MMO Updates |
- Firefall dev update talks beta progress, testing schedules
- DDO's Vaults of the Artificers goes live
- Free-to-play spending poised to become the majority in the US
- Bigpoint working on Game of Thrones MMO
- TERA wins G-Star 2011's highest honor
- Mortal Online plagiarizes EVE Online's terms of service
- A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Spotlight on the Lost
- The Daily Grind: Is looking cool more important than stats?
- Newest test server pass for Star Trek Online aimed at cleaning up [Updated with F2P date!]
- Newest installment of the City of Heroes signature arc now available
- The Game Archaeologist's excellent EverQuest Online Adventures: The highlights
- Wizard101 heading to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau
- Guild Wars 2 is at G-Star with new items but no beta
- Aika's Epic II: Karena coming November 17th
- PlanetSide 2's New Conglomerate faction detailed
- Activision Blizzard loses 1.1 million WoW players since May, triples profits
- League of Legends announces ranked team system
- BioWare sending out SWTOR weekend beta invites
- Blizzard says mass layoffs are 'just a rumor'
- Rod Humble details experimentation and innovation at Linden Lab
- Massively tours EverQuest's Veil of Alaris with Community Manager Eric Cleaver
- The Soapbox: Diagnosing and understanding Girlfriend Syndrome
- Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files - Twi'leks
- SEE Games confirms Total Recall browser MMO
Firefall dev update talks beta progress, testing schedules Posted: 09 Nov 2011 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, MMOFPS Wondering how Firefall is progressing as we inch closer to the end of the year? Wonder no more, as a new Red 5 dev blog sheds a bit of light on what's happening with everyone's favorite cel-shaded MMO shooter.The dev team is currently focused on Firefall's open world experience, and said functionality is currently at the center of "a huge push for us this month," Red 5 says. The dev blog also makes mention of the relatively limited access to beta, and says that players shouldn't worry if they haven't received invites yet. "It is definitely not a demo of the game. There are many times where testing is nothing but repeatedly banging your head against a wall while we watch the log files," Red 5 explains. The devs also plan to roll out more beta invites as infrastructure allows, with the process stretching "all the way into next year."
DDO's Vaults of the Artificers goes live Posted: 09 Nov 2011 09:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Dungeons and Dragons Online, Game mechanics, Patches, Free-to-play For Dungeons and Dragons Online players, today is a special -- nay, hallowed day. It is Patch Day, and with it comes much leaping, dancing, spinning in circles, and singing at the top of one's lungs.Today Turbine has released Update 12: Vaults of the Artificers, a hefty patch that introduces a completely new system to the game: challenges. Challenges are repeatable quests that have unique objectives and time limits, and can be completed for shiny rewards. VIP players will get the challenge adventure pack for free, but free players aren't left out in the dark -- Turbine is giving everyone one free challenge every day. These can be picked up in House Cannith. DDO's Update 12 has plenty of other changes and fixes, including the introduction of store-purchasable rename tokens if you're dissatisfied with your hero's moniker and a shared platinum bank account. You can read up on Update 12 with the official patch notes or by checking out our hands-on impressions from last month!
Free-to-play spending poised to become the majority in the US Posted: 09 Nov 2011 08:30 AM PST Filed under: Business models, MMO industry, Miscellaneous Free-to-play is on the rise -- we all knew that, but perhaps we didn't quite grasp how much it's gone up. Gamasutra reports that online players have boosted their F2P spending a whopping 24% this year over last, with F2P revenues cornering 47% -- versus 39% in 2010 -- of the MMO market in the US.Analysts predict that we're on track to see $1.2 billion spent on free-to-play MMOs in 2011. This surge of F2P spending isn't just confined to North America, however. Europe, Asia, and other emerging countries already see a majority of MMO spending dedicated to F2P versus other business models. The report states that US players spend 26 million hours daily in MMOs. Your average US player is 84% likely to be enjoying browser-based titles and 50% likely to be invested in a client-based game. NewZoo CEO Peter Warman thinks 2012 will be a decisive year for F2P in more ways than one: "Recent lay-offs and the sudden death of LEGO Universe are serious warnings for the MMO games industry. Success will also strongly depend on how MMO companies extend their unique gameplay and IP across other game platforms, specifically mobile."
