


Linkrealms: Closed Beta Begins

Posted: 30 Aug 2015 06:59 AM PDT

Closed Beta Begins

Based on the feedback from an earlier beta-event, the Linkrealms team has implemented significant changes that players can try out thanks to the commencement of the current closed beta event.

Final Fantasy XV: Confirmed for 2016, Exact Date Coming in March

Posted: 30 Aug 2015 06:49 AM PDT

Confirmed for 2016, Exact Date Coming in March

Fans of Final Fantasy XV will be happy to know that the game is confirmed for release in 2016, though not before March when the official date will be announced. The news of the game's release was announced during this weekend's PAX Prime.

Land of Britain: Fangold: New Details About TCG Tie-In Released

Posted: 29 Aug 2015 02:03 PM PDT

Fangold: New Details About TCG Tie-In Released

Potato Killer Studios has released some new details for the Trading Card Game Fangold, which is a tie-in to MMORPG Land of Britain. The multiplatform Fangold will feature 40 cards, which consist of offensive, defensive, magics, counter-attacks and several special mechanics cards.

Dragon Age: Inquisition: Trespasser DLC Coming September 8th

Posted: 29 Aug 2015 12:15 PM PDT

Trespasser DLC Coming September 8th

EA Spain has posted a trailer for the next Dragon Age: Inquisition DLC that will be released on September 8th. Called "Trespasser", the content takes place two years after the main story, the Inquisitor is slowly being killed by the mark and the world is falling apart. The trailer has been set to private pending the live stream later this afternoon. We'll keep you posted in about five hours.

Guild Wars 2: 10-Player Raids to Be Introduced with Heart of Thorns

Posted: 29 Aug 2015 11:46 AM PDT

10-Player Raids to Be Introduced with Heart of Thorns

The Guild Wars 2 PAX Prime live stream is ongoing with the news that raids will be introduced. Notably, there is no attunement needed, no gear grind so when new raids are added, no "wasteland of gear" is left behind; players will be able to damage, control or heal and be able to play the profession they love.

World of Warships: Exclusive Items Available With ASUS Purchase

Posted: 28 Aug 2015 02:55 PM PDT

Exclusive Items Available With ASUS Purchase

Wargaming and ASUS have entered a partnership that will see players gain exclusive in-game rewards for purchasing certain ASUS products. The promotion will run from now through January 20, 2017.

Elsword: Guild Features Added In Latest Update

Posted: 28 Aug 2015 03:02 PM PDT

Guild Features Added In Latest Update

KOG Games has announced that its F2P action MMORPG Elsword has had a major update that most prominently features guild-specific content. Guilds will now have housing, missions, vendor, storage and an improved guild UI.

Orcs Must Die: Unchained: PAX Prime 2015 - Putting Our Orc Slaying Skills to the Test

Posted: 29 Aug 2015 03:35 AM PDT

PAX Prime 2015 - Putting Our Orc Slaying Skills to the Test

Yes, I am going to commit genocide on a fictional race. And so are you. But we're gamers. It's what we do. And do we feel bad about it? Heck no! It's fun! It's even more fun to do it with a friend.

ArcheAge: Heroes Awaken Update to Launch September 12th

Posted: 29 Aug 2015 08:19 AM PDT

Heroes Awaken Update to Launch September 12th

Trion has announced that the v2.0 update to ArcheAge is set to take off on September 12th. Called "Heroes Awaken", the update will bring the political system online where players can take up leadership roles on servers that have direct impact on populations. In addition, upgraded crafting houses, guild expeditions and wars and the usual bevy of bug fixes and enhancements will be released with v2.0.

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Heroes of the Storm: Infernal Shrines Overview


Heroes of the Storm: Infernal Shrines Overview

Dustin Browder guides you through the newest Battleground in the Nexus: Infernal Shrines. This battleground is the latest Diablo-themed update coming to Heroes of the Storm through the Eternal Conflict.

A Trailer for Legends Rising: League of Legends 2015 Documentary


A Trailer for Legends Rising: League of Legends 2015 Documentary

Legends Rising goes beyond the game and explores the lives of the world's most prominent professional League of Legends players. Driven by the pursuit of perfection and haunted by past defeats, each pro will fight to make their mark on professional esports and beyond. Bjergsen, Faker, Uzi, BrTT, xPeke, and SwordArt: Watch them rise.

Felspire Spotlight: Equipment System


Felspire Spotlight: Equipment System

In Felspire, each class has different equipment for the head, body, arms, legs, and feet

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