
MMOGaming News

MMOGaming News

League of Angels – Fire Raiders Demon Invasion


League of Angels – Fire Raiders Demon Invasion

Urgent call to all champions! A dangerous new threat has emerged to challenge the League of Angels! A horde of Demonic Legions have been spotted marching across the land, led by powerful Overlords personally chosen by the Demon Lord

Spirit Guardian: A Preview of the Upcoming Version 1.6


Spirit Guardian: A Preview of the Upcoming Version 1.6

It has been a month and a half since the Version 1.5 has been released. And the version 1.5 has brought some brand new gameplays for Dreams Raiders in Spirit Guardian

See You in 2016 Overwatch


See You in 2016 Overwatch

Overwatch's CBT will take a break since December 10th and restart in late Janurary, see you in 2016, Overwatch!

Continue reading See You in 2016 Overwatch.

Big Exposure League of Angels' New Feature Homestead


Big Exposure League of Angels' New Feature Homestead

League of Angels' first social feature Homestead will be launched on Dec. 4. Homestead is a brand-new feature in which you can create a home of your own style and even pray for a baby

Magerealm: Omniset Update


Magerealm: Omniset Update

Magerealm has released a new update to the Omniset system that includes a stat overhaul and addition of a new forging material

Continue reading Magerealm: Omniset Update.

Fall of Cutie: Floating Down from The Sky


Fall of Cutie: Floating Down from The Sky

In Fall of Cutie you control an adorable animal while it is falling down at high speed by tilting the device left or right, and open the parachute in the last second.

Blade and Soul Mobile to Kick off Ultimate Closed Beta on December 8


Blade and Soul Mobile to Kick off Ultimate Closed Beta on December 8

Wow, I just noticed that Blade and Soul Mobile is now the top 1 in the Most Anticipated award of our Readers' Choice event. I believe most of you must be looking forward to this game for a long time, and here comes an awesome news to you

Castle Clash December Update: new HBM level, artifacts and Hero!


Castle Clash December Update: new HBM level, artifacts and Hero!

IGG's Castle Clash is releasing a slew of new content in its next update. In its 3rd year, Castle Clash takes combat strategy to greater heights with player requested features and new and improved game modes.

Chaos Battle Hero Guild Battle Added


Chaos Battle Hero Guild Battle Added

Being released on Google Play for a while and for the better experience of fighting in game, a new feature of guild battle is introduced in the latest update.

Kunoichi Coming to Arcade-style Action Game Dungeon Fighter Online


Kunoichi Coming to Arcade-style Action Game Dungeon Fighter Online

A new female class Kunoichi has been added to Dungeon Fighter Online's update. Kunoichi gets special treatment from Neople that the dev. team have made a funny promotion film specially for this hot ninja, check it out.

Winter Events Arriving in Star Trek Online, Neverwinter and More


Winter Events Arriving in Star Trek Online, Neverwinter and More

With the holidays approaching, Perfect World Entertainment, Inc. is celebrating the season with special Winter Events for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Perfect World International, Forsaken World and Champions Online

Four New Playable Characters Coming to Mortal Kombat X


Four New Playable Characters Coming to Mortal Kombat X

Today Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment confirmed the four new playable characters coming to Mortal Kombat X in Kombat Pack 2 as downloadable content in the first quarter of 2016

Dragon Quest Heroes Lands on Steam


Dragon Quest Heroes Lands on Steam

Dragon Quest Heroes: The World Tree's Woe and the Blight Below

Dragon Slayer New Class Sniper and Female Boss Debut


Dragon Slayer New Class Sniper and Female Boss Debut

X-legend Entertainment today released a teaser trailer for Dragon Slayer (Dragomon Hunter) introducing its fifth class Sniper. In the new patch, the level cap of classes will be raised to 75.

New Territories Opened and Splendid Class Halls Preview of Legion


New Territories Opened and Splendid Class Halls Preview of Legion

The Alpha test is going on and more players are invited in. Thanks to the disappear of NDA (none-disclosure agreement), players are free to leak out some fascinating features for those who have no chance to test it.

Age of Wushu Dynasty Slated to Launch on iOS & Android in January 2016


Age of Wushu Dynasty Slated to Launch on iOS & Android in January 2016

The first global release for mobile martial arts RPG Age of Wushu Dynasty will be live in January 2016. Its Beta tests will be held on TestFlight and Google Play for iOS and Android respectively.

Special PvPvP Arena and Race Masku Will Arrive in 2nd FGT of Bless KR


 Special PvPvP Arena and Race Masku Will Arrive in 2nd FGT of Bless KR

Neowiz Games have announced their plan for highly-anticipated MMORPG Bless Online that its second Focus Group Test will be kicked off on Deceomber 9. A new race Masku and some new in-game pvp landscapes' screenshots have been teased.

Wild Fire Beta Launch Trailer (CN)


Wild Fire Beta Launch Trailer (CN)

I got to play it 5 months ago in beta. It may have been the most fun MOBA I ever played. Mainly because it played more like Dragon's Nest then a Moba.

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