
General Gaming Article

General Gaming Article

Adobe Flash Video/Ads Coming To iOS

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 11:04 AM PDT

iPhone FlashApple has gone to war with just about anyone who dares to compete with its iOS lineup, suing where possible and spreading FUD when they can't. Before the lawyers ever threw the first punch however, there was the original rivalry, Apple vs. Adobe. Many analysts believed that Steve Job's unwillingness to embrace flash would be the death of the platform, but amazingly, it thrived. HTML5 video spread across the web like wildfire, starting with YouTube, and moving to just about every content creation site worth visiting. Adobe put up a brave front, but has finally thrown in the towel, and announced how it will address flash on iOS going forward

According to the Adobe press release, Flash Media Server 4.5 will negate the need for content producers to support multiple video wrappers, and will take care of the conversion process for them when faced with an iOS version of Safari. The Flash Media Server will convert the video, and eventually flash advertisements on the fly, stream the resulting output to users transparently. 

Since the heavy lifting will be done by Adobe servers, this means iOS users will get to enjoy all the benefits of Flash, without the CPU and battery sucking resources that usually comes along with it. This news will no doubt come as a welcome change for iOS customers who have struggled to work around these issues for years, but is likely to ignite a bit of jealousy from competing platforms who are stuck decoding Flash the old fashioned way. 

It's likely that Adobe plans to roll this service out to all platforms eventually, but it makes sense to start with one and add support as they go. It's a smart move by Adobe to try and slow the adoption of HTML5, but it hard to imagine even with this, they will halt it completely. 

(IMG Credit: DigitalTrends.com)

AT&T Files A Response To The DOJ, Claims They Just Don’t Get It

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 10:08 AM PDT

AT&T&TTo say that AT&T is disappointed with the Department of Justice's decision to try and block it's proposed merger with T-Mobile is a bit of an understatement. The company lashed out this week in a 25-page document claiming the DOJ's claims that killing of T-Mobile will hurt competition shows a misunderstanding of the market, and dismissed competition from feisty young upstarts such as MetroPCS and US Cellular. 

According to AT&T, T-Mobile has been bleeding customers for years now, and it's German parent company was unlikely to continue investing in it. To counter these claims, AT&T claims its spent over $30 billion over the last two years in attempts to strengthen up its network, but is struggling to keep up with market demand. 

Does AT&T have you convinced? Or did the thought of AT&T's executive team trembling in fear of the mighty Metro PCS have you rolling your eyes in disgust? The DOJ hearing gets underway on September 21st , but you can sound off early in the comments below.

Microsoft Follows Google’s Lead With Online Services Downtime

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 09:51 AM PDT

Office 365No matter where you choose to do your cloud computing these days, September is off to a rough start. First Google Doc's is knocked offline for over an hour on Wednesday, and Microsoft followed suit on Friday, falling off the grid for close to three hours. Microsoft's service disruption impacted several free services such as Hotmail and Skydrive, but also premium offerings including Office 365. 

Problems with cloud computing is expected these days, however the downtime with Office 365 so soon after launch is a bit of a black eye for the Redmond based software giant eagerly trying to convert clients over to the new platform. 

Microsoft blamed the downtime on a DNS issue which prevented some of its service domains from resolving properly. The company has attempted to downplay the impact on customers, and though we agree the outage was brief, they need to do better to convince enterprises they are worth the subscription fee.

Proposed Bill Could Impose Stiff Fines on Companies With Lax Online Security

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 08:40 AM PDT

US CongressSony executives bowed down before the Japanese and international press earlier this year to tell everyone "we're sorry", but for those of us wondering if our credit card numbers were being sold off on the seedier parts of the web, somehow "we're sorry", just didn't cut it.  A new law being presented by Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal however will finally start holding large companies responsible for cyber security, and impose pretty harsh penalties on firms that don't take the appropriate precautions. 

"The goal of the proposed law is essentially to hold accountable the companies and entities that store personal information and personal data and to deter data breaches," Senator Blumenthal said in a phone interview. "While looking at past data breaches, I've been struck with how many are preventable."

The new bill is called "The Personal Data Protection and Breach Accountability Act of 2011", and is the result of intense debate by Congress over how to force companies to do a better job protecting consumers who shop online. The bill itself targets companies that store data for more than 10,000 people, and set out specific guidelines for how to store critical information such as passwords and credit cards. 

