
General Gaming Article

General Gaming Article

New Sony Online ToS Prohibit Class Action Lawsuits, Sony Not Sure It's Actually Legal

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 08:16 PM PDT

They say you don't really know until you try. Sony, evidently, has taken that nugget of conventional wisdom to heart, as it's added a clause to its online terms of service that doesn't exactly have the firmest legal footing. In short, you can still break your lawyer out of cold storage and have a grand old time individually, but the second you bring in backup, you forfeit one very important tool: your rights.

"Any Dispute Resolution Proceedings, whether in arbitration or court, will be conducted only on an individual basis and not in a class or representative action or as a named or unnamed member in a class, consolidated, representative or private attorney general action," read a portion of the ToS, as discovered by Gamasutra

Granted, class action suits are still an option – provided, of course, that Sony opts to accept your invitation for a nice stroll through the law system's wonderful minefield. Otherwise, you're out of luck. That said, Sony's not entirely sure its scheme is, you know, allowed.

"If the Class Action Waiver clause is found to be illegal or unenforceable, this entire Section 15 will be unenforceable, and the dispute will be decided by a court and you and the Sony Entity you have a dispute with each agree to waive in that instance, to the fullest extent allowed by law, any trial by jury," says another section of the ToS.

Among other things, these ToS extend to Sony's beleaguered PlayStation Network, which was recently hit with – what else – a 77-million-person-strong class action lawsuit over the infamous outage that took place earlier this year. That suit, however, is free to storm Sony's gates as it pleases, seeing as the new ToS only apply to disputes after August 20.

Regardless, do we have any law experts in the house? This one just seems sketchy on paper. But then, the same could be said of Justin Bieber's continued existence, and that passes legal muster for some reason.

Google+ Gets Its First Official APIs

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 02:51 PM PDT

gplusOne of the missing pieces of Google+ for many users has been third-party tools, and those can't happen without official APIs. Today, Google has finally taken the first steps toward full developer API access. The public data API allows access to all the publicly available data on Google's social network. It's a welcome move from a developer's point of view, but there are many features not included in this release.

The availability of APIs is key to promoting the adoption of a service, and Google has been taking heat for waiting so long to get the ball rolling. This API release won't allow full read/write to Google+, but developers will be able to familiarize themselves with the tools and access any public profiles, posts, and images. More full-featured APIs will come later.

Google is making the code libraries available in a number of languages including Java, Ruby, and PHP. Google has chosen to use OAuth 2 for secure data transfers. We can only hope this move means Google+ will soon launch to the public with a full API. 

AT&T LTE Network Going Live This Sunday

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 02:31 PM PDT

attlteAfter months of testing, and a stealth rollout in Chicago last month, the AT&T 4G LTE network is officially going live this Sunday, September 18. The initial 4G footprint is going to be small, just five markets, but it will cover a total of 70 million consumers. AT&T expects to have 15 cities blanketed in 4G by year's end.

The cities included in this initial wave are Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Houston and San Antonio. Although users in those metro areas will still have very few LTE devices to choose from. Unlike Verizon, which has multiple LTE handsets, AT&T has no phones compatible with the new network. AT&T launched a data stick and a portable hotspot for the LTE network last month. The carrier has also started selling a massively overpriced Android tablet, the HTC Jetstream.

AT&T's LTE network is expected to deliver speeds in excess of 10Mbps down and 2-5Mbps up. This is a substantial increase over the 3G HSPA+ network. Like Verizon, the AT&T LTE network is in the 700Mhz spectrum, but the two carriers' devices won't be compatible.

What's New in Microsoft Surface Version Two

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 12:35 PM PDT

In the world of tech, concepts come and go faster than poop through a goose. Sadly, some ideas with great potential fade into the realm of vapourware, or see their prime features rolled into already existing products. Worse than this, hardware and software that smacked of half-baked failure from the get-go are routinely green-lit by manufactures to be released on an unsuspecting, and soon to be frustrated, public.

There are however, some concepts that both innovate and thrill those fortunate enough to experience them. Should these concepts be nurtured out of prototyping and released into the wild, wooly realm of the consumer, they stand a chance to change the way that we interact with our world on a daily basis. The Personal Computer is one such product. So too, whether you like it or not, was the iPad: While other tablets may have been around before hand, none had ever managed to capture the public's imagination or hard earned money in such a manner as to make it an ubiquitous part of our every day lives.

While it may be coming in well under the radar, we've got a feeling that as it crops up in more and more locations over the next few years, the latest version of Microsoft Surface could have what it takes to be the next piece of computing technology to change the way we work, shop and live on a daily basis.

Originally codenamed Milan, Surface first made the scene back in 2007. Targeted at customers in the hospitality, retail, military and entertainment industries, Surface was a computing platform that allowed for multiple users to interact and collaborate with one another by gathering around a 30 inch transparent tabletop containing a XGA DLP projector and five cameras  set up to capture the reflections of infrared light cast by fingertips and specially tagged items and devices.  Capable of registering 52 different touch points at once, Surface provided users of the device with 360 degrees of simultaneous collaboration and  interactivity. This made it possible for a large number of individuals work, play and share content on a scale never seen in the computing world before. All of this sweet tech hit the street close to four years ago. What, you might be asking has the Surface development team done for the platform lately?

From what Somanna Palacanda, Director of Marketing for Microsoft Surface says, quite a bit, actually. Speaking to us from his Seattle office, Palacanda explains that in terms of both its hardware and its software, the second iteration of Microsoft Surface has some significant changes in store for the platform's users.

"With version one, our goal was to get Surface out to the developer ecosystem and ensure that they understand what it is to build applications that allow for people to interact from a 360 degree angle. This was a new paradigm from a developer perspective because it was no more mouse, keyboard and a single instance of touch. This was massive multi-touch", says Palacanda.

"The goal with version one was getting the rich developing ecosystem of people who really understood how to build multi-touch applications that allow for people to approach it from different places. With version two, we said we want to scale this technology to the point where it will be massively adopted in the commercial arena. We looked to various different manufacturers that made hardware panels around the world, and we decided to partner with Samsung because they wanted a true partnership. So right from the LCD design and the architecture of the panel to the final end product we've collaborated very closely with Samsung to deliver this product to market. They are going to be the only manufacturer who will be allowed to develop this product and it will be a Samsung-branded product that will be distributed by the company's distributor network around the world."

