and the faithful.
In the preliminary investigation, judicial police examined more than 1,200 clues and heard testimony from around 100 people.
“If certain deficiencies, by which the size of the disaster could be the consequence, were made clear, the investigations have not thus far allowed us to determine the causes of the fire,” the prosecutor’s office said.
As the detective work continues, workers are taking on what officials have said it one of the most complex operations — cutting down the 50,000 tubes of scaffolding erected for the initial pre-fire renovation. The tubes reached more than 800 C (1,472 F) during the fire, according to a statement Wednesday by the Notre Dame Foundation.
French President Emmanuel Macron has said he wants the renovations completed in five years. Paris hosts the Summer Olympics in 2024, but numerous experts question whether the cathedral can be operational by then.
The costs of the gargantuan task of renovating the monument won’t be known until Spring 2020, but they are bound to be as colossal as the cathedral — and current headaches over payments. However, some relief was in sight.
The Notre Dame Foundation announced Wednesday that major French donors, Bernard Arnault, his family and luxury giant LVMH Group have made an initial payment of 10 million euros on a pledge of 200 million as have Francois and Francois-Henri Pinault who pledged 100 million. No funds had previously been forthcoming.
The Notre Dame Foundation said the initial payments were made “at the initiative” of the foundation. However, word that two of France’s richest men were finally issuing funds came after The Associated Press and others reported this month that major French donors weren’t paying into their pledges but instead waiting to see how the funds would be used.
The Notre Dame Foundation’s Cathedrale de Paris Fund has so far raised 396 million euros in donations and pledges. But pure donations to pay companies working on the site total 38 million euros — coming from 42,000 individuals plus 60 companies and public authorities, the foundation said.
Europeans are bracing for an intense early-summer heatwave, with record-breaking temperatures forecast in parts of France and Germany before the weekend — less than a year after the region’s last extreme heatwave.
Temperatures are expected to break 104°F in much of western Europe, far outstripping the comfortable weather normally enjoyed in the region at this time of year.
The warmest temperatures are expected on Thursday and Friday. But 51 German weather stations have already recorded temperatures never seen before in June, the World Meteorological Organization said Wednesday.
“We’re talking about an exceptional, even unprecedented heatwave,” says Guillaume Woznica, a meteorologist at LCI. “Temperatures are going to be near 104°F for most of the country and because it’s arriving at a particularly humid time of the year, it feels particularly unpleasant.”
France’s national weather agency, Météo-France predicts a peak of 113°F is forecast in the southern towns of Nîmes and Carpentras on Friday.
The highest temperature ever recorded in France was 111°F, during a heatwave in August 2003. The record for June was of 107°F, set in the same year.
That 2003 heatwave killed 15,000 people in France and authorities are urging the public to take the heat seriously. Most of the country’s regions are on an orange alert – the second highest weather warning.
Three northern regions of France have ordered schools to close because of a lack of air conditioning. In Paris and Lyon, city governments have banned all but the least polluting vehicles to avoid the increased risk of smog in hot weather.
Woznica says the timing of the heatwave also makes it “historic” “We’re only one week into summer officially. To have such a widespread, long-lasting, intense heatwave before July is simply unheard of.”
Early summer heatwaves have been found to be more lethal, the World Health Organization said in a 2015 report, because people are less acclimatized to the heat and less prepared to deal with it than they would be in July or August.
The French health ministry has advised parents to keep children indoors during the hottest parts of the day, warning of the risk of dehydration and heatstroke. The ministry also called on citizens to check on the elderly and homeless people, making sure they have access to air-conditioned spaces.
As global temperatures rise as a result of climate change, scientists say extreme heatwaves like this one are becoming more likely.
“Globally, these extreme temperatures are five times more likely to occur now as they would be in an unchanged climate [in pre-industrial times],” says Dim Coumou, a scientist at Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.
“There’s never a single cause for an extreme weather event. But we have very strong evidence from many types of studies — based on both observations and climate models — that these heat waves are strongly on the rise as a result of climate change.”
In Europe, the five warmest summers since 1,500 have all taken place in the last twenty years — 2018, 2010, 2003, 2016 and 2002.
The hottest summers since 1500 AD in Europe were: 2018, 2010, 2003, 2016, 2002. Each summer gets one vertical line, the histogram (grey steps) shows how frequent summers were in each temperature interval. Updated from Barriopedro et al in Science:
Coumou says Europe is experiencing a faster increase in the number of heatwaves than the global average. “One reason for that is that we’ve seen that the jet stream – which normally brings cool, wed and windy weather systems from the Atlantic to [Europe] – has been weakening in the summer.”
Another possible factor, he adds, is that soil on the continent may be becoming drier, leaving less water to evaporate into the atmosphere and cool the continent down. The heat in turn further dries out the soil, creating feedback loops.
The frequency of extreme heatwaves in the future will depend a lot on our ability to cut greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming, scientists say.
Global temperatures have risen by 34°F since the industrial era. The Paris Agreement, signed by world leaders in 2015, sets a goal of limiting future temperature increase to 2°C (35.6°F), while the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change last year called for that target to be reduced to 1.5°C to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change. Both targets would require rapid and drastic changes to industry and lifestyle around the world.
“Just from the increase we have seen a very strong increase [in the frequency of extreme heatwaves and other weather events],” Coumou says. “If we get to a world that is 2°C warmer —and that will require rapid cutting of emissions – heatwaves will further intensify. But not as much as they would in a three or four degrees world.
If emissions continue at their current rate, the U.N. says the earth is on track for a 3–5 degree increase by 2100.
“Right now what’s happening in Europe is still an extreme,” Coumou says. “But this new type of very hot heatwaves are part of the new climate we’re entering.”
Police in Barbados are searching for a New Jersey couple who went out to sea on a jet ski and never returned.
Oscar Suarez, 32 and Magdalena Devil, 25, were staying at the Discovery Bay Hotel about nine miles from the capital of Bridgetown, according to the Royal Barbados Police Force.
Police said that on Monday afternoon, the couple rented a jet ski from an operator at nearby Holetown Beach. According to the operator, the pair were both wearing life jackets when they boarded the jet ski. When the couple did not return after half an hour, the operator became worried and contacted other operators in the area to carry out a search, police said.
The Barbados Police Marine Unit and the Barbados Coast Guard performed a search of the area, but did not find the couple or the jet ski, police said.
Police also checked the couple’s room at the Discovery Bay Hotel and found that they had not returned. Police said Suarez and Devil arrived on the island on June 22 and had been scheduled to return home a week later.
Barbados police confirmed to TIME that they have contacted at least one family member and are working with the U.S. Embassy. Police added that they are still conducting aerial and sea search in an attempt to find the pair.
The Royal Barbados Police Force are asking anyone with information to contact the nearest police station or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIPS (8477).
(TEHRAN, Iran) — Iran’s supreme leader said Wednesday that Iranians will not budge or change their stand following new U.S. sanctions targeting Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and his associates, the latest in a torrent of sharp verbal responses from Tehran in the wake of the measures.
President Donald Trump enacted the new sanctions against Khamenei and others on Monday and U.S. officials also said they plan sanctions against Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif.
The sanctions followed Iran’s downing last week of a U.S. surveillance drone, worth over $100 million, over the Strait of Hormuz, sharply escalating the crisis.
The top Iranian cleric’s website quoted Khamenei as calling the Trump administration “the most sinister” U.S. government, adding that Washington’s calls for negotiation with Iran are deceitful and amount to “obvious cruelty.”
“The most hated figures of such an administration accuse and insult the Iranian nation,” Khamenei said. “The Iranian nation will not budge and will not withdraw because of the insults.”
The crisis gripping the Middle East stems from Trump’s withdrawal of the United States a year ago from the nuclear deal between Iran and other world powers and then imposing crippling new sanctions on Tehran.
Recently, Iran quadrupled its production of low-enriched uranium to be on pace to break one of the deal’s terms by Thursday, while also threatening to raise enrichment closer to weapons-grade levels on July 7 if European countries still abiding by the accord don’t offer a new deal.
Iran warned on Tuesday that the new U.S. sanctions targeting Khamenei and other officials meant “closing the doors of diplomacy” between Tehran and Washington. President Hassan Rouhani derided the White House as being “afflicted by mental retardation.”
Trump called that a “very ignorant and insulting statement,” tweeting that an Iranian attack on any U.S. interest will be met with “great and overwhelming force … overwhelming will mean obliteration.” His secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, said the Iranian statement was “immature.”
After the downing of the U.S. drone last week, Trump pulled back from the brink of retaliatory military strikes but continued his pressure campaign against Iran.
The drone shootdown was only the latest in a series of attacks in the region in recent months. The U.S. has blamed Iran for the suspected attacks on two oil tankers, alleging that used limpet mines to target the tankers, pointing to black-and-white footage it captured that American officials describe as Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops removing an unexploded mine from a Japanese-operated tanker.
Similarly, four oil tankers off the coast of the United Arab Emirates were apparently targeted in acts of sabotage, which U.S. officials have also blamed on Iran. Tehran denied the charges. And in mid-May, Iranian-allied Yemeni rebels claimed they were behind a drone attack on a Saudi oil pipeline.
Late Tuesday, Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi told reporters that American officials contacted the Iraqis recently, alleging the drones used in that Saudi pipeline attack, which took place on May 14, may have taken off from Iraq.
Iraqi military and intelligence have not confirmed such claims, Abdul-Mahdi said, without elaborating. There was also no immediate comment from Washington.
