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A Peek Inside Vita’s Development

Posted: 19 Feb 2012 02:27 AM PST

Shuhei Yoshida

As the man in charge of Sony’s Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida (above) oversees the teams behind Uncharted, Gran Turismo, Little Big Planet, and many others. And for the past few years he’s also played a key role on Vita, serving as a sort of middleman between the company’s software teams and its hardware division. At last week’s DICE conference, I asked him a handful of questions about Vita’s development history to date.

1UP: Do you remember the first meeting you ever had talking about Vita?

Shuhei Yoshida: Actually I do. Thank you. That’s a great question. It was April or March, around that timeframe, of 2008… It’s always the chip, the CPU or GPU, that takes the longest in terms of the development cycle. But it first started with RD. After the PSP, they moved onto RD for the next thing.

So early spring 2008, there was a management offsite meeting. And at the time, I was based here in the U.S. as head of Worldwide Studios America. I called in to that meeting and saw the unveiling of the portable project for the next generation. And actually, for this project, Kaz [Hirai, now Sony president and CEO] said, “We want Worldwide Studios [to be involved] from the beginning to the end.”

So that was a total change. That was about the time Phil Harrison announced his departure to Atari, and eventually I succeeded him as the president of Worldwide Studios, so I discussed with Kaz that maybe I should move to Japan… Running our studios, the main activity is in the U.S. and Europe; we have much bigger development [staff numbers] outside Japan. But because of this new way to work between hardware guys and the software side [it made sense for me to be closer to the hardware team].

There was very limited communication in the past, especially when it comes to new hardware, because of the secrecy involved. They had very tight security in terms of sharing information with us up through PS3 days, so I saw a big sea change of culture and process. That has to be developed, right? It just doesn’t happen when Kaz says “You two, talk!” It’s not like that, so someone like me needed to be embedded in Tokyo and attend every platform discussion meeting… They might talk about, “Oh we have this new technology that might be great for the next thing,” then I could relate them to the proper Worldwide Studios teams…

PS Vita

So specifically, hardware ideas. There’s a long list of features that we could have put into this system that eventually we cut down. So with that, we have the target price range for the hardware — we said, “$250, this is the price” — and the size of the unit, and the power consumption. Cost of goods, of course. Everything has to fit. So it’s great that people say PS Vita has everything, but it doesn’t. We cut a lot of potential features.

But the process of doing so was in the past in total secrecy, because of the hardware engineering-driven approach. How their guys kind of imagined “this is more important than that,” or “this performance is needed this much.” But for the first time with PS Vita for them, instead of answering those questions themselves, now they were able to ask us directly. And not only would we voice opinions or give them ideas — you know, “if you have a touch panel on the back of the unit maybe we could use this,” and that’s a start — but the best part is they created prototypes. For example they created a PS3 controller that had a screen and touch on the top and bottom. So our guys that created PS3 games experimented to use it to simulate what it would feel like to touch with a screen, and gave that code back to them to let them try, so that we could together decide about the performance and what size is necessary to do. For every single piece of tech, we have gone through this process.

So there are two big benefits to that. One is the hardware feature choices — we are very confident we presented what software developers want for a game system. The other benefit, I hope, is that because they were involved in the process, our teams know why each feature for PS Vita was included. We had lots of time thinking about and prototyping ideas, so hopefully in the launch titles, the new features of PS Vita can be integrated in our titles.

1UP: Were there certain Worldwide Studios teams that put more input in than others? I would assume Bend would since they were making one of the first big games [Uncharted: Golden Abyss, seen below].

SY: Bend was a big part. Their position was to push the graphical limit, right, and break the SDK drivers. [Laughs] They had the hardest time, I imagine, because they were pushing the limit and they had to create a high-end game for the launch, so they worked really closely with especially the graphics and library teams. The other teams had a different kind of focus…

Uncharted: Golden Abyss

The Wipeout guys came up with this idea of letting [people play cross-platform], and when we announced that at E3 we had very good positive reactions. And Warrior’s Lair — the “Ruin” game — you can save to the cloud server and continue the game. So many different teams came up with interesting use cases for PS Vita. Bend [made] a big effort, but different teams contributed. And let’s not forget Bigbig Studios. They are the reason we decided to have the rear touch pad… Before the Little Deviants demo, I was skeptical about having a rear touch panel, but when I tried that and saw the game world push up as I touched, I thought this was so fresh, so new…

1UP: Do you remember what the first game you guys greenlit was?

SY: [Long pause] It’s hard to remember. Some games were concepted after this project was revealed. Like Uncharted was started after they finished Resistance: Retribution — it was the beginning of 2009, so sometime late 2008 they already were having conversations about the next thing. So that should be one of the early ones. And Little Deviants, because of that tech demo, we said “Let’s make it a game.” And possibly Wipeout, because people in the UK say it’s a UK law to have Wipeout when you launch a PlayStation platform. And Gravity Daze — I’m so excited. It just came out yesterday in Japan, [and is known as] Gravity Rush in America. That game was in early concepts and prototypes on PS3, actually. That project started on PS3, but as soon as this concept of having a very high-end gyro sensor included came along, we went “this should be made for PS Vita.” So that game concept existed before PS Vita [and therefore wasn't necessarily "greenlit" first, but the developers were likely working on it the longest].

