


Star Wars: The Old Republic: No Same Sex Relationships

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 07:32 AM PDT

In a video interview posted on YouTube by KAEmpire, Star Wars: The Old Republic developer Corey Butler says (at ~2.30 into the video) that the game will not feature same sex relationships. The Bioware forums are afire with a fifty-one page discussion of the issue and a community poll.

Allods Online: Our Official Review - Traveling in Astral Space

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 04:27 PM PDT

In our latest review here at MMORPG.com, CatMo takes a look at Allods Online. Allods was one of those games a couple years ago that was so filled with potential that people took notice. See how Allods Online fares with CatMo and then let us know of your experiences in game in the comments.

Rift: Counting on Success

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 04:13 PM PDT

It has been nearly six months since the official launch of Trion's inaugural MMO, Rift. In the intervening months, people have been arguing about whether or not Rift is a success. In today's Riding the Rift column, MMORPG.com Associate Editor Suzie Ford takes a look at exactly that and offers a few thoughts about the issue. Check out Suzie's Tripping the Rift column and then add a few of your ideas in the comments below.

Guild Wars 2: Gamescom Interview with Colin Johanson

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 03:28 PM PDT

During last week's Gamescom in Germany, MMORPG.com's John Milburn had the opportunity to sit down and chat with Arena.Net's Colin Johanson about all things Guild Wars 2. It's an entertaining and enlightening interview that is not to be missed. Keep reading for our exclusive Gamescom Interview with Colin Johanson.

DC Universe Online: MegaServers Breathe Life

Posted: 21 Aug 2011 03:49 PM PDT

DC Universe Online recently announced 'megaservers' in an effort to bring new life to a game that has been plagued by player defections due to such things at the hacking attacks on Sony servers. According to MMORPG.com Managing Editor Bill Murphy, the megaservers were a mega-inspired idea that has brought new life to DCUO. Read why he thinks that and then let us know your thoughts in the comments.

DOTA2: Coming Full Circle

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 06:28 AM PDT

DOTA 2 was the belle of the ball at last week's Gamescom convention with tons of new information coming forth about the MOBA. In a new article at sister site RTSGuru.com, Mike Bitton takes a look at DOTA 2 from the perspective of a n00b to the genre. Check it out!

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