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World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 03:45 AM PDT

World News Updates, World News, Current Affairs, Daily Current Affairs, World News Updates

Spain coronavirus hell: Horror as death toll hits 10,000 - terrifying update

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:18 AM PDT

SPAIN has reported 950 new deaths from coronavirus as the total number surged past 10,000 in yet another terrifying update from the crisis-hit country.

Coronavirus MUTATION: Scientists discover man who was infectious for 49 DAYS - new strain

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:12 AM PDT

SCIENTISTS in China fear a newly discovered, mutant coronavirus which causes sufferers to be infectious for well over a month - further complicating the fight against the disease.

China coronavirus fury: How Beijing could cripple UK’s economy even further

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:00 PM PDT

CHINA's economy has suffered along with much of Europe as a result of the coronavirus pandemic - but debt owed to Beijing could lead to an even bigger monetary row.

Emmanuel Macron chaos: More than 350,000 break France lockdown laws as death toll soars

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:30 AM PDT

OVER 350,000 French people have been fined for flouting coronavirus lockdown rules.

Trump coronavirus fears: How former US president kept illness 'secret' for months

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:36 AM PDT

FEARS that US President Donald Trump could get coronavirus has sparked concerns about what might happen if he gets seriously ill especially when President Woodrow Wilson's illness was hidden from the public for months.

Varadkar blow: Leo Varadkar suffers ANOTHER election disaster as plea ignored

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 02:00 AM PDT

VOTERS have defied Leo Varadkar's request to elected high-profile women candidates to Ireland's Seanad - despite a desperate last-minute appeal by the Taoiseach.

Hurricane tracker MAP: The FOUR tropical cyclones exploding in world’s oceans RIGHT NOW

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:43 AM PDT

HURRICANE season for the Atlantic Ocean is not due to start for a few months, but across the world a number of tropical systems are currently being monitored.

‘Tell the truth!’ Expert’s pandemic plea over Spanish Flu 'lessons learnt’ exposed

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 01:08 AM PDT

CORONAVIRUS is currently gripping the world, as global cases move towards one million, but an expert warned three years ago about the importance of transparency during a pandemic.

Russia coronavirus cover-up fears as locals demand 'truth' amid Putin's extreme measures

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:59 AM PDT

VLADIMIR PUTIN has been urged to tell the truth by concerned Russians as strict lockdown measures are imposed across the country.

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Posted: 02 Apr 2020 12:25 AM PDT

Latest Govt Jobs, Sarkari Naukri, Results

Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020 Start Applying for 14 Driver Vacancy Now

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:56 PM PDT

Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2020: Download Application for 14 Staff Car Drivers – Last Date Extended!! The Maharashtra Postal Circle Notification has been released. There has been an announcement to hire 14 candidates. The vacancies available are for Staff Car Driver posts. Interested and eligible candidates are called to apply for the Maharashtra Postal Circle jobs. Aspirants can start to apply for these posts at the earliest. The last date to apply for Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment is extended to 04th May 2020. The applications have to be submitted only in the offline mode.

Maharashtra Postal Circle Recruitment 2020

Interested candidates can read all the details below. They can also refer to the official notification for more details. Once the aspirants have gone through all the information provided, they can decide the apply offline if they are eligible. Download the Maharashtra Post Office application from the link below. Make use of this opportunity now. To know more about the Maharashtra Postal Circle, click on the website link below or visit the official website @ www.indiapost.gov.in. Get more Indian Post Office Jobs here.

Also Check: HDFC Recruitment – 12000 Vacancies

Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020 – www.maharashtrapost.gov.in

Name of the Board Maharashtra Postal Circle
Number of Vacancies 14
Name of the Post Staff Car Drivers
Application Mode Offline
Category Maharashtra Government Jobs
Starting Date for application Started
Last Date for application 04th May 2020
Job Location Mumbai
Official Website www.indiapost.gov.in

Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020 Start Applying for 14 Driver Vacancy Now

Maharashtra Post Office Jobs 2020 Vacancy Details

Name of the Division Number of Vacancies
Staff Car Driver – 14
Senior Manager, Mail Motor Service, Mumbai 10
Senior Superintendant of Post Offices, Goa 1
Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Sangli 1
Superintendent of Post Offices, Ratnagiri 1
Superintendent of Post Offices, Sindhudurg 1
Total 14

Eligibility Criteria for Maharashtra Post Office Driver Jobs 2020

Candidates have to meet eligibility criteria provided below in order to be eligible for Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020.

Also Check: FSSAI Recruitment – 83 Vacancies

Educational Qualification:

Candidates, who are going to apply for Maharashtra Postal Circle Driver jobs, must have the following qualification,

  • The Candidate passed the 10th Class/SSLC/Matriculation Examination in the first attempt will be treated as meritorious against those passed compartmentally
  • Must have knowledge in the Motor Mechanisms
  • Valid Driving License for Light & Heavy Motor Vehicles

Check Official Notification for further more details.

Age Limit:

  • Minimum Age – 18 Years
  • Maximum Age – 27 Years

Age Relaxation:

  • Refer to the Official Notifications for more details of Age Relaxation

Selection Process:

  • Interview
  • Driving Test

Also Check: MMRD Recruitment – 215 Vacancies


  • The selected candidates will get a Salary of Rs. 19,900/- per month

How to Apply for Post Office Recruitment in Maharashtra 2020?

  • Download your Postal Officer Driver Recruitment Applications form from the below-given link.
  • Fill the Applications with Below given format.

i) Name (In capital letter as per X class certificate Marks Memo including spaces)
ii) Father Name
iii) Mobile Number (Unique for one Registration number)
iv) Date of Birth
v) Gender
vi) Community
vii) PH – Type of Disability – (HH/OH/VH)- Percentage of disability
viii) State in which Xth class passed
ix) Board in which Xth class passed
x) Year of Passing Xth class
xi) Xth Class Certificate Number / Roll Number (optional)

  • Attach necessary documents with the applications form
  • Stick your passport size photo on the applications form
  • Send the applications to the below-given address before the last date.

Postal Address:

Name of the Division Postal Address
Senior Manager, Mail Motor Service, Mumbai The Senior Manager,
Mail Motor Service,
134-A, S K Ahire Marg,
Worli, Mumbai – 400018
Senior Superintendant of Post Offices, Goa The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices,
Goa Division,
Mapusa – 403507
Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Sangli The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices,
Sangli Division,
Sangli – 416416
Superintendent of Post Offices, Ratnagiri The Superintendent of Post Offices,
Ratnagiri Division,
Ratnagiri – 415612
Superintendent of Post Offices, Sindhudurg The Superintendent of Post Offices,
Sindhudurg Division,
Sindhudurgnagari – 416812

Important Date for Maharashtra Postal Circle Driver Recruitment 2020

Starting Date to Apply Started
Last Date to Apply 04th April 2020

Important Links for Maharashtra Post Office Recruitment 2020:

Official Notification Pdf  Download Here
Date Extension Notice Download Here
Official Website Click Here

About Maharashtra Post Office:

There are 41 postal divisions in the circle that cover the financial districts of the states of Maharashtra and Goa. Each Postal Division is headed by a Post Superintendent (SPO) or a Chief Post Superintendent (SSPO). There are 7 main divisions in the circle, each headed by the Superintendent (SRM) or a Chief Superintendent (SSRM) and an automated mail processing centre. Auxiliary units that serve the postal service include three Motor Mail service units, four postal deposits and a regional stamp deposit. There are 12856 post offices in the circle as of 03.31.2014.

WRD Maharashtra JE Result 2020 | Check Junior Engineer Grade B Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 Here

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:26 AM PDT

WRD Maharashtra Result 2020 will soon announce @ wrd.maharashtra.gov.in. Candidates who have appeared for the Junior Engineer Grade B Examination can go through this complete article. Therefore, the Water Resources Department, Maharashtra conducted this written examination to fill 500 vacancies of Junior Engineer Grade B posts. However, the WRD Board is planning to release the WRD Maharashtra JE Grade B Result 2020 in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively). So, all the aspirants can check and download the WRD JE Result from this site. Additionally, candidates can also check the WRD Maharashtra Junior Engineer Grade B Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this page.

WRD Maharashtra JE Result 2020 | Check Junior Engineer Grade B Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 Here

WRD Maharashtra Result 2020 – Download Here

The Officials of Water Resources Department, Maharashtra received a huge number of applications from the candidates. A huge number of aspirants appeared for the WRD Junior Engineer Grade B Examination and searching for the WRD Junior Engineer Grade B exam Result 2020. We are here to help those candidates. Here on this page, we will update the direct link to download the WRD JE Result 2020. And the link will activate at the time of the official declaration of Result. The direct link is given at the below table. Candidates can just click on the link and it will take to the Water Resources Department Result 2020.

WRD Maharashtra Junior Engineer Result 2020 – Overview



Organization Name Water Resources Department, Maharashtra
Post Name Junior Engineer Grade B
No of  vacancies 500 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date In Admit Card
Result Date April 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Test, Interview
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website wrd.maharashtra.gov.in

The above table gives information like the organization name, post name, exam date, number of vacancies, Result date, selection process, job location, and the official website. The Junior Engineer Grade B recruitment consists of two levels of selection process such as a written test and the interview. Candidates who have shortlisted in the written test will be eligible to move for further rounds. While checking WRD JE Result 2020 candidates must have the login details like the roll number and the password.

Water Resources Department Maharashtra JE Cut Off Marks 2020

Generally, the Cut Off Marks will be declared after the release of the Water Resources Department JE Grade B Result 2020. However, the Department will announce the WRD Maharashtra JE Grade B exam Results 2020 tentatively in the month of December 2020. Aspirants must score minimum qualifying WRD Maharashtra Junior Engineer Cut Off Marks 2020 to get shortlist for further levels of interview. Therefore, the authority will release the WRD Maharashtra JE Grade B Cut Off Marks 2020 @ wrd.maharashtra.gov.in. The Department will finalize the cutoff marks based on some factors. They are candidates category, vacancies available and the number of applicants who appeared for the exam.

WRD Junior Engineer Grade B Merit List 2020

The WRD Maharashtra JE Grade B Merit List 2020 will release after the declaration of Results. Candidates must score top marks in the WRD Maharashtra JE Grade B Exam 2020. Then only the candidates will get select for further levels of the interview process. The candidates in the WRD JE Grade B Merit List 2020 will get high priority for the future selection levels. Hence, aspirants must concentrate more on the Cut Off marks and the Merit List. Further, we can see simple steps to download the WRD JE Result 2020.

How to Download Water Resources Department JE Result 2020?

  1. Visit the official website of the WRD, Maharashtra at @ wrd.maharashtra.gov.in.
  2. Then the Homepage of Water Resources Department, Maharashtra will open on the Screen.
  3. On the homepage, go to the Latest News section
  4. Then search for WRD Maharashtra Junior Engineer Result 2020 link
  5. Then hit on the link and enter the login details.
  6. And press on the submit button.
  7. Then the Result will display on the screen
  8. Finally, Check and download the Junior Engineer Result 2020 for future use.

Direct Links to Download WRD Maharashtra Result 2020

WRD Maharashtra JE Result 2020 | Check Junior Engineer Grade B Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 HereWRD Maharashtra Junior Engineer Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

Karnataka High Court Result 2020 | Download District Judge Mains Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:20 AM PDT

Karnataka High Court Result 2020: Dear Folks !!! Karnataka High Court is planning to release the Results for Various Posts. The officials of Karnataka High Court has conducted an Examination to recruit the right candidates. A huge number of Candidates have completed the Karnataka HC Exam for various Posts. Here, we have provided complete information about the Karnataka High Court Result 2020. As we know, everyone is waiting for the Karnataka High Court Results and anyone can check your results from this page. As well as candidates can also check the results from the official website.

Karnataka High Court Result 2020

Post Name

Result Release Date

Karnataka High Court Result Links

District JudgeKarnataka High Court Result 2020 | Download District Judge Mains Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List April 2020 (Tentatively) District Judge Mains Exam Result
Group D 19th November 2019 Intimation Letter for Submission/uploading of documents for verification
Typist 12th November 2019 Typist Selection List

Karnataka High Court District Judge Result 2020: Most of the candidates are waiting for the Karnataka High Court District Judge Result 2020. The Karnataka High Court officials have conducted the Examination on 15th & 16th of January 2020 for District Judge posts. Many aspirants have appeared for the District Judge Exam and waiting for the results. The Karnataka High Court is planning to release the District Judge Result in April 2020 (Tentatively). Here, we have given a direct link to download the Karnataka High Court District Judge Mains Result 2020 and it will be activated at the time of the official announcement. Also get the Karnataka HC District Judge Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 here.

Karnataka High Court District Judge Mains Result 2020



Organization Name Karnataka High Court
Post Name District Judge
Number of Posts 21 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Main Exam Date 15th & 16th of January 2020
Result Release Date April 2020 (Tentatively)
Official Website karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in
District Judge Preliminary Examination Result – Click HereKarnataka High Court Result 2020 | Download District Judge Mains Result, Cut Off Marks & Merit List

Karnataka High Court Group D Intimation of Document Verification Letter 2020: Karnataka High Court is going to conduct the Document Verification for the Post of Group D (Peon, Watchman, Sweepers, Housekeeping). A huge number of Interested Job searching aspirants from the Karnataka State have applied for this job and waiting for the Document Verification Date. Karnataka High Court announced the Document verification date i.e, 05th December 2019. We advise the applicants to keep track of this page to get the complete details about Group D Posts. After the Submission/uploading Document Verification Process, Applicants can get their result by just clicking the link provided in the below table.

Group D Intimation of Submission/uploading Document Verification 2020



Organization Name Karnataka High Court
Post Name Group D (Peon, Watchman, Sweepers, Housekeeping)
Number of Posts 95
Category Sarkari Result
Document Verification Intimation Letter 19th November 2019
Document Verification Date 05th December 2019
Official Website karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in
Intimation Letter of Submission/uploading of documents for verification of Group D 2019 – Click Here

Karnataka High Court Typist Selection List 2020: Karnataka High Court has uploaded the Typist Selection List of Candidates for the Post of Typist on 12th November 2019. Karnataka High Court has announced the Selection list of candidates now!! The Selected candidates are directed to submit the original documents relating to your Date of Birth, qualification, Caste and other reservation claimed by them, to this office on or before 22nd November 2019 for verification. All the applicants can get their results by just clicking the link provided in the below table.

Karnataka High Court Typist Selection List 2020



Organization Name Karnataka High Court
Post Name Typist
Number of Posts Various
Category Sarkari Result
Typist Test date 26th October 2019
Typist Selection List of Candidates Release date 12th November 2019
Official Website  karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in
Karnataka High Court Typist Selection List of Candidates 2019 – Click Here

Karnataka High Court Civil Judge Mains Result 2020: The Karnataka High Court had conducted the mains exam for Civil Judge Post on 9th & 10th November 2019. Moreover, all the eligible candidates who are searching for the result must check this entire article. The officials will declare the Karnataka High Court Civil Judge Result 2020 tentatively in the month of December 2019 at the official site. We advise the applicants to keep track of this page to get the complete details about the Posts. Applicants can get their results by just clicking the link provided in the below table.

Karnataka High Court Civil Judge Mains Result 2020



Organization Name Karnataka High Court
Post Name Civil Judge
Number of Posts 56 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 9th & 10th November 2019
Result Date 11th December 2019
Official Website  karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in
Karnataka High Court Civil Judge Result 2020 – Click Here

Karnataka High Court Cut Off Marks 2020

After the successful completion of the Viva Voce process, Applicants will get the Selection list. The Higher officials will announce the selection list from the official website. Participants can know their performance status with the help of the Karnataka High Court Cut Off Marks 2020. Moreover, District Judge Cut Off Marks 2020 is the minimum marks that the candidates must score in the written examination. So, candidates can check all the details of the Cut Off Marks and Karnataka High Court District Judge Merit List 2020 from the current section and the below-given section.

Karnataka High Court District Judge Merit List 2020

Candidates can refer to this section to get the details of the Karnataka High Court District Judge Merit List 2020. Besides not only the Merit List but also the individual scores of each candidate are displayed in the Merit List. Moreover, the candidates can know the complete details of the High Court Of Karnataka District Judge Result 2020 from this article.

How to Download Karnataka High Court Result 2020?

  1. Visit the official website of Karnataka High Court @ karnatakajudiciary.kar.nic.in.
  2. On the home page view the Notification tab and click on the Recruitments.
  3. A new page will be open in that, Many links will be available.
  4. Applicants can click the appropriate link to check the results.
  5. Karnataka High Court District Judge Result 2020 PDF will be open.
  6. Download or take a print out of the file for further reference.

Direct Links to Download Karnataka High Court Result 2020

Official Notification Click Here
Official Website Click Here

KTET Result 2020 | Check Kerala TET Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 @ ktet.kerala.gov.in

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:15 AM PDT

KTET Result 2020: Dear Candidates !!! Have you written the Kerala Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test and waiting for the results? If Yes, then you can check your Kerala TET Result 2020 on this webpage. The Officials of the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan has conducted the Kerala Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test on 15th, 16th February 2020 successfully. Most of the candidates have appeared for the Kerala TET Examination and are waiting to know their result status. Now, the higher authority of Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan is planning to declare the KTET Result in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively). Go through the entire article to know the complete details about the Kerala Kerala Teachers Eligibility Test Result 2020.

KTET Result 2020 | Check Kerala TET Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 @ ktet.kerala.gov.in

KTET Result 2020 @ ktet.kerala.gov.in

A huge number of candidates had applied and participated in the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test which held on 15th, 16th February 2020. Candidates can check the KTET Result 2020 Status from the below given direct link without any delay. All the candidates can check the Kerala TET Result 2020 from the official site. Also, we have also given the direct link to download the KTET Result 2020. Additionally, we had furnished the details of Kerala TET Cut Off Marks 2020 and Merit List 2020 in this article. Check all the information given in this article to know the complete details of KTET Result 2020. Candidates can go through the entire article to know the downloading process to download the Kerala TET Result 2020.

Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test Result 2020 – Overview



Organization Name Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan
Exam Name Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test
Total Vacancies Various
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 15th, 16th February 2020
Result Release Date April 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Examination
Job Location Kerala
Official Website ktet.kerala.gov.in

All the candidates who have written the examination for the Teacher post on 15th, 16th February 2020 can check the Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test Result from here. We had provided you the quick link to download Kerala TET Result 2020 at the end of this page. By entering the registration number, password, and date of birth, you can check the KTET Result 2020 on this page. While checking the Result candidates must have login details like roll number and password along with them. All the candidates can get the Kerala TET Result 2020 by just clicking the direct link given at the bottom of this page.

Kerala TET Cut Off Marks 2020

Cut Off Marks plays a prominent role in the admission process. Kerala Cut Off Marks help you to proceed further to take part. KTET Cut Off Marks 2020 helps you to know all the information about the qualifying marks. The Cut Off Marks are the minimum marks that the candidate has to score in the Written Examination. Also, the cut Off Marks will be different for various categories. By knowing Kerala TET Cut Off Marks 2020, candidates will get a clear overview. However, the KTET Cut Off Marks 2020 will be announced by the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan after the Kerala TET Examination.

Kerala TET Merit List 2020

In this section, we have mentioned the complete details about the KTET Merit List 2020. The KTET Merit List 2020 contains the names and register number of the candidates who score top marks in the exam. All the candidates must check the merit list to know whether they have got selected in the exam or not. Applicants whose names are placed in the merit list, they have a chance to go for the next level selection process. All the exam participates can check the KTET Merit List 2020 on the official website @ ktet.kerala.gov.in. Also, we have provided the direct link below to download the KTET Merit List 2020.

Kerala TET Final Selection List 2020

The Higher Authority of the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan will declare the KTET Final selection List 2020 on its official website. So all the exam participants can check their Kerala TET Result 2020 on this webpage. The Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test Selection List 2020 contains the Names and Roll Numbers of the Kerala TET qualified competitors. The aspirants whose names are in the Kerala TET Final List 2020 those candidates definitely go for the further selection process.

How to Download Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test Result 2020?

  • Move to the official website of the Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan @ ktet.kerala.gov.in.
  • Kerala Pareeksha Bhavan’s home page appears on the screen.
  • On the home page, click on the Result section.
  • Now, the Result page will open, in that search for the KTET Result 2020.
  • After that, click on the link.
  • Enter your details like Roll Number/Hall ticket Number and Date Of Birth/Password to log in.
  • Then, the results appear on the computer screen.
  • Finally, download and take a print out of the KTET Result 2020.

