
General Gaming Article

General Gaming Article

Windows 8.1 Ad Featuring Start Button

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 10:33 PM PDT

StartThings are "starting" all over again

Windows 8.1 is just around the corner, and Microsoft is already readying advertisements on their YouTube channel. In this first ad, the return of the revered Start button functionality is spotlighted. It may not be the same button we're used to from prior Windows releases, but this iteration looks to at least acknowledge the massive changes from 7 to 8.

The 30-second clip highlights the customizable Start screen and the "return" of the Start button, as well as Snap view, which allows you to (finally) run multiple apps simultaneously. And though Windows 8.1 isn't officially mentioned, in the YouTube description, via TheNextWeb, there's much more than what meets the eye.

Perhaps Windows 8.1 will offer significant improvement upon the issues we've seen with the OS so far.

Google's Chrome Search Alterations Gain Detractors

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 10:21 PM PDT

Google ChromeDetractors want to do away with new tabs page

Google has been tweaking the way we use Chrome to search, and the experimenting doesn't exactly sit well with a good amount of users who have been testing out the changes. This is in response to Google's promise last month to offer updates for those using more outdated versions of Chrome.

The redesigned tab page has opened to a massive amount of criticism. The new tab page is opened by pressing Ctrl + T and it's a graphical overhaul with a Google search field and images of the 8 pages users visit the most. Commenters weren't exactly fond of the idea, as reported by PC World, as it adds additional mouse clicks and placement of buttons they don't exactly find practical.

It may seem like an innocuous enough change, but it's prompting anger from Chrome users everywhere who are clamoring for a way to revert back to normal. This can be done by typing "Chrome://flags" into the Chrome "omnibox," then changing the Enable Instant Extended API setting from Enable to Disable. Or you can, you know, ignore the change altogether.

Preload Battlefield 4 Multiplayer Beta Tomorrow

Posted: 28 Sep 2013 09:08 PM PDT

Battlefield fans, man your battlestations! Battlefield 4

Ready for the next round of realistic warfare? The Battlefield 4 multiplayer beta will be available to preload beginning September 29th at 10 AM P.D.T. Your Sunday morning can start with fantasies of owning some noobs. But you'll be a noob too. Noobception? We have to go deeper.

PC gamers will be the only players able to enjoy this perk, as the preload option is only open to those purchasing the PC edition of DICE's upcoming shooter. Preorders for the Battlefield 4 PC Digital Deluxe Edition, Battlefield 3 Premium members, and owners of Medal of Honor: Warfighter or Limited or Digital Deluxe Edition will be eligible, and can jump into the beta beginning October 1st. Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and the rest of the PC players who did not preorder will be able to join the beta on October 1st. Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and the rest of the PC players who did not preorder will be able to join the beta on October 4th.

The beta features the Siege of Shanghai map, to be played in Domination or Conquest. You'll need to be running a 64-bit OS to support the beta, however, as that is what DICE is most interested in testing currently.

The beta will end on October 15th, with the full game to be released on October 29th across all systems. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions will, of course, launch in November. Are you planning to participate in the beta?

MMO Updates

MMO Updates

Rise and Shiny revisit: Wakfu

Posted: 29 Sep 2013 10:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Video, Game Mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-Play, Rise and Shiny, Livestream, Sandbox, Dungeons

Wakfu screenshot
One of the great benefits of this job comes from revisiting worlds that have gone unchecked for a while. These are games that I already know I enjoy but want to check back on in an "official" manner, every year at least. Honestly I visit many of them several times a year, but not in the same way I would if I were working. Wakfu is on the same list as Ryzom, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, Champions Online and many, many others.

This time around I wanted to get out more and explore the surrounding areas, and I found that Ankama has made many improvements to the game that help make exploration possible. Granted, the changes that I noticed were not significant but notable, and overall the game appeared to be just as smooth, interesting, and original as before. The only problem is that many of the same issues I had with the game are still there, and I doubt they'll disappear any time soon.

Continue reading Rise and Shiny revisit: Wakfu

MassivelyRise and Shiny revisit: Wakfu originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    One Shots: A lack of depth perception

    Posted: 29 Sep 2013 08:00 AM PDT

    Filed under: Screenshots, City of Heroes, Culture, Star Trek Online, One Shots, The Secret World, Final Fantasy XIV, Miscellaneous

    One Shots A lack of depth perception
    I don't know about you, but when I pick my mounts, I like to pick something that can manage depth perception. Reader Paul may be keen on this mount, but all I can think of is that his character's probably being led into a lot of bottomless pits, cacti, and stone walls.

