


Dark Souls 3: Ready for an April 12th Release Date -- Are YOU?

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 07:54 AM PST

Ready for an April 12th Release Date -- Are YOU?

Bandai-Namco has officially revealed the release date for Dark Souls III. The game will be released in both North and South America on April 12, 2016 for PlayStation 4, XBox One and PC via Steam. Fans can grab a Collector's Edition for $129.99 with all sorts of goodies included or a "Day One" Edition for $59.99.

General: The Daily Quest - What's Missing from Today's Sandboxes?

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 07:32 AM PST

The Daily Quest - What

A lot of online games have been launched over the past two years that follow a very specific format. Sandboxes are the best way to describe them. However games like: ARK, Life is Feudal, RUST, DayZ, H1Z1, and Reign of Kings all seem to follow a very similar format. You begin with nothing, hope to survive long enough to build up something, and then adventure out a great risk to lose what you have built. It really seems like a fun format... but only for a little bit. I am going back to t

Gloria Victis: Critical Issues Resolved in Latest Updates

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 07:03 AM PST

Critical Issues Resolved in Latest Updates

The Gloria Victis team has sent word that a pair of patches over the course of the last week have solved several critical issues in the game. Players can look forward to a reduction in CPU usage, an improved and simplified combat system and the resolution of issues surrounding log-in, saving inventory in the database and crafting/building problems as well.

Albion Online: Spotlighting the Dynamic World - Vendetta Guild

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 06:57 AM PST

Spotlighting the Dynamic World - Vendetta Guild

The Albion Online team is beginning a new series of articles to shine the spotlight on the dynamic nature of the game community by profiling players, guilds, interesting stories and political machinations. In the inaugural piece, the guild Vendetta receives the star treatment.

Divinity: Original Sin: Divinity: Original Sin: Enhanced Impressions

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 02:51 PM PST

Divinity: Original Sin: Enhanced Impressions

I may have missed the boat on Divinity: Original Sin's vanilla release, but with Larian Studios' relaunch of the game in October, I was determined not to make the same mistake twice. I've been blundering through the Enhanced Edition's wonderfully expansive content for fourteen hours or so, and have yet to scratch the surface of its open-ended gameplay and story.

EVE Online: Long-Time Player a Victim in San Bernardino Shooting

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 01:17 AM PST

Long-Time Player a Victim in San Bernardino Shooting

Earlier this week, a tragic shooting event took place at a hospital in San Bernardino, California. According to members of the EVE Online community, long-time player Robert "Photon Torpedo" Adams was among the victims. Many memorial posts have been made on both Reddit and Facebook and a special GoFundMe account has been set up to assist his widow and baby girl.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt: CD Projekt Red Scores GotY & Dev of the Year at Game Awards

Posted: 04 Dec 2015 12:36 AM PST

CD Projekt Red Scores GotY & Dev of the Year at Game Awards

It's been an impressive year for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt proven during last night's Game Awards. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt scored big by taking home the Game of the Year prize for 2015 as well as winning The Best Roleplaying Game for the year. In addition, CD Projekt Read garnered the Developer of the Year trophy.

Star Citizen: Alpha 2.0 Trailer Debuts at Game Awards 2015

Posted: 02 Dec 2015 08:39 PM PST

Alpha 2.0 Trailer Debuts at Game Awards 2015

During last night's Game Awards, Chris Roberts and Mark Hamill took center stage to present a brand new official trailer from Star Citizen Alpha 2.0. Hamill is one of the primary stars of the Squadron 42 portion of Star Citizen and co-presented an award with Chris Roberts. The video spotlights some of the in-game motion-capture footage recently completed by RSI.

Elder Scrolls Online: #MillionReasonsToPlay Now Also Includes a Million Dollars

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 01:22 PM PST

#MillionReasonsToPlay Now Also Includes a Million Dollars

Bethesda is ready to take its Elder Scrolls Online #MillionReasonsToPlay campaign to the next, and quite literal, level with the commencement of a sweepstakes with one lucky player taking home a million dollars. Beginning today, players can sign up at the special micro-site and simply play the game during the sweepstakes period that runs from December 3rd through January 10th. The lucky winner will be announced on February 1, 2016.

Warframe: Free Gift Key Giveaway

Posted: 02 Dec 2015 04:52 PM PST

Free Gift Key Giveaway

MMORPG.com has teamed up with Digital Extremes to bring you a cool new gift key offer for Warframe! These keys will give you a 3 day booster doubles the amount of resources earned from pickups. Get your key now!

General: Pangaea Team Releases Playable Tech Demo

Posted: 02 Dec 2015 04:09 PM PST

Pangaea Team Releases Playable Tech Demo

The Pangaea teams wants you to know that the game most assuredly is in production and that there is a solid foundation already in place. With the recent launch of the Pangaea KickStarter initiative, the team wants potential backers to see and try a sample of what the post-apocalyptic game has in mind with the release of a free, playable tech demo.

Orcs Must Die: Unchained: PVE, Crafting, and More Come into the Game

Posted: 02 Dec 2015 03:45 PM PST

PVE, Crafting, and More Come into the Game

Orcs Must Die: Unchained will be updating later today and with it comes a huge new PvE game type and much more. We had the chance to interview Producer Chris Rippy to find out what the hubbub is all about.

Lineage 2: What's in a Name? Players Asked to Help Figure It Out

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 02:45 PM PST


The Lineage II Classic EU server prepares for launch, the development team is beginning to consider how to name this throwback to an earlier time. Players have from now through December 8th to determine the theme for the server name followed by picking a name that supports that theme at a later date.

