MMO Updates |
- Rusty Hearts' closed beta swings into phase 2
- EverQuest II's GU61 going live today
- Perpetuum update outlines new assigments and more
- Hi-Rez prepping Global Agenda's largest expansion
- EverQuest II beefs up its free trial
- The Daily Grind: What was the best change made to your favorite MMO?
- New video shows creation of EverQuest II raptor concept
- World of Tanks mirrors history with Battle for the Dnieper special event
- Faxion Online closing the doors of heaven and hell
- A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Spotlight on the Trolls
- Turbine confirms five new LotRO instances by the end of the year
- SWTOR lead spills the beans about the Eternity Vault raid
- gPotato announces Sevencore, releases gameplay trailer
- Massively Speaking Episode 162
- Funcom teases Age of Conan Turan armor
- One Shots: All that's missing is a drink with a little umbrella in it
- New Darkfall video shows off bone armor
- Exclusive: Referee Ruby plays Treasure War in Free Realms
- Enter at Your Own Rift: A party guide for the fashionably late
Rusty Hearts' closed beta swings into phase 2 Posted: 25 Aug 2011 10:00 AM PDT Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, Video, Events, real-world, Free-to-play, Massively Event Coverage It's an exciting time for the hyper-kinetic Rusty Hearts, as the title not only is moving into its second closed beta phase today, but is ramping up for a blockbuster appearance at this week's PAX.Perfect World is upping the ante for potential testers, offering a free costume item for those who log into the game in the first 12 hours. This costume piece will persist through open beta, so there's no worry it's going away anytime soon. Rusty Hearts' closed beta phase 2 is also increasing the amount of content available in the game, including a complete town restructure, a fine-tuning of the PvP system, the ability to compare yourself to other players, a side quest system, a revamp of the skill tree, advanced crafting, and unique cosmetic looks for crafted weapons. If you don't have the pleasure of attending PAX, the Rusty Hearts dev team has a present for you anyway: the full PAX walkthrough video that will be on display at the convention. You can check it out after the jump! Continue reading Rusty Hearts' closed beta swings into phase 2
EverQuest II's GU61 going live today Posted: 25 Aug 2011 09:30 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Game mechanics, Lore, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play Those of you trying to log into EverQuest II this morning may have been greeted by a crashing launchpad or some variation on the standard "service offline" message. Fear not, as it's patch day, and the servers will be back sooner rather than later (we hope).Game Update 61 is in the offing, and EQ2Wire has an extensive breakdown of the patch notes for what is one of the more significant non-expansion updates in the history of the game. Aside from the alternate advancement tweaks, the most significant change is a complete loot and itemization revamp. This means that there's no reason to restrict yourself to the "Golden Path" when it comes to leveling your characters. Norrath is one of the largest and most diverse game worlds in existence, and you should now see level-appropriate loot no matter where in the world you adventure. Also of note are new dungeons that scale between levels 60 and 90, as well as the house rating system, a native video-capture and YouTube publishing feature, and the ability for your Fae and Arasai characters to fly at level 85 and up. Finally, the official EQII site has a lengthy new lore passage related to the update, and you can bone up on what's happening with the War of Zek while you're waiting for the servers to restart.
Perpetuum update outlines new assigments and more Posted: 25 Aug 2011 09:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Perpetuum, Dev Diaries, Sandbox It's been a few weeks since we've heard from the Perpetuum dev team, but all is apparently well as Avatar Creations has been working feverishly on the new features detailed a while back.This month's blog update focuses on new assignments, and there are 16 of them spread among the game's three main Alpha terminals. Avatar has also gifted players with new assignment types, including mining, harvesting, production, transport, and combat varieties. The devs have also tweaked Perpetuum's facility relations mechanics, with the largest change being a reduction from nine corporations per faction to a more manageable three. Finally, new random NPC spawns are being introduced, and there will be a small chance of encountering new elite NPCs as well. Along with substantial health increases, these guys boast significantly better drop rates. Read all the rest of the details at the official Perpetuum dev blog.
Hi-Rez prepping Global Agenda's largest expansion Posted: 25 Aug 2011 08:00 AM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, Expansions, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play, Global Agenda Hi-Rez Studios has big plans for Global Agenda, and the autumn months will see the sci-fi shooter's largest expansion to date made available to everyone for free. The Recursive Colony patch (version 1.5 if you're counting at home) will include a new open zone with instanced missions, quest chains, social spaces, and mid- to high-level content. New enemies, daily repeatable quests, and further avatar customization options are also on the way."Players seeking a quest-driven, narrative experience post level 20 can now level up in the new open zone as an alternative to, or in addition to, our instanced missions," said Hi Rez's Todd Harris. "We've also included a new set of instanced PvE and PvP content for players at all levels." Said PvP content takes the form of a new mercenary map (Push Dust) and a new acquisition map (Colony Caverns). Finally, if you're going to be at PAX Prime this weekend, stop by the Hi-Rez booth (number 252) and be the first to check out the new content.