    But who needs practicality when you've got awesome looks? Paul has nothing but the best to say about this Final Fantasy XIV creature: "It is simply because its the best mount I have ever come across in my entire career of mmo's. Also going by the census data that was released at the Tokyo Game Show, Roegadyn are somewhat of a rare race in the game, so I thought I would fly the flag for them too."

    We've got many more eyes for you in this week's One Shots after the jump. Enough, perhaps, to lend one to unfortunate souls like Paul who are perpetually in danger every time they take their ride out to the 7-11.

    Continue reading One Shots: A lack of depth perception

    MassivelyOne Shots: A lack of depth perception originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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      The Daily Grind: What do you want from NPC companions?

      Posted: 29 Sep 2013 06:00 AM PDT

      Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous

      The Daily Grind What do you want from NPC companions
      More and more MMOs these days are including companion NPCs, it seems. From EverQuest II's mercenaries to Neverwinter's companions, there are plenty of options to party up with the computer and have HAL watch your back in a dicey spot.

      So what do you want from NPC companions, if anything? Do you like them around for the company and a person to share a little story with or engage in conversation? Do you want a companion to patch up a weakness in your class' build? Do you show companions off as prestige items to your adoring public? Or perhaps do you just want a poor mule to follow you around and carry all of your junk?

      Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

      MassivelyThe Daily Grind: What do you want from NPC companions? originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Darkfall looks at adjusting class balance

        Posted: 28 Sep 2013 06:00 PM PDT

        Filed under: Fantasy, Darkfall, Previews, PvP, Dev Diaries, Subscription

        Darkfall looks at adjusting class balance
        The Darkfall team senses that something is off, and that something is the lopsided use of classes. Namely, more players pick Warriors due to high survivability while eschewing some of the other classes. This will be addressed in an upcoming patch to help even the playing field.

        A new forum post outlines the issue of Warrior dominance and the "very short duration" of fights involving Skirmishers and Elementalists. The patch that's planned to adjust this will be fully revealed next week once the team has finished with internal testing.

        "The goal is to make combat more fun, exciting and challenging, while achieving a healthy balance between all roles," the post declares.

        [Thanks to Dengar for the tip!]

        MassivelyDarkfall looks at adjusting class balance originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        Latest dev blog highlights PvP aspects of Pathfinder Online

        Posted: 28 Sep 2013 04:00 PM PDT

        Filed under: Game Mechanics, MMO Industry, New Titles, PvP, News Items, Dev Diaries, Sandbox, Pathfinder Online

        Latest dev blog highlights PvP aspects of Pathfinder Online
        In its latest dev blog, PvP is heralded as the core of Pathfinder Online. And designer Tork Shaw offers a broad overview of the different levels of PvP combat that players have to look forward to in the upcoming sandbox. One level is settlement conflict, or territory control, where hundreds of members can fight for and defend their player-run settlement when it's at war with others. On the other hand, since companies have between eight and 50 members, these conflicts are on a smaller scale. Companies can declare feuds with one another and participate in shorter bursts of warfare. An additional level of PVP in Pathfinder will be found in factional conflicts.

        The blog continues by stating that the idea of PvP flags is being revisited. It also outlines the basics of the alignment and reputation systems, and it assures players that bounties still exist. For more details on these systems and the various conflicts, check out the full blog post.

        [Thanks Chris!]

        MassivelyLatest dev blog highlights PvP aspects of Pathfinder Online originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        The Tattered Notebook: What to do with your new level 85 in EverQuest II

        Posted: 28 Sep 2013 02:00 PM PDT

        Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Endgame, Opinion, Free-to-Play, The Tattered Notebook, Guides, Dungeons

        The Tattered Notebook  What to do with your new level 85 in EverQuest II
        It occurred to me as I was crafting up an EverQuest II leveling guide that a score of folks would be popping into the game on newly minted level 85s as soon as Heroic Characters go live next week. You might even be one of those who are taking advantage of this opportunity to see all of the upper content echelons. If so, let's be honest: You aren't necessarily going to care where the best place to go at level 38 is. You need to know what's happening in those later levels.

        So I switched gears; today I am offering a guide for life in the 80s and beyond instead. Whether you have played EQII before in the lower levels and are bumping up your first character or you are diving in for the first time and finally giving the game a go, here's what you need to know to acclimate to life in the upper tiers of Norrath.