According to an Iraqi intelligence official, the Americans allege the drones took off from the area of Jurf al-Sakhar in Iraq’s southern Babel province that’s home to Iran-backed militias.
The official, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to reporters, said there have been nine attacks on U.S. interests in Iraq over the past weeks — including rocket and mortar attacks on Iraqi bases where American trainers are based, and another that struck near the American Embassy in the Iraqi capital.
Last month, the U.S. ordered the evacuation of nonessential diplomatic staff from Iraq amid unspecified threats from Iran.
Iraq is trying to walk a fine line — it has good relations with both the U.S. and Iran, hosts more than 5,000 U.S. troops, and is also home to powerful Iranian-backed militias.
“We are trying to distance Iraq from any danger, this is a main concern for us,” Abdul-Mahdi said. “We should distance Iraq from the dangers of a conflict.”
(DAKAR, Senegal) — A Gambian beauty pageant winner has accused the country’s former dictator Yahya Jammeh of raping her four years ago, the latest allegation of human rights abuses committed by the ex-president now living in exile in Equatorial Guinea. Fatou “Toufah” Jallow, now 23, made an announcement to journalists Tuesday and said she plans to testify later this year before Gambia’s truth and reconciliation commission, which is investigating abuses committed under the Jammeh regime.
The dictator of 22 years is accused of ordering opponents tortured, jailed and killed. The sexual abuse allegations raised by Jallow and others directly implicate him in personally committing violence against Gambians.
Jallow and other young women interviewed by Human Rights Watch say the president was a sexual predator who coerced young women into sexual relationships by promising scholarships and even putting some on the state payroll.
Jammeh is reportedly living a lavish but reclusive life in exile in Equatorial Guinea, where he is protected from extradition by the dictator in charge of the oil-rich country.
Jallow, who wanted to come forward publicly, said the president began lavishing gifts on her and her family after meeting her when she was crowned queen of the Miss July 22 Pageant as an 18-year-old back in 2014. Jammeh took a special interest in her, she said, ordering the utility company to install running water at her mother’s home, and having his cousin purchase the family expensive furniture.
While initially he expressed interest in funding her charity project, she said that Jammeh, a married man that she considered a mentor, asked for her hand in marriage. After she declined, he told her that as the pageant winner she had to attend an event at his official residence, State House, ahead of the holy month of Ramadan.
Once there, she said she was locked in a room and drugged by the president himself. “He told me, ‘No woman has ever rejected me. And who do you think you are?'” she said. “His face changed, his eyes were so red, different from the man before. He said, ‘No woman rejects me. You think you can get away with it?'”
As she tried to leave, Jallow said the president told her: “If you make any move, I will kill you with my own hands.”
The president shoved his genitals in her face and raped her before she blacked out, she said. Several days later she told her family she was going to the market to shop, and then fled to neighboring Senegal.
Jammeh later lost the 2016 election to now President Adama Barrow. After initially refusing to accept his defeat, Jammeh succumbed to international pressure, stepped down from office and fled to Equatorial Guinea. Gambia’s new administration has estimated that Jammeh and his associates fled with up to $1 billion in funds from the state coffers.
The truth and reconciliation commission does not have the powers to prosecute but will make recommendations for the Attorney General Chambers to act on a number of cases that may be taken up with the court. Jammeh for now remains untouchable in exile.
“It’s going to take a lot of heavy political lifting to pry him out of Equatorial Guinea,” said Reed Brody, counsel at Human Rights Watch who led the investigation into the allegations of sexual abuse.
Jallow, who later received asylum in Canada, says she is undergoing therapy and hopes other young women victimized by Jammeh will come forward. “Nobody discusses rape and yes, I am scared,” she said. “I am scared. But I want the next person after me to be a little less scared than me.”
The latest royal accounts have revealed that taxpayers in the UK paid £2.4 million towards the renovation of Frogmore House, which has become the official residence of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The 18th century house near Windsor castle was a gift from the Queen but it required extensive renovation to make it habitable for Prince Harry and Meghan, along with their newborn son Archie.
The accounts also showed the cost of air and rail travel for members of the royal family with the most expensive trips documented in the following infographic. The biggest bill came from Prince of Wales and Duchess of Cornwall’s 11-day trip to the Caribbean islands and Cuba. They flew there on an RAF VIP Voyager aircraft and the bill came to £416,576. Taxpayers paid £216,312 for Charles and Camilla to visit Gambia, Ghana and Nigeria, as well as another £159,820 for their trip to France and Greece.
ANGELA MERKEL was spotted shaking for the second time in less than two weeks as she met with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier on Thursday morning.
THE Democratic Presidential nomination debate broadcast by NBC was marred this morning as a technical glitch forced the broadcasters to cut to an impromptu ad break.
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Haryana Police Constable Admit Card 2019 – It is hereby informed that Haryana Service Selection Commission 6000 Police Constable examination will be held on 13th July to 18th October 2019. Candidates need to provide their valid credentials for the exam. The most important factor is Haryana Police Constable Admit Card 2019. Without the Admit Card candidates will not be allowed for the examination.
HSSC Admit Card 2019
Candidates who want to appear in the written stage must carry the print out of the HSSC Police Constable Admit Card well in advance. A lot of times they have a minor error in the personal details and sometimes major mistakes like photo misplace. Hence, download the Haryana Police Admit Card 2019 and cross check all the details in that. Follow the instructions given in the admit card. The Haryana Police Admit Card will be released according to the Exam Date.
Haryana Police Constable Hall Ticket 2019 – Overview
Required Information to Check-in HSSC Hall Ticket 2019
The Haryana Service Selection Commission will release the admit card on the Official Website. Hence, all the Candidates who applied for the post of Police Constable can download the HSSC Admit Card once it released. Moreover, Applicants can get the direct link to download the admit card from the end of the section.
Name of the Applicant.
Exam Date, Time & Centre.
Post Applied for.
Application or Registration Number
Father Name and
Important Instructions.
Haryana Police Constable Exam 2019
Haryana Service Selection Commission has announced the Haryana Police Constable Exam Date from 13th July to 18th October 2019. However, Candidates go through the exam pattern given by the board. Get Haryana Police Constable Syllabus from the below section.
The written test will be multiple choice objective type.
There shall be one composite paper carrying 100 questions.
The medium of examination shall be Hindi except for knowledge of the English language.
Each question shall carry 0.80 marks. So paper will be of total80 marks.
The duration of the test will be 01:30 hours (90 minutes).
There shall be at least 10 questions relating to computer basic knowledge.
To download the HSSC Admit Card candidates have to carry their registration number and password received at the time of making the application. Therefore, Aspirants are suggested to keep the registration details safe during the whole process of recruitment. Moreover, while downloading the HSSC Hall Ticket candidates may find mistakes. At that time Aspirants can contact to the higher officials without delay. Appear for the exam along with the corrected Haryana Police Constable Admit Card.
College ID
Driving License
2 or 3 latest photographs
PAN Card
Aadhar Card
Voter ID
Bank Passbook
Ration Card
Employee ID
The photograph on any ID Proof declared by the State or Central Government
Any Authorised ID Proof Announced by Gazetted Officer
How to Download Haryana Police Constable Admit Card 2019?
Click on “HSSC Admit Card” Link.
Enter the Registration Number and Password.
Enter the Date of Birth.
Fill the Captcha appeared in the image.
Log in to get the HSSC Hall Ticket.
An Admit Card page will be available on the screen.
Fill all the mandatory details.
Click on to the download option and download the admit card.
Take a print out and carry for the exam.
Direct Links to download Haryana Police Constable Hall Ticket 2019
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Previous Papers are available here for Junior Assistant/Junior Clerk Posts. Aspirants can download pdf for free of cost on our page. However, go through the article and find the junior assistant exam pattern, written exam dates, number of vacancies along with previous year question paper pdf.
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Previous Papers
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission releases the Junior assistant vacancies every year. This year UPSSSC has released 1186 vacancies. Interested candidates can apply from 26th June to 20th July 2019. However, to help all those applicants in their preparation we have given the UPSSSC Jr Asst exam question paper pdf here. Also, check the exam pattern details in the article below.
Candidates who are applying for the Junior Assistant posts need to go through the full article and start practicing the model papers. As there is a huge competition between the contenders. Hence, to face the competition refer all the UPSSSC Junior Assistant Previous Paper Pdf given below. We will update here the UPSSSC Exam dates once it is released from the official website.
UP Subordinate Service Jr Assistant Question Paper in Hindi Pdf Details
Board Name
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Selection Commission (UPSSSC)
UPSSSC Junior Assistant syllabus exam question pattern previous are given here. Download the pdf for free from the section below. Before, starting your preparation we advise checking the exam pattern and syllabus details. The UPSSSC JA exam pattern for written test is given in the section below.
UPSSSC JA Written Test Pattern
Aspirants those who are planning to apply for the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Service Junior Assistant posts need to attend the written examination for selection. The board is going to test the applicant on general intelligence and general awareness. Along with comprehension and writing ability in Hindi.
Here is the detailed UPSSSC junior assistant exam pattern in the tabular column below. Check the details like the number of questions, marks and time duration and start your preparation. Prepare your own plan and stick to your plan for good results.