"The Sony data breach has became a poster child of why we need this law," he said. "We were working on this legislation well before that data breach occurred, but Sony is a good example of why this law should exist."

The Founder of the E-Book Has Died

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 07:53 AM PDT

Michael HartWhile many of us might consider e-books to be a relatively new phenomena, in reality they have existed almost as long as the Internet itself. Public domain junkies have no doubt made at least one or more visit to the Project Gutenberg archives, but what they probably don't realize is that the movement to digitize public works under this name has been around since 1971. Why the history lesson you ask? Well, it seemed appropriate to reflect on the history of e-books today following the news that the founder of Project Gutenberg, Michael S. Hart, passed away of unknown causes last week at the age of 64.

According to his obituary posted on the Project Gutenberg website, Hart worked as an adjunct professor at the Unversity of Illnois for most of his career, but digitizing public works was always his passion. "I get little notes in the email, saying 'Hey! I just (found) Project Gutenberg, and this is great stuff," Hart told WILL radio in Urbana in a 2003 interview. "You get people that (it) just tickles their fancy, and they just read and read and read, and they're so happy about it."

The first several dozen works added to the Gutenberg archive were hand typed by Hart and others, which as you can imagine, wasn't the most efficient way to do the job. "This mission is, as much as possible, to encourage all those who are interested in making eBooks and helping to give them away," Hart wrote on the project's website, then later noted: "Project Gutenberg is not in the business of establishing standards."

To close out we'll simply say if you haven't checked out Project Gutenberg for your next book we highly recommend you take a peak. You might be surprised at just how many amazing books you can download legally these days without spending a dime.

Indie Developer tinyBuild Can’t Beat Piracy, Tries Humiliation Instead

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 07:25 AM PDT

PiratePiracy is a problem for game developers of all sizes, and is an issue that continues to plague the industry. How each studio chooses to handle the inevitable horde of people willing to rip them off however varies pretty dramatically. Companies such as Ubisoft have chosen to tackle the problem by layering on gobs of restrictive DRM, while other more creative Indie developers have chosen a new approach, humiliation

Startup development studio tinyBuildGames knew their highly anticipated new platformer No Time To Explain would eventually hit the Pirate Bay whether they liked it or not, so they made it available themselves on day one, with one catch. Those willing to steal food directly out of the mouths of this starving indie developer would be forced to play the entire game wearing, and interacting with NPC's sporting pirate hats.

"We thought it'd be funny to leak a pirate version ourselves which is literally all about pirates and pirate hats," Lead Developer Alex Nichiporchik told TorrentFreak. "I mean, some people are going to torrent it either way, we might as well make something funny out of it." 

"With indie game development, the whole motto is to constantly update the game for free to the userbase. For pirated versions this makes things really confusing with version tracking, so we were more comfortable with making a joke out of it and so that people who appreciate it could buy the game and thus help us do more dumb stuff," Alex said.

If Ubisoft switched out the always online requirement for pirate hats, would that solve the piracy issue on the PC?

MMO News

MMO News

MMOHut Weekly Recap #51 September 11 – Star Trek Online, Luvinia, Firefall & More

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 02:17 PM PDT

MMO Weekly News #51 – Star Trek Online, Luvinia, & More

Weekly MMO News summary for the week ended September 11 (Sept 5 – Sept 11). A quick look and discussion for every major announcement and update during the week! This week we discussed updates from the following games: Star Trek Online, Eden Eternal, Rusty Hearts, Luvinia Online, Ace Online, and Firefall. You can view all the individual news articles mention over at the MMOHut.com News section.

K.O.S. Secret Operations Gameplay – First Look HD

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 06:55 PM PDT

To Learn More About the Game, Check out our K.O.S. Secret Operations Page.

K.O.S. Secret Operations is a 3D tactical MMOFPS published by YNK Interactive – the same company behind Seal Online and Rohan Online. Gameplay wise, K.O.S. plays a lot like Mission Against Terror, Soldier Front, WolfTeam, Project Blackout and other tactical MMO shooters. K.O.S. runs off of the Valve source engine. The game relaunched on the “PlayRohan” portal on YNK interactive. To learn more about K.O.S. Secret Operations, check out the official MMOHut K.O.S. Secret Operations page, which includes a detailed review, tons of screenshots, and additional videos.