EverQuest II beefs up its free trial Posted: 25 Aug 2011 07:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, EverQuest II, Free-to-play, Promotions Sony Online Entertainment is going to great lengths to rope in prospective EverQuest II players, as today the company announced that it is vastly improving its free trial for the game. Assuming that you're not interested in EQII's free-to-play version, you might want to check out these changes and see if they're enough to tempt you into a taste or two.The beefed-up trial includes two weeks -- 14 days -- of commitment-free play in the core game plus the first seven expansions up through the recent Destiny of Velious. In addition, SOE is sweetening the deal by giving trial players a Superior Experience potion that bumps up advancement for two hours, as well as a Green Journeyman's Cloak that contains a respectable 25% speed boost. It's a good of as time as any to give EverQuest II a try, especially since the much-anticipated GU61 lands on the live servers today.
The Daily Grind: What was the best change made to your favorite MMO? Posted: 25 Aug 2011 06:00 AM PDT Filed under: Culture, Opinion, The Daily Grind, Miscellaneous Change can be a very scary thing, which is why many of us resist it. Yet change is also a regular fact of life in an MMO, and so we're forced to roll with it whether we want to or not.In the space of a single content patch, update, expansion, or even hot fix, our entire virtual world can be turned upside-down. Our class can be nerfed into extinction, game mechanics can change the very way we play, and the world can grow and develop in most unexpected ways. The unknowable power of change is one of the reasons why I love MMOs and why it appeals to so many. So instead of focusing on the negative side of change, let's focus on the upside. What was the best change made to your favorite MMO? It can be anything as minor as a bug fix to something as huge as a full-game revamp. If you had to point to one change as the best idea the devs ever had (or co-opted), what would it be?
New video shows creation of EverQuest II raptor concept Posted: 24 Aug 2011 07:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Video, EverQuest II, Culture, MMO industry, News items, Free-to-play, Dev Diaries It's not often that we get to see behind the curtain on our favorite MMORPGs, and Sony Online Entertainment has teamed with PC Gamer to give us one of those opportunities. EverQuest II recently released a slew of new mounts, among them flyers, gliders, and leapers that give players the ability to soar over the wilds of Norrath like never before.SOE production artist Nate Temple kept a video record of his concept design for one of the game's new raptor leapers, and we get to see the complete sketch unfold before our eyes thanks to the time-lapse wizardry on display in the five-minute clip. Temple shows off his mad Photoshop skills and provides a good bit of interesting commentary, so jump past the cut to check it out! Continue reading New video shows creation of EverQuest II raptor concept
World of Tanks mirrors history with Battle for the Dnieper special event Posted: 24 Aug 2011 06:30 PM PDT Filed under: Historical, Events, in-game, News items, Free-to-play, World of Tanks has long touted World of Tanks' historical accuracy when it comes to its tanks' designs and specs. The studio very clearly knows its history, as evidenced by the forthcoming Battle for the Dnieper event. The event, which commemorates a massive World War II battle involving nearly four million people, brings players a couple of opportunities. For starters, from August 25th to 26th, all profit gained by players using the Hummel, SU-8, and M41 SPGs will be doubled. Players will also be able to rename tanks and purchase new ones at highly discounted prices. Topping off the event is the Call of Heroes contest, which challenges players to see who can acquire the highest number of achievements before the end of the contest on August 29th. So what are you waiting for, soldier? Get out there and show everyone else who the real hero is.
Faxion Online closing the doors of heaven and hell Posted: 24 Aug 2011 06:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, MMO industry, PvP, News items, Free-to-play, Faxion Online It may not have had a long life, but Faxion Online's certainly was memorable. The PvP-centric MMO with the unique heaven-and-hell theme has announced that it is closing its doors within the month, following rumors that the entire team had been laid off.In a brief statement posted on the forums, players were notified of the game's closure, which will occur in a couple quick stages. This week, players will not be able to register for the game, download it, or use the store, while the servers will be powered down within 30 days from today. "We're eternally grateful for all the support, feedback, and competition our players have provided through thick and thin," the announcement stated. "Faxion's development was a Herculean effort that some said was impossible given the timeframe and resources we had, and we're proud to have delivered a PvP-driven experience that people could enjoy. Alas, all good things must come to an end." Faxion Online launched on May 26th this year, making this one of the quickest demises of an MMO since last year's All Points Bulletin. We at Massively wish the best for Faxion's staff in the coming months.