Junior Assistant Exam Question Paper Pattern
Hindi insight & writing ability
General intelligence
General Awareness
The UPSSSC JA Question paper will be bilingual (Hindi/English)
The total time duration for the written exam is 1 Hr
For topic wise Jr Asst, exam syllabus pdf check link at end of the article
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Previous Year Question Paper Pdf
Candidates can download the UPSSSC Junior Assistant model question paper in Hindi Pdf under this section. The Jr Assist exam paper given in the table below are free to download. Check the official website for UPSSSC junior assistant question paper 2019 updates. Applicants can download the pdf just by one click. Refer all the model question paper for scoring good marks. Also, to improve time management at the main examination.
Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited (FCAT) Admit Card 2019: Aspirants applied for director (technical) & other recruitment can download the admit card here. Aspirants can find the direct link to download the FACT admit card on our page. Also, check the exam date 2019 and other important details.
FACT Admit Card 2019
Applied for the Fertilizers and Chemical Travancore Limited recruitment 2019. Then download the admit card for the written test going to conduct by the FACT. Admit Card is an important document which the applicants need to carry to the exam center on the day of examination. Candidate without admit card is not allowed to enter the exam hall.
Generally, FACT allows its applicants to download the admit card online 15 to 20 days from the date of examination. The board allows the candidates to download the admit card online. Hence, we have given the direct link for FACT admit card for assistant finance, assistant general and other vacancies. Hence, go through the exam date details and check the steps to download the admit card and download it today.
Fertilizers and Chemical Travancore Limited AGM Admit Card 2019
FACT admit card has been released in June 2019. The Exam will be held in the month of July 2019. Hence, the admit card is available in the below table. Drag down to download the FACT Admit Card for various posts.
FACT has released the admit card for the post of Management Trainee, Assistant Managers and more. Hence, Candidates who have applied for the post now can download the FACT Hall Ticket. The examination will be held on 07th July and 08th July 2019.
Are you guys in search FACT Admit Card 2019 then here is the great news for such contenders. The officials of Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited will release its FACT Exam Hall Ticket 2019 soon. Admit card plays a major role for those applicants who are attending the examination. However, the FACT Exam Admit Card 2019 contains important information like the examination date, timings, venue which help aspirants to reach the exam hall on time. Moreover, we have provided direct links to help applicants easily acquire their FACT Hall Ticket 2019. Moreover, the admit card can be downloaded only by those contenders who had applied for the post. Applicants can make use of the link given below to acquire their admit card.
Recently the officials had released its FACT Recruitment to fill candidates for the post of Trade/Diploma or Technical Apprentices. A huge number of aspirants had applied for the post. Interested and eligible contenders had made use of this opportunity and had applied on or before the last date. Moreover, the mode of application for the post is through online. However, contenders are selected based on their performance in the written examination. The job location for the selected aspirants is in India. Moreover applied applicants are eagerly waiting to acquire their FACT Exam Hall Ticket 2019. Hence don’t waste your time and get ready with your application number to acquire hall ticket.
Download FACT Exam Hall Ticket 2019
Candidates can make use of this page to acquire their FACT Admit Card 2019. As admit card is an important document to be carried while entering the examination hall. Those applicants failing to get their FACT Exam Hall Ticket 2019 will not be allowed to attend the examination. However, aspirants can acquire the admit card here when released by the officials. Moreover to help aspirants easily get their hall ticket we have provided direct links and steps. Hall ticket contains important information like the examination date, timings and venue details which help contenders to easily acquire their FACT Exam Admit Card 2019. Here we have provided some information present in admit card.
Test date and session timing
Test City and center address
Entrance Test Seat Number
Steps to Download FACT Hall Ticket 2019
First, visit the official website of Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited i.e
It redirects to the home page.
Click on the download link.
Enter the application number, date of birth and password details.
Then, click on the submit button.
Now, the FACT Hall Ticket will display on the screen.
Download the admit card 2019.
Finally, take a print out of the Hall Ticket and carry the admit card while attending the examination.
OPSC Civil Service Previous Papers Download Pdf links enclosed below. The applicants can download the last 10 Years OPSC Previous Year Question Papers Pdf along with the Solutions for free. In this article, we have given the direct download link. Hence, go through the details and find the respective links and start your preparation.
OPSC Civil Services Previous Question Paper
Odisha Public Service Commission has given the official notification for Civil Service Examination 2018. The Notification reveals the vacancies for Group A and Group B Posts. Hence, the Job Seekers who are waiting for the Civil Service Examination is Odisha can start applying. Interested aspirants can find the application details and a direct link to apply online in our OPSC CSE Notification 2018 page.
Lakhs of candidates are applying online for the OPSC Civil Services Examination 2018, now they are waiting to download the OPSC Previous Question Papers Pdf. For the ease of them, here we are providing the Odisha Public Service Commission Civil Services Model Papers along with Solutions. Download the OPSC Previous papers from below links and begin preparation. Therefore, while practicing you can also check for solutions here. Therefore, candidates who applied for Civil Service Examination can make use of OPSC OAS Prelims and Mains Last 10 Years Question Papers. Also, check the OPSC CSE Old Question papers with Answers on
OPSC Civil Services Previous Year Question Papers Pdf
Odisha Public Service Commission announces the prelims and mains exam dates on their official website. However, download the OPSC Civil Services Question Paper below and refer the complete exam pattern in the section following.
OPSC Civil Service Previous Papers Download Pdf
Therefore, the candidates who are participating in the Odisha State Civil Services Group A Examination can make use of these links to get the OPSC CIVIL SERVICES Previous Question Papers PDF. The Previous Papers act as a Preparation material for any exam preparation. That too for more competitive exams, Previous papers play a vital role. So, download the Odisha Public Service Commission OAS Old Question papers Pdf and prepare will to score good marks.
Below are the free download links to Civil Service Old Question Papers. Just by clicking on the links download last 5 Years OPSC Previous Question Paper of Civil Services Prelims or Mains Exams. Get the Odisha State Civil Services Preparation Materials Pdf for free of cost. Furthermore, to improve your knowledge try the Mock Tests in Online and also check Daily GK. Read the Newspaper daily for more updates.
Check the complete Odisha Civil Service Prelims and Mains examination pattern below. We updated the latest exam pattern details in the tabular section in order to make the applicants understand it easily. However, go through the details and list our the subjects need to concentrate more to score marks.
Odisha Civil Services Prelims Pattern
General Studies I
General Studies II
Odisha Civil Services Mains Pattern
Odia Language
English Essay
General Studies I
General Studies II
Optional Subjects
OPSC Selection Process for Civil Services includes Preliminary, Mains, and Interview.
Prelims and Mains are Objective Type Tests.
Civil Services Selection is done totally for 3,350 Marks.
In the Prelims Exam, General Studies questions will be asked.
Mains Exam consists of Questions from different subjects like Odia, English, etc.
For complete latest Odisha PSC Civil Service Exam Syllabus and Test Pattern click on the link below.
Indian Navy Result 2019 for various posts is available here. A good number of contenders appears for the Indian NavyEexaminations 2019. However, the aspirants can check out Indian Navy Exam Result 2019 here. To help applicants easily get their result we have provided direct links in the sections below. Also, The Indian Navy result consists of Merit List, Final Shortlist, Revised Result, and Cut Off Marks. Moreover, find the relevant link and just click on the link below to check your Indian Navy Exam Result 2019.
Sailor SSR, AA Result 2019 – Indian Navy has finally released the Sailor SSR, AA Final Merit List on 21st June 2019. Candidates those who have appeared for the Recruitment of Sailor SSR, AA Posts, can check their result from the official website. Also, Here we have provided a direct link to check the Sailor SSR, AA Final Merit List. The exam for the Indian Navy Sailor SSR, AA Post have conducted on 26th – 28th February 2019. Check your results via the link mentioned below.
Indian Navy 10+2 Cadet B.Tech Entry Result 2019 is going to be available on the official site. Candidates can check on this page the result of the Indian Navy 10+2 Cadet B.Tech Entry Result for 2019. Here we have provided a direct link to check the results, the link will be work once the result may announce it by officially. The exam for the Indian Navy BTech Entry post was conducted on 02 – 21st June 2018. Check your results via the link mentioned below.
Indian Navy MTS Result 2018 is available now on the official site. The result was declared on the 3rd of November 2018. The exam for the Indian Navy MTS post was conducted on 12th October 2018. Check your results via the link mentioned below.
Indian Navy (Nausena Bharti) announced the Merit list for Artificer Apprentice (AA) and Senior Secondary Recruits (SSR) Recruitment 2018. The Candidates those who appeared the Join Indian Navy Exam for AA & SSS 2018 can check the Merit List below.
Indian Navy Result 2019: Check out latest released Indian Navy Merit List 2018 for the post of MR. A huge number of contenders had applied for the post and attended the examination. Hence such applicants are eagerly waiting to check their Indian Navy Results 2018. However appeared candidates can make use of the link given below.
Join Indian Navy Result 2019 released for the exam SSR and AA-143. Great news for those contenders in search of Indian Navy Exam Result 2019. The result plays an important role for those applicants who have attended the examination. Moreover, the Indian Navy Merit List 2019 can be viewed only by those aspirants who have appeared for the exams. However, we have provided direct links to help aspirants easily check their results. Refer the link given below to know your performance in the exams.
The Indian Navy Result 2019 to be declared. All the applicants of Indian Navy Jobs successfully attended the written exam of SSC (Education) & PC (Logistics) conducted at various examination centers. Now, aspirants are eagerly searching for their Indian Navy Exam Result 2019. The Board officials will release the Indian Navy Result 2019 on the official website However, read through the article given below to get your results.