MMO Updates

MMO Updates

The Anvil of Crom: Evaluating the dev update - crafting edition

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 10:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Age of Conan, Game mechanics, Opinion, Free-to-play, The Anvil of Crom, Crafting

Anvil of Crom - banner
Hallelujah, amen, and by frickin' Crom! What's got me all excitable this week? Well, the latest dev update, for starters, and I apologize in advance for reneging on last week's promise to devote today's column to a deeper examination of the new Savage Coast of Turan content. The last time we met, I gave you a quick rundown on the Ardashir Coast, but with all due respect to Funcom's content designers, the most interesting bit of Age of Conan news from the last little while is the crafting revamp that Silirrion hinted at in the August 31st update letter.

But Jef, how interesting could it be if it's taken you over a week to write about it? Well, you got me there, and I could throw in some excuses about needing to get something Turan-related out last week, as well as the fact that I was doing the DragonCon shuffle, but I won't.

Anyhow, holy shitaki mushrooms! Funcom mentioned AoC's tradeskills! Join me after the cut and bring the smelling salts.

Continue reading The Anvil of Crom: Evaluating the dev update - crafting edition

MassivelyThe Anvil of Crom: Evaluating the dev update - crafting edition originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Mortal Online update expanding territory control features

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 09:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Game mechanics, MMO industry, PvP, News items, Mortal Online

Mortal Online - control point
Mortal Online's sandbox is about to get a bit sandier if a new territory control update video is any indication. The fantasy title from Star Vault has had a rough time in the court of public opinion since its June 2010 launch, but development continues apace.

The latest patch brings control structures to the table, and according to the video intertitles, said structures can be placed anywhere near territory that you already control. Occupied land then earns taxes and control points for its owners, and control points may be spent "to further increase the area of any of your control structures, increase their abilities, or build more of them."

City control is possible with the new update, as is the collection of guild points after completing "various deeds." Star Vault says that the guild points can be used for a number of actions including outlawing players in your territory or declaring martial law. Check out the video after the break and head to the official Mortal Online website for more details.

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MassivelyMortal Online update expanding territory control features originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 11:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Global Chat: September 3-10, 2011

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 08:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Massively meta, Global Chat, Miscellaneous

He knows you are both delicious and made of meat.
Welcome to this week's Global Chat! We love hearing what you have to say at Massively, and we love it even more when we can share the best comments with all of our readers. Massively staffers will be contributing some of their favorite comments every week, so keep an eye out every Sunday for more Global Chat!

We're all about comparing communities this week on Global Chat -- free-to-play vs. pay-to-play communities as well as PvE and PvP. As an added bonus, we've got a laugh to share from a Massively contest winner. Follow along after the jump to see what some of our readers had to say this week, then lend your voice to the discussion!

Continue reading Global Chat: September 3-10, 2011

MassivelyGlobal Chat: September 3-10, 2011 originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Daily Grind: What F2P game should offer a sub?

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 06:00 AM PDT

Filed under: Business models, MMO industry, Opinion, Free-to-play, Miscellaneous

These bears have the Fear of Death.  Or maybe the fear of women shouting with axes.
Free-to-play games, with or without a subscription option, have become the business model darling of the MMOsphere. There's no shortage of games that have switched over to the model, and certainly no dearth of games in testing and preparing for launch that do the same. But there are games whose free-to-play nature either doesn't quite fit or actively hampers enjoyment, such as the Allods Online death penalty, which many players felt enforced a de facto subscription price.

Naturally, designers need to give players some incentives to drop money on the game -- you can't run an MMO for free, and most designers like to live indoors and not get eaten by wolves. But is there a game where you feel the core game would be improved if it didn't need a price tag mechanic? Is there a game among the legions of free-to-play titles that you'd rather see as a subscription title?

Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

MassivelyThe Daily Grind: What F2P game should offer a sub? originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Luvinia Online celebrates open beta with an exclusive giveaway on Massively!

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 06:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Contests, Free-to-play, Giveaways

Luvinia Online mount
Luvinia Online began open beta this week, effectively putting the welcome mat out for all and sundry. Even better, Outspark has arranged for a little welcome gift for Massively readers who wish to take a look at the game.

We've got codes for a free 14-day mount in Luvinia Online, but you get to choose the color! Pictured above is the light brown Harriet bunny mount, an exclusive item that you can only get from Massively. If you'd like something a little more brightly colored, there's also a pink version. We've got two separate giveaway pages, so you can choose your color.