This partnership with Samsung, Palacanda explains, has given birth to a robust piece of hardware that features a number of significant features over the hardware seen with version one of the platform. This time out, the size of Surface's interface panel has been increased from 30 to 40 inches, and the five cameras used in the platform's last iteration have been replaced with a new technology Palacanda calls Pixelsense. 

"We're still delivering massive multitouch based on vision, but fundamentally what we've done is gone away from cameras that we had in the first version of Surface and and have actually now taken transistors that can see in the infrared spectrum and embedded them right into the pixels within an LCD panel" explains Palacanda.  "This reduced the size of the device. It was a nine inch thick device before, but now we've been able to compress all of that with the innovation that we've done with the hardware into a device that's approximately four inches thick."

This reduction in Surface's overall size made it possible for Microsoft into look to other ways that the platform could be oriented and used. Thanks to its new found svelte lines, the latest release of Surface can be set up and used flat with a set of table legs, just like the original flavour of the platform could. This time around however, in response to feedback from customers who have already deployed Surface in their business operations, the device is also wall mountable and can be mated to standard VESA hardware. The addition of these new orientation options presented the Surface team at Microsoft with a challenge: How to alter a massive multi-touch platform designed to be accessed from 360 degrees into one where the the users may only be able to access the device from a limited number of angles because it's been mounted on a wall. 

"In retail, having something that's horizontal might be expensive in terms of in-store square footage. So we've given them the option of mounting it on a wall. What we've done is built accelerometers right into the product. So the product will know automatically at what angle its being deployed and the software will respond to that. The other thing that we've also done is to ensure that this device is robust enough. Since Surface is being deployed in public environments, it needs to be tough. Because if you put a fragile LCD screen in there and somebody pounds it a little hard, then it's going to break the screen. So what we've done is deployed Gorilla Glass on top of this device. This particular piece of Gorilla Glass is the largest piece commercially available on the market today."

When asked about what sort of protection this would afford the device in a real-world situation, Palacanda provided us with a point of reference he was certain we'd understand. "Say you're in the hospitality section of a hotel and you have a bottle of beer in your hand. If you dropped it from around 18 inches on to the screen, the screen would be fine because of the Gorilla Glass. If you spilled some liquids, we've also done some work to make sure that there's some protection for that too, so that the devices don't get damaged when they're deployed in a public environment." Microsoft? Samsung? If you're reading this, we'd like to see a little bit of that protective love thrown in direction of the rest of your products too. 

For all of the innovative technologies baked into it, Surface wouldn't be worth all the effort Microsoft and Samsung have exerted in developing it without having an identifiable market that could truly benefit from the device's presence in their day-to-day lives. Fortunately for the stakeholders,  Palacanda explains that in the end, Surface is a technology that, while not everyone will own, everyone who comes into contact with it will benefit from. 

"Surface is designed for use by people who are in a public environment, say a mall, hospital or a school, museum or retail space.  At the end of the day", Palacanda says, "they are our consumers. Given the advancement that Microsoft has been making in the whole arena of natural user interfaces we believe that people will immediately start using this because the learning curve is very small. That's the exciting part of it for us. When you think about it. Traditionally, it's only the employees of a bank or a hospital that interact with the technology. I think that one of the things that Surface does is it break those barriers down and allows people to start interacting with the technology".  With more and more high value corporate clients such as the Royal Bank of Canada, Hard Rock Cafe and—of course—Microsoft Retail Stores across North America including Surface technology in their front of house operations on a regular basis, there's little doubt that we'll all soon have a taste of what this innovative technology has to offer. 


TWiT.TV Hacked, Contains Malicious Code Linking To Java Trojan

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 11:33 AM PDT

The Maximum PC Podcasts keep BS to a minimum while simultaneously supplying maxed-out levels of hijinks and information, but for you media-addicted types out there, one podcast a week might not fulfill your quota for listening pleasure. We understand if you turn to the excellent lineup of broadcasts put together by Leo Laporte and the awesome TWiT.tv team to catch up on your tech news, too, but you might want to pass on your regular visit to the TWiT.tv site this week; hackers have managed to slip some malicious code onto the site.

Graham Cluley at Sophos reports that the nefarious snippet is hidden in an iFrame at the top of the TWiT.tv website.  The iFrame points to a sit that tries to execute a file named worms.jar that the Sophos software identifies as a Java Trojan. "The Java Trojan is normally associated with fake anti-virus attacks, and may also trigger a PDF-based vulnerability attack detected by Sophos as Troj/PDFJs-ST," Cluely writes.

Fortunately for users, Google's onto the problem and is already warning that the site could harm your computer when it appears in search results, or if you try to surf to Twit.tv on Chrome. We've got no doubt that Leo and the stalwart TWiT.tv crew will have things fixed in a jiffy, but we just thought a PSA was in order. Just to be on the safe side, we didn't include any active links to the site.

Browser Extension of the Week: No YouTube Comments

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 11:32 AM PDT

noytbAs anyone with an internet connection will tell you, YouTube is a treasure trove of entertainment and knowledge. Giggle inducing personal rants, drunken midnight confessionals, honey badgers, music videos, short films; you name it, and Google's video service can likely dish it up for free. Well, almost free. In order to enjoy the millions of free videos that YouTube has on tap, you'll also have to endure the oft-times tragically inane, sometimes troll-baiting, often gobsmacking viewer comments that come along with it. Unless of course, you decide to install No YouTube Comments, our Browser Extension of the Week. 

 When it comes to wiping YouTube user comments out of existence, No YouTube Comments is a laser guided smart bomb. Just install it, look up a video on YouTube and enjoy it without any prattle from the peanut gallery. If for some reason you feel like you'd like to have the option to turn YouTube's commentary features back on, the extension's developer has you covered. 

By downloading Doychin Atanasov's Button for No YouTube Comments, you'll be able to switch between the sometimes hateful chaos of the written commentary found on YouTube, and the peace and quiet of comment-free videos with the click of your mouse. 