Indian Navy Exam Results 2019
Are you searching for Indian Navy Results 2019? Then you are at the right destination. The officials can make use of this page to check your Indian Navy Exam Results 2019. The results are released by the officials and hence there would be no ambiguity. By checking results applicants can evaluate their performance in the examination. However, we have provided direct links and steps to help contenders easily get their Indian Navy Exam Result 2019. However, the result consists of the name of shortlisted applicants and only such individuals can take up further rounds. For more details refer the link given below.
Recently the officials of Indian Navy had released its notification to fill in applicants for the post of SSC (Education) & PC (Logistics). A huge number of contenders had made use of this opportunity and had applied for the post on or before 10th February 2018. Those contenders who met the eligibility criteria had applied for the post. The mode of application for this post was through online mode. However, candidates are selected based on their performance in written exam, medical standards, eyesight and SSB interview. Selected candidates will receive respectable pay from the board. However, the job location for such applicants is in Bangalore, Bhopal, Coimbatore, Visakhapatnam.
Indian Navy Result 2019 @
Indian Navy Recruitment Details
Name of the Board
Indian Navy
Name of the posts
SSC (Education) & PC (Logistics)
Number of vacancies
38 vacancies
Exam Date
Update Soon
Sarkari Result
Result Date
Will available soon
Indian Navy Result Status
will update soon
Official Website
Indian Navy Cut off Details
Most of the organizations conduct the written examination before hiring the candidates. Because the Indian Navy Recruitment Board will check their performance for selecting the aspirants. Above we provided the qualifying marks subject wise. Because these cut-off/qualifying marks will give an idea to the participants regarding the minimum marks required to get qualify for the written exam. Those applicants failing to meet the required qualifying marks will not be allowed to attend further rounds. However, it is important for aspirants to prepare well to meet the expected cut off marks.
Indian Navy Merit list 2019
After the completion of a written exam, everyone is tensed and searching on the internet for Indian Navy Result 2019. But the officials will take few days time to release the Indian Navy Exam Result 2019. When the Result appear candidates can download your Indian Navy Merit List 2019 at the official website The merit list contains the names/roll numbers of the qualified candidates. Only these aspirants are only eligible to appear for the next rounds of the recruitment process.
How to Download Indian Navy Exam Result 2019 online
At first, visit the official website of Indian Navy i.e.,
The home page will appear.
There click on the click here for SSC (Education) & PC (Logistics).
Then, search for the Indian Navy Result 2019 and click on the results link.
Then the result window asking for the candidate details will appear.
Next, enter the registration number and other essential details on the candidate.
After verifying the entered details, click on the submit button.
Now, your Indian Navy Merit List 2019 will appear on the screen.
Check your name on the Merit list.
Download the Indian Navy Result 2019.
Finally, take the print out of the Result for future use.
SSC CGL Question Paper of both Prelims and Mains Examination is available here. The Candidates who are in search of SSC CGL Previous Year Papers can find in this article for Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. However, we have given all the important details about Staff Selection Commission CGL 2019 Examination in the section below.
SSC CGL Question Paper Pdf
Applicants who are in search of SSC CGL Tier-I and Tier-II Question Papers with Solution can find here. As there will be a huge competition for the SSC CGL Recruitment 2019. Job Seekers who are going to appear the exam need to prepare well. Hence, to help you in your preparation, we are providing the free SSC CGL Question Paper Book Free Download Pdf below.
Refer all the SSC CGL Previous Year Question Paper. Practicing more papers helps the aspirants in gaining good marks. Also, helps the applicants of CGL Exam 2019, with there time management in the exam hall. Practice well and list out the negatives and positives. Hence, check the details and download the SSC CGL Previous Year Question Papers with Answers Pdf Prepare well and get your dream job.
SSC CGL Previous Year Question Papers with solution Pdf
Name of Board
Staff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam Name
Combined Graduate Level (CGL)
Post Names
Assistant Section Officer, Assistant Enforcement Officer, JSO, Sub Inspector & Other posts.
Staff Selection commission releases the CGL Notification every year. As this year it is going to be announced soon. As there will be a huge of job seekers waiting for the notification. We provide you all updates along with SSC CGL Previous Question Paper on our page. Go through the article and find more details.
SSC CGL Exam Papers 2019
Candidates who are interested can check the complete SSC CGL Exam Syllabus and Test Pattern 2019. Just click on the link and find the latest and updated Syllabus and download the free Pdf from the link given at the end of the article.
SSC CGL Exam Pattern 2019
Tier I
Multiple Choice Questions
Tier II
Multiple Choice Questions
Tier III
Descriptive Paper in English and Hindi
Offline (Pen and Paper Based)
Tier IV
Skill Test/ Computer Proficiency
Wherever applicable
Staff Selection Commission CGL Tier I Exam Pattern
No of Question
Time Duration
General Intelligence and Reasoning
Cumulative time of 60 Mins
General Awareness
Quantitative Aptitude
English Comprehension
SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier-II Exam Pattern
No of Question
Total Marks
Time Duration
Quantitative Ability
2 hours
English Language and Comprehension
2 hours
2 hours
General Studies (Finance and Economics)
2 hours
Staff Selection Commission CGL Tier III Exam Pattern
Mode of Exam
Time Duration
Pen & Paper
Descriptive paper in Hindi/English (Essay & Letter Writing)
60 Minutes (80 minutes for students suffering from disabilities like Visual Handicap & Cerebral Palsy)
SSC CGL Tier IV Exam Pattern
The SSC CGL Tier IV exam consists of two tests include Data Entry Skill & Computer Proficiency Test. This Tier IV stage is only for few posts like TA (Tax Assistant), CSS, MEA, and Inspector.
Word Processing Test on MS Word: 2000 Key Depressions
Test in Microsoft Excel or Spreadsheets: 15 minutes
Test in Microsoft PowerPoint: 15 minutes
SSC CGL Previous Year Paper in Hindi – Tier 1, Tier 2 Exam 2019
Common Graduate Level Test Tier 1 Examination is going to be held in the coming months. However, aspirants who are going to appear can download the free SSC CGL Previous Year Papers with Answers Pdf in Hindi below. Also, share the details with your friends who are in search of SSC Papers.
Staff Selection Commission CGL Tier 2 Exam Model Question Paper with Solution is also available on our page. The candidates who cleared the Tier 1 are eligible for Tier2 examination. If you are the one among them, then just by clicking on the link and download SSC CGL last 10 Year Question Paper with Answers Pdf.
Last 10 Years SSC CGL Question Paper – Question Paper with Answers Pdf
Official Staff Selection Commission Website – Click Here
SSC CGL Previous Papers Book Free Download Pdf
A good handful book is what we need when we are preparing for one of the top examinations in the country. For SSC CGL, there are various books that you can get in the market. So, to remove this confusion we have updated here the best SSC CGL Books 2019
Name of the Books
Quantitative Aptitude
Quantitative Aptitude by RS Aggarwal
Arihant’s Fast Track Objective Arithmetic
Reasoning Ability
Reasoning by RS Aggarwal
A New Approach to REASONING Verbal & Non-Verbal by Arihant
English Language & Comprehension
Quick Learning Objective General English by RS Aggarwal & Vikas Aggarwal
Objective General English by SP Bakshi (Arihant)
General Awareness
Manorama Yearbook 2018 (English)
Daily Newspaper
The given SSC CGL Books will help the aspirants to prepare well for the examination. As the methodologies and techniques mentioned in these books are the updated ones, it will help the candidates to prepare in lesser time. Also, get the SSC CGL previous year question paper with solution free download links and practice well to crack the examination.
SSC MTS Result 2019 – Staff Selection Commission is going to conduct the SSC MTS Tier I Exam on 02nd August – 6th September 2019. Also, Tier II Exam will be conducted on 17th November 2019. The SSC MTS Result will declare for both Tiers I and II Examination. Also, we can expect the SSC MTS 2019 Tier I & II Examination Result by October/December 2019. Once the SSC MTS Result 2019 Date will announce it by officially, we will update in this page, of exact SSC MTS Result Date. Applicants can get the complete details of SSC MTS Result, Important Dates, SSC MTS Total Marks, SSC MTS Cut Off, etc.
SSC MTS Result | SSC MTS 2019
As per the SSC MTS Notification, there are two age groups, i.e 18 to 25 years and 18 to 27 years, State, Category Wise Cut Off will be considered in the SSC MTS Final Result. The vacancies will be filled first the 18-25 Years age groups. SSC MTS Final Result will be finalized by the officials of the Staff Selection Commission after normalizing the marks for all slots and regions across India. Here on this page, we have provided a direct link to download MTS Exam Result 2019, the result link will work once the result announces it by officially. Apart from this, we have given SSC MTS Expected Cut Off 2019, SSC MTS Result 2019 Date and others.
SSC will be declaring the result for SSC MTS 2019 after the exam for each phase has been conducted by the Staff Selection Commission of India. The Result of Paper-1 will decide the number of candidates eligible to give the descriptive paper (Paper-2) of SSC MTS 2019 Exam. The result of SSC MTS exam indicates roll numbers of selected candidates. The candidates must have their roll numbers. For all the candidates roll numbers were provided in their admit card of SSC MTS 2019.
SSC MTS Recruitment 2019 comprises of computer-based exam paper I and descriptive test paper II.