To get your Harriet mount, visit the page of your choice, either the brown Harriet or the pink Harriet. Get your code, then enter it at Outspark's redemption page. When you log into Luvinia Online, you'll find your mount in your in-game gift box. Enjoy!

MassivelyLuvinia Online celebrates open beta with an exclusive giveaway on Massively! originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 20:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Mog Log: Point by point

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 04:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Final Fantasy XI, Classes, Game mechanics, Opinion, Consoles, Final Fantasy XIV, The Mog Log

The Mog Log header image by A. Fienemann
Physical levels are leaving Final Fantasy XIV. We've all known that for a while, to the point that I even wrote a column speculating, in part, about what will happen to the whole bonus point system once that change goes live. As it turns out, what will happen for the time being is that it will be abandoned altogether, with character development going automated until at least 1.20. No more allocation of points to attributes any longer, and no word on what this will mean for the many traits designed to muck about with attribute distribution.

This is going to result in a bit of a downgrade for some players (if you're physical 40 and leveling something at rank 10, for instance), but by and large it's also going to help correct a longstanding issue that the game has had. We've got a lot more options for playing around with attributes and abilities when it comes to FFXIV than we did in Final Fantasy XI, but the downside of the breadth has been the simple problem that no one knows what the attrbute values actually mean. You know the number, but the number itself is pretty much meaningless.

Continue reading The Mog Log: Point by point

MassivelyThe Mog Log: Point by point originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Funcom teases Age of Conan's Turan content with new trailer

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 03:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Age of Conan, Game mechanics, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Dungeons

Age of Conan - The Isle of Iron Statues
If you haven't taken the plunge on Age of Conan's new Savage Coast of Turan adventure pack yet, you can still get a good look at the new location thanks to a developer video recently posted by PC Gamer.

The clip runs for over six minutes and is narrated by Funcom's Craig Morrison, otherwise known by his forum handle Silirrion and for his deeds as AoC's game director. The video hits all the adventure pack's highlights, and Morrison says that the dev team set out to offer something for everyone in the form of new solo instances, a group dungeon, and a large quest-driven playfield.

The video also delves into a bit of the lore behind the Persian-themed Ardashir coast region and mentions the cross-over between the recent Conan the Barbarian film and several of the storylines and characters that players will encounter in their adventures. See all the sights after the cut.

Continue reading Funcom teases Age of Conan's Turan content with new trailer

MassivelyFuncom teases Age of Conan's Turan content with new trailer originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 17:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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One Shots: Aren't you a little warm in that?

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 02:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, One Shots, RIFT

RIFT screenshot
Today's One Shots entry, courtesy of RIFT, features armor that isn't necessarily ugly so much as searingly inappropriate for the environment. Crafting levels coincided with game progress to plop this Mage down in Scarlet Gorge clad head-to-toe in heavy wool robes, boots, gloves, and so on. The fire rift blazing away in the background isn't helping matters.

It's ugly armor week on One Shots, so whether you have an eye-searing color scheme, a set of armor pieces that clash like crazy, or something that you just put together for a laugh, we want to see.

Next week we'll be revisiting starting zones, so if you want to get a jump on things, grab a screenshot of your favorite starting zone and send it in to oneshots@massively.com and we'll feature it in next week's One Shots!

MassivelyOne Shots: Aren't you a little warm in that? originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Older gamers more likely to drop money in cash shops to save time

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 12:00 PM PDT

Filed under: Business models, Culture, News items, Free-to-play, Miscellaneous

Your rabbit ears aren't getting any younger, and that's a lot of loot for ten bucks.
How long are you willing to wait for your next level in a given game? According to a recent study, the older you are, the less likely you'll wait and the more likely you'll be to just whip out a credit card and buy an experience booster. Flurry Analytics conducted a survey of mobile and social gamers and found that older players are far more likely to just spend some money if it'll save some painful grinding in the long run.

While the study was focused on the social gaming side of the coin, the business model is not dissimilar from that employed by many free-to-play MMOs that frequently offer in-game options to earn items that can also be purchased outright. And the logical conclusion is drawn -- younger players have less disposable income but more time to buckle down and grind, while older players have more responsibilities and more free money to spend. It's an interesting look at the spending patterns, one which looks to be increasingly relevant as free-to-play options continue to multiply.

