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Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:41 AM PDT

Latest World News, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs

3.4 Million Travellers Poured Into The U.S. When The Coronavirus Pandemic erupted

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:50 AM PDT

ABC News: Disaster in motion: 3.4 million travellers poured into US as coronavirus pandemic erupted

"The numbers are clearly alarming."

An ABC News investigation offers sobering insight into how COVID-19 has spread and penetrated so broadly, so deeply and so quickly in the United States. It also helps explain why Americans, no matter where they live, must continue to heed the warnings of health officials to self distance and why the virus likely was here far earlier than first realized.

With the advent of COVID-19, the world has officially entered a dangerous new phase where a surge in international travel in recent decades served as the springboard -- jet fuel, really -- for an infectious disease potentially to kill hundreds of thousands in the U.S. and infect the global economy at breathtaking speed.

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WNU Editor: The best explanation I have read so far on why this disease spread so quickly ....

.... "The high volume of international travel, the lack of screening, the inconsistent hand-washing and cough control ... these laid down the perfect conditions for a disease to spread. Add that to a virus that is both largely asymptomatic and has a prolonged infectious period, and you have got a perfect storm of factors for a pandemic."

The data from China on people leaving the country when the pandemic erupted is also shocking ....

.... Travel data of passengers arriving in the United States from China during the critical period in December, January and February, when the disease took hold in that country, shows a stunning 759,493 people entered the U.S.

I live in Montreal, Canada, and it is now the epicentre of this pandemic in Canada. Why is that the case? Spring break occurred at the same time when the coronavirus had established itself in places where Quebecers go for a week vacation. We also had the arrival of hundreds of thousands of "snowbirds", Quebecers who live in places like Florida for the winter who come back to Quebec in March and April to live here when it starts to get warm.

Tweets For Today

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:00 PM PDT

Picture Of The Day

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:30 PM PDT

The Statue of Liberty seen from the Staten Island Ferry, March 25, 2020. Penman said this was his favorite photo from the series, 'just because normally you would never get to take that picture because there would be too many people on the boat'

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... New York City street photographer reveals spooky, apocalyptic images of the empty city gripped by the coronavirus pandemic and says the 'enforced quiet' makes it more scary than the 9/11 aftermath (Daily Mail).

U.S. Government May Tell All Americans To Cover Their Faces In Public

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:56 PM PDT

More Americans may need to cover their faces as experts warn breathing and talking may spread coronavirus

Daily Mail: Just breathing or talking could spread coronavirus, Harvard doctor warns as Dr Fauci says the US is 'actively considering' telling all Americans to cover their faces in public

* The National Academy of Sciences warned the White House that breathing or talking could spread coronavirus
* A Harvard doctor warned that Americans may need to cover their faces in public
* Recent studies suggest the virus can travel up to 21 feet through the air

Just breathing and talking can spread coronavirus, a renowned medical group warned the White House Wednesday night.

A leading member of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and former Harvard School of Public Health dean, Dr Harvey Fineberg, told CNN that while surgical masks should be reserved for health care workers, he himself is going to be wearing a bandanna or other face covering.

Dr Anthony Fauci, a White House coronavirus task force member and leading infectious disease expert said that the subject of having Americans cover their faces in public is a 'very active discussion' among the committee.

Research remains mixed on whether surgical masks work as well as N95 respirators and whether cloth face coverings do much at all to prevent infection, but Dr Fauci noted that they might be pro

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. Wearing a mask will be taken for granted worldwide when this is all over. Asians have been wearing masks for years, and Austria is now mandating that people entering a supermarket must wear a mask .... Austria is making everyone who goes inside a supermarket wear a face mask (CBS News). I live in Canada, and the professional medical position here is that there are no medical benefits for the public to wear a mask. I strongly disagree, and this is why .... Coronavirus: End Canada's face mask misdirection. It is preposterous (Ian Young, SCMP).

This Co-Inventor Of The Rotavirus Vaccine Believes A Coronavirus Vaccine Is Years Away

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:20 PM PDT


National Interest: Why A Coronavirus Vaccine May Be Years Away

Dr. Paul Offit, Director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children's Hospital in Philadelphia and co-inventor of the rotavirus vaccine, says, "I don't see eighteen months—Dr. Anthony Fauci could see something I don't here, he is certainly closer to it—but I think eighteen months is a very, very, very optimistic timeline."

Jacob Heilbrunn: How does the COVID-19 crisis end?

Paul Offit: German chancellor Angela Merkel said it best: "We need to get to a doubling time of longer than ten days." The number of hospital admissions and deaths caused by COVID-19, those doubling intervals, is more than ten days. For example, on March 26 we had one thousand deaths; on March 28, two thousand. That's a doubling time of two days. By April 1 we had four thousand deaths. That means we had a doubling time of four days. If you can get to a ten-day doubling time, it is likely that hospital discharges will exceed admissions and you can say that you accomplished what you wanted—no longer overwhelming the healthcare system. That's what you are worried about—not that you can't take care of these patients, but that you can't take care of any patients.

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WNU Editor:  My brother works in the bio-tech industry, and he is very knowledgeable on these things. He agrees with Dr. Paul Offit. Making a vaccine takes time, and as my brother put it to me tonight, he would not take any vaccine until it has been thoroughly tested. And it does not stop there. Once a vaccine has been developed and tested, it will take time to manufacture and distribute it. To say that this is distressing is an understatement. I know that no major government in the world is going to make a major economic and/or political decision until this is resolved. Bottom line. This pandemic and the restrictions that have been imposed on the world may last well into 2021.

Islamic State Tells Its Followers To Launch Attacks Against Its Enemies

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:38 PM PDT

ISIS has called on God to increase the coronavirus torment of non-believers (file photo)

Daily Mail: ISIS tells its followers to show no mercy and launch attacks during coronavirus crisis amid fears counter-terror efforts will be weakened by the outbreak

* Islamist extremist groups say coronavirus is punishment for non-Muslims
* The comments were made in a new editorial of the IS al-Naba newsletter
* Crisis groups warn Covid-19 is threatening efforts to stop terrorism

An IS newsletter has urged followers to launch attacks amid the coronavirus pandemic.

A new editorial in the latest al-Naba newsletter has called for members to continue their globe-spanning terror, even as the virus spreads, and provides a list of directives to deal with epidemics.

The commentary added that coronavirus was a punishment for non-Muslims and that no mercy should be shown.

While the list included 'stay away from sick people', 'wash your hands before eating' and 'avoid travel to affected areas', it also included directive to 'put your faith in God and seek refuge in him'.

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WNU Editor: Islamic State leaders and fighters are not immune from the coronavirus. they are going to be hit just as hard as everyone else.

More News On The Islamic State Telling Its Followers To Launch Attacks Against Its Enemies

Extremists see global chaos from virus as an opportunity -- AP
Could ISIS Use the Coronavirus To Attack the West? -- National Interest
U.S. military fears pandemic could lead to ISIS resurgence in Syria -- Politico

Captain Of Coronavirus-Stricken Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt Fired Over Leak Letter to Leadership

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:50 PM PDT

Daily Mail: US Navy FIRES captain of coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt for 'extremely poor judgment' after his letter to superiors begging for help was leaked - and his commanders insist NONE of the infected sailors need hospitalization

* Acting US Navy Secretary Thomas Modly announced that Captain Brett Crozier is being relieved of his command of the USS Roosevelt on Thursday
* It comes four days after Crozier penned a letter to Navy leaders calling for the immediate evacuation of the aircraft carrier
* Modly said that the decision to relieve Crozier was driven by the fact that he shared the letter with at least 20 people before it was leaked in the media
* The secretary insisted that he was not accusing Crozier of leaking it himself
* However, US officials told Reuters that the Navy did believe he was responsible
* The USS Roosevelt was docked in Guam last week after 25 crew members tested positive for COVID-19
* At least 93 sailors on the nuclear aircraft carrier have since tested positive
* The Navy is in the process of evacuating 2,700 sailors from the ship

The US Navy has relieved the captain of the coronavirus-stricken aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt days after his plea for help for his sailors went public.

Acting US Navy Secretary Thomas Modly announced on Thursday afternoon that Captain Brett Crozier had been relieved of his command of the nuclear aircraft carrier, four days after he penned a scathing letter to Navy leaders calling for stronger action to address the COVID-19 outbreak he said was unnecessarily threatening his sailors lives.

Modly said that the decision was driven by the fact that Crozier shared his letter with at least 20 people before it was leaked in the media on Tuesday.

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More News On The Captain Of The Coronavirus-Stricken Aircraft Carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt Being Removed After Letter Is Leaked

Navy fires Theodore Roosevelt skipper following leaked letter pleading for COVID-19 assistance -- Navy Times
Navy fires captain who sought help for virus-stricken ship -- AP
U.S. Navy relieves aircraft carrier commander who wrote letter urging coronavirus action -- Reuters
Navy removes captain who raised alarm about coronavirus on aircraft carrier -- CBS
Navy fires captain of aircraft carrier over leak of letter to leadership -- ABC News
Navy relieves captain who raised alarm about coronavirus outbreak on aircraft carrier -- NBC
Pentagon removes captain of virus-struck aircraft carrier -- France 24
The US Navy just fired a commander for creating 'little bit of a panic' on his aircraft carrier reeling with coronavirus — but its reasoning isn't adding up -- Business Insider
Navy Sacks Carrier Captain, Pulls Another Carrier Off Station Over COVID-19 Concerns (Updated) -- Warzone/The Drive
Shooting the messenger? US Navy SACKS captain for 'causing alarm' with plea to save lives of Covid-19-stricken carrier crew -- RT

Covid-19 Coronavirus Cases Hit ONE MILLION Worldwide As Pandemic Shows No Signs Of Slowing Down

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:29 PM PDT

Daily Mail: Coronavirus cases hit ONE MILLION worldwide as pandemic explodes in the United States and death tolls continue to rise in UK, Italy and Spain

* The virus has killed more than 51,000 across the world with the largest number of deaths in Italy, then Spain
* The first 100,000 cases of the coronavirus were reported in around 55 days and the first 500,000 in 76 days
* Cases of the killer illness have doubled to one million within the past eight days and are continuing to increase
* Total cases reported by Thursday grew 10 per cent from day earlier, the first time the rate has hit double digits

Global coronavirus cases have soared past one million as the pandemic explodes in the US and the death tolls continue to climb in Italy and Spain, according to a tally by Johns Hopkins University.

The deadly virus has killed more than 51,000 across the world, with the largest number of deaths in Italy, followed by Spain and the US.

The first 100,000 cases were reported in around 55 days, the first 500,000 in 76 days, and they doubled to one million within the past eight days.

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More News On Covid-19 Coronavirus Cases Hitting One Million Worldwide Coronavirus Cases

Economic fallout mounts, worldwide cases top 1 million -- AP
Global coronavirus cases surpass one million -- Reuters
Coronavirus: Confirmed global cases pass one million -- BBC
More than a million confirmed cases of Covid-19 globally -- The Guardian
Coronavirus latest: Global coronavirus infections top 1 million -- DW
Coronavirus latest: Over 1 million people infected worldwide, with US accounting for more than a fifth -- SCMP
One million people worldwide confirmed infected with Covid-19 -- RTE
Grim milestone as global confirmed COVID-19 cases top one million -- Al Jazeera
Coronavirus cases worldwide top 1 million; 10,000 deaths in Spain -- UPI
Coronavirus cases top 1 million worldwide, researchers say -- FOX News
Covid-19 cases reach 1 MILLION worldwide, 50,000 dead as pandemic continues to ravage the globe -- RT

NATO Forms 10-Member Panel To Ponder The Organization's Future

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:44 AM PDT

Politico: NATO names panel to find its brain

The secretary-general appoints a group to help ponder NATO's future.

BRUSSELS — NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg named a panel of 10 experts on Tuesday to help ensure the alliance isn't brain dead.

Stoltenberg had agreed to seek expert advice on NATO's future after French President Emmanuel Macron declared that the alliance was experiencing "brain death" in a controversial interview with The Economist last autumn.

Macron's comments came amid the chaos of two major allies — the U.S. and Turkey — taking unilateral military action in northern Syria, which seemed clear evidence that NATO was fraying at its seams.

Other allies, however, reacted angrily to Macron's remarks, which they regarded as reckless and damaging. U.S. President Donald Trump called Macron's statement "very insulting to a lot of different forces."

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Update #1: Nato names expert panel after Emmanuel Macron 'brain death' remarks (The Telegraph)
Update #2: NATO forms 10-member panel to reflect on past, mull future (UPI)

WNU Editor: This should be NATO's moment with the pandemic raging through Europe, but they are not being called upon .... The Coronavirus Pandemic Should Be NATO's Moment (Defense One).

Videos For Today

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:23 AM PDT

WNU Editor: Started a War News Updates Youtube channel two weeks ago. Please subscribe to support the channel.

Japan Says Destroyer And Chinese Fishing Boat Collide In East China Sea

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:19 AM PDT

Al Jazeera: Japanese warship, China fishing boat collide in East China Sea

No casualties reported following the incident, which happened north of Japan-controlled islets that China also claims.

A Japanese destroyer collided with a Chinese fishing boat in the East China Sea on Monday night but no one was injured or missing, Japan's Defence Ministry said.

The collision caused a hole in the destroyer Shimakaze above its waterline, but it was still able to move on its own, the ministry added.

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More News On A Japanese Destroyer Colliding With A Chinese Fishing Boat In The East China Sea

Japan says destroyer and Chinese boat collided; China says one hurt -- Reuters
Japanese Naval Ship Involved in Collision With Chinese Fishing Vessel in East China Sea -- The Diplomat
Japan destroyer and Chinese fishing ship collide with no injuries -- Nikkei Asian Review
Japanese destroyer, Chinese boat collide -- NHK

Half Of Mankind Now Under Lockdown

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:54 AM PDT

People walk around an almost empty Grand Central Terminal as the coronavirus disease outbreak continues in New York, March 29, 2020. REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz

Euronews/AP/AFP: Coronavirus: Half of humanity now on lockdown as 90 countries call for confinement

More than 3.9 billion people, or half of the world's population, have now been asked or ordered to stay at home by their governments to prevent the spread of the deadly COVID-19 virus.

Data from an AFP database collated compulsory or recommended confinements, curfews and quarantines in more than 90 countries or territories.

Due to the introduction of a curfew in Thailand (effective from Friday), the threshold of 50% of humanity will be reached.

Meanwhile, the number of dead in Spain from coronavirus has now risen above 10,000, according to the latest health authority figures published on Thursday.

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WNU Editor: No surprises here .... As world battles virus, governments under fire (AFP). I expect all governments in the world will be criticized for their response. That is a given. And it will be helped by some in the media who report the news with a political bias, and who are taking advantage of the current crisis to push their own agenda. But in the end I think most people understand that this is a unique global crisis impacting billions. And as a long as governments honestly report their efforts to end it while planning how (and when) to re-open their economies in the future, the majority of people now under lock-down will give them a pass.

China Makes Its Move To Assert Its Authority In The South China Sea

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:49 AM PDT

Asia Times: China seizes Covid-19 advantage in South China Sea

China ramps up military drills and energy exploitation in contested waterway while US military bogged down in virus crisis at home.

MANILA – With the Covid-19 pandemic mostly contained in China and now wreaking havoc on the United States, security analysts are closely watching Beijing's military moves in the hotly contested South China Sea.

In recent days, China has conducted military drills and deployed large-scale military assets to the maritime area while at the same time officially celebrating strides made in exploiting disputed energy resources in the fossil fuel-rich sea.

While some see China's nationalistic messaging as a bid to rally its people during difficult Covid-19 times, others view the increasingly aggressive naval maneuvers as a bid to exploit America's weakened condition to secure new advantage in the hot spot theater.

Rival Southeast Asian claimants are also in a compromised strategic position as they contend with worsening Covid-19 outbreaks.

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Update: China Chases Indonesia's Fishing Fleets, Staking Claim to Sea's Riches (DNYUZ)

WNU Editor: With the entire world now focused on the Covid-19 pandemic, this is the perfect time for China (and other countries) to seize territory and assert their jurisdiction.

U.S. Navy To Cut In Half Its Aircraft Carrier Presence In The Middle East

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:36 AM PDT

USS Harry S. Truman in the Atlantic Ocean, December 12, 2018. US Navy/Mass Comm. Specialist 2nd Class Scott Swofford

Politico: 2nd aircraft carrier set to leave the Middle East

The U.S. military began surging forces to the Middle East last summer after Iranian proxies attacked ships in the Persian Gulf.

The aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman is planning to leave the Middle East, marking the end of the first extended use of two carriers in the region in years amid heightened tension with Iran, two defense officials tell POLITICO.

After a rocket attack by Iran-backed Shia militia groups on a base in Iraq killed two U.S. troops in early March, U.S. Central Command chief Gen. Frank McKenzie took the unusual step of keeping two aircraft carrier strike groups in the region: the Truman, which had been scheduled to depart, and the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.

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WNU Editor: There is more than enough U.S. firepower in the Middle East to handle any crisis. But it looks like there has been a decision in the Pentagon to bring back home U.S. forces, a decision that I am sure many families are happy to hear.

Will The U.S. Aircraft Carrier Commander Who Pleaded For Coronavirus Help Be Punished?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:14 AM PDT

The aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt is pictured as it enters the port in Da Nang, Vietnam, March 5, 2020. REUTERS/Kham/File Photo

Business Insider: Navy leaders say the aircraft carrier commander who urged them for coronavirus help will not be punished for his letter leaking

* The commanding officer of an aircraft carrier who penned a leaked letter to his leaders had followed military procedures and is not expected to be punished, according to senior Navy officials.
* Capt. Brett Crozier of the USS Theodore Roosevelt wrote a letter to Navy leaders on Sunday urging for an "immediate and decisive action" as the crew dealt with a novel coronavirus outbreak.
* Navy Secretary Thomas Modly said that if Crozier had leaked the letter, it would "violate the principles of good order and discipline," but added "I don't know that."
* "The fact that he wrote the letter to his chain of command to express his concerns would absolutely not result in any kind of retaliation," Modly said.

The commanding officer of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier who penned a letter to his leaders had followed military procedures and is not expected to face retaliation, according to senior Navy officials.

Capt. Brett Crozier, the commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its roughly 4,800 service members, issued a letter to Navy leaders on Sunday urging for an "immediate and decisive action" as the crew dealt with a novel coronavirus outbreak. Information on the four-page letter and its contents were obtained by The San Francisco Chronicle.

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WNU Editor: US Navy Secretary Thomas Modly is saying there will be no "punishment", but other reports that are saying that he "may" be disciplined .... U.S. Navy does not rule out punishing captain who criticized coronavirus response (Reuters).

Oil Prices May Plunge Below Zero

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:01 AM PDT

CNN: The world could soon run out of space to store oil. That may plunge prices below zero

Highways are empty. Planes are grounded. Factories are dark. The unprecedented collapse in oil demand has sent crude crashing to 18-year lows.

Supply, on the other hand, remains largely resilient amid a price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. US producers don't want to be the first to blink by turning off production.

That could mean a supply glut so epic that the world will soon run out of room to store all the unneeded barrels of oil.

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Update #1: Oil prices could soon turn negative as the world runs out of places to store crude, analysts warn (CNBC)
Update #2: Oil market shock to spill over into global supply chains - IEA (Reuters)

WNU Editor: Alberta crude is now selling for an unbelievable USD$4.00-$6.00/barrel. Some countries are now naturally taking advantage of these low prices .... China to Start Buying Oil for State Reserves After Crash (Bloomberg).

Foreigners Are Dumping U.S. Treasuries

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:32 AM PDT

Zero Hedge: Fed Panics As Foreigners Dump A Record $109 Billion In US Treasuries

Exactly one week ago, when we highlighted the unprecedented surge in Fed Treasury purchases which since March 19 has amounted to $75BN per day until tomorrow when it tapers modestly to $60BN, we said that the Fed's record ramp in debt monetization "is hardly an accident: one look at the Treasury securities held in custody at the Fed shows that the past two weeks have seen a whopping $50BN in foreign central bank sales, a 1.7% drop which was the highest in six years."

As we also noted, "the selling may have contributed to record volatility in the Treasury market and prompted the Fed's intervention. More importantly, it also means that the biggest buyer of US Treasurys in the past decade, foreign official institutions (i.e., central banks and reserve managers) are now sellers, so now the U.S. government needs private investors to soak up the ever increasing debt issuance."

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WNU Editor: Every country in the world is circling the wagons right now, and that includes dumping U.S. treasuries and bringing their money back home.

Role Playing Game Review

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:34 AM PDT

Role Playing Game Review

Best PC gaming deals of the week – 3rd April 2020

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

Best PC Gaming Deals

Sound the foghorn, folks, the PC gaming deals tanker has just pulled into port with a veritable bevy of big, fat, tasty discounts to plunder. Whether you’re after the best prices on this week’s big releases, from 22% off Resident Evil 3 to 19% off Mount And Blade 2: Bannerlord, or want to stock up on sack loads of top indie deals, your deals herald has gathered them altogether into one handy location. So fill yer boots, deals hunters, as this week’s bounty is a real good ‘un.

Sea Of Thieves is setting sail for Steam

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:22 AM PDT

After two years on Microsoft’s janky Windows 10 Store, Sea Of Thieves is now officially headed to Steam. Rare last night announced that a Steam release for their multiplayer pirate sandbox is “coming soon”, and yes Steamers will be able to play with pirates on the Microsoft Store as well as Xbox One. I know many grumbled about the gaping lack of things to do when Sea Of Thieves debuted in 2018 but Rare certainly have been busy, adding a whole lot of newness since then. It’s a good time to get onboard.


The Foxer

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:00 AM PDT

Below is a list of ‘33 things wot are, or were, white’ (‘things’ is used in its broadest possible sense). Entries have been stripped of vowels and had any inter-word spaces repositioned*. For example, if MOBY DICK was present it might appear as MB YDCK. SNOWDROP would be SNWDRP.

*Hyphens are treated as spaces. Apostrophes are ignored. (more…)

The Flare Path: A2Z

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 05:00 AM PDT

A is for Alphabetised wargame and sim news. Every four weeks or so I hang up a streamer of industrial strength fly paper in The Flare Path water closet and see what wargame and simulation news items stick to it. Below is this month’s bag – 25 stories involving virtual vehicles and surrogate slaughter. If you’ve visited a transport museum or heritage railway in the past twelve months, or can put these battles – Bunker Hill, Bataan, Borodino – in chronological order, you probably won’t regret clicking where it says…


Wot I think: Stela

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 04:00 AM PDT

I heard a lovely story from a primatologist once, about how different apes tend to respond when faced with tricky wooden puzzle boxes. Orangutans, apparently, will sit and think for a while when stumped, and then work carefully at a new angle on the problem. Chimps, meanwhile, will typically lose their tempers, smashing the offending puzzle to splinters with their hellish fists. But gorillas – my dear, sweet gorillas – will just get a little bit sad, before ambling off to find some celery to enjoy instead. It’s not that they’re incapable of finding a solution, or that they’re incurious: they’re just not that desperate to know what’s inside the box.

This is one of the many reasons I respect and admire gorillas. It’s also why I had gigantic mixed feelings about gorgeous platformer Stela. Because although it’s as pretty as anything and dripping with atmosphere, it’s opaque enough to make J.J. Abrams’ Lost seem like a childrens’ story about a pig looking at an egg. It’s a beautiful puzzle box with nothing inside it, and spends its entire, wordless length asking questions whose answers never arrive. If I was of a chimpen nature, this post would be nothing but a bared-fangs screech, delivered from a squatting position atop my wardrobe, with shards of smashed PC in my hands. But luckily, I played Stela with a gorilla’s heart*, and so had no urge to winkle the truth from inside it with my big, leathery fingers. Go in with the same mentality, and you’ll find a lot to love here.


Resident Evil 3 remake is out now, partying like it's 1999

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:44 AM PDT

Capcom’s shiny new remake of Resident Evil 3 launched this morning, inviting us back to Raccoon City to enjoy the outbreak of zombitis again – now with excellent high-fidelity brands. 1999’s game saw the survival horror take on more of an explosion-y action movie vibe and that’s amplified in 2020’s remake, but it’s still pretty trad and relatively rad.


Best SSD deals of the week – 3rd April 2020

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:42 AM PDT

SSD prices continue to creep ever higher this week, but there are still some great SSD deals going if you know where to look, such as this here best SSD deals page that has all the best SSD discounts from the last seven days. As per usual, I’ve scoured the internet for all the best SSD deals going on right now, making it easy to find the best SSD at the best price. All of my [cms-block] recommendations are in here, and I’ve also included a range of size capacities and form factors. From all the best deals on SATA SSDs to the biggest savings on today’s super fast NVMe SSDs and portable SSDs, here are the best SSD deals of the week.