        Continue reading The Tattered Notebook: What to do with your new level 85 in EverQuest II

        MassivelyThe Tattered Notebook: What to do with your new level 85 in EverQuest II originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          The Mog Log: You've got to make a living in Final Fantasy XIV

          Posted: 28 Sep 2013 12:00 PM PDT

          Filed under: Fantasy, Economy, Game Mechanics, Opinion, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV, The Mog Log

          I could go into more detail but the people who won't find the economics insultingly simple won't be listening anyway.
          There's a lot of stories to be told about Final Fantasy XIV now that I'm back up at the endgame. Amdapor Keep is an interesting dungeon, for example, and the mechanics of tomestones as a whole are fascinating to me. But it also brings me within spitting distance of what some have described as the true weakness of the game, which is that there's no way to actually make money in the endgame. That your repair bills mount and you don't get any further money to back you up, thus opening a drain that never really closes.

          I honestly find this kind of amusing, because I've made more money since the relaunch than I had when it started. And that's with buying relic precursors, gear, repairs, and so forth.

          There are some issues with the game's economy, definitely, but some of those issues simply come from people being unfamiliar with how the game handles things like making money. The past several years have taught us how to make money in an MMO, but Final Fantasy XIV doesn't back those ideas up. It's a different paradigm here.

          Continue reading The Mog Log: You've got to make a living in Final Fantasy XIV

          MassivelyThe Mog Log: You've got to make a living in Final Fantasy XIV originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            MMORPG News

            MMORPG News

            Shroud of the Avatar: Unity Scene Jam #1 Winner Announced

            Posted: 28 Sep 2013 01:40 PM PDT

            Unity Scene Jam #1 Winner Announced

            The Shroud of the Avatar site has been updated with a massive post detailing the recently announced winner of the "Unity Scene Jam" contest. In addition, fans can learn more about the Sigil of Magic, how to score a Founder's Coin, crafting tables and much more.

            Guild Wars 2: WvW Season 1 to Kick Off in October

            Posted: 28 Sep 2013 01:35 PM PDT

            WvW Season 1 to Kick Off in October

            ArenaNet has announced that Guild Wars 2 World vs World Season 1 will officially kick off on October 18th. Some alterations in the way worlds are split in North America have been made with a refund of all spent points coming October 1st.

            Lord of the Rings Online: The Curious Case of Lord of the Rings Online

            Posted: 25 Sep 2013 08:41 PM PDT

            The Curious Case of Lord of the Rings Online

            Lord of the Rings Online is one of the more well-known MMOs, even given its advancing age. The latest expansion has come out but is time running out on Turbine's license? In today's Tourist, we take a look at LOTRO and implications for the future. Read on before heading to the comments to join the discussion.

            General: Damage, Healer, Tank

            Posted: 25 Sep 2013 08:29 PM PDT

            Damage, Healer, Tank

            The Holy Trinity, both bane and boon to MMO players the world over. In today's Tingle's Touchy Subjects, we tackle the issue head on. Read it all before leaving your thoughts int he comments.

            General: Calamities and the Internet Response League

            Posted: 25 Sep 2013 07:57 PM PDT

            Calamities and the Internet Response League

            The world is rife with natural and man-made disasters. As the Internet has grown, so has the ability to keep informed. In today's Devil's Advocate, we take a look at an organization, The Internet Response League. See what it's all about before tendering your thoughts in the comments.

            General: Why GTA5 is Better Than Most MMOs

            Posted: 26 Sep 2013 06:07 AM PDT

            Why GTA5 is Better Than Most MMOs

            Even though it's a solo-only affair until the multiplayer patch drops, Bill Murphy's been delving into Los Santos for the past week or so and has made a startling discovery: there's a whole lot more to the world of this single-player city than there is to the wide world of many MMOs. Read on to find out why GTA, despite the controversy surrounding the IP, may be an example of world building for MMO developers to start noticing.

            MMOGaming News

            MMOGaming News

            Guild Wars 2 World vs. World Season 1 Begins October 18


            Guild Wars 2 World vs. World Season 1 Begins October 18

            ArenaNet recently announced to make some changes in Guild Wars 2 season one of World vs. World on both the timing of the inagurual season and the composition of leagues. The team decided to split North America into three leagues, much like Europe. And the date of the season is delayed until Friday, October 18 in order to properly test the changes.

            Priston Tale(KR) Added 2 New Classes For the First Time After Running For 11 Years


            Priston Tale(KR) Added 2 New Classes For the First Time After Running For 11 Years

            Priston Tale has been living for about 11 years since it launched in Korea in 2002. Some days ago, KR servers announced two new characters for the game: Assassin and Shaman. However, this is the first time that the game adds new characters. The two characters will be released in test server first. Whether it will be released to all depends on test server players' feedback.