Direct Links to Download Kerala TET Result 2020

KTET Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

CISF Head Constable Result 2020 | Check CISF Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 @ cisf.gov.in

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:11 AM PDT

CISF Head Constable Result 2020 @ www.cisf.gov.in | Get Direct Link for CISF Head Constable 429 Post Result, Cut Off Marks 2020 Here: The Higher Authority of Central Industrial Security Force will soon announce the CISF Head Constable Result 2020 in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively). So the candidates who have participated in the CISF Head Constable Exam 2019 can check and download your CISF Head Constable Result 2020 from this page. To help the candidates, we will be updating the latest result link, and it will activate at the time of the result announcement.

CISF Head Constable Result 2020 | Check CISF Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 @ cisf.gov.in

CISF Head Constable Result 2020 @ cisf.gov.in

The Central Industrial Security Force officials have conducted the CISF Head Constable Exam to fill up 429 Head Constable Posts. So for this CISF Head Constable Recruitment, a huge number of applicants have been applied and successfully completed their written Examination. All those candidates now waiting to know their CISF Head Constable Exam Result 2020. Here we will help you out with the Exam Result. Along with the Results we have provided some easy steps to download CISF Head Constable Result 2020. After the Result declaration, all the candidates must check with the Cut off Marks. So we have provided a direct link to check your CISF Head Constable Cut Off Marks 2020 from the below sections.

CISF Head Constable Exam Result 2020 – Overview



Organization Name Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
Post Name Head Constable
Exam Name 429
Category Sarkari Result
Result Release Date April 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Examination, PET, Medical Exam
Official Website www.cisf.gov.in

Candidates who are waiting for the Head Constable Examination Results can get a direct link from the below table. Also, the applicants should clear the Written examination to attend the next two rounds of the Selection process. After the results, the CISF officials will announce the PET and Medical Exam Schedule on the official website. Along with the results, applicants can get the PET, Medical Exam Dates also from this page. So we advise the applicants to keep track of this page to get your required information. To know more details about the CISF Result 2020, participants must visit the official website.

CISF Head Constable Cut Off Marks 2020

The CISF Head Constable Cut Off Marks 2020 will be decided by the officials of the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). The CISF Head Constable Cut Off Marks 2020 means the aspirants should score the minimum cut off marks to get qualified in the CISF Head Constable Exam 2019. Candidates who clear the cut off marks specified by the officials can move to the next level selection procedure. The CISF Head Constable Merit List 2020 contains the names and register number of the aspirants who scored highest marks in the exam. The officials will release the CISF Head Constable Merit List 2020 in pdf format on the official website. So, applicants can check the official website @ www.cisf.gov.in.

How to Download CISF Head Constable Result 2020?

  1. Visit the official website of the Central Industrial Security Force @ www.cisf.gov.in.
  2. On the home page, the CISF News section available.
  3. Find the CISF Head Constable Result 2020 link.
  4. A new page will open, there fill application number and date of birth details.
  5. The CISF Head Constable Result 2020 appears on the screen.
  6. Check the score obtained and download the result.

Direct Links to Download CISF Head Constable Result 2020

CISF Head Constable Result 2020 | Check CISF Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 @ cisf.gov.inCISF Head Constable Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

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AP Grama Sachivalayam Result 2020 – Click Here

AFCAT Result 2020 – Click Here

APSPDCL Results 2020 – Click Here

MPSC SSE Result 2020 – Click Here

MAHA TET Result 2020 | Check Maharastra TET Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 @ mahatet.in

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:09 AM PDT

MAHA TET Result 2020 @ mahatet.in: Dear Aspirants !!! Are you searching for MAHA TET Result 2020? If yes, it is the right destination to check your Maharastra TET Result 2020. Most of the candidates have appeared for the Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test conducted by the Maharashtra State Council of Examination on 19th January 2020. Maharashtra State Council of Examination is planning to announce the MAHA TET Result in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively). For the sake of candidates, we have provided a quick link to download the Maharastra TET Result 2020 on this page.

MAHA TET Result 2020 | Check Maharastra TET Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 @ mahatet.in

MAHA TET Result 2020 @ mahatet.in

Candidates who are waiting for the Maharastra TET Result 2020 can get their results from this page. Many candidates have attended the Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test 2019 on 19th January 2020. For those candidates, we have provided the direct link to check their MAHA TET Result 2020. The link will be activated when the result is announced officially. Candidates can also get the Maharastra TET Result 2020, Cut Off Marks and Merit List on this page. So, all the candidates can keep in touch with our recruitment.guru page to know more details about the Maharastra Teacher Eligibility Test Result 2020.

Maharastra TET Result 2020 – Overview



Organization Name Maharashtra State Council of Examination, Pune
Exam Name Maharashtra Teacher Eligibility Test 2019 (MAHA TET)
Category Name Sarkari Results
Exam Date 19th January 2020
Result Release Date April 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Procedures For the selection of teachers for Class I-V and VI-VIII as per the regulation of NCTE
Mode of Examination Offline Mode (Paper I, II (MCQ)
Job Location Maharashtra
Official Website mahatet.in

The above-given table prescribes the complete details about the Maharastra TET Result 2020. Above all the details in the table will provide information such as the Organization name, Exam name, category, Exam date, Result date, selection process, the job location and official site to get the results. Go through the entire article to know about the Maharastra TET Result 2020, Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020.

Maharashtra TET Cut Off Marks 2020

Aspirants who want to know the Cut Off Marks can check the official site @ mahatet.in. The Board of Maharashtra State Council of Examination will release the Maharastra TET Cut Off Marks. MAHA TET Cut Off Marks 2020 will be calculated through the candidate's category, the toughness of the question paper ans also the previous year cut off marks. All the exam participants need to secure minimum cut off marks are equal to the cut-off marks to qualify in the written examination.

MAHA Teacher Eligibility Test Merit List 2020

MAHA TET Merit List 2020 will provide the complete details about the candidate's names and hall ticket numbers. Merit List will be prepares based on the marks of the individuals. If anyone of the candidate's names appears on the Merit List, they can participate in the further selection rounds. All the aspirants can check the MAHA TET Merit List 2020 on the official website @ mahatet.in.

How to Download Maharashtra TET Result 2020?

  • Move to the official website Maharashtra State Council of Examination @ mahatet.in.
  • The home page is displayed on the screen.
  • Then, search for the MAHA TET Result 2020 download link.
  • Click on the Maharashtra TET Result 2020 link.
  • After that, fill the required details like registration number, date of birth, etc.
  • And then enter the submit button.
  • Now, the Result appears on your screen.
  • Check your MAHA TET Result 2020.
  • Download it and take a print out for further use.

Direct Links to Download MAHA TET Result 2020

Maharashtra TET Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

KPSC Tracer Result 2020 | Check Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Cut Off Marks, Merit List

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:08 AM PDT

Kerala PSC Result 2020 @ keralapsc.gov.in: Kerala Public Service Commission has announced the Results for Various Posts. The Kerala Public Service Commission has conducted an Examination to recruit the right candidates. A huge number of Applicants have completed the Kerala PSC Exam for various Posts. Here on this page, we have provided complete information about the Kerala PSC Result 2020. As we know, everyone is waiting for the Kerala PSC Results and anyone can check your results from this page. As well as candidates can also check the results from the official website @ keralapsc.gov.in.

KPSC Tracer Result 2020 | Check Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Cut Off Marks, Merit List

Post Name

Result Release Date

Kerala PSC Result Links

KPSC Tracer Result 2020 | Check Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Cut Off Marks, Merit List ICDS Supervisor, Assistant Editor, Computer Assistant Grade-II April 2020 Tentatively Kerala PSC ICDS Supervisor Result
 Tracer – Soil Survey & Soil Conservation April 2020 (Expected) Kerala PSC Tracer Result
 Village Extension Officer Gr-II (VEO) April 2020 (Expected) Kerala PSC VEO Result
Police Constable Driver April 2020 (Tentatively) Kerala PSC Police Constable Result
KPSC Tracer Result 2020 | Check Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Cut Off Marks, Merit ListKerala Administrative Service April 2020 Tentatively KPSC Administrative Service Result
Guard, APO Released Kerala PSC Guard Result

Kerala PSC ICDS Supervisor Result 2020: Kerala Public Service Commission has conducted the Examination for various posts such as the ICDS Supervisor, Assistant Editor, Computer Assistant Grade-II on the scheduled dates. Kerala Public Service Commission has conducted Assistant Editor Exam on 3rd January 2020, ICDS Supervisor on 4th January 2020 and Computer Assistant Grade-II on 11th January 2020. Therefore, a huge number of aspirants appeared for the Examination and waiting for the Kerala PSC ICDS Supervisor, Assistant Editor, Computer Asst Grade-II Result 2020. On this page, we have given a direct link to download the Kerala PSC Exam Result 2020. And the link will activate at the time of the official announcement. Moreover, the Kerala PSC department is planning to declare the Kerala PSC ICDS Supervisor, Asst Editor, & other Result 2020 tentatively in the month of April 2020.

Kerala PSC ICDS Supervisor, Asst Editor, & other Result 2020



Organization Name Kerala Public Service Commission
Post Name ICDS Supervisor, Assistant Editor, Computer Assistant Grade-II
NO.of Vacancies  Various
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date Assistant Editor: 3rd January 2020
ICDS Supervisor:4th January 2020
Computer Assistant Grade-II: 11th January 2020
Result Release Date April 2020 Tentatively
Location Kerala
Official Website keralapsc.gov.in
Kerala PSC ICDS Supervisor, Assistant Editor, Computer Asst Grade-II Result 2020 – Click Here

KPSC Tracer – Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Result 2020: Many aspirants are looking for the Kerala PSC Tracer Result 2020. This is the right place to get your Results. Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has conducted the KPSC Tracer – Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Examination on 21st June 2019. The Department of KPSC has announced this recruitment to fill Kerala PSC Tracer posts in Across India. The Kerala Public Service Commission contains two levels of Selection process such as Written Test and Interview. Moreover, the Kerala PSC Board is planning to declare the KPSC Exam Result 2020 tentatively in the month of April 2020Here, we will give a direct link to get the KPSC Tracer Exam Result 2020. And the link will be activated at the time of the official announcement. And also check and download the KPSC Tracer Cut Off Marks 2020 and Kerala PSC Tracer Merit List 2020 @ keralapsc.gov.in

Kerala PSC Tracer Result 2020



Organization Name Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC)
Post Name Tracer – Soil Survey & Soil Conservation
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 21st June 2019
Result Release Date April 2020 (Expected)
Selection Process Written Test, Interview
Location Across India
Official Website www.keralapsc.gov.in
KPSC Tracer Result 2020: Click Here

Kerala PSC Village Extension Officer Result 2020 @ keralapsc.gov.in: Kerala Public Service Commission has commenced the Village Extension Officer Gr-II (VEO) Examination on 14th December 2019. Kerala Public Service Commission has announced this recruitment to fill various vacancies of VEO Gr-II posts. Here, we are providing a direct link to get the KPSC Exam Result 2020. And the link will be activated at the time of the official announcement. And also check and download the Kerala PSC VEO Grade 2 Cut off Marks 2020 and Kerala PSC VEO Merit List 2020 from this page. Moreover, the Kerala Public Service Commission Department is planning to release the KPSC VEO Exam Result 2020 in the month of April 2020.

KPSC Village Extension Officer Result 2020



Organization Name Kerala Public Service Commission
Post Name Village Extension Officer Gr-II (VEO)
Number Of Vacancies Various Vacancies
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 14th December 2019
Result Release Date April 2020 (Expected)
Location Kerala
Official Website www.keralapsc.gov.in
Kerala PSC VEO Result 2020: Click Here

Kerala PSC KAS Result 2020 @ keralapsc.gov.in: Dear Aspirants !!! Most of the candidates are waiting for the Kerala PSC Administrative Service Result 2020. The Kerala Public Service Commission has conducted the Kerala Administrative Service Examination on 22nd February 2020 successfully. Many applicants have appeared for this examination and waiting to know their Kerala PSC KAS Result 2020. The Higher Authority of the Kerala Public Service Commission is planning to release the Kerala PSC KAS Result in the month of April 2020 Tentatively. Here, we have given a direct link to download the Kerala PSC Administrative Service Result 2020 and it will be activated after the official announcement. Also, know the KPSC Administrative Service Result 2020, Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this page.

Kerala PSC Administrative Service Result 2020



Organization Name Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC)
Post Name KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee Stream-1, Stream-2, Stream-3
Exam Name Kerala Administrative Service
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 22nd February 2020
Result Release Date April 2020 Tentatively
Selection Process Written Examination
Location Kerala
Official Website keralapsc.gov.in
Kerala PSC Administrative Service Result 2020: Click Here

Kerala PSC Guard Result 2020 Released: Dear Aspirants !!! Are you looking for Kerala PSC Guard, Assistant Pharmacognosy Officer Result 2020? It is the perfect destination to check your exam results. The officials of the Kerala Public Service Commission have conducted the written examination for recruiting various Guard, Assistant Pharmacognosy Officer posts successfully. Many candidates have appeared for this examination and eagerly waiting for the results. Kerala Public Service Commission has released the Kerala PSC Guard, Assistant Pharmacognosy Officer Result 2020. To help them, we have given a quick link to download the Kerala PSC Guard, Assistant Pharmacognosy Officer Result 2020 on this page. Candidates can also check the Kerala PSC Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020 at the end of this page.

Kerala PSC Guard, Assistant Pharmacognosy Officer Result 2020



Organization Name Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC)
Post Name Guard & Assistant to the Pharmacognosy Officer
Number of Posts Multiple
Category Sarkari Result
Result Release Date Released
Location Kerala
Official Website keralapsc.gov.in
Kerala PSC Guard Result 2020: Click HereKPSC Tracer Result 2020 | Check Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Cut Off Marks, Merit List
Kerala PSC Assistant Pharmacognosy Officer Result 2020: Click HereKPSC Tracer Result 2020 | Check Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Cut Off Marks, Merit List

Kerala PSC Police Constable Result 2020: Candidates who are eagerly searching for the Kerala PSC Police Constable Driver Result 2020 can check the results on this page. The Kerala Public Service Commission has commenced the examination on 02nd August 2019 for Police Constable Driver and Driver Cum Office Attendant posts. A vast number of aspirants appeared for the Examination and waiting for the Kerala PSC Police Constable Driver Result 2020. Moreover, higher officials will announce the Kerala PSC Police constable Result in the month of April 2020 (Tentatively). Get the KPSC Police Constable Result 2020, Cut Off Marks and also Merit List 2020 using the below link.

Kerala PSC Police Constable Result 2020



Organization Name Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC)
Post Name Police Constable Driver and Driver Cum Office Attendant
Number of Posts 67
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 02nd August 2019
Result Release Date April 2020 (Tentatively)
Location Kerala
Official Website keralapsc.gov.in
Kerala PSC Police Constable Driver Result 2020: Click HereKPSC Tracer Result 2020 | Check Soil Survey & Soil Conservation Cut Off Marks, Merit List

Kerala PSC Cut Off Marks 2020

The Kerala Public Service Commission authority will announce the Kerala PSC Cut Off Marks 2020. The KPSC Officials will decide the minimum marks that need to be scored by the candidates to get qualified in the exam. Those candidates who are qualified in the examination can move to the next level rounds. These are some essential factors to calculate the Cut off marks.

  • Number of seats available
  • Previous Year Cut Off Marks
  • Category of the candidates
  • Number of Candidates appeared for the test

Kerala PSC Merit List 2020

All the applicants who have secured the highest marks in the examination will be placed in the Kerala PSC ShortList 2020. The merit list will decide whether the aspirant has qualified in the examination or not. All the aspirants can download the Kerala PSC Merit List 2020 @ keralapsc.gov.in. Along with the Results, candidates can know some steps to download your result from the official website.

How to Download the Kerala PSC Result 2020?

  1. Move to the official website of Kerala Public Service Commission @ keralapsc.gov.in.
  2. Now, the home page of Kerla PSC appears with various sections that will be updated.
  3. Scroll down the page and then click on the Latest Updates section.
  4. A new page with new announcements will be available.
  5. Search for the KPSC Guard, Assistant Pharmacognosy Officer Result 2020.
  6. After that, click on the Result link.
  7. Finally, download it and take a soft copy for future use.

Important Links Related to Kerala PSC

Kerala Postal Circle Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

HSSC Question Paper – Haryana SSC TGT, Supervisor, SI Previous Year Papers Pdf

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:06 AM PDT

HSSC Previous Year Question Papers Pdf for Gram Sachiv, Various Instructor, Patwari, Canal Patwari, Clerk, Group 4, Constable, SI & Other Exams are available on our page. Applicants of Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) applying for various posts might be searching for previous year exam papers. Hence, go through the entire article and also find free download links of model papers along with exam pattern, exam date details.

HSSC Question Papers Pdf

Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC) organizes recruitment for various posts every year. Haryana SSC previous exam papers uploaded here on this page. It helps the applicants in the preparation for the exam. Applicants who have applied for any post under HSSC can find the study material in this article. The direct link to download the sample papers pdf is given in the table below.

In this article, to help the applicants of Haryana Govt Jobs in their preparation we provide the direct links for the HSSC Model Test Papers in this page. Hence, find the respective links for HSSC Exam Papers in the section below and start your preparation. Also, interested applicants can visit the official website of Haryana Public Service Commission @ www.hssc.gov.in for more Exam Previous Question Paper details.

HSSC Question Paper – Exam Model Papers Pdf

Post Name Previous Papers Link
TGT & Others HSSC TGT Model Papers
Supervisor HSSC Supervisor Exam Paper
Constable & Sub Inspector HSSC SI, Constable Question Paper
Gram Sachiv Haryana SSC Gram Sachiv Previous Papers
Various Instructor HSSC Instructor Previous Paper
Canal Patwari & Patwari HSSC Patwari Question Paper
Clerk HSSC Clerk Previous Papers
Instructor, Workshop, Store Keeper & Other HSSC Welder, Instructor Exam Papers
Group 4 HSSC Group 4 Previous Papers
Fire Operator cum Driver Fire Operator Cum Driver HSSC Model Papers
Excise & Taxation Inspector HSSC Inspector Question Papers Pdf
Computer Instructor, Computer Operator & Other HSSC Computer Operator Exam Paper
Jr Engineer, Surveyor & Other HSSC JE Question Papers

HSSC Previous Papers Pdf is available for free download. Aspirants may check HSSC Solved Papers. Download HSSC Model Papers along with Answers. Also, get Study Material, Preparation tips in addition to HSSC Old Question Papers. Here you will get the complete information of the Haryana Staff Selection Commission Previous Papers. Solving previous papers can help you to prepare well for the exams.

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Previous Papers with Answers

Download the HSSC Old Question papers pdf from our site. We have provided the HSSC Previous Papers in the Pdf format. Therefore, the applicants can download the HSSC Exam Solved papers easily and quickly. Just click on the below links, to get the HSSC Previous Papers PDF. Applicants can also check the HSSC Exam Syllabus and Exam Pattern provided below. Therefore Applicants can refer to subject wise Solved Papers which are helpful to get your dream job.

HSSC Previous Year Model Exam Papers Pdf

Interested candidates who have applied for HSSC Recruitment can find all the model question papers here. The notification for this TGT, Work Supervisor, Electrician, and Other Posts vacancy was released. Check out all the model papers and download them for free for HSSC exam 2020. This will help you prepare well and score good marks in your exams. We have provided a list of previous year question papers for you to practice, as the more you practice the more you can prepare. It will also help you to understand the structure of the exam, important topics, types of questions asked and other details that are important from exam point of view. For more details, read the sections in this article. You can also visit the official portal of HSSC.

HSSC Exam Practice Papers – Details

Description Details
Organization Name Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Posts Name TGT, Work Supervisor, Electrician, and Other Posts
Category Previous Papers
HSSC Exam Date 2020 May 2020
Job Location Haryana
Official website www.hssc.gov.in

Selection Process:

  • Written Exam

HSSC (HSSC) TGT, Work Supervisor, Electrician, and Other Posts Exam Pattern 2020

The entire details of the HSSC exam 2020 is given under this topic. It includes details like Subject name, Number of Questions, Marks allotted etc.

HSSC Exam Pattern

The HSSC exam pattern is given in detail below. There will be a written test conducted. The written test will be conducted for 100 marks; Candidates who have applied for HSSC TGT exam check the details below for more information. The direct links for HSSC sample papers are given below for you to download for free and prepare well.

HSSC Syllabus for Written Test

Name of the Subject Total Marks Number of Questions
General Awareness
Current Affairs
90 Marks 90 Questions
Socio-Economic Criteria and Experience 10 Marks
Total 100 Marks

Download HSSC Assistant Previous Year Question Papers Pdf

Here we have provided previous papers for candidates who want to prepare for HSSC exam. By preparing well you can secure very good marks in the exam. You can find the direct link here to download the HSSC TGT, Work Supervisor, Electrician, and Other Posts model papers. These papers are as per the exam pattern making it easier for candidates to prepare. Download the subject wise old question papers of HSSC exam below.