After successful completion of Paper I, Answer key will announce it in the official website i.e,
Those candidates who obtain marks equal to or more than cut off as per their category, state, age group, are declared as qualified in MTS Exam Result 2019 of Tier 1.
Then those qualified candidates are issued admit card for SSC MTS 2019 Tier 2.
SSC MTS final result 2019 will be deduced on the cumulative score obtained by a candidate in Paper-I and Paper-II. It is, therefore, necessary for every candidate to score really well in both the levels of SSC MTS 2019 exam to guarantee his/her final selection in SSC MTS Exam.
Thereafter qualified candidates appear in SSC MTS 2019 tier 2 / Paper II which is a descriptive test of 50 marks. So those candidates who get qualifying marks in paper 2, and had cut off marks in paper 1, are called for document verification as per SSC MTS Result 2019 of Tier 2. So those who are qualified, and can show all documents, are finally recommended for SSC MTS Recruitment 2019.
SSC MTS Cut Off | SSC MTS Expected Cut Off 2019
The cut-off for SSC MTS 2019 will be declared once the examination for the same is conducted and the result has been declared. The cut-off will depend upon the level of difficulty of the SSC MTS 2019 Exam as well as the number of candidates appearing for the exam. To know more about SSC MTS Cut-Off 2019, let's have a look at previous years' cut-off. Staff Selection Commission publishes SSC MTS Cut Off along with results. Candidates can check all cut-offs in result write-ups which will be updated on this page as soon as result is announced. To know about the upcoming and SSC MTS Expected Cut Off 2019 we must look at the previous years’ cut off for SSC MTS Exam. This will give us an insight into the score required for scaling Paper-I & Paper-II of SSC MTS 2019 Exam.
Cut Off
Steps to check SSC MTS 2019 Result
Visit the official website of Staff Selection Commission i.e
In the home page should click on the results tab
A new page will be open, in that we can select the categories
Search for the SSC MTS Result 2019 link
Click on the result link, it will open with a pdf file
Download or take a print out of the result for further use.
CWC Admit Card 2019 – The higher officials of CWC , New Delhi had announced the exam date for the Management Trainee, Assistant Engineer, Accountant, Superintendent, Junior Superintendent, Hindi Translator, Junior Technical Assistant Exam on their official site. They had conducted the prelims examination also. Recently, they have released the Central Warehouse Corporation Mains Exam admit card on 25th June 2019.
Central Warehouse Corporation Mains Admit Card 2019
Recently, Central Warehouse Corporation has released the Official Notification for 571 Junior Superintendent Posts. Before a few days back, the board releases the Prelims admit card. Now, its time to release the Mains Admit Card on the Official Website. So, Candidates who qualified the Prelims Exam can download the Mains admit card. Download the CWC Admit Card before the exam date.
Required Information to Check-in CWC Admit Card 2019
Hall Ticket is an important document to attend any government exam. It is an Identity Proof for the candidates. So, to attend the CWC Exam. Hence, Candidates who qualified the Prelims examination conducted by the board can download the mains exam admit card. The admit card for Junior Superintendent will be available up to 06th July 2019.
Name of the Applicant.
Exam Date, Time & Centre.
Post Applied for.
Application or Registration Number
Father Name and
Important Instructions.
Central Warehouse Corporation Exam 2019
The Board has conducted the Prelims exam on 30th May 2019. Moreover, all the candidates who applied for various posts attended the Prelims Exam. Hence, Aspirants who completed the prelims exam can check their results from the below-given link. After that, Candidates can download the CWC Admit Card. To check the result of Prelims Examination enter your Registration or Roll Number, Date of Birth, and Captcha. Then Sign in to the page to get the Central Warehouse Corporation Junior Superintendent Prelims Exam Result 2019.
The Mains Exam is going to be held on 06th July 2019. Hence, Candidates who got the eligible scoring in the prelims exam download the admit card from the below-provided link.
Structure of the Online Examination will be as follows:
Name of the Position
No of Questions
Maximum Marks
Management Trainee (General, Technical), Assistant Engineer (Civil/Electrical) and Accountant
Superintendent (General)
Junior Superintendent (Prelims)
Junior Superintendent (Mains)
Junior Technical Assistant
Hindi Translator
Required things to Download CWC Admit Card 2019
Whenever candidates are appearing for the examination they must carry theCentral Warehouse Corporation Jr. Superintendent Admit Card. Invigilators will not allow the candidates who failed to bring the CWC Admit Card. Make sure to bring the original Identity Proof along with the Admit Card. Candidates can directly download Central Warehouse Corporation Junior Superintendent Main Exam 2019 Admit Card by clicking on the below link
College ID
Driving License
2 or 3 latest photographs
PAN Card
Aadhar Card
Voter ID
Bank Passbook
Ration Card
Employee ID
The photograph on any ID Proof declared by the State or Central Government
Any Authorised ID Proof Announced by Gazetted Officer
How to Download CWC Call Letter 2019-20?
Click on “CWC Admit Card” Link.
Enter the Registration or Roll Number.
Enter the Password or Date of Birth.
Fill the Captcha appeared in the image.
Log in to get the admit card
An Admit Card page will be available on the screen.
Fill all the mandatory details.
Click on to the download option and download the admit card.
Take a print out and carry for the exam.
Direct Links to download Central Warehouse Corporation Admit Card 2019
SSC CHSL Previous Year Papers for tier 1, tier 2 examinations are available here. In this article, aspirants can find the SSC CHSL (10+2) Previous Year Question Paper Pdf for LDC, DEO & other posts. Hence, go through the page and find the SSC CHSL (10+2) exam paper pattern, syllabus and tier 1 & 2 exam date 2019 details. Interested aspirants can check the official website of for more regular updates.
SSC CHSL Previous Year Paper in Hindi
SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Previous Year Paper for LDC, DEO, Assistant & other posts are helpful for the applicants in the preparation. Also, helps in knowing the exam question paper pattern for tier 1 and tier 2. We advise the candidates who are going to apply for SSC CHSL notification 2019 to check the previous year question paper below. Analyze the old question paper and prepare a plan for preparation which helps in scoring marks in SSC CHSL examination 2018-19.
Staff Selection Commission has given the notification for CHSL examination 2018 on 5th March 2019. The candidates who applied might be looking for CHSL previous year question papers pdf. Hence, find the free download link for the CHSL question paper in the sections below. Also, check the syllabus and exam pattern details before starting your preparation for CHSL (10+2) examination 2018. Here is a brief overview of the CHSL exam 2018 notification 2019.
SSC CHSL Previous Year Question Papers in Hindi Pdf Details
Knowledge of exam pattern helps the candidates a lot in understanding the way question and answers are given. Hence, go through the exam pattern before referring to the SSC CHSL previous papers. However, the SSC recruitment board has given the exam date for CHSL tier 1 and tier 2 (tentative) exams 2019. Hence, applicants are advised to start the preparation today as there will be a tough competition this year.
SSC CHSL Previous Year Paper – Model Question Paper Pdf
Applied for CHSL (10+2) exam 2018 notification 2019. Then you are in the right place where last 5 Years SSC CHSL Previous Year Question Paper Pdf is available. Aspirant just needs to click on the link below to download the free SSC CHSL Last 5 Years Solved Question Papers Pdf. CHSL Previous Papers Tier-I 2015 Pdf – Download
Aspirants will be hired based on the performance in the different levels of the selection process. SSC is going to select candidates based on three levels of selection. Level 1 is Tier I (Online Written Examination), Level 2 is a descriptive paper (Tier II) and level 3 is Tier III (Typing Test/Skill Test)
Check the complete exam pattern details for tier 1, tier 2 & tier 3 selection process of CHSL Examination 2018 below. Knowledge of exam paper pattern is helpful in the preparation.
SSC CHSL Syllabus 2018 PDF – LDC, DEO, Postal Asst
Staff Selection Commission is a government body. It releases recruitment notification every year in various fields such as lower division clerk recruitment notification, Combined Graduate Level Examination(CHSL). Now it releases the CHSL Notification to hire candidates who have completed their graduation. Staff Selection Commission board conducting a common written exam called SSC CHSL Examination for the applied candidates.
SSC CHSL Tier I Exam Pattern 2018
No of Questions
General Intelligence
General English
Quantitative Aptitude
General Awareness
Exam Type: Objective Type Multiple choice Question(MCQ’s).
Each Question Carries one Mark.
Total time duration is 60 Mins.
SSC CHSL Tier 2 Exam Pattern 2018 -19
Type of Exam
Descriptive Type
Essay and Letter Writing
1 hr
SSC CHSL Tier 3 Exam Pattern 2018-19
Exam Type
Typing Test
2000 key depressions for a duration of 15 minutes
15 mins
Complete Staff Selection Commission Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2019 is updated in our syllabus page. So, make your preparation easy and effective by knowing the exact SSC CHSL LDC Syllabus and Test Pattern. Applicants can get the Combine Higher Level Exam Syllabus Pdf from the below free downloading link. Here we have provided Exam Pattern details in a tabular form for an easy view. Therefore Aspirants can have a look at the below tabular form to get details like Subjects covered in the exam, Duration, No.of Marks, etc.
FACT Previous Year Question Paper is available here for the post of Management Trainee, Craftsman, Technician, Helper & Other. Candidates who have applied for FACT Jobs can download here the FACT Management Trainee previous papers pdf. Also, go through the below sections to get an idea of the exam pattern along with syllabus.