1UP: Looking back now, is there anything that you would do differently if you were making Vita all over again?

SY: Because it was the very first process for the new SCE under Kaz to involve Worldwide Studios with the hardware development team, he didn’t go so far as to invite the marketing or business side — what we call our HQs, like SCEA or SCEE, to SCE Japan’s side from the beginning. He wanted to take it one step at a time. So Worldwide Studios had daily contact with our HQs and marketing teams and talking about portfolios, and they are very important in the process for making sure what we are making can match with the marketing platform business side’s expectations. But for Vita at the early stage we had to keep it kind of secret, so we were part of SCE Japan from that standpoint. It was only after two years or so that Kaz said, “OK, now let’s bring in the marketing side to the project.” And at that point, there were certain things more business related that we were not looking at. So as soon as the marketing side entered the project…certain key issues were raised. So we had to go back and re-do some of the work.

So to answer your question, going forward, because we are a more integrated company, we should and we will involve the business and marketing side earlier in the process.

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Posted: 19 Feb 2012 02:27 AM PST

While going through a Japanese gaming website for news, I chanced upon the latest financial reports for Nexon. While it is indeed strange for a Korean-based company to have its full financial information on a Japanese website, 2 gems were discovered. Can you find them in the picture below?

Yes, the pictures actually shows what the studios under Nexon are working on, with Wizet showing a preview of MapleStory 2 and DevCat showing a new screenshot of Mabinogi 2. I know the resolution ain’t ideal, but hey, it is a find after all :) Other info in the picture shows how many staff each studio has, with the recently purchased Ndoors tops with 205 employees.

Financial wise, Nexon’s 2011 sales increased by 26% compared to 201, while revenue increased by a whopping 27%. Strangely, there is no mention of GameHi, another studio which Nexon acquired recently.

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Blade & Soul

Posted: 19 Feb 2012 01:27 AM PST

(Source) According to an official press release made public earlier today, the CEO of NCsoft Japan and Global Marketing Director of NCsoft Korea, Mr Kim Taek Hun (below), confirmed that Blade Soul Japan is currently in the works. This comes after the China (link) and Taiwan (link) servers were confirmed earlier this year.

In the statement made, Mr Kim talked about how he has had successes leading Lineage II in Japan since the game started services in 2003, and that he is currently traveling between Japan, Taiwan and Korea to prepare the 3 Blade Soul services for launch. Although there is nothing said about a simultaneous launch, it does seem possible currently.


私は韓国NCsoftグローバルビジネス部門長及び8月1日付でエヌ・シー・ジャパン株式会社代表取締役に就任致しましたキム テクホンです。




エヌ・シー・ジャパン株式会社代表取締役 兼
NCsoft グローバルマーケティングディレクター

キム テクホン

Below are some awesome screenshots taken from the Closed Beta phases of Blade Soul Korea. For more videos and game footage, visit my YouTube Blade Soul collection here (link).

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Metal Gear Solid 3: The Boss of Stealth Action Games

Posted: 18 Feb 2012 02:27 PM PST

Hideo Kojima has been trying to make a video game for 25 years now. With Metal Gear Solid 3, he very nearly succeeded.

This isn’t to say Kojima hasn’t overseen the creation of quite a few games in his time — from whimsical penguin racers to vampiric spaghetti westerns with overtones of Norse legend, he’s had his hand in several greats. But he’s best known for the Metal Gear series, the ongoing saga of a guy named Dave who constantly, reluctantly finds himself as the world’s last resort against utter nuclear armageddon, and all just because he happens to possess an acute genetic disposition to be adept at killing people. (He inherited it from his dad. Whom he killed. Twice. Once with hairspray.)

Over the course of half a dozen games — we’ll disregard the spin-offs and ports, as Kojima handed the directorial reins to his lackeys for those — Konami’s most visible auteur appears to have been struggling to create a game that conforms to his grand inner vision. Granted, it’s a vision that seems to have evolved along with the games; the original Metal Gear, for instance, featured a game design motivated primarily by the noble, artistic desire not to choke the MSX’s hardware by juggling too many sprites at once. (Pure action was out of the question, so he turned to avoiding action as a solution.) His vision began to coalesce in the sequel, even if he kind of cheated by copying his answers straight from the notes he’d cribbed from Hollywood. Still, the ambition was all there, its realization choked somewhat by occasionally questionable design choices — the conflicted hero, the double-crosses, the brief but intense grief (quickly forgotten) at the death of someone you’d met for the very first time a couple of hours prior. And most of all, the tricksy, innovative use of things, such as guns, cigarettes, cardboard boxes and rubber duckies.

