


Eligium: Open Beta Coming Next Week

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 05:50 AM PST

Frogster has announced that its latest game, Eligium, will kick off the open beta beginning February 15th. Once the open beta begins, characters created will not be wiped when the game goes into retail release. Players will also be able to start the game as a member of the Panda race.

General: Dino Storm: Wild West? Dinosaurs? Lasers? WHOOT!

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 05:36 AM PST

Splitscreen Studios has announced that its new 3D-browser MMO, Dino Storm, is ready for closed beta testing. Players looking for an innovative game and strangely compelling mixture of dinosaurs, the wild west and lasers will want to get signed up.

Rift: One Year Later

Posted: 06 Feb 2012 05:12 AM PST

Trion Worlds is getting ready to hit Rift's official first year anniversary in a big way. In a new state of the game letter on the official forums, Executive Producer Scott Hartsman takes a look back at the past year and the amazing strides the game has taken in its short lifespan.

Continent of the Ninth Seal: VIP Beta Preview

Posted: 05 Feb 2012 07:31 AM PST

We recently had the opportunity for a VIP experience in Webzen's "Continent of the Ninth Seal" or C9 as it is more commonly known. See what we discovered about this highly anticipated action MMO in our latest preview.

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