MassivelyOlder gamers more likely to drop money in cash shops to save time originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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EverQuest: Veil of Alaris Expansion Video - First Zone Revealed

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 09:17 AM PDT

Sony Online Entertainment's associate game designer David Stewart and environment artist Shannon Parnell walk viewers through the first zone in the Everquest: Veil of Alaris expansion zone, Argath: Bastion of Illdaera.

Runescape: Floating Castles and Battleground Editors

Posted: 10 Sep 2011 07:02 AM PDT

During a recent visit to Jagex Studios in England, MMORPG.com's Adam Tingle got the low down on the latest and most ambitious update to Runescape to date. In the update, floating castles and a battleground editor were introduced to the game. Adam spent some time talking with the team about the new features and we've got your exclusive report. Read on!

General gaming

General gaming

TGS: Can Final Fantasy XIII-2 Win Back Disenfranchised Fans?

Posted: 11 Sep 2011 01:23 AM PDT

I don't envy the key creators of Final Fantasy XIII-2, director Motomu Toriyama and producer Yoshinori Kitase. Shortly before the launch of their last project, Final Fantasy XIII, I spoke with them about the thinking behind creating such a streamlined, linear RPG. They offered the usual comments about broadening the appeal of the game and simplifying its mechanics, but they also told me something interesting: FFXIII was consciously designed to take cues from setpiece-driven shooters like Call of Duty. Of course, FFXIII played nothing at all like Modern Warfare in the moment-to-moment action, but I get what they meant: Rather than dropping players into a huge, open world and leaving them to find their way, Kitase and Toriyama hoped instead to propel gamers through a guided, cinematic experience. Their intent seemed to be to lure Western gamers with an experience similar to the big-budget shooters they love so much.

Upon arrival, though, it was precisely this stripped-down style that American and European fans rejected. The FFXIII team had gambled big with their project, and while it was hardly an abject failure -- it sold several million copies worldwide -- neither was it the resounding success they'd hoped. American may love their corridor shooters, but put an RPG in front of them and they expect the opposite: A world without boundaries. And the fewer anemic heroes with heavily accessorized outfits and teased-up hair, the better.

MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

Blade & Soul (KR) - Level 36 Boss Footage


Blade & Soul (KR) - Level 36 Boss Footage

Footage from NCsoft's Blade & Soul beta phase fighting the level 36 boss. Blade & Soul, the most highly anticipated MMORPG developed by Korea-based NCsoft, has kicked off its second closed beta test at 12:00am on August 29th.

WoW 4.3: Warlock Tier 13 and Visual Retrospective


WoW 4.3: Warlock Tier 13 and Visual Retrospective

Adventurers will be tested like never before in 4.3 as they take on Deathwing and his minions, emerging with powerful new treasures. Please enjoy this preview of the warlock tier 13 set, as well as a visual guide to tiers 1 through 12 for Transmogrification purposes.

WoW: Be Careful of These Caves in WoW


WoW: Be Careful of These Caves in WoW

There are many caves in WoW where you may easily get lost. In this article, we sort out these caves by category. In order to help you remember how they look like, we also post some screenshots. Join us and find out which one do you find most circuitous!

RIFT 1.5 Test Shard Review


RIFT 1.5 Test Shard Review

This is my in depth review of 1.5 Test, it's a bit of a mess, but read through if you want some info, otherwise skip to the last paragraph or so for a synopsis of everything.

Continue reading RIFT 1.5 Test Shard Review.

4 New Trailers to Give You a Look at Gamania's Four In-house Titles


4 New Trailers to Give You a Look at Gamania's Four In-house Titles

During the first ever Gamania Game Show in Taipei, Gamania Entertainment, one of the leading gaming publishers in Taiwan, showed off the four self-produced titles which expected to launch at the second half of next year. Four brand new promotional trailers were released to give players a first look. The four in-house games, as you may know, are Core Blaze, Tiara Concerto, Dream Drops and Langrisser Schwarz.

Summoner Confirmed as Blade & Soul's 6th Class


Summoner Confirmed as Blade & Soul's 6th Class

In the latest interview, Blade & Soul's developer team confirms to Thisisgame that summoner is the 6th class of the Unreal Engine 3 extravaganza.