Be sure to check back every Thursday for another edition of Maximum PC's Browser Extension of the Week.



Microsoft: ARM-Based Windows Server Isn't Coming Anytime Soon

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 11:13 AM PDT

Microsoft's been tripping over itself to show ARM some love and develop a tablet version of Windows 8 that can run on the developer's low-powered processors. But don't think the giant in Redmond is smitten just because of all the batted eyelashes and blown kisses; Intel was busy showing off Windows 8 on a tablet at the IDF yesterday, and to top that off, Microsoft's VP of cloud and servers said that the company isn't developing an ARM-powered version of its upcoming Windows Server 8.

When VP Bill Liang was asked flat-out whether an ARM-based build of the operating system was in the cards, he didn't mince words – too much. "The answer in the short term is no," Liang said. Computerworld reports that he went on to explain that Windows Server running on ARM architecture just didn't hold much appeal for Microsoft right now.

For one thing, the energy savings in an ARM-based version of Windows Server wouldn't be as apparent as they are in a tablet running an ARM-based version of Windows 8, because servers use a lot of power in other areas of hardware. "On a server, the chip is only one part of the power consumption," Liang explained. Another big issue: Windows server is built for a 64-bit architecture, whereas ARM processors top out at 32-bit.


Qualcomm Roadmap Reveals 2.5GHz Snapdragon Processors

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 10:20 AM PDT

You know what really sucks about being locked into a two-year service contract with your wireless carrier? It's seeing all these new fangled smartphones come out, ones with features that weren't available when you jumped in. Bought a Motorola Droid X2? That's great, now the Droid Bionic is here, and it supports 4G LTE. Rocking a dual-core 1.2GHz processor? Awesome, except that tomorrow's phones will kick things up to 2.5GHz and four cores!

That's the top clockspeed Qualcomm's latest roadmap shows, according to Pocket-Lint, which was on hand at the chip maker's Innovation Qualcomm event in Istanbul. Qualcomm's roadmap was broken down into four sections, including an S1 class for mass market smartphones, S2 class for high performance smartphones and tablets, an S3 class for multi-tasking and advanced gaming, and an S4 class for 'Holy *&#%!' performance and next generation devices.

The new S4 class chipset includes a next generation processor line built on a 28nm manufacturing process. These will include up to quad-core processing clocked at 2.5GHz along with a high performance Adreno GPU (dual- and quad-core), 1080p HD, 3G, and LTE.

So how long do you have to wait for this crazy fast mobile processors to make it to market? Not all that long, actually. Qualcomm expects to have these chips in device makers' hands by the end of the year, so you should see 2.5GHz smartphones and tablets in early 2012. Battery life? We'll have to wait and see.

Image Credit: pocket-lint.com

MOG Rolls Out Free On-Demand Music Service

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 10:18 AM PDT

The Internet radio market is getting more cluttered and cut-throat seemingly by the minute these days, with new services popping up left and right and trying to lure PC users with their siren songs. MOG has evolved into a top choice of many listeners, but until now, only paid subscribers could tune in. That changed this morning, when MOG introduced a free version of its service that features, um, a refillable gas tank.

MOG's dubbed that gas tank "FreePlay," and it's a visual indicator to how much more free music you can listen to. Listeners will be able to top off the tank by exploring the MOG site and participating in social media and advertising-related activities, such as creating and sharing playlists. The advertising options aren't up yet, but MOG hopes to earn some money by, say handing out free music in exchange for watching a movie trailer.

As we mentioned in the "How To Choose A Streaming Music Service" feature over at Maximum Tech, MOG brings a lot of interesting features to the table, including the 320Kbps audio quality (that's the best around), an on-demand 11 million-song-strong music catalog, a cool "Mobius bar" that allows you to fine-tune how much you'll hear from a particular artists, and excellent hardware support for paying customers. The free version will be ad-supported and web-only, but listeners will get 60 hours of promotion-free listening in order to whet their taste for the service.

The free version went live today, so you can head over to MOG and check it out for yourself.

Add Intel to the List of Tech Giants Not Interested in HP's PC Business

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 10:04 AM PDT

We're not aware of rumors suggesting Intel has any intention of going after Hewlett Packard's PC business, but just in case, the world's largest chip maker came out and set the record straight at its Intel Developer Forum. Intel President and CEO Paul Otellini views such a move as competing with his customers, and that's not something Intel wants to do.

"We like where we are in the ecosystem. We are a silicon-maker. As for competing with our customers, I don't see us going there," Otellini said, according to Fudzilla.

HP's search for a buyer continues, and so far there haven't been any major leads. For awhile, Samsung was pegged as a possible buyer, but the company squashed those rumors back in August. That leaves HP in an awkward position with its customers, as it could take up to 18 months for something to materialize.

"The biggest risk we see here is that the PC business could be in 'lame duck status' and its business could come under pressure with uncertainty and competitors taking advantage of it," said Shaw Wu, an analyst with Sterne Agee, according to CNet.

Wu followed that up by saying "investor exasperation with the company is the highest we have seen in 13 years following the sector."

Image Credit: icanhascheezburger.com

MMO News

MMO News

Clone Wars Adventures celebrates first anniversary

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 03:27 PM PDT

Sony Online Entertainment has announced its family-friendly Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures is celebrating both its first year anniversary and reaching an 8 million registered player milestone.

To celebrate, Clone Wars Adventures is launching a new special mission, “Mission on Iceberg 3,” that will lead in to the first episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 4. A new mini game, Aquatic Assault, will also be introduced.

Players can also earn two rewards: until September 16, and player who logs in will get a one-time gift of 5,000 Galactic Credits. In addition, players who log in on September 16 will earn “Vigilance” and “Negotiator,” Captain Rex’s chrome plated pistols.

Sony Online Entertainment also publishes Free Realms and EverQuest 2.


