


General: Star Supremacy Site Launches

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:23 AM PDT

Space-themed MMO, Star Supremacy, now has an official site packed with information about each of the three factions, star fleets, weaponry, science and technology and more. According to the dev team, Star Supremacy will be entering into its closed beta phase of development in the next month.

General: Who Else is Sick of Comic Book Movies?

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 03:08 PM PDT

Comic books. We all love 'em. But what is it these days with every comic book hero (or villain) being given their own Hollywood treatment? In Coyote's Howling, venerable columnist Coyote entertains the idea that maybe this sort of thing simply must STOP. Check it out and then leave your comments!

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Sex & Games & Rolling Dice

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 02:59 PM PDT

Earlier this week, a video interview with one of Bioware's developers stirred up a veritable poop storm of controversy when it was suggested that Star Wars: The Old Republic would not feature same-sex relationships between players and compantions. In his latest column, MMORPG.com Managing Editor Bill Murphy offers his opinion on the issue. Read on and then weigh in with your (calm, cool & collected) thoughts in the comments.

Rift: Gamescom - What's Up with 1.5?

Posted: 23 Aug 2011 05:09 PM PDT

During last week's Gamescom, MMORPG.com's John Milburn had the opportunity to check out a special Rift presentation about the upcoming 1.5 patch, a patch that is set to bring some interesting new features into the game. Check out John's report on the presentation liberally peppered with questions about some of the features. Keep reading!

Faxion Online: Game Service Ending

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:58 AM PDT

UTV True Games devs have announced that three-month old Faxion Online is shutting down. Beginning this week, players will not be able to purchase items from the in-game store and the servers will go dark in approximately thirty days.

Rift: Up for a Trio of Awards

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 12:21 PM PDT

Trion has let us know that its inaugural title, Rift, has been nominated as a finalist in three categories for the 2011 Game Developers Choice Online awards. Categories include Best New Online Game, Best Online Technology, and Best Online Visual Arts. GDC Online Awards will be handed out on October 10th.

Face of Mankind: Under New Management

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 12:16 PM PDT

Face of Mankind is now being developed by Nexeon Technologies. The team has sent out notice that the website and forums have been given a much-needed facelift and have a laundry list of game features and fixes that have been implemented in just the last few weeks.

World of Tanks: Battle for the Dnieper Live Event Begins Thursday

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 10:39 AM PDT

Wargaming.net has announced that a new special world event called Battle for the Dnieper. The live event will mirror the true four month long battle fought during WWII. Players participating in the event will see experience gains, gold acquisition and more.

Rusty Hearts: Closed Beta Phase 2 Opens Today

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 09:39 AM PDT

Rusty Hearts closed beta players will be able to log in later today to check out the new material coming with Phase 2 of the testing period. Developers have promised a new costume item for players logging in prior to 2:00 a.m. PST on August 25th.

General: Sevencore: Swords, Spells & Flying Motorbikes

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 09:31 AM PDT

gPotato's European division has announced that a new "fusion" MMO is currently in development by Noria. The announcement is being celebrated with a new game play trailer that shows off some wicked weapons (check out the flame thrower!) and mounts (flying pod racer type vehicles).

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