


DOTA2: Red Bull Battle Grounds: Dota 2 Kick Off April 6th

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 11:57 PM PDT

Red Bull Battle Grounds: Dota 2 Kick Off April 6th

Monday, April 6th marks the start of the first of five online regional group battles for the Red Bull Battle Grounds: Dota 2 tournament.

General: Karos Returns - Official Launch April 3

Posted: 04 Apr 2015 12:07 AM PDT

Karos Returns - Official Launch April 3

PvP-focused MMO Karos Returns launched Friday after completing a successful beta.

World of Warcraft: The Forging of Gorehowl

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 01:16 PM PDT

The Forging of Gorehowl

The legendary weapon of Grommash Hellscream is being brought to life by Hollywood blacksmith Tony Swatton. Blizzard and the World of Warcraft team have produced a mini-documentary about the forging of Gorehowl. It's a fascinating journey.

General: The Witcher Will Take Hundreds of Hours To Complete

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 02:53 AM PDT

The Witcher Will Take Hundreds of Hours To Complete

The Year of the RPG continues to steam along with more and more quality titles releasing as the months march along. This week is no exception, with new titles coming out and old favorites being updated. Add in a dash of general news about some and it works out to another great week for RPG fans.

General: Izle KickStarter Begins

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:54 PM PDT

Izle KickStarter Begins

Izle, introduced late last year and winner of several European innovation awards, is ready to begin its Kickstarter initiative to complete the game's development. Ynnis Interactive seeks to raise a modest $80,000 to bring the procedurally generated title will allow players to build their own islands and then explore them along the way.

Pillars of Eternity: Game Ending Bugs to be Squashed in New Patch

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:33 PM PDT

Game Ending Bugs to be Squashed in New Patch

Obsidian Entertainment has announced that it will be pushing out a patch today that will squash some of the game-ending bugs that have plagued players since the game's release last week. The so-called "inventory bug" and the Raedric's Hold crash will both be addressed in the patch that, as of this writing, has yet to be deployed.

Monster Hunter 4: Ultimate: New Free DLC Released

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:20 PM PDT

New Free DLC Released

Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate has even more to offer 3DS players with today's release of a free DLC that gives access to collaborative costumes from both Sonic the Hedgehog and Super Mario Bros., each of which can be crafted. Players can also take part in fourteen new quests, grab some new gear and much more.

Cabal 2: All About Abysmo Cores

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 12:03 PM PDT

All About Abysmo Cores

The Cabal 2 team has released a new video to show off some of the core game features that players can expect in the forthcoming title. Today's video centers around abysmo cores and the creatures that dwell inside. Check it out!

Crowfall: An Early Roadmap

Posted: 02 Apr 2015 04:42 PM PDT

An Early Roadmap

Crowfall is now funded with a few stretch goals under its belt, and the team is gearing up for development. Red Thomas reached out to Co-Founder Gordon Walton to talk about where the team is heading next and then Red speculates about what backers should be expecting over the next several months.

General: The Daily Quest - What Role Do You Play?

Posted: 03 Apr 2015 09:19 AM PDT

The Daily Quest - What Role Do You Play?

No, this isn't a question about whether you roleplay (that could be a whole other topic another day), but rather what kind of role in a party you prefer to play. While there have been some attempts to veer away from the traditional class archetypes, it seems that most people like playing heals, DPS, tanking, or some other support class. So we ask you... what's your preferred role?

General: The Multiplayer RPG Experience

Posted: 02 Apr 2015 04:36 PM PDT

The Multiplayer RPG Experience

180+ hours into Guild Wars 2, I've only recently begun digging into its assortment of dungeons. Sure, I've dabbled in my fair share of pre-level cap PvP and open world small parties, but I've been waiting to hit 80 to sink my teeth into the game's group content. As I mentioned in last week's column, I'm no stranger to dungeons and raids in MMOs, and have historically sought out group content commensurate to my level.

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