With each subsequent sequel, Kojima has been drawing closer to realizing some platonic ideal of “video games” that exists only in his mind — well, except perhaps for Metal Gear Solid 2, which comes off less as Kojima making the game he’s longed to create and more like Kojima very deliberately not making the game everyone else wanted him to create. Gamers weren’t too amused by MGS2′s ten-hour face-slap and decided that perhaps the series had taken a good running jump over a pool of sharks, meaning that a good deal of gamers missed out on its sequel. And too bad, because with MGS3 Kojima came closer to creating a game that seems to obey what we can only assume are his criteria for excellence while also falling right in line with what the kids want.

The truest, clearest picture of the series’ steady evolution can be found in its boss battles. On MSX, they were pretty unimaginative: Stand out of the guy’s line of sight, shoot him with guided missiles, or toss grenades, or whatever. Basic stuff, and rarely challenging. Later, despite the fact that Metal Gear Solid was basically a high-spec remake of Metal Gear 2, the move to 3D allowed the boss encounters to take on new life: A dynamic fistfight in a cluttered office, the violence of your struggle against a stealth-cloaked ninja disturbing papers and destroying computers. A game of cat-and-mouse against a human giant with a deadly accurate minigun. A tense sniper duel, a race against time, physical damage, and your nerves (which could only be steadied until you ran out of diazepam). Impressive stuff, only slightly overshadowed by the other, more impressive details, like the discovery that dogs would pee on you if you hid in a cardboard box for too long.

MGS2′s bosses took a step back in quality, though apparently everything bad about the game was done quite deliberately. Dead Cell’s warriors focused less on doing new and unexpected thing than on rehashing their predecessors’ legendary fights in order to make a Very Important Point. Yet even then, the fights could still thrill — particularly the final battle, in which the player’s silver-haired Solid Snake Simulation finally took control of his own destiny by killing his own “father”, mimicking Snake’s legacy… but with a sword rather than a makeshift flamethrower.

But Metal Gear Solid 3′s bosses? Now those are some fights. At worst, MGS3 offers slick renditions of the bog-standard video game tropes: find a pattern or weakness, use a certain weapon to exploit it, lay into the boss while he’s stunned, repeat until you’re sick of it. At best, though, the protagonist’s struggles against the warriors of Cobra Squad make you completely reconsider what a boss fight can actually be. And I’m pretty sure that, in the end, that’s all Kojima really wants: To come up with a game packed with ideas so clever, so counter to the expectations and clichés of the medium, that he’ll forever be regarded as the ultimate genius of game design. Any director who would pull the “HIDEO” trick from the Psycho Mantis fight, interrupting a gimmick battle with a blank screen displaying nothing but his own name, is clearly a man driven by ego. But if that ego results in more boss encounters like The Joy or The End, he’s welcome to hire a team of skywriters to scribble his name from horizon to horizon over Tokyo every morning for all we care.

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Weekend Deals: The Witcher II, Game of Thrones, and Blood Bowl

Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:27 PM PST

Blood Bowl

Amazon’s deals on PC downloads continue with some of the same titles we’ve seen in recent weeks — Dead Island ($36.99), Deus Ex: Human Revolution ($39.99), and Tropico 4 ($31.99). One noteworthy addition is the newly-released real-time strategy game based on George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire, A Game of Thrones: Genesis, for $31.99.

The Witcher II is being offered on the cheap at a number of places, though Amazon seems to have the best price at $23.99. Steam, GamersGate, and Good Old Games all have it for $29.99.

Steam is offering 80% off the Legendary Edition of Blood Bowl this weekend, bringing its price down to just $8.00 from $39.99. Also of note is Good Old Games giving away Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templar until tomorrow morning, so be sure to jump on that deal as quickly as possible.

Read on for a look at this week’s deals.


  • Dead Island (PC download) — $36.99 (from $49.99)
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution — $39.99 (from $49.99)
  • Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (PC download) — $39.99 (from $49.99)
  • A Game of Thrones: Genesis (PC download) — $31.99 (from $39.99)
  • Tropico 4 (PC download) — $31.99 (from $39.99)
  • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (PC download) — $23.99 (from $39.99)
  • Darkspore (PC download) — $11.99 (from $29.99)
  • Driver: San Francisco (PC download) — $39.99 (from $49.99)
  • Driver: San Francisco (360) — $39.99 (from $59.99)


  • Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition — $7.50 (from $29.95)
  • Medal of Honor — $4.95 (from $19.95)
  • Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Vietnam — $3.75 (from $14.95)
  • Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit — $7.50 (from $29.95)