FACT Management Trainee Previous Papers
Fertilizers and Chemicals Travancore Limited (FACT) has recently released 274 vacancies for the Management Trainee, Craftsman, Technician & Other posts. Go through the FACT Recruitment 2019 for related details. Applicants can get here the detailed FACT previous year question paper pdf for both managerial and non-managerial posts. Before that go through the FACT exam pattern given below to get an idea of the examination.
Know the syllabus and exam pattern before you start the preparation so that you will know what to prepare and how to prepare for the examination. Hence we provide the FACT syllabus and Exam pattern in the below section. The applicants who have applied for the fertilizer and chemicals jobs will be selected based on the performance in the online exam, group discussion, and interview.
At recent, non-Arvind Subramanian-estimated rates of GDP growth, India's economy will double in 10-12 years.Prime Minister Narendra Modi's target of a $5 trillion economy by 2024 — he called it challenging but achievable — means the $2.8 trillion economy will have to nearly double in five years. That means from a current GDP growth trend of 6-7%, the economy will have to grow at an annual average of 10-11% over 2019-24 (all growth figures are in real, not nominal, terms).Commentators have either dismissed this as unrealistic, or listed a large number of difficult policies necessary for sustained double-digit GDP growth. The latter, given the Indian State's many shortcomings, essentially arrives at the same conclusion as the former, although more politely.Neither set of analyses is wrong. But a more useful way of looking at the PM's 'challenging target' would be to frame it like this:1. Acknowledge all current negatives, from a slowing economy in the short term to historically established policy incapacity, from fiscal constraints to constraints imposed by a federal polity that hosts angry politics, from low human capital indices to regulatory failings in high finance.2. Ask, given all this, what can the government do quickly to change the economic status quo.3. The status quo is defined by a set of somewhat-same broad policies, in place since the mid-1990s, that will continue to produce GDP growth of around 7%.4. Since all, or even most, current negatives can't be turned around any time soon, GoI will have to find a workaround in the short term.5. If this can be found, it could create the enabling context for double-digit GDP growth, a must for Modi's 'challenging target'.The good news is that there's a workaround: 1. Identify key areas, each of which will have a well-understood big, defining problem.2. Start, and quickly implement, a few signature projects in each area that squarely address the big, defining problem. 3. The reasonable assumption will be that these projects will act as motivators and drivers for broader change in each area.Plant a PlantInstead of attempting to solve many complex problems, create a few standout solutions. If outcomes are remarkable, incentives for replication will be high for State actors. Let's explain this with examples.'Make in India' didn't quite work when the Modi 1.0 administration sought to incentivise a countrywide manufacturing resurrection, that too having given up earlier on land acquisition reform. The Modi 2.0 government should reorient.The big, defining problem is lack of land for industry. This will act as a constraint even after the current excess industrial capacity is exhausted. So, the work-around should concentrate on this.Identify the easiest way to make a few very large parcels of land available for manufacturing hubs, for example, by using land assets of big public sector companies. Then, in those few designated hubs, put all administrative energy to incentivise manufacturing.Target companies, Indian or foreign, with product lines that have assured large domestic demand base or cast-iron export demand.These manufacturing centres will only be a few in a continent-sized country. But if they take off, they should act as exemplars for State and private sector actors. Then, there may finally be a buy-in for larger reforms across the polity.Take agriculture, the albatross around the economy's neck. Even if terms of trade facing farmers improve and all monsoons till 2024 are good, the big, defining problem of inefficient farming on small plots will always make Indian agriculture a sad, third world story. A democracy where elections are won or lost in villages can't — and mustn't — mandate large farming by China-like fiats.What is doable, though, is to set up very few but very, very large farm enterprises and demonstrate through them what efficient farming can do for the economy. Land for those few giant farming enterprises could be taken on short-term lease at super attractive rates and farmer/landowners can be offered employment. To do this nationally in a federal structure, especially given emotive and political issues around smallholding ownership, is impossible. To do this in a very limited scale is entirely possible.Once the gigantically positive outcome from large, efficient farming is visible, it's entirely plausible that even in a country where the poor kisan is romanticised to his own detriment, the political-administrative class may find reasons to finally, truly reform agriculture.Take banking. Or, rather, take the question of who will finance sustained high growth. Banking, as it currently is, can't do the job. That will be true even after the non-banking financial companies (NBFC) crisis works itself out, and even if the bankruptcy resolution process and/or a one-time balance sheet clean-up take(s) care of the bad loans problem. The big, defining problem here is that India has too few banks — especially too few small, nimble banks — that will lend to small enterprises that comprise the bulk of entrepreneurship.Bank on BankThe work-around? Work with RBI and quickly issue a few banking licences for small private banks specifically mandated to lend to small industry.The unmet demand for credit finance from small entrepreneurs is huge.These new private banks will have no shortage of borrowers. And once the positive impact of such lending becomes clear, the appalling conservatism that has held back the expansion of the banking system may finally crack.These are just three of what can be done around a dozen work-arounds aiming to break the policy status quo.GDP growth won't hit double digits even after all work-arounds produce their desired outcomes. But a crystal clear message will be delivered.If GoI can do that, it will put India on the road Modi — rightly — wants it to be.
Debt-laden Dewan Housing Finance Corporation (DHFL) on Wednesday said it has received the Securities and Exchange Board of India's (Sebi) approval to exit its mutual fund business by selling its 50 per cent stake to Prudential Financial.The company had entered an agreement with Prudential Financial to divest its 50 per cent holding in DHFL Pramerica Asset Managers (DPAMPL) -- 17.12 per cent held directly and 32.88 per cent held by its wholly-owned subsidiary, DHFL Advisory & Investments. "We wish to inform you that Sebi vide its letters June 25, 2019 addressed to DPAMPL has granted its prior approval for proposed change in controlling interest of DPAMPL and for amendment in trust deed under the applicable provisions of Sebi (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996 subject to certain conditions," DHFL said in an exchange filing.On Tuesday, DHFL could barely meet 40 per cent of a Rs 375 crore repayment commitment towards commercial papers, highlighting the cash flow stress at the embattled mortgage lender, which has been selling assets to repay debt. "Out of the aggregate amount of Rs 375 crore, 40% has been paid on a proportionate basis, and the balance amount of Rs 225 crore shall be paid in the next couple of days," DHFL said in a statement late Tuesday.
By HARDEEP S PURIIn 1933, at the height of the great depression, noted British economist John Maynard Keynes wrote an open letter to the President of the United States, Franklin D Roosevelt, encouraging him to enact what came to be known as the New Deal, where investment in infrastructure became the silver bullet to pull the world out of the great depression.The Indian Economic Survey 2017-18 estimated that the country will require $4.5 trillion infrastructure investment by 2040. Much of this infrastructure investment will need to be focused on urban India, as by 2030, 40% of the country's population, or 600 million people, will reside in cities. Even more importantly, India requires 700 to 900 million square meters of residential and commercial space (equivalent to Chicago) to be built every year from now till 2030 to accommodate this 600 million i.e. 70% of India of 2030 will be built in the next decade.Taking cognisance of the growing need and importance of urban development, PM Narendra Modi embarked on the world's most ambitious planned urbanisation programme. In June 2015, he launched three flagship missions, namely, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY), Smart Cities Mission, and Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT).PMAY (U) is predicated on the vision of providing each Indian a home he/she can call his/her own. To meet this objective, we need to build 1crore dwelling units in urban spaces as had been assessed by the states and UTs. 81 lakh homes have already been sanctioned, 48 lakh grounded for construction, and 26 lakh homes have been completed and handed over.I am confident that by the end of 2021, all the beneficiaries will receive their homes, a full one year before the target date. A crucial aspect of the Mission is that the title of the home will be in the name of the lady of the house or co-jointly, providing a major fillip to women's empowerment.The scheme through its four verticals— In Situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR); Affordable Housing in Partnership (AHP); Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme (CLSS) and Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC)—offers a bouquet of options to the beneficiaries and states/UTs . The Mission looks at the daunting issue of slums; it focuses on affordable housing; it provides for a very attractive interest subsidy for those wanting to avail a housing loan; and it provides assistance to those who already own land but find it difficult to raise the necessary resources to construct ahouse.The objective of the Smart Cities Mission is to build the next generation of Indian cities, where infrastructure is easy accessible and affordable, and where citizen-government engagement is efficient and effective.It aims to achieve this by adopting the latest in technological advancement — whether it is RFID tags that make garbage collection easier or integrated traffic management systems that ease road congestion—technology offers 'smart' solutions to many of our infrastructure challenges. Simply put, technology allows urban governance systems to do more with less, thereby easing the resource-deficit burden.The total investment in the Smart Cities Mission is envisaged to be over Rs 2,05,000 crore through 5,151 projects. 896 projects worth approximately Rs 15,000 crore have been completed and another 1,895 projects worth Rs 75,000 crore are under implementation. The mission works closely with private players, including international firms, to leverage their capital, expertise, human resource, and technology. So far, under public-private participation model, 65 projects worth over Rs 2,000 crore in 26 cities have been completed. 116 projects worth over Rs 10,000 crore in 45 cities are being implemented; and 91 projects worth over Rs 9,600 crore in 36 cities are in advanced stages of tendering. Moreover, 10 leading international companies are participating in at least 40 of the 100 selected Smart Cities.AMRUT complements the efforts of both PMAY and the Smart Cities Mission. It seeks to provide water supply, sewerage, urban transport, and safe public spaces to residents of urban centers in 500 cities with populations over 1,00,000. The total mission outlay is expected to be Rs 1,00,000 crore. Projects worth Rs 4,263 have already been completed and contracts worth another Rs 61,093 crore have been awarded.AMRUT is predicated on the PM Modi's motto of 'cooperative federalism', i.e., state governments take the lead in all three aspects of infrastructure development: (a) designing schemes based on the needs of their respective cities; (b) creating State Annual Action Plans (SAAP) for execution of programmes; and (c) monitoring the progress once funds are released.The SAAP are submitted to the central government only for broad concurrence and the center provides funding for these schemes as per guidelines. This is a marked departure from past practices where the central government in New Delhi retained all control, using their power for political purposes.India's planned urbanisation programme can be termed the 21st century's New Deal. It is for the first time that a democratically elected government, in a federal framework, in partnership with the private sector, is quite literally 'building' a nation from bottoms-up. Add to this the imperative of building green and resilient infrastructure; what we get is a development model that is a first of its kind. Put another way, what India is doing today in its urban spaces, the rest of the world will do tomorrow.(The writer is Union Minister for Housing and Urban Affairs (IC))
