


Star Wars: The Old Republic: Impressive Beta Stats

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 05:29 AM PST

According to a short notice on GamesIndustry.biz, over three million players took advantage of beta game play weekends for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Most notably, EA's Eric Brown revealed that over 750,000 unique players gave the game a whirl during the Thanksgiving weekend beta play session.

Dawn of Fantasy: On Sale for the Holidays

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 05:25 AM PST

Sitting on the fence about whether or not to purchase Dawn of Fantasy? Reverie World Studios is ready to knock you off the fence by offering its MMORTS for $19.99 along with dwarven mercenaries and a limited time adventure called the "Dwarven Invasion".

Lime Odyssey: New Screens Show Off Alpha Gameplay

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 05:21 AM PST

Aeria Games has released several new screenshots from the alpha version of Lime Odyssey. The screens show groups of players in battle and some of the character models players can choose.

Final Fantasy XIV: Subscription Fee to Resume January 6th

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 05:11 AM PST

The Final Fantasy XIV team has announced that the player subscription fee will resume on January 6th. They have reduced the monthly subscription by one third from January through the release of FFXIV 2.0.

EverQuest II: Age of Discovery & Freeport Reborn Trailer

Posted: 06 Dec 2011 04:48 AM PST

Sony Online Entertainment has put together a new trailer featuring a recent tour of some of the new locations and content that will arrive in EverQuest II on December 6th. Both the Age of Discovery expansion and the Freeport Reborn content update are featured in the trailer. Check it out!

Jade Dynasty: Legacy Expansion Announced

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 01:08 PM PST

Perfect World Entertainment has announced that Jade Dynasty will be expanding soon with "Legacy". The expansion will feature a new instance, two new character classes and will show off a completely overhauled character creation system.

General: Shade Foundation: WoozWorld

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 09:13 AM PST

Looking for a fun and interesting place for your tweens and teens to hang out? You may wish to try out the non-profit Shade Foundation's MMO, WoozWorld.

Salem: New Dev Diary Sheds Light on Professions

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 09:07 AM PST

As part of Paradox Interactive's Advent Calendar, the Salem team, and more specifically "Brother Bean", has posted a look at the historical reference to five of the professions players will be able to choose from: Agriculture, Swimming, Botany, Firearms and Compacts & Constitutions.

Hedone: Closed Beta Key Give Away at FPSGuru

Posted: 05 Dec 2011 08:00 AM PST

Acony Games has partnered with our sister site, FPSGuru.com, to give away tons of closed beta keys for Hedone. Be sure to swing by the site to grab yours today for this upcoming FPS game.

General: Top 5 MMO Holiday Gifts

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 09:04 AM PST

With less than three weeks until Christmas, Hanukkah and/or Kwanzaa, folks are filling out their shopping lists for their favorite gamers and anxiously heading to the mall. In The List today, we take a look at five terrific gifts for the gamer in your life. Read on and then let us know what you think in the comments.

World of Warcraft: 4.3 Changes Everything

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 08:37 AM PST

Love it or hate it, the World of Warcraft v4.3 patch has arrived and brought with it more changes than you can proverbially shake a stick at. In today's WoW Factor, we take a look at the profound changes that v4.3 has brought to the world's most well-known MMO. Check it out and then leave your thoughts in the latest update in the comments.

Lord of the Rings Online: The Prince of Rohan Preview

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 09:26 AM PST

Lord of the Rings Online players have been enjoying the Rise of Isengard expansion for a couple of months. With the recent Prince of Rohan update, players continue the epic storyline. We have a preview of some of the content players will encounter in Prince of Rohan. Read on and then leave us a comment or two.

Conquer Online: iPad Version Preview

Posted: 04 Dec 2011 08:50 AM PST

Conquer Online recently became one of the first MMOs to jump to iPad from its traditional home on the PC or Mac. We've had some time to try out Conquer Online on iPad and have a few thoughts to share in this preview. Check it out!

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