  • The Witcher 2 — $29.95 ($39.95)
  • STALKER: Call of Pripyat Loyalty Edition — $7.48 (from $14.95)
  • FEAR — $3.98 (from $9.95)
  • FEAR 2: Project Origin — $3.98 (from $9.95)
  • Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time — $3.98 (from $9.95)
  • Prince of Persia — $3.98 (from $9.95)
  • Unreal Anthology — $7.98 (from $19.95)
  • Unreal Complete Pack — $23.18 (from $57.95)
  • Unreal Tournament: Game of the Year Edition — $3.98 (from $9.95)
  • Unreal Tournament 2004 — $3.98 (from $9.95)
  • Unreal Tournament 3 Black — $7.98 (from $19.95)
  • Painkiller — $2.50 (from $4.99)
  • Painkiller: Pandemonium – $4.99 (from $19.95)
  • Painkiller Black Edition — $4.98 (from $9.95)
  • Painkiller: Redemption — $2.50 (from $4.99)


  • Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions — $19.99 (from $29.99)
  • Call of Duty: Black Ops (DS) — $19.99 (from $29.99)
  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm — $29.99 (from $39.99)
  • Wipeout: In the Zone — $39.99 (from $49.99)
  • Buy Gears of War 3 and a 12-month Xbox Live Gold card — save $20

Good Old Games

  • Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templar — free (until October 1)
  • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings — $29.99 (from $39.99)
  • Rebellion games — 50% off


  • Dead Rising 2 — $14.99 (from $29.99)
  • Lost Planet 2 — $14.99 (from $29.99)
  • Lost Planet: Extreme Condition Colonies Edition — $9.99 (from $19.99)
  • Driver: Parallel Lines — $3.39 (from $9.99)
  • Dark Void Zero — $2.49 (from $4.99)
  • Dark Void — $4.99 (from $9.99)
  • Devil May Cry 4 — $9.99 (from $19.99)
  • Resident Evil 5 — $9.99 (from $19.99)
  • Street Fighter IV — $9.99 (from $19.99)
  • Flock — $2.49 (from $4.99)
  • Age of Booty — $2.49 (from $4.99)
  • MotoGP 08 — $4.99 (from $9.99)


  • Transformers: War for Cybertron — $7.50 (from $29.99)
  • Blood Bowl Legendary Edition — $8.00 (from $39.99)
  • The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings — $29.99 (from $39.99)
  • Dungeon Siege III — $24.99 (from $49.99)
  • Post Apocalyptic Mayhem — $4.99 (from $9.99)

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MMO Updates

MMO Updates

Rise and Shiny recap: Fiesta Online browser version

Posted: 19 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

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Fiesta Online screenshot
Fiesta Online is getting pretty long in the tooth. Heck, it's a game I have played and returned to several times over the years, and I've never quite stuck with it. Don't get me wrong -- the game is quite nice-looking for its style and always seems to have a ton of players on, but there are a lot of titles I would love to be spending time with. Unfortunately, I have to pick and choose, and a game like Fiesta Online will normally land on the list of games that I play very infrequently. I had a great time recently when I toured some high-level content with the developers and was more excited to hear about a browser version of the game coming out soon.

Why would a browser version matter? I have predicted (and I am still sticking by this prediction) that most MMO content will be delivered via the browser within five years. The truth is that most MMO players probably play a browser game already, especially when you consider games like RuneScape, Dark Orbit, Battlestar Galactica Online, Club Penguin and scores of others, but I mean to say that the browser will become the accepted way to get your MMO content. Yes, one day we will look back, giggle, and say, "We used to download and install massive files just to play a game!"

So how does Fiesta Online's browser version perform, and what is the point of having one in the first place?

Continue reading Rise and Shiny recap: Fiesta Online browser version

MassivelyRise and Shiny recap: Fiesta Online browser version originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 19 Feb 2012 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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    Previously on MV TV: The week of February 11th, 2012

    Posted: 19 Feb 2012 07:00 AM PST

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    MV TV logo
    It's time again to recap the best moments from the past week of livestreaming. Each week Massively hosts several livestreams and chats that showcase your favorite titles! Keep an eye on the Massively TV Guide so that you never miss a single event. We show off a large variety of different games and boast quite a few different personalities as well!

    This week we had some Guild Wars goodness, house construction in RuneScape, more APB: Reloaded action on Tboo Thursday, a bit of Arcane Tranmuting in Runes of Magic with Jeremy, an explanation of magic in Ryzom with yours truly, and some Imp-ownage by Dylan in Star Wars: The Old Republic. And Adventure Mike returns with some Guild Wars and Nexus: Kingdom of the Winds streaming!

    Continue reading Previously on MV TV: The week of February 11th, 2012

    MassivelyPreviously on MV TV: The week of February 11th, 2012 originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 19 Feb 2012 10:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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      The Daily Grind: What do you look for when taking screenshots?

