Cabal 2 Detailed Force Shielder Skills Preview Posted: While we wait for the English version of the game,lets take a look on the Force Shielder skills.The force Shielder's biggest advantage of other classes is the high defensive power and the shield to prevent enemy attacks. To use the combos you must wear the sword and the shield. The shield has a chance to block attacks, which is awesome for Rapid counterattacks. Ok here is the list of the skills and detailed specifications.  |
Swordsman Online Open Beta Impression Cash Shop Pimp Hand Strong Posted: Ok now that this game is out. We get an official look at the Cash Shop. And I can honestly say it's not as bad as one would expect. However, it's PWE and they're still at it. Trade skills in the shop wedding in the shop just too much in the shop......Sigh that aside the game is fun martial arts story. That I'm hoping doesn't get drowned by PWE's cash shop.  |
Rob Pardo Leaves Blizzard Posted: After Greg Street's/Ghostcrawler's departure a few months ago another veteran is leaving the house.Rob Pardo announced he's leaving Blizzard after 17 years of working there. His current occupation was Chief Creative Officer.  |
Moonlight Blade Online Tencent Release Trailer Posted: This game has some impressive fighting mechanics. It seems like things just get better and better over seas. But I can't find anything on how good the story is. And I didn't get a key for this game.  |
Begin Your Car-Racing Experience Like F1 Posted: As we all know, driving a car at a high speed is much exciting. However, due to various reasons we can't experience this adventure usually. Here we will show you some popular Car - Racing Game, just download them on you smartphone right now!  |
Swordsman Open Beta level 1-22 Review "By Rokwood" Posted: Hello guys,today I will share my First Impressions from the the Swordsman Open Beta Test.It took me around 2 hours to get level 22,which is fast compared to other new mmos.I chose the Zephyr class, one of the harder solo play classes, the skill casting is pretty slow.  |
Nanbo's Elsword Review Levels 20 - 30 Posted: Hello all mmosite readers and welcome to my Elwsord evolving review levels 20 – 30. Last time I took us through the first 20 levels to see what the game had to offer. This time I will be going into more detail on several points I did not cover.  |