Clone Wars Adventures Gameplay Screenshot


Sony Online Entertainment to Celebrate Season Four of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Animated TV Series and One-Year Milestone with New Aquatic Assault Mini-Game, Promotional Items and Events

SAN DIEGO, CALIF.Sept. 15, 2011 – Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) and LucasArts, a division of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd., today announced that Star Wars®: Clone Wars Adventures (CWA) has more than eight million registered users in just one year! Clone Wars Adventures is a free-to-play, family-friendly online virtual world based on the popular Cartoon Network animated series, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars."

"LucasArts continues to be an excellent partner, giving our team unprecedented access so that we can continue to create a virtual world that expands beyond the storylines of the TV show in fun and creative ways," said John Smedley, president of Sony Online Entertainment. "This Free-to-Play game truly extends the 'Clone Wars' experience for fans and presents varying gameplay options to accommodate all types of players so that they can enjoy this game in a way that suits them best. We are thrilled to have more than 8 million registered players so quickly and look forward to seeing our community and games continue to grow as season four kicks off."

Season four of the television series, "Star Wars: The Clone Wars", kicks off on September 16 with the inhabitants of the watery world of Mon Calamari on the brink of a civil war. Both the Jedi and Separatists will assemble amphibious forces to battle for control of the resource-rich planet. Fans of the series can log into CWA to play Mission on Iceberg 3 for an exclusive storyline that sets the stage for episode one of season four.

Additionally, SOE is creating a new mini-game Aquatic Assault, a top-down 2D action game set in the Mon Calamari battle depicted in the premiere episode of season four. Players will take control of Kit Fisto and his Diver Propulsion Vehicle and attempt to defeat waves of enemies including Aqua Droids, Quarren and Karkaradon.

"Our partnership with Sony Online Entertainment has helped expand The Clone Wars franchise across multiple mediums, making the fan base stronger than ever," said Mary Bihr, VP of Global Publishing at LucasArts. "Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures has reached this benchmark because of its authenticity to The Clone Wars storyline, immersive gameplay mechanics and easy online accessibility that caters to both young and old."

To celebrate this milestone, SOE will be offering a number of promotional in-game items and community events, including:

·       5000 Galactic Credits – Log in at least once from September 12 through September 16 to receive a one time grant of 5000 credits
·       "Vigilance" and "Negotiator" – Log in on September 16 to receive the 'Vigilance', Captain Rex's chrome plated pistol and the 'Negotiator', Captain Rex's other chrome plated pistol

Clone Wars Adventures is an action-packed browser-based virtual world where fans can live out the thrills and excitement of Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated TV series on Cartoon Network. Players can battle alongside their favorite Star Wars characters, including Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Ahsoka Tano. Players can go online to experience fun mini-games, daily activities, events, rewards, lively social environments and competitions.

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures is rated E10+ for Everyone 10 and up, with content descriptors for Crude Humor and Fantasy Violence.

To play Clone Wars Adventures now please visit: http://www.CloneWarsAdventures.com/.

Follow Clone Wars Adventures on Facebook®: http://www.facebook.com/CloneWarsAdventures

Langrisser Schwarz Hands-On Preview

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 02:22 PM PDT

Langrisser Schwarz was the second game we previewed at the Gamania Game Show. An online twist to the famous Langrisser series, Langrisser Schwarz captivated us from the first goddess question to the last blow against a tentacle-swinging boss. This show-stealer promises to be a thrilling action MMORPG.


The Questions of Lushiris: Factions

Entering the Langrisser Schwarz booth, we were greeted by the floating image of the goddess of light, Lushiris. This goddess serves in the game to help determine the destiny – that is, the faction and class – of the player. Like personality quizzes in days of gaming yore (such as the Ultima or Tactics Ogre), the goddess poses a few questions to help determine what attitude the player has toward the world. She then suggests a faction choice: Light, believing in peace and goodness; Dark, believing in chaos; and a new third faction introduced into Langrisser Schwarz: the Empire, believing in power and control.


These factions are highly different from each other, in more than just philosophies. Each faction has its own unique storyline, character appearance (meaning even players of identical classes will look completely different depending on their faction), quests, and characters. The short of it: your gaming experience will be completely different depending on which faction you choose.

Trees and Branches: Class System

Choosing a faction may not be hard, but choosing a class becomes a truly monumental feat. Initially, the goddess will send you along one of six paths, or "class trees": warrior (courage), ranger (honor), guardian (defense), archer (freedom), mage (wisdom), or priest (faith). Each class then branches out further into a total of 12 full classes among each tree, two of which are special "hidden" classes, totaling out to a massive number of 72 classes.


Like other class tree systems, players have to "earn" additional classes by gaining levels and training points (TP), as well as other conditions. Once unlocked, however, players can change between classes within the same tree while retaining the skills from their previous class. Players can also re-birth, after mastering a class tree, into another new class, allowing players to completely master all 72 classes on a single character.

Enough Talking, More Fighting

Our hands-on experience with Langrisser Schwarz put the press into three teams: one for each faction, with MMOHut representing the Dark. Our special demo instance, Ominous Eyes, put us face to face with some terrifying creatures in a dark forest. The demo offered small cut-scenes to introduce each boss to us as well, helping set the atmosphere.

The first step was to summon our mercenaries. Mercenaries are part of the core system of Langrisser Schwarz; each class has access to a different number of mercenaries they can summon in battle. These are minor NPCs that can be controlled through three commands – follow, attack, or alert – and will accompany each player and assist them in battle. These mercenaries also obey the match-up system from Langrisser, in which soldiers beat spearmen, spearmen beat cavalry, and calvary beat soldiers.


Heading into battle, we face off against groups of enemies along with mini-bosses. Each character has access to a set of six skills (assigned before battle) as well as three cards, special summoning tools on a longer cooldown than regular skills. Players can also attack with basic attacks. Combat was incredibly smooth; mercenaries charged off into battle as we drew near a pack of enemies, followed by our group of players who alternated between basic attacks on weaker monsters, while using stronger attacks on larger monsters and major cooldowns (one of my characters was able to transform into a blue, Flash-like "Superman" mode) on mini-bosses. Each mini boss had its own small tactics to offer a minor challenge, while the final boss proved incredibly deadly with powerful eye-lasers that cut through our health in no time. Each class also played differently, illustrating strong differences between each class tree.