Subject Previous Paper
English HSSC Solved Papers Get Here
Hindi HSSC Model Papers Get Here
Current Affairs HSSC Question Papers Get Here
General Science HSSC Previous Papers Get Here
Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning HSSC Exam Papers Get Here

Candidates, please remember that the papers that are given above for HSSC TGT, Work Supervisor, Electrician, and Other Posts are previous papers/ sample papers only. They are only for reference use.

HSSC Instructor Previous Year Paper

HSSC Instructor previous year question papers are available here for various posts like Maintenance Instructor, Craft Instructor, Food Production Instructor & Other. The examination will be held online so candidates who are applying for the given posts can get here the detailed HSSC Instructor model question paper.

Under HSSC various vacancies are released for the Instructor posts. Candidates need to appear for the written exam from 1st to 22nd December 2019. So, here we have updated the exam pattern to get an overview of the examination. Go through the below sections and download the HSSC Instructor question paper pdf here.

Haryana SSC Instructor Question Papers – Details

Description Details
Board Name Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Post Name Various Instructor Posts
Vacancies Various
Category Previous Papers
HSSC Various Posts Exam Date 2019 1st to 22nd December 2019
Official Website www.hssc.gov.in

HSSC Instructor Exam Pattern Pdf

Sections Topics Marks
I Maths, General Awareness, Science, Reasoning, English & Hindi 75%
II Literature, History, Current Affairs, Civics, Geography, Culture, Economics, etc of Haryana 25%
Total 90 Marks

Download Haryana HSSC Instructor Exam Papers

 HSSC Instructor Question Paper  Maths
 Haryana SSC Instructor Previous Year Paper General Awareness 
Download HSSC Exam Papers for Instructor Science
 HSSC Previous Question Papers  Reasoning 
Haryana SSC Instructor Model Papers Hindi 

HSSC Gram Sachiv Previous Papers

HSSC Question paper is available here to download for the post of Gram Sachiv. Candidates who are applying for the HSSC Jobs 2020 can get here the HSSC Gram Sachiv question paper. Apart from the previous papers, pdf aspirants can also get an overview of the exam pattern in the below sections.

HSSC has released a total of various vacancies for the post of Gram Sachiv. The written examination is expected to be conducted on 12th Jan 2020. For further details go through the HSSC Recruitment 2020 Notification. Aspirants can go get the HSSC Gram Sachiv previous year question paper pdf here.

Haryana SSC Gram Sachiv Previous Year Question Paper – Details

Name of the Board Haryana Staff Selection Commission (HSSC)
Name of the Posts Gram Sachiv
No. of Vacancies Various
Category Previous Papers
HSSC Gram Sachiv Exam Date 2020 12th January 2020
Official Website www.hssc.gov.in

HSSC Exam Pattern for Gram Sachiv

Name of the Subjects Weightage Total Marks
General Awareness, Reasoning, Maths, Science, Computer, English, Hindi & Relevant Subject 75% 90
History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Environment, Culture, etc. 25%
  • It will consist of Multiple Choice objective type questions
  • The total marks for the examination are 90 Marks

Download Haryana Gram Sachiv Exam Question Paper Pdf

General English Click Here
Analytical Reasoning Click Here
Quantitative Aptitude  Click Here
General Knowledge Click Here

HSSC Welder, Instructor Model Exam Papers Pdf

Haryana Staff Selection Commission is conducting a written test for the selection of various Welder, Instructor, Computer Operator, Welder & other Posts. There will be a huge competition for competitors this year. Therefore, candidates are suggested to start their preparation and do well in the examination.

HSSC Question Paper for Instructor, Welder & other vacancies is available here. Hence, candidates looking for the Haryana SSC Previous Year Papers can download from the given links. Moreover, interested aspirants can also visit the official website of the HSSC @hssc.gov.in for more Papers.

Description Details
Name of the Posts Welder, Instructor & other Posts
No of Vacancies 2641
Job Category Previous Papers

 Haryana SSC Workshop, Instructor Exam Pattern 2020

Exam Type Name of the Subject
Objective Type General Awareness
General English
General Knowledge

Direct Links to the Haryana SSC Model Question Papers Pdf

 Check HSSC Welder Exam Papers Pdf Download
 HSSC Instructor Solved Sample Papers Download
Download the Previous Papers for HSSC Download
Get HSSC Question Paper Pdf Download

HSSC Group 4 Question Papers

Looking for HSSC Question papers for Group 4 Examination 2020!!. Then welcome to our HSSC Previous Solved Papers page. Here we update all HSSC Vacancies Previous Year Question papers with Solutions Pdf. Also, download the free HSSC Model papers and Study Material Pdf from the direct links below. Later, don’t miss out to check the all-new updated HSSC Group 4 Exam Syllabus and Section wise Marks details from the link at end of the article. For more details check the Official HSSC Group D Recruitment details.

Description Details
Post Name Group 4
No of Vacancies 18,218
Category Previous Papers

HSSC Exam Pattern – Group 4 Exam 2020 Pdf

Sections Subjects Marks %
I General Awareness 75 %
English & Hindi
II History, Current Affairs, Literature, Geography, Civics, Economics, Culture Etc of Haryana 25%
 Total  90 Marks
  1. Questions Type – Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions.
  2. 10 Marks for Socio-Economical & Experience.

Direct Download links to HSSC Previous Papers Pdf for Group 4

HSSC Group 4 Study Material Download
Check HSSC Sample Paper Pdf Download
Get HSSC Previous Papers Pdf Download
HSSC Previous Solved Papers Download
HSSC Previous Papers Book/Material Pdf Download
Free HSSC Previous Papers 2017 Pdf Download

Haryana SI, Constable Previous Year Paper Pdf

Haryana Staff Selection Commission wants to conduct an exam for Constable and Sub Inspector posts. If you one among the contender of HSSC SI & Constable exam 2020, then you have landed the perfect site. Candidates who are still searching for Haryana Police SI, Constable previous year question paper can get here.

Also, get HSSC Constable and SI Exam Pattern at free of cost. Everyone will write the exam but only those will select who have done a lot of hard work. So, Candidate is advised to prepare well for this examination. Hence, We have updated all the previous HSSC Constable model papers here. candidates can download it for free.

Description Details
Name of the Organization Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Total Vacancies Various
Name of the Posts Constable & Sub Inspector
Category Previous Papers
HSSC SI Exam Date 2020 16th February 2020

HSSC Constable Exam Pattern 2020 Pdf

Name of the Subject No of Questions Marks
General Studies 100 80 Marks
General Science
Current Affairs
Numeric Ability
Concerned Subjects
  • The HSSC exam will be in Objective type.
  • The duration of the exam is 90 Minutes
  • The language of this question paper in English and Hindi respectively.

Direct DOWNLOAD links to HSSC Constable Question Paper

Download Haryana SSC Question Papers Download
HSSC Constable and Sub Inspector Old Papers Download
HSSC SI Previous Year Paper Download
Get HSSC Last Year Model Papers Pdf Download
Haryana SSC Sub Inspector Sample Papers Download

HSSC Fire Operator cum Driver Exam Paper

HSSC Fire Operator Previous Papers in the Pdf format is updated here. Applicants applied for the Haryana PSC Fire Operator Jobs can download the exam papers from the links given. The HSSC Previous Year Question Papers with Solutions is updated here for free. Hence, download them and save it for future purpose. If aspirants want to crack the HSSC Exam 2020, they have to practice with the help of the Last 5 Years Haryana Staff Selection Commission Exam Previous Question Papers.

Description Details
Total Vacancies Various
Name of the Posts Fire operator cum driver
Category Previous Papers

HSSC Fire Operator Exam Pattern 2020

Subject Names Total Marks
General Knowledge 90
Socio-Economic Criteria & Experience 10
Total 100

Direct DOWNLOAD links to HSSC Previous Year Papers

Download HSSC Question Paper Download
Download Haryana SSC Old Papers Download
Get HSSC Fire Operator Model Papers Download
Haryana SSC Previous Year Papers Download

Haryana Excise Inspector Previous Paper

Haryana excise Inspector &  previous year paper and Haryana SSC Tax Inspector Old Question Papers available for free download. Get HSSC Question Paper along with Answers so that it will be easy for your preparation. Download the Last 5 Years HSSC Question Papers of Excise Inspector and Taxation Inspector here. Begin your preparation for the HSSC Exam 2020 after checking Inspector Syllabus and Exam Pattern. You can also search for the Haryana Police previous paper on the official website www.hssc.gov.in.

Description Details
Total Vacancies Various
Name of the Posts Excise & Taxation Inspector
Category Previous Papers

Haryana SI  Previous Year Paper 2020

Type Subjects
Objective Type General Knowledge (Haryana & India)
General Science
General English
Tax for Taxation Inspector

Direct DOWNLOAD links to Haryana SSC Exam Question Papers

Download HSSC Question Paper Download
Download Haryana SSC Old Papers Download
HSSC Taxation Inspector Model Papers Download
HSSC Excise Inspector Previous Year Paper Download

Haryana SSC Previous Papers Pdf

The Haryana SSC Previous Papers are available here to download. Applicants applied for the HSSC Recruitment 2020 can download the HSSC Model Papers Pdf for free. Candidates who are willing to join the Haryana Staff Selection Commission can start preparation for better results. Refer the updated HSSC Supervisor Previous Papers and score well. We have uploaded the HSSC Sample Papers with Solution for Supervisor posts. Interested individuals can also refer to the official website @www.hssc.gov.in for latest HSSC Question Paper.

Description Details
Total Vacancies Various
Name of the Posts Supervisor
Category Previous Papers
HSSC Supervisor Exam Date 2020 9th February 2020

Haryana SSC Exam Pattern 2020 Pdf – Supervisor

Exam Type Name of the Subject
Objective Type General Hindi
General English
General Science
General Awareness

Direct DOWNLOAD links to Haryana Supervisor Previous Paper

Download HSSC Question Papers Download
Download Haryana SSC Previous Papers Download
Get Haryana SSC Model Papers Download
Download HSSC Exam Old papers Download
Haryana SSC Previous Year Papers Pdf Download
HSSC Supervisor Question Papers Download
HSSC Solved Sample Papers Pdf Download
Haryana Staff Selection Commission Model Papers Download

Download Haryana SSC Question Papers Pdf

HSSC Question Paper for Computer Instructor, Computer Operator & Other posts is updated here. The Haryana Staff Selection Commission has released a notification for Computer Instructor, Computer Operator & other Posts. Hence, candidates are looking for the HSSC Previous Year Papers. The previous papers are very important for the applicants looking for Haryana SSC Jobs. Therefore, aspirants can check the Haryana SSC Model Question Papers Pdf in the following section.

Name of the post Computer Instructor, Computer Operator & other Posts
No of Vacancies Various
Category Previous Papers

Haryana SSC Computer Instructor Exam Pattern 2020

Exam Type Name of the Subject
Objective Type General Knowledge
General English/Hindi

Direct Links to Download the Haryana SSC Sample Papers Pdf

Haryana SSC Question Paper Pdf Download
Get HSSC Previous Year Question Paper Download
HSSC Computer Instructor Exam Paper Download
Haryana SSC Previous Papers with Solution Download
Haryana SSC Computer Operator Question Papers Download

Haryana SSC Previous Year Papers

Applicants searching for the HSSC Question Paper Pdf can download the papers from here. We have updated the Haryana Staff Selection Commission Exam Papers with Solutions. To clear the written examination of HSSC, the previous year papers are very important. Moreover, by referring to the HSSC Junior Engineer Question Papers, one can easily understand the important topics for the examination. Hence, refer to the article and download the Haryana SSC Sample Papers Pdf.

Description Details
Name of the Post Jr Engineer, Surveyor & other Jobs
Total Vacancies Various
Job Category  Previous Papers

 Haryana SSC Jr Engineer Exam Pattern 2020

Exam Type Name of the Subject
Objective Type General Studies / Abilities
General Abilities
General English
Relevant Subject

Direct Links to Download the HSSC Sample Papers Pdf

Haryana SSC Jr Engineer Exam Paper Download
Check HSSC Surveyor Previous Paper Download
Get Haryana SSC Model Question Paper Download

JK Police Constable Result 2020 | Check JK Police Cut Off Marks, Merit list 2020 @ jkpolice.gov.in

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:58 AM PDT

JK Police Constable Result 2020 @ jkpolice.gov.in: Dear Aspirants !!! Candidates who are searching for the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Result can get their results here. Therefore, the Board of Jammu and Kashmir Police Board has conducted the written examination for 1350 Constable posts. A huge number of aspirants have appeared and are searching for the JK Police Constable Result 2020. Moreover, the Jammu and Kashmir Police Board Officials are planning to release the JK Police Constable Result in the month of May 2020 (Tentatively). So, candidates can go through the entire article to know more information about the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Result 2020.

JK Police Constable Result 2020 | Check JK Police Cut Off Marks, Merit list 2020 @ jkpolice.gov.in

JK Police Constable Result 2020 @ jkpolice.gov.in

Aspirants who are eagerly waiting to know the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Result 2020 can access their results on this page. The Higher Authority of Jammu and Kashmir Police Board will be declared the JK Police Constable Result in May 2020 (Tentatively). Based on the result, candidates are qualified for the next levels of the selection process. So all the exam participants can keep in touch with our recruitment.guru page to get the day to day updates about the JK Police Constable Result 2020. Here on this page, we have given the direct link to download the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Result 2020. Also, know the JK Police Constable Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this page.

Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Result 2020 – Overview



Organization Name Jammu and Kashmir Police Board
Post Name Constable
No Of Vacancies 1350
Category Sarkari Results
PET/PST Date 4th February to 11th March 2020
Result Release Date May 2020 (Tentatively)
Selection Process Written Test, Physical Tests, and Personal Interview
Job Location Jammu and Kashmir
Official Website jkpolice.gov.in

For checking the JK Police Constable Result 2020, all the aspirants should have their registration number and password prescribed in the JK Police Constable Admit Card 2020. However, the officials of Jammu and Kashmir Police Board will be declared the JK Police Constable Result 2020 based on the applicants’ performance in the Examination. There are three rounds of the selection process like the Written Test, Physical Tests, and Personal Interview. Here, we have also given more information about the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this webpage.

JK Police Constable Cut Off Marks 2020

In this section, aspirants can know the complete details of JK Police Constable Cut Off Marks 2020. Candidates can check the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Cut Off Marks 2020 on the official website. The Cut Off Marks is the minimum marks to qualify for the examinations. The JK Police Constable Cut Off Marks 2020 varies to every candidate. The JK Police Constable Cut Off Marks 2020 depends on some factors. By considering all those factors the Officials will declare the Results. All the aspirants can check the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Cut Off Marks 2020 on this page.

  • Candidate's Category.
  • No of Vacancies Available.
  • The total number of aspirants appeared for the examination.
  • The toughness of the question paper.
  • Based on the Previous years’ Cut Off Marks.

JK Police Constable Merit List 2020

All the aspirants who have secured the highest marks will be placed in the JK Police Constable Merit List 2020. All the exam participants can check the Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Merit List 2020 on the official web portal. The officials of the Jammu and Kashmir Police Board will declare the JK Police Constable Merit List 2020 after the announcement of the results. Aspirants who have got placed in the JK Police Constable Merit List 2020 have some priority during the next selection process. Furthermore, candidates can also know the downloading process of the result in the below section.

How to Download Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Result 2020?

  • Visit the official website of the Jammu and Kashmir Police Board @ jkpolice.gov.in.
  • Now, the home page of Jammu and Kashmir Police Board appears on the screen.
  • After that, find the Recruitment tab on the home page.
  • Now, click on the Results section.
  • Then, search for the JK Police Constable Result 2020.
  • Now, Fill the login details like Registration Number and Password.
  • Recheck the detailed that you have filled and click on the submit button.
  • Now, Check and download the results.
  • Finally, take a print out of the JK Police Constable Result 2020 for further use.

Direct Links to Download JK Police Constable Result 2020

JK Police Constable Result 2020 | Check JK Police Cut Off Marks, Merit list 2020 @ jkpolice.gov.inJammu and Kashmir Police Constable Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

WB Police Constable Mains Result 2020 | Get West Bengal Constable Cut Off Marks, Merit List Here

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:56 AM PDT

WB Police Result 2020 Released @ policewb.gov.in: The West Bengal Police Department Officials have announced the Results for various Posts. In this article, applicants can get the WB Police Warder Result, WB Police Excise Constable Result and all other WB Police Results 2020. We have dedicated this page to upload all the Recent results released from the West Bengal Police Department. Aspirants those who are looking for WB Police recruitment 2020-21 exam result can find on our page. Moreover, aspirants can keep in touch with our page to know more about the West Bengal Police Result 2020.

WB Police Constable Mains Result 2020 | Get West Bengal Constable Cut Off Marks, Merit List Here

WB Police Result 2020

Exam Name

Result Release Date

WB Police Result Links

WB Police Constable Mains Result 2020 | Get West Bengal Constable Cut Off Marks, Merit List Here WB Police Constable April 2020 – Tentative West Bengal Police Constable Result
WB Police Warder 12th February 2020 West Bengal Police Female Warder Result
Excise Constable (including Lady Excise Constable) 12th February 2020 WB Police Excise Constable Result
Sub Inspector (Unarmed Branch, Armed Branch) 03rd March 2020 West Bengal Sub Inspector Result
WB Police Constable Prelims 21st November 2019 West Bengal Police Constable Prelims Result

West Bengal Police Constable Mains Result 2020: West Bengal Police Department has conducted the Examination for the Police Constable Post on 16th February 2020. The Department has announced this recruitment to fill 42 vacancies of Police Constable posts. Many aspirants have completed the WB Police Constable Examination successfully. Moreover, the Board is planning to declare the WB Police Constable Exam Result 2020 in the month of April 2020 Tentatively. Here, we will provide a direct link to download the West Bengal Police Department Result 2020. And the link will activate at the time of the official announcement. And also check and get the WB Constable Result, Cut Off Marks, Merit List 2020.

WB Police Constable Mains Result 2020



Organization Name West Bengal Police Department
Post Name Police Constable
No of Posts 42 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 16th February 2020
Result Release Date April 2020 – Tentative
Job Location West Bengal
Official Website wbpolice.gov.in
 WB Police Constable Mains Result 2020: Click Here WB Police Constable Mains Result 2020 | Get West Bengal Constable Cut Off Marks, Merit List Here

WB Police Female Warder Result 2020 Released @ policewb.gov.in: All the participants can download the WB Police Warder Result 2020 from the official portal. Candidates who had appeared for the WB Police Warder Exam on 15th September 2019, they can check this article. Moreover, the West Bengal Police Department has announced the WB Police Female Warder Result on 12th February 2020. All the participants must get ready to check the West Bengal Police Warder Result 2020. Candidates can also check the West Bengal Police Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this page.

West Bengal Police Female Warder Result 2020



Organization Name West Bengal Police Department
Post Name Female Warder
No of Posts 816
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 15th September 2019
Result Release Date 12th February 2020
Selection Process Written Test, Physical Test, Interview
Job Location West Bengal
Official Website wbpolice.gov.in
WB Police Warder Result 2020: Link 1 | Link 2WB Police Constable Mains Result 2020 | Get West Bengal Constable Cut Off Marks, Merit List Here

West Bengal Police Excise Constable Result 2020 Released: Candidates who are eagerly waiting for the West Bengal Police Excise Constable Result 2020 can get their exam results here. A huge number of candidates have written the WB Police Excise Constable Examination conducted by the West Bengal Police Department on 24th November 2019. The Officials of West Bengal Police Department has declared the West Bengal Police Excise Constable Result on 12th February 2020. Here, we have provided the direct link to download the WB Police Excise Constable Result 2020 on this page. Go through the entire article to know the WB Police Excise Constable Cut Off Marks and Merit List 2020 on this page.

West Bengal Police Excise Constable Result 2020



Organization Name West Bengal Police Department
Post Name Excise Constable (including Lady Excise Constable)
No of Posts 3000
Category Sarkari Result
Exam Date 24th November 2019
Result Release Date 12th February 2020
Selection Process Prelims Exam, Physical Measurement Test, Physical Efficiency Test, Written Test, Final Interview, Medical Test
Job Location West Bengal
Official Website wbpolice.gov.in
WB Police Excise Constable Result 2020: Click HereWB Police Constable Mains Result 2020 | Get West Bengal Constable Cut Off Marks, Merit List Here

West Bengal Police SI Result 2020 Released @ policewb.gov.in: There is good news for those candidates who are looking forward to the Sub Inspector (Unarmed & Armed Branch) Result in West Bengal location. Therefore, the West Bengal Police Department has conducted the SI Examination on 15th December 2019. Moreover, the Authority has declared the WB Police Sub Inspector Result on 03rd March 2020. All the candidates can check and download the WB Sub Inspector Result 2020 from our site. Here, we have provided the direct link to download the WB SI Result 2020.