WildStar: Enemies & Allies - Mondo Zax & Deadeye Brightland Profiled

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 01:52 PM PST

Enemies & Allies - Mondo Zax & Deadeye Brightland Profiled

The Loremageddon section of the WildStar site has been updated with a pair of new entries in the "Enemies & Allies" section. This time Mondo Zax and Deadeye Brightland, two of WildStar's most iconic characters, have been given the star treatment of a new biography and much more. These two legends join Axis Pheydra in the ever-expanding section of Loremageddon.

Age of Wushu: Mobile Tie-In, 'Dynasty', to Launch in January 2016

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 01:12 PM PST

Mobile Tie-In,

Snail Games has announced that the Age of Wushu mobile tie-in called "Dynasty" will launch for both iOS and Android devices in January 2016. The closed beta for Dynasty recently ended and gave developers plenty of constructive feedback for iterative improvements between now and launch day.

Vainglory: Finals for Autumn Season 2015 Begin Tomorrow

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 01:08 PM PST

Finals for Autumn Season 2015 Begin Tomorrow

Super Evil Megacorp has announced that the finals of the Vainglory Autumn Season 2015 North American tournament will kick off on Friday, December 4th in the eSport Arena in Santa Ana, California. The event will be broadcast on the Vainglory Twitch channel beginning at 3:00 pm Pacific / 6:00 pm Eastern. The EU Finals will take place from December 11th through the 13th in Poland.

AD2460: December 7th Brings a Free-to-Play Conversion

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 01:04 PM PST

December 7th Brings a Free-to-Play Conversion

Fifth Season AS has announced that its web-strategy title AD2460 will be going free-to-play on December 7, 2015. Breaking away from its current subscription-based revenue model, the team is in the process of preparing Patch 7 that will launch the F2P iteration.

Crowfall: See it in Action with a Double Bonus of WoW: Legion Alpha

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 05:41 AM PST

See it in Action with a Double Bonus of WoW: Legion Alpha

Our own Bill Murphy will be on hand tonight at 5:30 pm Pacific / 8:30 pm Eastern to stream some live Crowfall action! It may be the first opportunity for many to see some of the fantastic new stuff included in this iteration of the pre-alpha.

Albion Online: Player Feedback to Fuel Development of Aurelius Update

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 11:13 AM PST

Player Feedback to Fuel Development of Aurelius Update

The Albion Online team has posted a thank you to the 43,000 players that have so far taken part in the recently completed closed beta event. During that time, players submitted their feedback that will be key to driving development over the coming weeks as the team prepares for the Aurelius. In the meantime, the closed beta event is ongoing!

Overwatch: Taking a Breather Beginning December 10th

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 10:34 AM PST

Taking a Breather Beginning December 10th

Beginning on December 10th, Blizzard will be taking Overwatch offline until January. During the intervening weeks, the team will be analyzing mountains of data and digging through player bug reports in order to bring a new and improved version to players come January.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft: League of Explorers Wing 3, Ruined City, Opens

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 10:26 AM PST

League of Explorers Wing 3, Ruined City, Opens

The third wing in the League of Explorers expansion to Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has opened its doors as of today. The Ruined City pits players against scaly and slippery foes.

General: Tom Clancy's EndWar Online Launches Open Beta

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 10:21 AM PST

Tom Clancy

Players looking for a strategy role-playing experience will want to check out Tom Clancy's EndWar Online that has officially kicked off its open beta phase of development. With the OBT, players will find a revamped PvP mode, many improvements and refinements and much more thanks to the input from alpha testers over the past year.

Eldevin: New Guild Functionality Arrives with Latest Update

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 10:17 AM PST

New Guild Functionality Arrives with Latest Update

The Eldevin team has sent word that the latest update has been deployed that brings a bevy of new guild functionality into the game. Among other things, guild tags will be displayed, a guild bank is included, team cooperative play helps level the guild and a new guild leader interface is added.

World of Warcraft: Legion Beast Master Hunter Change Guide

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 09:00 AM PST

Legion Beast Master Hunter Change Guide

The first big update for the World of Warcraft: Legion alpha client has gone off just last night, but the forums are already aflame with the bits and pieces of upcoming expansion datamined or tried out in the latest build. This overview is focused on one of three specializations of Hunter class: Beast Mastery.

General: Paragon: Grux - The Latest Hero Revealed

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 08:54 AM PST

Paragon: Grux - The Latest Hero Revealed

Epic Games has sent out a short 30-second trailer to reveal the next hero for their upcoming MOBA, Paragon. Check out what Grux looks like and leave us your thoughts about what role you expect he will play.

DC Universe Online: Episode 19 Launches with New Solo & Group Action

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 08:51 AM PST

Episode 19 Launches with New Solo & Group Action

Daybreak Game Company has announced the release of Episode 19 for DC Universe Online. This latest update brings some cool new content for both solo players and groups.

Fiesta Online: Large Update Increases Experience Rewards

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 08:46 AM PST

Large Update Increases Experience Rewards

Fiesta Online has been updated with a significant patch that brings increased experience rewards and a host of other bug fixes and feature enhancements into the game. In addition, players can look forward to the arrival of winter with festive decorations, sounds, Christmas trees and even the Fiesta Ski Event.

World of Warcraft: Legion Frost Death Knight Change Guide

Posted: 03 Dec 2015 08:10 AM PST

Legion Frost Death Knight Change Guide

From all that Blizzard has said, Death Knights are in a pretty good place overall as far as capturing the class fantasy but that some things needed tuning to bring more variety in the way Blood, Frost and Unholy Death Knights play. For our purposes today, we'll take a look at the Frost Death Knight since it is the one that will undergo the most significant change in Legion with the removal of the spec's ability to use 2-handed weapons.

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