WoW Transmogrification: Warrior T1, T2 High Imitation Sets Posted: Since rumor has it that Patch 4.3 will launch equipment transmogrification system, players are begining to collect those good-looking sets in the past. In this article, we collected some high imitation components of Warrior T1, T2 set that scattered on Mars for you.  |
Soul Master (JP) Kicks off CBT Tester Recruitment Today Posted: Good news! Japan-based Arario has just announced today that they have begun recruiting CBT testers for Soul Master. Arario expects to recruit 10,000 testers.  |
World of Warcraft's Guardian Cub Creates RMT Loophole Posted: It is nothing new to hear a new pet is introduced to the Blizzard store. However, this time, Blizzard has made some small change to the newly companion pet called the Guardian Cub, which costs $10 and it is tradable, which can be sold in-game at the auction house for gold.  |
NPD: 91% of Children in the United States are Gamers Posted: The latest research by NPD Group, shows that 91% of American Children are gamers, compared to the number of 82% in 2009.  |
League of Legends - One Thread about Rotations Posted: I just had an idea to make 'one' thread which shows the actual champion rotation and i will edit it every week and make it sticky, so people don't need to look for the thread.  |
WoW: Patch 4.3 - Hurricane and Wrath Animations Posted: Last PTR update Druids got a new animation for Hurricane. An updated version of Wrath was also added.  |
WoW Patch 4.3: Heirloom Changes Posted: You can no longer delete characters that have heirlooms in their bags or mail on the 4.3 PTR.  |
SOE: Marv Wolfman will Write the Historic Fiction for MMOFPS PlanetSide 2 Posted: Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) today announced that award-winning author Marv Wolfman has joined the SOE team to write the historic fiction for the upcoming massively multiplayer online first person shooter (MMOFPS), PlanetSide ® 2. This will be the first time the PlanetSide franchise narrative has been detailed.  |
RIFT 1.5 Ashes of History World Even Begins on October 12! Posted: Wanton and Golden Maw cultists have joined forces to find and transport mysterious artifacts across the Telaran sea, and it's up to Ascended to discover what the slaves of Laethys and Maelforge are plotting out beyond the horizon. Ashes of History features new daily quests, rifts, and invasions that offer Magma Opals, currency that can be used to purchase scorching rewards, including rare and epic weapons, a glittering oreling companion, and the fearsome Ash Strider mount.  |
Zynga Claims It's Next Ville Game CastleVille Is A MMORPG‎ Posted: Zynga wants to give you more of a World of Warcraft feeling, but packaged up in something you can understand in three clicks and five or 15 minutes.  |
MMO Brawler Elsword Now Supporting Gamepad Posted: The publisher Kill3rCombo just announced gamepad support for the anime-inspired beat-'em-up MMO.  |
BioWare Invites Australia and New Zealand into SWTOR's Testing Posted: As we know that BioWare's Star Wars: The Old Republic is going to release in the United States and Europe on December 20th and December 22nd respectively. Today BioWare Community Coordinator Allison Berryman announced the details regarding the game testing in oceanic countries like Australia and New Zealand.  |
Webzen: MU Online World Championship for Worldwide Users at G-Star 2011 Posted: WEBZEN Inc. announces that they will host the first World Championship ever for MU Online users all over the world.  |
Elsword Now Supports Gamepads Posted: Most of you know by now that I am a sucker when it comes to being able to use a gamepad in a game, whether it is using a 3rd party program to achieve that goal, or if the game natively supports it, I am thrilled to be able to use it. This is one of those situations where it is natively supported, and I am happy for it.  |
Lime Odyssey Releases TERA-Ripping Cute Race Pam Posted: Lime Odyssey is a new cartoon-style MMORPG published by Korea-based JCE (also the publisher of Freestyle). Its developer Talk Talk Plus, who once created the popular MMO Ragnarok Online, has just released a new race Pam for this game.  |
EB Games EXPO to Hit Australia This Weekend! Posted: EB Games, Australia's largest video games and entertainment retailer, has announced that the world's leading gaming brands will participate in the EB Games EXPO, Australia's biggest gaming event.  |
1 Month to Go Before G-Star 2011 Opens! Posted: At G-Star 2011 to be held at BEXCO, Busan, South Korea between Nov. 10 and Nov. 13, numerous well-known game companies from around the world will show up in succession with their anticipated new products.  |
Red Blood Online Released Latest Screenshots Before 1st CBT Posted: Action MMORPG Red Blood Online, developed by Gorilla Banana Entertainment, is one of the most anticipated titles in Korea. Red Blood Online is designed in an MMORPG way with which players are familiar.  |
League of Legends Champion Spotlight: Teemo, The Swift Scout Posted: A champion that needs no introduction, this quick Yordle has found more than a few fans during his time in the League. Want to know all about playing one of the League's cutest champion? Take a look at the Teemo Champion Spotlight!  |
Forsaken World: Storms Of War Official Reveal Trailer! Posted: Storms Of War is the next expantion for Perfect World Entertainments popular Forsaken World. The expansion will introduce new content, a raised level cap, and some new gear. More info should be released soon, but till then all I have is the trailer and the screenshots for you guys to enjoy!  |