Stardew-but-wizards RPG Witchbrook gets a new look

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:20 AM PDT

I’m a sucker for wizard schools, especially when they look this pretty. Witchbrook is an upcoming Stardew Valley meets Harry Potter life sim, and developers Chucklefish have released several new screens that show off its new look. They’ve transfigured nice but simple art into the lushness above.

Yes. This looks like a good place to pretend to be a magic teenager.


Warzone's map is great, and we should make a bigger deal about it

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:00 AM PDT

At first, I took the map in Call Of Duty: Warzone for granted. The blistering forward march of techno-wizadry had inured me to its impact, and I jumped out of the spawning plane with my eyes glazed over. Of course the latest COD’s playground is bigger and more detailed than any other battle royale’s, I thought. How could it be otherwise.

My eyes are open now, though. Verdansk is vast, and should be appreciated.


Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord smithing: how to forge weapons

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:47 AM PDT

Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord Smithy

You could just buy weapons from traders in Mount And Blade 2 Bannerlord, but why would you do that when you can make your own? You’ll need to set things up first, such as getting some hardwood to refine into charcoal, as well as plenty of loot from fallen enemies to learn weapon parts, but with our help, you’ll soon be making wonderfully powerful weapons to massacre your foes with.


Best graphics card deals of the week – 3rd April 2020

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:36 AM PDT

Black Friday graphics card deals

As the coronavirus pandemic rages on, the window to nab yourself one of today’s best graphics card deals is slowly closing. Indeed, prices have shot up in the UK in response to falling stock levels, which means many Nvidia graphics card deals aren’t really very good deals any more. There are still loads of great AMD graphics card deals going on though, and you’ll find all the best prices for today’s [cms-block]s below.

As always, I’ve rounded up the best graphics card deals from the last week in one easy place, along with running commentary on how much they’ve gone up or down in price since last week, and whether it’s worth spending your hard-earned money on. It’s a rough old time out there at the moment, so let me help you get the best graphics card deal on your new GPU. Regardless of whether you’re upgrading your PC or building a new PC from scratch, here are the best graphics card deals about this week.


The 11 nicest smiles in PC games

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:00 AM PDT

The human race evolved the facial expression known as the “smile” because we needed a way to silently communicate satisfaction to other members of our species. So we decided to bare our teeth at one another and squint. This stuck, and now even the characters of your favourite digital storyderby are doing it. It’s sort of disgusting, and yet… you know what, I like it. Here are the 11 best smiles in PC games.


World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 03:02 AM PDT

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Spain horror: Coronavirus death toll SOARS to 10,935 - horrifying update as crisis spirals

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:46 AM PDT

SPAIN has recorded a further 932 new deaths from coronavirus to send the death toll soaring close to 11,000 in the latest horrifying update from the crisis-hit country as theCOVID-19 outbreak spirals out of control.

Not again: China imposes NEW coronavirus lockdown - fears grow for devastating second wave

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:27 AM PDT

A FRESH coronvirus outbreak in China's Henan province has raised fears of a devastating second COVID-19 wave - despite the ruling Chinese Communist Party's attempts to claim the country is winning the battle against the disease.

Hurricane season 2020: 'Ominous sign' anomaly areas will trigger 'above normal' hurricanes

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:36 AM PDT

HURRICANE SEASON is nearly upon us, bringing months of severe weather, named storm systems and for some areas intense damage. Now one forecast shows three anomaly areas which will majorly impact weather for the next six months.

Coronavirus horror: Russian nurses told 'we'll pay you - if you survive' by callous bosses

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:12 PM PDT

CALLOUS bosses at a Moscow hospital have told nurses treating coronavirus patients that they will only get paid "if they survive".

US warship captain 'relieved of duty' after sending dark COVID-19 memo

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 05:59 PM PDT

A US aircraft carrier captain has been 'relieved of duty' after sending a memo detailing the ships coronavirus cases.

Watch out, Kim! Expert reveals REAL reason for North Korea's coronavirus cover-up

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 02:22 AM PDT

HEALTH experts have rejected claims by North Korea that the country is totally free of the coronavirus - with one claiming despot Kim Jong-un is paranoid his weakened hermit state could be invaded.

The book that lures readers to their deaths: Clues to a hidden £4m treasure chest

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 01:38 AM PDT

Clues to the location of a £4m treasure chest are hidden in Forrest Fenn's memoir. But five men have died hunting for it...

'PR coup for the Russians!' Trump hands Putin major coronavirus propaganda victory

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:04 AM PDT

DONALD Trump has risked handing Russian leader Vladimir Putin a significant propaganda victory after Moscow sent a planeload of medical supplies to the United States, an expert has warned, with the US President describing the move as a "nice gesture".

Coronavirus breakthrough: Scientists begin landmark study into how COVID 19 spreads

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

A LEADING virologist has voiced doubts on how the coronavirus is spreading.

Donald Trump launches attack on face mask producer – ‘big price to pay!’

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 10:58 PM PDT

DONALD TRUMP made a swipe at a face mask producer amid the death toll in the US rising to at least 6,059.

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

Posted: 03 Apr 2020 12:26 AM PDT

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

India is trying out a new coronavirus test to turn the tide


The Centre is likely to expand its testing strategy for Covid-19 to allow use of rapid antibody tests in symptomatic cases in 'hotspot' areas though these results will need to be confirmed by an RT-PCR test using throat or nasal swab to detect the presence of genetic material of the coronavirus. Meanwhile, state health minister Rajesh Tope said that Maharashtra had sought permission from the Centre to carry out both the diagnostic test and screening test simultaneously to get a correct picture of the virus's spread in the state. He added that the five-minute blood tests would cost a few hundred rupees.The rapid tests will be conducted on symptomatic cases and even those testing negative in antibody tests will be home quarantined, official sources said. The effort is to contain hotspots that can become centres of transmission of the disease, a task that has become even more urgent in the wake of migrant workers reaching homes in certain areas that have been tagged as high-risk zones.Though a final decision on this is expected by Friday morning, the ICMR issued an interim advisory on Thursday on the use of the rapid antibody test, also known as serology test. "The empowered group has taken a decision that testing needs to be expanded. ICMR is working out the modalities and a final decision will be taken by tomorrow," an official said. He added that even those with 'milder symtoms' in identified hotspots will be tested under the new protocol.ICMR chief epidemiologist Dr RR Gangakhedkar said at the regular government briefing on Thursday that the testing protocol is being reviewed in the light of some new tests and a decision will be taken by Friday morning.The health ministry's surveillance department along with state governments have identified 61hotspots with large number of cases and 10 high-risk zones with fewer cases but higher density of people. Sources said the rollout of the new testing norms will depend on availability of testing kits which are expected to be available shortly. "ICMR has ordered around a million serology testing kits from China and South Korea. They will arrive any time but whether that is going to be enough is a question. The final decision depends on who do we want to test given the limited availability of testing kits," another senior official said.

India's IT biggies prepare for a new normal


Bengaluru | Mumbai: India's giant IT services companies will see a significant slowdown in growth during this financial year as they grapple with the upheaval wrought by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to analysts. Top software exporters – Tata Consultancy Services, Infosys and HCL Technologies — will be impacted by the reduced technology spending by clients in the US and Europe following lockdowns across the globe, experts said. Brokerage HDFC securities expects revenue of the IT sector to reduce by 2-7% due to a slowdown in decision making in the next six months while businesses evaluate the impact of the virus that is disrupting the global economy."We expect revenue in the (first two quarters of this financial year) to be largely impacted by delay in pipeline conversion and pricing impact on core business," wrote analysts Apurva Prasad, Amit Chandra and Vinesh Vala in a note. 74959052India's software and services exports grew 8.1% to $147 billion in fiscal year 2020, according to the National Association of Software and Services Companies."In the near future, IT companies could feel the heat of pricing pressure, revenue loss due to lockdown (in India and many countries globally), client bankruptcy and slower client decision making led by lower discretionary spends," wrote Devang Bhatt at brokerage ICICI Direct.Indian IT firms are expected to follow Accenture, which lowered its growth forecast to 3-6% from 6-8% due to business impact from the Covid-19 impact.Travel Restrictions Delaying Project ExecutionInfosys and HCL Technologies, the second and third largest IT services firm, give annual forecasts, while Wipro gives revenue guidance for a quarter. These firms are yet to announce dates for their quarterly results. Typically, Indian IT firms such as TCS and Infosys kick off the results calendar in the second week of April.Queries sent to TCS, Infosys and Wipro did not elicit responses until press time Global travel restrictions are already delaying the execution of existing projects and hurting the ability of IT companies to ramp up projects and close deals, as crisis-hit clients delay allocation of funds. Further, pricing pressure will lead to lower deal wins and renewal, experts said.Manik Taneja, analyst with brokerage Emkay Global, while moderating expectations by factoring a weak first half, said that it is "difficult to assess the extent of damage due to the fastevolving situation."In recent weeks, Indian firms have already faced cancellations of projects by clients across sectors due to the reduction in air travel and closing of cities and countries to embrace social distancing to tackle the pandemic.Goldman Sachs last week said that the spread of Coronavirus has pushed the global economy into a recession of historic proportions, with China and India being the exception in GDP growth.Clients from industries such as travel, hospitality, airlines, retail, hi-tech, oil & gas, financial services, and manufacturing are the most affected by the Coronavirus, according to analysts. They also believe that Indian IT could see an indirect impact from China's economic slowdown.

India gets $1 billion for its Covid fight


The World Bank's Board of Executive Directors has approved a fast-track $1 billion India COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project to help India prevent, detect, and respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and strengthen its public health preparedness. This is the largest ever health sector support from the Bank to India.This new support will cover all states and Union Territories across India and address the needs of infected people, at-risk populations, medical and emergency personnel and service providers, medical and testing facilities, and national and animal health agencies."The project will immediately enable the Government of India (GOI) to scale-up efforts to limit human-to-human transmission, including reducing local transmission of cases and containing the epidemic from progressing further. In parallel, interventions to strengthen the health system will be rolled out to improve the country's capacity to respond to the COVID-19 epidemic and be better prepared to respond to emerging disease outbreaks, including transmission between humans and animals," a World Bank statement said on Friday. Procurement of testing kits; setting up of new isolation wards — including turning hospital beds into intensive care unit beds; infection prevention and control; and purchase of personal protective equipment, ventilators, and medicines, particularly in district hospitals and designated infectious disease hospitals will be scaled up under the project, it said.

How immune are humans to Covid?


How quickly the world is able to get rid of the Covid-19 pandemic may hinge on one crucial factor — how well an infected person's immune system remembers SARS-CoV-2, the virus behind the disease, after they've been cured.While no one in any community seems to be immune to the Covid virus, people over the age of 60, particularly the ones with other medical conditions, seem to be more prone to severe versions of the illness, Andrew Pekosz of Johns Hopkins University has said.There has been no concrete study on human immunity to the novel coronavirus so far. But studies of other coronaviruses have led researchers to believe that people who have recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection will be protected from re-infection for a period of time, a Nature Magazine report said.How does your immune system work?When a virus attacks the body, the immune system churns out a variety of antibodies that recognize specific features of the bug and mount repeated attacks until it is purged from the body.Though the antibodies dwindle after a disease is resolved, the immune system can repeat a similar attack if the same pathogen is encountered again, often quashing the new infection before it causes severe symptoms.How long can a body remain immune to a virus?To the immune system, some pathogens are unforgettable. One brush with the virus, like those that cause chickenpox or polio, is usually enough to protect a person for life.Other microbes, however, don't have such long-lasting effects. This applies to the four coronaviruses that cause a subset of common cold cases, among which the Covid-19 is one. Immunity against these viruses seems to wane in a matter of months or a couple of years, which is why people get colds so frequently.Where do vaccines play a role?In the body's natural fight against viruses, vaccines safely simulate the process by exposing the body to harmless versions of a germ, teaching the immune system to identify it without the need to endure the potentially grueling disease.

Indian companies revisiting employee-wellness strategies amid Covid-19 outbreak


By Lijee PhilipIndian companies are rethinking their employee-wellness strategies and customising programs to accommodate the tectonic change in people's habits after a prolonged phase of working from home due to the Covid-19 lockdown and expect it will manifest in cultural shifts and personal choices, experts said.Indian companies are advising employees to adopt simple health measures during this prolonged shutdown to be physically and mentally upbeat. The two main tenets companies are focussing on are diet and workout, while requesting inhouse doctors and nutritionists to chalk out a weekly meal and workout plan that can be easily monitored.This is imperative as most employees are experiencing a prolonged work-from-home for the first time, which is causing behavioural and attitudinal change, experts said.Clinical psychologists said that at this time, it is not advisable to earmark difficult initiatives for employees at home, especially as the strain of sitting at one place sans interaction with teams and colleagues could be demotivating. Calls and video conferences have only a limited role in uplifting the morale while working from home, opine experts."We are launching a series of activities for the wellbeing of our employees which would involve interactive sessions with a nutritionist as well as an exercise regime. A webinar on emotional hygiene is being done as employees work from home", says Rajeshwar Tripathi, CHRO at Mahindra."Employees not only need to be mentally healthy but also need to engage in meditation/yoga to remain agile. A session this week with a clinical psychologist is planned to help keep mental peace when working from home", adds Tripathi. The auto major is also tying up with external agencies for tips on indoor exercises as they feel despite it being just a few days into the lockdown, it can start taking a toll on employees, sooner than later."This episode will leave a huge impact on consumer behaviour towards health, food and nutrition. Many employees are stirred by the magnitude of this pandemic. Consumer habits will change forever," said Rashida Vapiwala, an independent nutritionist who consults with corporates. She adds that health of employees will need to be taken seriously and not put on the back burner. "Prioritise health just as we prioritise our finances and financial security," adds Vapiwala.Some health tips include planning regular and small meals that keep employees energised, especially in a 'homely' environment. It is important to work on building immunity that comes with fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts. A daily dose of Vitamin D from sunlight and not indulging in binge eating is also a must, corporate doctors said, and maintain that the immune system is the first line of defence that needs to be fortified at such times."Globally, we have rolled out a 'telemedicine program' to help our employees and their families with questions about their physical and mental health. They are also encouraged to seek confidential support from counsellors via phone using the J&J employee assistance program (EAP). Maintaining focus on their physical wellbeing is also important – we have digital mindfulness tools, virtual fitness sessions, home workout apps, access to health experts and regular knowledge-sharing to ensure they stay motivated, healthy and mindful", says Emrana Sheikh, head of HR , India & South Asia, Johnson & Johnson.Venu Srinivasan, chairman of TVS Motors concurs. "Not only is the health of employees monitored regularly, but a battery of doctors are constantly looking at their wellbeing. The employees can order medicines at homes and are given access to health experts to remain fit and healthy."

Bajaj Auto total sales down 38% in March


New Delhi: Bajaj Auto on Friday reported 38 per cent decline in total sales to 2,42,57 units in March as against 3,93,351 in the same month last year. Total domestic sales fell 55 per cent to 1,16,541 units last month as compared to 2,59,185 units in March 2019, Bajaj Auto said in a statement. The company further said its total two-wheeler sales were down 35 per cent at 2,10,976 units as compared to 3,23,538 units in the year-ago month. Domestic two-wheeler sales were at 98,412 units last month as against 2,20,213 units in March 2019, a decline of 55 per cent, it added. For the 2019-20, the two-wheeler maker reported 8 per cent dip in sales at 46,15,212 units as compared to 50,19,503 units in 2018-19.

How India tackles Coronavirus to decide how fast FPIs come back


By Rahul Satija, Kartik Goyal and Ronojoy MazumdarIndia's checkered history with foreign investors is making one of the biggest emerging markets look particularly vulnerable at a time when its need for overseas funding has never been clearer.Decades of semi-socialist, self-reliance based policies following independence left a legacy of ambivalence, or even skepticism, towards overseas capital. As recently as last year, plans for an inaugural offshore sovereign bond provoked a wave of controversy.That could all change now that India faces a sharp economic slowdown and a rapid expansion in borrowing needs, as it contines to struggle with a lingering shadow banking crisis. And how the government handles the coronavirus could prove influential in determining India's appeal once the current global market turmoil subsides. 74961602"India's response to the pandemic will play an important part in determining its ability to attract foreign capital," said Marcelo Assalin, head of emerging markets debt at fund manager William Blair. "If India's policy makers demonstrate its ability to both contain the outbreak and manage the socio-economic implications of doing so, foreign investors would be interested in investing in India long-term."For now, India is suffering from capital flight, along with emerging markets everywhere. About $15 billion left the country's stocks and bonds in March, the most in emerging Asia, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. India's rupee slid 5.5% in the first quarter, contributing to a 33% loss for the benchmark stock index in dollar terms.China -- which has been assiduously courting foreign investors for years and overhauling its market regulations to address their concerns -- by contrast has outperformed the rest of the world during the coronavirus crisis. Standard Chartered Plc analysts estimate China saw almost $30 billion of inflows in January and February, though March is likely to have seen an outflow.India's history shows that it can take a crisis to spur opening up. Back in the early 1990s, the country let foreign investors into its stock market and cut restrictions on overseas companies after a major debt-default scare.Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration has been emulating some of the steps China has taken. The central bank recently announced a widening in access for foreign investors buying government bonds. And it's seeking inclusion for Indian debt into global indexes. The government last year canceled a surcharge on foreign investment in Indian stocks.India's coronavirus response is top of mind for investors both domestic and overseas. A three-week lockdown -- the world's biggest -- runs up against the difficulties of containing more than 1 billion people, while the country's rickety healthcare system is ill-prepared for a mass emergency.The country has so far identified at least 1,998 coronavirus cases and 58 deaths, according to data compiled by the Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins University. But with barely 48,000 tests conducted in a nation of 1.3 billion people, virology experts say the true rate of infection could be much higher."India will find it more difficult to cope with the epidemic and its economic impact" given its less-developed infrastructure, said Sebastien Barbe, head of emerging markets research at Credit Agricole CIB. "So the way this is handled by the authorities will be crucial, and should count on the medium to long term perception of India by investors."The following is a look at how India's markets have been performing, and thoughts from participants about the outlook.Equities 74961614India's stock market just capped its worst quarter on record, with the Sensex index sliding 29%."Global investors will be watchful for the length of the lockdown to assess the impact of the lockdown on corporate earnings growth," said Rajat Agarwal, an Asia equity strategist at Societe Generale. "The valuations are now turning attractive on both relative and absolute levels after a very sharp correction."Exchange Rate 74961624The Indian currency tumbled to a record low of 76.275 per dollar on March 23. The median forecast among analysts surveyed by Bloomberg is for the rupee to rebound to 72.1 by year-end. Officials last week moved to address an enduring -- even widening -- segmentation between domestic and offshore currency trading by allowing Indian banks to trade abroad."This is a positive move that will add liquidity to offshore markets and therefore reduce volatility," JPMorgan Chase & Co. analysts Sajjid Chinoy and Toshi Jain wrote in a recent note to clients.Sovereign Bonds 74961644Ten-year government bond yields hit decade lows after the Reserve Bank of India reduced interest rates and announced a $50 billion liquidity infusion last month. RBI watchers have now focused on the potential for asset-purchase programs akin to those at counterparts abroad.Yields may soon test 5.75%, according to traders. Some market participants warn that expanded financing needs could at some point put pressure on the market, however. Former RBI Governor Chakravarthy Rangarajan expects the central bank to buy sovereign bonds directly if the government has to boost spending against the coronavirus.Corporate Bonds 74961647Spreads on India's top-rated three-year corporate bonds more than doubled in the the three months ended March. With the central bank injecting liquidity, those might come down over time, analysts say. But watch for increasing differentiation between stronger and weaker borrowers."The divide between the haves and the have-nots will still continue to remain for some more time," said Lakshmi Iyer, chief investment officer at Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Ltd. "Capital markets will not be able to support the have-nots," she said.

Rupee's coronavirus-induced weakness to linger in near-term


BENGALURU: The Indian rupee will probably cut some of its losses against the dollar in the next year, according to strategists polled by Reuters, but it's likely to stay weak with other emerging-market currencies until the coronavirus pandemic subsides. The rupee's path will largely depend on how successful the Indian government's steps are in containing the spread of COVID-19 in a country of more than 1.3 billion people, the second-most-populous in the world. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has ordered a 21-day national lockdown, which began on March 25. But the government's fiscal response so far has been modest compared with other countries: 1.7 trillion rupees ($22.3 billion) in direct cash transfers and food security measures. "There is further INR weakness in store before it eventually stabilizes as global calm returns once (the) COVID-19 impact peaks and global coordinated policy measures start to kick into growth, which is at a multi-year low in India," said Madhavi Arora, lead economist, FX and rates at Edelweiss Securities. After giving up over 7% since the start of the year, the rupee fell to a record low of 76.42 to the dollar on Wednesday. The Reuters poll of market strategists and analysts taken March 30-April 2 predicted the rupee would strengthen 3.1% to 74.00 per U.S. dollar in a year from 76.39 on Thursday, based on the median forecast. Forecasts ranged from 71.50 to 80.00, implying a 6.4% rise to a 4.7% decline. The latest outlook matches a wider poll of strategists, who forecast EM currencies would make up some lost ground. Most expect the U.S. dollar's strength to remain intact over the next three months. The rupee is forecast to trade at 75.55 and 76.00 per dollar by the end of April and mid-year, respectively. Those forecasts were also in a relatively wide range, 72.45 to 79.00. Of the 39 respondents polled, 17 still expected the rupee to depreciate beyond its recent record low at some point over the next year. That may be partly because India's economy was already slowing before the coronavirus spread into a global pandemic. It grew just 4.7% in the three months to the end of December from a year earlier, the slowest expansion in over six years. Growth is forecast to slow to 4% in the quarter just ended and then to half that rate, 2%, in the current one. The Reserve Bank of India cut interest rates on March 27 by 75 basis points, its biggest cut since 2009, during the global financial crisis, to 4.40%. That followed 135 basis points of cuts in 2019. In addition, the RBI announced targeted long-term refinancing operations to ensure market liquidity. Some strategists said the RBI's interventions prevented the rupee from falling further. "The RBI may continue to step in to prevent excessive INR depreciation but is unlikely to alter the currency's inherent trend immediately. We will end up flowing with the emerging-markets space in the current mayhem," said Edelweiss Securities' Arora.

Indian smartphone industry may take $2 bn hit from coronavirus: Counterpoint Research


New Delhi: Smartphone industry in India could take a USD 2 billion hit on account of the coronavirus pandemic as shipments declined significantly in the months of March and April compared to the previous year, according to Counterpoint Research. Noting that the effect of the pandemic on India was relatively mild until mid-March, Counterpoint Research said the outbreak is spreading pan-India and the country has been put under a lockdown. This is expected to result in a decline of 3 per cent in smartphone shipment in 2020 to 153 million units compared to 158 million units last year, it said. "We are estimating a year-on-year decline of 27 per cent in March shipments, and almost 60 per cent for April assuming lockdown will be until April 14. This translates into a revenue loss of about USD 2 billion for the industry till the lockdown period," Counterpoint Research Associate Director Tarun Pathak told . Pathak further said that if the lockdown extends, the loss will be higher and could affect "the entire supply chain and the channels in terms of revenue, payments as well." Moreover, consumer demand is also expected to get an adverse impact as people focus on saving and therefore, limit discretionary purchases for sometime, he noted. The first quarter of the year had seen smartphone makers struggle on account of component supply being disrupted in China following the coronavirus outbreak. The outbreak, whose epicentre was in Wuhan, in China, has spread across the world and claimed thousands of lives. With increasing number of people testing positive in India for the infection, the government announced a nationwide lockdown on March 24 - halting everything including transportation and manufacturing activities. Pathak said demand for smartphones is expected to shift to the second half of the year. "Even if the situation stabilises by mid-year, people may hold their purchase until the festive season," he said. Online sales have taken a major hit as smartphones did not feature in the "essential" category that has been allowed to be delivered by e-commerce route. Once the situation returns to normal, one can expect a strong online activity as these channels will look to wooing buyers with offers. "Handset makers will also look to provide attractive promotions with extended pay out returns, sell-out support, attractive interest rates to offline players and at the same time, try to make stocks available quickly to online and leveraged more to fill the huge gap left if situation is under control soon," Pathak explained. As far as production is concerned, both domestic and exports will have almost full 20 days of impact. "Factories with their export base in India are likely to be impacted more," Pathak said. However, factories are likely to refrain from any layoffs during these times as they would want to step up production as soon as the situation improves, he added.

