Get the most out of your HTPC with KODI
It may have started as a media center for the original Xbox, but KODI (formerly XBMC) has since evolved into a full-fledged application with a huge library of add-ons generated by diehard fans and users. Available on pretty much every platform you'd want to install it on—Windows, OS X, Linux, Android, iOS, and more—it's a stellar way to get all of your content onto a big screen without having to deal with a mouse and keyboard, unless you want to.
Before you get started, it's important to realize that KODI might not be the best option if you rely heavily on streaming services like Netflix, Spotify, or Amazon Instant Video. Most services aren't officially supported and have flaky implementations that don't always work. The point of an HTPC, after all, is to make it easier for you to consume media.
Installation and Setup
The first step is getting KODI downloaded and installed. Head on over to the KODI website and download the version that's appropriate for your hardware.
If you don't have old hardware lying around to use as an impromptu home theater PC (HTPC), building or buying a dedicated HTPC isn't a bad idea. With options like the KODI-compatible Raspberry Pi starting at only $25, you can get a decent system up and running without breaking the bank—unless you want to.
The ideal HTPC is small, quiet, and suitably fast. You don't need the latest and greatest hardware, but having a processor capable of playing 720p or 1080p video is essential. Hard-drive space is another key component if you aren't going to stream content online or over your local network.
Alongside the computer, you'll want some sort of remote control. If you've got one lying around, you'll probably be able to get it working with KODI. You've also got the option of using your smartphone to control KODI remotely. Official KODI remotes are available on both iOS and Android and are a great way to control playback without resorting to a keyboard and mouse.

Yatse isn't an official remote, but it does support streaming to your Android device.
That's not to say that a keyboard and mouse aren't useful, because a good wireless keyboard with an integrated track pad can be a lifesaver. Having said that, the KODI interface is designed to be navigated with d-pad controls and works best with a remote.
Audio and Video Settings
KODI does a great job of setting itself up when you first start it up, but you'll want to make sure that all of your audio and video settings are correct. Scroll over to the System tab of the home menu and select Settings. Once you're in the Settings menu, drill down into the System tab on the left to access KODI's basic settings.

Make sure that KODI is set to an appropriate resolution for your monitor or TV. If you're running KODI on a system hooked up to multiple displays, you can set KODI to blank other displays and select which screen KODI should be displayed on. Move onto the Audio output tab to fiddle with your audio settings. Here you can choose your audio output, what your speaker setup is, and whether or not your setup supports various technologies—Dolby Digital, DTS, TrueHD, DTS-HD, et cetera.
Importing Your Content
Now that you've got KODI up and running, your next step should be to make all of your content available on your HTPC. It could just be a matter of copying over the terabytes of movies and music you've collected over the years, or installing an add-on or two to access online streaming services.

KODI may not find all of your media automatically, but adding new sources is a cinch.
If you've got all of your media stored locally, the process is really simple. Drill down into the Music or Video menus and click Add source, browse for the folder containing your music, and add it to the list as a source. With the default skin, click the play button on the bottom-left to access detailed playback controls.
Read-on to learn about our favorite add-ons, services, and skins.
Add-ons and Services
It's more than a little surprising just how many add-ons are available on KODI. They range from things like CollegeHumor, to the TWiT network, and even Khan Academy. Download and install an app—usually from inside KODI—and you'll be presented with basic menus that let you navigate a staggering amount of video and audio content. The only problem with KODI add-ons is that some of them aren't regularly updated and many popular services aren't supported.

We don't know what CherryMusic is, but it's proof that KODI has a huge library of add-ons.
NetfliXMBC is absolutely essential if you're a heavy Netflix user. Installing this add-on isn't as easy as the others and requires a bit of work. Start off by downloading AddonScripterDE's repository. Launch KODI and go into the Settings menu, Add-Ons, and click Install from ZIP File. Find the ZIP you just downloaded and the repository should now be installed. Click Get Add-Ons and select AddonScripterDE's Beta Repo. Now when you check under Video Add-Ons, you should see NetfliXBMC. Install it, enter in your Netflix information, and then switch the Win Browser from Chrome to IExplorer. If you're not using a keyboard, you'll also need to set up alternate controls for your remote.

The YouTube add-on is great if you spend a lot of time on YouTube. Navigating the add-on can be a bit tedious if you aren't using a mouse and keyboard, but it's manageable and gives you a chance to catch up on the latest cat videos without leaving your couch. We particularly love the ability to easily view official YouTube feeds—most viewed, trending videos, top rated, et cetera.
Spotimc is an easy-to-install Spotify add-on that's currently in beta. It's not available in the official KODI repository, but installing it is simply a matter of downloading the latest release and going to Home > System > Settings > Add-ons > Install from zip file and selecting the zip that you downloaded. It's a little slow, but it gives you an easy way to get Spotify onto your TV.
This unofficial Hulu add-on gives you full access to Hulu in KODI. Download BlueCop's repository to get access to it. It works as you'd expect and even has the added benefit of semi-skippable commercials—fast forward through them with no penalty.
Yatse's our favorite Android-based remote for KODI. It's a clean, well-thought-out app for Android phones and tablets that gives you full control over KODI. The $3.99 upgrade even gives you the ability to stream content from KODI directly to your phone.
Making It Look Nice
KODI's default skin, Confluency, looks great. If you want to mix it up, there are plenty of options available. Some of our favorite skins are Aeon Nox, Aeon MQ 5, and re-Touched if you're running KODI on a device with a touchscreen.

It doesn't all look this good, but Aeon MQ 5 is slick and sexy.
Installing a skin is simple. Dive into Settings > Appearance > Skin and click Get More. Pick the skins you want, and you'll even get notifications once they're ready for use. Head back into the skins menu and swap between them at will.

A great skin for touchscreen devices; finger-friendly and clean.
All that's left now is to sit down and catch up on your backlog!