      Posted: 19 Feb 2012 05:00 AM PST

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      Not like she'll have many times to wield a shoulder-mounted cannon, right?
      There's an art to taking a cool screenshot, an art that I'm sadly not very good at. I never seem to be able to take good shots in combat, and my attempts at picking out perfect environments are pretty much nonexistent. The one thing I can do is ensure that whether I'm in Final Fantasy XIV or Star Wars: The Old Republic, I have good screenshots of my characters looking cool. I've paused what I'm doing in-game on occasion just to make sure that I can line up a nice character shot perfectly.

      Of course, some people can find perfect angles for landscapes. Some people look for a funny glitch or a strange character type. And some people just find the right art to capture an intense battle in one moment. What do you look for when you're taking a screenshot? Do you go to great lengths to set up the right shot, or do you just have a knack for getting a certain picture type just right?

      Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

      MassivelyThe Daily Grind: What do you look for when taking screenshots? originally appeared on Massively on Sun, 19 Feb 2012 08:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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        The Tattered Notebook: The insider's guide to Erollisi Day

        Posted: 18 Feb 2012 03:00 PM PST

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        Steven and Douglas EQII
        As EverQuest II gracefully ages, it's become a game that's rich with content. That's especially true of the in-game holidays, like the current live event, Erollisi Day. And now that Erollisi herself has returned, the holiday is cause for celebration rather than remembrance.

        The event is winding down, but there are still a few days left to participate. In this week's Tattered Notebook, we'll highlight some of the many things to do during Erollisi Day, including something old, something new, something borrowed, and something.... Gnome!

        Continue reading The Tattered Notebook: The insider's guide to Erollisi Day

        MassivelyThe Tattered Notebook: The insider's guide to Erollisi Day originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 18 Feb 2012 18:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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          The Mog Log: Get together

          Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:00 PM PST

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          The Mog Log header by A. Fienemann
          Grouping with other players is inconvenient. It can also be a lot of fun, but it takes more work to get a half-dozen people running in the same direction compared to just operating on your lonesome. But you're a lot more likely to stick with a game if you can find other people to play with, and thus both Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV have offered different approaches to grouping and encouraging parties.

          When I started playing MMOs back when Final Fantasy XI launched, I wound up being soured by the game's insistence on grouping for a long while. These days, I can take a much more objective view of both sides because for all the hiccups that the system brings, Final Fantasy XIV's much more open environment has its own pitfalls -- some a result of basic game design, some a result of the less demanding approach. But why just look at this from the top down?

          Continue reading The Mog Log: Get together

          MassivelyThe Mog Log: Get together originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 18 Feb 2012 16:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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            The Road to Mordor: Ten things to do in East Bree-land before you die

            Posted: 18 Feb 2012 11:00 AM PST

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            It's been a long, long time since I've been able to work on this series, going through each Lord of the Rings Online zone quest by quest and pulling the top 10 locations, points of interest, or missions for the aspiring adventurer to check out. There are many reasons I've been tardy in continuing it, but no excuses today! Today we dine in the Prancing Pony, for tomorrow we die!

            I decided to divide Bree-land into two separate articles, with this one covering the eastern portion and Bree proper, and the upcoming one tackling the western and northern areas. This is not just because Bree-land is a pretty dang big zone but because it's pulling double-duty: East Bree-land and Bree serves as the 1-15 leveling area for Men, while the west invites all four races to continue the journey to level 20.

            While it may seem like a generic fantasy zone on the surface, Bree-land is actually teeming with interesting details, stories, and activities. I've never regretted leveling in the area (it's a darn sight better than Ered Luin), and it was pretty tough to limit myself to just 10 activities for this list. So what should you do in East Bree-land before you die? Let's take a look!

            Continue reading The Road to Mordor: Ten things to do in East Bree-land before you die

            MassivelyThe Road to Mordor: Ten things to do in East Bree-land before you die originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 18 Feb 2012 14:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              Champions Online puts out Alerts for heroes

              Posted: 18 Feb 2012 09:00 AM PST

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              Champions Online
              Executive Producer Rob Overmeyer is beating the drums about the "big goals" for Champions Online's next update. Possibly one of the biggest of these goals is the addition of the Grab Alerts system, and in a new dev diary, Overmeyer outlines how these will work.

              Grab Alerts are small team instances designed to allow players to get into exciting scenarios without a lot of waiting. Each Alert centers around a super-villain who's up to no good -- such as a heist or kidnapping -- and challenges players to thwart the evil-doer's efforts. Overmeyer promises that it will take just "two clicks" to get into an Alert, as the system will team up like-minded heroes automatically and then toss them into the instance.

              Alerts will be shuffled around on a regular basis as to keep things fresh, so players will need to check the Alert Rotator to see which ones are available. If a player is looking for a specific reward that's tied to a certain Alert, the Rotator will help him or her find it. Overmeyer promises a wide range of rewards including costumes, gear, and bonuses.