Global companies extend a hand with 1 million Covid-19 test kits


Mumbai: At least four multinational manufacturers of Covid-19 test kits are gearing up to supply more than a million diagnostic kits to India, as the country looks to ramp up testing for the novel coronavirus. The US-based Thermo Fisher Scientific, Germany's Siemens and Altona, and South Korea's Seegene are all expected to start supplying Covid-19 test kits this week, people aware of the development told ET. Siemens said it will make nearly 100,000 tests available in India as early as Friday. In the first lot, it will provide 30,000-40,000 tests to Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for free testing under Siemens Fight Covid-19 initiative, a company spokesperson told ET.So far India's testing numbers is low compared to many other countries including South Korea, the US and United Kingdom. The government's efforts to scale it up by allowing 51 private labs to do the test hit a roadblock due to limited availability of kits for the RT-PCR tests. Thermo Fisher has also said it is working closely with the Indian government as well as private testing laboratories to support scale up testing. The company said it has ramped up its efforts to produce these reagents to cater to the growing requirement of conducting more tests as situation evolves.Seegene is expected to start supply of about one million kits to India by end of this week, said a person working to bring the South Korean firm's Covid-19 test kits to the country. "There were earlier issues with cargo movement, but we have sorted that and now hoping to bring our first batch of kits in next few days," the person said on condition of anonymity.

Work-from-home going to stay, even after Covid-19 scare is over


Mumbai | New Delhi: Covid-19 forced work-from-home on companies. WFH may stay even after the pandemic scare fades. HR heads of major companies say WFH is a "trial run on a big scale" and a "silver lining in the whole calamity". Employers and employees benefit from WFH even in normal times, they say.For employees, benefits include saving on commute and more flexibility when it comes to work-life balance. For employers, the pluses are establishment cost-saving and enhanced productivity.HR heads from a dozen leading corporations including Axis Bank, Bank of Baroda, RPG Group, Vedanta, EY, Cognizant, Titan, Deloitte, Whirlpool, Paytm, Saint-Gobain India, among others, said that virtual workplaces are the future of work."Work-from-home is here to stay," said Rajkamal Vempati, executive vice president & head - human resources, Axis Bank. For a bank, functions such as customer service roles, phone banking, HR, corporate office functions, which do not require meeting customers, could be the ones to be first considered for remote working. "Nearly 20-30% of the people can work virtually going ahead," says Vempati.Joydeep Dutta Roy, head, strategic HR and HR integration at Bank of Baroda, and Sandeep Kohli, partner and talent leader at EY India, see WFH as a factor in increasing ease of doing business and cutting costs.Over the last couple of weeks, companies have been in a fire-fighting mode to put the IT backend in place, which has been the most significant bottleneck so far in embracing virtual workplace."WFH is poised to become an increasingly acceptable norm as we have seen in many countries," says Ramkumar Ramamoorthy, chairman, Cognizant India. "Any company that would have shied away from it earlier, would not have a problem now with the IT infrastructure being put in place," said Azfar Hussain, group head - organization & talent development at diversified conglomerate RPG. HR heads also say arrangements such as hot-desking will become more common, bringing down establishment costs.

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The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) is a bureau that was created to punish money launderers and other financial criminals.

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COMEX Definition


COMEX is the primary futures and options market for trading metals such as gold, silver, copper, and aluminum.

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Accounting Control Definition


Accounting controls are a set of procedures that are implemented by a firm to help ensure the validity and accuracy of its own financial statements.

Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS)


The option-adjusted spread (OAS) helps investors compare the yield of two different fixed-income offerings that have embedded options.

Why do investors use the S&P 500 as a benchmark?


Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of using the S&P 500 as a benchmark for portfolio performance, and understand how the S&P is calculated.

The 5 Richest People In the World


Learn who the top 5 billionaires in the world are and how they built their wealth.

Halo Effect Definition


The halo effect describes a consumer's bias toward a maker's products because of a favorable experience with that company's other products.

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Negative Watch Definition


Negative watch is a status indicating that a credit-rating agency may lower a company's rating in the near future.

Working Class


Working class describes persons in low-paying jobs often requiring considerable physical labor but limited skill or education.

Is economics a science?


Learn how economics fits into the category of social sciences, and discover the arguments critics make against this classification.

Strategic Ways to Distribute Your RMD


Eventually, you'll need to take required minimum distributions (RMDs). Here are tips for preserving your nest egg in the face of unavoidable withdrawals.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Definition


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services administers major healthcare programs in the U.S. It is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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Medicare Definition


Medicare is a U.S. government program providing healthcare insurance to individuals 65 and older or those under 65 who meet eligibility requirements.

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Exceptional Item Definition


An exceptional item is an unusual business cost or source of revenue that is reported separately from ordinary expenses or receipts.

Regulation 9 Definition


Regulation 9 lets national banks open and operate trust departments in-house, function as fiduciaries, and manage investment-related activities.

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Subscription Right Definition


A subscription right allows existing shareholders in a publicly-traded company to purchase shares of a secondary offering, usually at a discounted price.

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$2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus Bill: What Does It Cover?


What's in the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill and how it will impact industries, investors, small businesses, and the financial sector.

Banking And Securities Industry Committee (BASIC) Definition


The Banking and Securities Industry Committee (BASIC) sought to uphold uniform rules and regulations regarding the trading and settlement of securities.

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Convertible Arbitrage Defined


Convertible arbitrage is a strategy that involves taking a long position in a convertible security and a short position in an underlying common stock.

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Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) Definition


A health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) is an employer-funded plan that reimburses employees for medical expenses and, sometimes, insurance premiums.

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Using Bollinger Bands to Gauge Trends


Learn three Bollinger Bands® strategies that can be used for analysis or generating trade signals.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Installment Sale Definition


An installment sale is a method of sale that allows for the partial deferral of any capital gain to future taxation years.

Domestic Production Activities Deduction Definition


The domestic production activities deduction was intended to offer tax relief for businesses that produce their goods or work inside the U.S.

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Apportionment Definition


An apportionment is the allocation of a loss between all of the insurance companies that insure a piece of property and is used to determine a percentage of liability for each insurer.

Copyright Definition


Copyright is the exclusive right that the owner of an intellectual property has. It protects the creator's work from unauthorized duplication or use.

Common Law Definition


Common law is a body of unwritten laws based on legal precedents and will often guide court judgments and rulings when the outcome cannot be determined based on existing statutes or written rules of law.

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) Definition


The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) is legislation passed by Congress in 1995 to stem frivolous or unwarranted securities lawsuits.

5 Best Bets For Buying Gold


Gold is a desirable alternative for those looking to diversify their risk. Jewelry, bullion, gold-mining companies' stocks, and ETFs are some of the available investment vehicles.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

The High Cost of Times Square Advertising


Advertising on a Times Square billboard costs more per impression than similar forms of advertising, but that doesn't mean it's not worth it.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Call to Action (CTA) Definition


A call to action (CTA) is a marketing term for the next step a marketer wants the audience or reader to take.

Trimmed Mean Definition


A trimmed mean is a method of averaging that removes a small percentage of the largest and smallest values before calculating the mean.

Financial Instrument Definition


A financial instrument is a real or virtual document representing a legal agreement involving any kind of monetary value.

Dividend Definition


A dividend is a distribution of a portion of a company's earnings, decided by the board of directors, to a class of its shareholders.

Using Trading Volume to Understand Investment Activity


Trading volume, or volume, is the number of shares or contracts that indicates the overall activity of a security or market for a given period.

An Introduction to Dark Pools


Dark pools are private exchanges for trading securities trading that are not accessible by the investing public.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Market Reversals and How to Spot Them


Learn what market reversals are and a method that can be used to spot and trade them, called the sushi roll strategy.

How to Calculate the Percentage Gain or Loss on an Investment


Calculating the percentage gain of an investment is quite easy. Here is what you need to know to determine the gain or loss.

Closely Held Corporation


A closely held corporation is any firm that has only a limited number of shareholders; its stock is publicly traded on occasion but not on a regular basis.

Frequency-Severity Method Definition


Frequency-severity method is an actuarial method that determines the expected number of claims (and average costs) that will be received during a given time.

Bid Wanted In Competition (BWIC) Definition


Bid wanted in competition (BWIC) is an invitation extended by a seller to a number of securities dealers to set a price on a package of securities.

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Product Line Definition


A product line in business is a group of related products under the same brand name that is manufactured by a single company.

Defensive Stock Definition


A defensive stock is one that provides a consistent dividend and stable earnings regardless of the state of the overall stock market or economy.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Overvalued Definition


Overvalued stocks are defined as equities with a current price that experts expect to drop because it is not justified by the earnings outlook or price-earnings ratio.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

How strongly does government regulation impact the utilities sector?


Read about the impact of government regulation on the utilities sector, particularly as is pertains to the water and electricity subsectors.

Why Curiosity Cost $2.5 Billion


NASA's Rover, named curiosity, recently landed on Mars and cost Americans $2.5 billion. Was it worth the cost to taxpayers?

Medigap Definition


Medigap, also called Medicare Supplement Insurance, is private health insurance coverage designed to pay for costs not covered by Original Medicare.

The Truth About Real Estate Prices


Historical housing price data suggests ongoing increases in housing prices. But these numbers don't tell the whole truth. Read on to find out more about real estate prices.

The Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (MCCA)


The Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988 (MCAA) was a government bill designed to improve acute care benefits for the elderly and disabled.

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Medicaid vs. Medicare: What's the Difference?


Medicare and Medicaid may sound similar, but they are quite different programs. While both help pay for healthcare expenses, Medicaid doesn't require being 65 or disabled to get benefits.

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If You Had Invested Right After Coca-Cola's IPO (KO)


Discover how one investing in one $40 share of Coca-Cola over 90 years ago would have made you a multimillionaire today.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Understanding the Income Statement


The best way to analyze a company and decide whether you should invest is to know how to dissect its income statement. Here's how to do it.

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Why Would a Company Issue Preferred Shares Instead of Common Shares?


Discover some reasons that corporations might issue preference or preferred shares, and why investors might value them more than common shares.

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Leverage Ratio Definition


A leverage ratio is any one of several financial measurements that look at how much capital comes in the form of debt, or that assesses the ability of a company to meet financial obligations.

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Threshold List Definition


A threshold list, or Regulation SHO Threshold Security List, is a list of stocks whose transactions failed to clear during the previous trading days.

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Carrying Broker Definition


A carrying broker is a brokerage firm that provides back-office support for other brokers.

Policy Loan Definition


A policy loan is issued by an insurance company and uses the cash value of a person's life insurance policy as collateral.

Countertrade Definition


Countertrade is a reciprocal form of international trade in which goods or services are exchanged for other goods or services rather than for hard currency. This type of international trade is more common in lesser-developed countries with limited foreign exchange or credit facilities.

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The Greatest Currency Trades Ever Made


These speculators took big positions—and scored huge profits—in the currency market.

Average Annual Return (AAR) Definition


The average annual return (AAR) measures the money made or lost by a mutual fund. Read about AAR and how to choose the best mutual fund investment.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

What Does Filing as Head of Household Mean for Your Taxes?


In order to file as head of household, you must meet several requirements. Find out whether being head of household comes with any tax benefits.

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Benefit Period Definition


A benefit period is the length of time during which an insurance policyholder or their dependents may file and receive payment for a covered event.

Spinoff Definition


A spinoff is the creation of an independent company through the sale or distribution of new shares of an existing business or division of a parent company.

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Nominal Definition


Nominal is a common financial term with several different contexts, referring to something small, an unadjusted rate, or the face value of an asset.

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Pick the Right Algorithmic Trading Software


Want to enter the tech-savvy world of algorithmic trading? Here are some tips for picking the right algorithmic trading software.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

An Introduction to Trading Eurodollar Futures


The deep level of liquidity and long-term trending qualities of the eurodollar futures market present opportunities for small and large traders alike.

Baby Bells


The Baby Bells were the U.S. regional telephone companies that were formed from the breakup of AT&T ("Ma Bell") in 1984.

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Didi Chuxing: The Chinese Ride-Sharing Giant


The ride-hailing company squeezed Uber out of China and has dominated the Chinese ridesharing market.

Using the "Greeks" to Understand Options


The Greeks provide a way to measure the sensitivity of an option's price to quantifiable factors.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Health Insurance: Paying For Pre-Existing Conditions


If you bring a pre-existing condition to a new insurer, you may find yourself without coverage.

Loan Credit Default Swap (LCDS) Definition


A loan credit default swap (LCDS) is a credit derivative that has syndicated secure loans as the reference obligation.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

What Is a Value Date?


A value date is a future point in time used to value a product that can otherwise see fluctuations in its price.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC) Definition


Cash conversion cycle (CCC) is a metric that expresses the length of time, in days, that it takes for a company to convert resources into cash flows.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Tailored Advertising Definition


Tailored advertising places an emphasis on the needs and wants of a small set of people or an individual consumer, as opposed to a mass audience.

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 11:11 PM PDT

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card 2020 | Download ZP Maharashtra Hall Ticket

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 06:02 AM PDT

Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card 2020 | Junior Engineer, Health Worker & others – The Zilla Parishad Maharashtra council is responsible for ZP Hall Ticket 2020. The board has released the recruitment notification for Junior Engineer, Health Worker, Civil Engineer Assistant, Gramsevak & various other posts for the 13521 vacancies. So the applied aspirants are eagerly waiting to the Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Hall Ticket.Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card 2020 | Download ZP Maharashtra Hall Ticket

Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card 2020

The ZP Parishad council will release the Admit Card on its official website @mahapariksha.gov.in. Therefore the board has planned to release the Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card in 3rd Week of April 2020 and exam will be conducted after one week of Admit Card date. So through the below-given link applied aspirants can easily download the ZP Parishad Maharashtra Hall Ticket. Only the candidates who hold the ZP Maharashtra Admit Card are allowed to entire the Zilla Parishad Exam.

Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card –  Overview

Description Details
Name of the Board Zilla Parishad Maharashtra
Name of the Posts Livestock Supervisor, Civil Engineer Assistant, Contractual Gramsevak, Pharmacist, Laboratory Technician, Health Worker, Extension Officer,  Junior Engineer,  Health Supervisor, Sr. Assistant and Others
Total Vacancies 13521
Date of the Exam May 2020 (Tentatively)
Admit Card Card Date 3rd Week of April 2020
Category Admit Card
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website mahapariksha.gov.in

Important Details in Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Hall Ticket

The ZP Maharashtra Hall Ticket is the important document for the exam. It contains complete details of the candidate & Exam. So the candidates need to check and ensure the below-given details should be presented on the Admit Card.

  • Student Name
  • The venue of the Exam Centre
  • Date & Time of the Test
  • Reporting Time to the Exam Hall
  • Gender (Male/ Female)
  • Roll Number
  • Duration of the Test
  • Space for Invigilator's Signature
  • Registration Number
  • Name of the Test Centre
  • Space for Applicant's Signature
  • Name of the Exam Conducting Board
  • Photograph of the Student
  • Applicant's Date of Birth
  • Name of the exam
  • Important Guidelines for the Exam Takers
  • Full Name of the Applicant
  • Examination Centre Code
  • Signature of the Board Counselor

Documents to be carried along with Zilla Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card

As per the govt update, to write any government exam candidates must carry the anyone of the Original Govt ID Proof along with their hall ticket. It helps to avoid the duplications at the doorstep. The candidates who failed to carry the mentioned important documents are not allowed to entire the exam hall.

  • Aadhar Card
  • Voters ID
  • Driving License
  • Passport
  • College/School Identity Card
  • Pan Card

How to Download the ZP Maharashtra Admit Card 2020?

To download the Maharashtra Zilla Parishad Admit Card, the applicant needs to provide the required details such application number, date of birth. Candidates can also follow the below-given steps to download the admit card.

  • Click the below-given link
  • Find the Admit Card with the post name
  • Give the required details appeared on the screen
  • Check and ensure the presented details are correct
  • Download the Admit Card from the site
  • Take enough prints of the Admit Card
  • Carry for your ZP Parishad Exam along with Original ID Proof.

Note: The candidates who are going to write the exam need to reach the exam centre before 3o mins of the exam. it will help the supervisor to check details of the candidates and exam.

Important links of ZP Maharashtra Admit Card 2020

Zill Parishad Maharashtra Admit Card Download Here (Link activated after 3rd week of April 2020)
Official Website Click Here

RPSC Syllabus 2020 PDF – Download RPSC Lecturer, JLO, AE, FSO, & Other Exam Pattern Here

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:13 AM PDT

RPSC Syllabus 2020 PDF is available here at free of cost. Interested candidates who are seeking for the RPSC Syllabus can download it here. We have given the complete details of the RPSC Syllabus 2020 Pdf and Exam Pattern on this page. Download the topics mentioned in the Rajasthan PSC Syllabus and Test Pattern to get an idea about the exam. Also, we have provided the detailed Rajasthan PSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern here. Hence, read the below section to be aware of the Rajasthan Public Service Commission Syllabus 2020. Interested Candidates can apply here at RPSC Recruitment 2020.

RPSC Syllabus 2020 PDF

Name of the Exam/ Posts Syllabus Links
School Lecturer RPSC School Lecturer Syllabus
RPSC Librarian Grade II Syllabus RPSC Librarian Syllabus
Veterinary officer RPSC VO Syllabus
Assistant professor & Senior Demonstrator RPSC Asst Professor Syllabus
School Lecturer (First Grade Teacher) RPSC Teacher Syllabus
 Agriculture Officer RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus
Agriculture Research Officer RPSC ARO Syllabus
 Junior Legal Officer (JLO) RPSC JLO Syllabus
Food Safety Officer Rajasthan PSC FSO Syllabus
Sub Inspector Rajasthan PSC SI Syllabus
Fisheries Development Officers RPSC FDO Syllabus
Assistant Engineer (AEN) RPSC AE Syllabus
Senior Scientific Officer (SSO) RPSC SSO Syllabus
Public Relation Officer RPSC PRO Syllabus
RPSC RAS/ RTS Combined Competitive Exam RAS Syllabus
Second Grade Teacher Comp. Exam RPSC Exam Syllabus
RPSC ACF & Forest Range Officer Grade I Posts RPSC ACF Syllabus
Assistant Agriculture Officer RPSC AAO Syllabus

Candidates also follow the RPSC Previous Papers Link to get the detailed information of RPSC. It is a great chance for the contenders to collect all the necessary information and prepare for the exams well. To stay updated with every information related to RPSC here and grab the opportunity before its too late.

RPSC School Lecturer Syllabus

RPSC Syllabus is available here to download. Candidates who are appearing for the RPSC Entrance Exam and searching for the Exam Details & Syllabus can get the information regarding Rajasthan PSC Exam for School Lecturer Posts here. We have updated the RPSC Syllabus Details for the reference of the applicants. Also, the applicants can check the RPSC Exam Pattern from the below section.

It is the ideal place to know about the exam pattern and syllabus for the RPSC Exam 2020. Check the RPSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern Details here and get ready well to take part in the entrance test. For the reference of better preparation, we provided the Syllabus topics along with the exam pattern here. With the provided Rajasthan PSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern, you can score good marks in the Examination. So go through the given exam details regarding RPSC Recruitment.

RPSC Exam Syllabus 2020

Name of the Organization
Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Post Name School Lecturer Posts
Exam Date  Updated Soon
 Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website  rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Exam Pattern

In the section below, the RPSC School Lecturer Exam pattern has been given in detail. An exam will be conducted by the RPSC officials. The questions will be based on Hindi, English, General Knowledge, Grammar, Common Grammar, Literature and History. The details have been given below for all the aspirants. You can also download the RPSC Syllabus pdf for free from below.

Category Subject Name
Objective Type Hindi
General Knowledge
Common Grammar

Rajasthan Public Service Commission Exam Syllabus

Check the RPSC Syllabus topics listed here. We have provided the syllabus for the School Lecturer Posts Exam. Syllabus details given below are for reference use only. The Rajasthan Public Service Commission Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern will help you to score good marks in the Examination. Before going to attend the Examination check the given details to get an idea of the Examination. The candidates are recommended to follow the syllabus to prepare for the exams. 

RPSC Second Grade Librarian Syllabus 2020

Rajasthan PSC  Librarian Exam Syllabus Details are provided here. So the candidates who have applied for the RPSC Librarian Recruitment should start your preparation for the written exam which is going to happen in the following months. Check with the exam pattern initially and then plan for the preparation. For the reference of candidates, we have provided the link to download the RPSC Syllabus Pdf.


RPSC Librarian Grade 2 Syllabus Details  

Name of the Organization
Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name Librarian Grade II
Exam Date  29th April 2020
 Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website  www.pseb.ac.in

RPSC Rajasthan Librarian Exam Pattern

Category Subject Name Marks
Part – A General Knowledge 100
Part – B Library and Information Science and Basic Knowledge of Computer 200
Total  300

Rajasthan PSC Librarian Exam Syllabus 2020 

Library and Information Science and Basic Knowledge of Computer

  • Foundation of library and information Science
  • Library Classification and Cataloguing
  • Library Organisation and Management
  • Reference Service and Information Sources
  • Basics of Computer

{RPSC Librarian Syllabus – Download Here

Rajasthan PSC Veterinary officer Syllabus 

RPSC Syllabus – This section will be helpful for the candidates for the people who are searching for the Rajasthan PSC Exam Syllabus for the Veterinary Officer Exam 2020. RPSC Exam Board has decided to direct the written examination on the date 29th April 2020. So the aspirants who have applied for the RPSC Veterinary officer Recruitment & not started with your exam preparation, have an insight at this section to begin your preparation.

RPSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus 2020 

Name of the Organization Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Department Name Animal Husbandry
Post Name Veterinary officer (VO)
 Exam Date  29th April 2020
 Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Veterinary officer Exam Pattern 

Category Subject No.of. Questions Marks
Part – A General Knowledge (Rajasthan History, Culture, Geography) 40 40
Part – B  Veterinary Science 60 60
Total 100 100

Rajasthan Veterinary officer Exam 2020 Syllabus 

RPSC Veterinary Officer Syllabus – General Knowledge on Rajasthan

  • प्राकर्तिक वनस्पति, वन्य जीव एवं जैव विविधिता
  • राजस्थान की पशु सम्पदा
  • राजस्थान में ऊर्जा के विभिन्न स्त्रोत
  • राजस्थान के धार्मिक संत एवं सम्प्रदाय
  • राजस्थान के त्यौहार
  • राजस्थान की प्रमुख फसलें
  • राजस्थान की प्रमुख सिचाई परियोजनाएं तथा मरू भूमि के विकास की परियोजनाएं
  • राजस्थान की आर्थिक योजनाए, विकास कार्यक्रम एवं विकास संस्थान
  • राजस्थान सामान्य परिचय:
  • राजस्थान की स्थिति, विस्तार एवं मुख्य भौतिक विभाग
  • राजस्थान के प्रमुख मेले
  • राजस्थान की प्रथाएं एवं रीति रिवाज
  • राजस्थान के वस्त्र एवं आभूषण
  • राजस्थान की जलवायु एवं मृदा संसाधन
  • राजस्थान के जल संसाधन: नदियाँ एवं झीले
  • राजस्थान के मानव संसाधन: जनसँख्या एवं जनजातियां
  • राजस्थान में पंचायतीराज
  • राजस्थान के उद्योग
  • राजस्थान में आर्थिक नियोजन
  • राजस्थान का इतिहास
  • राजस्थान साहित्य
  • राजस्थान में लोक संगीत, लोक नृत्य, एवं लोक नाट्य
  • राजस्थान के लोक देवता एवं लोक देवियाँ
  • राजस्थान में 1857 की क्रान्ति
  • राजस्थान में स्वतंत्रता आंदोलन, राजनीतिक चेतना एवं जन आंदोलन: किसान आंदोलन, जनजाति आंदोलन, एवं प्रजामण्डल आंदोलन
  • राजस्थान का एकीकरण
  • राजस्थानी भाषा एवं बोलियां

RPSC VO Syllabus – Part – B

  • Socio-Economic Importance
  • Marketing of Livestock
  • Poultry In Rajasthan
  • Preliminary Ideas of Heritability
  • Genetic and Phenotypic Correlations
  • Methods of Breed Improvement
  • Breeding Systems
  • Progeny Testing
  • Common Feeds and Fodders of Rajasthan
  • Nutritive Requirements of Animals and Feeding Standards
  • Proximate Analysis
  • Balanced Ration and Computation of Ration
  • Methods of Preservation
  • Processing of Feed and Fodder
  • Digestion, Absorption, and Metabolism of Carbohydrates
  • Fat and Protein in Ruminants and Non-Ruminants
  • Avian Production
  • Dairy Management and Production With Special Reference To Constituents (Milk of Cows, Etc.,)
  • Milk Testing and Processing
  • Meat Inspection
  • Common Use of Animal By-Products and Abattoir Practices
  • Pharmacology of Drugs
  • Role of Minerals and Vitamins
  • Vitamins Deficiencies in Livestock & Poultry
  • Important Toxicities in Animals
  • General Veterinary Microbiology
  • General Veterinary Parasitology (Helminthology, Entomology & Acarology and Protozoology)
  • General, Systemic and Special Veterinary Pathology
  • General and Systemic Clinical Veterinary Medicine
  • Important Clinical Diseases of Livestock and Poultry
  • General Epidemiology, Modes, Clinical Manifestations, Treatment
  • Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases
  • General Principles of Meat, Milk and Environmental Hygiene
  • Anesthesiology, Regional and Clinical Surgical Procedures

 {Download: RPSC VO Exam Syllabus Pdf

Rajasthan PSC Assistant Professor Syllabus 

Candidates who have applied for RPSC Assistant Professor/ Demonstrator Recruitment 2020 get the syllabus pdf & exam pattern from the following page. In this section, we have furnished the direct link to download the RPSC Demonstrator Syllabus Pdf. With the help of the below-given syllabus details, applicants can understand the topics required for the exam preparation.

