
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

World of Warcraft - Bans for Many Players in Top Guilds for LFR Exploit


World of Warcraft - Bans for Many Players in Top Guilds for LFR Exploit

Just minutes ago, many players from top guilds such as Paragon, Method, Envy, Ensidia and certainly others, as well as non-hardcore guilds, have gotten messages that their WoW accounts have been banned.

WoW 4.3 Dragon Soul Guide: How to Kick Deathwing's Ass?


WoW 4.3 Dragon Soul Guide: How to Kick Deathwing's Ass?

Countless ages ago, Warlord Zon'ozz and his soldiers waged endless war against the forces of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron. Millennia have passed, but the warlord still serves the chaotic might of the Old God N'Zoth. Deathwing has now unleashed this legendary faceless one to crush the defenders of Wyrmrest Temple.

I Used to be a WOW Player, until I Took an Arrow in the Knee


I Used to be a WOW Player, until I Took an Arrow in the Knee

I used to be an adventurer like you, but then I took an arrow in the knee.

Social Game Will Dominate the Future


Social Game Will Dominate the Future

Today, while MMO games are very popular, the creator of UO, Richard Garriott, has a different view of the game industry. He thinks a lot about social games and his new company Portalarium shifted its principal business to social games.

The Repopulation Gets Batter Quality Graphics


The Repopulation Gets Batter Quality Graphics

The repopulation is a sandbox Science Fiction MMORPG by Above and Beyond Technologies. You begin your adventure as a second generation clone colonist on the planet of Rhyldan, with mankind on the verge of extinction, and in the midst of a civil war.

Avant-garde FPS Ground Zero Announced 2nd CBT on Dec. 14th


Avant-garde FPS Ground Zero Announced 2nd CBT on Dec. 14th

Ground Zero, a sci-fi FPS developed by Korea-based Ani-park and published by CJ E&M, is planning to launch its 2nd CBT on December 14th, which will last for 4 days.

2 Million Players in SWTOR Beta, EA Calls it One of the Biggest in History


2 Million Players in SWTOR Beta, EA Calls it One of the Biggest in History

More than 9 million hours have been used by testers in the beta. The number looks awful, and EA calls it one of the biggest beta tests in history.

Dragon Nest - Totoro's Crusader PVE/SDN Build


Dragon Nest - Totoro's Crusader PVE/SDN Build

Some people will ask crusader should be an Intelligent build or Critical build. My answer will be critical build, but bear in mind that critical build will be very expensive. Rich people can actually just buy 3 stats plates with criticals.

MapleStory Europe Unlocks the first Chaos update!


MapleStory Europe Unlocks the first Chaos update!

Throwing the world of MapleStory into complete disarray, Nexon is bringing the most dramatic twist of the year to Europe with the release of Chaos, a combination of three super-powered updates, one of which sees Maplers taking on one another in combat for the very first time.

History of MMO, Start From Mud


History of MMO, Start From Mud

Recently, three videos related to the history of MMo are popular. The videos include reviews of MMO games from MuD to MMORPG. Information about early Korea games The Kingdom of the winds and NC soft are also presented on the video as well as partly charges mode.

Black Prophecy Gets New Level Cap in Rise of the Boids Update


Black Prophecy Gets New Level Cap in Rise of the Boids Update

Gamigo's F2P space shooter Black Prophecy revealed some details for the next update - Episode 3: Rise of the Boids.

War Inc. Battlezone Roars Into Final Open Beta Phase


War Inc. Battlezone Roars Into Final Open Beta Phase

Since entering Open Beta Phase 1 in late July, War Inc. Battlezone has enlisted players from 175-plus countries who have collectively invested more than 120 million hours or 13,000 years of game play!

Kingdom Under Fire II 1st CBT Simple Review


Kingdom Under Fire II 1st CBT Simple Review

Kingdom Under Fire II developed by Blueside and operated by Hangame, kicked off its 1st CBT on Dec. 2nd in South Korea. This test is scheduled to last until Dec. 7. In the 1st CBT, players can choose from three playable classes in this test, i.e. Gunslinger, Spellsword and Berserker, each with distinctive features and characteristics.

Diablo III: Not MMO but definitely MORPG!


Diablo III: Not MMO but definitely MORPG!

Many have asked themselves why is Diablo III not on MMO site? I also wondered the same thing. It seems that the current idea is that the game will not be MMO... well kind of yes. Not Massivly Multiplayer yet multiplayer none the less!

Tribes: Ascend Is Featured as eSport Promotional Title


Tribes: Ascend Is Featured as eSport Promotional Title

The NASL is a premier broadcaster of eSports and includes more than 80 of the top professional players between its two existing tournaments, with many more competing each season for a coveted spot in the league.

New MMOs in November 2011 Round up!


New MMOs in November 2011 Round up!

Warm candlelight, big roast turkey...Was this year's Thanksgiving Day the most marvelous one you've ever had in your life? With a grateful heart, game companies have brought back multiple shut-down games to repay the players who still love them.

Swiss Army Knife - RIFT Cleric Classic Tank Healing Build


Swiss Army Knife - RIFT Cleric Classic Tank Healing Build

Hello everyone, this week I thought I would re-introduce the classic purisent build and update it with some of my macros/comments. I gave this build the nickname 'Swiss Army Knife' due to its usefulness and adaptability.

C9(China) Closed Beta Test FAQ(No Data Deletion)


C9(China) Closed Beta Test FAQ(No Data Deletion)

C9(China) will enter CBT soon, how to join the test. It's easier than the KR version. Get your key and try this gorgeous action game. You can choose to be Fighter, Hunter and Shaman, and Each has three advanced classes so far.

Soul Master (JP) to Launch OBT, New Content and Theme Song Unveiled


Soul Master (JP) to Launch OBT, New Content and Theme Song Unveiled

Soul Master OBT will start after the CBT maintenance completes on December 14th and will end before the official commercial release. All registered members of the official site are qualified to participate in this OBT.

Theory Crafting - the Old Republic Smuggler Guide


Theory Crafting -  the Old Republic Smuggler Guide

I will focus on the active skills that will be used in the Theory Crafting later in this discussion. I am aware that the class gains a number of other skills like Recuperate and Switching Instances, yet these are not needed for our discussion here.

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