


The Exiled - Talespinners Interview Introduces New Lore Team

Posted: 02 Oct 2016 08:00 AM PDT

The Exiled website has been updated with a new in-house interview with a team of writers called Talespinners. This company is now working with The Exiled to help make improvements to the game's lore and expand it over time. The interview gives some background to the projects the Talespinners have worked on and much more.

Crucial Ballistix DD3-1600 Reviewed

Posted: 02 Oct 2016 07:00 AM PDT

Building a decent gaming machine is never an easy task, nor an inexpensive one. Typically, when people hear the term "gaming PC" they imagine a top of the line, fully loaded computer, with all the bells and whistles imaginable. But you don't need to purchase the cr�me de la cr�me of parts, especially when companies like Crucial are releasing items like Ballistix Tactical memory.

Marvel Heroes 2016 - Netflix Series Costume Added For Luke Cage

Posted: 02 Oct 2016 06:00 AM PDT

With the new Netflix Luke Cage series now fully available, Marvel Heroes 2016 players can enjoy some visual upgrades to the in-game character's costumes as well as the addition of a new costume inspired by the show.

Relive PlayStation Memories

Posted: 01 Oct 2016 12:32 PM PDT

Sony is celebrating the 21st European anniversary of the release of the original PlayStation console. To honor the occasion, a curated video from a couple of years ago shows off some of the best PlayStation highlights from years gone by.

War Thunder - Desert Hunters Update Released With New Maps & Vehicles

Posted: 01 Oct 2016 09:00 AM PDT

Gaijin Entertainment has announced that War Thunder has been updated with the Desert Hunters content expansion. Players can look forward to new maps set in Egypt and Greece as well as more than 20 new vehicles. To celebrate the release Gaijin has published a new trailer to show off some of the new content.

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

League of Angels II - Rune Socketing Guide


League of Angels II - Rune Socketing Guide

With the release of Duality Runes, the Relic system in League of Angels II has become even more intricate. Many new strategies have emerged, and some players might need a little guidance to get them started.

There Should Be a Samurai Warriors Online


There Should Be a Samurai Warriors Online

Dynasty Warriors Online probably flips the nostalgia switch for some. I think that the one series that doesn't get enough love is Samurai Warriors, which often manages to be more compelling and stylized than its sister-series.

Is Hearthstone's RNG A Problem


Is Hearthstone's RNG A Problem

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Hearthstone has really gotten away from itself over the last year. With a lot of the major format adjustments and stylistic changes to the game, it's no wonder that people are questioning its competitive viability, as well as its overall quality as a game.

Earthlock Festival of Magic First Look Gameplay


Earthlock Festival of Magic First Look Gameplay

Earthlock is an adventure RPG inspired by the classic 3D RPGs of the late 90's, with a fresh take on turn based combat and character progression. Check the awesome gameplay!

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