            ArcheAge(EN): New Video Showcased the Latest Movement


            ArcheAge(EN): New Video Showcased the Latest Movement

            Trion Worlds team recently talks about the latest movement about the upcoming fantasy MMORPG ArcheAge, though not any concrete information about Closed Beta. It seems Trion Worlds is hinting that the game is not really ready to be shown to the public now, not weeks but in months.

            Candy Crush Saga Guide: How to Stop the Chocolate


            Candy Crush Saga Guide: How to Stop the Chocolate

            The chocolate is a real problem if it starts to spread in Candy Crush Saga. The first thing to do is not release it too early if it's stuck behind other things like cream or licorice.

            Show Off You iPhone 5c By Playing These Games


            Show Off You iPhone 5c By Playing These Games

            With your disbelieving buddies in mind, here blow put together a list of some high-end iOS games that will demonstrate the full potential of the iPhone 5S's A7 chip to all around you.

            Daily Recommendation: FIFA 14 by EA SPORTS


            Daily Recommendation: FIFA 14 by EA SPORTS

            REAL PLAYERS. REAL TEAMS. REAL LEAGUES. Welcome to the most authentic football game on the App Store. Feel the excitement of every pass, shot, and tackle with new touch controls. Plus, live every moment of real-world football with EA SPORT Football Club Match Day. Get in there!

            FIFA 14: Top 10 Clubs


            FIFA 14: Top 10 Clubs

            Once you have the moves and controls down in FIFA 14 and the only problem is you don't know which team to choose. No problem. Here are the top 10 clubs

            Continue reading FIFA 14: Top 10 Clubs.

            LoL Mid-lane Champions Guide


            LoL Mid-lane Champions Guide

            Mid Lane is arguably one of the most difficult and skill intensive roles in all of League of Legends because you are effectively dueling a player from the other team. It is also one of the most important.

            Deer Hunter 2014: First Five Kills Walkthrough


            Deer Hunter 2014: First Five Kills Walkthrough

            Here have video walkthroughs of Deer Hunter 2014's kills. With this in mind, check out the first five below.

            The High Fantasy MMORPG Neo's Land Building Demo is Now Available


            The High Fantasy MMORPG Neo's Land Building Demo is Now Available

            As we have introduced in previous news, one of Neo's Land's key features is player creating the world. Now we are able to gain access to the demo at official site by registration. A set of editing tools are allowed to create dungeons, sculpt terrain, build houses, and more.

            Modern War Guide: Play Without Speding Real Money


            Modern War Guide: Play Without Speding Real Money

            Sure, Gree's base-building military romp Modern War is a bit long in the tooth, and is very similar to the even older Crime City, but it's still as popular as ever. Whatever the reason, in the vein of our other guides, I've put together some advice and tips for those who are just getting into this one now.

            Nanbo's RIFT Experience Levels 40-45


            Nanbo's RIFT Experience Levels 40-45

            Hi all, it is time to do another segment of the RIFT experience. Feel free to check out my last adventures starting from level 1 in my blog (Button to the left). Last time I left the game in a 3.5/5 rating. Will the few steps closer to end game change this? Read on!

            LoL Latest Champion Jinx Cosplay by RainbowMissy


            LoL Latest Champion Jinx Cosplay by RainbowMissy

            League of Legends new champion Jinx has just been announced by Riot. Argentina cosplay RainbowMissy made a set of cosplay on Jinx, which is really impressive. Enjoy!

            RIFT's New Event - Mayhem in Mathosia Details Unveiled


            RIFT's New Event  - Mayhem in Mathosia Details Unveiled

            Trion Worlds has just announced the third iteration of Mayhem in Mathosia Event for RIFT. Mayhem in Mathosia is a series of in-game occurrences that channels the early days of RIFT and this time around, attempts to create a dynamic, ever-changing experience, inviting players to come together and battle foes on a massive scale.

            Dragon Nest Future Update: Assassin New Job Therapist, Skill Jade Effect


            Dragon Nest Future Update: Assassin New Job Therapist, Skill Jade Effect

            More info on future update has been shared by 封弊者Yami based on sources in DN JP. Check out chaose5's article for details.

            Jungle Heat Guides: More Cheats and Tips


            Jungle Heat Guides: More Cheats and Tips

            Jungle Heat is a new iOS and Android action strategy game by My.com. Read on for some tips and tricks for Jungle Heat!

            Blade and Soul China: New updates for Test Server (29/09/13) and important news for OBT


            Blade and Soul China: New updates for Test Server (29/09/13) and important news for OBT

            As weekend approaches, there are some wonderful news from Tencent! After one month since the launch of the Play Test Server, Tencent is finally ready to enter the second Play Test Phase and the new content will be updated by 29/09/2013.

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