
MMO updates

MMO updates

Kingz: Constantinople - Building castles

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 03:24 AM PDT

I was quite surprised this game wasn't mentioned in ThisIsGame, Korea's largest gaming website, hence I turned to Inven Korea instead. Introducing Kingz: Constantinople, the maiden MMO title from Korean developer Logiworks founded in 2009. The development team consists of veterans from NCsoft and Nexon, making this game a possible sleeper hit. Before I go on, take a look at the rather lengthy debut trailer below.

Impressed? Well, though not exactly at a scale of ArcheAge's, Kingz does showcase a few innovative features not found in most Free to Play titles. An event which executes NPCs? I am really wondering how this system works. The main feature will be the castle and town building system, where players can even hire servants! Kingz is currently scheduled to enter Closed Beta in the Summer next year, with an official release in 2013.

Song Dynasty Online - New martial arts masterpiece

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 01:12 AM PDT

A few days back, I wrote about a stunning action RPG from China which is currently in development, Pan Long Online (link). This week, here is yet another awesome masterpiece from the same country. Introducing Song Dynasty Online (direct translation), a self-proclaimed "4th generation" martial arts MMORPG. The game has many similarities with Age of Wulin (link), but at the same time having different features as well.

After going through Song Dynasty's teaser website, I have compiled a small table on the game's many features, which you can have a look below. Some of the features, like running on water surfaces and day/ night system, can be seen in the debut trailer above.

As mentioned, there are no classes or clans in Song Dynasty Online, so how do players learn skills? Well, there are 9 different weapons to choose from, with players free to choose from any at different times. All these weapons are swords, blades and spears. Players can access skills according to what weapon they are wielding.

Before I forget, all action in the game are done via motion capture by trained actual martial artists, similar to the system found in Age of Wulin.

Song Dynasty Online, as the name suggests, portrays a vivid and vibrant world according to actual historical records and paintings during the Song Dynasty era. The game is currently still in development, so stay tuned for more info!

Blade & Soul (KR) - New area revealed

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 02:23 AM PDT

With Closed Beta 2 for NCsoft's Blade & Soul scheduled (link), It is inevitable that new content will also be released as well. Other than the new Assassin class, the new Great Desert, has been announced together with gorgeous new poster.

There will be more than 10 instance dungeons in the area as the storyline continues, chasing the killers of the game protagonist (player)'s master. The list of Closed Beta 2 participants will be announced this Friday, and I have registered (through my Korean colleague) for it. I do hope to get chosen... I am itching to take some game footage!

The Weekend Journal

Posted: 22 Aug 2011 01:06 AM PDT

Well, I know I am late on this one, but one of my family members got into a traffic accident, hence this late post. He is alright currently, with just some bruises. So, gamescom ended and I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of information being released at the convention. New game titles, new trailers, interviews, even Korean games are being displayed... just wow! Which game stole the show for you?

For me, it has got to be Guild Wars 2, no doubt about that. NCsoft's new title, WildStar (link), looks good as well, but I have doubts about the game after looking at its combat system... Not exactly as fast as I would liked. But being the alpha client of sorts, I am guessing it will be tweaked significantly upon release. Star Wars: The Old Republic is looking fantastic as well, but I am more sold by Bioware's claims of supporting the game for up to 15 years... Well I do hope so!

I went broke over the past week pre-ordering some stuff, which you can see below. Next up will be Skyrim... I am really, really broke~!!!

Before I forget, this blog's pageviews hit 2,000,000 yesterday! The counter provided by Blogger was just implemented a few months back, hence I am very grateful for all those views! Thank you all!

That's all for now, and the next major gaming convention will be PAX Prime. Apparently, Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic will be on show again, not to forget Firefall. Till then, have a nice week!

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