Rajasthan Public Service Commission Exam Syllabus Details

Organization Name Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name Assistant professor & Senior Demonstrator
No.of.Posts 269
Online Application Date 22nd January – 10th February 2020
 Exam Date  Updated Soon
 Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Exam Pattern 2020

Category Subject No.of.Question Mark Duration
  Multiple Type Questions (Objective) Concerned Subject 100 100 02 Hours

Syllabus of RPSC Exam 2020 – Assistant professor & Senior Demonstrator

Post Name Category Syllabus Pdf
Assistant Professor Pediatrics Download Here
Anaesthesiology Download Here
Orthopedics Download Here
General Medicine Download Here
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Download Here
Senior Demonstrator Anatomy Download Here
Forensic Medicine Download Here
Physiology Download Here
Community Medicine Download Here
Pharmacology Download Here
Microbiology Download Here

RPSC Teacher Syllabus 2020 PDF

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has released a recruitment notification for School Lecturer posts for many subjects Teachers in Rajasthan. The candidates who have applied for RPSC Recruitment 2020 of 1st Grade Lecturer post can check the RPSC 1st Grade Lecturer syllabus pdf given in our article to start preparing for the exam. For, much more details like exam pattern, exam date, and previous papers go through the further article.

Rajasthan PSC Teacher Exam Syllabus 2020 – Overview

Description Details
Board Name Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name School Lecturer
Vacancies Various
Category Syllabus
Official Website www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Selection Process:

The selection of the aspirants for Lecturer (Teacher) Grade 1 Post will be based on

  • Written Exam (Paper 1 & Paper 2)
  • Personal Interview

Rajasthan PSC 1st Grade Teacher Exam Pattern 2020:

Paper 1 (General Awareness & General Studies)

Topics No. of Questions Marks
Mental ability, Statistics, Mathematics, Language Ability in English and Hindi 10 20
History of Rajasthan and India 15 30
General Science, Indian Policy, Geography of Rajasthan 15 30
Education Management, Educational Scenario 15 30
Current Affairs 20 40
Total 75 150

RPSC Grade 1 Exam Pattern 2020: Paper 2

Concerned Subject No. of Questions Marks
Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Graduation Level 55 110
Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Senior Secondary level 55 110
Education Psychology,  pedagogy, Teaching-learning material, Use of Computers and Information Technology in Teaching Learning 30 60
Knowledge of Subject Concerned: Post Graduation Level 10 20
Total 150 300

RPSC Rajasthan Grade 1 Teacher Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Rajasthan Agriculture Officer Syllabus 

Candidates who have applied for the RPSC Assistant Officer Recruitment and looking for the RPSC Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern Details can find the information you are in need regarding the Written exam for Rajasthan Agriculture Officer Recruitment. Scroll down the page to know about the subjects of RPSC Agriculture Officer Recruitment & download the Syllabus Pdf given below to get the detailed subject wise topics.

RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus Details – Overview

Organization Name Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name Agricultural Officer
No.of.Posts 87
Online Application Date 20th January 2020 – 12th February 2020
 Exam Date  Updated Soon
 Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern 2020

Category Subject No.of.Questions Marks Duration
Part – I General Hindi 60 180 02 Hours
Part – II General Knowledge, History and Culture of Rajasthan 60 180
Part – III Agriculture 120 360 02 Hours

RPSC Agriculture Officer Recruitment 2020 – Syllabus Topics

Genera Hindi

  • वचन,
  • विलोम.
  • तत्सम एवं तद्भव.
  • संधियां.
  • कारक,
  • रस.
  • पर्यायवाची.
  • वाक्याशों के लिये एक शब्द निर्माण.
  • वाक्यसंशोधन- लिंग, काल,
  • वर्तनी,
  • त्रुटि से संबंधित.
  • समास.
  • लोकोक्तियां एवं मुहावरे.
  • अनेकार्थी शब्द
  • अलंका.

General Knowledge, History & Culture Of Rajasthan 

  •  Geography
  • History
  • Cultures
  • Eminent personalities of Rajasthan
  • Contribution of Rajasthan in Indian Freedom Movement
  • Agriculture
  • Languages
  • Festivals
  • Tribes
  • Art
  • Religious & Historical places of Rajasthan
  • Rights and Customs
  • Geographical division, Climate, Major Mountains, Rivers
  • Rajasthan's contribution to the Indian freedom struggle and the integration of Rajasthan
  • Various Rajasthani dialects
  • Architecture – fort, palace, Havelis, chhatris, ponds, temple-mosques
  • Prominent Personality – Maharaja Man Singh-first of Jaipur, Sawai Jai Singh, Maharaja of Bikaner Ganga Singh, Veer Durga Das, Maharaja Jaswant Singh, Rao Jodha, Rao Maldev, Maharana Pratap, etc.
  • Women – Men's Clothing & Jewelry
  • Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Business Terminology
  • History of Rajasthan – Civilizations
  • Major Folk Festivals, Festivals
  • Religious, historical and tourist places
  • A folk tale, folk songs and dances, proverbs, folk theater, Folk music, and puppetry
  • Different Castes – People
  • Painting & Handicrafts


  • Agro-climatic zones of Rajasthan
  • Soil classification
  • Role of farm forestry
  • Olericulture
  • Essential plant nutrients
  • Importance of livestock and poultry in the Indian economy
  • Pomology
  • Philosophy and principles of extension education rural social institutions
  • Limnology

{DOWNLOAD: RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus Pdf}

RPSC Agriculture Research Officer Exam Syllabus 

Are you searching for the RPSC Syllabus of Agriculture Research Officer? Surely you will get the syllabus & exam pattern details from this page. In the below section details about the RPSC ARO Exam 2020 are furnished. Aspirants have no need to search further to know about the exam pattern, syllabus, topics to be prepared & exam date details. Because pieces of information you are in need regarding RPSC Agriculture Research Officer Exam 2020 is loaded in this article.

Overview of Rajasthan Agriculture Research Officer Syllabus 2020

Organization Name Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name Agriculture Research Officer (ARO)
 Exam Date  Updated Soon
 Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC ARO Exam Pattern 2020

Category Subject No. of. Question Marks Duration of the Exam
Written Exam Plant Pathology 100 100 02 Hours
Agriculture Botany

RPSC Agriculture Research Officer Syllabus 2020

Plant Pathology

  • Mycology.
  • Diseases of Crop Plants.
  • Laboratory and Analytical Techniques.
  • Principles of Plant Pathology.
  • Plant Bacteriology.
  • Plant Disease Management.
  • Epidemiology and forecasting of plant disease.
  • Mushroom Production Technology
  • History and Scope of Plant Pathology.
  • Plant Virology.


  • Insect Taxonomy.
  • Insect Toxicology.
  • Biotechnology in Pest Management
  • Insect Morphology.
  • Insect Ecology.
  • Insect Pest Management etc.
  • Beneficial Insects.
  • Insecticides and their application.
  • Insect Anatomy& Physiology.
  • Urban and Storage Entomology.

Agriculture Botany

  • Cytology.
  • Biotechnology
  • Mutation breeding.
  • Heterosis breeding
  • Plant genetic resources and seed technology.
  • Genetics.
  • Plant Breeding.
  • Breeding.
  • Physiology.
  • Mutation breeding.


  • Agriculture and Indian Economy.
  • Monsoon.
  • Cropping Systems.
  • Role of water in Crop Production.
  • Dry farming.
  • Irrigation.
  • Transformation in Soil.
  • Weeds.
  • Agroclimatology.
  • Post- Harvest Technologies.
  • Compound Fertilizers.
  • Agronomical Experiments
  • Water Resources.


RPSC JLO Exam Syllabus 2020 

Rajasthan JLO Syllabus 2020 – Rajasthan Public Service Commission has planned for JLO Exam. Aspirants who have applied for RPSC JLO Recruitment and searching for the Syllabus to start your preparation use this section. Here we have given the RPSC JLO Exam Pattern & Syllabus details. You can download the RPSC JLO Exam Syllabus Pdf given in our article to start preparing for the exam.

RPSC Junior Legal Officer Syllabus 2020

Organization Name Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Name of the Post Junior Legal Officer (JLO)
 Category  Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website   rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Rajasthan JLO Exam Pattern 2020

Subject Name No. of. Questions Total Mark Duration of Examination
Constitution of India with special emphasis on Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles and enforcement of rights through writs, Functioning of High Court and Supreme Court and attorney general. 150 50 3 hours (150 Minutes)
Civil Procedure Code and Criminal, Procedure Code. Provisions required to be referred generally in Government Office will be given importance.  150 50
Evidence Act, Limitation Act, Interpretation of Statutes, drafting, and conveyancing. 150 50
Hindi 75 25
 English 75 25
Total 600 200

Selection Procedure:

Competitors must face the following selection rounds:

  • Written Examination.
  • Interview.

RPSC JLO Syllabus 2020 


  • Error Correction (Underlined Part).
  • Sentence Arrangement.
  • Fill in the blanks.
  • Prepositions
  • Active and Passive Voice.
  • Word Formation
  • Sentence Arrangement
  • Spotting Errors.
  • Idioms and Phrases.
  • Transformation
  • Antonyms
  • Sentence Improvement.
  • Spelling Test.
  • Homonyms,
  • Error Correction (Phrase in Bold).
  • Direct and Indirect speech
  • Passage Completion.
  • Spelling Test.
  • Topic rearrangement of passage
  • Synonyms
  • Joining Sentences.
  • Data Interpretation.
  • Sentence Completion.
  • Para Completion.
  • Substitution
  • Theme Detection,

Constitution of India

  • Fundamental Rights
  • Introduction to Indian Constitution.
  • Union Government
  • Local Self Government
  • State Government


  • Tenses
  • Determiners
  • Phrasal verbs and Idioms
  • Active & Passive Voice
  • Co-ordination & Subordination
  • Direct and Indirect Speech
  • Modals expressing various concepts- (Obligation, Request, Permission, Prohibition, Intention, Condition, Probability, Possibility, Purpose, Reason, Companions, Contrast.)

General Knowledge

  • Indian Polity & Governance.
  • History – India & World.
  • International issues.
  • About India.
  • Everyday Science.
  • Social Science.
  • Space & IT.
  • General Science.
  • Indian Economy.
  • Cultural Heritage.
  • National News (current).
  • Economic Scene.
  • Indian Culture.
  • Sports and Games.
  • Scientific observations.
  • Important Financial & Economic News.
  • General Politics.
  • Inventions in the World
  • Abbreviations.
  • Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
  • Indian Constitution.

General Intelligence

  • Spatial Visualization.
  • Geography of India.
  • Culture & Heritage of India.
  • General Politics.
  • Arithmetic Number Series.
  • History of India.
  • Indian Constitution.
  • Social Events related to India etc.
  • Figures Classification.
  • Non-verbal series.
  • Arithmetical Reasoning
  • Science & Technology.
  • Coding and Decoding etc.
  • Spatial Orientation.
  • Current Events – National, International.
  • Visual Memory.
  • Analogies.
  • Similarities and Differences.
  • Discrimination.
  • Relationship concepts.
  • Observation.

[RPSC JLO Syllabus 2020 PDF Downlaod]

Important Links related to RPSC JLO Exam 2020

RPSC JLO Previous Papers

RPSC JLO Admit Card

Rajasthan RPSC AE Syllabus 2020 PDF

RPSC had released a notification to fill various Assistant Engineer posts. Since RPSC AE Prelims Exam is already over, candidates who are selected in the exam need to prepare well for the Mains exam beforehand. For this purpose, here we have given RPSC Assistant Engineer Mains Syllabus 2020 along with the Exam Pattern. Therefore, applicants stay tuned to our page recruitment.guru to know more about RPSC Exam Date, Syllabus, Selection Process, etc.

RPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2020 – Overview

Description Details
Name of the Organization Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Name of the Post Assistant Engineer
No of Vacancies Various
Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Assistant Engineer Exam Pattern 2020

Here we have updated the latest exam pattern for Assistant Engineer Combined Competitive Exam. The RPSC competitive exam consists of 2 stages i.e Prelims and Mains. Since the Prelims exam is over, here we are giving the exam pattern of  Mains Examination. Check the details carefully and start preparing for the exams using RPSC AEN Previous Papers by clicking on the link given in the below section of the article.

RPSC Assistant Engineer Mains Exam Pattern 2020

Papers Name of the Subject Number of Marks
Paper-I Hindi 100
Paper-II Social aspects of Engineering 100
Paper-III Optional subject (2 Papers) 200 (for each Paper)
Paper-IV Optional Subject (2 Papers) 200 (for each Paper)
  • The Main Exam consists of Conventional types of questions.
  • Paper-I & II are compulsory subjects.
  • Paper-III & IV are optional subjects (Each subject consists of 2 papers).
  • The time allocated for each paper is 3 hours.
  • Optional Subjects: Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineering and Agricultural Engineering.
  • Personality and Viva Voce will be there for 72 Marks.

RPSC AE Selection Procedures:

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Mains Examination
  • Personality Test
  • Viva Voce

Download RPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2020 PDF

Social Aspects of Engineering Syllabus

  • Environmental Degradation and Resource Depletion
  • Human Relations in Industry and Industrials laws
  • Development Processes
  • Financing methods of infrastructure projects
  • Rural Energy needs and Rural industries.
  • Development of Science and Technology
  • Depletion of natural resources
  • Rural economy
  • Globalization of Economy

General Hindi

  • Preposition
  • Tense
  • Interrogative Sentence
  • Infinitive & Gerund
  • Phrases & Idioms
  • Antonyms
  • Spelling Mistake detection
  • synonym
  • Mood & Voice
  • Verb, Adverb & Conjunctive
  • Noun & Pronoun
  • Adjective
  • Degree (Positive, Comparative & Superlative)
  • Spotting of error

Optional Papers Syllabus

Civil Engineering

  • Strength of Materials
  • Soil & Foundation Engineering
  • Theory of Structures
  • Structural Design 1 & 2

Mechanical Engineering

  • Materials Science
  • Machine Design
  • Theory of Machines
  • Manufacturing Processes
  • Industrial Engineering

Electrical Engineering

  • Field Theory
  • Electrical Machines
  • Electrical Materials
  • Power Systems

Agricultural Engineering

  • Irrigation
  • Soil & Water Conservation
  • Drainage
  • Pumps
  • Water Resources Development & Management
  • Surveying, Leveling & Land Development

[RPSC Assistant Engineer Syllabus 2020 PDF]

Important Links Related to Rajasthan Public Service Commission

RPSC FSO Syllabus 2020 PDF

Rajasthan Public Service Commission released a recruitment notification for various Food Safety Officer posts. Candidates who are all interested in this post have already applied for the exam. Now, waiting for the exam date to get released. Thus, prepare for the exam as soon as possible by checking RPSC FSO Syllabus 2020 and the Exam Pattern before starting to prepare for the exam to understand the structure of the exam.

RPSC Food Safety Officer Exam Syllabus 2020 – Overview

Description Details
Name of the Organization Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name Food Safety Officer (FSO) Posts
Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Food Safety Officer Exam Pattern 2020

Subjects No of Questions Marks
Knowledge of subject concerned 55 110
General Knowledge 55 110
Reasoning 10 20
Intelligence Ability 10 20
  • The exam will be of objective type questions.
  • The duration of the exam will be 3 Hours.
Rajasthan PSC FSO Selection Procedures:
  • Written Exam
  • Interview

Download RPSC FSO Syllabus 2020 PDF

Subject Concerned Knowledge

  • Public & Occupational Health and Nutrition
  • Food Processing technology
  • Food Laws and Organizations
  • Hygiene & Sanitation
  • Food Chemistry
  • Food Microbiology

General Knowledge

  • Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention, & mitigation strategies
  • Application of Remote Sensing
  • GIS in the assessment of Disaster
  • Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
  • Bifurcation of Rajasthan and its Administrative, Economic, Social
  • Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems
  • General Science
  • Economic development in India since independence.
  • Geography of India with a focus on Rajasthan.
  • Social-economic & political history of modern India
  • Events of national and international importance.
  • Current affairs- international, national and regional.
  • Indian polity governance: constitutional issues
  • Public policy, reforms & e-governance initiatives

Reasoning Ability

  • Seating Arrangement: Circular table as well as Line (North and South).
  • Puzzle.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Number series.
  • Inequality or Decision Making.
  • Data Sufficiency.
  • Statement and Argument.
  • Passage and conclusion.
  • Coding and decoding.
  • Syllogism.
  • Order and ranking.
  • Besides, Making judgments.
  • Logical Reasoning.
  • Input-Output.

Intelligence Ability

  • Assertion and Reason
  • Logical Sequence of Words
  • Sequential Output Tracing
  • Direction Sense Test
  • Analogy
  • Classification
  • Number, Ranking & Time Sequence Test
  • Logic
  • Miscellaneous Logical Puzzles
  • Mirror Images
  • Water Images
  • Mathematical Operations
  • Data Sufficiency
  • Alphabet Test
  • Blood Relations
  • Miscellaneous
  • Situation Reaction Test
  • Verification of Truth of the Statement
  • Analytical Reasoning
  • Puzzle Test
  • Decision Making
  • Arithmetical Reasoning
  • Inserting the Missing Character
  • Embedded Figures
  • Series completion
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Logical Venn diagrams

RPSC Fisheries Development Officers Syllabus 2020 PDF

RPSC Syllabus 2020: Hello Folks !!! The Rajasthan Public Service Commission will plan the Fisheries Development Officers position Written Examination to recruit the candidates. Here, we provided the RPSC Fisheries Development Officers Syllabus 2020 on this page for the convenience of the aspirants. To get qualify in the Rajasthan PSC Fisheries Development Officers' examination you have to collect the RPSC FDO Syllabus 2020 and also the Exam Pattern.

We advise the applicants to start the exam preparation now onwards to get high marks. To help out the candidates, our team recruitment.guru has provided all the information about the latest RPSC Fisheries Development Officers syllabus and Exam Pattern. By this Latest RPSC FDO Syllabus 2020, candidates can easily crack the exam by preparing well for the topics. Participants need to check the official job notification of the Fisheries Development Officers Posts 2020 to gain more detailed information about RPSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern along with the RPSC Previous Papers.

RPSC Fisheries Development Officers Exam 2020 – Overview

Description Details
Name of the Organization Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Name of the Post Fisheries Development Officers
Category Syllabus
Job Location Rajasthan
Official Website rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Do you know the exact pattern of the RPSC Examination 2020? If No! then check the Rajasthan PSC Fisheries Development Officers Exam Pattern 2020 tabulated below. Rajasthan FDO Written Exam consists of two papers Paper I and Paper-II. Moreover, get enter into the examination hall applicants need to show their RPSC Admit Card 2020 which would be downloaded before 1 week of the examination from the official portal.

RPSC Fisheries Development Officers Exam Pattern 2020 

Paper Name of the Subject Number of Marks Number of Questions Time Duration
Paper-I General Studies & Mental Ability 150 150 150 Minutes
Paper-II Subjects (Common) 300 150 150 Minutes
Interview 50

Selection Procedures:

Most of the job hunters are eagerly waiting to get the job at Rajasthan PSC which a secure career path for them. If you are one in that group then you need to work hard. Because selection will be purely based on the applicant’s performance and skills which are shown in the following rounds.

  • Written Examination
  • Interview

Download RPSC FDO Syllabus 2020-20 PDF

Rajasthan PSC FDO Syllabus 2020 – General Studies & Mental Ability

  • Geography of India with a focus on Rajasthan.
  • Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention, & mitigation strategies, Application of Remote Sensing & GIS in the assessment of Disaster
  • Economic development in India since independence.
  • Events of national and international importance.
  • Current affairs- international, national and regional.
  • General Science
  • Social- economic & political history of modern India
  • Indian polity governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms & e-governance initiatives
  • Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
  • Logical reasoning, analytical ability, data interpretation.

Data Analysis:

  • Basic data analysis (Summary Statistics as mean and variance coefficient of
  • variation etc.,
  • Visual representation of data
  • Interpretation
  • Tabulation of data

Bifurcation of Rajasthan and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems, including

  • Division of employees, their relocation & nativity issues.
  • Loss of capital city, challenges in building the new capital and its financial implications.
  • Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.
  • Impact of the bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
  • The task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development & opportunities for investments.
  • Rajasthan REORGANISATION ACT, 2014 on AP and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.
  • Implications for financial resources of state government.
  • Socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.
  • Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.

Rajasthan Fisheries Development Officers Syllabus 2020

  • Respiration and osmoregulation in fishes
  • The endocrine system of fishes
  • General principles of Taxonomy, outline classification & General characters on Non-Chordates and Chordates
  • Phylum Chordata – class – Pisces – classification – general Morphology & Anatomy of chondrichthyans and ostrich-types and Osteichthyes – general distribution of fish
  • Food & feeding habits with special reference to Digestion in Fish
  • Reproductive system and breeding habit in fishes
  • Fish growth – Morphometric and Meristic characters
  • Adaptations – migration of fishes
  • Parental care of fishes
  • A general study of Parasitic & Pathogenic Protozoans, Helminthes, & Arthropods with reference to Fish & Prawn culture

Rajasthan PSC Paper II Syllabus for FDO Exam 2020

  • Study of a major group of plankton & their importance in aquaculture
  • Brackish water aquaculture Brackish water fishery resources – management of brackishwater ponds.
  • Freshwater aquaculture freshwater fishery resources preparation and management of ponds Aquatic weeds & control
  • Freshwater aquaculture freshwater fishery resources preparation and management of ponds – Aquatic weeds & control
  • General Principles of Ecology aquatic ecosystem concerning freshwater brackish water and marine environment
  • The Economic Importance of Fisheries Fish by-products.
  • A general account of fish & prawn diseases and their control
  • Breeding methods, Natural – bundh – induced breeding
  • Culturable varieties of fish and Prawns
  • The General methods of preservation & processing of fishes and prawns
  • General aspects of marine biology & mariculture – Mussel culture – Oyster culture – Fish and Crab culture and seaweed culture

[RPSC Fisheries Development Officers Syllabus 2020 PDF]

 Important Links Related To Rajasthan Public Service Commission

RPSC SSO Syllabus 2020 PDF

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) recently released a notification for 23 Senior Scientific Officer posts. Applicants who have applied for RPSC SSO Exam 2020 and are searching for RPSC Senior Scientific Officer (SSO) syllabus 2029 download pdf cam find it on this page along with www.rpsc.gov.in Senior Scientific Officer (SSO) exam pattern details.

Rajasthan PSC Senior Scientific Officer Exam Pattern 2020

Topics No of Questions Marks
Aptitude As per Government
General Knowledge
General Awareness
Post Related Topics

Download RPSC Senior Scientific Officer Syllabus Pdf


  • Mathematical Methods of Physics
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Classical Mechanics
  • Solid State Physics
  • Atomic & Molecular Physics
  • Thermodynamic and Statistical Physics
  • Experimental Techniques
  • Data analysis
  • Nuclear and Particle Physics
  • Quantum Mechanics

Forensic Physics

  • Wild Life Forensics
  • Computer Forensics
  • Instrumentation
  • Forensic statistics
  • Psychological Techniques in Forensic science
  • Foot Print, Shoe Print, and Tyre Marks

Forensic Ballistics

  • Wound Ballistics
  • Terminal Ballistics
  • Explosive
  • Interior Ballistics
  • Exterior Ballistics


  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Interdisciplinary topics
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry

Forensic Chemistry

  • Fire and Arson Investigation
  • Wild Life Forensics
  • Explosive
  • Psychological techniques in Forensic science
  • Computer Forensics

Forensic Toxicology

  • Introduction to Forensic Science
  • Instrumentation
  • Forensic statistics
  • Plant Poisons and their examination
  • Insecticide and Pesticide
  • Poison
  • Metallic Poisons
  • Analysis of Toxic anions


  • Cellular organization
  • System Physiology: Plants
  • Molecules and their Interaction Relevant to Biology
  • Fundamental Processes


  • Antonyms.
  • Sentence Arrangement.
  • Sentence Improvement.
  • Passage Completion.
  • Substitution.
  • Error Correction (Phrase in Bold).
  • Sentence Completion.
  • Transformation.
  • Synonyms.
  • Fill in the blanks.
  • Joining Sentences.
  • Error Correction (Underlined Part).
  • Para Completion.
  • Spotting Errors.
  • Idioms and Phrases.
  • Active and Passive Voice.
  • Spelling Test.
  • Prepositions.