              MassivelyChampions Online puts out Alerts for heroes originally appeared on Massively on Sat, 18 Feb 2012 12:00:00 EST. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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              MMOGaming News

              MMOGaming News

              RO2 (KR) Open Beta Preview: Khara System and More


              RO2 (KR) Open Beta Preview: Khara System and More

              South Korea-based Gravity has recently announced that the sequel to RO (Ragnarok Online) – RO2 will kick off its official OBT on Feb. 22. Just before the open beta, Gravity has released a brand new Ragnarok Online 2 anime trailer and a new official website to boast the game.

              WoW: Mario Plays WoW Too?


              WoW: Mario Plays WoW Too?

              In fact, Mario is a warlock who loves challenging Dragon Soul. Don't believe it? Check out the screenshot below

              Continue reading WoW: Mario Plays WoW Too?.

              Latest Gaming and MMORPG Updates

              Latest Gaming and MMORPG Updates

              ChangYou : Developing action MMORPG using CryEngine 3

              Posted: 18 Feb 2012 08:26 AM PST

               In a recent interview with ChangYou’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Mr Tan Dewen, he candidly answered some questions about the China online gaming giant’s plans for 2012 and the near future. For 2011, Duke of Mount Deer Online (link) was the company’s flagship title (but revenue was not high from what I heard). ChangYou’s main source of income is still currently from Tian Long Ba Bu, also known as Dragon Oath in the English market (link). Below are some other answers given by this executive.

              - 2012 titles in China currently include Peach Garden Online (link), Q Water Margin 2, EA’s Battlefield Online, KARCASS and a self-develop MMORPG.

              - KARCASS, now known as Dark Blood Online in Korea, is a Diablo-like title imported from Korea with more blood and gore than usual games. aiming the mature gamers’ market. Compared to other titles in the top-view genre, the action will be much faster.

              - KARCASS is currently going through localizing and the addition of localized content, hence giving the game an edge over competitors with games of similar genre. It is expected to go live only in 2013.

              - ChangYou is currently developing an action MMORPG using Crytek’s CryEngine 3. The storyline is based on a novel, 搜神记, or loosely translated as “God Searching Chronicles”. The game’s title has not been confirmed though.

              - This CryEngine 3 action MMORPG will definitely not be going live this year, but it is possible to have an appearance at this year’s ChinaJoy (end July).

              - Last year, the only Western games making waves were ChangYou obtaining Battlefield Online and World of Tanks (under another publisher). Mr Tan stated that the reason why Western games failed in China is due to lack of localized content. Using Battlefield Online (below) as an example, he said that despite getting the rights over a year ago, localization of content is currently still going on.

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              Double Fine Kickstarter Gets $2 million

              Posted: 18 Feb 2012 08:26 AM PST

              Double Fine Kickstarter Gets $2 millionDouble Fine Adventure, the project by Monkey Island co-creator Tim Schafer, has made nearly five times its Kickstarter goal in less than a week. Tim Schafer today responded to the amazing success of this funding incentive in a video update on

              "We got a little bit more money than we thought we were going to get, so the game's going to be just a little bit better… well, it's going to be a lot better actually.

              "We're going to be able to have voice in the game now, thanks to you… and we're going to translate the game into EFIGS… English, French, Italian, German and Spanish."

              Those that have backed Double Fine Adventure will have closed beta access via Steam, and anyone that backs the Double Fine Kickstarter project for $15 or more will get a DRM-free copy of Double Fine Adventure at launch, in October 2012.

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              OP-ED: What is Telltale’s Place in a Post-Double Fine Kickstarter World?

              Posted: 18 Feb 2012 02:25 AM PST

              I can’t help but wonder if the folks at Telltale Games felt a bit slighted by the fanfare and jubilation surrounding last week’s announcement of the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter, which, as of this moment, has more than quadrupled its goal — and with more than three weeks to go. As champagne bottles pop worldwide in celebration of Tim Schafer’s return to the genre that made him famous, gamers seem to be ignoring the fact that Telltale successfully brought back the PC adventure game seven years ago; though you wouldn’t know it by looking at their most recent release.

              In recent years, Telltale has moved away from the classic adventure format by making more approachable games branded with licenses like Back to the Future and Jurassic Park. As they transition to properties demanding far more spectacle than the Sam and Max and Monkey Island episodes of the past, Telltale has struggled with giving these productions the high-budget polish expected by fans of the source material. But do they need to be so ambitious when adventure enthusiasts obviously have a strong desire for the tried and true?

              This isn’t a call for Telltale to stick strictly to the ’90s LucasArts formula, which never remained static; though Maniac Mansion and Grim Fandango belong to the same genre, these games differ greatly in both player control and intuitiveness. Telltale, too, has greatly improved their craft over the years, shoving over basic dialogue and inventory puzzles in favor of elements with much more to them, like Max’s many abilities in the superb Sam and Max: The Devil’s Playhouse. They could have easily rested on their laurels by continuing to iterate unimaginatively on old LucasArts licenses, but each successive Telltale series took a step forward, both technically and in terms of game design.