WB Police Sub Inspector Result 2020



Organization Name West Bengal Police Department
Post Name Sub Inspector (Unarmed Branch, Armed Branch)
No of Posts 668 Posts
Category Sarkari Result
 Exam Date 15th December 2019
Result Release Date 03rd March 2020
Selection Process Written Test, Physical Test, Interview
Job Location West Bengal
Official Website wbpolice.gov.in
WB Police Sub Inspector Result 2020: Click HereWB Police Constable Mains Result 2020 | Get West Bengal Constable Cut Off Marks, Merit List Here

WB Police Constable Prelims Result 2019 Released: Candidates who had appeared for WB Police Constable Prelims Exam on 4th August 2019 and eagerly waiting for the West Bengal Police Constable Result 2019, they can check this article. Mostly officials declared the WB Police Constable Result 2019. Candidates can check the same from the below-given link. The WB Police Constable Cut Off Marks 2019 are also given along with the WB Police Constable Prelims Result.

WB Police Constable Prelims Result 2019



Organization Name West Bengal Police Department
Post Name Constable
Number of Posts 8419
Category Sarkari Result
Prelims Exam Date 4th August 2019
Prelims Result Date 21st November 2019
Job Location West Bengal
Official Website policewb.gov.in
WB Police Constable Prelims Result 2020: Click Here

West Bengal Police Cut Off Marks 2020

Candidates must secure the Expected West Bengal Police Cut Off Marks 2020 to move for the further selection process. The West Bengal Police Cut Off Marks 2020 depends on some factors. Aspirants need to check for the following factors to know more information on WB Police Cut Off Marks 2020. Officials will be deciding the cut off marks based on these main factors.

  • The number of attended candidates.
  • Toughness level of the written test.
  • Vacancies Available.
  • Previous year cut off marks.
  • Categories SC /ST / BC / OBC

West Bengal Police Merit List 2020

The West Bengal Police department will be released the West Bengal Police Merit List 2020 based on the top marks gained by the candidates. All the aspirants can check the West Bengal Police Merit List 2020 according to the name of the applicant and registration number. The highest marks gained candidates can prepare for the next section round without wasting valuable time.

How to Download West Bengal Police Result 2020?

  • Visit the Official website of West Bengal Police Department @ wbpolice.gov.in.
  • Now, the home page of the WB Police Department appears on the screen.
  • On the home page, different sections are available there.
  • Find the Recruitment section which appears on the top of the page.
  • Then, click on the Latest Notifications of West Bengal Police department link.
  • After that, search the West Bengal Police Result 2020.
  • Then, click on that link and log in with Registration Number and Password.
  • Now, click the submit button to download the West Bengal Police Result 2020.
  • Finally, take a soft copy for future reference.

Direct Links to Download the West Bengal Police Result 2020

Download WB Police Result 2020 Click Here
Official Website Click Here

financial dictionary pdf - financial terminology dictionary - financial dictionary app

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:14 PM PDT

financial dictionary pdf - financial terminology dictionary - financial dictionary app

A Look at How China Controls Its Population


Economic concerns had long driven China's government to enact laws to control population growth, but an aging population resulted in policy change.

Maintenance Margin Definition


Maintenance margin, currently at 25% of the total value of the securities, is the minimum amount of equity that must be in a margin account.

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Best Online Stock Brokers for Beginners in April 2020


Investopedia ranks the best online stock brokers for beginners. New investors need to learn how to build a diverse portfolio and invest wisely.

Best Brokers for International Trading in April 2020


Investopedia ranks the best stock brokers for investing and trading international markets.

Best IRA Accounts for April 2020


Investopedia ranks the best stock brokers and robo-advisors for your IRA that have excellent retirement planning tools and reporting.

Best Brokers for Low-Costs in April 2020


Investopedia ranks the best discount brokers for low-cost trades. These brokers offer deeply discounted trades and low margin fees for investors and traders.

Top 10 Banks in the World


The list of the biggest banks in the world show how the financial power has shifted towards Asia in the past several years.

Best Stock Trading Apps for April 2020


Investopedia ranks the stock brokers with the best stock trading apps. Streaming data, advanced charting, complex options analysis, and trading and educational offerings are key features to have to earn a top rating in this category.

Cash Balance Pension Plan Definition


A cash balance pension plan is a type of retirement savings account that has an option for payment as a lifetime annuity.

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Tradestation vs. Interactive Brokers


TradeStation and Interactive Brokers focus their tools and cost structures on very frequent traders. If you are a day trader, which is right for you?

Top 3 Tax-Exempt Money Market Mutual Funds


The top 3 tax-exempt money market mutual funds by 1-year total return are FMQXX, VMSXX, and PEIXX.

Alfred Nobel Definition


Alfred Nobel is a Swedish scientist, inventor, entrepreneur, author, and philanthropist, and the man after whom the Nobel Prize is named.

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Look-Through Earnings Definition


Look-through earnings is based on the concept that a firm's value is ultimately determined by how retained earnings are invested in future years by the firm to produce more earnings.

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Penny Stocks to Buy Using Technical Analysis for April 2020


In a volatile market, it's more important than ever to hone your technical analysis skills. Here are some near-term trading ideas.

Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Definition


Iterated prisoner's dilemma is played repeatedly by the same participants, and helps players learn about the behavioral tendencies of their counterparty.

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Absolute Frequency Definition


Absolute frequency is a statistical term describing the number of times a given value appears during a trial.

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Weak Sister Definition


Weak sister is slang for an undependable or weak link that threatens to undermine an entire system.

Clearing Broker Definition


A clearing broker is a member of an exchange that acts as a liaison between an investor and a clearing corporation.

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What Is an Interim Statement?


An interim statement is a financial report covering a period of less than one year. Discover more about interim statements and their uses here.

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Bleeding Edge Definition


Bleeding edge refers to a product or service that is new, experimental, generally untested, and carries a high degree of uncertainty.

The Amazon Effect on the U.S. Economy


Discover the role that e-commerce giant Amazon plays in wage growth, inflation, and wealth creation to impact the greater U.S. economy.

Media Buy Definition


Media buy is the purchase of advertising from a media company such as a television station, newspaper, magazine, blog or website.

Initial Margin vs. Maintenance Margin: What's the Difference?


Initial margin is the amount required, at least 50%, to buy a stock on margin while maintenance margin is the equity needed to keep the position open.

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Bell Curve Definition


A bell curve describes the shape of data conforming to a normal distribution.

Normal Distribution Definition


Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution wherein values lie in a symmetrical fashion mostly situated around the mean.

Does the FDIC Cover Business Accounts?


Learn which types of business accounts are insured by the FDIC and find out how much of the deposits made by a business are covered by the FDIC.

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The Perfect Moving Averages for Day Trading


5, 8, and 13 period simple moving averages offer perfect inputs for day traders seeking an edge in trading the market from both the long and short sides.

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Big Uglies Definition


Big uglies are unpopular stocks that are known for delivering unspectacular returns and only outperforming the stock market in times of volatility.

Profit Range Definition


Profit range refers to the range of prices within which an investment position returns a profit.

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3-D Printing Definition


Three-dimensional (3-D) printing is an additive manufacturing process that creates a physical object by laying down thin layers of plastic, metal, or cement, and then fusing the layers together.

Trading With VWAP and MVWAP


Volume weighted average price (VWAP) and moving volume weighted average price (MVWAP) are used by traders to ensure they are getting the best price.

Understanding Gross Revenue Reporting vs. Net Revenue Reporting


Reporting revenue is a critical and often complex problem for accountants, so they must determine daily the differences between gross revenue and net revenue.

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How The Unemployment Rate Affects Everybody


Depending on how it's measured, the unemployment rate is open to interpretation. Learn how to find the real rate and how it affects everyone.

How Is Exponential Moving Average (EMA) Calculated?


Calculating exponential moving averages (EMAs) and constructing moving average ribbons from them helps traders and analysts spot market trends.

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Analyze Investments Quickly With Ratios


Make informed decisions about your investments using profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and valuation ratios.

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14 Legal Business Practices of Dubious Ethics


Being aware of these unscrupulous methods can help you avoid them as best you can.

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Trading with Gaussian statistical models


The study of statistics originated from the brillian mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss. Guassian models explain markets, prices, and probabilities..

Pick the Right Options to Trade in Six Steps


A six-step approach to finding the right options to trade for your risk tolerance and strategy.

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Basic Vertical Option Spreads


Knowing which option spread strategy to use in different market conditions can significantly improve your odds of success in options trading.

How to Attend Berkshire Hathaway's Annual Meeting (BRK.A, BRK.B)


An overview of what is required to go to the Berkshire Hathaway Annual General Meeting.

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Best Growth Stocks for April 2020


Despite the market turmoil, shares of PayPal, Visa, Nike, SolarEdge, and Facebook could be worth a spot in a growth-oriented portfolio.

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How Do Fixed Costs and Variable Costs Affect Gross Profit?


Learn about the differences between fixed and variable costs and find out how they affect the calculation of gross profit by impacting the cost of goods sold.

Risk Participation Definition


Risk participation is a type of off-balance-sheet transaction that lets banks reduce certain exposure by selling it to other institutions.

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Similarities Between Product Differentiation and Product Positioning


Two marketing strategies, product differentiation and product positioning, are similar and work together to effectively market products.

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Variable Cost Ratio Definition


The variable cost ratio is a calculation of the costs of increasing production in comparison to the greater revenues that will result.

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Understanding Bond Prices and Yields


The higher a bond's price is, the lower its yield will be. Here are the factors that make bond values fluctuate in the market.

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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Divorcing Over 50


It is not easy growing old, especially when you decide to divorce. Learn how to avoid money trouble if you decide to divorce your spouse after age 50.

A Day in the Life of an Actuary


We take a look at the typical workday of three actuaries who work for different types of companies and who are at different stages in their careers.

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Yield to Maturity vs. Coupon Rate: What's the Difference?


A bond's coupon rate is the interest earned on the bond over its lifetime, while its yield to maturity reflects its changing value in the secondary market.

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Do You Include Working Capital in Net Present Value (NPV)?


Discover why it is important to include changes to working capital as a component in calculating the net present value (NPV) of a company.

Life Insurance vs. Annuity: What's the Difference?


Life insurance and annuities allow individuals to invest on a tax-deferred basis, but how they pay policyholders is very different.

Safe and Liquid Options for Your Emergency Fund


Discover the best options for safe emergency fund investments.

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Can the Efficient Market Hypothesis explain economic bubbles?


Learn about the nuanced relationship between the efficient market hypothesis and economic bubbles and the requirements and criticisms of both.

How to Build an Emergency Fund


Here are some tips for putting aside money for a rainy day—or, to be precise, three to six months' worth of them. Learn how to grow an emergency fund.

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What is the 200-Day Simple Moving Average?


The 200-day simple moving average (SMA) is considered a key indicator by traders and market analysts for determining the overall long-term market trend.

How Much Cash Should I Keep in the Bank?


How much cash you should keep in the bank depends on your financial situation. It all starts with building a budget.

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Medicaid vs. Long-Term Care Insurance: What to Know


Medicaid and long-term care insurance are not equal. Here's why you need to think twice before relying on the government-sponsored program.

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Top 10 Books Every Investor Should Read


Check out this reading list and find advice from some of the most successful investors of all time.

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The Agency Problem: Two Infamous Examples


The agency problem occurs when agents do not appropriately represent the best interests of principals. Here you'll learn about two famous examples.

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So, You Want to Take Your Broker to Court


Find out how to file a claim against your broker and what you can expect throughout the process.

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Permission Marketing Definition


Permission marketing is a form of advertising where the intended audience can choose to receive promotional messages.

Range Bar Charts: A Different View Of The Markets


While range bars are not a type of technical indicator, traders can employ range bar charts to identify trends and interpret volatility.

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Digital Marketing Definition


Digital marketing is the use of the internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, display advertising, and other channels to reach consumers.

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Social Networking Definition


Social networking is the use of Internet-based social media programs to make connections with friends, family, colleagues, or customers.

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Walt Disney Stock: A Dividend Analysis


Learn about the Walt Disney, its dividend policy, historic dividend yields, and the company's dividend prospects going forward.

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Are You Too Old to Open a Roth IRA?


A Roth IRA might make good financial sense even if you are approaching retirement age. Here are some key considerations.

Managing Your Finances Through Economic Volatility


COVID-19 triggered a wave of volatility that has led to uncertainty in many aspects of our financial lives. Investopedia is here to help. This guide contains the resources you need now.

Order Management System (OMS) Definition


An order management system (OMS) is an electronic system developed to execute securities orders in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

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Social Security Benefits Definition


Social Security benefits are payments made to qualified retirees and disabled people, and to their spouses, children, and survivors.

How to Track Upcoming Initial Public Offerings (IPOs)


Interested in investing through initial public offerings (IPOs)? Here is the list of free sources for information on upcoming IPOs.

Red Clause Letter Of Credit Definition


A red clause letter of credit is a specialized financing method in which a buyer extends an unsecured loan to a seller.

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Understanding the Effects of Fiscal Deficits on an Economy


Discover what a fiscal deficit is. Learn about the real impact of budget deficits on the economy. See why government financing reduces private financing.

Fiscal Deficit Definition


A fiscal deficit is a shortfall in a government's income compared with its spending. A government that has a fiscal deficit is spending beyond its means.

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Why Do Utility Stocks Pay High Dividends?


Learn why utility stocks pay high dividends and how government-produced monopoly protects privileged utility companies from competitors.

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Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) Definition


Secure electronic transactions (SET) are early e-commerce protocols that were used to keep credit card information protected online.

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What does a negative bond yield mean?


Learn what it means when a bond has a negative yield and what circumstances must arise for the yield to be negative when using different formulas.

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Payout Ratio Definition


The payout ratio, also called the dividend payout ratio, is the proportion of earnings paid out as dividends to shareholders, typically expressed as a percentage.

Liquid Asset Definition


A liquid asset is an asset that can easily be converted into cash within a short amount of time.

How IKEA Makes Money


IKEA is one of the world's largest privately-held companies and has been the world's largest furniture retailer since 2008.

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Cyclical Unemployment Definition


Cyclical unemployment relates to changes in unemployment due to economic recessions and expansions over the business cycle.

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Where Do Pension Funds Typically Invest?


Pension funds have moved beyond traditional investments in bonds and stocks. The new order includes private equity and other alternative asset classes.

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Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) Definition


Mortgage servicing rights (MSR) allow a third party to purchase rights to service their mortgages.

Introduction to Technical Analysis Price Patterns


How to recognize price patterns that are key to technical analysis.

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What Does It Mean When Someone Says a Stock Went up X Points?


When you hear a stock has lost or gained X number of points, it's the same as saying the stock has lost or gained X number of dollars.

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Three White Soldiers Definition & Example


Three white soldiers is a bullish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the reversal of a downtrend.

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Best Ways to Learn Technical Analysis


Discover the best ways to learn technical analysis without risking thousands of dollars in the market.

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Overwriting is a strategy to sell options that are overpriced, assuming that the options won't get exercised.

Continuous Contract Definition


A continuous contract is a reinsurance contract that does not have a fixed contract end date. It is renewable until terminated.

Revolver Definition


A revolver is a borrower who carries a balance from month to month via a revolving credit line.

How Credit Card Balance Transfers Work


How to decide if a credit card balance transfer is right for you, where to look for one, and the steps to take to complete the process.

How Does Fortnite Make Money?


Fortnite is the most popular battle royale game worldwide, and generates huge revenues even though it is offered for free by developer, Epic Games.

Smartphones Are Changing Advertising & Marketing


Smartphones have connected us so much that the speed and relevance of ad and marketing campaigns have become increasingly important.

How Do the Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement Differ?


The balance sheet and cash flow statement are financial statements that companies issue to report their financial performance and are used by investors.

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The Elder Ray Indicator: Seeing Into the Market


The Elder Ray is an accurate and effective means of determining the strength of competing groups of bulls and bears based on competing oscillators.

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NY Empire State Index


The NY Empire State Index is a seasonally adjusted index that tracks the results of the Empire State Manufacturing Survey.

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Top Small Cap U.S. Index Funds


The top small-cap U.S. index funds are IRUIX, FSSNX, MCJZX, NSIDX, and MMSIX

Why Did Berkshire Hathaway Invest in StoneCo Ltd.?


Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has made a big bet in a Brazilian payment processing company.

What Does Negative Shareholders' Equity Mean?


A negative balance in shareholders' equity (also called stockholders' equity) means that liabilities exceed assets and can be caused by a few reasons. 

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Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA)


The Dow Jones Transportation Average is a price-weighted average of 20 transportation stocks traded in the United States.

Fiscal Policy vs. Monetary Policy: Pros & Cons


When it comes to influencing macroeconomic outcomes, governments have typically relied on one of two courses of action: monetary policy or fiscal policy.

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Inflation Definition


Inflation is a general increase in the prices of goods and services in an economy over some period of time.

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Warren Buffett's Bear Market Maneuvers


This esteemed investor rarely changes his long-term investing strategy, no matter what the market does.

Trade Deficit Definition


A trade deficit occurs when a country's imports exceed its exports. A trade deficit is not necessarily detrimental, because it often corrects itself over time.

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Unemployment and Recession—What's the Relation?


Learn what a recession is, some attributes of an economy in a recession, and why the unemployment rate tends to rise during a recession.

Top Materials Stocks for April 2020


These are the materials stocks with the best value, fastest growth, and most momentum for April.

Cost of Capital vs. Discount Rate: What's the Difference?


Learn about the differences between the cost of capital and the discount rate as they relate to estimating a required return for business activity.

Fixed Capital Definition


Fixed capital includes the assets, such as property, plant, and equipment, that are needed to start up and conduct business, even at a minimal stage.

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Coefficient of Determination: Overview


The coefficient of determination is a measure used in statistical analysis to assess how well a model explains and predicts future outcomes.

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Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:02 PM PDT


15 Days’ Practice for IELTS Reading (PDF) with Answers (General And Academic)

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

This book provides essential practice for IELTS students who are determined to achieve a high IELTS band score in less than 2 weeks.

Introduction to IELTS Reading Practice PDF

You have certainly practiced a great deal to prepare for your actual test. You have also been exposed to a rich variety of materials and have familiarised yourself with the format of the IELTS test. This book, therefore, doesn’t aim to load you with the practice materials, but it will sum up the main points to enable you to work out an effective plan to finally achieve a high score in your IELTS reading test. 

IELTS_Cta_ButtonIELTS General Reading Practice Test

In the IELTS general reading practice test, 1 hour will be given to finish the three sections of the test. there will be 40 questions and each answer for the question will carry 1 mark. if you are taking IELTS General reading practice test online then you need to carefully switch through all the three sections, so that there is no interruption while taking the test. If you are thinking to take a test offline, then you need to download the sheet with the questions and a blank sheet in order to write the answers.

Also check: 


IELTS Academic reading practice test is the same as the IELTS General reading practice test. Even here the test will be of 60 minutes and has 40 questions, every answer for the question contains 1 mark. In this practice test, the test reading is related to the issues which are appropriate to the candidates who are going to enter under graduation or post-graduation. Some of the passages will have a logical argument and some of them have non-verbal materials like graphs, tables, charts and so on. In some cases where there are technical terms, vocabulary is provided in order to understand it. There are also various reading materials regarding the IELTS examination, you can browse through the various websites. 


IELTS Reading is the second part of the IELTS test, where 60 minutes are given in order to read 3 to 4 passages, and the difficulty level of the passages keeps on increasing. It is mainly used to asses the English speaking skills of the candidate. Both the Academic test as well as the General training test are graded equally or at the same level. There are various IELTS reading articles through which you can score really well in the IELTS reading test. All the tests are been reviewed again and again and there are several IELTS samples through which you can improve your IELTS scores. Also you can register for IELTS Academic Test after referring IELTS Reading practice papers.

The IELTS master reading is a module that helps the candidates to achieve the best possible score in the reading test by developing the skills and also helps in improving the vocabulary and English language. It also helps to know the different question types of reading tests.


To know more about how to score a high band in IELTS examination you can go through these simple tips below:

  • You don’t have to understand each and every word which is in the passage. If you are not able to understand a particular word you need to look at the other words around it which may give you an idea about the particular word.
  • Before focusing on improving your IELTS skills, you have to try to improve your reading skills. You should practice reading the English language and try to understand the vocabulary.
  • More than a reading test, its a vocabulary test where more than your reading speed your vocabulary is tested.
  • Practice IELTS reading slowly as well as quickly, keeping the exam in mind. You are expected to focus on the mistakes and find out why is the mistake taking place and improve it.
  • Do not leave any of the questions blank, if you do not know the answer give an attempt to solve it.