General Awareness

  • Indian Financial System.
  • Books & Authors.
  • Capitals & Currencies.
  • Current Ministers & Governors.
  • Current Affairs.
  • Sports.
  • Government Schemes
  • Science & Technology.
  • Abreviations and Economic Terminologies.
  • Summits & Conferences etc.

General Knowledge

  • Environment.
  • Indian Culture.
  • Botany.
  • Famous Days & Dates.
  • Indian History.
  • Basic GK.
  • Indian Politics.
  • Famous Books & Authors.
  • Chemistry.
  • Inventions in the World.
  • Basic Computer.
  • Indian Parliament.
  • Geography.
  • Indian Economy.
  • Zoology.
  • Sports.
  • Physics.

Reasoning Ability

  • Analogy.
  • Directions.
  • Clocks & Calendars.
  • Mirror Images.
  • Number Ranking.
  • Arithmetical Reasoning.
  • Blood Relations.
  • Cubes and Dice.
  • Alphabet Series.
  • Decision Making.
  • Statement Conclusion.
  • Non-Verbal Series.
  • Number Series.
  • Coding-Decoding.

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Boats & Streams
  • Profit & Loss
  • Ratios & Proportions
  • Problems on Ages
  • Number System
  • Mensuration
  • Compound Interest
  • Time & Distance
  • Percentages
  • Fundamental Operations
  • Permutations & Combinations
  • Geometry
  • Simple Interest
  • Problems on squares, cubes
  • Time & Work
  • Least Common Multiple (LCM) & Highest Common Factor (HCF)
  • Simplifications
  • Averages
  • Allegations & Mixtures
  • Probability
  • Partnerships
  • Discounts

RPSC PRO Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)  PRO Recruitment 2020 notification was released for filling 23 Public Relation Officer Posts under the Information & Public Relations Department. The application process starts on 27th June 2020 and the last date to apply will be on 26th July 2020. RPSC Public Relations Officer (PRO) Syllabus Pdf 2020  details and links are given in the below sections of the article along with exam pattern details. However, go through further sections of the article for much more information like exam dates, previous papers, etc.

Rajasthan PSC PRO Notification 2020 – Overview

Description Details
Board Name Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Post Name Public Relation Officer (PRO)
Category Syllabus
Exam Date Update Soon
Official Website  rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Selection Process:

  • Written Exam
  • Interview

RPSC Public Relation Officer (PRO) Exam Pattern 2020

Part B Topics Marks
A Traditional, Print, Electronic & New Media 100
B General Awareness
C Hindi & English Language
D Concept of Public Relations, purpose, elements, tools
E Concept of news, Value of News essential of news writing
  • The exam will be of Objective type questions.
  • Number of questions will be 120
  • The duration of the exam is 2 hours.
  • all questions in the exam carry equal marks.
  • Negative marking will be there in the exam. exact negative marking details will be notified soon.

Download RPSC Public Relation Officer (PRO) Syllabus 2020

Rajasthan RPSC PRO Syllabus 2020 – Part A

  • General awareness about Rajasthan
  • Various developmental schemes of Government of Rajasthan
  • Salient features of Indian Constitution
  • Fundamental rights and duties
  • parliament and state legislative assemblies and councils
  • Rural development and panchayat raj
  • Right to Education, MNREGA

Rajasthan PSC Public Relation Officer (PRO) Syllabus Pdf – Part B

  • Concept of news
  • News value
  • Essential of news writing, news story structure
  • Inverted pyramid, various types of reporting
  • Feature – Concept, and meaning, unique article, success story, features syndicates
  • Photojournalism, pictures, selection, and editing, writing captions

RPSC PRO Exam Syllabus 2020 – Part C

  • Characteristics of various media – traditional, print, electronic & new media and their role in public awareness
  • Historical development of journalism in Rajasthan
  • General principals of writing for electronic media, news portal, blogs
  • Definition, and characteristics of online media
  • Interactivity, and new media
  • Important laws relating to media –Law of Defamation, Press, and Registration of Books Act, Copyright Act, Press Council Act, RTI

Rajasthan Public Service Commission PRO Syllabus – Part D

  • Concept of Public Relations, purpose, elements, tools, and functions
  • Publicity, propaganda, advertising, structure, and working of Public Relations Departments of State Government
  • Media planning, PR in crisis management
  • Organizing press conferences and tours
  • Press briefings
  • VVIP visits
  • Preparing PR campaigns

Rajasthan PSC PRO Syllabus Pdf Download – Part E

  • Proficiency in Hindi and English Language
  • Translation from English to Hindi & Hindi to English.

Download RPSC PRO Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Rajasthan PSC ACF Syllabus 2020 PDF

Rajasthan Public Service Commission released vacancies for ACF & Forest Range Officer Grade I Posts. There are 169 vacancies in number. Rajasthan PSC Syllabus for ACF and Forest Range Officer Grade I Posts are provided here. Refer to the RPSC ACF Syllabus to prepare for the written exam. In the below section, you can get the complete details of Syllabus for RPSC and Exam Pattern for Forest Range Officer Grade I Posts.

RPSC Syllabus 2020 Pdf

 Name of the Organization  Rajasthan Public Service Commission
 Name of the Posts  ACF & Forest Range Officer Grade I Posts
 Category  Syllabus
 Official Website  rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Rajasthan PSC ACF & Forest Ranger Officer Grade I Exam Pattern 2020

Written test type Concept Names Total Marks Time Duration
Online/Offline exam General Knowledge 100 3 Hours
General English 100
Optional Subjects (Any 2) 200 3 Hours
Interview / Viva Voice 75 Marks

Download RPSC ACF Syllabus Pdf

Check the detailed RPSC ACF Syllabus and Exam Pattern to crack the exam. This will help you to crack the exam in an effective manner.

RPSC Syllabus 2020 Pdf – RPSC Forest Officer Syllabus for General Studies

  • Current Events – Rajasthan, National, International.
  • Indian History.
  • Geography – Rajasthan & India.
  • Culture & Heritage – Rajasthan & India.
  • Indian National Movement.
  • Physics.
  • General Science.
  • Science & Technology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Indian Economy.
  • Art.
  • General Polity.
  • Literature etc.

RPSC RAS Syllabus 2020 PDF

Rajasthan Public Service Commission releases the vacancy details for State and Subordinate Service. The RPSC RAS / RTS Mains exam date is released. The exam is on 25th & 26th June 2020. Hence, before that, applicants should prepare for the exam by referring to the RPSC RAS Syllabus 2020 Pdf and Exam Pattern.

RPSC RAS Exam Details – rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Description Details
 Name of the Organization  Rajasthan Public Service Commission
 Name of the Posts RPSC RAS/ RTS Combined Competitive Exam
 Category  Syllabus
 Official Website  rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Detailed RPSC RAS/RTS Syllabus

 RAS/ RTS RPSC Combined Competitive Exam Pattern 2020

Candidates who have applied for the RPSC RAS RTS Exam can refer to the RPSC RAS Syllabus and Exam Pattern in the below section.

Rajasthan PSC RAS/RTS Prelims Examination Test Pattern 2020

Name of the Subjects Marks Duration
General Knowledge & General Science 200 3 Hours
  • It is an Objective Type.
  • There are 200 marks and 3 hours to complete the test.

Rajasthan PSC RAS/RTS Mains Examination Test Pattern 2020

Papers Name of the Subjects Marks 
I General Studies – I. 200
II General Studies – II. 200
III General Studies – III. 200
IV General Hindi and General English. 200
  • It consists of papers General Studies I, II, and III, General Hindi and General English.
  • Each paper consists of 200 marks.

Download RAS Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Here is the detailed RPSC RAS Syllabus for the RAS RTS Exam. Interested and eligible applicants can check and download the Pdf of Syllabus here. Checking the RPSC RAS Syllabus and Exam Pattern helps you to prepare for the exam.

RAS Pre Syllabus for History of Rajasthan

  • Leading Personalities of Rajasthan
  • Important Tourist Places of Rajasthan
  • Rajasthani Culture and its tradition and Heritage
  • Religious Movements
  • Saints and Lokdevtas of Rajasthan
  • Local Festivals
  • Folk Music and Folk  Dance
  • Freedom Movement
  • Political Awakening and Integration
  • Arts Paintings and Handicrafts

RPSC Pre Syllabus for Indian History – Ancient

  • Salient Feature and Major Landmarks of Ancient and Medieval India
  • Arts
  • Culture
  • Literature and Architecture
  • Major Dynasties
  • Their Administrative System
  • Socio-Economic Conditions
  • Prominent Movements

Download RPSC RAS/RTS Syllabus Pdf 

RPSC AAO Syllabus 2020 PDF

Rajasthan Public Service Commission releases the vacancy details for Assistant Agriculture Officer. Applicants should prepare for the exam by referring to the RPSC AAO Syllabus 2020 Pdf and Exam Pattern. In the below section, we have updated the detailed Rajasthan PSC AAO Syllabus and Test Pattern in a detailed manner.

RPSC AAO Syllabus – Exam Details

 Name of the Organization  Rajasthan Public Service Commission
 Name of the Posts RPSC Assistant Agriculture Officer
 Category  Syllabus
 Official Website www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC AAO Syllabus – Assistant Agriculture Officer Exam Pattern

Paper Subject Questions Marks Duration
I General Hindi 60 180 2 Hours
General Knowledge 60 180
II Agriculture 120 360 2 Hours
  • The written exam is in both objective & Subjective type.
  • The written exam is two papers Paper I & Paper-II.
  • Paper I is for General Hindi & General Knowledge.
  • Paper-II is for Agriculture.
  • The duration of time for each paper is for 2 Hours.

Download RPSC AAO Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Here is the detailed RPSC AAO Syllabus for Assistant Agriculture Officer Exam. Interested and eligible applicants can check and download the Rajasthan Public Service Commission Syllabus 2020 Pdf here. Checking the detailed Syllabus and Exam Pattern will help you to prepare for the exam in a better way.

RPSC Agriculture Officer Syllabus for General Hindi

  • Sandhi.
  • Upasargh.
  • Samas.
  • Meanings.
  • Synonyms.
  • Correction of Sentences.
  • Error Detection.
  • Spellings Correction.
  • Fill in the Blanks.
  • Translation of Sentences from English to Hindi.
  • Muhaware.
  • Lokoktiyan etc.

 Rajasthan Public Service Commission Syllabus Agriculture Officer for General knowledge

  • Rajasthan Geography.
  • History.
  • Eminent Personalities.
  • Committees.
  • Indian National Movement.
  • Agriculture.
  • Veterinary Sciences.
  • Rajasthani Scripts.
  • Gods & Goddess.
  • Heritage & Culture.
  • Festivals & Mela.
  • Important Dates.
  • National Dance.
  • Music & Literature.
  • Musical Instruments
  • Tribes.
  • Artists.
  • Handicrafts.
  • Sculptures.
  • Important Places.
  • Tourism spots of Historical Importance etc.

Rajasthan PSC AAO Syllabus 

RPSC Sr Teacher Grade II Syllabus

Are you looking for the RPSC Grade 2 Sr Teacher Syllabus? Then, here it is. Candidates who have applied for Grade II Senior Teacher Posts can get the RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher Syllabus and Exam Pattern in Pdf format. Read the entire section to get and download the RPSC Syllabus and Exam Pattern for Senior Teacher Gr II Competitive Exam 2020. This can help you to score maximum marks in

RPSC 2nd Grade Syllabus 2020 – Exam Details

 Name of the Organization  Rajasthan Public Service Commission
 Name of the Posts Sr. Teacher Gr II Comp. Exam 2020
 No. of Vacancies Various
 Category  Syllabus
 Official Website www.rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Rajasthan PSC Grade – II Senior Teacher Exam Pattern

Paper – I Exam Pattern:

Exam Type Topics No. of Questions Marks Duration
Objective Type Geographical, Historical, Cultural and general knowledge of Rajasthan 40 80 2 Hrs
Current Affairs of Rajasthan 10 20
General knowledge of world and India 30 60
Educational Psychology. 20 40
Total 100 200

Paper-II Exam Pattern:

Exam Type Topics No. of Questions Marks Duration
Objective Type Knowledge, of secondary and senior secondary standard about a relevant subject matter 90 180 2 1/2 Hrs
Knowledge of graduation standard about a relevant subject matter 40 80
Teaching methods of relevant subject 20 40
Total 150 300

Download RPSC 2nd Grade Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Here is the detailed Syllabus for Sr. Teacher Gr II Comp. Exam RPSC 2020. Interested and eligible applicants can check and download the RPSC 2nd Grade Syllabus GK 2020 here. Checking the RPSC Sr. Teacher Grade II Syllabus and Exam Pattern helps you to prepare for the exam.

 Rajasthan Public Service Commission Syllabus – General Knowledge of Rajasthan

  • Location.
  • Extent.
  • Relief features.
  • Climate.
  • Drainage.
  • Vegetation.
  • Agriculture.
  • Livestock.
  • Dairy development.
  • Population distribution.
  • Growth.
  • Literacy.
  • Sex ratio.
  • Religious composition.
  • Industries.
  • Planning.
  • Budgetary trends.
  • Major tourist centers.

Rajasthan PSC Syllabus 2020 Pdf – General Knowledge of World & India

  • History.
  • Important Financial & Economic News.
  • Abbreviations.
  • Current events.
  • Indian Constitution.
  • Important Days.
  • Current Affairs – National & International.
  • Books and Authors.
  • General Politics.
  • Economic Scene.
  • Geography.
  • Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
  • Culture.
  • Awards and Honors.

Syllabus for RPSC Senior Teacher

RPSC Syllabus SI 2020 PDF

Rajasthan Public Service Commission releases the vacancy details for Sub Inspector. Hence, before that, applicants should prepare for the exam by referring to the RPSC SI Syllabus 2020 Pdf and Exam Pattern. In the below section, we have updated the detailed Rajasthan PSC SI Syllabus and Test Pattern in a detailed manner.

RPSC Syllabus SI – RPSC Exam Details

Name of the Organization Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Post Name Sub Inspector
No.of. Vacancies 68
Online Application Date 07th January – 06th February 2020
Exam Date Updated Soon
Category Syllabus
Official Website  rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

Rajasthan PSC Sub Inspector Exam Pattern

Paper Subjects Marks Duration
I General Hindi 200 2 hours
II General Knowledge & General Science 200 2 hours
Total 400 4 hours
  • RPSC SI Exam has conducted for 400 marks.
  • It contains Two Papers, i.e., General Hindi & General Knowledge.
  • Duration of the Each Paper 2 hrs.
  • The medium of the exam is in English or Hindi.

Download RPSC Syllabus 2020 Pdf

Here is the detailed  Rajasthan Public Service Commission SI Syllabus for Sub Inspector Exam. Interested and eligible applicants can check and download the  Rajasthan Public Service Commission Syllabus 2020 Pdf here. Checking the RPSC AAO Syllabus and Exam Pattern helps you to prepare for the exam.

Rajasthan PSC Syllabus for General Knowledge

  • Indian Constitution.
  • Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
  • History.
  • Budget and Five Year Plans.
  • Geography of India & Gujarat.
  • Important Financial & Economic News.
  • Economy.
  • Scientific Research.
  • Culture.
  • India and its neighboring countries.
  • Sports.
  • Knowledge of Current Events.
  • General Politics.
  • Countries & Capitals.
  • Economy, Banking, and Finance.
  • Special Reference to Gujarat State.

Rajasthan PSC Syllabus for General Hindi

  • Translation of Sentences.
  • Error Detection.
  • Synonyms.
  • Phrases/Muhavare.
  • Vocabulary.
  • Antonyms.
  • Comprehension.
  • Fill in the Blanks.
  • Grammar.
  • Plural Forms etc.

RPSC SI Syllabus for General Science

  • Physics.
  • Chemistry.
  • Biology.
  • Geography.
  • Computer Knowledge.

RPSC SI Paper 1 Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2020

RPSC SI Paper 2 Syllabus and Exam Pattern 2020

RPSC SI Physical Test Pattern 2020

RPSC Question Paper with Solution for SI Exam

TRLM Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 150 Cluster Coordinator & Other TRLM Jobs @ trlm.tripura.gov.in

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:16 AM PDT

TRLM Recruitment 2020: Online Application for 150 Cluster Coordinator, MIS Assistant & Other Posts in Tripura!! The Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission – Rural Development Department is inviting online applications from interested candidates via the TRLM Notification. There are 150 vacancies that need to be filled up by vibrant and energetic candidates at the moment. The TRLM vacancies available are for the post of State Mission Manager, Programme Manager, Financial Inclusion Coordinator, District Mission Coordinator, Assistant Programme Manager, Block Mission Coordinator, Livelihood Coordinator, Cluster Coordinator, MIS Assistant, Accountant & Accounts Assistant. This recruitment is for the implementation of Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihood Mission (I AY- NRLM) and Deen Dayal Upadhaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU- GKY). Interested candidates can read all the details and start applying online from 01st May 2020. The last date to apply for TRLM Recruitment is 31st May 2020.TRLM Recruitment 2020 | Apply for 150 Cluster Coordinator & Other TRLM Jobs @ trlm.tripura.gov.in

Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission Recruitment 2020-21

Interested candidates are asked to read all the details below to check if they are eligible for these posts. Candidates can also refer to the official notification for more information on TRLM Jobs. Once the candidates have confirmed eligibility for the posts they can proceed to apply online. Click on the TRLM Apply Online Link to start applying. Interested candidates can know more about the Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission – Rural Development Department by clicking on the website link below or visiting the official website @ trlm.tripura.gov.in.

Overview of TRLM Jobs 2020

Name of the Organization  Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission – Rural Development Department
Number of Vacancies  150
Name of Post State Mission Manager, Programme Manager, Financial Inclusion Coordinator, District Mission Coordinator, Assistant Programme Manager, Block Mission Coordinator, Livelihood Coordinator, Cluster Coordinator, MIS Assistant, Accountant & Accounts Assistant
Starting date of application 01st May 2020
Closing date of application 31st May 2020
Job Category Tripura Government Jobs
Job Location  Tripura
Application process  Online Application
Official Website trlm.tripura.gov.in

Details of TRLM Vacancy 2020-21:

The details of the vacancy as given in the TRLM Recruitment 2020 is as below

Name of the Post Number of Posts
State Mission Manager  04
Programme Manager 03
Financial Inclusion Coordinator 01
District Mission Coordinator 02
Assistant Programme Manager 01
 Block Mission Coordinator 11
 Livelihood Coordinator 47
 Cluster Coordinator 30
 MIS Assistant 10
 Accountant 14
 Accounts Assistant 27
 Total 150 

Eligibility Criteria for TRLM Recruitment 2020

Candidates interested in TRLM Jobs can check their eligibility with the details below to apply.

Academic Qualification:

  • Candidates must have completed Graduation/ Post Graduation/ CA/ MCom/ MBA from a recognized university or institution
  • Must have at least 1 year to 5 years of experience

Read the official notification for more details on TRLM Careers.

Age Limit:

  • Maximum Age Limit – 40 Years
  • Maximum Age Limit for Financial Inclusion Coordinator Posts – 65 Years

For age limit as given in the TRLM Recruitment 2020, refer to the official notification

Selection Process:

  • Common Aptitude Test (CAT)
  • Group Discussion (GD)
  • Personal Interview (PI)
  • Rural Attachment Test (RAT)

For Financial Inclusion Coordinator Posts –

  • Thematic Presentation
  • Personal Interview

Pay Scale for TRLM Recruitment 2020:

Name of the Post Number of Posts
State Mission Manager Rs. 40,000/-
Programme Manager Rs. 30,000/-
Financial Inclusion Coordinator Rs. 30,000/-
District Mission Coordinator Rs. 26,000/-
Assistant Programme Manager Rs. 18,000/-
 Block Mission Coordinator Rs. 20,000/-
 Livelihood Coordinator Rs. 18,500/-
 Cluster Coordinator Rs. 15,000/-
 MIS Assistant Rs. 15,000/-
 Accountant Rs. 15,000/-
 Accounts Assistant Rs. 13,000/-

TRLM Online Application Fee:

  • Candidates may read the official notification to get more details on TRLM online application fees

How to apply for TRLM Recruitment 2020?

  1. Click on the notification link below
  2. Read all the details given below
  3. If eligible, click on the TRLM Online application link
  4. Fill in all the details and make sure they are correct
  5. Submit the application form and take a print out of the same for future reference


Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission (TRLM),
Kunjaban, Agartala,
Tripura 799006

Important Dates for TRLM Recruitment 2020-21:

Starting Date to Apply 01st May 2020
Last Date to Apply 31st May 2020

Important Links for TRLM Recruitment 2020-21:

 Official Notification Pdf  Notification 1
Notification 2
Apply Online Link Apply Here
Official Website Click Here

Other Important Tripura Government Jobs:

Recruitment Board Apply Online & Last Date Jobs & Openings
 Securities and Exchange Board of India  SEBI Recruitment
 147 – Officer Grade A (Assistant Manager)
 Housing Development Finance Corporation Bank HDFC Bank Recruitment
12000 – Future Bankers
Tripura Public Service Commission  TPSC Recruitment
40 – Civil Service and Police Service Grade II


Post Office Recruitment 2020 | Apply 3965 Post Office Jobs 2020 – indiapost.gov.in

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:19 PM PDT

Indian Post Office Jobs 2020-2021 – www.indiapost.gov.in

Indian Post Office Recruitment 2020: Here is the great news for candidates looking for jobs in the post office. The officials have released its notification to fill in up aspirants for the post of 3965 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS), Staff Car Driver, MTS, Administrative Officer & other posts. Hence interested and eligible candidates can apply for post issued by the board before the given deadline. The mode of application for this post is online/offline. So to make this Post Office Jobs 2020 as yours apply on or before the Last Date i.e. 04th May 2020. Candidates can apply for Indian Post Office Vacancy 2020 on our page or on the official website @ www.indiapost.gov.in For more government jobs, click here.

India Post Recruitment 2020 – 3965 Vacancies

Name of the post Number of Vacancies Apply Link
Staff Car Driver 14 Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[04-05-2020] (LIVE)
Gramin Dak Sevak 3951 UP Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
[22-04-2020] (LIVE)

Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Maharashtra – Apply offline for 14 Staff Car Driver Post: Maharashtra Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 14 Staff Car Driver Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th can apply for Post Office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in  before 04th May 2020. 

Maharashtra Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Maharashtra Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Staff Car Driver
No. of Vacancies: 14
Apply Mode: offline
Category: Maharashtra Government Jobs
Job Location: Maharashtra
Official Website: www.indiapost.gov.in

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Uttar Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Uttar Pradesh – Apply Online for 3951 Gramin Dak Sevak Post: Uttar Pradesh Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 3951 Gramin Dak Sevak Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th can apply for Post Office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in  from 23rd March 2020 to 22nd April 2020. 

Uttar Pradesh Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Uttar Pradesh Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Gramin Dak Sevak
No. of Vacancies: 3951
Apply Mode: Online
Category: Uttar Pradesh Government Jobs
Job Location: Uttar Pradesh
Official Website: www.indiapost.gov.in

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Gujarat – Apply Offline for 144 Postal Assistant, Postman and MTS Post: Gujarat Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 144 Postal Assistant, Postman and MTS Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th or 12th can apply for Post Office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in  from 17th February 2020 to 20th March 2020. 

Gujarat Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Gujarat Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Postal Assistant, Postman and MTS
No. of Vacancies: 144
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Gujarat Government Jobs
Job Location: Gujarat
Official Website: www.indiapost.gov.in

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in West Bengal – Apply Online for 2021 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Post: West Bengal Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 2021 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th can apply for Post Office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in  from 18th February 2020 to 18th March 2020. Get a direct link for India Post Recruitment 2020.

West Bengal Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: West Bengal Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
No. of Vacancies: 2021
Apply Mode: Online
Category: West Bengal Government Jobs
Job Location: West Bengal
Official Website: www.indiapost.gov.in

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Karnataka – Apply Offline for 44 Junior Accountant, Postal & Sorting Assistant and Postman: Karnataka Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 44 Junior Accountant, Postal & Sorting Assistant, and Postman Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10+2 or Bachelors Degree can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in  from 18th January 2020 to 16th March 2020. 