Coca-Cola is in exclusive talks to pick up a significant stake in Café Coffee Day (CCD) as the soft drinks giant looks to gain a foothold in the rapidly growing space and hedge risks associated with its core carbonated drinks business, said executives with knowledge of the matter.Talks are in the early stages and may not lead to a deal, they said. "The potential stake acquisition is being driven by Coca-Cola's headquarters in Atlanta and officials from the beverage maker's global team are engaged in active talks with the Coffee Day management," said one of the persons. "It would give Coca-Cola significant scale in the fast-growing café business, compared to aerated soft drinks, which have been slowing down."ET broke the story in its online edition on Wednesday.A Coca-Cola spokesperson said, "This news is absolutely speculative in nature. As a matter of company policy, we do not have any comments to offer at this point." Coffee Day Enterprises didn't respond to queries.Promoted by VG Siddhartha, the country's largest coffee chain is owned by Coffee Day Global, a subsidiary of Coffee Day Enterprises. With a footprint of 1,752 cafés as of March 2019, CCD is market leader in the organised café space. It competes with Starbucks and smaller chains such as Barista and Costa Coffee. In India, Starbucks operates through a venture with the Tatas and has 146 stores.CCD's expansion plans have slowed over the past two years on the back of rising debt.'Coca-Cola Can Play A Good Role'Café Coffee Day is also facing fresh competition from tea shop chains such as Chaayos and Chai Point and boutique coffee shops. It shut 90 small format stores in FY18.Coffee Day Enterprises reported standalone net sales of Rs 76.9 crore for the March quarter, up 43.64% from the year earlier. Losses widened to Rs 22.28 crore from Rs 16.52 crore. It has been reporting same-store sales growth of 10-11% over the past three quarters."Cafe Coffee Day introduced India to the café culture back in 1990s and has been able to build a massive footprint," said Jaspal Sabharwal, veteran private equity professional and cofounder of online product review platform TagTaste. "But the chain badly needs some innovation and facelift. There has been plenty of innovation in the café industry in recent years, but not enough of it has come from giant brands. Coca-Cola can play a very good role in this space."While Coca-Cola had announced the global acquisition of British coffee chain Costa Coffee in August 2018 from parent company Whitbread Plc for $5.1 billion, the deal had little significance for India. Costa Coffee, which is operated by RJ Corp-promoted Devyani International in India, has less than 50 stores. Globally, however, Costa Coffee has close to 4,000 stores and another 8,000-plus Costa Express vending machines.Siddhartha had sold a 20.32% stake held by him and two CCD affiliate firms (Coffee Day Enterprises and Coffee Day Trading) in software services company Mindtree to Larsen & Toubro in March for Rs 3,200 crore, which was largely seen as a move to pare debts and focus on his consumer-facing café business.The listed Coffee Day Enterprises, with a market cap of Rs 4,732 crore, closed 3.87% up on the BSE on Wednesday.The Chikkamagaluru-based Coffee Day Enterprises is Asia's largest producer of Arabica coffee beans.It grows coffee on 20,000 acres of self-owned estates and set up the first Café Coffee Day in 1996 in Bengaluru. Internationally, CCD has a presence in Vienna, the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Nepal and Egypt.The café chain business is an attractive channel for traditional beverages and foods makers. In the middle of last year, Swiss food giant Nestlé struck a $7.1-billion deal with Starbucks to license and sell its packaged coffees and teas across global markets.While the global market for packaged coffee and drinks is estimated at $83 billion by Euromonitor, compared with the $513 billion market for soft drinks, it is growing significantly faster.
The Tata Group has shortlisted a few candidates to become the new chief executive of its beverages company Tata Global Beverages (TGBL) to help build a scalable FMCG business in India, people familiar with the development said.Senior Unilever executives Sanjiv Kakkar, JV Raman and Hemant Bakshi and the CEO of a leading Indian foods company are among those being shortlisted for the job. Current CEO Ajoy Misra will handhold the new hire until his one-year term ends in March 2020, they said.TGBL declined to comment on the CEO hiring. "We will make the necessary announcements at the appropriate time," a spokesperson said.Tata Sons chairman N Chandrasekaran had acknowledged at TGBL's AGM recently that the company's financial metrics were inadequate, and that tea and water businesses cannot provide the required scale to grow the maker of Tata Tea, Tetley, Eight O'Clock coffee and Himalayan mineral water brands.The Kolkata-based company has transformed from a plantations company to a branded beverages company and will soon change into a foods company due to the proposed transfer of the consumer products business of Tata Chemicals. TGBL will be renamed Tata Consumer Products after completion of the transfer of the salt, spices and pulses businesses."The company wants to ensure the CEO has the right experience to build global brands," said an official close to the development.Former Unilever director Harish Manwani is an independent member on the board of Tata Sons.TGBL reported consolidated revenues of Rs 7,251 crore for FY19 with a net profit of Rs 408 crore. The company's topline and bottomline have largely remained flat in recent years. Raw material burden on revenues has been rising steadily. Its international business has been a drag on its performance. The coffee business in the US is sluggish and the black tea market in the UK has been declining. The company has been exiting non-performing international operations in Russia, Sri Lanka and China.For a FMCG company, TGBL has very low return on capital employed and return on net worth at 9.3% at 6.6%, respectively, for fiscal 2019. Typically, foods businesses need a 10-15 year plan to scale it up and build a presence in the country.Top officials close to the development said internally there is no business clarity yet among TGBL executives about the plan to grow the pulses portfolio acquired from Tata Chemicals. The FMCG business would require a massive overhaul to stay relevant and competitive, they said. 69966961 "The back-end of TGBL, such as supply chain, product development and warehousing, is lagging behind compared to competitors," one of the sources said. Also, the company would need to scale up its core tea, coffee and water businesses to support the acquisition of the pulses business from Tata Chemicals, the sources said.A TGBL spokesperson said the company would absorb Tata Chemicals' consumer products division and its food science technology team at the innovation centre, which will continue to work on the food business. "The combined business reach (Including food business) will be 200 million households," he said. "We have a strong sales and distribution network in place and clear plans to strengthen and scale it up further. A digitally enabled sales, distribution and supply chain transformation initiative is well underway to further enhance reach and improve channel efficiency."TGBL has a complex structure with 39 subsidiaries. The management has been restructuring its operations, and consolidation of arms is one of the agendas, company insiders said. However, the merger of Tata Coffee, a listed subsidiary, with TGBL has been ruled out for now, they said.
Coca-Cola is in exclusive talks to pick up a significant stake in Café Coffee Day (CCD) as the soft drinks giant looks to gain a foothold in the rapidly growing space and hedge risks associated with its core carbonated drinks business, said executives with knowledge of the matter.Talks are in the early stages and may not lead to a deal, they said. "The potential stake acquisition is being driven by Coca-Cola's headquarters in Atlanta and officials from the beverage maker's global team are engaged in active talks with the Coffee Day management," said one of the persons. "It would give Coca-Cola significant scale in the fast-growing café business, compared to aerated soft drinks, which have been slowing down."ET broke the story in its online edition on Wednesday.A Coca-Cola spokesperson said, "This news is absolutely speculative in nature. As a matter of company policy, we do not have any comments to offer at this point." Coffee Day Enterprises didn't respond to queries.Promoted by VG Siddhartha, the country's largest coffee chain is owned by Coffee Day Global, a subsidiary of Coffee Day Enterprises. With a footprint of 1,752 cafés as of March 2019, CCD is market leader in the organised café space. It competes with Starbucks and smaller chains such as Barista and Costa Coffee. In India, Starbucks operates through a venture with the Tatas and has 146 stores.CCD's expansion plans have slowed over the past two years on the back of rising debt.'Coca-Cola Can Play A Good Role'Café Coffee Day is also facing fresh competition from tea shop chains such as Chaayos and Chai Point and boutique coffee shops. It shut 90 small format stores in FY18.Coffee Day Enterprises reported standalone net sales of Rs 76.9 crore for the March quarter, up 43.64% from the year earlier. Losses widened to Rs 22.28 crore from Rs 16.52 crore. It has been reporting same-store sales growth of 10-11% over the past three quarters."Cafe Coffee Day introduced India to the café culture back in 1990s and has been able to build a massive footprint," said Jaspal Sabharwal, veteran private equity professional and cofounder of online product review platform TagTaste. "But the chain badly needs some innovation and facelift. There has been plenty of innovation in the café industry in recent years, but not enough of it has come from giant brands. Coca-Cola can play a very good role in this space."While Coca-Cola had announced the global acquisition of British coffee chain Costa Coffee in August 2018 from parent company Whitbread Plc for $5.1 billion, the deal had little significance for India. Costa Coffee, which is operated by RJ Corp-promoted Devyani International in India, has less than 50 stores. Globally, however, Costa Coffee has close to 4,000 stores and another 8,000-plus Costa Express vending machines.Siddhartha had sold a 20.32% stake held by him and two CCD affiliate firms (Coffee Day Enterprises and Coffee Day Trading) in software services company Mindtree to Larsen & Toubro in March for Rs 3,200 crore, which was largely seen as a move to pare debts and focus on his consumer-facing café business.The listed Coffee Day Enterprises, with a market cap of Rs 4,732 crore, closed 3.87% up on the BSE on Wednesday.The Chikkamagaluru-based Coffee Day Enterprises is Asia's largest producer of Arabica coffee beans.It grows coffee on 20,000 acres of self-owned estates and set up the first Café Coffee Day in 1996 in Bengaluru. Internationally, CCD has a presence in Vienna, the Czech Republic, Malaysia, Nepal and Egypt.The café chain business is an attractive channel for traditional beverages and foods makers. In the middle of last year, Swiss food giant Nestlé struck a $7.1-billion deal with Starbucks to license and sell its packaged coffees and teas across global markets.While the global market for packaged coffee and drinks is estimated at $83 billion by Euromonitor, compared with the $513 billion market for soft drinks, it is growing significantly faster.