IELTS Practice Reading Images



The good starting point for anyone taking the IELTS. Nicely divided and has clear instructions. The sample papers inside are valuable (albeit somewhat long) and there are very good tips for how to achieve at least a band 6.

Download 15 Days’ Practice for IELTS Reading (PDF)

Google Drive Link   Mirror Link Mirror Link 2   Mirror Link 3

IELTS Writing Answer Sheet

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:27 AM PDT

There are two types of writing tests that can be given the first one is the paper-based IELTS test and the second one is the computer-delivered IELTS test. The test taker takes the paper-based test on the sheet given by the examiner. Thus, it is advisable to take the practice test based sample answer sheets that are available online. You can download the answer sheets for each section and practice your IELTS test in the answer sheets itself so that you do not have to struggle while actually taking the IELTS test. In this article, we will look into the IELTS answer sheets in which the candidates have to write their answers of Task 1 as well as Task 2.

Importance of using Answer sheets while practicing

You need to understand why is important to practice the IELTS test on the answer sheet that is available. The test taker should use the answer sheet as per the examiner wants him/her to use it or else there is a chance of missing the information as well as writing the correct information in the wrong places. Which may, in turn, result in wastage of the whole answer sheet. Other than that if you know where to write the exact information, you will get a little time to review the information. So let us see what are the importance of [practicing for IELTS examination on the answer sheet.

  • The main importance of practicing the IELTS exam on the answer sheet is that you will know how many words can fit into a single answer sheet so that you do not have to sit and count the words. By this, you will also be able to save time.
  • You can check how many words will fit into one answer sheet. If one answer sheet is not enough you can take print of another answer sheet alternatively and check for the words. So while practicing itself you will get an idea of the word count.
  • By this, you can concentrate more on the content, grammar, and vocabulary instead of getting distracted by the word count while writing the answers.
  • While practicing on the answer sheet you will also concentrate on your handwriting, you will not exceed the lines that are given which makes your handwriting look neat and clean.

Different sections of the Answer Sheet

The answer sheet in which you are going to write your IELTS answers has different sections. They are explained below:

  • In the first section, the test takers have to fill up the general information such as candidate name, number and exam center number which is available in the slip given to you during the registration.
  • The candidate must enter the name the same as it is entered in the given registration slip.
  • The candidate is asked to fill thor name using the block letters. They are also asked to tick the correct module which they are going to attempt which is an Academic module or general training module.
  • You should also enter the test date. Put 0 in the first box if the date/month is less than 10.
  • In the lower right-hand corner there is one more field in the same section where you are asked to mention the current sheet number as well as the total number of sheets used.
  • You do not have to fill it in the beginning itself b because you do not know how many extra sheets you are going to use.
  • You can fill this field when you done completing the IELTS test and before handing over your answer sheet to the examiner.
  • In the second section, you need to write your task or the explanation for the topic given.
  • There will be a warning written which says ' do not write after this line' where you have to stop writing on the first page and skip to the second page.
  • It is not compulsory to use these answer sheets while practicing, but if you use these sheets you will be benefitted. You will avoid making any mistakes and also you can drive sometimes.

Technology Essays in IELTS

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:24 AM PDT

If you have a well-organized essay with a good structure you can score a good band in the IELTS examination. Before you actually start to write the essay on a given topic, you need to plan well for the essay so that the essay written is well organized. You need to give yourself at least 10 minutes to prepare for an excellent essay with good content in it. The essay you are going to write should be of 4-5 paragraphs and at least should have 250 words or more. You have to take the main features from the topic and try to explain it so that you do not divert from the topic given.

Below are some of the recently appeared topics with the sample answers which you can refer to

Do you think that technological advancement has brought more harm than good?

The twentieth century has seen a wide development in the field of science and technology. This improvement in technology has also raised the standard of living of the people. Knowing whether the technology has bought harm or is beneficial to the society is very useful.

On one side, we can say that the technology has become more beneficial because due to technology communication has become quicker and efficient. It has also improved the economic condition and also has improved transportation or movement from one place to another. Many of the organizations can make their day to day works online and efficiently. People are also benefited through recent technologies like smartphones, laptops and also other electronic appliances. There are applications on smartphones such as "Whatsapp" which has replaced emails. We are able to get a lot of information through just a single click of a button.

On the other side, there is also harm by using technology. The people get addicted quickly and the social connect has become less. There is some software that is used to hack the data and there is no privacy of an individual. The students completely neglect their studies and will be busy browsing through the internet. Through recent studies, it is found that the students are neglecting their studies and get poor grades due to different recent technologies.

In conclusion, we can say that technology is both beneficial as well as harmful. But we can see that there are more problems than benefits in technological improvement.

Some people argue that technological inventions, such as smartphones, are making people socially less interactive.

.In the present era, you can see people spending more time on smartphones rather than mingling socially with people. Wherever you go, you can see the people putting their heads down looking into their smartphones and not bothering about what is going on around them. This has become a new addiction to people. As there are a lot of features that are available in smartphones, the individual is not able to stay away from it even for a second. Some features of smartphones are just like the personal computer and they provide a high level of entertainment and can be carried along wherever we go. This essay helps others to understand how smartphone technology impacts society.

The main advantage of a smartphone is that it has made communication easier and quicker. Now you can speak to any of your friends or relatives, in any part of the world, just by sitting at one place. Not only that, but they can also share personal messages, photos, videos through social media.

Along with the benefits, there are also some adverse effects of smartphone addiction on society. The children are not socially active, they sit inside four walls playing games on smartphones and have distanced themselves from social life. Even the adults are busy chatting with their friends on social networking sites and have become socially inactive. They do not mingle much in the social activities. Even the get together has become less, people like to chat on social media more than talking face to face. Even if there are get-togethers, people will be busy with their smartphones instead of interacting with each other. Even the parents nowadays will be busy with smartphones and they fail to give much time to their children. Hence the children will be left alone.

In conclusion, we can say that smartphones along with giving advantages or comfort to society have also increased the social gap of the people and kept us far from each other.

Many things that used to be done in the home by hands are now being done by machines.

The machines were invented to make any work quickly and easily and the technology is being grown day by day. Many household works that were being done manually earlier have been replaced by machines and can be completed automatically. This development has benefitted the people a lot. This essay will explain how technology has helped the people in different ways at home.

The man has invented many machines which can do most of the household work automatically such as; dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, washing machine and so on and by this, he can do the work by consuming less time. With the invention of these machines, the women have some leisure time for themselves as well as their kids. And also this advancement has helped the women in improving their standard of living. They will get more time to focus on their career which they had always dreamt of fulfilling.

Along with the advantages there also some disadvantages that go with the situation, by the invention of this machinery the people are fully dependent on them unlike before where people used to do all the household works manually and they would be fit and healthier. But the advancement of technology has made people lazy. There is no physical involvement is household activities

To sum up everything, the technology has made the people to depend more on the machines for household work more than making it manually. Also, the advantage is that the females can invest their time more on their career and their children rather than only doing household chores.

Other Related Essays on Technology

The above are some essays that have recently appeared in the IELTS exam on the topic of Technology. You can also refer to some other sample essays on technology in order to practice for the IELTS exam. Some of the topics are given below:

  1. Advanced Science and Technology
  2. Some people think that the range of technology available to people is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. Others think it has the opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  3. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  4. Art, Culture, and Technology

Linking Words for IELTS Speaking

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:18 AM PDT

The linking words in speaking actually tell about how well you know about the given topic and also helps the examiner to give the score according to the fluency of your language that is used. The linking words make the way you talk more professionally and make the examiner know that you have more knowledge about the topic given.

Those who have the habit of speaking English frequently, the linking words come naturally while speaking. You have to make sure that the linking words are not overused. Although they can be repeated, unlike writing. The usage of linking words in writing is different from speaking.

Below are some of the linking words that can be used for IELTS Speaking.

Adding more Information

When you have to add more information to the sentence, you can use the following linking words:

  • Another reason is
  • Also
  • And
  • As well as

Time Phrases

When you want to describe a time in the sentence, then you can use the following linking words:

  • At the moment
  • Right now
  • At present
  • Now
  • These days
  • Nowadays
  • Before
  • In the past
  • Years ago
  • At that time
  • Before
  • Then

Causes and Solutions

When you have to tell the causes and solutions of the particular topic given, you can use the following linking words:

  • Because
  • I guess it is because of
  • I suppose the best way to deal with this problem is
  • The main reason is
  • It was caused by
  • The best way to solve this is

Expressing ideas

When you have to express ideas for the topic given, you can use the following linking words:

  • I think one important thing is
  • I think the main difference is
  • I guess one difference is

Giving examples

When you have to give examples for the topic given, you can use the following linking words:

  • For instance
  • Like
  • For example
  • Such as

Being clear

When you have to clearly state a sentence that has to explain, you can use the following linking words:

  • What I want to say is
  • As I was saying
  • What I mean is


When you have to explain also the other side of the topic, you can use the following linking words:

  • But
  • While
  • On the other hand
  • Although
  • Or

For stating an opinion

While giving your opinion about the topic, you can use the following linking words:

  • As far as I am concerned
  • In my opinion
  • I believe that
  • From my point of view

To express agreement

To express that you agree with the topic that is given, you can use the following linking words:

  • I am in an agreement
  • I quiet agree that
  • I quietly agree with the opinion that
  • I accept that
  • Exactly

Importance of Linking Words

Using linking words while speaking is important because the language automatically becomes fluent and also the examiner will know that you have some idea about the topic. Below stated are some of the importance of linking words:

  • The linking words or the connecters help the test takers to structure the sentences that they are going to speak about the given topic
  • The linking words also help the test takers to add some words to the sentence so that you can go on speaking until the examiner asks you to stop and also the linking words give you the ideas that you can add while framing the sentence.
  • The linking words can be mainly used when you have to highlight something in whatever you are speaking. Especially you can use the linking words in the introduction party as well as the conclusion part.
  • The linking words also give a proper meaning to the sentence, which you have written in the paragraph. By using linking words you can also phrase an example if the sentence given is not understandable.
  • The purpose, as well as the opinion of the sentence that is spoken, can be explained using the linking words.
  • The main importance of linking words is that it is the part of the marking criteria if you are able to use the linking words exactly in the sentence, then you can get 25% of your marks straight.

Tips for using the linking words

There are few tips that can be kept in mind while using the linking words, during a topic is given. Some of them are as follows:

  • Linking words cannot be used everywhere. When the examiner asks you to tell about yourself it is advisable not to use linking words.
  • In speaking it is to repeat the linking words because the usage of linking words in the speaking test is completely different from the usage of linking words in the writing test.
  • The linking word 'Like' can be used while giving examples, only during the speaking. It is advisable not to use the linking word 'Like' while writing.
  • You will not get a high score only on the basis of how many times you have used the linking words. But also there should be some content which impresses the examiner to give a high score.
  • The linking words must come naturally while speaking and it should not be used in a formal way.

Agree Disagree Essays in IELTS

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:14 AM PDT

The agree disagree are the most commonly asked essay questions in the IELTS examination. Even in this type of essays you are asked to give your opinions regarding you agree or disagree on the particular sentence that is given. Here also you are given a time of 40 minutes to complete the 250-word essay. Most of the students find it easy to write this essay because you have only agreed and disagree with the sentence given. You have to go with only one opinion and do not explain them both. Only a clear explanation may fetch you good marks.

Tips to write Agree Disagree Essays

There are few tips which help you to write about agree or disagree essays, which are as follows:

  • When you get a particular sentence in the form of a question, it is actually favorable to either completely agree or completely disagree. You have to be only on one side and not on both.
  • By doing this the essay will be more clear and structured and can be easily understood also by the examiner.
  • You can show the other side of the statements if you want to, but make sure that you do it in a positive way and also show it only in one or two sentences.
  • While explaining the essay, make sure that the explanation given doesn't hurt the feelings of the other person. You have to give your opinion thinking about others too.
  • While choosing which side to explain you need to be very confident and choose the side which has more of supporting points and to which you can give more examples. So that the answer that you write is extendable and also it can fetch you more marks.
  • Also, make sure that the introduction that you are giving regarding the topic given is not too long, the introduction should only contain the paraphrasing of the question given.
  • The explanation that you give regarding the topic should match with the introduction and the conclusion given regarding the topic.
  • There will be two or three body paragraphs, make sure that the each paragraph will have an appropriate reason for the same.
  • The body paragraphs should include the main features that have to be explained and also your overview and in-depth explanation about your opinion.
  • As you are giving your opinion in the essay, you have to compulsorily write the conclusion. If you do not have time to complete the essay, make sure you at least write 2 or 3 sentences of conclusion, but the conclusion should be included.

Structure of Agree Disagree Essays

In all the sections of the IELTS, examination structure plays a very important role because it will be easy for the test taker to write the answer as well as the examiner will also find it easy to evaluate the answer. So here is the structure that you can follow while writing agrees disagree essay:

Paragraph 1: Introduction:

First of all, like any other section, the first sentence must be the rephrasing of the question that is given and in the second sentence, you can state your opinion regarding the topic, in the third sentence you can briefly explain what you are going to explain in the coming paragraphs.

Paragraph 2: Body paragraph:

In the second paragraph, the first sentence should be taking the main feature and introducing it, in the second sentence explaining the main feature in detail assuming that the examiner doesn't know anything about the topic. In the third sentence, you can explain the main feature by giving the example which supports the sentence. In the last sentence, you can give the opposing point but redirect the sentence which seems to be positive.

Paragraph 3: Body paragraph:

In the third paragraph, you have to repeat the procedure the same as you have explained ion the second paragraph taking the second main feature. 2 main features are more than enough. Try to explain the main features in-depth so that the examiner knows that you have knowledge about the topic that is given in the IELTS examination.

Paragraph 4: Conclusion:

The last paragraph asks you to write a summary of the essay including the introduction and body paragraph. In the first sentence, you can sum up the body paragraphs and rephrase your opinion. In the second sentence, you can predict, what will be the recommendations given by the examiner and what you can improve in the essay.

IELTS Writing task 1 Diagram

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:10 AM PDT

In the IELTS exam, the diagrams are not very familiar they do not appear most of the time. These diagrams are different from any other graphs or tables that appear in the examination. The diagram in the IELTS exam is given with different pictures in it. So you need to understand a particular thing is made or how a certain thing works.

IELTS Writing task 1 diagram Structure

Just like every other section, it is important to have an appropriate structure in order to get a high band in the examination. So you can follow the particular structure while writing the answer.


This part is the same as other sections where you have to paraphrase the question that is given. You have to just change the words of the question that is given and try to write it in your own words. There are many ways through which you can write an introduction but, you need to keep in mind that you should use synonyms to rephrase the sentence given in the question card.


After you give a brief introduction to the diagram, you have to give a general overview of the diagram where you have to explain about what is described in the diagram. There no trends that have to be explained when the diagram is given as you explain in the bar graph, table or chart. In the diagram, there will be usually a process and you may have to explain the process from beginning to end and also you have to explain the number of steps in the process. While explaining the process you should always use the overall so the examiner knows that you are explaining him the process in a general way.

Specific features

After you explain the overview there are a few specific features that you need to include while explaining the diagram. In order to explain the specific features, you also need to explain the different stages of the diagram in detail. The specific features can be explained in the diagram using the following ways:

Using connectors

The connectors are very important in explaining the different stages of the diagram, they help you in explaining the main features of the diagram. The following are different connectors that can be used to explain the diagram.

  • To begin with
  • First of all
  • Then
  • Next
  • In the next stage
  • Subsequently
  • Finally

Using additional information

In the writing task 1, there will also be additional information given in the question so that you make use of all the information given to explain the main features of the question.

In some stages, there will be a lack of information which is given purposely, so that it improves your understanding level. You have to complete the sentence using a suitable word for the sentence and explain the main feature.

One more thing you need to keep in mind is that you should not write the conclusion in writing task 1 because you will not be giving your opinion on the topic, instead you will be explaining the topic.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Diagram Tips

There are few tips, which have to be kept in mind while writing a process diagram. If you follow these tips you will be getting an idea of how to attempt this particular question and also you are able to score the desirable band. You can follow these below tips which are stated below:

Understand the marking criteria

Your main aim while taking this test must be the score that you should get, and how to get the desirable band. Thus you must know how the scoring is done in this particular section. If you know on what basis the score is given, you will be able to answer the question appropriately and also you will know what is the examiner expecting from you.

Paraphrasing the question

Paraphrasing is one more thing that you should know while writing the answer. Because you will have to make the paraphrasing of the question during the introduction part itself. The paraphrasing is nothing but writing the question as it is but by using the synonyms of the words that are used in the question. This will be a very important skill to be learned before actually taking the IELTS examination. This may not be only used in the introduction, but also can be used in the sentences in between the paragraphs. If you know this skill, it will be easy for you to get the desirable band score.

Check your writing

Once you are done with taking up the test, in the end, you will be given a few minutes to check the answers that you have written. The time is given to check even the silly mistakes that have taken place. So most importantly you have to check the grammar and the spelling mistakes that have happened while writing the answers. While writing the answers you have to keep in mind that only the accurate answers will fetch you good marks.

IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Do People Like to go to Crowded Places with Answers

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:00 PM PDT

Do you like to go to crowded places?

Not one bit! I start to feel extremely overwhelmed and want to exit the area immediately. Moreover, it's unpleasant to be pushed and shoved in overcrowded places. Furthermore, it's even worse in the summer when people are sweating and have body odor (when your armpits sweat)!

Also check:

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SpeakingEbook 4.5 start rating

IELTS Speaking Actual tests Jan - May 2020 with suggested answers)

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IELTS Speaking Actual Tests & Suggested Answers written by IELTS teachers aims to help IELTS candidates perform at their best on the big day.

What kinds of places are crowded?

Almost everything in my city! However, I would say especially the streets. For one, people really like spending time eating and hanging out on the streets. Secondly, since the old streets are narrow, they tend to become overcrowded with vehicles. Moreover, markets and shopping malls are quite hectic (stressful), as people in my country enjoy shopping.

Why do some people like to go to crowded places?

Hmm, well I guess they like the chaos (stress). For some, it's exciting to watch madness (craziness) unfold around them. Furthermore, I think they like the lively feeling that crowded places carry. Perhaps it's interesting to those who come from smaller places.

Band 9 Sample for New IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic: Street Markets

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:00 PM PDT

Are street markets popular in your country?

Absolutely! Street food and markets are a huge part of my culture.  Many, no matter rich or poor, go to the streets in the morning to pick up the freshest produce from the street vendors. The thing is that the street produce is the best quality and price! You simply cannot find fish or crabs straight out of (directly)the water onto your plate in a supermarket.

Also check: 

Do you like going to street markets?

I love it! I love the whole experience of seeing people selling their products, as well as I believe that the freshest produce comes from there. I would much rather go to a street market than a large name brand supermarket, where the produce is treated with pesticides and other chemicals to keep it from perishing.

What is usually sold there?

I'd say the most common items are fresh fruits and vegetables, maybe even meats or fish as well. However, the farmer's markets in my town tend to only sell fruits, vegetables, and local products such as honey from their bee farming.

Do you think people like street markets?

Definitely. No matter what your economic status (how much money you have) is, there is always something for you. Moreover, our street markets are famed for freshness and quality at the lowest prices, so why would dislike that? On the other hand, some people fear being ripped off (being charged a higher price), so they avoid the street markets.

What is the difference between street markets and supermarkets?

Street markets have fresher products and usually involve local people or farmers coming to sell their products, whereas supermarkets sell more commercialized products. Although street market food may be tasty and fresh, supermarket food can be safer since they have tighter restrictions from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).