A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Spotlight on the Trolls Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:00 PM PDT Filed under: Super-hero, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Lore, Opinion, A Mild-Mannered Reporter The low-level gangs that heroes face in City of Heroes follow a pretty set pattern. At the absolute bottom are street thugs with a little bit of superhuman muscle at the very top, just enough to remind you that you are in a city swarming with mutants and magic and all of that fun stuff. One step up, however, and you start to find gangs that are just a little more vicious, ones that genuinely couldn't thrive at all outside of the superheroic milieu. That's where the Trolls sit -- as a group of legitimately superhuman street thugs mostly kept in line by their own issues.The Trolls are most likely the first villain group out of the starter areas that you'll encounter in numbers, if for no other reason than the simple fact that they're swarming the Hollows. You're also likely to start running into them if you deal with the Skulls long enough because the Skulls are what keeps the Trolls up and running. Trolls aren't like their lower-level counterparts -- they suffer from a disease, and feeding that ailment is the source of their power and reputation. Continue reading A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Spotlight on the Trolls
Turbine confirms five new LotRO instances by the end of the year Posted: 24 Aug 2011 04:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Lord of the Rings Online, Expansions, Patches, Free-to-play, Dungeons While a new expansion is usually a cause for celebration, some Lord of the Rings Online players have expressed disappointment that September's Rise of Isengard lacks new instances outside of the much-ballyhooed 24-man raid.Between convention appearances, Turbine's Sapience confirmed on the forums that while Isengard players won't be enjoying any additional three-man or six-man dungeons, more will come by the end of the year in Update 5: We are currently preparing five new instances for release post-Isengard.Rise of Isengard will be on display at Turbine's booth this weekend at PAX in Seattle.
SWTOR lead spills the beans about the Eternity Vault raid Posted: 24 Aug 2011 04:00 PM PDT Filed under: Sci-fi, New titles, Endgame, PvE, Star Wars: The Old Republic At Gamescom this past week, Star Wars: The Old Republic concentrated on showing off endgame to prove to players that it is indeed an MMO. At the press conference just prior to the convention, Lead Designer Gabe Amatangelo demonstrated the very first part of the Eternity Vault raid content you will find in TOR. The demonstration group wiped on the second encounter, but we were assured that there was more. But how much more?Thanks to, we now know. Amatangelo explained the encounters to the German fansite as follows: "The Eternity Vault has five. It has five encounters. 'Bosses' is such a loose term. One of them, you have to hack this puzzle. You've got to split up the group, and you've got to fight back a bunch of different waves while people are trying to solve a puzzle in tandem." This information should comfort some fans of the game; there is more to this dungeon than a simple tank-and-spank. More SWTOR information is headed our way as we gear up for PAX. Stay tuned this weekend as we give you the latest information from our reporters on the show floor in Seattle.
gPotato announces Sevencore, releases gameplay trailer Posted: 24 Aug 2011 03:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Sci-fi, Trailers, Video, Game mechanics, MMO industry, New titles, News items, Free-to-play Earlier this month we brought you the scoop on Sevencore, a free-to-play sci-fi fantasy hybrid being developed by Noria and published by gPotato. Today, ZAM brings us the details of the title's official announcement along with the first official gameplay trailer.The video clip features plenty of single-player PvE footage as well as a plethora of nifty environmental vistas. There's also a brief look at a few of the mounts that gPotato is highlighting in the game's early marketing materials, as well as some sort of racing event featuring pedal-to-the-metal hovercraft action. Check out all that and more after the break. Continue reading gPotato announces Sevencore, releases gameplay trailer
Massively Speaking Episode 162 Posted: 24 Aug 2011 03:00 PM PDT Filed under: Podcasts, Culture, Opinion, Humor, Massively Speaking Massively Speaking Episode 162 is back this week to bring you all the latest MMO news with your hosts Shawn and Rubi. It's a slow week as we sit between Gamescom and PAX Prime, but there's still stuff to talk about, including the newest info on the NASA MMO, APB Reloaded's retail launch info, The Secret World's large-scale PvP, the Guild Wars 2 crafting system demo, and more!If you're interested in learning more about the Game Programming Instructor position Shawn has mentioned on previous episodes, check out the job listing or contact Shawn for more info. Have a comment for the podcasters? Shoot an email to We may just read your email on the air! Get the podcast: [iTunes] Subscribe to Massively Speaking directly in iTunes. [RSS] Add Massively Speaking to your RSS aggregator. [MP3] Download the MP3 directly. Listen here on the page: Read below the cut for the full show notes. Continue reading Massively Speaking Episode 162
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Funcom teases Age of Conan Turan armor Posted: 24 Aug 2011 02:30 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Screenshots, Age of Conan, MMO industry, Patches, News items, Free-to-play We still don't have a release date for Age of Conan's next content drop, but the Savage Coast of Turan adventure pack is nonetheless looking pretty spiffy. How's that, you say? Well, Funcom has teased a couple of new screenshots featuring gear from the new pack, and you can see for yourself at the AoC Facebook page.There's a pair of male and a pair of female models on display (and unlike most fantasy MMOs, Age of Conan continues its tradition of providing actual armor for the fairer sex as opposed to thongs and heavy metal bras). The only question that remains is where will players get the bag or bank space to hold the new sets?