Karnataka Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Karnataka Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Junior Accountant, Postal & Sorting Assistant, and Postman
No. of Vacancies: 44
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Karnataka Government Jobs
Job Location: Karnataka
Official Website: www.indiapost.gov.in

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Karnataka – Apply Offline for 37,987 MTS & GDS Posts: Karnataka Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 37,987 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) and Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10 can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in  before 17th February 2020. 

Karnataka Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Karnataka Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) and Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS)
No. of Vacancies: 37,987
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Karnataka Government Jobs
Job Location: Karnataka
Official Website: www.indiapost.gov.in

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

Tamilnadu Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in Tamilnadu – Apply Offline for 165 Multi-Tasking Staff Vacancies: Tamilnadu Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 165 Multi-Tasking Staff Posts. Job Seekers who have passed 10+2 can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in once the notification is officially released.

Tamilnadu Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: Tamilnadu Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
No. of Vacancies: 165
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: Tamilnadu Government Jobs
Job Location: Tamilnadu
Official Website: www.appost.in 

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Post Office Recruitment 2020 in West Bengal – Apply Offline for 223 Multi-Tasking Staff Vacancies: The West Bengal Post Office newly announced Postal Recruitment 2020 Notification to fill up 223 Multi-Tasking Staff Vacancies. Job Seekers who have passed 10th can apply for Post office Jobs 2020 @ www.indiapost.gov.in once the notification is officially released. Check for the India Post vacancy 2020 details from this page.

West Bengal Postal Recruitment 2020 Details

Name of the Organisation: West Bengal Postal Circle
Name of the Post: Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
No. of Vacancies: 223
Apply Mode: Offline
Category: West Bengal Government Jobs
Job Location: West Bengal
Official Website: www.appost.in 

Official Notification & Application Form – Click Here

1. Andhra Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
2. Assam Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
3. Bihar Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
4. Chhattisgarh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
5. Delhi Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
6. Gujarat Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
7. Haryana Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
8. Himachal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
9. Jammu & Kashmir Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
10. Jharkhand Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
11. Karnataka Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
12. Kerala Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
13. Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
14. Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
15. Odisha Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
16. Punjab Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
17. Rajasthan Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
18. Tamilnadu Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
19. Telangana Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
20. Uttarakhand Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
21. Uttar Pradesh Postal Circle Recruitment 2020
22. West Bengal Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

State Wise Indian Post Office Recruitment 2020

About India Post Office: www.indiapost.gov.in vacancy 2020

The Department of Posts(DoP), trading as India Post is a government operated the postal system in India. Generally referred to within India as "the Post Office", it is the most widely distributed postal system in the world. Here on this page applicants can get India Post Recruitment 2020 Pdf. The postal service is under the Department of Posts, which is part of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of the Government of India. The Country is divided into 22 postal circles, each circle headed by a chief postmaster general. Candidates can get all the latest openings at India Post Office Vacancy 2020.

Why recruitment.guru for Post Office Recruitment 2020?

India Post Office gives the opportunity to all graduates and other equivalents educational profiles through India Post Office Vacancy. The selection process, job role, requirement, and other criteria may differ according to the job role. Sometimes, you won't get detailed information on the official website. This is where recruitment.guru appears on the display. Applicants who are looking for the Post office job can check this page and get all the Post Office Jobs information.

We provide a consolidated list of Post Office Recruitment current openings with expired jobs in the company. We also provide complete information about the India Post Office Vacancy 2020 selection process, syllabus, exam pattern, previous papers, model papers, etc. we are one who connects you to the official site of India Post Office and gives you complete information regarding the Indian Post Office Job Vacancy. Therefore, stay in touch with our website to get all the latest employment updates and other details.

Job Openings in Indian Post Office:

  1. Postman
  2. Mail Guard
  3. Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
  4. Staff Car Driver
  5. Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
  6. Manager
  7. Medak


Posted: 02 Apr 2020 09:00 PM PDT


How to get 8 bands in IELTS?

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:29 AM PDT

Firstly, you need to understand how you need to perform in order to get an 8 band score in the IELTS. Getting a band score of 8 in IELTS is a big achievement and you have to keep certain things in mind in order to get this score.

In order to get an 8 band score in listening and reading you need to get 89% of the marks. Since IELTS reading and listening have 40 questions each, in order to get band 8 you have to at least answer 36 questions of each.

Whereas in IELTS speaking and writing the performance is not measured only by looking at the scores that you get, but there are certain descriptors in each of the sections and the test taker must meet the requirements of these descriptors.

Things to be kept in mind to get 8 band score in all the sections

There are few things in each section which the test taker has to understand, in order to get an 8 band score in the IELTS examination. Let's go through each section one by one:


There are few points which can be kept in mind while taking up the listening test to achieve an 8 band score. The points that you can follow are listed below:

Do not always depend on tips and tricks

You can go through the tips and tricks given to achieve an 8 band score. But, fully depending on it is not at all good. Instead of spending your time only focusing on tips and tricks, you can utilize that time to study for the IELTS test. The only way to achieve an 8 band score in the IELTS examination is by working for it.

Listen to the English Language every day

This is the most important point, because when you listen to certain things, again and again, you will be able to grab it easily and it also improves you. If you listen to the English language every single day, you will be able to understand the different accents of the English language, not only that you will be able to understand which word can be used while framing the sentence. There are a lot of websites which will help you to improve your listening skills and which provide you with a lot of resources.

Listen actively

While listening to a particular thing, there should be full concentration given so that you do not miss out anything. Since in the listening test the audio is played only one, you need to give your full concentration and should be able to understand the different accents as well. Listening carefully will improve your vocabulary and grammar, which are very important in the IELTS test.

Build a strategy

In order to have a perfect answer, you must have an appropriate strategy or a structure which you need to follow. By having a proper strategy you will be able to take the IELTS test with confidence and you will know how the steps are to be followed one after the other.


The practice is the only thing that helps you to get your desirable band score. You need to practice until and unless you become fully confident in your language. The practice is the appropriate way in  which you can invest your time fully. And the time that you have used for practicing the lessons will not be wasted at all. Make sure you use all the practice papers while practicing for the IELTS test and set the time exactly as the time set for the actual test so that you will be able to  manage your time as well as you will not have to stress yourself while writing the test.


Few points which can be kept in mind while taking the reading test, to achieve a band score of 8 is as follows:

Good level of reading skills

In order to achieve a good 8 band score, you should have excellent reading skills, and for this you need to read a lot of books, magazines, journals, and newspapers so that you have an improved English. For this, you need mainly focus on improving your grammar and vocabulary, try to know the relationship between two sentences that are given and also should be able to appropriately use the keywords given in the passage.

The answer will be in the question itself

This means if you understand the question very well, then it will be easier to answer that particular question. It is better to go through the text and the questions, before actually writing the answer, you should give yourself 5 minutes, in the beginning, to prepare for the answer.

Know the difference

You must understand the difference between skimming and scanning in the reading test. You will find these words in every blog, and every website of IELTS reading. Skimming means going through the text quickly and getting the overview of the same. You need to have a skill for getting a general idea about the whole text by looking at the heading or quickly going through it. Scanning means taking the keywords which you feel are important and explaining in detail about it. If you have these both skills you will be able to easily manage the time as well as score well in the IELTS exam.

Do not spend more than a minute on a single question

If you are not able to understand which answer to be written to a particular question. Do not waste much of a time in finding the answer to that question alone, skip to the next question. You can come back at the end when extra time is given to review the answers and try to figure out what is the answer. It is important to manage your time well because if you get stuck in the first passage itself you will end up losing a lot of marks because the time limit to answer the questions will only be 40 minutes and it is advisable to take only one minute or even less than that to answer an particular answer.

Study the vocabulary specific to particular topics

In the reading, section vocabulary plays an important role and the vocabularies will be different for different topics. So you need to be careful while studying the vocabulary. If in case you have practiced a lot of reading tests then you might come across the topics which are repeating and along with that the vocabularies also repeat. Spending time on these is never wasted because if the same topic comes in the IELTS exam that you take, you will be well prepared for it.


In this particular section, the performance is not measured by the marks that you receive but on certain criteria. There are 4 criteria which fetch you 8 band scores which are explained below:

Task Achievement/ Response

The ideas that you want to explain in your essay must be understandable by the examiner only then you will be able to get an 8 band score. If the test taker is excellent in english and is able to explain the ideas in detail he will definitely get band 8 in the exam and also you should write an essay of at least 150 words for task 1 and 250 words for task 2.

Coherence and cohesion

In this criteria the examiner will expect the answer which is easily readable and you should be able to give a perfect answer. Along with that some of the connectors which are not commonly used by anyone and a paragraph with the unique content must be there in order to get an 8 band score.

Lexical Resource

If you want to get a band score of 8 then you also have to think about the wide range of vocabulary that the examiner expects, he will expect you to use high level words in the sentences you make, but again if you know the high level words but do not know to make use of such words appropriately, then it is waste studying those words. So you need to keep these things in mind if you want to get an 8 band score.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

You have to make sure that you do not make any major errors while writing the essay, making minor errors is fine. The examiner also checks whether the grammar used in the sentence framed is appropriate, in order to score a 8 band score the grammar that you use must be excellent and the sentence must look unique.


Again in speaking also same like writing the performance will measured on the basis of 4 criterias which are explained below:

Fluency and coherence

In the speaking test, you should be able to speak confidently without hesitation, and in the speaking test mainly the fluency of the test taker English language is measured, and if the test taker is able to speak English fluently without stammering then he will have chances of getting 8 band score in the speaking test.

Lexical Resource

The examiner expects you to use some complex words while explaining the situation and along with that you should be able to explain the meaning of the complex words that are used, the examiner may be impressed if you use idioms while speaking and also explain the original meaning of that. If you speak on the given topic fluently without thinking much about what to explain, the examiner will understand that you have knowledge about the topic and may also give you an 8 band score.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Here the examiner will check if the speaking is in a structured way. If you are not that great in the English language while writing you will be able to manage but while speaking it becomes challenging for non-native speakers to speak fluently.


If the candidate speaks continuously and fluently without any efforts from the examiner and if the test taker is able to pronounce all the complex words during the test, he has high chances of getting a high band score.

IELTS Map Vocabulary

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:53 AM PDT

Task 1 of IELTS writing asks the test taker top describe the map. We can say that this is one of the most frequently asked questions and if you practice well, it will definitely help you in the IELTS test.

This vocabulary section helps you to understand the main phrases, language and the vocabularies that can be used while describing a map in IELTS writing task 1. The criteria you need to keep in mind while answering this question is task achievement, lexica resource, coherence and cohesion, grammatical range and accuracy. If you have high knowledge about the vocabulary, you can get a high band score in this section. Whether you have great knowledge about the lexical resource is known by these following points:

  • Usage of appropriate synonyms in your writing.
  • Usage of appropriate vocabulary in the writing.
  • Only if there is no alternative, you can repeat the words while paraphrasing or else try to write your own words.
  • You will be able to achieve a high band score if the less commonly used vocabulary is included in your writing.
  • Do not repeat the words in your writing.
  • Use accurate words in the sentence, which match the question.

Important Map Language

There are various phrases that can be used to explain things. But there are certain words which can be used to describe the map or a diagram which are as follows:

Adverbs and Prepositions

  • North/South/East/West
  • Upstairs/Downstairs
  • Clockwise/Anticlockwise
  • To the north/To the south/To the east/To the west
  • Across the road
  • Before you get to
  • In the middle of = in the center of
  • Just beyond = a little beyond = just past
  • Inside/Outside
  • To the left of/ To the right of


  • Go up/Go down
  • Start by
  • Is located = is situated = lies = there is = is
  • Run through = cross = pass through = go through
  • Cross = pass over = cut across


  • Crossroad = intersection = junction
  • Hosing area = residential area = sleeping area
  • Entrance = doorway
  • Path = way
  • Roundabout
  • Area = field = zone
  • Site = place = location
  • Edge = boundary = end = fringe


  • The railway runs through the pass-through/ crosses/ goes through Z.
  • A is located in the northeast of the town.
  • X is situated in the northeast of the town, just behind the housing area.
  • A is located in the northeast of B, which has a lot of population.
  • Y is located in the center of the town, which has a railway running through it from north to south.


You need to be careful while paraphrasing the sentences. Sometimes the words that you paraphrase may not be appropriate

  • Town center = city center may be the wrong word used because the town cannot be a city. So the correct paraphrasing should be center of the town

Vocabulary words used for Map

In order to succeed this, you have to know some of the vocabulary which is given below. These words will help you in succeeding the test:


  • Illustrates
  • Describes
  • Demonstrates
  • Represents
  • Reflects
  • Shows
  • According to
  • Provides detail of
  • Gives information about

System of Co-ordinates

  • Axis
  • Trend
  • Coordinate
  • Verticle axis Y
  • Horizontal axis X

Table format

  • Row
  • Column
  • Cell
  • Data


  • Go up
  • Increase
  • Peak
  • Jump
  • Rise
  • Come down
  • Decrease
  • Decline
  • Fall
  • Fluctuate


  • Over the time period
  • Estimated
  • Gradually
  • Rapidly
  • Further
  • Makeup
  • Per week/month
  • Account for
  • Projected
  • Substantially

Map Location

  • Situated
  • Located
  • Vicinity
  • Northeast
  • Southeast
  • Northwest
  • Southwest
  • North
  • South
  • East
  • West


  • Was reported
  • On the other hand
  • Was noted
  • Overall
  • It can be concluded that
  • To summarise
  • In total

Thus the IELTS writing task 1 asks you to use different vocabularies for the data given for the map. You should be able to choose the main features and explain their trend, compare and contrast the data if 2 maps are given in order to get the band score you desire.

Opinion Essay IELTS Topic/Questions

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:21 AM PDT

Opinion essays mainly describe, either agreeing or disagreeing on a particular fact or information. It can also be partially agreeing on the same. This basically asks you to give your opinion about the given topic or the information or the fact that is already given. It gives two opposite views and asks you to give your opinion on these views.

There are 40 minutes to complete this task. You have to at least write 250 words based on the topic given.

Structure to answer this task

There is a certain structure that you can follow, in order to answer this particular task. You can follow the structure given below:


The introduction part must be short and understandable by the reader. In the introduction you will write not more than two sentences. In the first sentence, you can make the paraphrasing of the topic or the question given and in the second sentence, you can give your opinion based on the topic or the question. Thus, your first paragraph would be perfectly framed.

Body paragraphs

While explaining the topics, you can have two or three separate body paragraphs, wherein you can take an idea and explain it using examples or some supporting details. Make sure you make the use of the vocabulary and the grammar appropriately while explaining the idea in the body paragraphs.


As this one is an opinion essay, giving a conclusion for whatever you have explained is very important. Giving a conclusion is nothing but summing up everything that you have explained in the previous paragraphs and also restating your opinion on the topic.

Instruction words

While writing an opinion essay there is something called instructions words that you need to keep in mind.  Below is the list of some instruction words which you can keep in mind while writing the opinion essays.

  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Do you think..?
  • In your opinion, what is…?
  • Do you agree or disagree?
  • What is your opinion?

Tips to write opinion essays

  • As there should be at least two body paragraphs in the opinion essay, you can explain the reason for each of the opinions in each of the paragraphs.
  • Instead of using the list of ideas to explain the topic, you can use a single main idea that supports the topic given appropriately.
  • Before actually starting to write the opinion essay, you should give yourself at least 5 minutes to present your ideas and prepare well.
  • You are suggested to give your opinion throughout the essay and not only while giving the conclusion.
  • You have to make sure that the answer is written or the essay is written is complete and should include all the aspects that should be present. This is possible when you write the essay accordion g to the structure that is given.
  • You have to stick on only one point of view, and do not agree and disagree about the topic at the same time. As it may confuse the examiner and he may end up giving you less band score.
  • The introduction part should be short and not more than 55 words. The body paragraph may be up to 100 words each and the conclusion should be again shorter than the introduction.
  • Whatever ideas you have explain it in the body paragraph itself, again do not bring new ideas in the conclusion paragraph.
  • As you will have only 40 minutes to write an essay, your aim for the word count should be no more than 280 words, as you will have a lack of time to complete it.

IELTS Opinion Essay Topics

There are few opinion essay topics which are listed down below, which you can practice for IELTS examination and also may appear in the IELTS examination:

  • In the future, it seems more difficult to live on the Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching another planet to live, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Many people say that the only way to guarantee a good job is to complete a course in university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?
  • Although more and more people read the news on the internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news for the majority of people. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Students in schools and universities learn more from their teachers than through other means such as the Internet, libraries, and TV. To what extent you agree or disagree?
  • Nowadays university education is very expensive. Some people say that universities should reduce their fees, especially for the less fortunate students or those coming from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Some people think that governments must insist on preserving the traditional appearance of old buildings undergoing renovation or redevelopment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
  • Some people believe that international trade and communication with other countries is a positive trend, while others think it is harmful to nations and they might lose their identities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
  • Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens and workers rather than independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
  • People should follow the customs and traditions when people start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

True/False/Not given IELTS Reading Lessons, Tips

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:18 AM PDT

This article helps the test taker to understand, how to answer true, false, not given questions. In this, you will give a text with some information as well as a list of facts. The test taker has to identify whether the facts are true, false or not given by referring to the text that is given. In front of the facts you need need to write True, if the fact matches the text, False, if the fact is opposite to the text and Not Given, if the fact is not present in the text.

Strategies for answering the questions

There are a few strategies, which have to be kept in mind while answering the True False Not given questions. They are listed as b below:

  • The questions are asked in the same order in which the text or the information is given.
  • In order to know the correct answer, you need to understand the text given and check which fact about the text is true, fa;se or not given.
  • Read the first paragraph carefully and try to answer the questions, if you find that this may the answer then do not rush to write the answer, read the sentence carefully and then decide whether the answer is correct or incorrect. When you find the answer in the first paragraph move to the second paragraph and repeat the procedure.
  • You have to carefully read the information text, to find whether the keyword in the question are present in the text.
  • You have to keep in mind that the question and the information in the text will be similar but with the synonyms. There will be no exact sentence in the question. It is your duty to identify and write the correct answer.
  • If you look at the controlling words in the information then you can easily find whether the fact given is true, false or not given.
  • Do not spend a lot of time on one question, if you cannot find the fact in the information then the answer is probably Not Given.
  • Sometimes words like Yes, No, No Information are used these may be slightly different, where,  you may have to look for the opinions instead of the facts.
  • Instead of only focusing on the keywords, also try to read the sentences fully and identify the answer.
  • Match the facts given with the correct and accurate information of the text.
  • Once you feel that a particular fact matches the text you need to read it again carefully to know if the fact given is true or false. You need to keep in mind if the fact is true then, it should exactly match the information given.
  • If you are really unsure and cannot understand the synonyms given, then you can mark it as Not Given
  • Underline the words which you feel might be the correct answer so that in the end you can refer them back.

Tips for True, False, Not given Ielts Questions

Below are some of the tips to write answers to the questions and gain a high band in the IELTS examination. The list of tips is given below:

  • Before you rush in and write the answer, spend time understanding the question that is given.
  • Do not make any assumptions about the facts given. If you already know about the topic given keep it aside and just focus on the text information given. Because most of the time the answer you may think may be wrong and you may end up losing marks.
  • You have to give your full attention while reading the text as well as the question, and do not depend only on the keywords that are given. It is advisable to read the text and the question with full concentration.
  • There will be many sentences in the text which are paraphrased from the facts that are given. So you need to be more careful and look for such sentences. For this, you should be really well with the grammar.
  • Some of the words like some, never, always, believe, claim and so on may completely change the meaning of the sentence. That is why it is important to read the sentence carefully and avoid making mistakes.
  • It is not only based on the keywords, sometimes in the sentence, the keywords may be the same but the meaning of the sentence may be completely different. So mainly you have to keep this in mind.
  • In the facts given, there will be at least one answer that is True, False or Not give. If you are not able to find anyone answers from this. Then you will have a wrong answer.
  • The answer will be false when the text information states one meaning about the answer and the fact given states some other meaning so you have to keep this in mind.
  • The order of the question given also may help in finding the answer. The answer to question 4 will be between the answers of questions 3 and 5 in the text.
  • If you have no idea about the answer, then put not given, because probably the answer will not be available in the text.
  • You can only write the initials T instead of writing True. but, you need to make sure that your handwriting is clear and understandable.

IELTS Essay on Education

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:09 AM PDT

Most of the students are scared of Writing task 2 of the IELTS exam. As the tropics given in the exam are education-related, most of the test takers find it difficult to answer the question. And the test takers will be given only 40 minutes to complete the 250-word essay. The essays that you should write will be based on your own opinion. And in this section, the examiners will assess the fluency of your language as well as how well you can express your thoughts on a particular topic.

Structure of IELTS essay on education

There are plenty of topics in IELTS writing task 2, and you cannot say which topic you may get for the IELTS test. You should have a little understanding of every topic that is given. If you get an education as your topic, then you can follow this particular structure to write your answer:


The introduction part will be the most important part of the essay, where this paragraph will help you write the rest of the essay. The introduction part should include the topic or the question given in the essay. You can use different synonyms and your own sentences to write your own essay. While writing the essay you should decide whether you are in favor of the question or against the question. This will be easy for the examiner to judge your question. Once you are done paraphrasing the question, give your opinion regarding the topic.

Body of the essay

The body of the essay is where you explain your opinion in-depth about the topic. You have to keep in mind that you do not divert from the topic. There will be to parts in your body paragraph. The first one and the important one is that it should involve your opinion about the topic. And the second one will be your opposing thoughts about the topic. They are explained in detail below:

Opinion- In favor

In a favorable opinion you can use phrases like 'in my opinion' or 'i believe that' before starting the question so that the examiner knows that you are talking in favor of the topic. The tone used while explaining maybe a third person tone, this is usually used while trying to give an example with context to the topic. While writing the essay if you think positively about education you can give interesting ideas in favor of education. If you are not much aware of the facts you can highlight the main features of the education.

Opinion- Shortcomings

We know that education is undoubtedly important but you have to always explain also the shortcomings of the essay to show that, you understand both the sides of the essay, as well as you should give the suggestion about your opinion about the essay that shows the variety in your thought process. You can give your own suggestions to even improve the education system that is you can know the scope of improvement in the education sector.


As you are giving your own opinion about the essay, giving the conclusion about the essay makes it more structured and is easily understood by the examiner. In the end you can close the essay by giving some small notes with the reasons and not making it much complex. The opinion given by you must be consistent throughout the essay and make sure you do not have two opinions about the question given. You can also sum up the introduction part as well as the body paragraph part of the essay and conclude the overall essay on a positive note.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Crime and Punishment

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:44 PM PDT

IELTS Writing Task 2 is the second of the IELTS writing test. In this article, you will get to know how to organize an essay as well as a few recently appeared essays on crime and punishment through which you can practice for IELTS writing actual test.

Many offenders commit more crimes after serving the first punishment. Why is this happening, and what measures can be taken to tackle this problem?

Most criminals tend to make crimes again, once they release from jail. This is mainly because lack of rehabilitation they receive in jail and also one more reason maybe they might find difficulty in finding employment again. There are a lot of solutions to overcome this situation. In this essay, we will explain why the criminals again commit the same crime and what can be the reasons to overcome this.

Firstly, the main reason why the criminals again commit the crime maybe they are not shown the right path to living their future and their skills also have not improved and also they have not got sufficient opportunities to improve their existing skills while sitting in jail. Another main reason is that they are unable to find the right employment and unemployment may lead them to commit the crime for their daily bread. Another reason may be the legislation is not strict enough and because of this, the criminals will again have the guts to commit the crime.

Some effective measures must be taken to avoid the crimes to happen again and this is possible if the government imposes the stricter punishments to the criminals so that they do not try to commit a crime again. The crimes can also be reduced if the criminals in the jails are empowered by improving their skills like craft making, fashion designing, catering and so on. Which will, in turn, improve their skills and they will be engaged in one or the other work once they are out of the prison and they might also give themselves financial support.

To sum up, everything the government must closely monitor the criminals even after they are out of prison and take some important measures so that the crime rate reduces so that we can make the world a better place to live in. 

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

There is an argument by many people saying whether every criminal must have fixed punishments for the crimes they commit, whereas some of the people disagree with this fact saying that the main reason behind the crime must be found out and also they should know whether the crime committed was intentional or unintentional.

It is believed that if the criminals are given fixed punishments people will be more careful while performing their daily activities and they will not think of committing any crime. This may be one of the advantages to society. One more thing is if the punishments are fixed a lot of time and money is saved and if they have to give different punishments the government might have to spend more money on lawyers and security purposes. Instead of spending money on these, the money can be used for other sectors like education or development of society and so on.