All Useful IELTS Writing Lessons & Websites

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:00 PM PDT

This post covers all IELTS Writing lessons on IELTS Material website, including:

  • IELTS Writing samples for Task 1, 2
  • Recent IELTS Writing Task 1 & 2 Questions with Sample Answers
  • Top IELTS Writing books
  • IELTS Writing Tips & Strategies


Golden Rules And Useful Tips For IELTS Writing Task 1

Tips To Write An Awesome Introduction In IELTS Writing Task 2

How To Write An Introduction In IELTS Writing – 3 Useful Tips

How To Get A Band 8.0 In IELTS Writing Task 2 – Tips, Strategies And Band 9.0 Sample

Useful Tips And Vocabulary To Describe A Graph Or Chart In IELTS Writing Task 1

Golden Rules And Useful Tips For IELTS Writing Task 1


IELTS Writing Task 1 (Academic)

IELTS Academic Writting Task 1 Topics Collection

Sample Essay For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Topic 01 – Graph

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 – Process & Band 8.0 Sample Answers

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Topic In Australia – December 2016 & Sample Answers

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 (Map) & Band 9 Model Sample

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 (Process) & Band 9 Model Sample

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 (Table) & Band 9 Model Sample

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 (Pie Chart) & Band 9 Model Sample

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 (Table) & Band 9 Model Sample

Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 (Line Graph) & Band 9 Model Essay

IELTS Writing Task 1 Model Answer From British Council – Bar Charts

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Sample Essay For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Topic 43 – Bar Chart

Sample Essay For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Topic 41 – Line Graph

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Sample Essay For Academic IELTS Writing Task 1 Topic 38 – Line Graph

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IELTS Writing Task 2

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IELTS Writing Task 2: Positive Or Negative Question & Band 8.5 Model Essays

IELTS Writing Task 2 Argumentative Essay Of Band 8.0 – Topic: Internet

IELTS Writing Task 2 Discursive Essay Of Band 8.0 – Topic: Health

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Argumentative Essay Of Band 8.0 – Education

IELTS Writing Task 2 Argumentative Essay Of Band 8.5– Topic: Illness And Disease

IELTS Writing Task 2 Argumentative Essay Of Band 8.0 – Environment Topic

IELTS Writing Task 2 Problem/Solution Essay Of Band 8.5 – Health And Fitness

IELTS Writing Task 2 Cause/Solution Essay Of Band 8.0 – Topic: Health

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 – Topic 14: Freedom Of Speech

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 13

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic & Band 9.0 Discursive Essay About Education/Career

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 12

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Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 09

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 06

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 07

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 04

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 05

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 03

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 02

Academic IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic 01

IELTS Writing Task 2 (23th Jan In Vietnam) – Topic: Press


Practice Tests

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IELTS Writing Practice Test 32 (Task 1 & 2) & Sample Answers

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30 IELTS Writing Recent Actual Tests In 2016 & Model Essays

IELTS Writing Actual Test In March, 2016 & Band 9.0 Sample Argumentative Essay

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IELTS Writing Actual Test In April, 2016 & Band 8.0 Model Argumentative Essays

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IELTS Writing Actual Test In April, 2016 – Band 8.0 Cause/Solution Essays

IELTS Writing Actual Test In January, 2016 & Band 8 Argumentative Essays




IELTS Essay Questions In 2017 & 2018

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IELTS Writing Actual Test (March 5th, 2016) – Topic: Family

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Other useful websites for studying IELTS Writing


In Room for Debate, The Times invites knowledgeable outside contributors to discuss news events and other timely issues. The IELTS learners can learn how to organize & develop their ideas for IELTS writing task 2.


It provides well-researched pros, cons, and related nonpartisan information on today’s important issues free to charge to teachers, students, media, elected officials, professionals, and the public to help promote critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship.


It aims to help native English speakers and learners become better academic writers.


Write & Improve is a free tool for learners of English that marks writing in seconds. It is provided in association with Cambridge English (part of the University of Cambridge).


IELTS Cue Card Sample 76 – Topic: Describe a painting or work of art

Posted: 31 Mar 2020 05:00 PM PDT

IELTS Speaking Topic:

Describe a painting or work of art that you have seen.

You should say:

when you saw this work of art

where you saw it

what it looked like

and explain your impression of it.

IELTS Speaking ebook CTA


I'd like to talk about one of the most popular paintings in the world- Mona Lisa which was painted by  an Italian artist-Leonardo da vinci. This (1) masterpiece was (2)acclaimed  as the most recognized and most visited artwork in the history of art. The woman sits markedly upright in an armchair with her arms folded to (3) depict Lisa as a (4)virtuous woman and faithful wife. The painting was one of the first portraits to depict the sitter in front of an imaginary landscape, and Leonardo was one of the first painters to use toughest drawing technique of all the time. The painting is so famous as there are so many(5) hypothesis about it. What attracts me the most about this painting is Mona lisa's charming smile. It's not only the most beautiful feature on her face but also has lots of mysteries. Some people said that her smile looks different from different angle and it has been at the center of much debate and speculation over the years . The artist created a painting that worths a thousand words and has become the iconic painting of all the time.I personally think Mona Lisa is truly an impressive painting, after all it was painted by the great Leonardo DaVinci

  • masterpiece
  • be acclaimed as
  • depict
  • virtuous woman and faithful wife
  • hypothesis
  • at the center of much debate and speculation
  • a painting that worths a thousand words
  • iconic painting
  • the great


economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:59 PM PDT

economic news of india - world economic news - economics news for students - indian economy news

India may need 3 fiscal boosters to avoid a Covid catastrophe


By C RangarajanPolicymakers do face a dilemma while dealing with the economic impact of the coronavirus, even though they may not want to acknowledge it openly. The current chorus of opinions advocates that GoI should launch massive expenditure expansion programmes. There is no doubt that at a time like this, the government must attack and deal with the virus, whatever it takes to do this. This reminds us of an old saying that the fundamental principle of war finance is that nothing should be decided on the principle of finance.On what kind of expenditures that GoI must undertake, there is a plethora of advice. Added up, it amounts to a sizeable increase in expenditure. Should the government — and more particularly the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) — worry? What is disconcerting not the proposed increase in fiscal deficit, but how it will be financed. In fact, there will be no takers in the market for the additional loans, particularly at lower rates of interest. Therefore, the only way to finance it is for RBI to pick up the loans either in the primary or secondary market. 74939091The 'escape clause' in the amended Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act enables RBI to enter the primary market in times of national emergencies. Thus, what one is talking about is monetisation of debt. The extraordinary increase in liquidity resulting from the support to the banking system and government can result in ballooning of reserve money initially, and later, in money supply, depending on the money multiplier.With non-agricultural production stagnating, at some point, there will be an explosive increase in prices. Inflation can become a real danger. This is a lesson we can draw from our own post-2008-09 global financial crisis experience. Therein lies the dilemma. Should we worry about what might happen on the price front? On a war finance basis, we should not. But can we completely ignore the inflationary consequences? Is inflation a certainty? The probability is very high. It may come with a lag. A bad monsoon will make the situation worse.Credit Where It's DueOn the provision of liquidity to the business sector through the banking system, there are two concerns. The liquidity-enhancing measures announced by RBI are imaginative and innovative. But banks need to use these facilities with caution. Credit must be given where it is needed and justified. Otherwise, we will have a different problem to face later.Second, the present stagnation in industrial production and services is greatly influenced by the Covid-19 mitigation lockdown. Mere provision of credit will not help. If the lockdown is extended beyond mid-April, the industrial and service sectors will suffer greatly. No amount of credit will help. Thus, from a healthcare point of view, GoI must think of alternatives other than the lockdown.The required government expenditures can be classified into three categories: (1) healthcare expenditures, (2) relief to people directly affected, such daily wagers and migrant labour, and (3) expenditure to stimulate demand and revive affected sectors. GoI must immediately address the first two categories.The first set of expenditures is paramount. There is some concern among experts on the extent of testing that is being done currently. Many experts feel that the magnitude of testing must increase multifold times. The first priority is to mobilise adequate resources to meet all health-related expenditures, including supply of accessories like ventilators, masks, sanitisers and material inputs for tests. The challenge here is not only fiscal but also organisational.The second set of expenditures tries to take care of people who have been directly affected by the lockdown. The announcement made by finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman earlier last month directly addressed it. Here again, there is a feeling that problems of people thrown out of employment have not been adequately addressed. It is a heart-rending sight to see migrants walking all the way to their home states from their places of work. More needs to be done on this front.Spend When You MustThe third category of expenditures can wait until we have had some success in combating the virus. Once the lockdown is lifted, and when business units are ready to expand their activities, additional liquidity from RBI as well as some supportive expenditure by GoI can help. The phasing of expenditures by the government, thus, becomes important.There is the dilemma of having to choose between the devil and the deep blue sea. This is not 'fiscal fundamentalism'. We are thinking of upwards of 6% of GDP as fiscal deficit. We may end up with more than double of the mandated level. We should be conscious of the inflationary impact. We can, however, soften the impact of the choices by appropriate phasing.The writer is former governor, Reserve Bank of India

Good old kirana stores are in demand again


NEW DELHI/KOLKATA/AHMEDABAD: The countrywide lockdown has helped neighbourhood grocery stores to make a comeback in metro cities as modern trade and ecommerce players are still grappling with supply chain issues and shortage of manpower. According to Retailers Association of India (RAI) CEO Kumar Rajagopalan, availability of essentials is least impacted in the country – unlike the West where consumers are seen lining up before supermarkets in serpentine queues – because of kirana stores in every nook and corner. "Kiranas have become the lifeline of the country," he said.Large supermarket chains and online grocers are yet to resume operations fully since the start of the 21-day nationwide lockdown last week mainly due to severe manpower crunch, owners of most kiranas in cities are going to distributors or stockists themselves and picking up the goods they require."The distributors are unable to bring supplies to the store as there is shortage of manpower. So, we go to their warehouse ourselves to pick up goods," said Ujjwal Jain who runs a kirana in Delhi's Vasundhara Enclave locality called Jain store. 74938827Some kiranas are working with Resident Welfare Associations of housing societies to ensure supply of groceries and other essential commodities to households. "We have set up slots for each residential complex during which we deliver all orders at their main gate, with apartment numbers written prominently," Jain said. "Residents come, one by one to collect their packet and make payment." Raj Kumar Jain who runs a kirana shop in Noida said, "We are taking orders on WhatsApp and delivering products to various residential complexes once a day."

Amid coronavirus crisis, God goes online


The muezzin calls out the faithful to prayer five times a day. But nobody comes to the mosque. These days, devotees spread out janamaz in the confines of their homes to pray. This, perhaps, is happening for the first time in 1391 years of Cheraman Juma Masjid in Kerala, where an azaan has not beckoned believers to the mosque."We've told people to pray in their homes. These are tough times, and it is not right for people to congregate in one place," says Faisal, an office-bearer at Cheraman Juma Masjid, the oldest mosque in Indian sub-continent.Places of worship - cutting across religion, gods and saints have barred public entry in totality post the Covid-related lockdown announced by the Government. While daily rituals and prayers are conducted by a select group of priests and clerics, devotees are desisted from thronging in. All major religious institutions are opening up online channels to stay connected with their devotees. Online live darshans, donations and pooja booking options are made available for public by many institutions. A few cash-rich religious trusts are also reaching out to the lockdown-afflicted people with relief materials and financial assistance."We're under complete lockdown for some days now, but we're trying to pass out food packets, masks and hand sanitizers to police staff manning the neighbourhood, Covid volunteers and several poor and needy people," says Aadesh Bandekar, chairman of the Siddhivinayak Temple Trust in Mumbai."That apart, we're live streaming the daily rituals on Facebook for our devotees… These bits are getting a lot of view these days – especially from devotees residing abroad," he adds.The trustees of Ajmer Sharif Dargah, the shrine of revered sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti, is contemplating whether to live telecast the daily proceedings to their devotees. On an average, the shrine attracts over 20,000 visitors; on Fridays and other important days, the tally counters cross 50,000 worshippers."Visitors may want to come, but saving lives is more important now," says Syed Sameer Chishti Shah, who serves at the Dargah."The Dargah committee will decide about our online outreach programme very soon. Our payment channels are open, but offerings such as flowers and chaadhar are not taken in from outside now. We've also asked shopkeepers who sell these items near the Dargah to down shutters till the time the lockdown is in place," he adds.The Our Lady of Good Health Basilica at Velankanni (Tamil Nadu) attracts over 2 crore visitors every year. The church, which remained open even in the aftermath of 2004 tsunami (which caused the death of over 500 pilgrims), is shut for the first time in 50 years. The authorities have decided to conduct the 'Mass' indoors, and stopped 'baptism' and 'confirmation' rituals."The priests are conducting Mass two times a day… The morning Mass – at 6AM – is live telecast on the Church website and on Youtube. We're witnessing a lot of visitors on our Youtube channel these days," affirms Fr. A. Anto Jesuraj of the Velankanni church.Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), the trustees of Tirumala Venkateswara Temple, makes use of its dedicated television channel to reach out to devotees. Daily rituals at the temple are also uploaded on the temple's mobile app. On a normal day, the pilgrimage centre attracts over 60,000 visitors – and a wee bit short of one lakh on important days, according to TTD officials."We've a studio with sets that replicate the sanctum santorum… the proceedings are enacted there too for a video-shoot and live telecasting on our TV channel. The mobile app also has live videos and photographs," a TTD JEO office staff tells ET.The Saibaba Sansthan Trust, which oversees the Shirdi Saibaba Temple, has announced a donation of Rs 51 crore to the Maharashtra CM's relief fund to fight the Covid outbreak. Likewise, the Kolhapur Mahalaxmi Temple trust has signed a cheque of Rs 2 crore favouring the state government to deal with the epidemic. The Shirdi Saibaba Temple live-streams daily rituals on TataSky and also through the temple's dedicated mobile app. The temple hosts 50,000 visitors every day. "The lockdown has impacted a lot of people in this temple-town," says Mohan Yadav, a Saibaba Sansthan Trust official."There are 600 hotels here, employing thousands of people; all are shut now… The flower and fruit-sellers are not open anymore; this putting pressure on farmers who are sitting on piles of perishable stock. There are roughly 1000 beggars who live on alms given by devotees who come here… Now they don't even get food to eat," says Yadav.The lockdown to prevent the spread of Coronavirus is almost total in all towns that huddle around important religious centres. Poor locals who earn their livelihood selling flowers, fruits, chaadars and incense sticks are now a worried lot. With no devotees around, only prayers may help them tide over.

Some lenders ask clients to pay loan instalments


Kolkata: Some lenders -- both banks and non-banks -- have told their microfinance clients to pay loan instalments which have now fallen due, going against the spirit of Reserve Bank of India's moratorium relief.These lenders with sizeable loan exposure to NBFC-MFIs have also deducted the installments ignoring the request for moratorium. They said the policy on moratorium is still a work under progress."The NBFC-MFIs have managed to collect repayment from the end-borrowers till March 21. So, there should not be any cash flow issue for them in this cycle. That's why, we have insisted them to pay their instalments," a private bank chief executive said. "The situation may change in the next two months. Our board will come out with a policy soon reflecting on what RBI said," he said.Another leading non-banking finance company (NBFC) is learnt to have called back loan against shares given to the promoter of a leading NBFC-MFI, anticipating future stress as cash flow for microfinance firms dried up.Such moves have put MFIs in anxiety as the future lies uncertain in the absence of repayment collection while life and economy come to a standstill amid coronavirus epidemic. The pay day pressure multiplied their pain. NBFC-MFIs have suspended both loan disbursement and collection immediately after the country-wide lockdown was imposed.RBI last week come out with relief measures for both individual and corporate borrowers since temporary disruptions in cash flows may destabilise their businesses, and in some cases, make lead to loss of income."Whether lenders will offer moratorium or not will technically depend on their respective policies, That's the lacuna left by RBI," a chief executive of a leading NBFC-MFI said.The regulator allowed lenders to offer moratorium to the borrowers in stress. It has also told lenders to frame board approved polices on term loan moratorium and relief on working capital finances."The RBI scheme came too close to the month-end. With the country being on lockdown and boards working from home, there may be delays in rolling out the moratorium scheme (by lenders)," said Sanjaya Gupta, managing director at PNB Housing Finance. "We are going to pay all term loan instalments as we have enough liquidity," he said.The moratorium on terms loans, otherwise, is applicable to all segments, irrespective of the segment and the tenure of the term loans. The original repayment period for term loans will get extended by 90 days. For example, a loan repayable in 60 instalments maturing on March 1, 2025 will mature on June 1, 2025.According to FAQ released by Indian Banks' Association, firms may also request banks to re-assess their working capital requirements on account of disruption of their cash flows or elongating the working capital cycle.

India under lockdown: Broadcasters stare at drop in ad revenues


Mumbai: Broadcasters are staring at a drop in advertising revenues despite Indians spending more time at home watching TV during the ongoing lockdown after top spending companies put many planned campaigns on hold or even cancelled them.Top broadcasters, media buyers and advertisers ET spoke with, feel that if the situation doesn't improve by end of April, the TV industry will end up with a 30-40% drop in ad revenues in April and May. Experts say that while March is usually a slower month for advertising, many top spending categories — like auto, consumer durables, retail, and mobile phones— spend heavily during these two moths on IPL and the summer season. With IPL getting suspended and a nationwide lockdown in force, advertisers aren't keen on spending marketing monies and broadcasters feel that the continuing uncertainty might bring more pain. "The media industry, which depends heavily on advertising revenues, is going to take a massive hit because of economic disruption. It's tough to estimate the scale and size of impact and it will depend on how long and deep is the disruption," acknowledges Uday Shankar, president, The Walt Disney APAC and chairman, Disney & Star India. "There is a massive impact on TV advertising in the Month of April."For broadcasters, 60-65% of their top-line comes from ads.MK Anand, MD and CEO of Times Network said that while there is a definite drop in ad sales, there are emerging signals from certain sectors including digital, banking and insurance and healthcare. "We are absolutely sure that engagement and reach of TV as a medium has seen a rise, and it's going to jump further. As a marketer, I see this as an opportunity to outshine by doing strategic brand messaging in a highly engaging context."Times Network, for instance, is running three campaigns. First is 'Fighting Fear with Facts' that seeks to counter the immediate fear psychosis gripping the audience and proposes that Times Network news channels are the best antidote due to their superior fact based reporting - a message that builds brand salience beyond the current context. Second Movies Now, which is positioned as 'Home to Superheroes' has used the occasion to Salute 'India's real Superheroes' - Doctors, Police, Reporters etc., who are out there making sure the essential services keep running even as all of us stay home. Besides these, the network is also running 'India Cares', an umbrella campaign, which is a call to donate for PM Cares.Broadcasters agree that a lot of businesses are under stress as the entire supply chain has been disrupted. And advertisers don't see a reason to advertise if it doesn't translate into sales as people are not venturing out to purchase goods and services. Ashish Sehgal, chief growth officer - ad sales, ZEE said, "We understand that these are tough times. Yes, there have been some cancellation requests. Some businesses have suspended operations and we are actively helping those categories. But we are also appealing to those categories, where business is operational, to continue supporting us."

Bigger PNB to have edge in getting big corporate customers


The merger of United Bank of India (UBI) and Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) with Punjab National Bank has made it the second-largest stateowned bank. In an interview with Joel Rebello, PNB's chief executive officer SS Mallikarjuna Rao says the merger would give it enormous reach and build a stronger bank. Edited excerpts:The merger was conceived during normal times and now it's totally different with Covid-19. How does this change the way you look at it?There is no change because majority of the activities were planned before. Covid came only in March. The only difference is that we wanted to change the branding and have physical meetings with customers as well as employees which has now been postponed. From the customer point of view it is business as usual. Today more than 90% of our branches and ATMs are working. We have deployed 50% employees with change-over days on a rotation basis because of the lockdown but footfalls in the branches have also fallen.You have become the second biggest among PSU banks. How do you capitalise on it?Large corporate customers are looking at a smaller sub-set of banks for their business. We being largest now, will give us advantage to get these customers. Our combined entity will have Rs 7.7 lakh crore in advances up from Rs 4.76 lakh crore in December. Our total business will be over Rs 18 lakh crore.What about branches? Other merged entities also face overlaps. What is the scene with you?Most of our branch overlaps are in North India with OBC. We have identified the branches in the vicinity of 500 metres and we will merge them and use the licences elsewhere. We will do that after June especially in southern states where we don't have much presence. We will also build branches in the West. We have one-lakh workforce which we expect to continue with. We are creating different types of roles which will be effective after the lockdown. We will focus on mid corporate offices for Rs 1 crore to Rs 50 crore. Large corporate branches will directly report to the head office. The segment between Rs 100 crore and Rs 500 crore is dominated by private banks and after this merger I think that is an opportunity for us.UBI was under prompt corrective action. How much of a dent does that make?Mathematically if you look at it, the OBC and UBI balance sheets together are half of PNB so they have a limited impact on the net ratios. Combined it's not going to be adverse because recoveries have been good this year. For UBI, because they were in PCA, many of the existing customers were not getting enhanced credit facilities particularly in the MSME sector in the East and North-east. That is a big opportunity for us. Our net NPA was 7.28% as of December and because of recoveries we expect less than 7% net NPA for the combined entity. There will be harmonisation in provisions.Organisational structure and human resources are vital issues. How do you deal?All three banks had certain circle officers especially in metro locations which are not required now. In some locations we require but we didn't have people. We have identified all these locations and done the background work but could not implement it. The realignment and reporting mechanism will be started the moment lockdown ends. We will increase our circles by about six to 160 and zones by five to 24 zones. Loan processing will be centralised in 160 locations covering all 11,000 branches so that the turnaround time and quality of credit underwriting will be ensured.What about technology which some believe is the biggest nightmare?In terms of core banking we are all on Finacle but versions are different. We expect the databases to merge in nine months. We have already collected the data so we have already started work. But products and services have been aligned. From today, interest rates and charges will be similar. Customers can access specified facilities in any of the branches from tomorrow like cash withdrawal. Account numbers won't change. RBI has given a time window of 12 months for IFSC and MICR codes. We plan to replace cheque books within three months. Debit cards will also be issued in a phased manner.