              And then came Jurassic Park — I didn’t care for the game, and neither did most critics. Instead of sticking to what they do best, Telltale set out to make a Heavy Rain-like QTE-fest their limited technology couldn’t support, resulting in a game undermined by an underpowered engine and inconsistent Dragon’s Lair mechanics. Telltale’s productions always had a sort of sloppy charm to them, but Jurassic Park set out to invoke the same feelings of awe its audience felt when watching the original 1993 movie. Granted, Telltale’s take on this Spielberg classic stands as a major feat for the developer, but one that falls way short of the standard set by the movie — something that even a triple-A developer would have problems pulling off.

              At this point, it’s unclear what format Telltale’s The Walking Dead will take — the developer hasn’t been very forthcoming with details. But, as with Jurassic Park, the cards seem stacked against them; with an extremely popular TV show setting the standard for what a multimedia version of The Walking Dead should be, Telltale once again has some hefty expectations to meet. To be fair, I’m sure no choice comes easy when dealing with such a hot property; and for as much as I would hate to see their form of The Walking Dead cast from the mold of Jurassic Park — who knows? — maybe dumbing down adventure games into an exercise in button mashing brings in the bucks (unfortunately, their sales data isn’t available to the public). Still, I think Double Fine is onto something with their new Adventure project — and not just with the way they’ve earned their investment. Will adventure games thrive best in a low-stakes environment, rather than being shackled to the demands of a popular IP?

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              New Mortal Kombat Movie in Development From the Director of Rebirth and Legacy

              Posted: 18 Feb 2012 01:27 AM PST

              Mortal Kombat

              A new movie based on Mortal Kombat is in the works which will be directed by the man responsible for the live-action trailer that surfaced last year and the subsequent web series.

              Mortal Kombat: Rebirth was an eight-minute video (embedded below) that showed it’s possible to make an interesting, serious movie based on the notoriously violent fighting game franchise. Its purpose was unclear at first, but we soon learned it was intended as a pitch for a new Mortal Kombat film. Director Kevin Tancharoen eventually secured a deal to produce a web series to promote the new Mortal Kombat game. The nine-part Mortal Kombat: Legacy series was released on YouTube between April and July.

              It’s now being reported by both the LA Times and Deadline that Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has teamed up with the Warner-owned New Line Cinema to make a brand-new, live-action Mortal Kombat movie with Tancharoen in the director’s chair.

              The movie came about entirely because of the online work Tancharoen did, according to New Line president Toby Emmerich. It will be written Oren Uziel, who contributed to Rebirth, and is expected to be out in 2013. Tancharoen claims the movie will, like the web content, offer a more serious take on the series. The hope is that its release will be timed with either the next game or in such a way that the DVD and Blu-ray release can be packaged with the game.

              The original Mortal Kombat had its issues but was certainly watchable. It ended up grossing over $122 million worldwide. Its sequel, Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, was far less successful at the box office and was nowhere near as good as the original. Both were fairly cheesy and didn’t have anywhere near the serious tone of Tancharoen’s work, whose most significant directorial work was the mediocre Fame, released in 2009.

              I didn’t think this day would ever come, but I am legitimately excited for this movie. What do you think? Will Tancharoen be able to transfer what he’s done so far to the big screen?

              [Image courtesy of Beyond Hollywood]

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              Black Ops 2 Looking Increasingly Likely as the Next Call of Duty

              Posted: 17 Feb 2012 02:21 PM PST

              Call of Duty: Black Ops

              A new Call of Duty game release is expected every year, making last week’s news that, yes, 2012 will see a new game in the series come out no real surprise. With Infinity Ward and Treyarch continuing to alternate releases, this year is Treyarch’s turn to bring out a game. At this point we don’t know any of the specifics, but it’s looking increasingly likely that it will be a direct sequel to Black Ops, at least in terms of naming.

              After previously acquiring Black Ops-related domain names (from up through, Activision reportedly got its hands on not long ago. The domain acquisition on its own didn’t seem like a confirmation that Black Ops would receive a follow-up; many companies purchase domains in order to simply have their hands on them so others cannot profit on their intellectual property. Other times it’s done to avoid embarrassing situations where a URL based on a game’s name cannot be used to promote the competition — a situation Activision found itself in last year when was home to a site knocking Call of Duty and encouraging visitors to pick up Battlefield 3. Activision decided to take action against the domain owner in an effort to acquire it, which it managed to do successfully. The entire situation could have been avoided had it simply registered the domain sooner, so falling into the hands of Activision seemed insignificant on its own.

              Evidence has since been uncovered suggesting may soon come in handy. The LinkedIn profile of Nerve Software artist Hugo Beyer listed Black Ops 2 among the games he has contributed to before the page was amended, reports Joystiq. Nerve is an independent developer which has worked with Treyarch and Activision before on the original Black Ops and Quantum of Solace.

