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General gaming

1UP's Choice of Console Giveaway

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 03:10 AM PDT

1UP's Choice of Console Giveaway
How To Play


Pepsi or Coca-Cola? Goobers or Raisinets? Paper or plastic? These questions have divided us for ages. People have their favorites and remain fiercely loyal. The winners of today's giveaway must answer a question... Xbox, Playstation or Wii? If you don't already own one of these, now is the time to choose your side! If you already own one, now is the time to bridge the divide! Make the answer "more than just one"! Here's how to win:

We'll post a secret message on our homepage, right next to our Top Story area. Here's a pic:


1UP's Virtua Tennis 4 Giveaway

Posted: 02 Jun 2011 02:38 AM PDT

1UP's Virtua Tennis 4 Giveaway
How To Play


Summer is here! It's time to get outdoors and get active, maybe play a little tennis... wait, it costs how much? And is it really going to be that hot outside? Hmmm... okay, better idea. How about playing Virtua Tennis 4? Running is overrated anyway.

What do you mean you don't have Virtua Tennis 4? Hopefully we can fix that problem for you today! Here's how to win your copy:

PlayStation Store Back Online, No Welcome Back Yet

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 10:20 PM PDT

MotorStorm Apocalypse

At long last, the PlayStation Store has been brought back online. It had been inaccessible since the PlayStation Network was taken down on April 20.

Not only is it back, but it's also been updated with a great deal of content -- tons of downloadable games (among them Back to the Future Episode 3 and Sega Rally Online Arcade), demos (including MotorStorm Apocalypse, pictured above), DLC, and more. The full list of new content can be found here. Another content update will be made on Friday, June 3, followed by "special publishes" next week for E3.

Unfortunately the welcome back package is not yet available. It's still being tested and will be released "soon."

Massive Skyrim Ad Graces the Figueroa Hotel in L.A.

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 09:55 PM PDT

Skyrim Figueroa Hotel ad

The famous Figueroa Hotel is located in Los Angeles right near the Staples Center and Los Angeles Convention Center, the location of E3. Being so close to the home of E3, it's an ideal place to advertise a videogame, and Bethesda didn't pass up the chance.

What you see above is a massive advertisement for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that's been painted on the front of the building. It's not the first time it's been done -- Grand Theft Auto IV and Chinatown Wars both did it -- but it's still impressive to see nonetheless.

The picture was posted on Twitter by Bethesda marketing boss Pete Hines. When asked how much something like that costs, he put it simply: "It ain't cheap. :-)"

Cool New Indie Platformer Rapscallion Gets a Demo

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 06:27 PM PDT

One of the games from IGN's Indie Open House project, Rapscallion, has seen its very first demo released today. The game is an interesting-looking platformer from new indie developer Runt, one of the contestants from The Next Game Boss.

Runt describes the game as a physics-based 2D action platformer. That's certainly a mouthful, but judging by the trailer, it looks like a lot of fun. Beyond the parkour-style single-player action, the game also has a multiplayer mode, leaderboards, and Achievements to unlock, as well as Time Attack and Exploration modes. It's a pretty game, with visuals somewhat reminiscent of the recently-released Outland.

"Runt plans to release many demos before the final release of Rapscallion. It's an excellent way to get feedback from our fans as we progress in the production of our game," said Runt CEO Tobias Batton in a press release.

Top 20 Games We Want on NGP

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 05:00 PM PDT



Top 20 Games We Want on NGP

Our wish list of unannounced games for Sony's next handheld.

By: Andrew Hayward June 1, 2011

New hardware launches help unlock the creativity in developers -- pushing them towards using the innovative and enhanced capabilities of the new platform to spawn exciting new game ideas. But let's be honest -- we're also keen on seeing some of our favorite existing properties updated and enhanced on a new device, and the NGP (or PlayStation Vita, or whatever it ultimately will be called) seems poised to deliver several faithful franchise iterations, with Uncharted, Wipeout, Killzone, Little Big Planet, and Hot Shots Golf entries all on the horizon, among others.

We'll be hearing much more about the launch lineup and whatever else is on the horizon in the coming days (i.e. E3), but before that happens, here's our list of the 20 yet-to-be-announced games and series we most want to see on the NGP. And feel free to comment about your own personal NGP wishlist.

  • Battlefield 3

    Battlefield 3

    With two analog sticks and PlayStation 3-ish quality visuals, it seems fair to say that the NGP should be able to do modern first-person shooters justice on the go. Why wait on bringing arguably the most jaw-dropping entry in the next batch -- Battlefield 3 -- to the platform as soon as possible? Being able to level buildings while sitting on a park bench sounds like an amazing experience, and while the online play experience probably won't be up to snuff over a 3G connection, sniping enemy forces over Wi-Fi while you're snuggled up in bed won't be just a pipe dream. Maybe that's wishful thinking, and NGP versions of top shooters are still a ways off, but don't be surprised if Battlefield and Call of Duty are battling it out for NGP owner dollars sooner than later after launch.

