MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

SWTOR 'The Esseles' Developer Walkthrough


During the week of San Diego Comic-Con, a select number of people had the opportunity to play through 'The Esseles,' a Flashpoint that Republic heroes will be able to experience for themselves early in their hero's journey. In the Flashpoint, players must group together to protect a high-ranking diplomat and fend off Imperial boarding parties.

Crafting the Sound and Music of Firefall


Red 5 Studios is being busy with their upcoming Firefall video game and in the latest developer diary, developers of Red 5 Studios talk about the sound and music design. In the video that is available, Michael Bross and Boon Sim discuss the trials and tibulations of creating the auditory bliss that exists in Firefall.

5 Common Issues Related to Our Gaming Experience


How many times have we wished to play all the new MMORPGs without thinking we will get bored after playing them? Perhaps, we thought about this many times before, but when we tried to seek a new MMORPG, we only found look-alike games. In this article we will talk about some problems that we might be able to face when we try to get into the MMORPG world.

Disney to Acquire MMORPG Developer UTV IGNITION


Last week, Ignition Faxion Online Studio was laid off, although it was said that this wouldn't affect any Faxion Online related content, and the game would be continuously updated as always. This means, Disney is taking over the Indian Gaming Market with this purchase.

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