Heroes of the Storm: New Love is in the Air Skin Available Now Posted: It's the time of year where flowers and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates enrapture Heroes of the Storm with their sweet nothings. Regardless of whether or not you have someone to split your box of chocolates with, they have some special treats to share with you during this year's Love is in the Air celebration.  |
ArcheAge: Get a Dolphin Mount from Aquatic Archeum Supply Crate Posted: Recently ArcheAge got another small update on its marketplace, which brings an Aquatic Archeum Supply Crate. From this crate you can have a rare chance to get a cyanfin aquatic mount  |
Blade and Soul CH Beta: Pure Soul Ep.32 "No BNS West? Numbers don't lie" Posted: Does Nc Soft need to launch Blade and Soul in the west? What's you opinion? Read on and find the answer from our blog writer.  |
TERA Next Update Brings Sky Cruiser Endeavor Posted: The Valkyon Federation's biggest and baddest new airship is going on the offensive in TERA's next major update. Striking at the heart of the archdevans, the Endeavor is damaged in battle by the archdevans and demokrons.  |
Revelation Online CBT Review Posted: Revelation Online is a fantasy MMORPG developed by NetEase China and has started its CBT in Jan 2015. This is a brief overall review, covering various aspects and unique features of the game.  |
EuroGameZ Launches German Version of Freestyle2 Europe Posted: The German version of the street basketball MMOG Freestyle2 Europe lunched on Febuary 12, 2015. And the developer EuroGameZ also moved the server location from Ireland to Germany.  |
Prove Your Love in Echo of Soul's Valentine Event Posted: Love is in the air, are you enjoying your sweet Valentine's Day now? It's time to speak your love out to either your lover or to the game you love. And if the game you love is Echo of Soul, here is your chance to prove your love.  |
Popular Director of PlanetSide 2 Resigns as Upheaval Continues Posted: Matthew Higby, Creative Director and the face of PlanetSide 2, announced his resignation from Daybreak Game Company (formerly Sony Online Entertainment)  |
Diablo: Season 2 - So It Begins! Posted: Diablo III's Season 2 has just started today in the North American and European region. To create a Seasonal character, go to the character selection screen and below the Hardcore hero checkbox, pick Seasonal hero.  |
League of Legends Katarina Cosplay from Spiral Cats Posted: Spiral Cats Team just unveiled a series of cosplay for Katarina in League of Legends.Is this hot Katarina the one in your mind?  |