Bigpoint working on Game of Thrones MMO Posted: 09 Nov 2011 08:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Browser Winter is coming, and according to USA Today, so is a rogue's gallery of games based on George R.R. Martin's trendy Song of Ice and Fire IP. In addition to the recently released A Game of Thrones: Genesis strategy title, the lands of Westeros will be featured in an upcoming single-player RPG, a social networking game, and an MMO.The massively multiplayer entry is being developed by Bigpoint, a German browser-game specialist known for its Battlestar Galactica game and its love of selling in-game advantages. Whether you're excited about the prospect of killing 10 Lannisters or slitting your wrists over the inevitable MMOification of another beloved fantasy world, the next few months should be interesting to watch.
TERA wins G-Star 2011's highest honor Posted: 09 Nov 2011 07:30 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Events, real-world, MMO industry, New titles, News items, TERA Things have been looking fairly bleak for TERA fans over the last few months. There have been reports of server merges and general discontent among the Korean player base, executive switcheroos at Bluehole Studio, and an American launch date delay to the spring of 2012.This year's G-Star convention finally provided a ray of sunlight in the form of the prestigious Presidential Award. Yes, TERA won it, and the honor is a pretty big deal in the South Korean gaming community. The country's Ministry of Culture (a government board responsible for gaming industry regulations) chooses the nominees while a pool of journalists, industry veterans, and gamers vote on the winner. TERA also took home G-Star awards for best sound effects, graphics, and character design.
Mortal Online plagiarizes EVE Online's terms of service Posted: 09 Nov 2011 07:00 AM PST Filed under: Fantasy, EVE Online, MMO industry, Humor, Mortal Online There's always that temptation in high school and college to simply copy someone else's work to get out of writing really boring papers. Still, no matter how great the temptation, it's good to abstain from such activities. While it's not only wrong, it can be extremely embarrassing if you're found out by the teacher and penalized for plagiarism.We guess that someone over at Mortal Online really didn't want to work up an original terms of service (TOS) for the game, as a few sharp-eyed players noticed that the document was not only extremely similar to one in another MMO, but failed to replace mentions of its source game. It appears as though Mortal Online took EVE Online's TOS and reworked it slightly -- and imperfectly -- for its own nefarious purposes, as you can see in the graphic above. The TOS has since been changed to eliminate the mention of EVE. This recalls a similar misstep from last year, when Alganon was caught with its pants down after "borrowing" a press release from BioWare. [Thanks to Jokkl for the tip!]
A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Spotlight on the Lost Posted: 09 Nov 2011 06:00 AM PST Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Lore, Opinion, Free-to-play, A Mild-Mannered Reporter Paragon City has the same problems as any large city. Drug addiction, financial ruin, and any number of other horrible circumstances have conspired to give the city a large population of the homeless and hopeless, left wandering the streets and trying desperately to survive. But something emerged within the homeless population of the city, something that smells of a familiar evil and a problem that was never appropriately dealt with the first time. If your goal is to defend the system, your enemies will find the people whom the system has failed...The Lost are among the saddest of all of the villainous groups in City of Heroes because at their core the group is made up of people who in many ways simply had no options. It's not even that they turned to crime out of desperation. These are people who, for better or worse, were blameless of anything more than minor crimes and poor decisions. And then they found themselves knee-deep in a war, moving from one sort of victim to another. Continue reading A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Spotlight on the Lost
The Daily Grind: Is looking cool more important than stats? Posted: 09 Nov 2011 05:00 AM PST Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous My gaming philosophy is this: Looks matter. They're not all that matter in video games, but they're important. If I'm to spend hundreds of hours with the same avatar, then I want that avatar to look sleek, sophisticated, tough, or coordinated. I do not want to come off like I slathered glue all over my character's body, jumped into a Salvation Army discount bin, and started flopping around.How my character looks in an MMO is so important to me that often I'll choose a piece of gear based on its appearance rather than its stats. If I feel forced to be saddled with an ugly hat or a pair of trousers that were robbed from Bozo the Clown's wardrobe, then it grates and I go to bed that night with a headache. If I can assemble an outfit that I think makes me look cool to others I meet -- and myself especially -- then it almost doesn't matter to me whether I have that extra +5 stamina or not. So even though many MMOs offer both cosmetic appearances and adventuring outfits, the question remains: Is looking cool in MMO ultimately more important than stats? At the end of the day, would you rather look spectacular or fight spectacularly?