One Shots: All that's missing is a drink with a little umbrella in it Posted: 24 Aug 2011 02:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Galleries, Screenshots, Free-to-play, One Shots Eden Eternal got a huge content update earlier this month, and fans have been enjoying the increased level cap, new dungeons, new zones, and more. Massively reader Benjamin took a minute to get a snapshot of one of the new zones for One Shots:This is a screenshot I took of the new zone Delphi Forest in Eden Eternal. I find the graphics themselves aren't technically impressive, but the developers have managed to create a unique and colourful atmosphere with what they have. There are also nice touches like butterflies and glowing spores flying around. Those things, combined with an impressive day/night cycle, give this game's environments a really magical feel.We're looking at the best MMO environments all this week. Do you have a favorite landscape, particularly eye-catching weather effect, or hidden jewel in an out-of-the-way location? Snap a screenshot of your favorite MMO area, tell us a bit about what and where it is, and send it to Next week we'll be revisiting another old favorite of One Shots: bug week. Whether it's unwanted guests in cutscenes, funny graphic glitches, or a prank you played on a buddy, we want to see. Send your screenshots in and we'll feature them in next week's One Shots!
New Darkfall video shows off bone armor Posted: 24 Aug 2011 01:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Darkfall, Game mechanics, MMO industry, Patches, News items Aventurine missed its usual Friday update last week, and we can only hope it's because the devs were too busy working on Darkfall 2.0 to bother with blogging. The latest Darkfall media sneak peek is out today instead, and it features a brief look at more of the new armor fans are looking forward to in a future patch.The armor is called bonescale, and before the clip is over, viewers will also get a glimpse of a new nasty called the necroguardian. Long-time Darkfall players may recognize the creature as an offshoot of the old obsidian golem, albeit with a bit more attitude this time around. As far as the armor goes, the blog entry also says that it will be a high-end medium set that will require special components to craft. So when can we expect to see the bonescale, the necroguardian, and the rest of Darkfall 2.0? That's still up in the air, as Aventurine makes no mention of a release date for its massive game overhaul. Continue reading New Darkfall video shows off bone armor
Exclusive: Referee Ruby plays Treasure War in Free Realms Posted: 24 Aug 2011 12:00 PM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Trailers, Video, Free-to-play, Browser, Trading card games, Humor, Free Realms, Kids Referee Ruby is back again this week with another exclusive Free Realms video, this time showing off the Treasure War card game. Accessible through Greenwood Forest, Treasure War is a simple, card-styled rock-paper-scissors game in which players pit their cards against opponents' cards in an attempt to steal -- you guessed it -- treasure. The game features three modes: Quickplay, for low-risk, speedy, and fun matches vs. other players; Campaign, which requires the participant to face off against increasingly difficult NPCs for prizes; and Tournament, a competitive version of Quickplay that offers lucrative rewards.Ruby notes that Treasure War isn't a standard TCG in which you build a custom deck; instead, your cards are chosen at random from your collection by the game itself. Of course, the Free Realms cash shop sells gems that can boost your odds of winning if you really need that extra edge. You can also purchase card packs for a chance at rare prizes like the glowy phoenix mount Ruby's riding at the end of the trailer. Enjoy the full video just behind the break! Continue reading Exclusive: Referee Ruby plays Treasure War in Free Realms
Enter at Your Own Rift: A party guide for the fashionably late Posted: 24 Aug 2011 11:00 AM PDT Filed under: Fantasy, Events, in-game, Opinion, RIFT, Guides, Enter at Your Own Rift Last week, Justin presented a great overview of what's on the horizon for RIFT via his interview with Trion CCO and RIFT Executive Producer Scott Hartsman. On August 25th, everyone is invited to celebrate RIFT's six-month birthday, with special events and prizes for the next seven days. New and returning players get to play for free, while subscribers get lots of special perks like extra experience, increased drops, and even a special birthday gift at the end of the celebration.Curious about why players names are certain colors? Having a hard time deciphering an acronym? Wondering how you can find the calling and level of someone talking in open chat? Read on for some helpful game tips for those who are thinking of checking out the game (and perhaps a few tips that even veterans might appreciate)! Continue reading Enter at Your Own Rift: A party guide for the fashionably late
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