On the other side, people think that having the same punishment for each of the crimes may not bring justice in a real sense, because many times the people may commit crimes unintentionally. For this, the punishments must be given knowing the real reason behind the crimes that happen

Thus we can say that both sides have their own advantages and the government should decide on the basis of serving equal justice to the people. Thus we can say that there is no point in giving the same punishment to the people who commit each crime because both the person will have a different motive

Other essays related to Crime and Punishment

There are also other related essays that you can make use of while practicing for writing task 2 essays. The list is given below:

  • Juvenile Criminal
  • Some people say that when children under 18 are committing a crime they should be punished, while others believe they should be educated. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion.
  • Crime
  • Studies show that criminals get a low level of education. Some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is by educating people in prison so they can get a job after leaving prison. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?
  • Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that having these people to give a talk to school students is the best way to tell them about the dangers of committing a crime. Do you agree or disagree?

Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Modal verbs (3): will, would, shall

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:37 PM PDT

Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Modal verbs (3): will, would, shall – Diagnose Test, Grammar Explanation & Practice Exercises

DIAGNOSTIC TEST: Modal verbs (3): will, would, shall

Complete the sentences with the will, ‘ll, won't, would, wouldn't or shall and the correct form of the words in brackets.


The new play on Broadway is really good, but I don't like Sean Penn in it. Kevin Bacon……would be……(be) much better.

  1. We had to hurry to get him to the hospital. We knew it …………….. (be) too late otherwise.
  2. ‘I wonder where Dad is.' 'He …………….. (drive) to the airport, I should think.'
  3. ‘Oh, dear. The lecture starts at nine o'clock. I'm late!' ‘Don't worry. This lecturer's always late. He …………….. (not/start) yet.’
  4. At this point in the season, the parents …………….. (eat) their young rather than allow a predator to attack them.
  5. The doctor …………….. (act) as a witness to your signature. She doesn't mind doing that sort of thing.
  6. The PA …………….. (not/book) my flights. She says it isn't in her job description.
  7. Dad …………….. (always/help) us out financially when we were at university, however difficult it was for him.
  8. The police interrogated the terrorist for more than four hours, but she ……………..    (not/reveal) the names of her co-conspirators.
  9. You look tired. …………….. (I/make) supper this evening?
  10. What …………….. (we/do) with Tom if he doesn't get into university?
  11. …………….. (you/be) so kind as to help me across the road, young man?
  12. We …………….. (like) everyone in this room to feel comfortable with the proposal.

Circle the correct meaning or interpretation (a or b) for each sentence.


It would be so nice to live by the sea.

  1. The speaker lives by the sea.
  2. The speaker doesn't live by the sea.
  1. If anyone rings in the next few minutes, I'll be in the storeroom.
  1. I'm in the storeroom now.
  2. I'm going to the storeroom.
  1. Ralph isn't here right now, I'm afraid. He'll be at the office.
  1. He is at the office now.
  2. He’s on his way to the office.
  1. I’ve tried it again and again but the computer just won't accept my disc. I don't understand it.
  1. I’m annoyed with the computer.
  2. I am not concerned about the computer.
  1. It's a relief that Annie's changed, class. She would argue with everything I said.
  1. I didn’t mind the arguments.
  2. The arguments annoyed me.
  1. The secretary shall minute the proceedings of each meeting.
  1. The secretary is offering to do it.
  2. The secretary is instructed to do it.
  1. ‘It looks as though the fuel crisis is over.' 'I wouldn’t be too sure.'
  1. The second speaker agrees,
  2. The second speaker doesn’t agree.
  1. It would be so nice to have a little cottage in the country.
  1. The speaker doesn't have a cottage,
  2. The speaker has a cottage.
  1. I would have liked to meet the professor while he was here.
  1. The speaker met the professor,
  2. The speaker didn’t meet the professor.

GRAMMAR EXPLANATION: Modal verbs (3): will, would, shall

Learners of English often think of 'will' as a way of expressing the future and of 'would' as a word which is used mainly in conditional sentences, but we use both of these modal verbs to express a number of other meanings. This unit also looks at 'shall' which, although it is the least-used modal in English, we can use to express a variety of meanings.


1A. Predictions about the future

  • We use will/won't to make predictions about the future:

He's been found guilty of murder. He'll be in prison for a long time.

You must work hard for this exam. It won 't be easy.

1B. Past predictions about the future

  • Sometimes we wish to express a prediction about the future that someone made in the past. For this we often use would/wouldn't (would is the past form of will):

We had to hurry to get him to the hospital. We knew it would be too late otherwise.

  • This use of would is related to the use of would in reported speech:

I'm sure the Lions will win the rugby series this year. ==>  She was sure the Lions would win the rugby series.

1C. Certainty about the present

  • We make confident ‘predictions' about the present based on our knowledge or previous experience (or on current expectations) with will/ won’t:

'Rachel's in Turkey at the moment.’ I hope she's taken some winter clothes because they won't be warm at this time of year. ‘

  • Compare this use of will and the present simple. We use the present simple to state a fact without expressing an opinion as to the certainty or otherwise of the event:

Janet isn't here at the moment. She’s in France. (Fact – the speaker knows it’s true.)

  • To say that we believe something is certain, we use will/won't:

It's five o’clock. Janet 'll be in Paris now. (Certainty – the speaker believes it’s true.)

  • To express certainty about something ongoing (i.e. where we would use the present continuous for a fact), we use will/won't + be + -ing form:

Jason is sympathetic because he knows his successor will be having a hard time at the moment.

1D. Certainty about the past

  • To refer to something which we feel certain has happened (but do not actually know), we use will have + past participle:

We sent the invitations on Monday, so they will have received them by now. Why hasn’t anyone replied?

  • This is similar to must have + past participle:

We sent the invitations on Monday, so they must have received them by now.

  • We use won't have + past participle to refer to something which we feel certain has not happened:

We sent the invitations by second-class post. They won't have received them yet.

Note: We do not use mustn’t have + past participle in this way, but we can use can't have:

X, We sent the invitations by second-class post. They mustn't have received them yet.

We sent the invitations by second-class post. They can’t have received them yet.


2A. Present

  • We often use will/won’t talk about actions that have become so routine that they are predictable:

Every lesson is the same: he'll sit down, get his books out and then he'll start giving us instructions. He won't greet us or show any interest in us.

  • We can extend this use of will to talk about habits and characteristics:

The public will always side with the nurses in any dispute.

The dominant male of the group will not tolerate the presence of other males.

  • We can also use the present simple to describe characteristics and habits:

The public always sides with the nurses in any dispute.

The dominant male of the group does not tolerate the presence of other males.

  • We often use will when talking about the characteristics of capacity or ability:

The Olympic stadium in Sydney will hold 110.000 people.

This model will do 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in eight seconds.

  • It is also possible to use can and the present simple for these last two uses with no change in meaning:

The Olympic stadium in Sydney can hold/ holds 110.000 people.

This model can do/  does 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in eight seconds.

  • We use will (not the present simple) to describe an annoying habit or to make a criticism:

We enjoy going out with Frank and Carol, but they will argue in public!

Note: We do not contract well when we use it to describe an annoying habit – we stress it:

X  Geoff 'll leave the lights on when he’s last out of the office.

Geoff will leave the lights on when he's last out of the office!

  • We often use will/won't criticize inanimate objects in this way:

Whatever I do, my car won't start first time on cold mornings.

  • To state a simple fact with no (or little) annoyance, we use the present simple:

My car doesn't start/never starts first time on cold mornings.

2B. Past

  • We use would/wouldn't talk about habits in the past:

Every lesson was the same: he'd sit down and get his books out, then he'd start giving us instructions. He wouldn’t greet us or show any interest in us.

  • We can use would/wouldn't criticize or talk about annoying habits in the past:

I miss Dad, even though he would always tell me how to run my life!

Note: We do not usually contract would to when we use it in this way; we stress it:

When Alan was a toddler he would cling on to me whenever a stranger came in.

  • However, we do not always stress would when it is followed by an adverb:

My boss was awful: he'd invariably find something for me to do at five o'clock.

  • We can use would/wouldn't talk about inanimate objects:

The car would never start on winter mornings when we were in Sweden. 


3A. Present/future willingness and refusal

  • We use will to express willingness to do something:

The doctor will act as a witness to your signature. She doesn’t mind doing that sort of thing.

  • We can use it to express be willing to. In this sense, we can use will/ won't in the if-clause of a first conditional:

If you'll take a seat for a moment, Mr. Franks will be with you soon. (If you are willing to take a seat for a moment,…)

  • We use won't/ shan't to express unwillingness or refusal to do something:

The PA won't book my flights. She says it isn’t in her job description.

'Go and buy some milk, will you, love?’ 'No, I shan't. I'm busy.’

3B. Past willingness and refusal

  • We use would/wouldn't to show willingness or refusal In the past. We use would in the affirmative only to refer to general willingness (i.e. a habit):

Dad would always help us with our maths homework.

Note: We do not use would in the affirmative to express willingness to do something on a single occasion in the past:

X The tour guide was very helpful. She would contact the Consulate for me when I lost my passport.

The tour guide was very helpful. She contacted I offered to contact the Consulate for me when I lost my passport.

  • We can use would not for refusal on a single occasion in the past:

The shop assistant wouldn't change this jumper for me, even though I hadn't worn it.


4A. Offers and promises

  • We can use both will and shall to make offers. We use will in the affirmative, both to make offers to do something ourselves and on behalf of other people:

Sit down. I'll wash up this evening.

Your car sounds a bit rough. Harry will take a quick look at it if you like.

  • We use shall in questions to make more tentative offers than with will in the affirmative:

Shall I wash up this evening?

  • We use will to make promises:

My government will turn round the economy and reduce unemployment.

  • We can use would, will or won't when we offer something to another person:

Would you have/ like some more of the pie? (neutral)

Will you have some more of the pie? (neutral)

Won't you have some more of the pie? (more encouraging)

4B. Suggestions

  • We use shall in questions with us to make suggestions:

Shall we go out for a curry tonight? (= Why don't we …?/How about …?)

  • To ask for suggestions or advice, we can use shall with a question word:

What shall we do about Tom if he doesn't get into a university?

  • US English uses should in preference to shall for suggestions:

Let's decide what to do this evening. Should we go bowling?

Note: We use shall in question tags after let’s.

Let's forget about it now and talk about something else, shall we?

Note:  We use would in suggestions or responding to invitations if we want to be more tentative or distant:

It would be a good idea to get together one evening.

'Come to dinner on Sunday. ' ‘That would be nice. I’ll let you know.'

4C. Requests

  • We often make requests with a will. These requests are informal and we usually use them only with people we know quite well:

Will you give me a call when you get to the hotel?

  • We use would make requests more tentative or polite, or to request things of people we do not know so well:

Would you lend me the car tomorrow night? Dad?

Would you fill in this form, please, sir?

  • We can make a request more insistent by using will you as a question tag:

Come and look at this, will you?

  • If we make a request in this way, we do not expect the answer to be ‘no’:

Pick up my suit from the cleaner’s when you're out, will you?

4D. Orders and instructions

  • We use will and shall for orders and formal instructions. We use shall for more formal instructions, especially in official documents:

You will/shall all stay behind for thirty minutes and clean this room.

The secretary shall minute the proceedings of each meeting.

  • We also use shall/ will for rules, for example of examinations and competitions:

The judge’s decision shall be final.

4E. Disagreeing

  • We can use would/ wouldn't show disagreement in a polite way:

I wouldn't say that.

I wouldn't go that far.

4F. Expressing desires and preferences

  • We often use would with verbs of liking and preference (like. love, prefer, etc.) to express desires and preferences which we think we can realize:

We'd love to come to your wedding on 6th September. Thank you for the invitation.

I’d prefer to lose weight by a tried and tested method than by a new trendy diet.

  • We can use would with rather to express a preference:

Our delegates would rather not stay at the conference center.

Note: Note that we can use an object with these forms:

I would like you to listen to me when I 'm talking!


5A. Hypothetical desires about the present/future

  • We use would with be or verbs of liking and wishing to express a desire for the present or future. Fulfillment of the desire is impossible or improbable:

It would be so nice to live by the sea. (The speaker doesn’t live by the sea.)

I would prefer to be a man. (The speaker is a woman.)

  • To state a simple fact, we use the present simple:

It is nice to live by the sea.

  • We can use the present simple (like) to talk about something we currently like and do, but we use would like to talk about an unfulfilled desire:

I like to stay in five-star hotels. (I do stay in five-star hotels and enjoy it.)

I would like to stay in five-star hotels. (I don’t stay in them, but it’s my desire.)

Wish + would expresses a desire for another person (not) to do something:

I wish you wouldn't talk with your mouth full!

5B. Hypothetical desires about the past

  • If we want to comment on a hypothetical situation in the past, we use would/ wouldn't + have + past participle:

It would have been a good idea to notify us in advance of your intentions. (= The person did not notify anyone in advance.)

Note: British English often uses the perfect infinitive here:

(It would have been a good idea to have notified us in advance ….)


Q 1.

Complete these dialogues with a will, won't, would, wouldn't, + have if necessary, and a form of the verbs in the box. The first one is given as an example (0).

argue   come     have       hold       prepare          say        start          stop         watch        work

‘Sue says she’s enjoying the job but she’s putting on weight.’

'Yes, that ….will be…. because of all those long business lunches.’

  1. 'Are you having problems with your new camera?'

‘Yes, the flash………. in semi-darkness, only when it's fully dark.'

  1.  ‘Shop assistants used to be more polite, didn't they?'

‘Yes, a few years ago they ………. always………. “please” and "thank you” and smile.'

  1. 'Surely there are too many people here to get on one plane?’

'No, a jumbo jet ………. easily ………. over 300 people.’

  1. ‘I hope Josh is OK at that summer camp. He might be homesick.’

Don’t worry about him. He ………. a great time!’

  1. ‘Do you think that the jury will acquit Nick?'

‘I hope so. I’m sure that his lawyer ………. a solid defense.'

  1.  ‘I don't think this new secretary is as good as Janice was.’

'I don't know. Janice………. always ………. whenever you pointed out errors in her typing.’

  1.  ‘The new horse at the riding stables seems to be working out very well.'

Quite well, but he ………. and eat whenever he gets the opportunity!’

  1. ‘Oh no, I’ve just noticed a mistake in the headline for the front page article!’

'Phone the printers. They ………. printing it yet – they don't print until early morning.’

  1. ‘What happened after the car broke down?'

Well, we knew that traffic………. along that road so late, so we slept in the car.’

  1. Why are you and Jack arguing so much these days?’

‘He takes me for granted. He ………. TV every evening and ignore me completely.’

Q 2.

Rewrite the underlined parts of this phone conversation, using a will, won't, would and wouldn’t.

JAKE   020 7543 9216.

ALICE Hi, Jake. It’s Alice here.

JAKE   Alice, how nice to hear from you!

ALICE Actually, Jake, I’m phoning to ask you for some advice.

JAKE   (0) I'm willing to help you if I can, of course.           ……….I'll help you…………….

ALICE Your mother receives help from the Council, doesn’t she? Can you tell me what (1) they agree to do and what (2) they don’t agree to do for older people?

JAKE Yes, of course. Mum has a home help. She comes three times a week. (3) She's perfectly happy to do light cleaning and (4) she's willing to get the shopping, but (5) she refuses to do anything heavy.

ALICE That's fair enough. What about cooking?

JAKE Well, when she first started (6) she was happy to prepare supper when she came, but she stopped that after a few weeks.

ALICE Why was that?

JAKE  You know my mum. (7) She insists on saying exactly what she thinks. Apparently the home help used to make Italian food and Mum didn't like it. (8) She refused to eat it. Why are you asking, anyway?

ALICE  It's Dad. He can’t move around very easily now. The neighbors are great, they (9) make a habit of popping in now and again but (10) he’s unwilling to ask them for help if he’s in trouble.

JAKE  Mmm. You can understand that.

ALICE  Oh, but he’s so impatient. I take him to the shops once a  week, but yesterday (11) the car refused to start and I was about half an hour late. (12) Was he willing to wait for me? No, (13) he insists on trying to cope by himself! He went to the shops and collapsed on the way there.

JAKE    Oh, dear. It’s a worry, isn’t it? Look, (14) if you don't mind waiting for a few minutes. I’ll look out the phone number for the right person at social services.

Q 3.

Complete the dialogues below the pictures. Use will, shall or would.

Student 1: Will you pass me the dictionary, please?

Student 2: Yes, here you are.


Woman: ……………………………………………………….

Friend: I won’t, thanks. I’m trying to lose weight


Teacher: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Student: Oh, Miss, not another essay for homework! We’ve already written two this week.


Man: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Women: Oh, yes, please! We always need someone to take the minutes.


Police Officer: ………………………………………………………..

Thief: Come with you? No, why should I?


Man: I don’t understand what you want from me!

Women: ………………………………………………………….

Man: But I do respect you!

Q 4.

Read the article and then decide which word or phrase A, B or C below best fills each space. Circle the letter you choose for each question. The exercise begins with an example (0).

Words, words, words

The words that caught the mood of the decade are all there in a book published yesterday – clone, concentration camp, gene, depression – except that was not the 1990s; these words (0)… current in the 1900s.

The Guinness Book of the Twentieth Century cites lists of buzzwords for each decade of the last century. At the outset of the 20th century, few people would have guessed that it (1)…….. more language change than ever before. Of course, before the days of the communications revolution language evolved much more slowly. Many people today (2)…… language not to change at all, but that is an unrealistic dream in the age of the global village.

Words you(3)……every day, such as chatline and trainers, (4)…..only thirty years ago. And a word as universal as teenager gained common currency only in the l940s. Words change in meaning too: a scientist in the 1960s (5)……. clone to refer only to plants. And anyone who asked '(6)…… we watch the soap tonight?’ would have encountered total incomprehension before the Second World War. (Soap was what you washed with.)

There is a more worrying side to this if you consider that new coinage reflects the society it comes from. Only twenty years ago few people (7)……. stalking, ethnic cleansing or road rage – concepts that the world (8)………perhaps be better without. It (9) ……. nice to think that the 21st century (10)……. us happier words, but don’t hold your breath!













A would have been

A will bring

A would rather

A will hear

A would not have been recognized

A wouldn’t understand

A Won't

A shall have understood

A         would

A         will be

A         would bring

B would be

B brought

B would prefer

B will be hearing

B would not be recognized


B will be understanding

B Would

B would have understood

B will

B would be

B would have brought

C will have been

C would bring

C will prefer

C will have heard

C will not recognize


C would have understood

C Shall

C will have understood

C shall

C would have been

C will bring

Q 5.

Read the statements from people who have or have had a disadvantaged life. Complete the sentences, expressing the people's desires and regrets about the past. Use the word in brackets.

0 We don't have running water in our homes. We have to collect water from the stream or from a pipe in the village. (like)

Aisha …..would like to have running water in her homes…….

  1. We live in a wooden shack outside the city. It’s very small but eight of us live in it. It’s my dream to live in a real house. (prefer)

Pedro …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. In my country, we have to pay for medicine and a lot of people can't afford it. The government should provide free medicine. (like)

Esther  …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Every day I go into the town and I begin the streets for money. Obviously I don't like going begging, but we need the money. (rather)

Sun-Li …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. I wear the same clothes every day. I look at models in magazines and I'm very envious of their beautiful clothes. (be nice)

Hana thinks it……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  1. I live in a village just outside a big city. The village is OK. but rich people from the city come and dump their rubbish in our village. It’s dreadful! (wishes)

Sunil …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  1. I didn't go to school. My family couldn't afford to send me. So now I can only get a badly-paid job. It’s such a pity because I enjoy learning new things. (been good)

Maria thinks it ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Q 6.

There are nine more mistakes in this text connected with the language in this unit. Underline the mistakes and correct them.

  1. I'll never forget the day my life changed. It was a normal day – in those days I
  2. shall do my homework straight after school so that I could go and listen to pop => would
  3. music at Janice’s after dinner. So I was sitting in front of the fire, trying to keep
  4. warm. Mum was ironing. I looked at the clock.
  5. Dad's late,’ I remarked to Mum.
  6. It's Thursday. He’d be visiting Granny.’
  7. My grandmother lived in a cold, draughty cottage on the moors. Mum and
  8. Dad wanted her to move in with us, but our house was very small, and she won’t
  9. They knew that the cold winter months would have hastened her death – she
  10. already suffered from chronic bronchitis – but she was a stubborn old woman
  11. who will insist on her independence?
  12. Won’t it be nice if we had some money? We could buy a big house and
  13. Granny could have a flat of her own in it. I hate being poor.’
  14. Oh. pet, I shan’t say we're poor. We're not as well off as some, but we’ve
  15. got a roof over our heads and food in our bellies.’ Mum would always see
  16. the best in every situation. It really annoyed me! ‘Will I make a nice cup of tea?
  17. Your Dad would be frozen when he gets in. He’ll want to save the bus fare so
  18. I'm sure he's walked all the way from your grandmother’s.’
  19. At that moment, the door opened and Dad walked in, waving a slip of paper.
  20. 'Forget the tea, Mary. We’re going out tonight. First prize in the lottery.
  21. We’re rich!’


  1. would be
  2. ‘II be driving
  3. won't have started
  4. will eat/eat
  5. will act 18
  6. won't book
  7. would always  help
  8. would not reveal
  9. Shall I make
  10. shall we do
  11. Would you be
  12. would like
  13. b
  14. a
  15. a
  16. b
  17. b
  18. b
  19. a
  20. b


Q 1.

  1. won't work
  2. would always say
  3. will easily hold
  4. will be having
  5. will have prepared
  6. would always argue
  7. will stop
  8. won't have started
  9. wouldn't come
  10. will watch

Q 2.

  1. they will do
  2. they won't do
  3. She’ll do light cleaning
  4. she’ll get the shopping
  5. she won't do anything heavy
  6. she would prepare supper
  7. She will say (exactly) what she thinks.
  8. She wouldn't eat it.
  9. will pop in
  10. he won't ask them for help
  11. the car wouldn't start
  12. Would he wait for me?
  13. he will try to cope by himself
  14. if you'll wait for a few minutes

Q 3. Suggested answers:

  1. Will you/Won’t you have another piece/some more cake?
  2. You will all write the/this essay for homework.
  3. Shall I take the minutes?
  4. Will/Would you come with us, please (Sir)?
  5. I would like you to respect me.

Q 4.

  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C

Q 5.

  1. Pedro would prefer to live in a real house.
  2. Esther would like the government to provide free medicine.
  3. Sun-Li would rather not go begging in the streets.
  4. Hana thinks it would be nice to have some beautiful clothes.
  5. Sunil wishes that rich people from the city wouldn’t dump their rubbish in the village.
  6. Maria thinks it would have been good to go to school.

Q 6.

  1. Line 6 He’d be visiting ==> He'll be visiting
  2. Line 8 she won’t ==>  she wouldn’t
  3. Line 9 would have hastened ==>  would hasten
  4. Line 11 will insist ==>  would insist
  5. Line 12 Won't it be ==>  Wouldn't it be
  6. Line 14 I shan't say ==>  I wouldn’t say
  7. Line 16 Will I make ==>  Shall I make
  8. Line 17 would be frozen ==>  will be frozen
  9. Line 18 he's walked ==>  he'll have walked


function time form example
ability present can

is/are able to

She can speak Spanish but she can’t speak Italian.

Despite his handicap, he is able to drive a car.

past could

be/ were able to

Mozart could play the piano at the age of five. 16.18

Mike’s car broke down but he was able to repair it.

possibility present may, might, could There may be life on Mors.

The rash could be a symptom of something more serious.

past could have,

might have

She might have done it; she had the

opportunity and the motive.

future will be able to We’ll be able to travel to the moon but we

won’t be able to travel to Mars.

arrangements future can, could,

be able to

The doctor could see you at six; he can’t see

you before then as he’s too busy.

permission present/


can, can’t Can I use your phone?’ ‘No, I’m afraid you can't'
past allowed to I was allowed to leave early yesterday.
obligation present have (got) to


need (to)


Students have (got) to wear school uniforms here.

I must get up earlier.

Do we need to get o visa for the USA?

You should respect your neighbor.

past had to We had to report to reception by four
future will have to,

will need to

We’ll have to/’ll need to get our visas sorted out.
necessity present must have to,

need to

All human beings must/ have to / need to have enough sleep.
past had to,

needed to

Cave dwellers had to / needed to hunt in order to survive.
future will have to,

will need to

You’ll have to/’ll need to work harder than that.
prohibition present/ future must not


may not

should not

You mustn’t touch that kettle!

Guests can’t/ may not use the pool after 11 p.m.

You shouldn’t speak to me like that!

past could not We couldn’t go because we were too young
past criticism should (not)


You shouldn’t have driven through that red


absence of


or necessity

present do not have to,

do not need to

You don’t have to/ don’t need to pay to visit most museums in Britain.
past did not have to,

did not need to,

need not have

You didn’t have to/ didn’t need to finish the job.