Why coronavirus fears may no longer push gold prices higher


By David FicklingHere's another factor to add to the gyrations in the gold price over the past few weeks: The biggest players in the market may be losing their buying appetite.Russia's central bank, one of the world's largest gold buyers in recent years, is halting all purchases of the metal. It's not alone: Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, whose central banks have also been reliable consumers of late, have also slowed down. Rolling three-month additions to official sector gold holdings (those held by central banks and international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund) in January amounted to just 67 metric tons, the slowest pace since August 2018. The official sector owns about a fifth of the gold that was ever mined, and was the biggest buyer last year after jewelry consumers. The last time it turned a net seller, in the 1990s and early 2000s, gold prices cratered. Should history repeat itself, the current spike in the market would quickly wilt. 74929705It's hardly surprising that the world's most solid institutions should be holding back on purchasing a flight-to-safety asset at a time when nervier private holders are driving up its price. Purchasing bullion when it's close to a seven-year high, and after a month of prices fluctuating through a range of about 13%, doesn't seem a particularly smart way to add stability to your portfolio.It might be argued that the current crisis is precisely the sort of emergency that proves the enduring value of gold for a central bank, as an asset with no counterparty risk that can be sold in an exchange for any currency if things get tight. There are two problems with that as a case for buying now. 74929715In the short term, gold is only valuable in a crisis to the extent that you're prepared to sell it. Any countries facing shortages of foreign currency to manage their balances of payments should be liquidating metal at the moment, rather than adding to their holdings.In the longer term, the Federal Reserve's announcement Tuesday of a temporary facility allowing central banks to swap their Treasury holdings for cash blows up even that argument. In a world that still runs on the dollar, the prime attraction of gold is the ease with which it can be exchanged for greenbacks. So long as the yield on Treasuries doesn't drop to zero, they'll represent a more attractive way of raising cash dollars for as long as those swap lines are open.The appetite for official gold buying over the past decade has come from a surprisingly small club of mainly emerging economies. Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Poland and Mexico alone have accounted for about 90% of net purchases.Most of those players have now reached levels where their appetite is likely to be exhausted. The two central Asian republics now hold more than half of their reserve assets as metal, well in excess of what they'd need to balance out their portfolios and manage currency risks. Turkey's holdings at the end of December were equivalent to around 20% of its reserves, hard against the upper bound of new gold reserve limits announced in January. Russia has sworn off further purchases for the moment and Mexico has mostly been a seller in recent years. 74929723It's not impossible that other central banks might see things differently.At 9% of reserves, Poland's holdings look ample in principle, but recent policies such as the repatriation of nearly half its gold from London seem driven more by symbolism than economics. (In terms of liquidity management, you should want your gold to be based in an overseas bullion-trading center like London or New York, rather than Warsaw.)More to the point, the major economies in east Asia continue to have reserves in the lower single digits, making the region one of the few where holdings are arguably lower than optimal. Any switch to more aggressive purchases by the likes of China, Japan, Taiwan or South Korea would deliver fresh support to the market.Still, it's worth reflecting that the surging price of gold is increasing the share of bullion in most central banks' reserves right now, in some cases to the point where they need to think about selling.It's easy to forget that 20 years ago, official sector gold sales were regarded as undermining prices so severely that European banks struck an agreement to limit and coordinate their disposals. That deal, in turn, sparked a rally leaving sellers such as the British and Swiss central banks looking like the worst precious metal traders in history. The agreement lapsed last year with the expectation that it was no longer needed in a world where governments' hunger for metal looked insatiable. It would be typical of the ironies in the gold market if this safety net were abandoned just at the moment that it's needed most.(This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of economictimes.com, Bloomberg LP and its owners)

Tech View: Nifty forms Bearish Belt Hold as bears tighten grip


NEW DELHI: Nifty on Wednesday tumbled 4 per cent in a session, which was ruled entirely by the bears. The selling kicked off from the word go and ended near the day's close, as the index formed a Bearish Belt Hold pattern on the daily chart. Analysts said the index needs to defend the 8,250 level to avoid further rounds of selling. "Nifty in this phase of correction is witnessing either side's sharp moves. So far the support zone of 8,250 is held. If breached, the next support on the downside is placed near the 8,000 level. Nifty will have to top 8,600 zone on the upside for a rally to develop. Despite 300-plus points fall, the market breadth was positive, which is worth noting," said Manav Chopra of Indiabulls Securities.For the day, the index closed at 8,253.80, down 343.95 points or 4 per cent. "The bears had an upper hand throughout the day, resulting in a sustained decline till the end. On the way down, the index broke the swing low of 8,244, which confirms the next leg down. From a short term perspective, 8,000-7,920 will be the initial target area to watch out for with the potential to head significantly lower," said Gaurav Ratnaparkhi of Sharekhan. Traders should refrain from taking long positions, said Chandan Taparia of Motilal Oswal Securities. This analyst sees resistance for Nifty at 8,555 and 8,888 levels.

Handset companies hike prices on high GST


New Delhi: India's top handset makers such as Xiaomi, Apple, Samsung, Oppo, Realme and Vivo have increased smartphone prices following the increase in GST rate to 18% from 12% from April 1, and to factor in a weaker rupee."The rupee has depreciated significantly against the US dollar. Since we maintain less than 5% profit margin for all our hardware products, we have no option other than to increase prices," Manu Jain, India head at Xiaomi, India's leading handset maker, said in a note to customers.Samsung, which has increased prices by up to ₹6,000 on its handsets, has also conveyed its move to its retail partners and distributors. India's third ranked smartphone maker declined to comment.Apple on Wednesday increased prices of iPhones by over 5%, informing retailers that this was due to the increase in GST. This is the second price hike by Apple in two months, the previous one being because of hiked customs duty.No. 2 handset maker Vivo has also increased the prices of Vivo V17, Vivo S1 Pro, Vivo Y19, Vivo Y15, and its several other phones by up to ₹2,000, a retailer said. Oppo, the fourth largest, has also increased prices for its A, F and Reno smartphone series in the country, according to Mumbai-based retailer Mahesh Telecom."After serious consideration, we will be revising the prices of our products from April 1, across all platforms. We will keep monitoring the market situation and pass on the benefits to our consumers in our endeavour of bringing the best products to them at an affordable price range in the future," an Oppo spokesperson said.A spokesperson for fast-growing smartphone maker Realme added that the Covid-19 pandemic has severely hurt the smartphone industry, leading to a price hike of components and supply shortage. Furthermore, the Indian rupee rate has been continuously depreciating against the US dollar. "This has impacted the overall cost of the smartphone device. We are announcing that Realme smartphones will have to boost the prices up for the first time since 2018".

Ensure placements are not affected due to coronavirus situation: HRD minister tells IITs


New Delhi: Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' on Wednesday directed the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) to ensure that placements of students are not affected due to the situation arising out of the coronavirus pandemic. In a meeting with heads of 23 IITs through video conferencing, he directed that a task force be set up for the purpose. "A task force call for placements may be set up in institutes to liaise with various companies to ensure that adequate placement not below the levels of past years may take place in these institutes. Academic calendar of the institutes may be prepared so that students do not lose summer and winter internships," Nishank told the IIT heads. "Mental health-related challenges of students during the lockdown period also need to be addressed by all the institutes and a helpline be established in this regard. There should be a task force set up by every institute which should include psychologists to handle mental health issues," he added. The institutes are closed and exams suspended due to the nationwide lockdown in view of the coronavirus outbreak that has claimed 38 lives in the country till now.

telugu news headlines telugu news hunt

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:57 PM PDT

telugu news headlines telugu news hunt

ఢిల్లీ నుంచి వచ్చిన వారిలో 70 మందికి కరోనా – ఏపీ సీఎం జగన్

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:01 PM PDT

ఏపీలో నిన్న, మొన్నటి వరకు అతి తక్కువ సంఖ్యలో నమోదైన కరోనా కేసులు కేవలం 12 గంటల్లో అమాంతం పెరిగిపోయాయి. రాష్ట్రంలో ఇప్పటి వరకు 87 కరోనా పాజిటీవ్ కేసులు నమోదు కాగా.. వాటిలో 70 కేసులు ఢిల్లీలోని మర్కజ్ ప్రార్థనల నుంచి తిరిగి వచ్చిన వాళ్లే అని సీఎం జగన్ వెల్లడించారు. రాష్ట్రం నుంచి 1,085 మంది ఢిల్లీలో ప్రార్థనలకు వెళ్లారని… వారిలో ఇప్పటి వరకు 585 మందికి వైద్య పరీక్షలు నిర్వహించామని జగన్ చెప్పారు. […]

రిలీజ్ కు ముందే అమెజాన్ ప్రైమ్ లోకి వచ్చేసింది

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:30 AM PDT

కరోనా ఎఫెక్ట్ చిన్న సినిమాలపై గట్టిగా పడింది. మరో నెల రోజుల పాటు విడుదల వాయిదా వేయలేక, వడ్డీలు కట్టలేక నానా అవస్థలు పడుతున్నారు. దీంతో తప్పనిసరి పరిస్థితుల మధ్య థియేట్రికల్ రిలీజ్ కంటే ముందే డిజిటల్ స్ట్రీమింగ్ కు ఇచ్చేస్తున్నారు. ఈ వరసలో ముందుగా చేరిన సినిమా ‘శక్తి’. తమిళ్ లో శివ కార్తికేయన్, కల్యాణి ప్రియదర్శన్ హీరోహీరోయిన్లుగా నటించిన సినిమాను తెలుగులో శక్తి పేరిట డబ్ చేశాడు రాజేష్ అనే చిన్న నిర్మాత. మార్చి […]

నా భార్యకు కరోనా లేదు.. బాలీవుడ్ హీరో

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:46 AM PDT

ప్రస్తుతం కరోనా కంటే వేగంగా దానికి సంబంధించిన పుకార్లు దేశమంతా వ్యాపిస్తున్నాయి. ఇందులో భాగంగానే ఓ పుకారు నటుడు అజయ్ దేవగన్ ను ఉక్కిరిబిక్కిరి చేసింది. ఒకప్పటి హీరోయిన్, అజయ్ దేవగన్ భార్య కాజోల్ కు కరోనా సోకిందనేది ఆ రూమర్. ఈ గాసిప్ ఇలా వచ్చిందో లేదో అంతా అజయ్ దేవగన్ ను ట్యాగ్ చేయడం స్టార్ట్ చేశారు. దాదాపు 24 గంటల పాటు ఈ టార్చర్ అనుభవించిన అజయ్ ఎట్టకేలకు దీనిపై క్లారిటీ ఇచ్చాడు. […]

అలాంటిదేం లేదంటున్న పూజా హెగ్డే

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:37 AM PDT

పూజాహెగ్డే మరోసారి తమిళ్ లోకి వెళ్లబోతోంది. హరి దర్శకత్వంలో హీరో సూర్య సరసన నటించబోతోంది. ఈ మేరకు చాలా సైట్స్ లో న్యూస్ వచ్చేసింది. ఈ హంగామా అంతా అయిపోయిన తర్వాత తాపీగా ఈ మేటర్ పై క్లారిటీ ఇచ్చింది పూజా హెగ్డే. అప్పుడే అంతా కన్ ఫర్మ్ అయిపోలేదంటోంది ఈ బుట్టబొమ్మ. “హలో..హలో.. తమిళ సినిమాలు చేస్తున్నానని అప్పుడే కంక్లూజన్ కు వచ్చేయకండి. ఇప్పటివరకైతే ఏ తమిళ సినిమాకు సైన్ చేయలేదు. ప్రస్తుతానికి రెండు కథలు […]

ఐక్యరాజ్య సమితి హెచ్చరిక… దేనికి సంకేతం?

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:34 AM PDT

ఐక్యరాజ్య సమితి కీలక హెచ్చరిక చేసింది. రానున్న రోజుల్లో ప్రపంచం అత్యంత సవాల్ తో కూడుకున్న సంక్షోభాన్ని ఎదుర్కోబోతోందని హెచ్చరించింది. గత రెండు రోజులుగా.. ప్రపంచ వ్యాప్తంగా కరోనా సృష్టిస్తున్న మరణ మృదంగంపై తీవ్రమైన ఆందోళన వ్యక్తం చేసింది. గడచిన 75 ఏళ్లలో ఎన్నడూ లేనంత ఆరోగ్య సంక్షోభాన్ని ఎదుర్కొంటున్నామని… ఇది మానవ సంక్షోభానికీ దారి తీసేలా కనిపిస్తోందని ఐక్యరాజ్య సమితి ప్రధాన కార్యదర్శి గుటెరస్ హెచ్చరించారు. ఇదే సమయంలో.. అగ్ర రాజ్యం అమెరికా అధ్యక్షుడు డొనాల్డ్ […]

కరోనా కల్లోలం… కాస్తంత మంచి ప్రభావం

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:30 AM PDT

నాణేనికి బొమ్మా బొరుసూ రెండు వైపులూ ఉన్నట్టుగానే.. కరోనా ప్రభావంతో చెడు ఎంత జరుగుతుందో.. ఆ స్థాయిలో కాకున్నా కాస్తంత చెప్పుకోదగ్గ పరిణామంలోనే మంచి ఫలితాలు కూడా కనిపిస్తున్నాయి. లాక్ డౌన్ కారణంగా.. ఇళ్లకే పరిమితం అవుతున్న ప్రజలు.. ఆరోగ్యంపై అవగాహన పెంచుకుంటున్నారు. కుటుంబీకులతో నిత్యం మాట్లాడుతున్నారు. అనుబంధాలు పెంచుకునేందుకు ప్రాధాన్యత ఇస్తున్నారు. ముఖ్యంగా ఆరోగ్య పరిరక్షణకు ప్రాధాన్యత ఇస్తూ.. సమయానికి ఆహారం తీసుకుంటూ.. సమయానికి నిద్రపోతూ.. తమ పిల్లల పర్యవేక్షణను తామే వ్యక్తిగతంగా చూసుకోగలుగుతున్నారు. అత్యవసర […]

నిరుపేదలకు… 1300 కోట్లు విడుదల చేసిన ఏపీ

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:08 AM PDT

కరోనా నియంత్రణ నిమిత్తం విధించిన ఆంక్షల కారణంగా.. ప్రజలెవరూ బయటికి వెళ్లడం లేదు. ఆదాయ మార్గాలు మూసుకుపోయాయి. అలాంటి వారిని ఆదుకునే నిమిత్తం.. దారిద్ర్య రేఖకు దిగువన ఉన్న వారికి రేషన్ సరుకులను ఉచితంగా అందిస్తున్న ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం.. ఒక్కో కార్డుకు వెయ్యి రూపాయల సహాయాన్ని కూడా ఇప్పటికే ప్రకటించి ఉంది. ఆ మాటను నిలబెట్టుకుంటూ.. ఏకంగా 1300 కోట్ల రూపాయలు విడుదల చేసింది. ఈ నిధులను పంచాయతీ రాజ్ శాఖ ద్వారా పంపిణీ చేసేందుకు ప్రభుత్వం […]

ఇంటికే పెన్షన్లు… జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకుంటున్న అధికారులు

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:01 AM PDT

లాక్ డౌన్ ఆంక్షలు కొనసాగుతున్నా.. సంక్షేమాన్ని మాత్రం ఆపేందుకు సిద్ధంగా లేమని ఆంధ్రప్రదేశ్ ప్రభుత్వం తన చర్యలతో చాటి చెబుతోంది. ప్రభుత్వం ఇచ్చే పెన్షన్లతోనే కాలం వెళ్లదీసే వృద్ధులు, ఇతర వర్గాల వారికి.. ఇంటికే సొమ్మును పంపించేందుకు చర్యలు ప్రారంభించింది. 59 లక్షల మందికి అందుతున్న ఈ సహాయాన్ని.. ఇవాళ ఉదయం ప్రారంభించి.. 8.30 గంటల సమయానికే 53 శాతం పంపిణీ పూర్తి చేసినట్టు ప్రకటించింది. ఈ సందర్భంగా… కరోనా విషయంలో అన్ని జాగ్రత్తలనూ తీసుకుంటూ పెన్షన్లు […]

How to of the Day

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:36 PM PDT

How to of the Day

How to Keep Food Off Your Mind

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:00 PM PDT

Food is an essential part of everyone's life, but it can become a problem when it's all you think about. If you are trying to make a change in your diet, you may be struggling with constant thoughts about food that you are craving. To keep food off your mind, try to stay hydrated, distract yourself with a friend, and plan out your meals to reach your goals and start a healthy relationship with food.


[Edit]Avoiding Cravings

  1. Drink water to stay hydrated. Sometimes your body gets its signals crossed and tells you that you're hungry when you really just need some water. Keep a water bottle with you during the day and drink water consistently. If you start to think about food, chug some water to see if it satiates you.[1]
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  2. Plan out your meals to feel prepared. Create a 7 day meal plan by writing out what you are going to eat for each meal on each day. Spend 1 day a week preparing lunches to take to work or dinners to pop in the oven. Having meals that are already decided will help you avoid worrying about what you are going to eat next.[2]
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    • Don't be too hard on yourself if you divert from your meal plan once or twice.
  3. Keep junk food out of the house. If you buy things like cookies, chips, and soda, you're probably going to think about them while they are sitting in your kitchen. Avoid the temptation by only buying healthy foods that may not seem as appealing to you. Create a grocery list before you go shopping and stick to it as much as you can.[3]
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    • Processed foods often have more sugar and chemicals in them that makes your body crave them more. Avoiding those foods will help break the cycle of your cravings.
    • You may have "trigger foods," or foods that you can't stop thinking about until you eat them. Try to recognize what those are and avoid them completely. Common trigger foods include potato chips, snack cakes, and cookies.
    • Never go to the grocery store while you are hungry. This can cause you to buy unhealthy food that you are craving.
  4. Eat more protein to feel fuller. Eating lean protein is an excellent way to stop your cravings by feeling full. Chicken, beef, fish, and beans are all proteins that will take longer to digest, so they will make you feel fuller for longer.[4]
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    • Eating lean protein also adds to your muscle mass and keeps your blood sugar steady.
    • Avoid eating foods like white bread or baked potatoes, as they digest quickly and will leave you feeling hungry.
  5. Add healthy fats to your diet. Your body often craves fat, and for a good reason. Fat helps the body stabilize its cholesterol levels and can improve the health of your heart. Add foods like avocados, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and fish into your diet to satisfy your fat cravings.[5]
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    • Saturated fats are healthy in moderation, but many foods have too much saturated fats in them. Pizza, cookies, and fast food all have high levels of saturated fats that are harmful to your health.
    • Check the label on your food for trans fat or saturated fat and try to limit the food you eat with those ingredients.[6]
  6. Reduce your stress levels with meditation and exercise. If you're a stress-eater, your thoughts may turn to food whenever you need to calm down. Try to reduce your stress levels with meditation, exercise, and deep-breathing instead of food. Managing your stress in a healthy way is also beneficial to your overall health.[7]
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    • If you are struggling with managing your stress levels, talk to a mental health professional.
  7. Get enough sleep every night. When you're tired, your body craves caffeine and sugar to give you a boost. Try to get about 8 hours of sleep each night so that you feel rested and awake the next morning. Getting enough sleep each night is also beneficial to your overall health.[8]
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    • You may need more than 8 hours of sleep a night, especially if you are still growing.

[Edit]Distracting Yourself

  1. Do a fun physical activity that you enjoy. If you're starting to think about food, try getting up and going for a walk, a run, or even a round of soccer with your friends. Exercise is a great way to keep your mind and body occupied while meeting your fitness goals. Try to find a physical activity that you like doing so that you look forward to it.[9]
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    • Hiking, rock climbing, weight training, and swimming are all great activities to get your body moving.
  2. Get yourself out of the house. If you're just sitting in your home, you are more likely to think about all the food that is in your kitchen. Go for a walk around the block, run some errands, or head to a movie to keep your mind off of food.[10]
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    • If you have a pet, take them for a short walk around your neighborhood as an excuse to get out of the house.
  3. Call a friend for support. If you've shared your struggles with a friend or family member, call them up as a distraction when you are thinking about food. Even if you haven't talked about your problem, you can still catch up with a friend as a way to keep your mind off of food. Ask them about their life, hobbies, and what they are enjoying lately.[11]
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    • If you have a friend who is also struggling to keep their mind off of food, they may appreciate you sharing your struggles with them.
  4. Finish chores around the house. There's no better feeling than checking things off of your to-do list. Tackle chores you've been meaning to finish like doing the laundry, washing the dishes, mopping the floor, and changing your sheets. You'll keep your mind off of food while also decluttering your living space.[12]
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    • Keeping your living area clutter-free can help improve your overall mood and mental health.
  5. Chew sugarless gum to trick your mind. You may be able to trick your brain into thinking you are eating just by chewing. Buy some sugarless gum to munch on whenever you are thinking about food. Do this in conjunction with another distraction to keep your mind off of your hunger.[13]
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    • You can find sugarless gum at most grocery stores. Look for the label "sugar free."
  6. Write in a journal to keep track of your thoughts. Distracting yourself physically is good, but your brain may still be focused on food. Try keeping a diary or journal to write in whenever you feel like food is on your mind. Write down what you did that day, how you are feeling, and what your goals are. Get creative with your journal by adding pictures or stickers as decoration.[14]
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    • Use a pocket-sized journal to keep with you whenever you might need it.
  7. Watch a funny video to move your thoughts elsewhere. If your brain is fixated on the thought of food, you may need to give it something else to think about. The fastest way to engage your brain is to look up a funny video on social media. Try search terms like "funny animals" or "hilarious pranks."[15]
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    • YouTube is a great site for finding videos to distract yourself.


