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E3 2012: OnRPG/MMOHut Day One Recap

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 01:46 PM PDT

Written by Darren Henderson (DizzyPW), OnRPG Editor-in-Chief


Day one started off with the usual fair at E3 this year. Advertisements everywhere, music everywhere, and of course bikini girls everywhere. Ah the life of a game reporter.


I paired up with our new cameraman Ivan and Michael “Spunkify” Dunaway of MMOHut and hit up the Trion Worlds booth to get a fresh look at End of Nations. This game first blew me away with its concept back in 2010. However when I saw the early test builds of the game through 2011 I had lost some of my interest. Well thankfully the polish has been added and we might easily have one a new contender for team esports once this game launches.


The commander leveling system, the balanced cash shop, and the ability to pre-assign companies and switch them out on the fly as the situation changes were among just a few of the features that impressed me this convention. The graphics also seem to look sharper with more refined particles than ever before. They said CB testing will be starting in weeks, not months, so brace yourself for the next world war!


Perfect World took up most of our spare time on the first day. RaiderZ was looking stellar as always and we got to see some of the more fluff features this time around like setting up cooking tables, preparing meals, and other pieces and hints of the crafting system. Mark Hill was on the scene to give us a demo of it all so expect a video on that. Meanwhile Spunkify hit up the Neverwinter team for an interview. I wasn’t apart of it but Ivan assured me the sorcerer/wizard class was a blast to play and he wants to get his hands on the game asap.


We managed to snag an impromptu meeting with Sony Online Entertainment to check out Planetside 2. Spunkify joked around with the team and shot a long and detailed interview with gameplay that you won’t want to miss!


A theme of this convention seems to be mobile MMOs and both WeMade Entertainment and Spacetime Studios have big plans for this new sector of the MMO market. Spacetime Studios was proud to show off their more chibi LOTRO styled PC/Mobile title Arcane Legends. This felt like Pocket Legends but built up with the improvements from each of their titles so far. I was especially fond of the Dark Legends styled control scheme.


WeMade on the other hand has around 20 titles slated for 2013 that will be strictly mobile MMOs. These ranged from Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon styled titles to side scrolling beat-em-ups to even an straight out 1 on 1 fighting game with RPG elements. If you don’t have a mobile device you best start saving up now because by 2013 some of the top titles might be mobile only!


I finished up day 1 with my long awaited visit to Snail Games USA to check out Age of Wushu in person for the first time. Turns out I’m not the only one incredibly excited for this title as even Jet Lee signed a 2 year contract endorsing the title. In an upcoming interview I question everything about the game from school/guild interaction to skills building to dungeons to town dynamics to professions… well you get the idea! Needless to say if you like titles like Scarlet Legacy and Perfect World but want a more dynamic combat system and more natural character progression (with no levels!) then Age of Wushu is one to keep an eye on.


Well I’m in the middle of day 2 now so I have to run to meet Wargaming about World of Warplanes. Looking forward to providing another update tomorrow.



E3 2012: Day 1



Spirit Tales Offers Bonus Pack Through Raptr

Posted: 06 Jun 2012 11:13 AM PDT

KoramGame and Raptr have partnered to offer a special reward for Spirit Tales players in the new Raptr Rewards program.

Players must be ranked “Newbie” or above in Spirit Tales on Raptr (ranks earned by achievements and time played). The award is then unlocked and can be claimed on a first come, first serve basis. The Jump Start pack includes Master Pet Dango, a Star Weapon Enhancement Hammer, and a Star EXP Talisman.

KoramGame also publishes Dragon Born.

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Spirit Tales Gameplay Screenshot


KoramGame Partners with Raptr to Give Gamers a Jump Start
Play Spirit Tales and Get Rewarded With Raptr

Sunnyvale, Calif. — (June 6, 2012) – KoramGame Ltd., a leading developer and publisher of free-to-play online games has partnered with Raptr, the leading community for gamers, to give away exclusive Spirit Tales Jump Start packs. Part of the recently unveiled Raptr Rewards program, qualified users can receive special in-game items that will aid them on their journey in Spirit Tales, a cute fantasy MMORPG that is available worldwide.
The Spirit Tales Jump Start pack includes the following:
  • Master Pet Dango – Capture almost any monster and make it your pet
  • Star Weapon Enhancement Hammer - Enchant any weapon below level 20 with 100% success rate
  • Star EXP Talisman - Gain 10% more experience for one hour
To qualify for this first come, first serve reward, players must be ranked “Newbie” or above on Raptr; ranks based on time played and achievements unlocked. For more information on Raptr Rewards, please visit: http://raptr.com/rewards.

REGISTER for a free Spirit Tales account: http://st.koramgame.com

LIKE Spirit Tales on Facebook: http://facebook.com/spirit.tales

Goodgame Empire

Posted: 05 Jun 2012 03:41 PM PDT

In Goodgame Empire, players get to experience life as lord of a land. Go from building your small castle to the capital of an empire! Set up and operate a thriving economic state, and build your military forces to defend your holdings, and expand your borders. Join with other players and destroy any opposition, to become the ruler of a legacy!

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Publisher: Goodgame Studios
Playerbase: ??
Graphics: Medium
EXP Rate: ??
PvP: Enabled
Filesize: N/A

Pros: +Well animated and colorful. +Simple to play and learn. +Alliances and trade as very important.

Cons: -Very generic compared to other similar RTS games. -Not enough information available.

download nowcreate accountofficial site


Goodgame Empire Overview

Goodgame Empire gives you the task of developing an empire from a simple castle. The game features a variety of units and siege tools to help conquer cities on a dynamic world. You build various extensions to your castle and the surrounding area, such as homes, barracks, and training fields. The economic system in the game has several different resources that need to be managed. You can also set up outposts for further resource generation.

Goodgame Empire Screenshots

Goodgame Empire Featured Video

Click here to view the embedded video.

Full Review

Goodgame Empire Review

Coming Soon…


Goodgame Empire Screenshots

Coming Soon…


Goodgame Empire Videos

Goodgame Empire Trailer

Click here to view the embedded video.


Goodgame Empire Links

Official Game Page

System Requirements

Goodgame Empire System Requirements

Coming Soon  . . .


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