Newest test server pass for Star Trek Online aimed at cleaning up [Updated with F2P date!] Posted: 08 Nov 2011 07:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Game mechanics, Patches, Previews, News items, Star Trek Online, Free-to-play Bugs and design issues are present even in the universe of Star Trek Online, ranging from irritating interface bugs on ship consoles to the apparently frequent bug that causes the holodeck to nearly kill everyone on the ship every few weeks. They also crop up in the game itself, of course, but as outlined in the latest Path to F2P blog, the development team is focusing in closely on trying to eliminate several bugs and design issues currently in the game.Patrol missions, for instance, are being changed from a flat sequence of isolated system missions into a more freeform system that scales with level. Crafting changes are also being put in place, giving players "material blocks" to work with that are purchase via dilithium, thereby allowing fleets and groups of players to shunt crafting resources toward a single player. The entry also hints at an entirely new form of content coming to the test server over the next month, although players will have to wait to find out what that means. [Edit: More details on the F2P switch have also surfaced, thanks to our friends at IGN.]
Newest installment of the City of Heroes signature arc now available Posted: 08 Nov 2011 06:00 PM PST Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Patches, News items, Free-to-play By the end of the first signature arc for City of Heroes, one of the game's signature heroes from the Freedom Phalanx will be dead. But we're not even quite at the halfway point, as the third part has just been released to the Paragon Market. VIP subscribers, of course, get access to the arc for free. This installment sees Marshal Blitz of the Rogue Arachnos faction calling for a truce between heroes and villains... but is he genuine, or just trying to get Statesman's daughter into a vulnerable spot?If the new installment of the arc isn't your speed -- perhaps you don't have a character at or about level 30 -- there are also a few more toys in the Paragon Market, including a steep discount on the Temporal Manipulation powerset and a few low-level Enhancement sets. But if you've been following the story, you'll probably want to buy the arc -- or if you're a subscriber, just log in and start checking out the newest part.
The Game Archaeologist's excellent EverQuest Online Adventures: The highlights Posted: 08 Nov 2011 05:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Video, Launches, MMO industry, Everquest Online Adventures, Consoles, The Game Archaeologist In the pantheon of Sony Online Entertainment's flagship EverQuest franchise, there is a whole family of MMOs gathered around the table every evening. There's Papa EverQuest, looking a little wrinkled and worn but also radiating fame and authority. Next to him is Mama EverQuest II, a powerful matron of entertainment if there ever was one. They look proudly down the table at a bassinet where Baby EverQuest Next lies, cooing as it grows into the future generation of this family.Then, in the next room over is a cabinet. The cabinet is locked. Inside that cabinet is a weird abnormality that certainly looks like a member of the family, but he hasn't seen the light of day in quite some time. He subsists on the scraps of an aging console and the fading loyalty of fans, hoping against odds that one day he'll be allowed out for a stroll or something. His name is Cousin EverQuest Online Adventures, the EQ MMO nobody mentions. EQOA is a strange abnormality in SOE's lineup. While it was one of the very first console MMOs and heir to the EverQuest name, it was quickly eclipsed in both areas by other games and left alone. Yet, against all odds, it continues to operate on the PlayStation 2, eight years and counting since its debut. This month the Game Archaeologist will crack open that cabinet and give this interesting MMO a few weeks of attention and care. I think it's about time, don't you? Continue reading The Game Archaeologist's excellent EverQuest Online Adventures: The highlights
Wizard101 heading to Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau Posted: 08 Nov 2011 04:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Wizard101, Family KingsIsle Entertainment announced today that its popular free-to-play MMO, Wizard101, is expanding to the exotic east. Thanks to an agreement with Taiwan Taomee Technology, the game will be launching in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau in 2012. This announcement comes shortly after the company's deal with Taomee Holdings Limited to launch the game in China next year. To get in on the Wizard101 fun yourself, head on over to the game's official site.
Guild Wars 2 is at G-Star with new items but no beta Posted: 08 Nov 2011 04:00 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Events, real-world, Previews, News items, Guild Wars 2, Free-to-play With Guild Wars 2 appearing this weekend at the G-Star convention, there's been a lot of speculation about two potential pieces of news -- a date for the beta or the eighth profession reveal. Unfortunately for the speculators, the latest updates from Eric Flannum have put those rumors to rest. Flannum confirms that while there will be news coming out on the 11th, it will not include either of those updates, which are still on track for a later date.That being said, there's still some news to be found, including the preview of some high-level armor sets that are exclusive for the Korean demo. Flannum stated that there will be other elements unique to this demo, although he declined to elaborate beyond the armor. Guild Wars 2 fans will have to keep their eyes peeled for what comes out of the convention... and wait just a wee bit longer to find out when the beta will begin, or what the last profession will be.
