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MMOGaming News

What to See in the Returns of SEGA at PAX West 2016


What to See in the Returns of SEGA at PAX West 2016

SEGA is back to PAX West 2016 with handful games, let's check them and make a schedule for it!

Puzzle Guardians Available on Android ans iOS Now


Puzzle Guardians Available on Android ans iOS Now

Puzzle Guardians is a mobile Puzzle RPG, created for an unique gameplay experience on mobile! Bring forth your strongest team of Guardians and battle through this new fantasy world!

Legion Beta Change: Artifact Knowledge Matters in Forging Your Artifact Weapons


Legion Beta Change: Artifact Knowledge Matters in Forging Your Artifact Weapons

How is the new Artifact Weapon System like? Let's have a preview of the new change of Artifact Weapon system in the Legion beta.

Bossa Studios Opens Worlds Adrift Alpha Sign-ups Today


Bossa Studios Opens Worlds Adrift Alpha Sign-ups Today

Bossa Studios announced today that applications for the next playtest of Worlds Adrift, their innovative open-world multiplayer game set in a persistent world of floating islands.

Lost Ark 1st CBT Gameplay Video First Look


Lost Ark 1st CBT Gameplay Video First Look

Highly-anticipated MMORPG Lost Ark provides a very 'Cinematic' experience. The world of Lost Ark is similar to TERA or Tree of Savior, Blade and Soul and etc., players have to walk out of town unlock a teleport glyph to fast-travel to that zone. Besides the main story quests, there are a number of random hidden time attack quests that automatically triggers in certain areas for players to level up faster.

Final Fantasy XIV - Get Started to Celebrate The Rising Saturday


Final Fantasy XIV - Get Started to Celebrate The Rising Saturday

It has been three years since Final Fantasy XIV's successful relaunch. Each year to celebrate the game's relaunch, an event called The Rising is held.

Rule your Own Online Kingdom in Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms


Rule your Own Online Kingdom in Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms

Utopia Dream Entertainment Alliance, a top South African game developing and Internal publishing company discusses their latest project Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms (DOAK) and the impact it will have on the South African and international online gaming industry.

Big Bang Racing Hits 3 Million Downloads and 1 Million Player Created Levels


Big Bang Racing Hits 3 Million Downloads and 1 Million Player Created Levels

Finnish mobile developer Traplight announced that not only has Big Bang Racing reached 3 million downloads, but players have already created over a million levels across both Racing and Adventure modes.

Elsword Takes To The Celestial Heavens


Elsword Takes To The Celestial Heavens

KOG Games today announces the launch of the 2nd Phase of the Elysion Continent and a Level Cap Increase for Elsword.

Lost Ark Streaming on Twitch - 1st Closed Beta in Korea


Lost Ark Streaming on Twitch - 1st Closed Beta in Korea

Lost Ark is kicking off its first closed beta test, on August 24. It's a pity not being able to join it. It should be noted that the CBT opens 8h/day for 5 days, and a streamer Omgvlad will be streaming the whole time it's opened.

WildStar - Soundtrack Volume 2 Released with New Tunes


WildStar - Soundtrack Volume 2 Released with New Tunes

The second volume of the WildStar soundtrack has been released by Sumthing Else Music, a company dedicated to releasing game tunes.

The Elder Scrolls Legends: Deckbuilding


The Elder Scrolls Legends: Deckbuilding

I've already sung the praises of the Elder Scrolls TCG numerous times, but that doesn't mean I'm done yet. This game offers quite a lot through its innovative lane system, creative battle structure, and rune element that allows you to interrupt enemy onslaughts.

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