  • You may be thinking about food just because you are bored. Try to occupy your mind before you turn to food.
  • If you cave in and snack occasionally, don't beat yourself up about it! Changing your eating habits is hard and keeping your mind off of food is a process.
  • If you feel extremely hungry, try to eat something healthy rather than not eating at all.


  • If you feel unusually hungry all the time, talk to your doctor to see if you have an underlying medical condition that is causing your hunger.


How to Trim Your Own Hair

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:00 AM PDT

You can easily trim your hair in between haircuts, whether you cut it yourself or get it cut professionally. Use hair clippers to trim the top, back, and sides of short haircuts, or use hair cutting shears to trim your bangs and ends. Follow your existing haircut, and make small, gradual snips so you don't cut off too much. With a little patience and precision, you can freshen up your fabulous hairstyle!


[Edit]Using Clippers

  1. Use a set of hair clippers with different guards. You can easily cut short hairstyles using hair clippers. Most sets come with many different guard settings, and each guard number corresponds to the hair cut size it creates. The larger the number, the longer your hair will be. Most guard sizes range from ½ to 8.[1]
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    • Each guard size corresponds to a measurement of hair. For instance, number 1 guard cuts your hair to , number 2 cuts to , number 3 cuts to , number 4 cuts to , number 5 cuts to , number 6 cuts to , number 7 cuts to , and number 8 cuts to .[2]
  2. Wet your hair before you cut it. It is easiest to trim hair with clippers when your hair is damp. You can cut your hair after you get out of the shower, or you can spray a light, even layer of water over your head with a spray bottle.[3]
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    • In addition, you can run your hands under the sink and then run them through your hair.
  3. Put your guard on your blade and turn on your clippers. When you are ready to cut your hair, simply snap the guard on top of your blade. To do this, place the end with the teeth at the blade, and snap the other end into place at the base of the blade. Then, plug in your clippers and flip the switch to the "on" position.[4]
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    • You can trim your hair so it is slightly longer on top and slightly shorter on the sides. To do this, use a guard 1 size larger on top and 1 size smaller on the sides.
    • If you want to trim your hair to all the same length, use 1 guard for all of your hair.
    • Alternatively, you can use wireless clippers as well.
  4. Trim the side of your hair starting at the your hairline near your ear. When you trim your hair yourself, it is easiest to start on the side. Watch yourself carefully in a clear mirror. Place your clippers at your hairline above your ears, and move the clippers towards the crown of your head. When you reach the top of your head, flick your wrist outward to move the clippers from your head. This way, you do not trim the hair on top. Continue doing this for both the left and right side of your head.[5]
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    • The clippers will effortlessly trim your hair for you, without going any shorter than your guard.
  5. Trim the back of your hair from the nape of your neck upwards. Place the clippers at your hairline, and move them upwards until you reach the top of your head. Repeat this to trim the back of your head.[6]
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    • To help you trim the back of your head, you can also tilt your head completely down so your chin touches your chest. Then, move the clippers from the nape of your neck to the crown of your head.
    • In addition, you can use your hand to feel your hair and guide your clippers to the right spot.
    • This is a spot where it may be beneficial to ask a friend or family member for help, since you can't see what you're doing. If you don't have anyone who can help, use a second mirror so that you can see the back side of your head.
  6. Change your guard if you want your top longer than the sides. After you've trimmed all the hair on the sides of your head, replace your guard with a larger size if you want to your hair on top longer than the hair on the sides. To remove the guard, simply lift it up using the small plastic edge at the base of the blade.[7]
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    • If you want to trim your hair all the same length, simply continue using the same guard.
  7. Trim the top of your hair from your hairline to the crown of your head. Once the sides and back of your hair are trimmed, move on to the top. You will find it much easier to trim the hair on the top of your head because you can see it in the mirror. To do this, simply place your clippers at your hairline and slowly move it towards the crown of your head. Stop when you reach the back, and flick your wrist away from your head. Continue this motion until you trim all of your hair![8]
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    • It's okay if your clippers extend a little bit down the back or sides of your head. This hair will not get cut any shorter, since you already trimmed them and you are using a guard the same size or larger.
  8. Check your haircut in the mirror and touch it up as needed. When you finish trimming, look in the mirror to make sure your hair is even. If you missed a spot, run your clippers over your hair to even it out. If there are any longer pieces around your hairline, trim them to match the length of all your hair using hair cutting shears.
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    • Don't forget to check around your ears!

[Edit]Trimming Your Bangs

  1. Isolate your bangs by putting the rest of your hair up. Before you trim your bangs, it is helpful to move the rest of your hair out of the way. Pull your bangs over your forehead, and comb back the rest of your hair. Grab all of your hair in 1 hand, and secure a hair tie or clip with the other.[9]
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    • If you have a lot of hair, you can use 2 clips or 2 hair ties instead. Divide your hair into left and right sections, and secure each side.
  2. Cut your bangs when they're dry and tangle-free. Once your the rest of your hair is out of the way, take a comb to smooth out your bangs. This gets rid of any tangles. Additionally, it makes it easier for you to focus on your bangs, so you can see where to trim. It is best to trim your bangs when they are completely dry. If your hair is wet, you can use a blow dryer or let them air dry.[10]
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    • For best results, you can use a rat tail comb.
    • In addition, you can also use a medium-tooth or wide-tooth comb.
    • If your hair is wet, you can easily trim away more than you realize, since hair stretches and appears longer before drying. Because of this, it is best to trim your bangs when they are dry.[11]
  3. Trim your bangs starting from the middle and working towards the sides. To trim your bangs as evenly as possible, it is best to start in the middle, then work your way towards the sides. Position your fingers at the ends of your hair where you want your bangs to hit your forehead, and make tiny snips into your bangs directly below your fingers. Continue snipping until you reach the edge of your bangs. Then, go back and snip the sides of your bangs.[12]
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    • For best results, follow the shape of your bangs as you make your snips.
  4. Hold your bangs between 2 fingers, leaving at the end. To easily trim your bangs, pinch them between your index and middle finger and gently pull on the ends so your hair is taut. This keeps the hair straight, so you can make even cuts.[13]
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    • Hold your hair with your non-dominant hand and make your snips with your dominant hand.
  5. Hold your scissors at a 90-degree angle to make vertical snips. When cutting your bangs, you want to make tiny snips directly below your fingers, rather than making a horizontal cut straight across. To do this, put your scissors in your hand and angle them upwards so they are in the vertical position.[14]
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    • Cutting your hair vertically rather than horizontally creates a natural shape instead of a harsh line across your face.
  6. Take a look in the mirror to check the length of your bangs. After you've trimmed all of your hair, inspect your haircut in the mirror. Is it trimmed enough? Did you miss a spot? If you want your hair trimmed shorter, continue snipping to your desired length. If you missed a spot, go back and make tiny, vertical snips until your bangs are even.[15]
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    • It is also helpful to let the rest of your hair down to check your length. You can easily see how your bangs blend into the rest of your hair.

[Edit]Cutting Your Ends

  1. Cut your hair when it is dry. You are less likely to trim off too much hair since you can see the true length of your hair. When you cut wet hair, it often appears longer and it's easy to cut too much without realizing it.[16]
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  2. Section your hair into 4 equal parts. To make it easier to trim your ends, divide your hair from ear to ear. Then, divide your hair down the center so you have 4 equal sections or quadrants. Comb through each section, then clip the top 2 sections out of the way.[17]
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    • Alternatively, you can use an elastic hair tie and create 2 buns on the top of your head.
  3. Hold the ends of 1 of the bottom sections between 2 fingers. Begin with 1 of the bottom sections of hair, and comb through your hair from root to tip. Then, place your hair in between your index and middle finger to hold it in place. You can gently pull on the ends of your hair so it stays taut. Position your fingers at the ends so there is about below your fingers.[18]
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    • Hold your hair in your non-dominant hand so you can easily cut your hair with your dominant hand.
  4. Hold your shears parallel with the ends of your hair. When you trim your ends, hold your shears horizontally at the ends of your hair, and make small snips across the bottom to trim your hair.[19]
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    • You want to avoid cutting at a blunt angle so your hair does not have chunky lines.
  5. Cut off of the bottom of both sides. Once your hair is secured between your fingers, make a straight cut horizontally across the ends of your hair. You can do this in 1 snip or several, depending on the length of your hair. For a trim, snip up to to off of your ends. The exact length you need to take off will depend on the amount of damage you have at your ends.[20]
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    • Use your split ends as a guide for how much length you need to take off. If you feel comfortable with it, try to cut above the tops of all the splits. This will help keep your hair healthy.
    • Always cut your hair with sharp shears. If you use dull scissors, you may get split ends.
    • Once you finish one of the bottom sides, repeat this on the other side.
  6. Unclip the top sections and cut 1 side. Take the clips out of your hair, but keep the sections divided into a left section and a right section. When you cut the top layers, you want to hold all of the hair in between your fingers, rather than just the bottom layer. Position your fingers about above the ends of your hair.[21]
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  7. Follow the freshly-cut bottom section as a guideline to trim the rest. Once your hair is secured between your fingers, you can easily see the line you cut across the bottom of your hair. Follow this line and cut your hair horizontally across so it is even with the bottom layer. Trim your remaining hair in a few small snips. Then, do this for the other section.[22]
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    • If you have thick hair, you may want to section your hair into about parts so it is easier to trim. Cut 1 small section, then move on to another small section. Continue snipping until you trim all of your hair.
    • When you are finished, check your hair in the mirror to ensure it is the same length. If there are any uneven pieces, snip any stragglers using your shears.


[Edit]Things You'll Need

  • Comb
  • Hair clip or elastic hair tie
  • Hair cutting shears or trimmers
  • Squirt bottle (optional)
  • Handheld mirror


  • To keep your hair healthy, you can trim your ends every 2-3 months.
  • Start by snipping small amounts at a time. You can always cut more off!
  • The bathroom is generally a good place to try cutting your own hair since you have both a mirror and a sink available. Bring a handheld mirror, too, so that you can see the back of your head.


  • Always use sharp, hair cutting shears to ensure you get the smoothest line possible. Using dull blades or household scissors can result in uneven sections.


[Edit]Quick Summary

How to Pickle Carrots

Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:00 AM PDT

If you love the vinegary sweetness of pickled vegetables, try pickling carrots at home. You can start with a basic brine and adjust the seasonings or choose a Mexican or Vietnamese inspired brine. Bring your choice of brine to a boil and add sliced carrots. Let the carrots cook very briefly so they begin to absorb the brine. Then pack the carrots with brine in jars and chill the pickled carrots before you serve them.


[Edit]Basic Pickled Carrots

  • carrots, peeled
  • water
  • cider vinegar
  • 1/4 cup (50 g) sugar
  • 2 garlic cloves, lightly crushed
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons (25.5 g) coarse sea or kosher salt
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons (3 g) fennel or dill seeds, optional

Makes 1 pint (500 ml) jar

[Edit]Mexican Pickled Carrots

  • carrots
  • 2 large jalapeños
  • 1/2 medium white onion
  • 5 cloves garlic, diced
  • white vinegar
  • water
  • 6 bay leaves
  • 10 peppercorns
  • 2 teaspoons (4 g) dried Mexican oregano
  • 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) kosher salt

Makes 3 pint (500 ml) jars

[Edit]Vietnamese Pickled Carrots

  • daikon, peeled
  • carrots, peeled
  • 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) kosher or sea salt
  • unseasoned rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons (33 g) sugar
  • water

Makes 1 pint (500 ml) jar

[Edit]Sweet Pickled Carrots

  • 4 cups (490 g) baby carrots
  • white distilled vinegar 5%
  • water
  • 1 cup (200 g) sugar
  • 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) coarse sea salt
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons (9 g) pickling spice

Makes 2 pint (500 ml) jars


[Edit]Basic Pickled Carrots

  1. Trim the carrots into sticks. Use a vegetable peeler to peel of carrots. Cut each carrot in half lengthwise and lay them flat on your cutting board. Cut each piece in half to create shorter sticks that will fit in your jar.[1]

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  2. Bring a pot of salted water to boil. Fill a medium pot three-quarters full of water. Add a few pinches of salt and turn the burner to high. The water should begin to bubble vigorously.[2]

    • Avoid using a copper or cast iron pot because the metal reacts with the food.
  3. Boil the carrot sticks for 1 minute. Carefully lower the trimmed carrots into the boiling water and cook them for 1 minute. The carrots should soften just a little.[3]

  4. Drain and rinse the carrots under cold water. Set a colander in the sink and drain the carrots into it. Run cold water over the carrots for at least 30 seconds. The cold water will stop the carrots from cooking and ensure that they stay bright orange.[4]

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  5. Bring the water, vinegar, sugar, garlic, salt, bay leaf, and fennel to a boil. Measure these brine ingredients into the same pot on the stove. Turn the heat to high and bring the brine to a boil.[5]

  6. Reduce the heat and simmer the brine for 2 minutes. Once the liquid boils, turn the burner down to medium so the brine bubbles gently. Simmer the brine for 2 minutes so the salt and sugar dissolve.[6]

  7. Turn off the heat and add the carrot sticks. Transfer the drained carrot sticks from the colander to the pot with the brine. Stir the carrots and let them sit in the hot brine until the mixture cools to room temperature.[7]

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  8. Transfer the pickled carrots to a jar. Get out a clean pint (500 ml) jar and spoon the pickled carrots and brine into it. Cover the jar with a tight-fitting lid.[8]

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  9. Refrigerate the pickled carrots for at least 1 day. Put the jar in the refrigerator to chill before you serve the pickled carrots. Store them in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks.[9]

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[Edit]Mexican Pickled Carrots

  1. Slice the carrots and onion into slices. Use a sharp knife to cut of carrots into diagonal slices that are thick. You'll also need to peel 1/2 of a medium white onion and cut it into thick slices as well.[10]

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  2. Trim and slice 2 large jalapeños. Take a paring knife and trim the stems off of the jalapeños. Cut the peppers into thin slices that are thick. Set the peppers aside.[11]

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  3. Combine the garlic, vinegar, water, bay leaves, peppercorns, oregano, and salt. Place 5 diced cloves of garlic into a large stock pot. Pour in of white vinegar and of water. Stir in:[12]

    • 6 bay leaves
    • 10 peppercorns
    • 2 teaspoons (4 g) of dried Mexican oregano
    • 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) of kosher salt
  4. Heat the brine over high heat and add the vegetables. Turn the burner to high so the brine begins to boil. Stir in the sliced carrots, onion, and jalapeños.[13]

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  5. Reduce the heat and simmer the mixture for 15 minutes. Turn the burner to medium-low, so the brine bubbles gently. Cook the pickled vegetables with the lid off of the pot.[14]

  6. Cool the Mexican pickled carrots and transfer them to jars. Turn off the burner and let the vegetables come to room temperature. Scoop them into 3 clean pint (500 ml) jars. Pour brine in each jar so the pickled carrots are submerged. Tighten lids on each of the jars.[15]

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  7. Refrigerate the pickled carrots for at least 3 hours. Chilling the pickled carrots will let them absorb flavor from the brine. You can store the pickled carrots in the refrigerator for up to 4 weeks.[16]

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[Edit]Vietnamese Pickled Carrots

  1. Cut the daikon and carrots into matchsticks or coins. Take of peeled daikon and of peeled carrots and cut them into matchstick pieces or coins. If you want to cut them into coins, they should be 1/4-inch (6mm) thick.[17]

    Pickle Carrots Step 17.jpg
    • If you prefer, you can substitute more carrots for the daikon.
  2. Whisk the vinegar, salt, sugar, and water. Pour of water into a large bowl. Whisk in 1 teaspoon (5.5 g) of kosher or sea salt, of unseasoned rice vinegar, and 2 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons (33 g) of sugar. Keep whisking until the sugar and salt dissolve.[18]

  3. Stir in the vegetables and let them sit for 1 hour. Add the carrots and daikon to the bowl with the brine and stir them so they're coated. Let the carrots and daikon sit and marinate for at least 1 hour before you serve them.[19]

    Pickle Carrots Step 19.jpg
    • Refrigerate the leftover Vietnamese pickled carrots in an airtight jar for up to 5 days.

[Edit]Sweet Pickled Carrots

  1. Bring the water, vinegar, sugar, salt, and pickling spice to a boil. Pour these brine ingredients into a large pot and turn the burner to high so the brine comes to a boil.[20]

  2. Add the baby carrots and cook them for 4 to 5 minutes. Stir 4 cups (490 g) of baby carrots into the boiling brine and boil them until they're slightly softened. Turn off the burner.[21]

    Pickle Carrots Step 21.jpg
  3. Rinse the carrots under cold water for 1 minute. Set a colander in the sink and use a slotted spoon to remove the carrots from the brine. Transfer the carrots to the colander and run cold water over them so they stop cooking.[22]

    Pickle Carrots Step 22.jpg
  4. Pack the carrots and brine in jars. Get out 2 clean pint (500 ml) jars and divide the carrots between them. Position the carrots so they're standing upright. This will allow you to fit more carrots into the jars. Pour enough brine in each jar to leave of space at the top.[23]

  5. Put the lids on the jars and bring the carrots to room temperature. Screw the lids on the jars and let the sweet pickled carrots sit for about 1 hour. The jars should be room temperature when they're ready to refrigerate.[24]

    Pickle Carrots Step 24.jpg
  6. Refrigerate the sweet pickled carrots for at least 1 day. The carrots will absorb the flavor of the brine as they chill. You can refrigerate the sweet pickled carrots for up to 4 weeks.[25]

    Pickle Carrots Step 25.jpg


  • If you want a different texture, you can spiralize, shred, or cut the carrots into rounds instead of sticks.

[Edit]Things You'll Need

[Edit]Basic Pickled Carrots

  • Vegetable peeler
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Non-reactive medium pot
  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Colander
  • Spoon
  • 1 pint (500 ml) jar with tight-fitting lid

[Edit]Mexican Pickled Carrots

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Large stock pot
  • Spoon
  • 3 pint (500 ml) jars with lids

[Edit]Vietnamese Pickled Carrots

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Large bowl
  • Knife and cutting board
  • Whisk
  • 1 pint (500 ml) jar with lid

[Edit]Sweet Pickled Carrots

  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Large pot
  • Spoon
  • Colander
  • Slotted spoon
  • 2 pint (500 ml) jars with lids


[Edit]Quick Summary

  1. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  2. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  3. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  4. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  5. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  6. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  7. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  8. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  9. https://www.davidlebovitz.com/easy-pickled-carrots/
  10. https://keviniscooking.com/authentic-mexican-pickled-carrots/
  11. https://keviniscooking.com/authentic-mexican-pickled-carrots/
  12. https://keviniscooking.com/authentic-mexican-pickled-carrots/
  13. https://keviniscooking.com/authentic-mexican-pickled-carrots/
  14. https://keviniscooking.com/authentic-mexican-pickled-carrots/
  15. https://keviniscooking.com/authentic-mexican-pickled-carrots/
  16. https://keviniscooking.com/authentic-mexican-pickled-carrots/
  17. http://whiteonricecouple.com/recipes/vietnamese-pickled-carrots/
  18. http://whiteonricecouple.com/recipes/vietnamese-pickled-carrots/
  19. http://whiteonricecouple.com/recipes/vietnamese-pickled-carrots/
  20. https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/simple-refrigerator-sweet-pickled-carrots/
  21. https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/simple-refrigerator-sweet-pickled-carrots/
  22. https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/simple-refrigerator-sweet-pickled-carrots/
  23. https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/simple-refrigerator-sweet-pickled-carrots/
  24. https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/simple-refrigerator-sweet-pickled-carrots/
  25. https://www.thekitchenmagpie.com/simple-refrigerator-sweet-pickled-carrots/

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