Aika's Epic II: Karena coming November 17th Posted: 08 Nov 2011 03:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Patches, PvP, News items, PvE, Free-to-play, Aika Aika players have a few new treats heading their way on November 17th, as the game will be receiving a new update known as Epic II: Karena. Karena advances the game's story, providing more details on the war between Aika's nations and their enemy the Zereca. It also brings several new game features, such as the eponymous island of Karena. PvP players will find something to love as well, as the Traband's Tower Wars have been updated with a new resource system. To top it all off, the game is introducing a new PvF system. What is PvF, you ask? Player vs. Fish, of course. Players can fish up a variety of aquatic creatures and have them cooked into delicious, buff-granting dishes. To join the fun, head on over to Aika's official site. [Source: Gala-Net press release]
PlanetSide 2's New Conglomerate faction detailed Posted: 08 Nov 2011 03:00 PM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Game mechanics, Lore, MMO industry, New titles, News items, MMOFPS, PlanetSide 2 The distinction between terrorist and freedom fighter can be subjective, and the latest PlanetSide 2 dev blog offers an appropriate example. The piece profiles one of the three factions fighting for control of the planet Auraxis, and the New Conglomerate is either a bastion of liberty or a collection of cowardly infidels depending on whom you ask.The NC are "in total open war with both the Terran Republic and the Vanu Sovereignty, seeking to free humanity from the tyrannical grip of the former and defend them from the fanatical alien influence of the latter," according to the blog entry. If you're more interested in PlanetSide 2's gameplay than its lore, Sony Online Entertainment wants you to know that the New Conglomerate is "built around hitting first, hitting hardest, and taking a beating." Vehicles like the Reaver and the Vanguard are built to stay in the fight longer at the cost of mobility and speed. Head to the official PlanetSide 2 website for further details.
Activision Blizzard loses 1.1 million WoW players since May, triples profits Posted: 08 Nov 2011 02:40 PM PST Filed under: World of Warcraft, Fantasy, Economy, MMO industry, Miscellaneous Today's investor call with Activision Blizzard was a rollercoaster of news for MMO fans, with both good and bad news coming forth.Starting with the bad -- everyone asks to start with the bad news, don't they? -- World of Warcraft's subscriber numbers are much lower than they were this past May. The company reports that subscriptions have dropped from 11.4 million in May to 11.1 million in June to 10.3 million, representing a loss of 10% of the playerbase. These numbers represent the total worldwide, and Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime said that most of the losses were suffered in the eastern market. No matter where the losses come from, this continues the downward trend of the title during the past year. Blizzard declined to provide a subscriber forecast for the next quarter. The good news is that the company has whooped expectations by nearly tripling its profit for the quarter over this time last year. During this past quarter, Activision Blizzard raked in $627 million worth of sales, of which $148 million is pure profit. A majority of the revenue -- 62% -- comes from its digital sales. The company expects 2012 to be even better, with titles like Diablo III and another Call of Duty in the works. CEO Bobby Kotick is nothing if not confident in the company's future: "I believe our unyielding commitment to excellence and our creative talent around the globe will continue to position Activision Blizzard as the leader in interactive entertainment."
League of Legends announces ranked team system Posted: 08 Nov 2011 02:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, News items, Free-to-play, MOBA Changes are coming to League of Legends' ranked team structure. Riot Games announced today that it is going to be introducing a brand-new feature: ranked teams. Players can form a premade 3v3 or 5v5 team, give it a name, and track its progress as they work their way up the ladder. Team ratings will operate independently of the members' individual ratings, thereby making the new system a true "measure of you and your friends' ability to work together in a competitive environment." More information will be made available closer to Season 2's launch.
BioWare sending out SWTOR weekend beta invites Posted: 08 Nov 2011 02:00 PM PST Filed under: Betas, Sci-fi, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Star Wars: The Old Republic Tired of heathen game journos getting their unworthy mitts on Star Wars: The Old Republic before true fans like yourself? Well, take heart young apprentice, as BioWare is sending out invites to TOR's latest round of weekendA new post on the game's official boards says that some invites have already been sent, and more will be forthcoming throughout the evening (i.e., check your inboxes and spam folders). In other SWTOR news, Darth Hater has you covered when it comes to the latest fan site summit in Austin, Texas. The website has a couple of staff members on location to "gather the latest news and details about SWTOR for the community."
Blizzard says mass layoffs are 'just a rumor' Posted: 08 Nov 2011 01:30 PM PST Filed under: MMO industry, News items, Miscellaneous Yesterday we ran a rumor that a senior level designer on Blizzard's Titan project, John Staats, had been laid off. We've received confirmation presumably from the man himself that he is no longer working at Blizzard, though the reasons for his firing are unknown. Rumors also ran wild that Blizzard had seen some kind of "mass layoffs," but Bashiok stopped by the forums today to put an end to that, saying, "Hey guys, out of respect for their privacy, we don't discuss individual employees, but the speculation circulating about 'massive layoffs at Blizzard' is just a rumor." Zahrym confirmed this on his personal Twitter account, as well. What Staats' absence will mean for the future of Titan remains to be seen, but we'll be sure to let you know as soon as we get word.
