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MMOGaming News

The New Final Fantasy XIV does Have Mind Blowing Graphics


The New Final Fantasy XIV does Have Mind Blowing Graphics

FFXIV cancelled the version 2.0 trailer for E3 2012 but Square Enix gave some other things instead - a dozen of stunning version 2.0 screenshots.

Wargaming.net Announces Global Service to Unite Its MMO War Series


Wargaming.net Announces Global Service to Unite Its MMO War Series

Wargaming.net today announced its MMO war series, which includes World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and World of Battleships, will unite under an integrated, worldwide Wargaming.net Service scheduled for release later this year.

C9 Witchblade Skill List


C9 Witchblade Skill List

Witchblade, the fourth class of C9, is a charming female Witchblade with tempting curve and distance in her eyes. She not only has powerful energy using her ice-cold and sexy charm to overwhelm the enemies, but also excellent battle effectiveness using both magic and sword.

Continue reading C9 Witchblade Skill List.

WoW 4.3: Dragon Soul Difficulty Change - 25%


WoW 4.3: Dragon Soul Difficulty Change - 25%

At the completion of scheduled server maintenance during the week of June 5, the "Power of the Aspects" spell will grow more powerful, reducing the health and damage dealt of all enemies in the Dragon Soul raid by 25%.

Big Changes Due for the Next Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend


Big Changes Due for the Next Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend

If you missed the first beta weekend, don't worry; this week's looks to be bigger and better than anything we've seen so far.

The Elder Scrolls Online's Mighty Trailer Teases Three Factions of Tamriel


The Elder Scrolls Online's Mighty Trailer Teases Three Factions of Tamriel

The new trailer released during E3 2012 still had no in-game footage but it's still a good trailer with powerful background sound.

WoW 5.0 Beta Build 15752: New Models, Loading Screen and Items


WoW 5.0 Beta Build 15752: New Models, Loading Screen and Items

A new beta build will be deployed on beta realms soon. Don't miss the /flirt Pandaren emotes below!

Runes of Magic: New Trailer Recounts Shadowforge Dwarves Storyline


Runes of Magic: New Trailer Recounts Shadowforge Dwarves Storyline

Leading into the launch of the newest content update for Runes of Magic: Chapter V, Frogster today announced a new cinematic trailer for Chapter V, Frogster today an a new cinematic trailer for "Fires of Shadowforge, which is slated for a June 12 release.

World of Battleships E3 Trailer Unveiled


World of Battleships E3 Trailer Unveiled

Wargaming.net shows the E3 trailer of World of Battleships, which is similar to World of tanks. In the trailer there are two ships, maybe the rusting one is showing what will happend if you fail in the battle.

Kung Fu Star Jet Li Endorses Kung Fu MMO Age of Wushu


Kung Fu Star Jet Li Endorses Kung Fu MMO Age of Wushu

Snail Games just confirmed that they had signed a two-year contract with action film star Jet Li to promote their new title Age of Wushu, the free-to-play MMORPG that has more than 20 million users in China alone.

Red 5 Studios Launches The Official Firefall Manga


Red 5 Studios Launches The Official Firefall Manga

The manga of Firefall - Firefall Affinity is officially launched today. It is a 80+ page sci-fi journey and two pages of episode 1: Trespasser revealed. Next page to reveal on Jun 12th.

Lord of the Rings Online: Fourth Expansion to Launch September 5th and Pre-order Available


Lord of the Rings Online: Fourth Expansion to Launch September 5th and Pre-order Available

The release date and pre-order details for Lord of the Rings Online expansion are coming out. It will officially launch on September 5th and the fourth expansion: Riders of Rohan includes many new features such as mounted combat and a level cap increase to 85. Mounted combat allows players to fight on their horse and the horse itself will also fight, kicking and biting your foes as well. New skills, armour and gear will also be available.

RIFT Storm Legion E3 Broadcast LIVE with Volan!


RIFT Storm Legion E3 Broadcast LIVE with Volan!

E3 is underway, and the media is buzzing about RIFT: Storm Legion, the first expansion for this award-winning smash-hit MMORPG. And while we can't wait to reveal all the amazing features to the press, we're more excited about giving you, the fans, the first look at what's to come.

Dust 514 First Beta Test Dated, PS Vita App Detailed


Dust 514 First Beta Test Dated, PS Vita App Detailed

CCP Games announced at E3 that the premier beta event for PS3 shooter Dust 514 will begin on June 29 and will run throughout the weekend.

Adult Only MMOG Queen's Blade to Enter Final Test Soon


Adult Only MMOG Queen's Blade to Enter Final Test Soon

Queen's Blade , developed by Liveplex in-house, will start its final open test from June 15th to June 17th. This test will last for 3 days without any servers stop. Players who want to participate in the test can join without applying.

COG: Titan Siege E3 Expedition - Human's Counterattack against Titans


COG: Titan Siege E3 Expedition - Human's Counterattack against Titans

Game developing company, BL Tech, and its oversea platform, COG, are taking an expedition on E3 with their latest work, Titan Siege. By showing the CG of Titan Siege, this game was introduced to the foreign media and players for the first time.

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