May the Schwarz Be With Us: Final Impressions

The Langrisser Schwarz experience was so smooth and exciting, we wanted more even after coming home from the show and taking time to reflect on the gameplay. The conceptual design of art, story, faction, and class is impressive and ambitious for a free-to-play MMORPG. Combat was exciting and challenging without being difficult, and the controls were smooth on either a gamepad or a keyboard. While there’s still much to be seen of Langrisser Schwarz, we’re confident at this stage that it may hold up to even the most demanding of gamers.

The Gamania Game Show (GGS) took place this year on Sept 8 and Sept 9 in Taipei, Taiwan. Press from around the globe, including MMOHut, were invited to take a hands-on look at the game company’s four new games in development – Dream Drops, Langrisser Schwarz, Tiara Concerto, and Core Blaze – as well as other products.

Screenshots of Langrisser Schwarz at the Gamania Game Show:

MMO Updates

MMO Updates

Voyage Century Online introduces new Crete instance

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 10:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, Dungeons

Voyage Century - ship
Voyage Century has been around for four years now, and the dev team is always searching for new ways to freshen up the free-to-play nautical title. To that end, the latest game update includes the isle of Crete, which IGG calls a "primary instance."

Accessing Crete requires players to be sea battle level 15 and class level 15. Once these requirements are met, it's a matter of navigating to the Straight and preparing for three waves of pirate forces. The baddies include Gibraltar pirate flagships and North Sea pirate flagships, both of which will challenge high-level players as well as lower-level types who want to advance quickly by doing the daily quest and defeating the three bosses.

There's a fair bit of incentive to run the instance due to its loot drops as well, and enterprising captains have a chance to snag buckshot cannon and dartling cannon drops, not to mention rare gold and high-grade forging materials.

[Source: IGG press release]

MassivelyVoyage Century Online introduces new Crete instance originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Gamebreaker's This Week in MMO: John Madden edition

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 09:30 AM PDT

Filed under: Video, Lord of the Rings Online, News items, Opinion, Mortal Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Astronaut: Moon, Mars, and Beyond, Miscellaneous, PlanetSide 2, WildStar

Video game enthusiasts, pay attention. Each week, Gary Gannon and crew at Gamebreaker.TV bring you the latest MMO news with their weekly show: This Week In MMO. Primary host, Gannon, rotates through a panel of personalities to bring you the latest news and opinions from MMO gaming. Sometimes these panels include reporters from our very own website, like Editor-in-Chief Shawn Schuster and Community Manager Rubi Bayer, even EVE expert Brendan Drain and SWTOR columnist Larry Everett have made appearances on the show.

This week, Gary is joined by ZAM's Mike B aka Fony and Hillary "Pokket" Nicole to talk about Planetside 2, Star Wars: The Old Republic, subscription models, Wildstar, Lord of the Rings Online, Mortal Online, Astronaut the MMO, and why women don't like voiceover. First up: Planetside 2 will be free-to-play, and SWTOR may be the last subscription MMO. Is anyone surprised? The panel weighs in on if Wildstar mechanics are more of the same or maybe this game has something new. Mike B and Pokket discuss how LotRO is making Isengard appear more epic. We also find out why Mortal Online territorial control is not for the faint of heart. Lastly, is anyone interested in being an astronaut anymore?

If you like intelligent, fun discussion about the latest in MMOs (in video format), you should check out the recorded version of This Week In MMO right after the cut, or live every Wednesday evening!

Continue reading Gamebreaker's This Week in MMO: John Madden edition

MassivelyGamebreaker's This Week in MMO: John Madden edition originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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75% of MapleStory's marriages suffer the heartbreak of divorce

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 09:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, MapleStory, Culture, Free-to-play, Browser, Roleplaying

MapleStory wedding
Monogamy isn't in the cards for most MapleStory players, and neither are faithfulness, silver anniversaries, or alimony-free lifestyles. For you see, MapleStory boasts an incredibly high rate of divorces with its marriage system, as a whopping 75% of players who get married in-game end up getting it annulled.

MapleStory's marriage system is fairly popular, with 26,982 such events occurring last year in North America alone. Each marriage costs $25 for the couple, but it seems that the initial investment wasn't enough to keep a majority of the players together for long. Within a year, over 20,000 of those marriages broke up.

Due to the high divorce rate -- much higher than the real-world version by far -- Nexon investigated individual stories of in-game divorce trying to figure out why these virtual marriages aren't sticking. One player named Seth realized that his "Maple spouse" was merely using their relationship to bum free items off of him, which led to their break-up.

Marriage in MapleStory is a detailed process involving an official engagement, two rings, real-world cash, and a spiffy in-game item that gives the happy pair a big boost to stats. However, if a marriage is annulled, each partner has a 10-day cooling off period before they can remarry.

[Source: Nexon press release]

Massively75% of MapleStory's marriages suffer the heartbreak of divorce originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Allods Online announces October update

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 08:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Lore, Patches, Free-to-play, Allods Online

New Elf Psionicist
This October, Allods Online will introduce new content to their already extensive free-to-play MMO. This update will include "a brand new zone for high level players, the ability to customize Astral ships, and enhanced leveling to improve the new player experience."

To help alleviate the usual gap that happens between European and North American content launches, gPotato will launch in both regions simultaneously. The exact date for this launch hasn't been announced yet, but in the meantime, you can check out the update's new screenshots below, and watch for more news to come.

[Source: gPotato press release]

Gallery: Allods Online

MassivelyAllods Online announces October update originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Guild Wars 2 Asura week continues with new video and web page

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 07:30 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars 2, Races

Day four of Guild Wars 2's Asura Week brings the thing that many fans look forward to the most: a new video and the official web page for the race.

The web page gives a rundown of the Asura race's history (which can be seen firsthand in the current Guild Wars game) as well as information on the ups and downs of being an Asura in Guild Wars 2. As with the other four races, there is plenty to enjoy and be proud of, but not everything is perfect. Threats from around the land of Tyria -- such as the elder dragons -- are an ongoing worry, but internal politics, individual agendas, and personal rivalries also contribute danger from within.