              Additionally, Amazon France reportedly published a listing for Black Ops 2 recently. After originally being reported by French game site, Activision supposedly requested the story be pulled and then blacklisted the site when it refused to do so. In other words, it was uninvited from an upcoming Transformers press event and told it would not be receiving review games in the future. We can’t confirm the accuracy of these claims Gameblog has made, though we have contacted Activision for comment.

              Black Ops is by far the most successful Call of Duty game Treyarch has made, a list that includes Call of Duty 3 and World at War. Despite the name change, Black Ops did share something in common with its predecessor, World at War, beyond the inclusion of a Zombies mode, namely the Gary Oldman-voiced character Viktor Reznov. But the two games were not as closely related as Infinity Ward’s last three titles, each of which featured an overarching story and (for the most part) the same protagonists. It’s arguable which approach is the better one, but I know I appreciated the return of familiar characters in the Modern Warfare games like Captain Price.

              Establishing another mini-brand within the Call of Duty franchise similar to what Infinity Ward has done with Modern Warfare only seems like a natural way to go, particularly since it seems likely Treyarch will stick with Cold War-era content to compliment Infinity Ward’s modern-day stories. (It also opens the door for an additional line of Call of Duty titles to compliment Modern Warfare and Black Ops.) We’ve theorized a game set during the 1970s could make a lot of sense for Black Ops 2, if that ended up being the direction Activision decided to go in. Whatever the case may be, it’s all but guaranteed that Zombies mode will make a return.

              Being only three months removed from the release of Modern Warfare 3, it’s too soon to expect Activision to start talking about the next game. The big leak of Modern Warfare 3 screenshots and details occurred in May last year, and Activision still wasn’t about to announce anything at that point. It decided to respond by releasing a series of teaser trailers it had ready to go but was holding onto for a later time. Now with Call of Duty Elite keeping the series fresh in gamers’ mind and delivering new content on a monthly basis, Activision could be keen on waiting even longer before revealing the next Call of Duty title to the public.

              As such, the company is unlikely to address these listings with anything more than a “no comment.” But with all signs pointing to Black Ops 2, we can start guessing about what Treyarch may have in store this year. Will Gary Oldman be back for more crazy voice acting sessions? Will Treyarch finally top Infinity Ward? Will it be available on Wii U? On Vita?

              It’s all guesswork at this point, of course, but that doesn’t make it any less fun. Let us know what you think a potential Black Ops 2 could bring with it, as well as whether you’d prefer to see Black Ops 2 or an entirely new, Treyarch-made Call of Duty title.

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              Ragnarok II (KR)

              Posted: 17 Feb 2012 02:20 PM PST

              [Game website] Yes, in less than a week’s time on 22nd February, Ragnarok II will go into the Open Beta phase in Korea. After years of delay, re-development and setbacks, Gravity Games is finally releasing the sequel to one of the most beloved online games of all time. Below is a trailer which is in the form of a cartoon, and hopefully there are plans to work on a full anime series as well. The original Ragnarok anime wasn’t that bad, at least it was better than MapleStory…

              Those of you with a Korea Social Security Number (KSSN), time to register and rock the game next week! I will be staying away as I am not really adapt at the language, but to the rest of you, have fun!

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              Free Team Fortress Side-Scrolling Demake Out Now

              Posted: 17 Feb 2012 01:28 PM PST

              Team Fortress Arcade

              The latest demake from Eric Ruth, who was also responsible for the demakes of Halo, Left 4 Dead, and DJ Hero, is now available as a free download.

              Team Fortress Arcade reimagines the first-person shooter as a side-scrolling beat-em-up with guns. It features the nine character classes from the real Team Fortress, each of which has been designed around their TF2 counterparts — attributes like speed, health, and so on are accurate to Valve’s FPS.

              The game — which you can download here, courtesy of Piki Geek — features a four-player cooperative mode that is unfortunately restricted to local multiplayer (for now).

              Ruth, who describes himself as “a BIG fan of Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles, Final Fight, Streets Of Rage, X-Men Arcade and the mostly forgotten DJ Boy,” said he chose to feature the blue team as it’s the attacking team in TF2. In a “couple months” he intends on adding new game modes, difficulty challenges, and, most importantly, online multiplayer.

              Hats have become a key part of TF2 since they were introduced by Valve. Unfortunately, there are none to be seen in TFA because of the sheer amount of work that would be involved with adding them.

              “I would LOVE to keep the hat stuff intact, but because this game is a sprite based 2D game, that means that I would have to draw hats directly on to sprites, which means that there would be a LOT of room and A LOT of extra programming just to add a functioning hat system that ultimately has no place in a side-scroller anyways,” he explained. “It’s not that I don’t care or I don’t love hat collecting, but its just not realistic for this title. There is a nod to some in-game hats in TFA though, so keep your eyes peeled!”

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