Scramble for $4000 in LOCO's East vs. West Tournament This Weekend


Scramble for $4000 in LOCO's East vs. West Tournament This Weekend

alaplaya, the leading international free-to-play gaming portal, today announced the Superfinal Round for the "East vs. West Tournament," a massive contest occurring within the company's hit RTS Action MMO, LOCO -Land of Chaos Online.

Do You Roleplay in MMOs?


Do You Roleplay in MMOs?

As title says...do you roleplay in MMOs? For example, one of my friends likes to roleplay a Blacksmith in WoW. He goes around as a traveling merchant, selling his wares.

Continue reading Do You Roleplay in MMOs?.

Diablo 3 Beta - Monk and Witch Doctor Gameplay Footage


Diablo 3 Beta - Monk and Witch Doctor Gameplay Footage

Diablo 3 Beta Got Released. An awesome Diablo III beta gameplay video was released earlier today by someone who obviously got a Friends & Family Diablo III Beta invite. Wanted to show and explain it to you guys.

[Part 2]B&S Interview: AD Tells You Details about New Clothes and Items


[Part 2]B&S Interview: AD Tells You Details about New Clothes and Items

If players give awesome suggestions, I'll take them into account seriously. We have drawn some very valuable suggestions from our official forum as well as some other game forums, from which, we got to know which parts of characters need to be changed.

RIFT Scarwood Reach Rare Monster Hunter's Quest Guide


RIFT Scarwood Reach Rare Monster Hunter's Quest Guide

Scarwood Reach is the only zone with these Hunting quests for rare mobs. There is only one list of mobs that drop the quest starters. Examine the starter to get the Delivery quest to go give the trophy to one of two NPCs depending on your faction. The NPC trades you a token for it.

New Trailer and Details for Tiara Concerto


New Trailer and Details for Tiara Concerto

Tiara Concerto, an adventure MMORPG developed by Gamania with a cute and enthusiastic style and involving love, hope, courage and wisdom, made open a trial version at Gamania Game Show 2011 that lasted from September 8 to 9, in the company of a wonderful promotional trailer.

Dragona - Exploring (Photo Gallery)


Dragona - Exploring (Photo Gallery)

When I played Dragon Online I really liked the world as it was really fun to explore - pretty much everywhere you go, you found some awesome background, statues and more fun stuff.

NCsoft Emphasized Blade & Soul Essentially Differs From Aion


NCsoft Emphasized Blade & Soul Essentially Differs From Aion

Since Blade & Soul's 2nd CBT is in full swing, Korean media began to report that Blade & Soul copied some systems of Aion and it may make Aion's market share decline rapidly. NCsoft strongly condemned such irresponsible words.

LEGO Universe Celebrates The First Anniversary


LEGO Universe Celebrates The First Anniversary

LEGO Universe, the massively multiplayer online adventure game, recently debuted a Free to Play offering, and will celebrate its first anniversary this October. To show how far it's come and what's coming next, the LEGO Group will bring LEGO Universe back to New York City for this year's Pepcom Holiday Spectacular on September 14th, 2011.

What's New in Eudemons Online


What's New in Eudemons Online

Eudemons Online has been with us for more than 5 years, and has brought us so much fun and memorable experiences.

Age of Conan The Savage Coast of Turan Goes Live


Age of Conan The Savage Coast of Turan Goes Live

Age of Conan's latest adventure pack The Savage Coast of Turan goes live on September 8, though the early access has started on August 31

WoW Entered a Recession, Who Can Take its Place?


WoW Entered a Recession, Who Can Take its Place?

Blizzard chief system designer Greg Street, acknowledged in an interview that WoW has entered a recession. Well, if WoW lost its dominant position, which game could be able to lead MMOs into a new age? Let's discuss about the following titles and see which one is likely to replace WOW?

No Beta Event for Star Wars: The Old Republic This Weekend


No Beta Event for Star Wars: The Old Republic This Weekend

Right on the heels of the EU client delay news, there is another piece of bad news for the massive Star Wars: The Old Republic fans. In a post at the official forum, community manager Stephen Reid confirms there is no beta testing weekend scheduled for this weekend.

Eden Eternal New Race and Racial Crafting Coming in Mid-September


Eden Eternal New Race and Racial Crafting Coming in Mid-September

Aeria Games announced to present Eden Eternal gamers a brand-new Anuran race which will be included in the mid-September content update.

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