Chief among those is the Inquest: "The greatest danger to the Asura is, to no one's surprise, other Asura. Putting aside the sometimes dramatic, even explosive, nature of their experiments, a group of Asura have banded together to form their own meta-krewe. Known as the Inquest, these Asura combine their resources into a larger organization and share their knowledge among their own members - never with those outside the Inquest."

The icing on the cake is the video -- a detailed view of Rata Sum, the greatest of Asura cities. Follow along after the jump for a look at the video, and check out all the latest information on the race at Guild Wars 2's new Asura page.

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MassivelyGuild Wars 2 Asura week continues with new video and web page originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 09:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Massively Exclusive: EverQuest's City of Tides unveiled

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 07:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, EverQuest, Expansions, Previews, News items

Screencap -- Everquest city of Sarith video
EverQuest is beginning to gear up for its 18th expansion, Veil of Alaris. Along with raising the level cap to 95, introducing new AA options, and a providing a smorgasbord of other new features, the expansion includes a whopping 12 new zones.

One such zone is known as Sarith, the City of Tides. We have an exclusive look at this fabled location in the form of a short dev diary video, courtesy of the fine folks at Sony Online Entertainment. The devs talk about the city's unique architecture and the process involved in bringing the city to life. For the full video preview of Sarith, jump on past the cut and take a look.

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MassivelyMassively Exclusive: EverQuest's City of Tides unveiled originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 09:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Daily Grind: People still play that game?

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 06:00 AM PDT

Filed under: MMO industry, Opinion, Massively meta, The Daily Grind, Humor, Miscellaneous

Maybe not quite indefatigable after all, but darn close
You know the one. That one game. The one you quit since you're so ahead of the curve. The one with the dated graphics and the vintage writing and the mechanics from at least a bajillion decades ago. The one that treats polygons like a precious resource. The one that patched out the obvious perfection that was its launch state, rendering it wholly unplayable forevermore. The one clearly supplanted and bettered by every game since. You just can't believe anyone would stick around in a game so... old. And yet people do -- and they pay for the privilege!

OK, even if you're not that guy -- the type who posts "people still play that game?" in every comment thread just to show how awesome he is -- there's still probably a game that makes you wonder who plays this stuff?

So what's the one game you're shocked is still around?

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

MassivelyThe Daily Grind: People still play that game? originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Off the rails: Star Wars Galaxies introduces atmospheric flight

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 05:30 AM PDT

Filed under: Sci-fi, Game mechanics, Patches, News items, Star Wars Galaxies, Sandbox

Star Wars Galaxies screenshot
If you're still on the fence about reactivating Star Wars Galaxies in order to participate in the sunset events from now until December 15th, today's news just might push you over to the dark side... er light side. One of those!

This morning, Sony Online Entertainment published Game Update 21, the highlight of which is atmospheric flight. For real.
With atmospheric flight, you will be able to travel the skies above and see the worlds of Star Wars Galaxies in a new way. To launch into atmospheric flight, or to return to the ground, you can use your ship's icon in your datapad. Whether you are looking to host a peaceful event in your yacht with the Theed Waterfall as a backdrop or prove your piloting skills against another player over the desert of Tatooine, atmospheric flight will offer a unique way to experience Star Wars Galaxies.
The patch notes indicate that players can launch directly into space while piloting through planetary atmosphere, and you'll need some skill to navigate as ships will take damage if crashed into the ground. GU21 also heralds the "Final Battle," which presumably is another stage in the ongoing Galactic Civil War sunset events.

Remember, today is literally your last chance to reactivate and give the game a proper send-off.

MassivelyOff the rails: Star Wars Galaxies introduces atmospheric flight originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 07:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Jagex offering last chance to sign up for RuneScape Classic service

Posted: 15 Sep 2011 05:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Events, in-game, Game mechanics, MMO industry, News items, RuneScape, Free-to-play, Browser

Get ready, nostalgia fans, as Jagex has a treat for you (assuming you also like RuneScape, of course). If you've ever heard your clanmates talk wistfully about three-hit combat and other aspects of the good ol' days, you can now experience them for yourself, thanks to RuneScape Classic.

You'll need to hurry, though, as Jagex is only allowing new-player registration on the throw-back servers for a limited time as part of the browser title's 10-year anniversary celebration. Make sure you log in between Thursday, September 15th and Thursday, September 29th to ensure that you can access RuneScape Classic in the future, as this is the last time Jagex will be allowing new players to use the service. You'll also want to collect the unique skillcape emote and the classic cape and hood items since they'll be unobtainable after the conclusion of this event.

As always, the RuneScape website has full details.

[Source: Jagex press release]

MassivelyJagex offering last chance to sign up for RuneScape Classic service originally appeared on Massively on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 07:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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DDO prepares us for Update 11 with a new catch-up trailer

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 09:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Free-to-play

DDO is still around
This year was supposed to be the year of the MMO, right? We did have a couple of decent MMOs make an appearance earlier this year, but the summer has been kind of dry. You need something to occupy your time, so what are you going to do?

Turbine Entertainment would like to suggest that you play its free-to-play MMO Dungeons and Dragons Online. To help set the mood, the developers put together a two-minute trailer to get you ready for the full DDO experience. The trailer visualizes the adventurer's journey through the land of Eberron which includes demons, dragons, and of course, magic.

Besides the MMO release lull, another reason you may find this to be a great time to experience DDO is the newly released Update 11. The Secrets of the Artificers is now live on the DDO servers waiting for you to get your steampunk on.

Check out the trailer after the break!

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MassivelyDDO prepares us for Update 11 with a new catch-up trailer originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 23:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Rusty Hearts open beta now live, and with a new trailer to boot

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 08:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Launches, News items, Free-to-play, Giveaways

Screenshot -- Rusty Hearts
Perfect World Entertainment's free-to-play beat-'em-up Rusty Hearts has been in closed beta for what may seem like ages now, but it's finally time to open the doors wide for everyone. According to a press release from PWE earlier today, the game has entered open beta, allowing anyone and everyone to take a crack at the dungeon crawling goodness that awaits.