  • Child of Eden

    Child of Eden

    Wait, Child of Eden, the game you (optionally) play with Kinect or PlayStation Move, right? Correct. And certainly, this spiritual successor to beloved rhythm-shooter Rez seems best experienced with a large TV, a booming sound system, and your motion controller of choice. So why even consider an NGP iteration? Because of the many distinct control options available to Q Entertainment (arguably one of the most creative developers around). Between the motion controls, two touch interfaces, and dual analog sticks, we have no doubt that Q could transform this into a more than worthy handheld experience -- one worth plugging your headphones and mind into for one hell of a trip, even if you're actually on a trip.

  • Final Fantasy VII

    Final Fantasy VII

    Rumors about a Final Fantasy VII remake have swirled for about as long as the PSone had an official successor on the horizon, but while we haven't heard anything solid of late, now seems as smart a time as ever to finally push forward with such a project. Not only is demand for such a remake still sky high, but Square Enix has also been pursuing many more handheld updates to its Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games in recent years. Next year also happens to be the 15th anniversary of Final Fantasy VII's release, which certainly doesn't hurt. We're not counting on it actually happening, but an announcement would make for one heck of an E3 bombshell -- one that would send anticipation for the hardware through the roof around the world.

  • Flower


Aliens: Colonial Marines to Finally Make it Out in 2012

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 03:55 PM PDT

After what's seemed like an eternity, Sega today announced that Aliens: Colonial Marines will be out next spring.

The Gearbox-developed shooter was first talked about in 2006 along with an Aliens RPG from Obsidian Entertainment that went on to be canceled. Colonial Marines was planned for release in late 2008 but it kept slipping further and further back. Its supposed 2010 release came and went; Rebellion ended up releasing Aliens vs. Predator in February 2010 instead. The development of Borderlands and its DLC got in the way of Colonial Marines, and Gearbox has also been finishing up Duke Nukem Forever, which will be coming out this month. With all of that out of the way, the developer will apparently now have the time and resources to finally finish up Colonial Marines. If Gearbox is capable of shipping Forever, it can make this happen.

Players will find themselves aboard the U.S.S. Sulaco as a member of the United States Colonial Marines, hence the name. It features authentic environments from the movies (LV-426 and Hadley's Hope are specified) as well as movie-inspired weapons. Gearbox's Randy Pitchford described the game in a press release as being "designed as an interactive successor to the landmark films."

Call of Duty Web Series Coming With Elite

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:59 PM PDT

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3

The Call of Duty Elite announcement made this week was met with a great deal of anger and confusion from players. It is, in actuality, a free service that charges a monthly subscription for certain content. The confusion stems from a number of things, including the way the news was made public, but it hasn't helped that Activision is unwilling to specify the exact cost of the service or which of its components will be free and which will be premium extras.

Falling into the latter category is a new Call of Duty web series that is set to be produced. In an interview with The Guardian, Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg said, "We have engaged some top Hollywood talent to create linear video content that will be exclusive to Elite members. That content is inspired by Call of Duty." He didn't go on to specify if it would be directly connected to the Modern Warfare games in particular.

Saying it's working with Hollywood makes it sound as if the series will be live action, not animated. Specifics aren't being shared as of yet so that detail remains up in the air. "We're not going to give much more detail until we have something to show. That'll be later in the year," Hirshberg said.

Sony Website May Confirm PS Vita Name

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:54 PM PDT

Sony fans looking forward to the company's new handheld -- currently known as the NGP -- may soon be calling it by a different name altogether. Savvy explorers of Sony's E3 2011 website have found a few references to the title "PS Vita" in the source code, along with two subdirectories labeled "Games and Media" and "Features. Unfortunately, both of these links generate "page not found" errors, but they may shed more light on the NGP's final title come E3.

It's important to note that the code name "Vita" hasn't entirely been a secret; developers have used this title since the summer of 2010. Still, its inclusion on Sony's E3 2011 page may indicate something more permanent.

E3 2011's Most Popular Rumors -- Will They Happen?

Posted: 01 Jun 2011 02:46 PM PDT

E3 2011 kicks off in Los Angeles in a week's time and, as always, there is no shortage of rumors about what we'll see at the show. Last year we saw the announcement of a new Xbox 360 model, Valve's Gabe Newell shocked everyone by showing up at Sony's press conference, and the 3DS was officially unveiled.

This year we'll be seeing the reveal of another Nintendo platform, codenamed Project Cafe. There's been no shortage of rumors surrounding it, but which are true? Will it have a touchscreen-equipped, portable controller? Will it brew you a cup of coffee?

The scuttlebutt is hardly limited to Cafe, either. Listed below are many of the big rumors connected to this year's E3 along with some thoughts on whether or not we're likely to see them. We're bound to end up being wrong about something, so feel free to share your thoughts and make your own E3 predictions in the comments below. During E3 week, be sure to check back with 1UP for news, impressions, and videos of all the happenings in LA.

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