


Camelot Unchained: We Have to Agree that Overcoming is Worth Agreeing On

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 05:56 AM PST

We Have to Agree that Overcoming is Worth Agreeing On

You ever get so into ripping off a finger nail that minutes go by but you don't notice? We all know no matter how careful we are its going to hurt tomorrow but we can't stop! That is sort of how I feel when I click the browser icon after things happen. Because we all know in this era whenever a thing happens staunch opinions aren't far behind. Lots of things both in and out of the CUniverse have been happening lately.

Wizard101: Grab Cold Weather Gear - Polaris Opens in the Spiral

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 07:02 AM PST

Grab Cold Weather Gear - Polaris Opens in the Spiral

The latest world to enter the Spiral has officially opened up in Wizard101. Polaris is now open, a frozen world for players to explore to help save Bartleby, who has fallen ill. Players of level 100+ who have completed the requisite quests can journey to Polaris and work to level 110 while there.

Vainglory: eSports Milestones Highlight Epic First Year

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 06:41 AM PST

eSports Milestones Highlight Epic First Year

The Vainglory team has posted a new blog about several important eSports milestones achieved in the game's first year on iOS devices. Among other things, Twitch audiences for eSports matches rose to 1M in September alone as well as Nvidia and the Amazon Appstore co-sponsoring the Autumn Season 2015 live finals.

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns - A Foundation of an Expansion

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 09:38 AM PST

Heart of Thorns - A Foundation of an Expansion

We've put well over 50 hours into Heart of Thorns on the road to reviewing Guild Wars 2's massive expansion. Not a single aspect of the game missed out on some new addition of another, so there was a lot to take in. We even got to play a bit of the new incredibly challenging raids that launched on the 17th before scoring our review. So then... how does Heart of Thorns stack up?

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Forums Aflame - Companion Nerf Under Fire

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 04:05 AM PST

Forums Aflame - Companion Nerf Under Fire

The Star Wars: The Old Republic forums are afire with the nerf to companion damage and healing outputs that arrived with yesterday's patch. Bioware's Eric Musco took to the forum to explain why alterations in companions' base stats and damage/healing reductions were necessary, a post that has generated an astonishing fifty-one pages of angry posts from players.

EverQuest: 22nd Expansion, The Broken Mirror, to Launch Later Today

Posted: 18 Nov 2015 03:40 AM PST

22nd Expansion, The Broken Mirror, to Launch Later Today

Daybreak Game Company has announced that the twenty-second EverQuest expansion, The Broken Mirror, is expected to launch later today, Wednesday, November 18th. Players can look forward to four expansion zones, three reworked zones as well as a pair of "scalable" raids among other things.

Overwatch: First Invitation-Only Beta Weekend Begins November 20th

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 05:02 PM PST

First Invitation-Only Beta Weekend Begins November 20th

Overwatch fans who have been waiting for a beta invite may soon get their wish with this weekend's invite-only beta event. As said on the notice, "a lot more players from our Americas and Europe gameplay regions" will be added to the test that runs through Monday, November 23rd.

Heroes of the Storm: Blizzcon 2015 Wrap Report with Technical Director Alan Dabiri

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 01:52 PM PST

Blizzcon 2015 Wrap Report with Technical Director Alan Dabiri

We sat down with Technical Director Alan Dabiri to go over some updates to Heroes of the Storm, some of which are coming as early as November 17th! We first discussed the new Arena mode, where players can pick one of three heroes, their heroic ability, and then just jump right in and brawl. Each arena has much simplified objectives without lanes. Dabiri noted how internal playtests had their fellow devs stating it was the most fun they'd had in awhile.

Devilian: Awesome PvP Changes & Additions Coming this Weekend!

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 01:31 PM PST

Awesome PvP Changes & Additions Coming this Weekend!

Trion Worlds has published the November state of the game letter with a large nod to the Devilian community for its well-heard request for PvP in non-Devilian form. According to the letter, Bluehole Ginno and Trion heard the community and they will be bringing this form of PvP into this weekend's closed beta event.

Star Wars: The Old Republic: Ian Ryan Joins Bioware Austin as Lead Writer

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 12:50 PM PST

Ian Ryan Joins Bioware Austin as Lead Writer

Ian Ryan has sent out a new Twitter post to let the world know that he is headed to Bioware Austin as the new Lead Writer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Ryan has worked on other notable projects including Thief, Game of Thrones Ascent and on the Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia.

Trove: Join the Battle Arena Beta

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 11:41 AM PST

Join the Battle Arena Beta

Trion Worlds is ready to unleash PvP action into Trove with the arrival of the Battle Arena beta. Players can take on furious 5v5 capture the flag action by taking the special portal from the updated Hub.

Life is Feudal: Leaving Early Access Behind, Launch Day Arrives

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 11:32 AM PST

Leaving Early Access Behind, Launch Day Arrives

Life is Feudal has officially exited Early Access and the core game now available on Steam. For a limited time, potential players can get their hands on the title for 40% off. Developers have plans to evolve the game over time by adding new features and systems as well as new content.

EverQuest II: Terrors of Thalumbra Expansion Launched

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 11:24 AM PST

Terrors of Thalumbra Expansion Launched

Daybreak Game Company has announced the launch of the twelfth expansion to EverQuest II. Called Terrors of Thalumbra, the expansion features a new zone and new quests for Tradeskill and Adventure players.

General: Sword Art Online: Lost Song Launches in NA

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 11:19 AM PST

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Launches in NA

Bandai Namco has announced that Sword Art Online: Lost Song has officially launched in North America and Latin America for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.

Crowfall: What Kind of People Are Interested in Crowfall?

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 01:46 PM PST

What Kind of People Are Interested in Crowfall?

I love statistics. I was the kid that would have all of his baseball cards flipped stat-side up. Sure, the player's picture was neat and all, but the real stuff was in the stats. Graphs and charts are my jam. When ArtCraft surprised the community by releasing Part 1 of their recent player survey results, complete with graphs and charts, I was in my happy place.

Guild Wars 2: Raid's Away - Spirit Veil Opens First Wing

Posted: 17 Nov 2015 09:10 AM PST


ArenaNet has announced the opening of the first-ever Guild Wars 2 raid. Spirit Veil is the first wing in a three-episode raid that will challenge even the most battle-hardened players. Raiding in GW2 will give players the opportunity for flexible grouping with the 'universal healing' that all professions have, as well as immediate access to Spirit Veil since no attunement or pre-raiding activities are required.

Neverwinter: Journey to the Underdark Beginning Today

Posted: 15 Nov 2015 04:51 PM PST

Journey to the Underdark Beginning Today

Cryptic Studios has announced the release of the eighth expansion to Neverwinter. Players can now check into the game and journey into the mysterious Underdark, home of the Drow. Players will meet and travel alongside iconic characters including Drizzt Do'Urden, Bruenor Battlehammer and Regis. In addition, they will follow a brand new quest line penned by the legendary R.A. Salvatore.

Guild Wars 2: Dipping A Toe Into the Game's First Raid (And Having It Bit Off)

Posted: 16 Nov 2015 01:05 PM PST

Dipping A Toe Into the Game

What's in a name? Well, when your name is "Gorseval the Multifarious," chances are that you're not a kind and cuddly teddy bear. Instead, you're something of a cross between a mutated tree and bloodthirsty zombie, which makes you the perfect candidate for a major boss fight in the first wing of Guild Wars 2's first raid. Other, less intimidating and gruesome candidates need not apply.

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