To celebrate the game's transition to open beta, PWE is putting on a bunch of fun events and contests for players to win prizes such as limited edition Rusty Hearts posters and a Logitech F710 gamepad. And last but not least, PWE launched a brand-new trailer to commemorate the game's release, which can be found after the cut. For more details on the contests, and to download the client and register for open beta, head on over to the game's official site.

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MassivelyRusty Hearts open beta now live, and with a new trailer to boot originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 22:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Secret World announces group and raid sizes

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 07:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Horror, Sci-fi, Game mechanics, New titles, The Secret World

The Secret World: Groups
As you may have heard, The Secret World gathers up modern-day legends and conspiracy theories and asks, "What if they were all true?" Of course, if these stories were true, then there would have to be a group of people preventing the world from crashing down in utter chaos, right? The Secret World has three such groups, in fact: the Illuminati, the Templars, and the Dragon.

That's the big picture, but what about smaller groups? In an interview with The Electric Playground, Lead Content Designer Joel Bylos explains the general idea behind the group dynamics:
We really feel that an MMO is a shared experience, right? It's very important that people work together to solve these problems. That's the greatest sort of feeling of achievement: when you work together with other people to overcome something.
He goes on to say that it may be possible for players with similar builds to actually be viable even when they're grouped together. He specifically mentioned a group of all tanks' being able to tackle a dungeon if they all had a self heal. But how many players are actually in groups? Bylos says five, and raid groups are 10. No more worrying about finding those other 30 people you would need for those 40-man dungeons, thank goodness!

MassivelyThe Secret World announces group and raid sizes originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 21:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Choose My Adventure: The Telara Saga

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 06:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Events, in-game, PvE, Opinion, Races, Choose My Adventure, RIFT

Choose My Adventure: The Telara Saga
This past week was exciting. Seriia joined the Gaiscíoch Clan for a bit of rift-running and light roleplay across all of Freemarch. Originally, I had intended to livestream the Telara Saga event for an hour, then sign off feeling good that I helped promote roleplay in RIFT. However, we reached the hour mark before I even realized it. I gave a quick goodbye to the people who were watching so that they did not feel obligated to continue to watch, then continued to stream for another two hours. To my surprise, I ended up having more people watch the last two hours of the stream than the first hour. Apparently, not only was it fun for me to play, but there is an audience interested in the roleplay events in RIFT.

As you can imagine, it was difficult to snap screenshots while trying to livestream, but I did get 10 pretty good ones, which I added to the gallery below. After the break, I have snippet of Seriia's story, as usual. Then I have a very important question to ask you as my time in this column draws closer to its end.

Gallery: CMA: RIFT

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MassivelyChoose My Adventure: The Telara Saga originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Surviving a headstart

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 05:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Events, in-game, News items, Opinion, Free-to-play, A Mild-Mannered Reporter

A Mild-Mannered Reporter header art by A. Fienemann
Last week, I promised more villains. And I really did plan on doing just that, before it became clear that the headstart program for City of Heroes Freedom was kicking off... well, yesterday. That's one of those pieces of news that's just a bit bigger than chatting about villain groups, so it takes priority. Sure, it's not quite the opening of the gates and the acceptance of free accounts just yet, but it's enough to get players exploring the new content before the non-VIP side of the screen gets to experience the hybrid setup.

As those of you with astute memories or a good sense of pattern recognition have probably already surmised, this is a bit problematic from my point of view, as I'm writing this column before the headstart has actually happened, but we're going to be live right after it starts. As a result, I can't tell you with certainty what the launch has brought thus far. But I can certainly speculate on the world being overrun by players flush with new powersets and the new starting areas, not to mention some new costume pieces to help spice up the deal. So what are my survival tips for the first moments of the headstart program?

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MassivelyA Mild-Mannered Reporter: Surviving a headstart originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 19:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Play The Chosen VIP-style by winning a prize pack from Snail Games and Massively!

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 04:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Contests, Free-to-play, Giveaways

The Chosen
The Chosen, the latest offering from Snail Games, has been moving along steadily since its July launch. If you haven't tried it yet, or if you'd like to give one of your current characters a little bump, we've got just the thing for you.

The team at Snail Games has given us a prize package for one Massively reader. The package contains a Frost Wolf mount, 20 Mysterious Eggs, a $25 growth pack, and a 30-day VIP pack. The VIP pack contains five free instant revives per day, free teleport, notification in chat and above avatar of character's VIP status, and a VIP trumpet window to broadcast messages to other players.

Since we like to have fun with these contests, we want to know how you'd use that VIP trumpet if you were the winner. That's right, all you have to do to enter this contest is leave a comment telling us what you'd broadcast to other players, but remember to keep it clean! Do this before noon EDT tomorrow and we'll choose the one that makes us laugh the most. So check out the contest rules, leave your comment, and good luck!


MassivelyPlay The Chosen VIP-style by winning a prize pack from Snail Games and Massively! originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Patch notes available for City of Heroes Freedom head start

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 03:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Business models, Patches, News items, Free-to-play

Girls merged with tentacle beasts.  Being a Seer is pretty much never appealing, ever.
The day has come for the subscribers of City of Heroes to get in on all the new content for City of Heroes Freedom. Actually, the day came and went, but when you consider the amount of maintenance required and the errors that the servers encountered, for many people, now is the time when the game can actually be played. So it's probably for the best that now is also the time for the full rundown of the patch notes for the newest issue.

While the large changes, such as the inclusion of all the Freedom enhancements, have been known for some time, there are also a number of other improvements for players to enjoy. Power pools have been improved all around, with travel powers now universally available at level 4 and new top-tier powers for those pools. Ancillary and Patron pools are now available starting at 35 instead of 41. And if that alone isn't enough for you, there are also some new bonuses available in the Paragon Market for you to spend your free subscriber points on -- a definite incentive.

MassivelyPatch notes available for City of Heroes Freedom head start originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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One Shots: Not at all intimidating

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 02:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Free-to-play, One Shots, Allods Online

Allods Online
Allods Online is front and center for today's One Shots. Massively reader Jane sent us this image:
As an Imperial player, your starting experience consists of astral ship battles, fighting off an astral demon, trying to survive in the sewers, and eventually facing the first sunlight as you step outside into Nezebgrad, a gigantic metropolis.

