
MMORPG Reviews

MMORPG Reviews

The migration of War Rock Global to Nexon Europe is now complete

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 10:17 AM PDT

Nexon Europe has announced that the migration of War Rock Global to Nexon Europe is now complete. War Rock boasts a huge active Community and Nexon Europe endeavor to continue supporting such a dedicated user base. War Rock is a fast-paced FPS set within the fictional Republic of Derbaran during an intense nuclear war. Players [...]

Heroes & Generals has released a new Beta Videolog

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 09:30 AM PDT

Heroes & Generals has released the Bradley Beta Videolog that shows some of the features of the new ‘Bradley‘ update for Reto-Moto’s upcoming MMOFPS. The game is currently in Beta-stage, so bear in mind that the graphics and sound shown here is still not final. The features highlighted in this Videolog are: - Weapon tweaks [...]

NGames has revealed the four professions of the pirate inspired MMORPG Pockie Pirate

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

NGames has revealed the four professions of the pirate inspired MMORPG Pockie Pirates that is going to be launched this summer. Doctors, Navigators, Great Swordsmen, and Snipers are this four classes. To help players decide which pirates life is best for them, publisher NGames has revealed details of the games four dual gendered in-game professions. [...]

CCP Games has released a new video of Eve Online that shows the CCP’s conquests at E3

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 05:36 AM PDT

CCP Games has released a new video of Eve Online that shows the CCP’s conquests at E3, the world’s largest and coolest gaming convention that only cool people get to go to. The video also dive into some of the features coming in Eve Online upcoming point release, Inferno 1.1. Briefly, the major additions include: [...]

Trion Worlds has released first episode of the second season its MMORTS End of Nations: Warfront

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 04:39 AM PDT

Trion Worlds has released a new video for its MMORTS, End of Nations, the upcoming online free-to-play PC title slated to enter closed beta soon. The video is the first episode of second season End of Nations: Warfront.

Combat Arms has beginned the “Spiders vs Scorpion” event

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 03:50 AM PDT

Nexon America's MMOFPS Combat Arms has opened the "Spiders vs Scorpion" event. This event splits the entire player base of the game, more than six million registered users, into two factions, fighting through four rounds in hopes earning rewards and bragging rights as "Combat Arms'" the top guns. The "Spiders versus Scorpions" event consists of [...]

Nexon America has released a new video that highlights Vindictus 10th episode

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 03:30 AM PDT

Nexon America has released a new video for its physics-based action MMORPG, Vindictus, that highlighs the features of its newest content update. The video shows off the three new dragons unleashed into the Vindictus world, including the Ice, Earth and Black dragons. The dragons are raid bosses which provide great rewards for the group that [...]

Blacklight Retribution has released a new game mode, Kill Confirmed and a new map, named Seaport

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 01:50 AM PDT

Blacklight Retribution has released a new exciting map, Seaport and a new game mode, Kill Confirmed. In this new game mode you have to neutralize enemy agents and “confirm” the kill by collecting the kill-data left behind on their corpses. To win you have to collect kill-data from fallen comrades and deny enemy agents the [...]

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