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MMOGaming News

Pelagato: Mobile Games Reviews...?


Pelagato: Mobile Games Reviews...?

Hey peeps, I have been away for way too long, kinda busy doing stuff and making sure the world doesnt fall apart. The thing is that after so many months of doing nothing and not even touching my keyboard, I was thinking on getting back and write a few reviews about mobile games.

Blizzard Outcasts: Vengeance of the Vanquished Announced


Blizzard Outcasts: Vengeance of the Vanquished Announced

On April Fools' Day, Blizzard Entertainment has announced its first classic-style fighting game for a new generation -- Blizzard Outcasts: Vengeance of the Vanquished. And a brand new game trailer is released.

NevenTale - The First MMO Without Grind


NevenTale - The First MMO Without Grind

NevenTale is a next-gen online RPG with story driven, user generated content. The first MMORPG without a grind!Sounds weird,but let's believe.

Therian Saga Ambitious Browser MMO


Therian Saga Ambitious Browser MMO

This is a very unique game. It reminds me of Minecraft, Starbound, Phantasy Star, Dungeons and Dragons, and Farmville. Yes I know Farmville angers many. But like Archeage in this game a little farm is good. You have no limit on trade skills or even on what to do. Only limit is a very forgiving, and human energy system.

The Hottest Cosplay of NECOCO


The Hottest Cosplay of NECOCO

Necoco is a Japanese cosplayer, with a very distinct, pretty face. Her main focus is semi-ero cosplay, however she also has a little less revealing and more cute galleries. What doesn't change is the quality of her work, which stays consistently outstanding, with great posing, outfits and of course her lovely body.

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