We needn’t have taken sweaters as it was so warm there.

future will not have to,

will not need to

You won’t have to /won’t need to ask the

doctor to sign this form.



present/ future must


had better

You really must read ‘Birdsong’!

You should consider a private pension.

You’d better change the locks straight away.





must have to


This must /has to be the place.

This amount can’t be correct

past must have

cannot have

That noise must have been an explosion.

She can’t have done it – she wasn’t even here

probability present/


should The plane should be landing now.
past should have What’s happened to the bogs? They should

have arrived hours ago.






will have

It won’t be warm at this time of gear.

They’ll have received the invitations by now.

routines present




He’ll come in and he’ll start giving instructions. He’d come in and he’d start giving instructions
habits present




The public will always side with the nurses.

Dad would always tell me how to run my life

characteristic present




The stadium will hold about 110,000 people.

The car wouldn’t start on a cold morning





will, won’t

would, wouldn’t

The doctor will act as a witness.

The shop wouldn’t change this jumper.

other function present/


will, shall




will, shall

I’ll wash up this evening.

Shall I wash up this evening?

Shall we go out for a curry?

Will you give me a call?

Would you fill in this form, please?

You will/ shall all stay after school tonight.





would It would be nice to live by the sea.
past would have

It would have been a good idea to notify us

in advance.


Synonym & Antonym for Academic Words in IELTS Writing with Answers (Part 1)

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:19 PM PDT

Practicing daily with Synonym and Antonym exercises will help you be well prepared for the IELTS Writing section and increase your IELTS vocabulary and refine your knowledge of words. Let’s set your time and start learning now.

One of the important ways to score the high band in the IELTS exam is to focus on the synonyms and Antonyms of the difficult words so that you can explain the topic given in a better way.


Synonyms are the words that give the meaning of the particular word or which is the same as the word given or a better word for the given word. if you know the synonyms you can also improve your vocabulary.

Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word provided?

1. remote 4. predict 7. banish
a. automatic   a. foretell a. exile
b. distant   b. decide b. hate
c. savage   c. prevent c. fade
d. mean   d. discover d. clean
2. detest 5. kin 8. Fraud
a. argue   a. exult a. malcontent
b. hate   b. twist b. argument
c. discover   c. friend c. imposter
d. reveal   d. relative d. clown
3. gracious 6. pensive 9. saccharine
a. pretty   a. oppressed a. leave
b. clever   b. caged b. sweet
c. pleasant   c. thoughtful c. arid
d. present   d. happy d. quit
10. Drag 13. Simulate 16. Generic
a. sleepy   a. excite   a. general
b. crush   b. imitate   b. cheap
c. proud   c. trick   c. fresh
d. pull   d. apelike   d. elderly
11. Jovial 14. Charisma 17. Qualm
a. incredulous   a. ghost   a. distress
b. merry   b. force   b. impunity
c. revolting   c. charm   c. persevere
d. dizzy   d. courage   d. scruple
12. indifferent 15. Apportion 18. Wary
a. neutral   a. divide   a. calm
b. unkind   b. decide   b. curved
c. precious   c. cut   c. confused
d. mean   d. squabble   d. cautious
19. Distort 22. inscrutable 25. Reverie
a. wrong a. difficult   a. palimpsest
b. evil b. mysterious   b. phantom
c. deform c. inflexible   c. daydream
d. harm d. wary   d. curio
20. sumptuous 23. Appall 26. Loot
a. delirious a. delirious   a. destruction
b. gorgeous b. covered   b. waste
c. perilous c. dismay   c. spoils
d. luxurious d. confuse   d. cavort
21. Reel 24. Upright 27. Loquacious
a. whirl a. honorable   a. talkative
b. fish b. horizontal   b. thirsty
c. hit c. humble   c. beautiful
d. mistake d. supine   d. complicated
28. Chimera 31. Nabob 34. louche
  a. chimney a. bigwig   a. gauche
  b. protest b. doubter   b. fine
  c. illusion c. frolic   c. brilliant
  d. panache d. converse   d. indecent
29. Temerity 32. Pall 35. stentorian
  a. audacity a. light   a. violent
  b. fearfulness b. satiate   b. misbegotten
  c. shyness c. carry   c. loud
  d. stupidity d. horror   d. stealthy
30. educe 33. sacrosanct
  a. demand a. prayer
  b. elicit b. sanctuary
  c. ideal c. pious
  d. unlawful d.  sacred

Answer Key

  1. b. remote means faraway, or distant
  2. b. to detest means to feel intense or violent dislike, or to hate
  3. c. gracious means to be pleasant or considerate in social interactions
  4. a. to predict means to declare in advance or to foretell
  5. d. kin means people with common ancestors, or relatives
  6. c. pensive means moodily or dreamily thoughtful
  7. a. to banish means to drive out from home or country, or to exile
  8. c. a fraud is someone who is not what he or she pretends to be, or an imposter
  9. b. saccharine means overly sweet
  10. d. to drag is to pull, or to cause movement in a direction with applied force
  11. b. jovial means good-humored or merry
  12. a. to be indifferent is to be marked by impartiality or to be neutral
  13. b. to simulate is to assume the outward appearance of, or to imitate
  14. c. charisma is magnetic charm or appeal
  15. a. to apportion is to divide and share out
  16. a. generic means having the characteristic of a whole group, or general
  17. d. a qualm is a feeling of uneasiness about a moral issue, or a scrupled. wary means to be attentive especially to danger, or to be cautious
  18. c. to distort means to twist out of a normal state, or to deform
  19. d. sumptuous means excessively costly, rich, or luxurious
  20. a. one meaning of reel is to move around and round or to whirl
  21. b. inscrutable means not easily interpreted or understood, or mysterious
  22. c. to appall is to overcome with shock, or to dismay
  23. a. upright can mean either honorable or vertical; horizontal and supine are both antonyms of upright
  24. c. a reverie means the state of being lost in thought or a daydream
  25. c. loot means goods seized in war or spoils
  26. a. loquacious means excessively talkative, or garrulous
  27. c. a chimera is a fabrication of the mind, or an illusion
  28. a. temerity means unreasonable contempt for danger or recklessness, or audacity
  29. b. to reduce means to develop something potential or latent; to elicit means to draw out something hidden or latent
  30. a. a nabob is a person of great wealth or importance, or a bigwig
  31. b. to pall can mean to deprive of pleasure in something by satiating
  32. d. sacrosanct means the most sacred, or holy
  33. d. louche means not reputable, or indecent
  34. c. stentorian means loud and is usually used to imply a voice of great power and range

IELTS Listening Practice Test 66

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT


Questions 1-10

Complete the form below.


Example:                            ClearPoint Telephone Company
                                                       Customer Order Form

Order taken by:                        Ms. Jones

Name:                                         Harold 1____________

Address:                                      2______________ Fulton Avenue, apartment 12

Type of service:                         3______________

Employer:                                  Wrightsville Medical Group

Occupation:                               4______________

Work phone:                             5______________

Time at current job:                6______________

Special services:                       7______________   8______________

Installation scheduled for      Day 9___________ Time of day 10_______________


Questions 11-14

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C

11 The fair will take place at the

A Fairgrounds.
B park.
C .school.

12 The fair will begin on Friday

A morning.
B afternoon.
C evening.

13 The fair will begin with a

A parade.
B dance performance.
C speech by the mayor.

14 There will be free admission on

A Friday.
B Saturday.
C Sunday.

Questions 15 – 20

Complete the chart below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.

Day/Time Event
Saturday afternoon 15_______________ show
Saturday evening 16_______________ by the lake
Sunday afternoon 17_______________ contest
All weekend 18_______________ food

19_______________ for children

20_______________ for sale


Questions 21—23

Complete the information below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

How to get academic credit for work experience

First, read the 21______________ . Find courses that match your work experience. Then write 22__________of your work cxperience. Submit that together with a letter from your 23_____________to the university admissions office.

Questions 24—28

Where can the items listed below be found?

A admissions office
B counseling center1
C library

Write the correct letter, A, B, or C, next to questions 24—28.

24. university catalog                                            ______

25. application for admission form                    ______

26. requirements list                                             ______

27. recommendation forms                                 ______

28. job listings                                                        ______

Questions 29 and 30

Choose the correct letters, A, B, or C.

29. What are full-time students eligible for?

A. Discounted books
B. The work-study program
C. A free bus pass

30. How can a student get financial assistance?

A. Speak with a counselor
B. Apply to the admissions office
C. Make arrangements with a bank


Questions 31-35

Complete the chart with information about the black hear.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Range Lives in 31________________of North America
Diet Ninety percent of diet consists of 32___________

Also eats 33______________

Cubs Baby bear cubs are born in 34 __________________
Life span Black bears live for about 35______________in the wild.

Questions 36-40

Which characteristics fit black bears and which fit grizzly bears?

Write A if it is a characteristic of black bears. Write B if it is a characteristic of grizzly bears.

36. Has a patch of light fur on its chest ________

37. Weighs 225 kilos __________

38. Has a shoulder hump _________

39. Has pointed cars _________

40. Has shorter claws ___________

Answer keys:

1. Kramer
2. 58
3. residential
4. office manager
5. 637-555-9014
6. nine years
7. long distance
8. Internet
9. Friday
10. morning
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. down
16. concert
17. singing
18. international
19. games
20. crafts
21. university catalog
22. a summary
23. work supervisor
24. C
25. A
26. B
27. A
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. forested area
32. plant foods
33. insects/fish
34. the winter
35. twenty-five years
36. A
37. B
38. B
39. A
40. A


The texts below are transcript for your IELTS Liste. ning Practice Test. To make the most out of this transcript, we removed some words from the texts and replaced with spaces. You have to fill each space with the missing word by listening to the audio for this IELTS listening practice test. 

Go to Gap-Filling

How to Get a High Score in IELTS in One Month? – topic : Study Plan

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Today, some people on Quora.com asked me How to get a high score (Band 7.5+) in IELTS in ONE MONTH?

My answer is "The chance of getting the score you want in one month is pretty unpredictable. It depends on your current level of English proficiency, your hard work, focus, and commitment."

Importance of Study Plan

Before understanding the tips to score a high band in the IELTS exam in 1 month, we need to understand why the study plan is necessary. Below are the few points which tell why study plan is important:

  • If you have a study plan, you will have an idea of how to take the test and you will be stress while actually taking the test. Thus, you will be able to score the band that you desire.
  • There is no such plan which is already given in the IELTS, you can customize your study plan according to your personal requirements as well as your personal convenience.
  • If you do not have sufficient time to make a plan, make sure you practice every day whenever you have time and if you do so you will be able to achieve your dream band score in the IELTS exam.

Here are tips to score high in IELTS in 1 month ( IELTS 1 month Study Plan )

If you currently have a high level of English proficiency (Band 6.0 – 6.5), you just need to learn and accumulate some proper techniques, tips and apply to practice tests daily to get the score you need (Band 7.0 – 7.5). You can download or buy Cambridge IELTS practice tests 8 – 12 to practice at home. You can also learn Exam Tips, using IELTS Target Band 7: How to Maximize Your Score, The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS. If you are worse at one IELTS skill than others, you should focus more on it. For example, your IELTS Reading score is 5.5 while other skills are over 6.0, you should get down to improving your reading skills by using this excellent book by Sam McCarter: Improve your IELTS Reading Skills (this famous IELTS author published an “Improve your IELTS skills” series including the above-mentioned book, Improve your IELTS Writing Skills and Improve your IELTS Listening and Speaking Skills, you can check out for these great books). Each day, you should learn at least 10 English Collocations and New Words for the top 9 common topics in IELTS (crime, education, health, media, work, energy and environment, traffic, people, home).

Three main ways that you can focus on while preparing a study plan to prepare for the IELTS exam in a month can be:

  • Try to give at least 4 hours a day and an hour for each section every day.
  • Mainly you have a focus on your English proficiency as well as give most of your time in improving the weaker areas.
  • One of the best tips can find out in which area you commit more mistakes and try to overcome that.

Prepare for IELTS in a month

if you are worried about the IELTS examination which is just a month away you can refer to these following points while preparing you need to understand the important concepts and proceed with the same:

  • Writing versus Reading skills:

You do not have to focus more on reading skills as far as you can read the passage given and comprehend it well. Keep your focus more on writing, take a few topics from IELTS writing which have appeared before and just try to put your thoughts in writing so that you get a practice of writing test.

  • Learn Grammar:

You need to practice grammar but do not get stuck if there is any difficult structure or word, try to focus on other things also which are more important. if you know how to frame a sentence then it is easy to score well in IELTS.

  • Improve Listening and Speaking skills:

You can improve your listening and speaking skills by watching several English movies and also you can speak, read, listen and write more of English and improve your skills.

  • Practice Online:

Once you enroll in IELTS there are different online trainings available you can take one of them to get a realistic experience about the IELTS tests. So that when you give an actual IELTS test it will be easy for you to take the test easily.

How to learn Vocabulary in the most effective way?

  • Jot a new word down to a notebook in terms of various topics (with its translations or definitions)
  • Write the words and definitions on sticky notes or a small piece of paper (you should write the New word on the front side and its definition on the backside. So that you can only turn the note back when you forget its meaning)
  • Speak new words out repeatedly. In case you get access to the Internet, you can use the online dictionary to learn how to pronounce them)
  • Make associations (in pictures or with other words)
  • Have somebody to test you about new vocabulary
  • Utilize them to practice for your IELTS speaking or writing


Source: http://ieltsmaterial.com/how-to-boost-your-vocabulary-score-in-ielts-writing-and-speaking/

However, if your English level is quite low (like the current band is 5.0 – 5.5 and you want to get Band 7.5+) you are less likely to get the score you need. In fact, IELTS learners with just one month left for the IELTS exam will get panic and work their socks off to improve their Vocabulary, Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing, and Grammar. They just digest tons of books without any study strategy. My suggestion is that you need to draw up an effective and coherent study strategy to improve your general level of English and learn exam technique.

For scheduling your study

 A multitude of students have more than 3 months to study and they do a little bit of work every week for the first 2 and a half months and then realize that their exam is next week and they still know very little. So what should you do? Don't let this happen to you by scheduling your study. As I mentioned above, you need 3 factors to get a high score: Focus, Commitment, and Hard Work.

  • First of all, you must stop doing non-essential things for the entire time before your exam (stop checking Facebook every 10 minutes, playing games on your cellphone, wasting time with friends or watching TV). These non-productive things waste an unbelievable amount of time that could be better spent on improving your chances of getting the score you need. This might sound harsh, but if you want to get a seriously high score, you have to work seriously hard. For me, hard work is the number one differential. It doesn't matter how intelligent you are or how naturally good you are at learning English, if you work hard, you will get the scores you need.
  • Make a to-do list. These should be as specific as possible e.g. learn the technique for part 2 of the speaking test, listen to the podcast every day, read 4 English newspaper articles each day, practice test, etc.
  • Work out how much free time you have every day from now until your test.
  • Get a calendar (make your own calendar or use an electronic one) and fill out what you are going to do every day before your test.
  • Tick off every day and every task you complete as you do them.
  • Don't skip. If you miss something, go back and do it.

If you follow the advice above you will be more prepared than 95% of people doing the test.

For improving your general level of English proficiency

To learn the exam technique

  • You must also learn about all of the different types of questions and how to approach them for Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. The great thing about IELTS is that it is fairly predictable. For example, if you are doing Academic Writing Task 1, you just need to learn how to write a summary of at least 150 words in response to a particular graph (bar, line or pie graph), table, chart, or process to get a decent score.
  • You can also make use of the following books to learn more exam tips, techniques: IELTS Target Band 7: How to Maximize Your Score, The Official Cambridge Guide to IELTS. You can also look at the pages below that will show you exam technique for the four main areas:
  • Exam Tips
  • IELTS Listening
  • IELTS Speaking
  • IELTS Writing
  • IELTS Reading
  • Practice Tests

You have accepted a big challenge in your life. Follow these suggestions to maximize your limited time to score your highest in IELTS!

telugu news headlines telugu news hunt

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:01 PM PDT

telugu news headlines telugu news hunt

మళ్లీ దర్శకుడిగా మారతాడట

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:30 AM PDT

దర్శకత్వం అనేది ఒక వ్యసనం. ఒక్కసారి అలవాటైందంటే ఇక ఆ రంగం నుంచి తప్పుకోవడం చాలా కష్టం. ఇండస్ట్రీలో ఏ క్రాఫ్ట్ లో ఉన్న వ్యక్తి అయినా కెరీర్ లో ఒక్కసారైనా మెగాఫోన్ పట్టుకోవాలని కలలుకంటాడు. ఆ ప్రొఫెషన్ అలాంటిది. కోన వెంకట్ కు కూడా అలాంటి డ్రీమ్ ఉంది. దానికోసం అతడు ప్రయత్నించాడు కూడా. కానీ ఫెయిల్ అయ్యాడు. చాలా ఏళ్ల కిందటే మెగాఫోన్ పట్టాడు కోన వెంకట్. ఎగ్జిక్యూటివ్ ప్రొడ్యూసర్ గా ఇండస్ట్రీకొచ్చిన ఈ […]

రెండు రోజుల్లో విమానాలు నడుపుతామంటున్న ఎయిర్ ఇండియా…

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:21 AM PDT

కరోనా కట్టడిలో భాగంగా మార్చి 22 నుంచి దేశంలో అన్ని విమానాశ్రయాలు మూతపడ్డాయి. ఒక్కటంటే ఒక్క విమానం కూడా గాల్లో ఎగరకుండా హ్యాంగర్లకు పరిమితమయ్యాయి. కొన్ని ఎయిర్ పోర్టుల్లో హ్యంగర్లు కూడా చాలకపోవడంతో రన్‌వేల పైనే విమానలను పార్క్ చేశారు. ఈ నేపథ్యంలో లాక్‌డౌన్ ముగిసినా… ముగియక పోయినా… ఈ నెల 4, 5 తేదీల్లో విమానాలను నడపాలని ఎయిర్ ఇండియా నిర్ణయించింది. కాగా, ఇవి ప్యాసింజర్ విమానాలు కావని కార్గో విమానాలని ఎయిరిండియా సీఎండీ రాజీవ్ […]

కరోనా దెబ్బతో 2020 వింబుల్డన్ రద్దు

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:21 AM PDT

టోర్నీ రద్దుతో ఫెదరర్, సెరెనా షాక్ కరోనా వైరస్ దెబ్బతో…విశ్వవిఖ్యాత వింబుల్డన్ టెన్నిస్ టోర్నీ సైతం రద్దుల పద్దులో చేరిపోయింది. రెండో ప్రపంచయుద్ధం తర్వాత… వార్షిక వింబుల్డన్ టోర్నీ రద్దుకావడం ఇదే మొదటిసారి. 1877 నుంచి క్రమం తప్పకుండా జరుగుతూ వస్తున్న ఈ గ్రాండ్ స్లామ్.. గ్రాస్ కోర్టు టెన్నిస్ టోర్నీకి ప్రపంచ వ్యాప్తంగా కోట్లాదిమంది అభిమానులున్నారు. అంతేకాదు… జీవితకాలంలో ఒక్కసారి ఈ టోర్నీలో పాల్గొన్నా తమ జన్మధన్యమైనట్లుగానే టెన్నిస్ ప్లేయర్లు భావిస్తారు. జూన్ 29 నుంచి రెండువారాలపాటు సాగే […]

నిత్యావసరాల ధరలు పెంచితే.. కఠిన చర్యలే!

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 08:18 AM PDT

లాక్ డౌన్ నేపథ్యంలో.. మిగతా ప్రాంతాల మాదిరిగానే ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రజలూ తీవ్ర ఇబ్బందులు ఎదుర్కొంటున్నారు. ఇదే అదనుగా.. కొందరు వ్యాపారులు ధరలు పెంచి విక్రయాలు చేస్తున్నారు. ఈ విషయంలో వైఎస్ జగన్ ప్రభుత్వం తీవ్ర ఆగ్రహంతో ఉంది. ఇప్పటికే ఇబ్బందుల్లో ఉన్న ప్రజలను.. ఇలా ధరలు పెంచి మరింత ఇబ్బందికి గురి చేస్తే సహించేది లేదని నిర్ణయం తీసుకుంది. కాస్త కఠినంగానే వ్యవహరించాలని నిర్ణయించి.. ఆ బాధ్యతను అధికారులను అప్పగించింది. బియ్యం, కూరగాయలు, ఇతర వ్యవసాయ ఉత్పత్తుల […]

చీకటి ఖండాన్నీ తాకిన కరోనా వైరస్

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 07:53 AM PDT

వైరస్ దెబ్బతో సెనెగల్ సాకర్ దిగ్గజం మృతి గత కొద్దివారాలుగా ధనికదేశాలను మాత్రమే గడగడలాడిస్తూ వచ్చిన కరోనా మహమ్మారి… చీకటి ఖండం ఆఫ్రికాలోకి సైతం ప్రవేశించింది. మిగిలిన ఖండాలతో పోల్చి చూస్తే… నిరుపేదలైన ఆఫ్రికా ఖండ దేశాల ప్రజలు మాత్రమే… కరోనా వైరస్ భయం లేకుండా నిశ్చింతగా గడుపుతూ వచ్చారు. అయితే…పశ్చిమాఫ్రికా దేశం సెనెగల్ లో..కరోనా వైరస్ ప్రవేశించడమే కాదు…సాకర్ మాజీ గ్రేట్, మార్సెలీ క్లబ్ అధ్యక్షుడు పాపే డియోఫ్ ప్రాణాలను బలితీసుకొంది. కరోనా వైరస్ సోకడమే […]

యంగ్ దర్శకుడితో దేవరకొండ!

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:25 AM PDT

వరల్డ్ ఫేమస్ లవర్ ఫ్లాప్ అయిన తర్వాత సినిమాల ఎంపిక విషయంలో విజయ్ దేవరకొండ చాలా స్లో అయిపోయాడు. ఎంతో ఆలోచించి పూరి జగన్నాధ్ తో సినిమాకు కమిట్ అయ్యాడు. ఇప్పుడు మరో దర్శకుడితో సినిమాకు రెడీ అవుతున్నాడు ఈ హీరో. అతడి పేరు వివేక్ ఆత్రేయ. మెంటల్ మదిలో, బ్రోచేవారెవరురా సినిమాలతో పాపులర్ అయ్యాడు వివేక్ ఆత్రేయ. ఇప్పుడు తన మూడో ప్రయత్నంగా విజయ్ దేవరకొండతో సినిమాకు రెడీ అవుతున్నాడు. ప్రస్తుతానికైతే వీళ్లిద్దరి మధ్య కథాచర్చలు […]

బాహుబలిని క్రాస్ చేసిన మహేష్ మూవీ

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 04:18 AM PDT

మొన్న సంక్రాంతికి మహేష్-బన్నీ పోటీపడ్డారు. మహేష్ నుంచి సరిలేరు నీకెవ్వరు, బన్నీ నుంచి అల వైకుంఠపురములో సినిమాలు వచ్చాయి. ఈ రెండింటి టార్గెట్ ఒకటే. బాహుబలి రికార్డుని బద్దలుకొట్టాలి. ఈ దిశగా మహేష్ మూవీ ఫెయిల్ అవ్వగా, బన్నీ చేసిన అల వైకుంఠపురములో మూవీ దరిదాపుల వరకు వెళ్లి ఆగిపోయింది. సంక్రాంతికి నడిచిన ఈ ప్రహసనాన్ని పక్కనపెడితే.. ఇప్పుడు మహేష్ మూవీ నిజంగానే బాహుబలి-2ను క్రాస్ చేసింది. అయితే సిల్వర్ స్క్రీన్ పై కాదు, బుల్లితెరపై బాహుబలి-2ను […]

రానున్న రోజుల్లో 10లక్షల కరోనా కేసులు… డబ్ల్యూహెచ్ఓ హెచ్చరిక…

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:05 AM PDT

కరోనా.. కరోనా.. కరోనా.. ఇప్పుడెక్కడ చూసినా కరోనా పేరే మారుమ్రోగిపోతుంది. చైనాలోని వూహాన్ లో పుట్టిన కరోనా వైరస్ క్రమంగా ప్రపచంలోని అన్నిదేశాలకు పాకింది. ఇప్పటికే ప్రపంచంలోని 200లకు పైగా దేశాల్లో కరోనా సోకింది. దీంతో ఆయా దేశాలు కరోనా కట్టడికి లాక్ డౌన్ వంటి చర్యలను చేపడుతున్నాయి. అయినప్పటికీ కరోనా కేసులు పెరుగుతుండటంతో ప్రపంచ వ్యాప్తంగా ఆందోళనలు నెలకొన్నాయి. కరోనా మహమ్మరి విజృంభిస్తుండటంతో ఇప్పటికే 8లక్షలకు పైగా కరోనా కేసులు నమోదయ్యాయి. ఈ సంఖ్య మరింత […]

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