By Dan Murtaugh and Livia YapA further deterioration in relations between the US and China could set off a chain of events that would push oil down more than 50 per cent to as low $30 a barrel, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch.President Donald Trump may decide to raise tariffs on the remaining $300 billion of Chinese imports if he doesn't like what he hears from Chinese President Xi Jinping at this weekend's G-20 summit in Osaka, Francisco Blanch, the bank's global head of commodities, said in an interview in Singapore.That may cause Chinese authorities to let the yuan weaken, making oil that's priced in dollars more expensive in the world's largest importer and stunting demand growth, he said. Beijing might also decide to ignore Washington's sanctions against Iran and resume crude imports from the Persian Gulf country, Blanch said."The trade issue and the Iran issue become the same issue, and that ends up creating a $30-a-barrel scenario for oil prices," he said. "You get an extra 2 million barrels from Iran and demand collapses, where do you think prices are going to go?"Blanch said the scenario wasn't particularly likely, but wasn't crazy either. BofAML's base-case scenario is for Brent and West Texas Intermediate to average $63 and $56 a barrel, respectively, in the second half of the year.69958798 Brent crude fell 20 per cent from a high in late April to a low on June 12, largely as a result of the worsening trade war. It has rebounded about 10 per cent since then as tensions in the Persian Gulf rose to boiling point, and is currently trading just below $66 a barrel.To offset the impact of the US putting tariffs on the remainder of Chinese imports, Beijing would have to let the yuan weaken to 7.3 per US dollar, Citigroup Inc. analysts including Sun Lu wrote in a note last month. That's around 6 per cent weaker than current levels.
As head of research at $382-billion Swiss wealth manager, Julius Baer, Christian Gattiker-Ericsson has a good view of the world economy and how money moves across the globe. In an interview with Joel Rebello, he spoke about falling global yields, flow of money and the Swiss bank's preferred investments. Edited excerpts:Global yields are on the way down. What is causing this?There are two factors for yields falling across the globe. The monetary policy in the US and the trade tensions which made investors more risk averse and less growth friendly. Possibly the two are intertwined because we might see a reaction due to the fact there is uncertainty about trade. Therefore, there has been a recalibration about rate expectations. Twelve months ago, the US economy was super strong, wages were going up. The low-income bracket was making double-digit increase in wages, so inflation was pumping up. Then suddenly these trade tensions rose and then we got an escalation. Perception shifted — we almost saw a 100 basis points in US treasuries which is quite a massive move.What's your view on the Indian market?In the global context, we are neutral on Indian equities. There is a sound structural background and it's a thriving economy but in the global context the market is very expensive. If you follow the money and look at the currency markets, the money was moving back into the US market in the last three to four years. The US is a structurally deficit economy which they need to be in order to hold the global reserve currency. If you see such a currency going up against all odds, then you see that the capital is actually moving back into the dollar territory and that's where the money went.Then there was this on-off relationship with Chinese stocks with the hot money going back and forth. The way we have been handling this is whenever there was a sizeable risk premium on emerging market bonds, we would go back and buy them. At this stage of the cycle, your strategy is to go into fixed income instead of equity because when rates rise, emerging markets are forced to deleverage which means you get a better risk as a bond investor because financial risk is lowered but it cuts the upside for the equity investors. We think the next decade will belong to the Chinese market because it is still sizeable.So money will move towards emerging markets then?There is potential, particularly on the fixed income side. There are even possibilities on the currency. We have been conservative and going into hot currency emerging market bonds but there is also very generous risk premium in some of the local currency fixed income. But this is so much like the late '90s — you never know when the cycle will end because nobody rings the bell at the end of the cycle.At the beginning of the year, lots of investors were reading the prospects of a first rate cut which is priced by December 2018. We are not so sure. We think it will be a longer protracted thing. So, there are hardly any 'buy and hold assets' in emerging markets for now. It will change in the next cycle. I expect in the 2020s there will be a major easing cycle of the US monetary policy. This will start when recession will hit the US and our guess is it is 2021. So it will take another 12 to 18 months for the markets to price in an easing cycle and then we could see a major emerging markets boom similar to what we saw in 2002 and 2003.Which assets is money moving towards?We have had two major risk-off waves — first in the fourth quarter and now in May, so we think risk appetite will recover and lots of those juicy risk buckets will be revisited and all these high-yielding bonds will make sense in the global context. With the 10-year treasury at 2.10%, people will have a hard time to go to 30-year treasury against this backdrop because they have had a major run.Gold is at a very interesting crossroads. We have been promoting gold for the whole year. It seems that there might be further inflation risks at some stage and gold will benefit. Investors will hold gold against the uncertainties of the cycle. Equity investors should also be fully invested at this stage because equities have some catching up to do.
New Delhi: Mindtree Chief Executive Officer Rostow Ravanan is likely to resign in the coming weeks with infrastructure major L&T becoming a majority shareholder in the mid-sized IT company, according to sources. Larsen and Toubro (L&T) had initiated a hostile takeover of Mindtree Ltd in March and has since then expanded its shareholding to a majority stake with large investors, like Nalanda, selling their shares in the ongoing open offer. Mindtree founders had resisted the bid and had tried rallying support from Singapore-based Nalanda Capital and others. One of the sources said Mindtree founders had supported Ravanan's continuation to ensure business continuity but given the developments over the past few weeks, Ravanan will expected to step down from his role in the coming weeks. E-mails sent to Mindtree did not elicit any response. Another source said the founders, which include Subroto Bagchi, N S Parthasarathy and Krishnakumar Natarajan (who together hold about 13 per cent), may look at selling their shares as well in the open offer that concludes on June 28. Interestingly, L&T has recently secured three board positions at Mindtree that has eight members on the board (of which four were independent directors). Mindtree co-founder Subroto Bagchi did not offer being considered for re-appointment to the board. The IT firm remained silent on how it plans to accommodate the three new L&T representatives. In March, L&T had said it will buy 20.32 per cent stake in Mindtree from VG Siddhartha and his coffee enterprise for over Rs 3,000 crore, marking India's first-ever hostile takeover bid in the IT space. Since then, L&T has steadily increased its holding in the Bengaluru-based tech firm to about 30 per cent. L&T is currently in the process of an open offer to buy an additional 31 per cent stake. The open offer, with an offer price of Rs 980 per share, opened on June 17 and is slated to close on June 28. If the offer of 5.13 crore shares is subscribed fully, the engineering behemoth will end up with a 66.32 per cent holding in Mindtree. As of June 26, L&T's open offer had received bids for 4.83 crore shares or 94.16 per cent of the offer.
Gujarat High Court unhappy with state govt's approach on manual scavengers The government was supposed to file a detailed reply on Wednesday clarifying whether manual scavenging is still prevalent in the state, or not, and what actions have been taken by it to curb the inhumane practice.
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Plan waste treatment in 180 days: Gujarat Pollution Control Board Plastic manufacturers from state who got closure notice for violating plastic waste management rules get relief
BJP MLA Akash Vijayvargiya held for thrashing civic official, bail denied The FIR against Akash, son of senior BJP leader Kailash Vijayvargiya, was registered after he was caught on camera thrashing the Municipal Corporation officer with a cricket bat
G20 Summit: PM Modi arrives in Japan, will hold bilateral talks with world leaders This will be Prime Minister Modi's sixth G20 Summit which is being held at Osaka on June 28-29.
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Water shortage woes deluge Parliament Rivals AIADMK and DMK, and Left parties joined hands in highlighting the crisis faced by states; Shiv Sena MP urges priority for irrigation projects in Marathwada
Congress MLA Bhaga Barad plea sent to lower court, again The Gujarat High Court once again remanded the matter back to the lower court, directing it on Wednesday to hear it afresh.