Most likely not just the biggest functional MMO city in existence, it's also a city that welcomes every newbie who steps out on the streets asking for help and directions as they accept the quests that one day lead them to their own ship and astral raids!
It's starting zone week here at One Shots. First impressions are a big deal, so many developers put a lot into that first zone you see. Show us a screenshot of your favorite starting zone -- add your name and a little bit about the image, send it in to oneshots@massively.com, and we'll feature it in this week's One Shots!

If you want to get a jump on next week, we'll be taking to the skies. One Shots will be all about aerial shots, whether they're taken from atop a high-flying mount or on the ground while viewing the action in the air. Send your image in and we'll show it off next week.

MassivelyOne Shots: Not at all intimidating originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Free for All: News roundup from some of my favorite free-to-plays

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 01:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, News items, Opinion, Free-to-play, Browser, Casual, Free for All

Istaria screenshot
Interesting stuff is happening all of the time in the world of indie, free-to-play, and browser-based gaming. In fact, it's hard for me to keep up with it all. I have to say that some developers make it much easier on me by contacting us here at Massively or by maintaining a good news feed on their website. Some developers (*ahem*) make tracking down news harder than it should be. Still, it's out there, and I decided to recap some of my favorites over the last few weeks.

Of course, I will always miss something or just forget to put something in. The search bar is always good for finding bits of news, or you could just visit us here every single day. Several times. And leave comments about how cool I am.

Click past the cut and let's get to it!

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MassivelyFree for All: News roundup from some of my favorite free-to-plays originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 15:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Enter at Your Own Rift: RIFT's battle plan

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 12:30 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, Opinion, RIFT, Enter at Your Own Rift

Enter at your own Rift
A month or so ago my colleague Karen looked at RIFT's own future forecast for the game, and it's apparent from Trion Worlds' state of the game reports that the company is confident and clear in the direction it wants to go. The problem is that nobody consulted me, personally, on what I think the game needs as it heads forward. Not that I'm any great gaming guru, mind you, but it would be nice to be asked.

In a very real sense, RIFT is at a crossroads. It will shortly cease to be the newest big kid on the block, a position it has enjoyed for a majority of 2011. I won't invoke the names of the power hitters on deck, but trust me, many RIFT players are well aware of the competition. Players and guilds are evaluating the game as it is right now and whether or not they'll want to stay when the new hotness is released. My prediction? Some will, some won't. You can quote me on that.

Personally, I think RIFT is in a remarkably good position. It continues to grow in subscribers, according to the company, and it's proven to have staying power a half-year after launch. I'm encouraged when I see friends and fellow players randomly praise the game even though its honeymoon veneer has long since worn off. There's something worth fighting for, here -- but a fight it will have.

Hit the break as I lay out what I think should be RIFT's battle plan for the next 12 months.

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MassivelyEnter at Your Own Rift: RIFT's battle plan originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 14:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Concentrated magnificence: Writing the Guild Wars 2 Asura

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Guild Wars 2, Races

Still so cute
Day three of Guild Wars 2's Asura Week is here, bringing with it some detailed talk from writer Angel McCoy. In the new ArenaNet blog post, Angel looks at various aspects of writing the lives and behavior of the Asura. She covers everything from their views of other races, their jobs, even the ups and downs of their familial relationships: "A black sheep in the family affects everyone's reputation, so family tensions among Asura run hot."

Angel makes one thing very clear: these incredibly intelligent little guys might be short on patience and long on snark, but it's not out of a sense of cruelty. "This verbal abuse may seem mean-spirited, but the Asura don't see it that way. They don't take it personally. Their competitive natures drive them to greater heights of achievement. Remember, Asura have survived against terrible odds, including their tiny statures. They've earned their attitudes, and a certain amount of bravado keeps them from being victims. With their jibes, they're telling it like they see it, and if you can't take the heat, get out of the laboratory." The blog entry is accompanied by several audio clips to lend some vocal backup to Angel's writings, so head to the ArenaNet blog to take a listen and read the full story.

MassivelyConcentrated magnificence: Writing the Guild Wars 2 Asura originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Massively Speaking Episode 165

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 11:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Podcasts, News items, Opinion, Humor, Massively Speaking, Miscellaneous

Smuggler's Blues
Massively Speaking Episode 165 returns this week as Shawn and Rubi discuss the week's MMO news. Topics include Dungeon & Dragons Online's Update 11, Star Wars: The Old Republic's beta FAQ and Smuggler video, Guild Wars 2 Asura week, and more!

If you're interested in learning more about the Game Programming Instructor position Shawn has mentioned on previous episodes, check out the job listing or contact Shawn for more info.

Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to shawn@massively.com. We may just read your email on the air!

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Read below the cut for the full show notes.

Massively Speaking is the official podcast of Massively.com. Hosted by Editor-in-Chief Shawn Schuster and Community Manager Rubi Bayer, Massively Speaking takes on the week's biggest news and dev interviews with plenty of opinion, rants, and laughs thrown in for good measure. Join us every Wednesday afternoon to listen in and see what we'll say next!

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MassivelyMassively Speaking Episode 165 originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 13:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Darkfall under siege as of tomorrow

Posted: 14 Sep 2011 10:30 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Darkfall, Patches, PvP

Darkfall siege
Darkfall players, better stock up on Twinkies and Red Bull, because you might well be under siege by tomorrow! Massively recommends a hearty defense of pillow fortifications and cootie barriers to keep the enemy at bay.

In preparation for the much-anticipated siege update, Aventurine is deploying a small patch today to counter any sneaky players looking to initiate sieges before the team is ready. On Thursday, September 14th, Darkfall will go offline for an extended period of maintenance, after which the game will be brought back up with the new siege system in place.

Patch notes will be available tomorrow as well. The new siege system is designed to replace the issues with the old one while allowing the team to respond and tweak it as needed.

MassivelyDarkfall under siege as of tomorrow originally appeared on Massively on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 12:30:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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