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MMO updates

Red Blood Online - F2P open world action MMO

Posted: 25 Aug 2011 05:33 AM PDT

Back in February 2010 (link), I posted about Korean studio Gorilla Banana's first online game title, Red Blood Online. The developer did not actually leak out much information, but today, a new trailer was shown as the game is being prepared for the Closed Beta phase. From what I know, this should be the first Free to Play open world action MMO from Korea. Red Blood Online's storyline is based on a manga series which has been running in Korea for around 7 years.

Users who register now before the Closed Beta date is announced will be able to access the full testing phase, which I already did. Although the class choices looks lacking now, with only 3, I have no doubt more will be added in the long run. I am really excited! The age of Free to Play open world action MMO is now in full gear from both China and Korea!

Update: I am informed that the game will be indeed an open world, but it will be using a Guild Wars system, where every open map is actually an instance and only players in a party will be able to see each other once step out of town. The game hence does not have a persistent world. The game also utilized a system call "Stage Automation", where each map will change its routes every time players re-enter. Pretty much like Diablo II's dungeons. More information when made available as Closed Beta is scheduled to start in September.

Hunter Blade - Monster Hunter clone goes English

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 11:20 PM PDT

(Official website) Thanks to a forum post in OnRPG (link), it seems that Hunter Blade is getting an English server, for now. I am not sure if this is a temporary server to attract business partners from the West or if the developer are serious about hosting an English server themselves, but we shall see. Developed in China by JoyChina, the game has been called a Monster Hunter clone from gamers everywhere. This English server is currently in Closed Beta.

I started trying out the game late last year in the China server (link), before I managed to capture footage when my new PC rig arrived (link). You can see some of the footage below as well. Will this game work out? Personally, I am confident it will suffer the same fate as Faxion (link), which I predicted its imminent downfall as well. You might like it, so give the game a spin!

SevenCore (EU) - Trailer debuts

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 06:21 PM PDT

(Teaser website) gPotato EU, which was at last week's gamescom 2011 in Germany, brought its new MMORPG SevenCore to the show with little media spotlight. With that said, the publisher for SevenCore has released the game's debut English trailer, which you can see below. With a mixture of sci-fi technology and fantasy, the SevenCore is also touted as a "riding action MMORPG".

Why is this and Age of Wulin under the gPotato EU banner and not the North American gPotato? Well, like I posted previously, the company has SevenCore's rights for North America as well according to a March 2011 press release (link). Well there be changes? Hmn... The Korean server just went into its first Closed Beta phase, so stay tuned for more information. More info can be found here (link).

Sword Girls - Dungeon preview

Posted: 24 Aug 2011 05:56 PM PDT

(Official website) Announced just last week (link), ChangYou's new online card game, Sword Girls, is back with a brief preview of the game's dungeon system. A dungeon in an online card game?! Yeap. you read it right. The dungeons, just like most MMORPG now, are classified into the Easy, Normal and Hard modes. And no, you cannot collect all the cards once you win, but you gain Ores to craft new cards. Closed Beta begins in October and below is the continuing official press release.

A boss will appear after enough Dungeon levels are cleared. Boss characters are especially tough enemies with abilities not seen in normal game play. Gold Lion Nold is the first boss you will face in the game, and while any new player will easily be able to conquer Dungeon floors, you are going to have to show that you really know how to use your deck if you want to defeat her.

At the start of every turn, Nold reduces the Cost of each of her Followers by 1. Each player has a 10 Cost limit on the cards they can have in play at once, so for Nold, this means that she will be putting out more powerful cards and have room the next turn for even more powerful cards. To beat her, you will either have to tear down her expensive cards before she puts too many out, or you will have to come up with a way to survive them.

Gold Lion Nold is a tough challenge, but if you can beat her, there is a chance she might join you! Whenever you defeat a dungeon boss, you might get a version of that boss as a special Character card. You can only get them from beating the bosses! They cannot be crafted or purchased. On top of that, the very first person to topple a previously undefeated boss will be guaranteed to receive the card. Every time a new dungeon comes out, you will want to make sure you are the first one to beat it. If you can tame the Gold Lion and earn her humanoid form, this card will be a mark of pride.

Nold looks a bit different in her humanoid form. She behaves differently too. Unlike her boss form, which is built to be a difficult challenge for everyone to overcome, her powers are on par with any of the other Characters. However, they still deal with Cost manipulation. Every turn, she reduces a played card's Cost by 1 and lowers the Cost of a card in hand by 1. Match this special Character with other cards that manipulate Cost, and you've got a deck with a unique and effective theme!

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