Rod Humble details experimentation and innovation at Linden Lab Posted: 08 Nov 2011 01:00 PM PST Filed under: MMO industry, News items, Virtual worlds, Miscellaneous Linden Lab's popular Second Life is known for being one of the more creative, outside-the-box titles available on the market. That tradition carries over into Linden Lab CEO Rod Humble's newest initiative, which he says "puts the 'lab' in Linden Lab." Rather than having his developers spend all their time between projects working on bug-fixes, Humble has begun a rapid-prototyping R&D initiative. For all the information on this new project, head on over to Gamasutra and check out the full feature.
Massively tours EverQuest's Veil of Alaris with Community Manager Eric Cleaver Posted: 08 Nov 2011 12:30 PM PST Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, EverQuest, Expansions, Interviews, Lore, Previews, Hands-on, Massively Hands-on In just a few short weeks, EverQuest is set to launch its 18th expansion, Veil of Alaris. The expansion will raise the level cap from 90 to 95, and players will be able to adventure in 12 new zones. In addition, over 800 AAs will be added, and there will be 13 new raids along with new guild halls that can be player-decorated.I had a chance to tour some of these zones with Community Manager Eric "Piestro" Cleaver, who showed off some of the new content that's coming soon to EverQuest. Read on for a look at several new zones and the storylines behind them. Continue reading Massively tours EverQuest's Veil of Alaris with Community Manager Eric Cleaver
The Soapbox: Diagnosing and understanding Girlfriend Syndrome Posted: 08 Nov 2011 12:00 PM PST Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Soapbox, Miscellaneous Disclaimer: The Soapbox column is entirely the opinion of this week's writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Massively as a whole. If you're afraid of opinions other than your own, you might want to skip this column.You see them more often than you probably want to admit. They're remarkably easy to spot, most often lower-level characters dressed in the best possible equipment, limply following behind higher-level characters like some sort of ersatz satellite. When you talk to them, they give short answers before the higher-level characters answer everything. You see them trudging along, going through the motions, but not showing any signs of interest. You've witnesses someone suffering from Girlfriend Syndrome. Girlfriend Syndrome is a disease that affects any number of people worldwide, and it is thankfully wholly curable. But in order to cure this debilitating ailment, you have to understand why people suffer from it, what can be done for them, and whether or not in-game euthanasia is really the best option. Girlfriend Syndrome, you see, is not airborne; it's transmitted, willingly, by someone who already has the gaming bug. Continue reading The Soapbox: Diagnosing and understanding Girlfriend Syndrome
Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files - Twi'leks Posted: 08 Nov 2011 11:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, Lore, New titles, Roleplaying, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Hyperspace Beacon It's going to be extremely difficult for me to not approach the topic of Twi'leks without gushing, so please, forgive the drool.Twi'leks have graced the Star Wars universe since Return of the Jedi. In the movies, the women have always been beautiful and athletic, whereas the male Twi'leks have been ugly, and frankly, disgusting. Oola, the green-skinned dancer for Jabba the Hutt, showed us a tragic side of the species when she was sacrificed to the rancor at the whim of the gangster. Bib Fortuna, Jabba's majordomo, exemplified the slimy underbelly of the Twi'lek culture. In Star Wars: The Old Republic, besides being prominent NPCs, Twi'leks are a possible player species for several classes. Smugglers, Consulars, Jedi Knights, and Sith Inquisitors can all be played as Twi'leks. With this wide variety of players running around as these humanoids, it may be a good idea to know where they came from and why they are important to Star Wars lore. Dance past the break to find out more. Continue reading Hyperspace Beacon: Holocron Files - Twi'leks
SEE Games confirms Total Recall browser MMO Posted: 08 Nov 2011 10:00 AM PST Filed under: Sci-fi, New titles, News items, Free-to-play, Browser A few months ago, we reported that SEE Virtual Worlds had acquired a number of well-known intellectual properties, including the upcoming Total Recall remake. At the time, however, it was unknown how the company would put those properties to use. Well, wonder no more. SEE has announced that it is working on a browser-based Total Recall MMO which will tie into the upcoming film remake. The game will be free-to-play and supported by microtransactions. No release date has been announced yet, but the movie itself is tentatively scheduled for August 3rd, 2012, so a similar release date for the game wouldn't be unreasonable.
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