Guild Wars 2: Jumping Puzzle - A Leap of Fate Posted: So there is a dungeon in the eternal battlegrounds. You may be thinking; "What? A dungeon in World vs. World vs. World? How does that even begin to work?" Well, fellow speculative reader, I'll tell you how! It involves a lot of jumping and a lot of rage.  |
Half year of SWTOR: a timeline of events Posted: Hey everyone, June 20 is upon us and it marks SWTOR's half birthday! To celebrate this day and to welcome back returning players, I have created a little timeline of major events in the past 6 months. This hopefully will help you catch up on the changes you might have missed. For those who never left SWTOR, this may server as a refresher of your past 6 months!  |
What Class are You Going to Use in C9 and Why? Posted: I am going to use Shaman. fast killing IN Dungeon i guess. Prolly gonna try out Blade master, and if I don't like it then i'll switch back to berserker, enjoyed playing with that big sword so.  |
Dota Workshop Guidelines and Resources Posted: If you have Dota 2, the Steam Workshop now makes it easier than ever for you to submit finished 3D models of items for a chance to have them accepted and incorporated into the actual game. To publish an item to the workshop for consideration, first read the FAQ below, and then click the Steam Workshop button in the main menu of the game.  |